Contents - Luna Rossa Media Room


Contents - Luna Rossa Media Room
Foreword by Sir Peter Blake
America's Cup History
Luna Rossa History
The challenge to the 34th America's Cup
The team:
Patrizio Bertelli - Team Principal
Team members
The 34th America's Cup:
The yachts:
AC45 catamarans
AC72 catamarans
Circolo della Vela Sicilia
Official Suppliers:
16 June 2013
1. Foreword by Sir Peter Blake
to the book “Luna Rossa” - 30th America’s Cup (2000)
The America’s Cup is an elusive trophy, and has rarely changed hands in the last
150 years.
This is not a sport for the faint hearted. It is not a quest to take lightly or on a whim.
It is a fight between sailors from yacht clubs all over the world that desperately want the
same thing: get their hands on the Cup.
The prestige for the winner has more value than any other sporting achievement.
It’s winning the invincible and doing the impossible that attracts sailors, dreamers and
millionaires, but the victory is not easy, and most of the time it doesn’t ever happen.
The only way to win is to continuously participate, continuously return time and time
again with the conviction that you can do it.
Hesitating after the first attempt is not part of the rules of the game.
You need extraordinary people with ferocious motivation, lots of experience and
attention to details and unconditional dedication.
The game is uncertain; for all you can dedicate, for all that you can motivate, and for all
that you are willing to spend the victory is never guaranteed.
For some it becomes a kind of drug.
It is a game that you can come to deeply hate, to then discover that you can’t live
without it at least not until you win.
Then therès the metamorphous (at least that is what happened to me). I was part of
a crew that succeeded in winning the America’s Cup at least once and successfully
defending it. I was finally free of the tightness in my mouth and in my stomach.
I am paid. I am cured. I go to sleep at night and dream other dreams. New passions are
being born inside of me. Just so that it is clear, competing for the America’s Cup is a
game of passion, of dreams when in every waking moment (and while you are asleep)
you have only one unique thought and that is winning but the victory is uncertain until
you have it in your hands.
The delusion and the disappointment hurts even when the others are suffering, imagine
trying it out on your own hide.
You keep asking yourself “how”? and “why”? For weeks until you find the determination
to try again, to not repeat the same mistakes, to do it better than before, to be better that
the rest of the world, to be the best and then the anxiety becomes dreams and passions
all over again. The thought of winning never ever abandons you but it is better to leave it
on the side and concentrate on a new objective: to be the best in every phase of the new
Nothing is left alone, not even the smallest detail. But this doesn’t happen just because
you want it to. You need a team of exceptional people who share the same dream and
the same passion and are not scared even when the odds are against them.
It’s the difficulty of the challenge that puts the adrenalin in your veins that may have been
weakened by the previous defeat.
The America’s Cup is what it is because it is so difficult to win.
It is not a game for armchair admirals.
It is not a game for the person who is not prepared to come back.
It is not a game for the faint hearted.
It is a game for those who are not scared of pitting themselves against the best that the
world has to offer.
It’s a game where winning is almost impossible, almost, but not impossible.
And this is why it is worth fighting for. It is the difficulty that gives any challenge some
This is the essence of life itself.
To all the people in team Prada who are telling their story in this book, I would like to say,
I admire your sportsmanship, your tenacity and your enthusiasm for life. You have given
all of us a really positive image of your country and your countrymen will be very proud
of you.
This time you didn’t win but you certainly didn’t lose. You only lose when you don’t have
the courage to return. Not winning is part of the learning process which leads you to
For the challenge in 2003 I wish you good luck. Because it is also a question of luck.
It won’t be easy.
The best things never are.
Peter Blake
2. America's Cup History
The America's Cup is the oldest trophy in the history of sports and the most important
world sailing event.
The first edition dates back to 1851, when "America", the schooner of a pool of
members of the New York Yacht Club inspired by Commodore John Cox Stevens,
crossed the Atlantic to challenge the English yachts. On August 22nd, "America" sailed
in a regatta around the Isle of Wight, organized as part of the First Universal Exposition,
winning over 14 English vessels. "Your Majesty, there is no second," was the historic
response of the signalling officer to Queen Victoria, present that day at the site of the
regatta. The "100 Guineas Cup", as the contested trophy was referred to, followed the
winners to the United States, where it was promptly renamed "America's Cup".
It remained on its pedestal in the New York Yacht Club for over a century, resisting
repeated attempts by numerous challengers.
In September 1983, after 132 years, the Cup left the United States for Perth, Australia,
ending the longest winning period in the history of sports.
From Stevens' victory until today, 27 skippers have won the America's Cup.
The fascination of this challenge has attracted high profile personalities over the years.
Between 1899 and 1930, Sir Thomas Lipton made five consecutive attempts to bring
the Cup to Ireland and, in the following decades, other famous names such as Sopwith,
Vanderbilt, Bich, Turner, Bond, to name a few, contributed to building the myth.
In 2003, Ernesto Bertarelli's Alinghi, of the Société Nautique de Genève, brings the
America's Cup back to Europe after 152 years, winning over defender Emirates Team
New Zealand.
In the 2007 edition, the same two teams are in the finals again, their roles reversed;
Alinghi will win the 32nd America's Cup.
The 33rd edition of the America's Cup was characterised by a long stream of legal
actions opposing Larry Ellison's BMW Oracle Racing - finally recognised as the only
Challenger by the New York's Supreme Court - to team Alinghi.
Eventually the Match took place in February 2010, in Valencia, featuring two giant 90 feet
multi hulls: the trimaran BMW Oracle Racing, with its revolutionary mast and wing sail,
and the catamaran Alinghi 5.
The victory went to BMW Oracle Racing (2-0), who is now the Defender of the 34th
America's Cup.
28 members of the BMW Oracle Racing team, including the helmsman James Spithill,
were former members of the Luna Rossa team in 2007.
3. Luna Rossa History
The first Challenge (30th America's Cup - Auckland - New Zealand - 2000)
3 February 1997, Milan, Italy
The idea.
One evening, in an office near the Duomo of Milan, Patrizio Bertelli and Argentinian yacht
designer German Frers are discussing the construction of a cruising boat. Suddenly
German Frers asks Bertelli. "Why don't we do the America's Cup?" ... "Let's do the
America's Cup!"
In 15 days, from scratch, the core of the challenge - which will stay in the memory of
Italians and of fans all over the world - is designed: the Luna Rossa team is born.
In just a few months the team is complete and ready to begin training.
An outline of the future is made: two and a half years of waking up at six, training in the
gymnasium, at sea, in the gym again, three trips to the other side of the world, one and a
half years of New Zealand sea and sky, the excitement of launching the two Luna Rossa
boats, slender, sleek and shining, nicknamed by the New Zealanders the "Silver Bullet".
