November 29, 2015 - St. Catherine of Siena Parish
November 29, 2015 - St. Catherine of Siena Parish
ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH November 29, 2015—First Sunday of Advent ALL ARE WELCOMED TO OUR PARISH! We are so pleased that you chose to celebrate with us this weekend. We warmly invite you to active participation in our liturgical celebration. Please feel free to approach one of our Ministers of Hospitality if you are in need of any assistance. No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, your current family or marital situation, your past or present religious affiliation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, sexual orientation, gender, race, or color; no matter what your self-image or self-esteem: YOU are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved, and respected at St. Catherine of Siena Church in Ithaca, New York. ADVENT: CALL TO ACTION Our Liturgy Committee reflected on the Advent readings and invites the community to become invigorated as we enter into this season of preparation. I asked the committee to read the Scriptures through the lens of God’s mercy, as we are beginning this great Year of Jubilee, the Year of Mercy. With that in mind, they discerned that the readings are calling us to action, and so every week we will be “Called to Action.” —Fr. Joe Week 1: The Advent Scriptures for the first Sunday of the Church’s year evoke the signs of the end times. As a call to action we ask ourselves: What sign are we to the world? PARISH MISSION STATEMENT The mission of St. Catherine of Siena Parish is to inspire, engage, and nurture our community through worship, witness, and service. La misión de la parroquia de Sta. Catalina es inspirar, cuidar y motivar la participación de nuestra comunidad a través del culto, testimonio y servicio. St. Catherine of Siena Church is a Tompkins County Living Wage Employer St. Catherine of Siena Parish 302 St. Catherine Circle, Ithaca, New York 14850 607-257-2493 / www.facebook/stcatherinesithaca Office Hours: Mon.–Fri. 9 a.m.– 4 p.m. (closed for lunch at 1 p.m.) MINISTRY TEAM Pastor Rev. Joseph Marcoux, [email protected] Pastoral Associate Ann Marie Eckert, [email protected] Director of Liturgical Music Sherry Scanza, [email protected] Coordinator of Faith Formation Ashley Blank, [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: 5 p.m. Sunday: 9 & 11:30 a.m. Mass in Spanish: 4th Sunday of the month, 5:30 p.m. Daily Mass Schedule Monday: 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9 a.m. Brookdale Senior Living: 4th Tuesday of the month, 10:15 a.m. Coordinator of Volunteer Ministry Patricia Sipple, [email protected] Accommodations: Gluten-reduced hosts are available; notify a staff member. Personal listening receivers are available from the Sacristy. Communications Coordinator Jane Bonassar, [email protected] SACRAMENTS Director of Finance & Administration Lawrence Wasser, [email protected] Bookkeeper Susan Dean, [email protected] Organist Mary Holzhauer Administrative Assistant June Haynor, [email protected] Maintenance Technician Jerome Srb Housekeeper Diane Tordel TRUSTEES Frank Fetsko, Kristin Campagnolo COUNCIL CHAIRS Pastoral Council: Colleen Perkins and Joseph Babcock Finance Council: Joe Kiely NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome to our parish community! Registration packets are available at all Church entrances and at the office. STEWARDSHIP Our Sister Parish We enjoy an ongoing exchange of people and prayer with St. Anthony’s in the Dominican Republic. Donations to the “loose change bowls” located at each Church entrance provide meals and education for over 200 children at the parish daycare center. Almsgiving 10% or more of all donations we receive go to the poor and needy. Clothing for the Needy Clean used clothing in good condition accepted 24/7 at the shed adjacent to the parking lot. Reconciliation Saturday at 4 p.m. or by appointment Infant Baptisms We’re so happy about the new addition to your family. Parents participate in a preparation program prior to baptism. Please contact the office three months prior to the baptism. Marriage Congratulations on your engagement! As with the other sacraments, prior preparation is necessary. Please contact the office at least six months before the wedding. Anointing of the Sick/Visitation Please contact the office for arrangements for individual anointing or for a visitation to someone who is sick or homebound. For emergencies after hours, please call Fr. Joe at 585-747-3649. Families should alert the Parish Office when family members are in the hospital. Hospitals are no longer able to provide parishes with this information. If you would like to have someone prayed for at Mass and/or added to the Prayer Corner in the bulletin, we invite you to call the Parish Office at 257-2493. