May 3, 2015 - St. Catherine of Siena Parish
May 3, 2015 - St. Catherine of Siena Parish
ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH May 3, 2015—Fifth Sunday of Easter ALL ARE WELCOMED TO OUR PARISH! We are so pleased that you chose to celebrate with us this weekend. We warmly invite you to active participation in our liturgical celebration. Please feel free to approach one of our Ministers of Hospitality if you are in need of any assistance. No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, your current family or marital situation, your past or present religious affiliation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, sexual orientation, gender, race, or color; no matter what your self-image or self-esteem: YOU are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved, and respected at St. Catherine of Siena Church in Ithaca, New York. JOINING THE BANQUET AT FIRST EUCHARIST Thirty-one children will receive our Lord’s Body and Blood for the first time this weekend. Our parish community will be able to share this wonderful experience with the children and their families at all our Masses. Our children have attended preparation classes with their parents since February. During their classes, they learned about the parts of the Mass and read about the life of Jesus and discussed some well-known parables. They performed three one-act plays reenacting the Last Supper, the Road to Emmaus, and the Second Big Catch of Fish. For one class, they participated in a scavenger hunt in Church where they had to locate and identify the different items used during the Mass. During another class, they prepared and baked unleavened bread. At their last session on April 26, Father Joe answered questions from the kids about the Mass. They also practiced receiving unconsecrated bread and wine and were able to decorate their own plastic chalice to take home. All of our children worked very hard to learn about our Mass and the Blessed Sacrament. Congratulations to our children who are receiving Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time this weekend: Freeman Ambrose, Tomas Arroyo, Grace Backus, Jack Bonassar, Calum Campbell, Quinn Colbert-Auble, Tesalia DannerCasasola, Stephen Falbo, Jacqueline Grantz, Nicholas Hwang, Madeline Kiely, Ian Kunk-Czaplicki, Dean Licitra, Nicolas Llarena-Parmley, Jacob Lynch, Luke Lynch, Jillian Miller, Daniel Murphy, Miles Neely, Oliver Oh, Henry O’Toole, Charlie Preheim, Will Preheim, Sabena Schmidt, Owen Schnell, Everett Shaw, Mwape Sokoni, Ronald Turner, Jan VanekRaphaelidis, Benjamin Velasquez, and Samuel Velasquez. It was wonderful to share this experience with the parents of these children, who attended all of the sessions with them and helped them grow in their faith. We also want to thank Jennifer Cassano and Frances Galgan for giving so generously of their time and talent to the children as the Sacramental Preparation Leaders for First Eucharist. Please keep these children in your prayers. They are a blessing to our parish! PARISH MISSION STATEMENT The mission of St. Catherine of Siena Parish is to inspire, engage, and nurture our community through worship, witness, and service. La misión de la parroquia de Sta. Catalina es inspirar, cuidar y motivar la participación de nuestra comunidad a través del culto, testimonio y servicio. St. Catherine of Siena Church is a Tompkins County Living Wage Employer St. Catherine of Siena Parish 302 St. Catherine Circle, Ithaca, New York 14850 607-257-2493 / www.facebook/stcatherinesithaca Office Hours: Mon.–Fri. 9 a.m.– 4 p.m. (closed for lunch at 1 p.m.) MINISTRY TEAM Pastor Rev. Joseph Marcoux, [email protected] Pastoral Associate Ann Marie Eckert, [email protected] Director of Liturgical Music Sherry Scanza, [email protected] Coordinator of Faith Formation Ashley Blank, [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: 5 p.m. Sunday: 9 & 11:30 a.m. Mass in Spanish: 4th Sunday of the month, 5:30 p.m. Daily Mass Schedule Monday: 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9 a.m. Brookdale Senior Living: 4th Tuesday of the month, 10:15 a.m. Coordinator of Volunteer Ministry Patricia Sipple, [email protected] Accommodations: Gluten-reduced hosts are available; notify a staff member. Personal listening receivers are available from the Sacristy. Communications Coordinator Jane Bonassar, [email protected] SACRAMENTS Director of Finance & Administration Lawrence