6 February 2000, Auckland, New Zealand
The Luna Rossa team writes a page in history by defeating 10 opponents, with a record
of 38 wins over 49 races.
The last is U.S.’s Paul Cayard with his green and grey boat; it takes all the rule's 9 races
to win the Louis Vuitton Cup series and gain the right to challenge Team New Zealand.
It is the first time that an Italian skipper races the America's Cup final Match, and the first
time there is no American yacht in the Cup's finals.
2 March 2000, Auckland, New Zealand
A hard defeat for Luna Rossa’s crew who did not manage to outsail NZL 60, faster and
more innovative in some unprecedented technical details.
2,000 boats, 70,000 fans at the harbour: Auckland is crazy with joy.
After the United States, New Zealand also successfully defends the Cup.
The 2003 Challenge (31st America's Cup - Auckland - New Zealand)
January 2001, Auckland, New Zealand
Three boats on the water: two Luna Rossa and Young America. Three months of time to
regain confidence with the Hauraki Gulf. At the end of the (Austral) Summer, it's back to
Italy to continue the long process of training and improvement at sea and ashore.
August 2001, Cowes, England
The team leaves for Cowes, England, to race in the America's Cup Jubilee and celebrate
the first 150 years of history of the America’s Cup.
August 2002, leaving for New Zealand
Just over one month left to get acquainted and fine-tune the two new Luna Rossa
- ITA 74 and ITA 80 - before the start of the Challengers' selection series.
September 2002, Auckland, New Zealand
The first Round Robin begins on October 1st. The team closes with four wins and four
defeats. Dissatisfied with this result, it decides to perform substantial modifications on
the hull and appendages. A new bow is designed, built and installed in record time on
ITA 74. Also a new keel, already planned in the development program, is installed on the
In the second Round Robin, ITA 74 wins seven of the eight races and qualifies for the
quarter finals.
Luna Rossa modifies the bow on ITA 74 again, optimizes its mast and appendages and
resumes racing with a virtually new yacht.
In the following phase, Luna Rossa ITA 74 wins all four regattas and qualifies to race the
semi-finals against One World, who will win the match.
The 2007 Challenge (32nd America's Cup - Valencia - Spain)
19 August 2004
The challenge is launched through the Yacht Club Italiano, the oldest sailing club in the
Mediterranean, established in 1879 in Genoa, Italy.
The two partners in Luna Rossa Challenge 2007 are the Prada Group and the
Telecom Italia Group.
In February 2004, the Luna Rossa team is the first to set up its base in Valencia, where it
starts training in May with ITA 74 and ITA 80.
While the original historic core of the team remains, new top level talents are included in
all departments. Innovative technology is also introduced.
The team Luna Rossa Challenge 2007 (sailing team, design team, shore team,
weather team, performance team, boat builders, sail loft, logistics, administration and
management) now includes about 110 people from 18 different countries.
October 2004 - April 2007
The Luna Rossa team races in the Louis Vuitton Acts introduced by the defender as part
of the new challengers' selection format.
The Acts are held in different European cities: Valencia, Marseille, Malmö and Trapani.
9 May 2007
Luna Rossa is third at the end of the Round Robins and qualifies for the semi-finals of
the Louis Vuitton Cup.
20 May 2007
Luna Rossa qualifies for the Finals of the Louis Vuitton Cup with a 5-1 win over BMW
Oracle Racing. In the finals, Luna Rossa races against Emirates Team New Zealand,
winner over Spain’s Desafio Español 2007.
6 June 2007
After five tight races, in unfavourable wind conditions, Luna Rossa loses to Emirates
Team New Zealand who wins the Louis Vuitton Cup and gains the right to challenge
defender Alinghi.
2008 - 2009
December, 2008
A new Luna Rossa STP65 yacht is launched in Valencia. She will participate in the 2009
international racing season with a new team of sailors.
January, 2009
Team Luna Rossa participates in the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series (Auckland, New Zealand, January 30 / February 14).
April, 2009
The STP65 Luna Rossa is 1st overall at "Palmavela" (Palma de Mallorca) in the mini maxi
August, 2009
The STP65 Luna Rossa finishes 2nd overall in the Fastnet Race winning the Arambalza
Cup and the Kees van Dam Memorial Trophy.
October, 2009
The STP65 Luna Rossa wins the Rolex Middle Sea Race in the ORC class.
Team Luna Rossa participates in the Audi Med Cup TP52' circuit and in the Louis Vuitton
Trophy of La Maddalena (Sardinia - Italy).
March - December
Team Luna Rossa participates in the Extreme Sailing Series, a 9 events professional
racing circuit for Extreme 40 class catamarans.
18 October
Team Luna Rossa challenges for the 34th America's Cup through the Circolo della Vela
Sicilia of Palermo.
11 December
Singapore. team Luna Rossa, with Max Sirena (skipper), Paul Campbell-James
(helmsman), Alister Richardson (tactician) and Manuel Modena (trimmer), in a breath-taking final event, wins both the Singapore round and the 2011 Extreme Sailing
Series, with a lead of 7 points over the second, defeating, amongst the others, teams
of the calibre of Emirates Team New Zealand, Alinghi, Groupe Edmond de Rothschild,
January - March
Auckland (New Zealand) - Luna Rossa reaches Auckland and starts preparing and racing
with Emirates Team New Zealand. In record time - only 7 days - the team assembles the
AC45 with which it will participate to the America’s Cup World Series.
The launch of the first catamaran takes place on January 16th. The team also acquires
a second AC45 yacht; Luna Rossa will now participate in the ACWS with two boats and
will have a chance to train two complete crews in racing conditions. At the end of March
the team moves to Gaeta to complete its first training cycle in view of the upcoming
America’s Cup World Series regattas to take place in Naples.
4 April
The team is officially presented at the Circolo della Vela Sicilia a Palermo with
Patrizio Bertelli, Agostino Randazzo - President of the Circolo della Vela Sicilia -,
skipper Massimiliano Sirena and a delegation of team members. Among the many
guests is Carlo Croce, President of the Federazione Italiana Vela. Carlo Croce will be
later elected President of the ISAF (International Sailing Federation).
7 - 15 April
Naples - The two Luna Rossa catamarans sail for the first time in the AC45 regattas.
The racing week is characterized by shifty wind conditions that bring strong rains and
storms in the gulf of Naples. Team Luna Rossa at its debut shows a competitive edge:
Piranha wins the fleet races (and takes a 2nd place in the match races), and Swordfish
closes in sixth place (4th in the match races).
12 - 20 May
Venice - The racing week opens with the Trofeo Arzanà Città di Venezia (May 12-13),
won by Luna Rossa Piranha, followed closely in second place by Luna Rossa Swordfish.