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.) For information on becoming Catholic, or questions about the Catholic faith, contact Ann Marie Eckert. Holy Orders For information about vocations, contact Carol Dady with the Diocesan Office of Vocation Awareness at 585-461-2890 or [email protected]. PRAYER OPPORTUNITIES Eucharistic Adoration Wednesdays at 7 p.m. & Fridays at 9:30 a.m. in the Church Rosary Fridays at 5 p.m. in the Church Prayer Groups Centering Prayer and Ignatian Prayer Groups meet throughout the month. Small Christian Communities also meet weekly. For more information, call Ann Marie Eckert. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church November 29, 2015 SCRIPTURE READINGS STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Today Jer 33:14-16; 1 Thes 3:12-4:2; Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 OFFERTORY INCOME, November 22, 2015 Collection: $6,833 EFT Donations: $1,017 Next Sunday Bar 5:1-9; Phil 1:4-6, 8-11; Lk 3:1-6 Mailed-in Donations: $1,878 TOTAL: $9,728 “The days are coming, says the LORD, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and Judah.” (Jer 33:14) WEEKLY BUDGET: $10,577 VARIANCE: - ($849) Dominican Republic Bowls: $152 PRAYER CORNER Please hold in prayer those who are sick: CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL We’ve raised $17,515 toward our goal of $46,165. Many thanks to the following parishioners who have given to the CMA: Mr. Francis Facer; Mr. & Mrs. Scott Grantz; Mrs. Katharine La Londe; Mr. & Mrs. Kristin Lynch; Mrs. Edna Michael; Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schuler; and Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Young. Pat Davis, Mark Nagaitis, Christina de Roos Bain, Florence Wasser, Diane Eckert, Colin Hayward-Toland, Betty Muka, Lidia Roper, David Hyatt, Gianna Lesselroth, and Gail Cooney. Please hold in prayer those who have died in the peace of Christ: Barbara Florance (mother of Scott Butler) WHAT’S HAPPENING—NOVEMBER 30–DECEMBER 6 Monday, November 30 5:30 p.m. MASS: Joe Le Moine by Nadine Le Moine 7:00 p.m. Scripture Study Tuesday, December 1 9:00 a.m. MASS: Mary & Jim Gilligan & Deceased Family Members by the Family of Mary & Jim Gilligan 4:00 p.m. Youth Choir 5:30 p.m. Boy Scouts Pack 55 Tiger Den 7:00 p.m. Liturgy Committee 7:30 p.m. St. Catherine Book Club 7:30 p.m. R.C.I.A. Wednesday, December 2 9:00 a.m. MASS: Ralph Mack by Jan & Len Topoleski 6:00 p.m. Reconciliation Class 7:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Thursday, December 3 9:30 a.m. Meeting Christ in Prayer 6:00 p.m. MASS FOR ARCHBISHOP GIUSEPPE NAZZARO 7:00 p.m. Centering Prayer 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Friday, December 4 9:00 a.m. MASS: Fr. Bob Hinley by Karla Notarianni 9:30 a.m. Strength Training 9:30 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration 10:30 a.m. Benediction 5:00 p.m. Praying the Rosary Saturday, December 5 9:00 a.m. AA 2:00 p.m. St. Nicholas Fun Day for Kids 4:00 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:00 p.m. MASS: Edward R. Smith by Mary Lou BaileySmith Sunday, December 6 9:00 a.m. MASS: Larry Lodico by the Adult Choir 9:15 a.m. Children’s Liturgy of the Word 10:15 a.m. Children’s Faith Formation 11:30 a.m. MASS: Nan Julian by the Strebel Family 4:00 p.m. Middle School Youth Group 4:00 p.m. High School Youth Group 5:30 p.m. Evening of Recollection A vibrant Catholic Community where all are welcomed, challenged, and supported in their life’s journey. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church Parish-Wide Opportunities ADVENT NIGHT OF RECOLLECTION We hope you will plan on joining us for our Advent Night of Recollection next Sunday, December 6, from 5:30–7:30 p.m. The evening will begin with Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, available from 5:30–7 p.m., followed by Evening Vespers from 7–7:30 p.m. Vespers is a form of prayer that relies heavily on the psalms, and will include a reflection by Ann Marie Eckert. We hope that you will use this evening to bring some peace, mercy, and prayer into your life during the Advent season. GIVING TREE IS HERE! Please remember to return your Giving Tree gifts to the parish by December 5 (wrapped or not wrapped, based on the tag you have taken). If the gift is going to be wrapped, we encourage you to write a note to the individual who will be receiving it and include it with the gift. DECORATING FOR ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS If you want to get Christmas decorating in your calendar, we will be doing that on Tuesday, December 22, beginning at 6 p.m. All are welcome! MASS FOR THE FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Please join us for Mass on Tuesday, December 8, at 12:15 and 5:45 p.m. for the celebration of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. MASS FOR ARCHBISHOP NAZZARO We will hold a Mass for Archbishop Giuseppe Nazzaro, who died in October, on Thursday, December 3, at 6 p.m. All are welcome. FROM THE PASTORAL COUNCIL The Pastoral Council would like to thank the following people for their contributions to the parish: Sherry Scanza, Mary Holzhauer, and the choir for the celebration concert and reception. High school students for raking leaves for the surrounding neighborhood. Harvest festival volunteers. Helen Steh for initiating the remembrance wall of deceased loved ones. November 29, 2015 PRAYER FOR UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON CLIMATE CHANGE Conferences of bishops from around the world have signed on to a statement pleading with world leaders to make real change happen at the upcoming United Nations Conference on Climate Change: “We join the Holy Father in pleading for a major breakthrough in Paris, for a comprehensive and transformational agreement supported by all based on principles of solidarity, justice and participation. This agreement must put the common good ahead of national interests. It is essential too that the negotiations result in an enforceable agreement that protects our common home and all its inhabitants.” See the full text here: http:// -content/ uploads/2015/10/APPEAL-TO-COP-21engl-final1.pdf. You are asked to pray the following prayer in the lead -up to and during the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, which will take place November 30– December 11: God of love, teach us to care for this world our common home. Inspire government leaders as they gather in Paris to listen to and heed the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor; to be united in heart and mind in responding courageously; to seek the common good and protect the beautiful earthly garden you have created for us, for all our brothers and sisters, for all generations to come. Amen. SING WE NOEL—CHRISTMAS CHOIRS Christmas choir rehearsals for our adult and youth choirs will begin the week after Thanksgiving! The Adult Christmas Choir sings at the 11 p.m. Mass on Christmas Eve. Rehearsals are held Thursdays from 7:15–9:15 p.m., with additional rehearsals closer to Christmas Eve. Updates are sent at the beginning of each week for specific call times. The Youth Christmas Choir sings at the 4 p.m. Mass on Christmas Eve. Rehearsals are held Tuesdays from 4–5 p.m. beginning December 1, also with additional rehearsals closer to Christmas Eve. Participants will be notified each week regarding call times for rehearsals. If you would like to join our Christmas choirs for the upcoming holiday season, please see Sherry Scanza after Mass or email her at [email protected]. A vibrant Catholic Community where all are welcomed, challenged, and supported in their life’s journey. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church YEAR OF MERCY PRESENTATION You are welcome to a presentation by Fr. Jeff on the Year of Mercy—what the year means to us and the Scriptural meanings of mercy on Tuesday, December 1, at 7 p.m. in Carges Hall at Immaculate Conception. FAIR TRADE SALE AT ALL SAINTS All Saints Church in Lansing is holding a fair trade sale on Saturday, December 5, from 1–4 p.m. in the Parish Center. Come to buy beautiful and unique fairtrade items and create life-changing opportunity for marginalized artisans, farmers, and their families around the world. MARCH FOR LIFE BUS Two buses are reserved to take local pilgrims to the Annual March for Life in Washington, DC, leaving Ithaca the evening of January 21 and returning the evening of January 22. The bus stops for dinner on the way home. Reservations are $25 per seat. The registration deadline is December 1. For more information, contact Carolann Darling at 351-6668 or email [email protected]. FITNESS AND CHRISTIAN MEDITATION Pietra Fitness, a fitness exercise program which includes Christian meditation, is being offered at Immaculate Conception School. For more information please contact Pat Ober at [email protected] or 273-5277. Children’s/Youth Ministry “IN THE LOOP” WITH THE HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY High School Youth Ministry will not be meeting this weekend. Sessions will resume on Sunday, December 6, with a session that will focus on some Church teachings about Mary as well as the many names we have for Mary. We will work together to learn more about Mary’s role in the Church. MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Middle School Youth Ministry will not gather this weekend. Sessions resume on Sunday, December 6, when we will focus on Mary before the feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8. During the session, the youth will work in small groups with the help of technology to research some of the official sanctioned sightings and messages of the Blessed Mother throughout history. The session will end with a prayer service to honor Mary. November 29, 2015 WREATH AND POINSETTIA SALE This weekend and next, our Youth Ministry participants and parents will sell poinsettias and wreaths for our Annual Wreath and Poinsettia Fundraiser after each Mass. This is our largest fundraiser for the year, and a portion of the proceeds will go toward the youth ministry programs. The wreaths come in two sizes and will be decorated with pinecones and a bow. We will also be selling 6" red poinsettias from Michaeleen’s. Wreaths and poinsettias will be available for pickup on the weekends of December 12/13 and December 19/20 after each of the Masses. SESSIONS WILL RESUME NEXT SUNDAY All sessions for CLOW, CFF, MSYM, and HSYM will resume next Sunday, December 6. ST. NICHOLAS FUN DAY FOR KIDS (AND PARENTS’ AFTERNOON OUT) Our Youth Ministry participants will be hosting a St. Nicholas Fun Day for Kids on Saturday, December 5, from 2–5 p.m. in the Parish Center. This will be a funfilled day for children and will also provide much-needed time off for their parents to get some Christmas shopping completed, have a lunch date, or simply relax. There will be a wide variety of activities during the event, including games, crafts, snack, and movie time. The event is open for children ages 2–12. We are asking for a free-will donation of either $10 per child or $25 per family. The deadline for registering your child(ren) is December 2. For more information and the registration form, contact Ashley Blank at 257-2493 or [email protected]. Wedding Banns: Elizabeth Takacs and Stephen Demmings May God bless your marriage! A vibrant Catholic Community where all are welcomed, challenged, and supported in their life’s journey. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church November 29, 2015 From the Book of Ann Marie Dear Parish Family, I wish that there was some way within these written words that I could transport you, if for just a moment, into the experiences we shared with our young people last weekend at the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC). I wish you could experience the hesitation with which most young people enter into the experience and how it transforms them. I wish you could be in a football stadium with 23,000 Catholics and feel the energy of our young Church as they pray and play together. I wish that you could hear the keynote speakers—because although the talks were designed to engage teenagers, they were theologically rich, insightful, and challenging. I wish you could sit with our group and listen to them talk about their experiences of going to confession or a workshop they attended, or asking questions about the difference between nuns and sisters or monks, brothers, and priests. I wish you could know our NCYC participants in the way we got to know them through this pilgrimage. Two experiences in particular I will carry with me for a long time. The first was on Friday night when the evening session was an XLT. XLT is short for exalt, and it is a popular experience within youth ministry in parts of the United States, especially in the South. It consists of praise and worship music, a witness talk, and adoration. I have never experienced an XLT before, but I have certainly heard about it in my previous job when I traveled throughout the U.S. doing training and programming for youth ministry. I wasn’t quite sure if it would be “my type” of experience of prayer—but it was so powerful! Matt Maher, an amazing Catholic musician, led the praise and worship music that really did get me and the whole 23,000 of us ready to experience a time with Jesus in adoration. Mark Hart, who is known as the Bible Geek, did a really powerful talk about how our struggles are transformed when we place them on the altar and allow Jesus to help us through them. In fact, I was amazed how in sync his talk was with what Robert Feduccia shared with us at our parish retreat on Tuesday! And then the Eucharist was brought into the stadium and complete silence followed for 20 minutes, as teens (and us adults) brought our prayers, our fears, and our struggles to Jesus. Many in our group also went to Reconciliation during this XLT time, adding to the whole experience. We ended with Benediction and more praise and worship music. In addition to it being a time of great prayer for me personally, I was brought to tears just by the power of sharing this profound moment with our young people—such an intimate experience of vulnerability and prayer. It was humbling. The second experience happened in the thematic park—Camp Tekakwitha. Besides the events in the Lucas Oil Stadium, the Indianapolis Convention Center is home to the workshops and this “park” that has booths, but also has a huge variety of interactive experiences—a wonderful prayer area, an arts and crafts area, a justice area with simulations and ways to help, a mobile pack where NCYC packed 50,000 meals, and a low ropes course. A low ropes course consists of activities that are designed to help groups cooperate. If you have never seen one, it is a little hard to describe, but they always involve groups needing to work together, usually physically, to achieve a goal. We stood on a huge teeter-totter and were able to balance ourselves. The young people passed themselves and each other through a huge spider web and they used ropes to pick up a bucket and pour its contents into another bucket. But the activity that was most interesting to me was simple—it involved moving everyone from one side of a space to another, with rules about how they could move. Our group of kids worked on that activity for a good 10 minutes, trying, failing, trying again, failing again, and finally succeeding. The reason this was so powerful to me was that it was the least physical, it had no fun props or visuals to it, it wasn’t something that many other groups did, and yet there was our group, working together, changing ideas, letting different people lead, and finally celebrating when they succeeded. It is a good testament to the maturity of our young people and their sense of Christian community. Ashley Blank deserves all the credit for organizing our group and being our fearless leader throughout NCYC. She does a wonderful job of accompanying our young people—listening to them, entering into their joys and struggles, and calling them to be their best. Thanks also to Marie de Roos for joining our delegation and entering into the experience so fully. All of us adults, Ashley, Marie, Fr. Joe, and I, so enjoyed this opportunity to enter into the experience of NCYC with our young people—to laugh and pray and play with them. Our kids did us proud this past weekend. I wish you could have been with us! I wish there were an NCYC for adults! Peace, A vibrant Catholic Community where all are welcomed, challenged, and supported in their life’s journey. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church November 29, 2015 Stewardship Opportunities DUSTING DISCIPLES We are still looking for volunteers to help clean the Church. If you can be a “dusting disciple,” please let the Parish Office know at 257-2493 or [email protected]. Many thanks! HELP FOR FORMER REFUGEES Two former refugee families have moved to Ithaca to be near their Armenian relatives. One has a place to live and the other hopes to find a place soon. They need two double beds, twin beds, sheets for double and twin beds, a coffee table, dresser, desk, sofa, and TV. If you have anything to donate, please call Cecelia Linscott at 257-5984. Pickup can be arranged. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY COOKIE WALK Habitat for Humanity is having their fourth annual Cookie Walk on December 12 and would love to include your delicious cookies! Volunteer bakers are asked to contribute 6 dozen of your best holiday cookies to sell by the pound. All proceeds benefit Habitat for Humanity. Please email Pat Stefek at [email protected] if you can help. Diocesan News School News IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SCHOOL Immaculate Conception School is seeking a full-time classroom aide for our kindergarten classroom. Interested individuals should contact the school office at 273-2707. We are always in need of donations to our scholarship fund. We always have a far greater need than we have funds for. Any donation no matter how small or large will help a student to attend Ithaca’s Catholic school. Donate online at alumni-donate.html or through the school office. Community News CAYUGA VOCAL ENSEMBLE The Cayuga Vocal Ensemble, directed by Carl Johengen, is “Celebrating 40 Years” with a concert at the First Presbyterian Church on North Cayuga St., Ithaca, on Sunday, December 6, at 4 p.m. The program will include some pieces performed at its first concert in December 1975. William Byrd’s Mass for Four Voices is featured. Gustav Holst’s In the Bleak Midwinter; Ave Maria by Anton Bruckner; and The Three Kings by Healey Willan are also on the program. Tickets available at; Hickey’s Music Center; and Pastimes in the Dewitt Mall. SPOTLIGHT ON OUR SEMINARIANS This fall, we will be featuring seminarians from the Diocese of Rochester in the bulletin. Each week we will introduce you to one of the men studying for the priesthood in our diocese. We invite you to support these seminarians through your prayer. You are also warmly encouraged to write or email them to let them know our prayers are with them. This week we are praying for: DATES TO REMEMBER Nov. 28/29 Dec. 5 Dec. 6 Dec. 8 Dec. 22 Wreath and Poinsettia Sale St. Nicholas Fun Day for Kids Advent Night of Recollection Feast of the Immaculate Conception Christmas Decorating Joseph A. Martuscello St. John’s Seminary 127 Lake Street Brighton, MA 0215 [email protected] Birthday: October 28 A vibrant Catholic Community where all are welcomed, challenged, and supported in their life’s journey. LITURGICAL MINISTERS: DEC. 5/6 5:00 P.M. Music Bob Talda Lector William Asklar Bob Gravani Minister of Communion Gail Carruth - Host Susan Hyatt - Host Gregory Menzenski - Host Clara Barrett - Cup Nickie Carrier-Titti - Cup Ann Gifford - Cup Terry Gifford - Cup Steve Moolin - Cup Altar Server Ben Petrich - Cross Bode Petrich - Book Minister of Hospitality Eileen Gravani - 1 Michael Petrich - 2 Tanya Petrich - 3 Thomas Every - 4 9:00 A.M. Music Diane Duthie Brookdale Lisa Carrier-Titti Lector Bob Talda Cecelia Linscott Minister of Communion Bob Dyer - Host Stephen Jesch - Host Margaret Steinacher - Host Silvia Abbiati - Cup Madeline LaRocca - Cup Victor Mancini - Cup Bill Perkins - Cup Colleen Perkins - Cup Altar Server Thomas F. LaFalce - Cross Tomas Vence - Book Minister of Hospitality Bernice Magee - 1 Ellen & Juan Pablo Garcia - 2 Susanne Lorbeer - 3 John Sipple - 4 Cathy Buttner - 5 Marty Whetzel - 6 11:30 