Wasser, [email protected] Bookkeeper Susan Dean, [email protected] Organist Erika Vrabel-Linsdell Administrative Assistant June Haynor, [email protected] Maintenance Technician Jerome Srb Housekeeper Diane Tordel TRUSTEES Frank Fetsko, Kristin Campagnolo COUNCIL CHAIRS Pastoral Council: Eileen Gravani Finance Council: Joe Kiely NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome to our parish community! Registration packets are available at all Church entrances and at the office. STEWARDSHIP Our Sister Parish We enjoy an ongoing exchange of people and prayer with St. Anthony’s in the Dominican Republic. Donations to the “loose change bowls” located at each Church entrance provide meals and education for over 100 children at the parish daycare center. Almsgiving 10% or more of all donations we receive go to the poor and needy. Clothing for the Needy Clean used clothing in good condition accepted 24/7 at the shed adjacent to the parking lot. Reconciliation Saturday at 4 p.m. or by appointment Infant Baptisms We’re so happy about the new addition to your family. Parents participate in a preparation program prior to baptism. Please contact the office three months prior to the baptism. Marriage Congratulations on your engagement! As with the other sacraments, prior preparation is necessary. Please contact the office at least six months before the wedding. Anointing of the Sick/Visitation Please contact the office for arrangements for individual anointing or for a visitation to someone who is sick or homebound. For emergencies after hours, please call Fr. Joe at 585-747-3649. Families should alert the Parish Office when family members are in the hospital. Hospitals are no longer able to provide parishes with this information. If you would like to have someone prayed for at Mass and/or added to the Prayer Corner in the bulletin, we invite you to call the Parish Office at 257-2493. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.) For information on becoming Catholic, or questions about the Catholic faith, contact Ann Marie Eckert. Holy Orders For information about vocations, contact Carol Dady with the Diocesan Office of Vocation Awareness at 585-461-2890 or [email protected]. PRAYER OPPORTUNITIES Eucharistic Adoration Wednesdays at 7 p.m. & Fridays at 9:30 a.m. in the Church Rosary Fridays at 5 p.m. in the Church Prayer Groups Centering Prayer and Ignatian Prayer Groups meet throughout the month. Small Christian Communities also meet weekly. For more information, call Ann Marie Eckert. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE OFFERTORY INCOME, April 26, 2015 Collection: $6,211 May 3, 2015 SCRIPTURE READINGS Today Acts 9:26-31; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 Next Sunday Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; 1 Jn 4:7-10; Jn 15:9-17 EFT Donations: $1,022 Mailed-in Donations: $2,238 “‘I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit.’” (Jn 15:5) TOTAL: $9,471 WEEKLY BUDGET: $10,577 VARIANCE: - ($1,106) Catholic Home Missions: $1,703 Dominican Republic Bowls: $481 Dominican Republic Bowls Weekly Budget: $250 Variance: + $231 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL PRAYER CORNER Please hold in prayer those who are sick: Bob and Anna Marie Carlson, Mary Pellicciotti, Beth Brunelle, Monique Morse, Mary Millier, Dageiry Minaya Custodio, Hania Zeglin, Cheryl Robinson, Mick Linsdell, Florence Ricciuti, Jonathan Davis, Maria Rabb, Camille Tarranto, Betty Bromberick, Nora Hardy, Jossie Brissee, Mary Ellen Carollo, Gail Cooney, and Giana Lesselrott. Please hold in prayer those who have died in the peace of Christ: Joyce Tessier (sister of Patricia Sipple) Please prayerfully consider giving to the CMA. WHAT’S HAPPENING—MAY 4–10 Monday, May 4 9:00 a.m. MASS: Thomas C. Bailey by Mary Lou BaileySmith Tuesday, May 5 9:00 a.m. COMMUNION SERVICE 4:00 p.m. Youth Choir 7:00 p.m. Liturgy Committee 7:30 p.m. St. Catherine’s Book Club Wednesday, May 6 9:00 a.m. COMMUNION SERVICE 7:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Thursday, May 7 9:30 a.m. Meeting Christ in Prayer 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir 7:30 p.m. International Festival Committee Friday, May 8 9:00 a.m. MASS: Emily Sott by the Topoleski Family 9:30 a.m. Strength Training 9:30 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration 10:30 a.m. Benediction 3:30 p.m. Facilities Committee 5:00 p.m. Praying the Rosary Saturday, May 9 9:00 a.m. AA 9:00 a.m. Pastoral Care Workshop 4:00 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:00 p.m. MASS: Alice “Tutta” Colquitt by Janice & Leonard Topoleski Sunday, May 10—Mother’s Day 9:00 a.m. MASS: Charles Ott by the Bonassar Family 10:15 a.m. May Crowning of Mary 11:30 a.m. MASS: Lorraine Mazza by Gilda & John Yaley A vibrant Catholic Community where all are welcomed, challenged, and supported in their life’s journey. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church Parish-Wide Opportunities MINISTRY FAIR PREVIEW Each year around Pentecost, we offer the opportunity for our parishioners to learn more about the ministries and organizations of St. Catherine’s and how they can get involved. We will be hosting our Ministry Fair on May 30–31 after all of the Masses. In the coming weeks, you will hear from some of our volunteers about their experiences in various ministries, and each week you will be able to learn more about our ministries through inserts in the bulletin. We invite you to use these talks and information to discern where you can make a difference in the coming year. Many of you are already involved, so this is a good chance to discern if you wish to continue in a particular ministry or move into something else. Others of you may be looking for a way to get involved, and you will have lots of opportunities to hear about how involvement in particular ministries is life-giving and fulfilling. We look forward to helping each of you find a good match to your gifts and interests. CLIMATE CHANGE PRESENTATION Dr. Jonathan Lunine, author of the textbook Earth: Evolution of a Habitable World, will present an easy-tounderstand briefing on the science behind climate change this Sunday, May 3, from 10:15–11:15 a.m. in the Parish Center. All are welcome! PORTAL DE BELÉN PICTURES At each of the entrances to the Church, there are baskets with pictures of the children from the Portal de Belén. All parish households are encouraged to take one of the pictures home, read the information on the back, and to pray for him or her regularly. We are also encouraging all households to make a commitment to the D.R. through a $40-a-year donation to the Portal. This donation from each parish family would allow us to double the amount we currently send each month. St. Catherine’s has been donating $1,000 a month for the past 15 years, although the number of children at the Portal has grown each year, from 60 to 230. It is time for us to change our donation to match their need. Certainly we can afford this small personal donation, when we know what a huge impact it can have in Monte Plata. May 3, 2015 PASTORAL VISITORS TRAINING DAY On Saturday, May 9, from 9 a.m.–12 p.m., St. Catherine’s will be hosting Roslyn Karaban, Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling at St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry, for a training day for our pastoral visitors. Pastoral visitors visit the sick, the homebound, and those who are living in nursing homes. All are invited to consider being a part of this vital and life-giving ministry, and all are welcome to attend this training—whether you are currently involved in this ministry, hope to be in the future, or wish to attend for your own life situation. LANGUAGES NEEDED FOR PENTECOST If you speak a language other than English (nativeborn or through study), and are willing to read a petition during Mass on Pentecost Sunday (May 23– 24), please let Ann Marie know at 257-2493 or [email protected]. We would love to have a variety of languages and readers for each of the Masses that weekend. You will need to translate the petition from English into the language you speak. ASCENSION THURSDAY MASS St. Catherine’s will be offering Mass on Ascension Thursday, May 14, at 5:45 p.m. All are invited to this Holy Day Mass. COLLECTION FOR EARTHQUAKE RELIEF We will hold a second collection next weekend to raise money for the victims of the devastating earthquake in Nepal. All money raised will go to Catholic Relief Services for their disaster response efforts. AN INVITATION FROM SR. MARY Friends, 2015 marks my 50th year as a Sister of St. Joseph—all years marked by great joy and experiences of God’s faithfulness. My years among the wonderful St. Catherine’s community were among my most memorable. If you will be in town on Saturday, July 25, please join me for a festive Mass at 1 p.m. at St. Catherine’s Church. Your presence would add to my joy. Refreshments will follow in the Parish Center. —Sr. Mary O’Brien A vibrant Catholic Community where all are welcomed, challenged, and supported in their life’s journey. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION PARTY If you have volunteered at St. Catherine’s in any capacity during this past year, please come to our Volunteer Appreciation Party on Monday, May 18, from 7–9 p.m. in the Parish Center. It is a fun evening of food, drink, stories, and laughter. Volunteers of all ages are welcome! Please mark your calendars and plan to come. LOST AND FOUND Please check the Lost and Found bin (in the hallway of the Parish Center). Everything remaining after May 3 will be donated. Many thanks for your cooperation. Adult Faith News SPRING SCRIPTURE STUDY—PARABLES All are welcome to join in a six-week Scripture Study on Parables of the Kingdom. Using resources from the Little Rock Scripture Study program, participants will grow in their understanding of how Jesus used parables (full of familiar images and experiences to his audience) to challenge people to see things in new ways. Some of the most memorable teachings of Jesus were delivered as parables, and participants in this Scripture Study will have the chance to explore those teachings and their meaning for our lives. Scripture Study will take place on Thursday evenings. It will begin on Ascension Thursday, May 14, at 7 p.m.; however, those interested are invited to join together for a pizza dinner following the 5:45 Mass. The cost for the books is $20. Those interested should contact Carla Marceau at [email protected] to register or to find out more about the program. LIFE AND FAITH SESSIONS Many thanks to all those who presented and took part in our Life and Faith Sessions this year! We have learned about justice issues, faith and science, reflected on interesting books, learned about liturgical etiquette, toured the world that Jesus lived in, and grew in our understanding of different kinds of spirituality. We will be planning for next year’s offerings over the summer. If you have feedback, suggestions, or would like to be a presenter, please contact Ann Marie at 257-2493 or [email protected]. May 3, 2015 Children’s/Youth Ministry “IN THE LOOP” WITH THE HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY High School Youth Ministry will not meet today and next Sunday due to First Eucharist and Mother’s Day. Sessions will resume on Sunday, May 17, with a session designed for fathers and their teenage children to attend together. During this session, we will provide a time for fathers and their teenage sons and/or daughters to understand each other better and strengthen their relationship and communication. There will be some communication games and activities incorporated into the session. High schoolers are welcome to bring any “father figure” in their life, including grandfathers, uncles, older brothers, or someone from the community who has been this figure for them. MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Middle School Youth Ministry will not meet today and next Sunday due to First Eucharist and Mother’s Day. Sessions will resume on Sunday, May 17, with a session where our middle schoolers will participate in activities and discussion based on getting to know Pope Francis a little better. NO FAITH FORMATION SESSIONS MAY 3 Due to the First Eucharist Masses this weekend, there will be no Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW), Children’s Faith Formation (CFF), Middle School Youth Ministry (MSYM), or High School Youth Ministry (HSYM). We hope that by not meeting for these sessions, we will allow all the children of our parish to celebrate this sacrament with our 31 communicants. There will also be no sessions the following weekend, May 10, due to Mother’s Day. We encourage all of our children and youth to attend the May Crowning ceremony following the 9 a.m. Mass. MAY CROWNING—MAY 10 You are invited to join us for our May Crowning of Mary after the 9 a.m. Mass on Sunday, May 10. The ceremony will take place in front of the Church, weather permitting, or inside the Church if necessary. Families are invited to bring flowers to contribute in honor of Mary at this ceremony. There will be no Faith Formation sessions on this day so that all of our children can attend and participate in this ceremony honoring Mary. A vibrant Catholic Community where all are welcomed, challenged, and supported in their life’s journey. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church May 3, 2015 From the Book of Ann Marie Dear Parish Family, The generosity of this community is remarkable to me. People are generous in lots of different ways—with time, with attention, with money, with things. The longer I am here at St. Catherine’s (with the insider view of the parish that I get from my position here), the more I am amazed at the generosity of people. Because I have never had a lot of money, I am sometimes overwhelmed by the amount of zeros that are attached to checks—for our Unite campaign, the bus for the D.R., our new piano, or something as simple as our envelope fundraiser for youth ministry. We have many people in our parish who use their treasure to ensure that good things happen here at St. Catherine’s and at the Portal de Belén in the Dominican Republic. They are very generous and their gifts literally make St. Catherine’s a stronger parish for all of us. Last Saturday night, at the 200 Club dinner, I had a new insight into a different form of generosity. Purchasing the 200 Club ticket is a generous monetary act, but there is a generosity of caring that is wrapped up into it as well. The 200 Club members care about the children at the Portal they have never met, about the community in Monte Plata that they will likely never get to visit, and about the work of a religious order (the Missionary Sisters of Jesus) whom they have very limited contact with. That form of caring—a relationship born out of stories told by others, short interactions with Sr. Iris and Sr. Teresa, pictures taken and shown—is quite remarkable to me. I am not sure how this kind of generosity gets formed in people, but we are lucky to have so many people with generous hearts for this type of project. Last Sunday we had our last Youth Ministry Advisory Board Meeting of the year, and again, I was reminded of this gift of generosity. For the past two years, we have had a group of adults and youth who have dedicated themselves to helping St. Catherine’s create a strong youth ministry program, first for our high schoolers, and then for our middle schoolers. Ashley and I love meeting with this group because of the wisdom that they bring, their honesty, their desire for good things to happen at Church for the youth, and the way that they push St. Catherine’s to continue to find ways to minister to our young people. We asked the group gathered if they would be willing to serve for another year, knowing that most had already invested two years to this group, and almost all said yes. The attention and focus they give to this board, and to our young people, is another form of generosity. There really isn’t a week that goes by, to be honest, that I don’t meet with a group of people (or a bunch of groups) that have set their attention on serving a particular community and work really hard to bring about good things here at St. Catherine’s or within our community and beyond. Finally, I wanted to shine a light on one other place where generosity happens, in a way that brings almost no attention to the generous person, and that is at the doors of our Church. As you know, we have had baskets at the doors collecting food for the Food Pantry and other items for a particular charity each month. We are often tripping over the amount of donations you bring to our doors. The “worst” of it was when we were collecting winter gear for Catholic Charities, and our baptismal font area was overflowing with donated items. I know that there really is a small group of you who do most of this donating—quietly picking up food at the store each week and placing it in the basket, going through closets to ensure that others have what they need, making a special trip to get books, or garbage bags, or a big package of diapers for the D.R. This type of generosity isn’t just about the goods being donated; it is also about the attention that you give to these mini-campaigns and the people they serve. You put these needs into your plan for the week, and into your heart, and then you act on them. This type of generosity may cost you less money (sometimes!), but it puts demands on your time and energy—in a really good way. Thank you for this form of generosity! It has such a positive impact on our local community. Generosity comes in all sorts of different forms—and each are important to the work that we are able to do here at St. Catherine’s and throughout our community. May we continue to find ways to reach out with our treasure, our time, our attention, and our goods. Peace, A vibrant Catholic Community where all are welcomed, challenged, and supported in their life’s journey. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church May 3, 2015 FAITH FORMATION RICE BOWL WINNERS FAITH IN BOOKS COLLECTION The Faith Formation children and youth have worked very hard to see which grade could raise the most money for the CRS Rice Bowl program. We are happy to announce that the second graders raised the most money, bringing in a total of $486.71. Our fourth grade class was a mere $7.83 short of the second grade class, with a total of $478.88. Since there was such a small difference between the first- and second-place classes, both classes will receive a breakfast and movie party on June 7 during their Faith Formation time! All together, our Faith Formation program collected $1,628.80 for this wonderful agency. This amount is $726.29 more than we raised last year. Thank you to all of the youth, children, and their families for such wonderful contributions. We are very proud of each and every one of our children and youth! Way to go! The Family Reading Partnership is a nonprofit community organization that promotes early literacy. St. Catherine’s is supporting their efforts through a book collection during the month of May. Please bring gently used or new children’s books to the parish and place them in the baskets at the doors, or by the baptismal font on the west side of the Church. These books will be donated to the Family Reading Partnership and end up on the Bright Red Bookshelves throughout Ithaca—offering free books to any family who needs them. Donations (made out to Family Reading Partnership) are also welcome. SLEEP-OUT FOR THE HOMELESS If any of our eighth through twelfth graders are still planning on applying to participate in our Sleep-Out for the Homeless event on May 30–31, they will need to have their applications turned in by Friday, May 15. This event will begin at 5 p.m. on Saturday, May 30, and will end after the 9 a.m. Mass the next day. During this event, the youth will hear from a guest speaker from our local Rescue Mission shelter, participate in a simulation to understand poverty, build their sleep shelter for the night, and make pans of lasagna, which we will freeze and give to Loaves and Fishes to serve. There is a $50 fee for this event, with $25 of the fee going to a local shelter. Please contact Ashley Blank, [email protected], with any questions or to receive the application for this event. Stewardship Opportunities FLOWERS FOR BIRTHRIGHT Next weekend we will be selling carnations for Birthright, a pregnancy resource center here in Ithaca. Flowers are $1 each, or 6 for $5. Your generous support of this flower sale helps to raise over $300 for Birthright each year. Donations are also gratefully accepted. (Checks should be made out to Birthright.) FMSC RUMMAGE SALE The organizers for this year’s Feed My Starving Children Mobile Pack Event are gearing up for a community-wide rummage sale to be held June 6 from 9 a.m.–2 p.m. at the Church of Latter-Day Saints on Burleigh Drive. Please set aside items to be donated—clothes, household items, furniture, jewelry, children’s toys, paintings, and so on. There will be a few times later in the month when you can drop them off here at St. Catherine’s. Volunteers are also needed for the sale—contact Sandy Galbreath at [email protected]. Our local community needs to raise a lot of money to bring the FMSC Mobile Pack to Ithaca each year, so your generosity is greatly needed and appreciated. Community Events TASTE OF GREECE FESTIVAL St. Catherine Greek Orthodox Church, 120 W. Seneca St., is holding its Taste of Greece Festival on Friday, May 8, from 3:30–8 p.m., and Saturday, May 9, from 11 a.m.–8 p.m. The festival features wonderful Greek food, including pastitchio, dolmathes, and baklava, as well as music and gifts. DATES TO REMEMBER May 3 May 9 May 10 May 18 Climate Change Presentation Pastoral Visitors Training May Crowning of Mary Volunteer Appreciation Party A vibrant Catholic Community where all are welcomed, challenged, and supported in their life’s journey. St. Catherine of Siena Parish Liturgical and Music Ministries St. Catherine’s is committed to excellence in our liturgical and music ministries to ensure that we nurture our community through worship. Liturgical Ministries Support Ministries Altar Server. Serve at weekend Mass, helping the priest on the altar. All who have received First Communion are welcome. Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. Distribute Communion at weekend or holy day Mass. All who are confirmed are welcome. Hospitality Minister. Greet people as they arrive, distribute MagnifiKid materials and bulletins, take up the collection, and assist people in need. All ages are welcome and families are encouraged to serve together. Lector. Proclaim the scriptures at weekend or holy day Mass. All who are confirmed are welcome. Weekday Sacristan. Arrive 10 minutes prior to weekday Mass to set up and assist with cleanup after Mass. Can serve for a specific daily liturgy. Sacristan. Replenish liturgical supplies in the Church on a weekly basis. Plant Care. Water plants in Church weekly and/or more regularly during Christmas and Easter seasons. Thurifer. Minister with incense at weekday funerals. All ministries listed above (except Thurifer) serve approximately one weekend a month. Schedules are prepared in advance and you have the opportunity to select specific Mass times to minister and specify dates when not available. Training is necessary and provided bi-annually. Thurifers need to be available during the day for funerals and are called on when a funeral is scheduled. Weekend Sacristan. Arrive 25 minutes prior to weekend Mass to set up for Mass and assist with cleanup after Mass. Serve each week or on a rotating schedule with other Sacristan. Serve at the Mass you usually attend. Environment. Help decorate the church for the liturgical seasons. This can be an ongoing involvement, or help is always needed for decorating and un-decorating for Christmas and Easter. Laundry. Wash altar server robes and other liturgical supplies, as needed, approximately four times a year. Dry Cleaning. Drop-off and pickup linens weekly from The Mall Dry Cleaner (Triphammer Mall) who donate their cleaning services to us. Church Cleaner. Clean the Church when the housekeeper is on vacation and/or needs occasional extra help. Church cleaning also happens in a large-scale way in Advent and Lent where all are invited to help. Music Ministries The music ministries at St. Catherine are an important way in which our community prays and worships together. All voices are welcome. Musical training is helpful, but not necessary. Commitment to rehearsals is important to the quality of the music program. Adult Choir. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings for 90 minutes as well as 45 minutes prior to Mass. Adult Choir sings at the 9 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. Mass each weekend, alternately. Youth Choir. Rehearsals are on Tuesday afternoons for 60 minutes, as well as 30 minutes prior to Mass. Youth Choir sings once or twice a month at the 9 a.m. Mass. Cantor. Adults and youth encourage congregational singing at weekend Masses. Musical experience and leadership skills necessary. Training is provided. Auditions required. Cantors serve approximately one Mass per month. Instrumentalist. Augment the piano or organ accompaniment at Mass or special events. Solo opportunities available depending on musical experience. Funeral Choir. Sing for weekday or weekend funerals. Members are informed when a funeral is scheduled. Do not need to sing in Adult Choir to participate, but musical training/ experience is helpful. Keyboard. Provide occasional accompaniment for choirs/ cantors, or perform solos at Masses or special events. Christmas and/or Holy Week/Easter Choir. Rehearsals begin approximately six weeks prior to Christmas/Easter. Assistant for Youth Choir. Assist Choir Director with Youth Choir. Rehearsals are on Tuesday afternoons for an hour. Choir sings at 9 a.m. Mass once or twice a month. LITURGICAL MINISTERS: MAY 9/10 5:00 P.M. Music Diane Duthie Lector Bob Gravani Susan Piliero Minister of Communion Ann Gifford - Host Terry Gifford- Host Eileen Gravani - Host Clara Barrett - Cup Jill Dollaway - Cup Steve Dollaway - Cup Mary Kay LaLonde- Cup (sub req’d) Jon Parmenter - Cup Altar Server Ciaran Mackenzie - Cross Corinna Petrich - Book Minister of Hospitality Rose Blinn - 1 Thomas Every - 2 John Sipple - 3 Tanya Petrich - 4 9:00 A.M. Music Brookdale Lector Karen Dumont Madeline LaRocca Cecelia Linscott Art