In the America’s Cup World Series races the team finishes with its boats in second place
(LR Piranha) and seventh (LR Swordfish) in the match races, but the light and unstable
wind conditions in the final fleet race are not optimal and the LR Piranha finishes this last
regatta 5th and LR Swordfish 6th.
26 June - 1 July
Newport, RI (USA) - The Luna Rossa AC45 catamarans race in the United States for the
first time. Piranha reaches the match race semifinal (ranking 3rd) and then goes on to win
the fleet race of the Newport event in the America’s Cup World Series which was also the
final event in season 2011-2012. Luna Rossa Swordfish closes in fifth place (fleet) and
seventh (match racing).
29 June
Newport, RI (USA) - Patrizio Bertelli is the first Italian ever to enter the America’s Cup Hall
of Fame.
21 - 26 August
San Francisco (USA) - Strong winds and low temperatures prevail throughout the first
event in the city of San Francisco. In the match race regattas the AC45 Luna Rossa
catamarans, after qualifying for the quarter finals, do not move on to the next phase
and place respectively sixth (LR Piranha) and seventh (LR Swordfish) in the match race
ranking. In the fleet races Luna Rossa proves to be highly competitive: Piranha, at the top
of the ranking already from day two, wins the final race and places second overall at only
one point from the winner. Luna Rossa Swordfish wins fleet race three of the event and
closes in fifth place overall.
4 - 7 October
San Francisco (USA) - Luna Rossa faces a tough week following the decision of rotating
its crew. The goal is to give Iker Martinez (newly entered in the team) the opportunity to
gain knowledge and confidence in races with the AC45 class catamarans. Eliminated
from the match racing qualifiers at the first round, Luna Rossa closes the fleet racing
event in 9th place (Piranha) and 11th place (Swordfish).
26 October
Auckland, (New Zealand) - 350 guests and international journalists attend the launch of
the AC72 Luna Rossa catamaran, challenger for the 34th America’s Cup. Miuccia Prada
is the Godmother of the launch. The event is broadcasted live in the evening’s TV news.
The construction of the AC72 Luna Rossa catamaran involved 300 people and 52,000
working hours: 12,000 to build the wing sail, 17,000 for the hulls construction and 23,000
to build the platform and foils. 500 kg of titanium were used and there are about 2,000
metres of lines on board (halyards, sheets, etc.).
Patrizio Bertelli, Team Principal of Luna Rossa, said: “This is our fourth challenge to the
America’s Cup. There is no question that this is the most extreme edition. The emotion
during a launch is always the same and, on this occasion, the thrill is stronger because
this 72-foot catamaran is on the cutting edge of sailing technology and it’s the result of
huge team efforts.”
November - December
Auckland (New Zealand) - A period of intense training and races against Emirates Team
New Zealand begins in the Huraki Gulf. Luna Rossa is able to sail 26 days out of the 30
allowed by the regulations.
January - March
Auckland (New Zealand) - Trainings start again. The Luna Rossa AC72 literally ‘flies’.
Her foils lift the hulls out of the water, and the boat reaches over 42 knots of speed.
Auckland (New Zealand) - Chris Draper is announced as helmsman, Francesco
“Checco” Bruni will be the tactician.
13 - 21 April
Naples - The team goes back to Naples for the America’s Cup World Series. Luna Rossa
participates with two AC45 catamarans: Luna Rossa “Piranha” steered by Chris Draper
and Luna Rossa “Swordfish”, with Francesco Bruni at his first sailing experience as a
catamaran helmsman.
The performances are encouraging: Draper finishes second in the coastal race (the
team will allocate their prize money to the reconstruction of the ‘Città della Scienza’ of
Naples), and Francesco Bruni finishes first and second the overall in the fleet race and
the match race final result respectively.
5 May
Alameda (USA) - Luna Rossa team settles in a provisional technical facility in Alameda,
waiting for its base at Pier 30/32 to be finalized.
9 May
San Francisco (USA) - The sailing world and team Luna Rossa Challenge 2013 are
shocked for the dramatic accident which caused the death of the Olympic medallist
Andrew Simpson, while training on AC72 Artemis catamaran. The accident raises further
safety concerns.
11 May
Patrizio Bertelli, Team Principal of Luna Rossa Challenge 2013, calls for improved safety
17 May
Alameda (USA) - Patrizio Bertelli, Team Principal of Luna Rossa Challenge 2013, meets
the media at the Luna Rossa base in Alameda, in presence of the entire team.
18 May
San Francisco (USA) - The Luna Rossa AC72 sails for the first time on the San Francisco
3 June
San Francisco (USA) - Luna Rossa team settles in its technical base at Pier 30/32, San
4. The Challenge for the 34th America’s Cup
September 2011.
Curious about the performance of the AC45 catamarans, the forerunners of the
America’s Cup class, Patrizio Bertelli goes to Plymouth (UK) to follow the preliminary
tests of the second round of races in the America’s Cup World Series (ACWS).
It's a rainy, cold day, with 15 - 18 knots of wind; yachts fly, ever so fast, they tack like
single-hulls, they nearly overtake the chase boat!
Patrizio Bertelli immediately starts to think about the possible involvement of Luna Rossa
in the 2012 ACWS circuit.
A feasibility study reaches encouraging conclusions from all points of view.
So, back on track!
Luna Rossa launches its Challenge for the 34th America’s Cup through the Circolo della
Vela Sicilia - that enthusiastically accepts to serve as the challenging Yacht Club -.
The hulls of Luna Rossa's AC72 will be built in Italy, and all its other components in New
Just as it happened in the 2000 challenge, the busy and demanding programme is
designed in a few days: a base will open in Auckland, New Zealand, as early as in
January 2012, training will be done in New Zealand, the team will participate in all the
America’s Cup World Series (ACWS) events with two AC45 winged catamarans
- Luna Rossa "Piranha" and Luna Rossa "Swordfish" - and the AC72 winged catamaran
will be launched to race in the America’s Cup.
From May 2013, the Luna Rossa team will continue its sports training and the technical
development of the AC72 catamaran in San Francisco.
5. The team
5.1 Patrizio Bertelli - Team Principal
Patrizio Bertelli, Team Principal of Luna Rossa Challenge 2013,
was born in Arezzo, Italy, in 1946, to a family of lawyers.
He studies Engineering in Bologna, and in 1968 he establishes a
small company producing belts and bags in Arezzo, which later
serves as a basis for the development of his future business.
In 1977, he meets Miuccia Prada, whom he will later marry, and
they sign an agreement for the production and marketing of
leather goods under the “Prada” brand; this marks the beginning
of an association whose success is expressed by the history of
the PRADA Group.