A.M. Music Sally Ramirez Lector Mary Kay LaLonde Michael Twomey Minister of Communion John Balmer - Host Dan Briotta - Host Carla Marceau - Host Robert Brown - Cup Valerie Evans - Cup Cali Michele Johnson - Cup Loisanne Thomas - Cup Pat Wynn - Cup Altar Server Tony Speicher - Cross Elizabeth Clune - Book Minister of Hospitality David Rathmann - 1 Teresa Rathmann - 2 Mila Veshcherevich - 3 Amanyi Richardson - 4 Rose Blinn - 5 *** - 6 H ELLEN MORRIS-KNOWER Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker T H E H EIG H T S CAFÉ & GRILL 710 Hancock St., Ithaca, NY 14850 607.220.5421 607.257.0800 x421 LUNCH MONDAY-FRIDAY 11:30-2:30 DINNER MONDAY-THURSDAY 5:00-9:00 FRIDAY & SATURDAY 5:00-10:00 [email protected] 903 HANSHAW RD., ITHACA, NY 14580 Member of St. Catherine’s Parish since 1997. 607-257-4144 Richard T. Prybyl, CRPC® SPACE AVAILABLE Senior Vice President, Branch Manager, Financial Advisor Morgan Stanley Contact the Parish Office at 607-257-2493 or [email protected] Wealth Management 130 East Seneca Street, Ste 500, Ithaca Direct 607-274-8538 Fax 607-274-8555 Toll free 800-633-6336 [email protected] Welcoming New Patients Internal Medicine & Hypertension 2343 N. Triphammer Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850 607-266-9100 Across from McDonald’s in the Lama Law Building I MMACULATE C ONCEPTION S CHOOL Dry Cleaners Northeast All Work Done On Premises —Dry Cleaning —Shirt Laundry —Garment Storage —Leather/Suede —Daily 7AM-6PM Radomir Stevanovic, MD P RE -K ( AGES 3 AND 4) K INDERGARTEN — 6 TH G RADE A Christ-centered commitment to educational excellence. —Bulk Cleaning —Draperies —Wedding Gowns —Silks & Knits —Sat 9AM-5PM Proven record of academic achievement Disciplined learning environment Educating the total child 257-1040 Triphammer Shopping Mall 320 W. Buffalo St. Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 273-2707 [email protected] Co r ner o f W. Bu ffa lo S t . and N. P la in S t . , Do wnt o wn It haca Located on N. Triphammer Rd. In front of the YMCA 607-257-2233 L ANS I NG C H I RO P RA C TI C OF F I CE Jay Williamson, CLU, ChFc Financial Representative Robert Brown, D.C. 179 Graham Rd., Ste. D Ithaca, NY 14850 607-257-8665 607-257-1847 fax [email protected] 15 Auburn Rd. Lansing, NY 14882 Tel: (607) 533-4231 S an ta n a C o ns tr uc ti on C o . Locally Owned—Family Operated Sunday Special $3.99 One Dozen Fresh Store-Made Donuts Show coupon at checkout General home repair, small remodel, and building projects. We invite you to shop and compare our quality and price. Alejandro Santana 454 Floral Ave., Ithaca, NY 14850 Downtown on the Commons 607-379-4987 Email: 272-1810 The Elizabeth Ann Clune Montessori School of Ithaca Serving Children Ages 3 – 14 120 KING RD., ITHACA, NY 607-277-7335 Ithaca Agway Farm and Home Center 213 S. Fulton St. Ithaca, NY 14850 607-272-1848 607-272-1706 (fax) Dr. Francis T. Piliero 2826 North Triphammer Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850 607-257-3203 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery With appreciation for the weekly gift of fresh flowers for the Parish Center. 607-257-8076 RESTORATIVE & COSMETIC DENTISTRY The Village Office Campus 2333 N. Triphammer Rd., Suite 402 Ithaca, NY 14850 607-273-6363 107 W. Seneca St. • Ithaca, NY 14850 Between the Church and Clinton House Every Day You Get Our Best! Children and Adults Hanshaw Road at Pleasant Grove 607-257-5700 ESTABLISHED 1950 LUCENTE HOMES & APARTMENTS All your complete housing needs, from a 1-3 bedroom apt. or a 3-5 bedroom luxury home. 607-257-0717 103 Salem Drive Ithaca, New York 118 N. Tioga St., Suite 303 Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 272-4040 Gary A. Bucci, Owner Continuous family service since 1942 Lisa Ferguson Ithaca, NY 273-9212 Mohair – Cashmere – Alpaca Homegrown Hand dyed Handmade Roving – Yarn – Finished Goods Ithaca’s only locally owned funeral home 607-272-1922 John F. Bangs (1917-1974) - Jeffrey L. Bangs - Kevin P. Bangs
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May 3, 2015 - St. Catherine of Siena Parish
La misión de la parroquia de Sta. Catalina es
inspirar, cuidar y motivar la participación de nuestra
comunidad a través del culto, testimonio y servicio.