DeGaetano Minister of Communion Nickie Carrier-Titti - Host (sub req’d) Tom LaFalce - Host Jean Luzzi - Host Silvia Abbiati - Cup Debbie Cherney - Cup Jerry Cherney - Cup Shanna Jesch - Cup Jay Williamson - Cup Altar Server Peter Jesch - Cross Ethan Dumont - Book Minister of Hospitality Ellen & Juan Pablo Garcia - 1 Kevin Mahaney - 2 (sub req’d) Chris Bates - 3 Marty Whetzel - 4 Michael Luzzi - 5 Bernice Magee - 6 11:30 A.M. Music Mary Martin Lector Bob Talda Ellen Morris-Knower Minister of Communion Rob Julian - Host Akoko Semon - Host Kevin Walsh - Host Mary Lou Bailey-Smith - Cup Dan Briotta - Cup Robert Brown - Cup Jody Kunk-Czaplicki - Cup Carla Marceau - Cup Altar Server Michael B. Rutzke- Cross Gabriela Leon-Evans - Book Minister of Hospitality Ellen Walsh - 1 Diane Dunham - 2 *** - 3 Amanyi Richardson - 4 *** - 5 *** - 6 H ELLEN MORRIS-KNOWER Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker T H E H EIG H T S CAFÉ & GRILL 710 Hancock St., Ithaca, NY 14850 607.220.5421 607.257.0800 x421 LUNCH MONDAY-FRIDAY 11:30-2:30 DINNER MONDAY-THURSDAY 5:00-9:00 FRIDAY & SATURDAY 5:00-10:00 [email protected] 903 HANSHAW RD., ITHACA, NY 14580 Member of St. Catherine’s Parish since 1997. 607-257-4144 Radomir Stevanovic, MD Welcoming New Patients Internal Medicine & Hypertension 2343 N. Triphammer Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850 607-266-9100 Across from McDonald’s in the Lama Law Building I MMACULATE C ONCEPTION S CHOOL Dry Cleaners Northeast All Work Done On Premises —Dry Cleaning —Shirt Laundry —Garment Storage —Leather/Suede —Daily 7AM-6PM Proven record of academic achievement Disciplined learning environment Educating the total child 257-1040 Triphammer Shopping Mall 320 W. Buffalo St. Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 273-2707 [email protected] Co r ner o f W. Bu ffa lo S t . and N. P la in S t . , Do wnt o wn It haca Financial Representative S an ta n a C o ns tr uc ti on C o . Senior Vice President Branch Manager Financial Advisor Direct 607-274-8538 Fax 607-274-8555 Toll free 800-633-6336 [email protected] General home repair, small remodel, and building projects. We invite you to shop and compare our quality and price. Alejandro Santana 454 Floral Ave., Ithaca, NY 14850 Downtown on the Commons 607-379-4987 Email: 272-1810 The Elizabeth Ann Clune Montessori School of Ithaca Serving Children Ages 3 – 14 120 KING RD., ITHACA, NY 607-277-7335 Ithaca Agway Farm and Home Center 607-272-1848 607-272-1706 (fax) 607 272-5062 324 W. Buffalo St., Ithaca 15 Auburn Rd. Lansing, NY 14882 Tel: (607) 533-4231 Richard T. Prybyl, CRPC® Morgan Stanley Samaritan Center Immigrant Services Program Justice & Peace Ministry Family Empowerment Services Robert Brown, D.C. 179 Graham Rd., Ste. D Ithaca, NY 14850 607-257-8665 607-257-1847 fax [email protected] Wealth Management 130 East Seneca Street, Suite 500 Ithaca, NY 14850 Located on N. Triphammer Rd. In front of the YMCA 607-257-2233 L ANS I NG C H I RO P RA C TI C OF F I CE Jay Williamson, CLU, ChFc 213 S. Fulton St. Ithaca, NY 14850 Please support our Tompkins County Programs P RE -K ( AGES 3 AND 4) K INDERGARTEN — 6 TH G RADE A Christ-centered commitment to educational excellence. —Bulk Cleaning —Draperies —Wedding Gowns —Silks & Knits —Sat 9AM-5PM Dr. Francis T. Piliero 2826 North Triphammer Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850 607-257-3203 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery With appreciation for the weekly gift of fresh flowers for the Parish Center. 607-257-8076 RESTORATIVE & COSMETIC DENTISTRY The Village Office Campus 2333 N. Triphammer Rd., Suite 402 Ithaca, NY 14850 607-273-6363 107 W. Seneca St. • Ithaca, NY 14850 Between the Church and Clinton House Every Day You Get Our Best! Children and Adults Hanshaw Road at Pleasant Grove 607-257-5700 ESTABLISHED 1950 LUCENTE HOMES & APARTMENTS All your complete housing needs, from a 1-3 bedroom apt. or a 3-5 bedroom luxury home. 607-257-0717 103 Salem Drive Ithaca, New York 118 N. Tioga St., Suite 303 Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 272-4040 Gary A. Bucci, Owner Continuous family service since 1942 Lisa Ferguson Ithaca, NY 273-9212 Mohair – Cashmere – Alpaca Homegrown Hand dyed Handmade Roving – Yarn – Finished Goods Ithaca’s only locally owned funeral home 607-272-1922 John F. Bangs (1917-1974) - Jeffrey L. Bangs - Kevin P. Bangs
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