Ever since the early years, Patrizio Bertelli's ability to foresee and anticipate social,
lifestyle and market changes, and to seize consumers' aspirations, prompts him to
review the brand's image on a totally new basis, without altering its DNA but rather by
combining the brand's know-how, history and century-old heritage with an extremely
innovative approach, that is implemented in all process phases. The working method
is also revisited, by means of implementing tight control over the whole value chain, a
business model later adopted throughout the industry.
Uncompromising quality - in all process steps - and innovation, in keeping with the
brand's century-old heritage and with the artisan soul of its production, are the core
values that always inspired Patrizio Bertelli and Miuccia Prada in their development.
In the 1980s and 1990s, Prada experiences a strong growth thanks to the introduction
of new product categories - Prada Women's ready-to-wear in 1988 and Prada Men
in 1993 - and the establishment of a new brand, Miu Miu, in 1993. In early 1997 the
natural extension of the Prada collection, i.e. leisure time and sport products, is added,
characterised by the now unmistakable "red stripe".
At the same time, Prada also embarks in an international expansion plan by opening
directly operated stores in the most exclusive locations of the main world cities and of
prestigious tourist resorts, until, as of January 31st, 2012, the Group reaches a total of
388 directly operated stores in 70 different countries worldwide.
Prada also grows by acquiring the luxury footwear brands Church’s and Car Shoe, and
by adding new product categories: eyewear, fragrances and mobile phones - in 2007,
in collaboration with LG Electronics, the brand launches the first touch-screen mobile
phone ever.
In October 2000 he receives a Honoris Causa degree in Business Administration from
the Università degli Studi di Firenze and in 2006, the US magazine Time includes Patrizio
Bertelli and Miuccia Prada among the 100 most influential couples in the world.
Since June 24th, 2011, 20% of Prada SpA's shares are listed on the Hong Kong Stock
Exchange, with an initial valuation of the company equal to 9.3 billion Euros.
Patrizio Bertelli combines his business activity with cultural interests that he shares with
his wife. Those interests prompted the establishment of the “Fondazione Prada”, that
organises and supports contemporary art exhibitions and other cultural endeavours,
mainly in the fields of cinema, philosophy and architecture, rewarded by unanimous
international acclaim.
A passionate sailor, in 1997 he launches his first challenge to the America’s Cup (2000
edition) and wins the Louis Vuitton Cup. He challenges again for the 2003 and 2007
editions, reaching the Louis Vuitton Cup final in the latter. He is one of the European
personalities who left a very deep mark in the history of the America’s Cup.
An accomplished yachtsman, Patrizio Bertelli loves sailing and not just racing; he spends
his summer holidays cruising on the “Ulisse”, the family yacht, and he is also passionate
about vintage boats.
On June 29th 2012 he was inducted, first Italian ever, in the America’s Cup Hall of Fame.
5.2 Team members
Massimiliano Sirena
40 years old, from Rimini, Italy, Massimiliano “Max” Sirena won the
33rd America’s Cup with BMW Oracle team as wing mast manager;
he skippered the Luna Rossa Extreme 40’, winner of the Extreme
Sailing Series in 2011. He also raced with team Luna Rossa in the
America's Cup campaigns in 2000, when the team won the Louis
Vuitton Cup, 2003 and 2007 as a second bowman.
Marco Bertolotti
Administration and Finance
From Milan, Italy, this is his third America's Cup campaign, always
with team Luna Rossa, in the position of accounting manager.
His previous professional career was in multinational groups active in
the industrial field.
Steve Erickson
Sailing Team Coordinator
From Minnesota, US, Sailing Team Manger, he is a legendary
character in international sailing thanks to his track record.
This includes an Olympic gold medal, 7 world championships,
7 America's Cup campaigns, 4 of which with Luna Rossa (2000,
2003 2007 and 2013) and a victory in the Round-the-World Race.
He is in charge of the team's technical and sailing development
programme and works in close co-operation with the Design Team.
Francesco Longanesi Cattani
External Relations Director
A passionate sailor since his early years, he sailed the first Round the World Race
and, later, the Atlantic Triangle (during which his yacht, Guia III, was hit and sunk
by a killer whale in the mid of the Atlantic Ocean), several ocean races and IOR
World Championships, Admiral’s Cups and Sardinia Cups, with good results.
In the Olympic classes, he raced in the Star class. In his professional carrier he
has been, amongst other appointments, the ADC of Prince Rainier III of Monaco
and the Director of Communication and External Relations of the FIA
(Federation Internationale de l'Automobile, the world motorsport govering body).
He contributed to all the challenges of Luna Rossa for the America’s Cup.
Antonio Marrai
Logistics Manager
From the Tuscan region of Versilia, Italy, he quit a successful
professional career at Agip Petroli to pursue his passion for
competitive sailing; he became a key player in top international
regattas, where he won the Maxi World Championship in 1989 and
the 12m. S.I. World Championship in 2008. He was involved, on board
and on shore, in as many as five America's Cup campaigns, four of
them with Luna Rossa. He is in charge of logistics.
Gianlorenzo Mercurio
General Manager
Born in Benevento, Italy, in 1974, Gianlorenzo is a manager with an
economic and financial background. After graduating in Economy and
obtaining a Master Degree in Administration, Finance and Management
Control, he acquired a robust working experience at professional studios
and leading international companies, including Vodafone, before joining
the Prada Group, where he took the position of Financial Controller and,
more recently, of Executive Assistant to the CEO. An active sportsman, he
regularly practices skiing, swimming and soccer and he loves motorbikes.
Matteo Plazzi
AC72 Operations
From Ravenna, Italy, he is one of the most successful sailors in the
country, always leading international rankings in almost 30 years of
career, including some top-level technical responsibilities. Winner of
the America’s Cup in 2010, he won 7 world championships in different
classes, 3 gold medals, 3 silver medals and 2 bronze medals for sport
merits and the "Una vita per lo sport" honour awarded by CONI. In
offshore sailing, he won the Admiral’s Cup and participated in the
Round the World Race. He was involved in all the team Luna Rossa
America's Cup challenges.
Luis Saenz Mariscal
General Counsel
From Madrid, Spain, he is the team's General Counsel. Specializing
in corporate and sport law, an international umpire, he chaired the
Appeal Committee of the Spanish Sailing Federation and he was the
General Counsel for the candidature of Valencia to host the 32nd
America’s Cup. This is his sixth America's Cup campaign, the second
with Luna Rossa. Previously, he was General Counsel for team
Dennis Conner and Spanish Challenge, where he also served as the
Syndicate's representative.
Sailing Team
Massimiliano Sirena
40 years old, from Rimini, Italy, Massimiliano “Max” Sirena won the
33rd America’s Cup with BMW Oracle team as wing mast manager;
he skippered the Luna Rossa Extreme 40’, winner of the Extreme
Sailing Series in 2011. He also raced with team Luna Rossa in the
America's Cup campaigns in 2000, when the team won the Louis
Vuitton Cup, 2003 and 2007 as a second bowman.
Francesco Bruni
Francesco “Checco” Bruni of Palermo, Italy, is one of the most
complete, eclectic and winning active Italian sailors: in 30 years of
sport, he won 7 world, 5 European and 15 Italian championships in
different classes, from Laser to offshore, from Star to 49er, and he
reached first place in ISAF's Match Race world ranking. He already
raced with team Luna Rossa in two America's Cup campaigns (2003 e
2007) and he will crew the afterguard in this campaign.
Paul Campbell-James
British, holder of a degree in Ship Science from the University of
Southampton, he was the 2010 and 2011 champion in the Extreme
Sailing Series circuit, he won three British Match Race championships
and one world student Match Race championship and a silver medal
in the 49er world championship.
David Carr
Grinder / Foredeck
British, he is a grinder. TP52 World Champion and Farr 40 European
Champion, he raced in two America’s Cups (2003 and 2007) with GBR
Challenge and Victory Challenge, in five Extreme 40 circuits, five Audi
Med Cups and the Match Racing World Championship.
Pierluigi de Felice
Italian from Naples, starts sailing at 7 on the Optimist and then follows
up on the 420s and the 470s. Throughout his sailing career he has won
8 National Championships and earned 4 Silver and 3 bronze medals in
several World Championships and in different Classes.
He has participated in the 2003 and 2007 America's Cup campaigns
with Mascalzone Latino and, in 2011, he was n.1 in the ISAF World
Match Racing ranking and finished 2nd in the World Match Racing
Simone de Mari
Foredeck / Grinder
Born in Rome in 1973, he began racing on offshore boats and J 24s,
participating in major regattas in the Mediterranean and later in the
international match racing circuits. His debut in the America’s Cup
was with Luna Rossa in 1997 where he was one of the youngest
members of the crew; since then he has participated in all challenges
of the team, winning the Louis Vuitton Cup in 2000. In 2010 he won
the America’s Cup aboard BMW Oracle Racing in the role of pitman.
Chris Draper
British, he won a bronze medal at the Athens Olympic Games (2004)
in the 49er class, and was World Champion twice (2003 and 2006)
and European Champion three times (2004, 2005 and 2010) in the
same class. He won the Extreme Sailing Series in 2009, came in
second at the Match Race World Championship in 2011.
Benjamin "Ben" Durham
Coach / Trimmer
From Perth, Australia, he was in three America's Cup campaigns,
including in 2007 with Luna Rossa. He has been with the Luna Rossa
team ever since, where he won the 2011 Extreme Sailing Series and
the 12 m. S.I. World Championship in 1998. In his career, he also won
the Fastnet, the TP52 World Championship and the Audi Med Cup.
Xabier Fernández Gaztañaga
Trimmer / Foredeck
Spanish, was born in Ibarra in 1976. His sailing career started with
two national championship titles in the Vaurien class before moving to
49ers where he expressed his talent trimming fast boats. Xabier’s career
developed alongside Iker Martinez for whom he has crewed since 1998.
Together with him he won two Olympic medals (gold in 2004 and silver in
2008) and three World Championships (2002, 2004 and 2010). Xabier is
a truly complete sailor; he has participated in three editions of the Volvo
Ocean Race (2005-2009-2012) and in the Barcelona World Race in which
he finished second. With a degree in engineering, Xabier is the Spanish
sailor to have won most trophies. This is his first America’s Cup campaign.
Giulio Giovanella
Sailing Team / Rigging
From Trieste, Italy, he acquired a consolidated sailing and shore
experience with Luna Rossa, participating in top-level professional
circuits including l’Extreme Sailing Series, Audi Med Cup (TP52) and
STP65. During the America’s Cup 2007 he was second bowman and
sail vision manager with Mascalzone Latino. He is in charge of rigging
and of the mast.
Nick Hutton
Bowman / Trimmer
From Devon, UK, he is a technically versatile sailor, his track record
including wins in mono-hull fleet races (World and European Champion
in the Swan Championships), in Match Racing (student World
Championship and twice British champion) and in multi-hulls (winner
of the 2010 Extreme Sailing Series). He makes his début in the Luna
Rossa team in this campaign.
Emanuele Marino
Grinder / Foredeck
From Tuscany, Italy, he is a grinder. He has been with Luna Rossa ever
since the 2007 America's Cup campaign and continued to work with
the team also in later years, racing with TP52, STP65 and in the Louis
Vuitton Trophy at La Maddalena.
Marco Mercuriali
Umpire and Rules Advisor
Born in Cesena, Italy. He has been in the Italian national Finn
team from 1978 to 1982. Since 1984, he has been a coach with
Federazione Italiana Vela and from 1990 until 2000 he was in the
staff of the Olympic team. He was involved in the Olympic Games
of Barcelona ‘92, Atlanta ‘96 and Sydney 2000 and in some leading
circuits including the World Match Race Tour, Pre-Olympic weeks,
Louis Vuitton Series and RC44. He was in the crew and athletic trainer
with Azzurra in 1983 and the coach of the Luna Rossa team (20002003-2007).
Manuel Modena
From Lake Garda, Italy, he is a multi-skilled sailor who accumulated
experience in the Italian Olympic team, class 49er (2001 - 2004, Italian
Champion in 2003). World Champion in the Melges 24 class in 2005,
in the same year he won the Italian Match Race Championship. After
the 2007 America’s Cup, he raced, again with Luna Rossa, in the
STP65 and TP52 seasons, and in 2011 he won the Extreme Sailing
Marco Montis
Grinder / Diver
Born in Livorno in 1971, Marco is a martial arts and weightlifting
training instructor. His approach to yacht racing was in 1994 on
board of "Tomahawk". His sailing career continued on offshore and
Maxi yachts. His first America’s Cup campaign was in 2007 and he
subsequently sailed the 2009 (STP65 and Louis Vuitton Pacific Series)
and 2010 (TP52 and Louis Vuitton Trophy at La Maddalena) racing
seasons with Luna Rossa.
Wade Morgan
Grinder / Foredeck
Australian, born in 1981, he began his career as a professional sailor in
1999, making his debut in the America’s Cup at only 18 as a member
of the Young Australia team (2000). He later worked with the Alfa
Romeo team and became the project manager of Alfa Romeo 3. Three
participations in the Sydney-Hobart race with three victories -two of
them with 'line honours'. In 2007 he participated again in an America’s
Cup campaign with the team "Areva" and also participated in the 201112 Volvo Ocean Race as bowman of the Abu Dhabi team. He has been
part of the crew of "Luna Rossa" in the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series in
Auckland and in the Louis Vuitton Trophy at La Maddalena.
Umberto Panerai
Athletic Trainer
From Florence, Italy, he was appointed Cavaliere della Repubblica for
sport merits; he participated to three Olympic Games with the Italian
national water polo team, (silver medal in 1976), won a gold medal at the
Mediterranean Games, a bronze medal at the European Championship
and won the Italian Championship twice. A multi-skilled sportsman, he also
won a world sailing championship in the Maxi class. Formerly Technical
Manager of the Cataluña Water Polo Federation and coach of several
teams, including national teams, he was Luna Rossa's athletic trainer in the
2000 America's Cup campaign. In parallel with his sport career, he carried
out a successful management career with several prestigious companies,
including Prada.
Alister Richardson
Wing Trimmer
British, he is the wing trimmer. Winner of the Extreme Sailing Series
in 2010 and 2011, he has accumulated an extensive multi-hull
experience on the Extreme 40 and 49er classes, where he steered the
yachts in 6 World Championships, 5 European Championships and in
the pre-Olympic regattas in Athens and Sydney.
Giles Scott
Grinder / Trimmer
Giles, 25 years old, is British and holds a Bachelor of Science degree
from Southampton. After the Laser youth World championship
he has won several gold medals in Laser and Finn international
regattas and has been gold medallist in the European and World Finn
championships in 2011. This is his first America's Cup campaign.
Design Team
Gwénolé Bernard
Born in Lorient, Brittany, Gwénolé is 25; he grew up near the sea
and has always been a sailor and an enthusiast of all aquatic sports.
During his university years he sailed for one year throughout the
Atlantic on a 10- meter boat with two friends. He obtained his degree
from the ENSTA Bretagne (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques
Avancées), following which he has worked as a naval engineer for
SAIPEM. He sailed in four editions of the Tour de France and is at his
first America’s Cup experience.
Francesco Binetti Pozzi
Systems Design
A mechanical engineer specialising in on-board mechanical systems,
such as winch, pedestal, gear box, hydraulic systems. In the last
fifteen years, he has worked with the leading companies in the
industry and with the Volvo Ocean Race and America's Cup teams
including Illbruck and Alinghi. From 2004 to 2010 he was with BMW
Oracle Racing. In the last multi-hull America's Cup he was in charge
of the motor project developed in co-operation with BMW Motor
Roberto Biscontini
Naval Architect
From Pesaro, Italy, Roberto obtained two university degrees in the
UK, one in naval engineering from the University of Southampton
and one in aeronautical engineering from the University of Cranfield;
he has substantial America's Cup experience since 1989 with Moro
di Venezia and, later, he joined the teams Pact 95, Young America
(2000), BMW Oracle Racing (2003) and finally Luna Rossa, in the 2007
challenge. He is the design team co-ordinator.
Will Brooks
Structural Engineer
British, a structural engineer specialising in composites and structures
for top-level racing yachts; he has extensive experience in high-profile
competitive yachting acquired over twenty years of professional
career, during which he co-operated with several America's Cup
teams, including Alinghi, and with the most prestigious boatyards,
including Green Marine. He was with team Luna Rossa in one of its
three previous America's Cup challenges.
Paul Flett
Wing and System Design
A Design Engineer from Auckland, New Zealand, Paul sailed from an
early age, competing in sailing regattas at national & international level.
Passionate about the marine industry, he studied Marine Construction,
Design and Engineering and has gained wide experience in the
construction and design of race yachts through working as a boat builder
for team Alinghi in the successful 2003 America’s Cup campaign, and also
as a project designer for Southern Spars (Auckland, New Zealand).
Paul joined Luna Rossa Challenge 2013 at the end of 2012, following an
experience as design draftsman with Emirates Team New Zealand.
Thomas Gaveriaux
Platform Project Manager
French, he acquired a wide experience in the design and building
of multi-hulls, including the maxi trimaran “Sodebo”. He obtained
numerous wins, both as a sailor and as a designer. They include
winning the 2010 America’s Cup with BMW Oracle Racing, where he
was design co-ordinator and structural engineering manager, and the
Fastnet 2011 in the 40 class.
Peter Lawson
Wing Structural Design
Born in Auckland (New Zealand). He graduated as a Naval Architect
in the UK and specialised in composites engineering and marine
structures. He worked for well-known companies including High
Modulus and Southern Spars designing and building hi-tech race
yacht masts. He was spar designer for Alinghi (2003) and Team New
Zealand (2007).
Fabrizio Marabini
Performance Analysis
From Bergamo, Italy, he holds a Master in Aeronautical Engineering
specialising in fluid dynamics; he has extensive America's Cup
experience as an analyst and software developer since 1992 and he
was with team Luna Rossa in the 2000 and 2003 challenges. He is
the co-founder and CEO of FaRo Advanced Systems SL, a company
specialising in the production of electronic components for sailing
Matteo Olivieri
From Modena, Italy. Engineer, this is his first experience of America's
Cup. In the last years Matteo has worked with several design and
project management offices in yacht design. Since 2010 he has
been working for Riba Composites (Faenza, Italy) as carbon mast
designer and project manager for custom job. He is also competent in
composite design and manufacturing.
Julien Pilate
Wing Tuning / Design
From Brussels, Belgium, Julien holds a degree in mechanical engineering.
After his studies he moved to New Zealand working for the first two years
as a research assistant at the Yacht Research Unit of the University of
Auckland, specializing in the aerodynamics of sail boats. Further to his
research activity he was also introduced to the sail design world while
working with North Sails NZ. Julien then continued his work for the North
Technology Group where he has been involved in different projects: AC72
Share Design Package (North Technology Group) and RigMan (Southern
Giorgio Provinciali
From Milan, Italy, he holds a Master in Naval
Engineering from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques
Avancées (ENSTA) of Paris and one in Aerospace Engineering
from the Politecnico of Milan. In his career, Giorgio was involved in
developing numerous projects; he specialises in VPP, tank testing
and performance analysis. He was a member of Luna Rossa's Design
Team from 2001 to 2007 and he won the 2010 America’s Cup with
BMW Oracle Racing. He is in charge of the appendages design and of
the performance prediction programme.
Michael Richelsen
CFD Aero
From Denmark, he is the CFD specialist for the "aero" part. He won
the 32nd America’s Cup (2007) with Alinghi, where he served as CFD
manager also in the 2010 challenge. He was involved in developing
the wing mast programme with North Technology Group.
Michael Allan Schreiber
Wing / Sail Designer
From Oregon, US, he is the team's key sail designer, in particular he
is in charge of the wing development. Winner of four America’s Cup
(Stars & Stripes 1987 and 1988, Alinghi 2003 and 2007), he started his
professional career in North Sails back in 1977, and was involved in
as many as eight America's Cup campaigns as a sail designer.
Technical / Shore
Giuseppe Acquafredda
Born in the Adriatic coastal town of Cervia, Giuseppe's prevalent
racing experience is on offshore boats. He participated in important
championships with excellent results, among which a second place in
the Melges 32 Worlds and another second in the Farr 40 Worlds with
Torben Grael. He is at his first America’s Cup experience.
Michelangelo Bartoloni
Born in Tuscany, Michelangelo is a world traveler. With a high school
diploma in hotel management, he has worked for the past six years
in some of the top restaurants of Italy, France, Australia and New
Zealand. His specialty is Italian cuisine.
Daniele Belluzzi
Chase boat driver
With over thirty years of experience on all types of racecourses, both
as a North sailmaker and as a sailor, Daniele has competed in various
classes - Maxi, Farr 40, Melges 20, 24 and 32 - and offshore yachts
in the most important international circuits, among which Rolex and
Audi. He is also a professional captain on cruise boats and at his first
America’s Cup experience.
Anna Beltrami
Born in Brescia, Italy, Anna has traveled far and wide. She holds a
degree in languages and has put it to good use in the past seven
years while traveling and working in London, Buenos Aires and
Melbourne in different roles. At her first America’s Cup experience,
she manages administrative and logistic aspects.
Roberto Berrozpe Sanchez
From Pamplona, Spain, IT engineer, he was in charge of software
and electronics development for team Desafio Español in the 32nd
America’s Cup (2007). He is co-founder and technical manager
of FaRo Advanced Systems SL, a company specialising in the
production of electronic components for sailing yachts.
Giulio Bertelli
A passionate sailor and lover of the sea, Giulio has sailed throughout
all of the Mediterranean, but never raced professionally. He
interrupted his architectural studies in London to join the Luna Rossa
shore team as a rigger. This is his first America’s Cup experience as a
Antoine Bonnaveau
Born in the south of France, Antoine is a sails performance analyst
and is at his third America’s Cup campaign with Luna Rossa.
Antoine's America’s Cup career began in 1987 in Perth (Australia) as
a sailmaker for the French syndicate French Kiss. He has participated
in five America’s Cup campaigns and won the 33rd edition, in
2010, with BMW Oracle Racing. He is the founding partner of BSG
Développements, an international company specializing in the
development of software to design and analyse sail performance.
“SailPack” and “SailVision” are two of his most successful programs.
Andrew Burgess
Chase Boat / Shore Crew
From New Zealand, he raced in several national and international
regattas ever since he was a child. He acquired extensive experience
working at Auckland's Cookson boatyard. He is also qualified in
Andrea Carlini
Shore Crew
Andrea is Italian but in 2011 he moved to Valencia, in Spain. He spent
the military service in the taekwondo sports group. Immediately
after he started working for companies specialising in design and
construction of masts, rigging and fittings in carbon fiber for racing
Andrea Casimirri
From Ascoli Piceno, Italy, he is a tools expert specialising in masts
and hydraulics; he developed his experience in several different yacht
classes, where he acquired in-depth expertise on all systems and
configurations, including wing masts. The latter were his responsibility
in team BMW Oracle Racing, with which he won the 33rd America’s
Manuel Cobacho Santaella
Boat Builder
From Spain. He acquired extensive boatbuilding experience in several
regattas, such as the Round the World Race and the America's Cup.
In recent years, he was involved in building yachts for Desafio Espanol
(2000), Luna Rossa (2005), Oracle Racing (2007).
Marine Derrien
From Saint Brieuc, France, after graduating in Economics Marine's
passion for sailing prompted her to develop her professional career in
yachting; she specialised in logistics and operations with the Offshore
Sailing Team of Cowes, UK, where she coordinated the Estrella
Damm campaign in the Open 60 and the iShares and BT Extreme
40 campaigns in the Extreme Sailing Series, where she was later
appointed logistics manager.
Marie Dixneuf
Boat Builder
From La Ferrière (Vendée), France, Marie has extensive experience in
building large racing multi-hulls. In her career, that started in 2000, she
prepared some of the best-known multi-hulls for ocean racing (Route
du Rhum, Vendée Globe, Québec-St. Malo etc). Amongst others, she
collaborated with the Gitana France, MIRA, Flying Fish and OCEA
MAG boatyards.
Manuel Espada Rodriguez
Boat Builder
From Spain, he specialises in the building and lamination of high-tech
state-of-the-art hulls. Over the years, he superintended the building
of IACC Luna Rossa (2007), Telefonica for the Volvo Ocean Race
2011, TP52 Luna Rossa, Matador and Oracle and the STP65 Luna
Rossa. He was already in the Luna Rossa shore team during the 2007
America’s Cup.
Davide Fuzzi
From Riccione, Italy, he gained his sailing training and experience
mainly in offshore classes. His track record includes winning the ORC
World Championship and the IMS European Championship, and
leading performances in several international regattas. This is his first
America's Cup experience, and he is in charge of mast rigging.
Monique Galassi
Executive Assistant
Born in France, Monique is half Italian and half American.
After gaining her degree in Anthropology in the US she has lived and
worked in Italy where she joined the Prada group in 1999. Following
her dream of working in sports, she has participated with Luna Rossa,
in roles of secretary, hospitality and logistics since 2000, supporting
2003 and 2007 AC campaigns, as well as the LV Pacific Series in
2009, the TP52' circuit in 2010 and Extreme Sailing Series in 2011.
Frederic Gastinel
French, born in Brittany in 1970, Frederic has worked for over 15
years with the most important race yacht boatyards and specialized
in mechanics and in machining carbon masts. Recently he has been
in charge of the hydraulics and transmission systems, as well as of
the construction, of the yacht Groupama 4, winner of the 2011 - 2012
Volvo Ocean Race.
Ilan Graetz
Shore Team Manager
From Florence, Italy, after graduating in Yacht and Boat Design
in Southampton, UK, he worked mainly as a project manager,
and supervised the building of prestigious maxi yachts including
Wallygator, Rrose Selavy, Longobarda. More recently, he was
in charge of coordinating technical shore operations for Nautor
Challenge in the Volvo Ocean Race and he is a project manager with
Southern Spars.
Jesse Green
Boat Builder
From Auckland, Jesse started his career as a qualified composite
boat builder involved with the building of Earthrace, the boat that
went on to beat the world record in the globe circumnavigation. After
spending 2 years in the aerospace industry he joined Cookson Boats,
building the AC45 fleet, three AC72s and Camper, Emirates Team
New Zealand’s boat who competed in the Volvo Ocean Race. This is
Jesse's first experience within an America’s Cup team.
Brendan Jones
Born in Auckland, NZ, Brendan started working in boat construction
9 years ago in Southern Spars where he did his apprenticeship in
Engineering fabrication. He has built masts and booms for several
Super yachts and racing yachts, including TP52s, IRC52s, Open 60s,
Maxi and VOR70s. He was involved in the construction of the latest
Volvo Ocean 65 and built the two AC72 Wings for Luna Rossa. He is
at his first America’s Cup campaign.
Toni Laghigna
From Lake Garda, Italy, he is in charge of painting the boats. In his
career, he painted some of the most prestigious boats in the world,
including the “Bribon” yachts belonging to King Juan Carlos I of Spain.
He has been with team Luna Rossa ever since its first America's Cup
challenge (2000) and has reached his fourth America's Cup campaign.
Giovanni Mascetti
Born in Milan, Italy, Giovanni has a degree in Materials Engineering from
the Istituto Politecnico of Milan. An accomplished sailor, he has merged
his passion for sailing with his interest in technology and design, aero/
hydro dynamics theory, resource management and construction processes.
When not at sea he worked from 2007 onwards as consultant and Project
Manager during the construction of 2 America's cup class boats, a TP52,
VO70 and Class40. Prior to joining the team he worked as Project Manager
and Senior Manager for the biggest composite rigging manufacturer in
the marine business, located in Spain. This is his first America’s Cup
Francesco Mauri
Boat Builder
Italian, born in Rimini in 1993, Francesco is the youngest team
member of Luna Rossa. He has earned his degree in a technical
high school and has already been working for several years at the
BertMauri boatyard where he carried out activities such as hull and
deck lamination for racing yachts. He worked on the construction of
two Class 40 yachts and on the Minitransat Paci Pat 650.
Stefano Morosin
Italian, born in Padova in 1974, Stefano is an electronics engineer
with a specialization in telematics obtained from the Ministry of
Defence. He has participated in all of the Luna Rossa America’s Cup
campaigns (Auckland 2000, 2003 and Valencia 2007) and was part
of the BMW Oracle Racing team winner of the 33rd America’s Cup
(2010) against Alinghi. After the 33rd America’s Cup Stefano joined
team Esimit Europa 2, a high-tech 30 meter maxi, and then the French
team Groupama, winner of the 2011 - 2012 Volvo Ocean Race.
Angelo Napilitano
Machine Shop
A native of Latina, born in 1971, he graduated from the Professional
Institute of Mechanics. He worked with the ship yard Wally at its
plants in Fano (PU) for the construction of racing boats and cruises.
In 2007 he took part in the 32nd America's Cup with Mascalzone
Latino, and constructed the boats. In 2010 he contributed in building
the catamaran Alinghi 5 for the 33rd America's Cup. Has several years
of experience in building racing boats and in the development of
mechanical parts.
Stefano Ongaro
Boat Builder
Born in Feltre, province of Belluno, Stefano graduated in commercial
art. Among his working experiences, there is his collaboration
with Trimarine, a Portuguese firm specialized in boats’ design and
construction. Stefano is at his first America’s Cup campaign.
Ian Pattison
Sail Loft Manager
Born in Malta in 1967, Ian is British. He started sailing at the age of 7 with his
father in Portsmouth on a Victory one-design. Ian’s yacht racing career in the
past 30 years developed mostly in the sail loft, spanning from sail design to sail
making: he started very young with Lucas Sails and Diamond Sailmakers, and
subsequently took up the responsibility of North Sails UK’s sail loft. He then
moved to the US, where he became the sail loft supervisor of North Sails 3DL
in Minden, Nevada. In 2001 he joined team Alinghi with whom he won the 2003
and 2007 America’s Cup as Sail Loft Manager. In the 2010 America’s Cup he was
responsible for Alinghi’s sail development, a role that allowed him to acquire a
significant experience in the design of sails for large multihulls.
Leonardo Plazzi
Born in Ferrara, Leonardo works as physiotherapist, but he is also
a karatè instructor and a personal trainer. After collaborating for
many years with soccer teams, in 2012 Leonardo joined team Luna
Rossa for the America’s Cup World Series in Venice. This is his first
America’s Cup campaign. He works closely with Umberto Panerai,
team Luna Rossa’s athletic trainer.
Paul Quinn
Boat Builder
From Taupo, New Zealand, Paul specialises in building top-level
racing yachts. He was a boat builder in the 2003 and 2007 America’s
Cups, with teams Oracle and Desafio Español respectively.
Todd Rhodes
Born in Takahama city, Japan, Todd is German. He moved to New
Zealand at the age of 20 where he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in
Music and Arts from Auckland University. He also holds a degree in
Information and Communication Technologies from the AIT (Auckland
Institute of Technology) which is now the focus of his professional
career. Todd also owns a software business in Osaka, Japan.
He is at his first America’s Cup experience.
Scott Sandford
From Auckland, New Zealand, Scott specialises in shore operations
connected to handling, planning and organising the assembly of boats
and modules. After starting his career in different industries, Scott was
with team BMW Oracle Racing from 2001 to 2011, in different logistic
management roles.
Maurizio Sarigu
From Sardinia, Italy, graduated from the hotel academy, he is
experienced in Italian and international cuisine and has been working
for well-known hotels and restaurants for over twenty years. He was
involved in two America's Cups (2003-2007) with the Luna Rossa
Keith Sexton
Boat Builder
Born in Southampton (UK), Keith lives in Tuscany and since 1997 has
participated in all of the Luna Rossa America’s Cup campaigns.
His boatbuilding career started at the Green Marine boatyard in Lymington,
where he specialized in the building of high-tech racing yachts, in particular
maxi yachts. During this period he actively took part in the building of some
of the fastest and most prestigious racing and luxury yachts, among whom
Giovanni Agnelli’s Stealth and two boats that competed in the Round the World
Race. Keith was also in charge of building an 85’ yacht at the Derektor boatyard
of New York. In 2010 he was part of the Alinghi team where he worked on the
construction of the Alinghi 5 catamaran.
Stuart Shanks
Boat builder
Born in Sydney, Stuart has been involved in the marine industry since
1999, working on boats ranging from fast cruising catamarans to
America’s Cup racing yachts. His experience as boat builder and shore
crew includes the 2007 America’s Cup challenge with Luna Rossa as
well as significant experiences with Wally Yachts, Equipo Telefonica,
Artemis Open 60 and Groupama, where he worked in the 2010 and
2011 Volvo Ocean Race campaigns.
Gerardo Siciliano
From Latina, Italy, he sailed top yachts including Riviera di Rimini
(1998-1999) and TIM (Orma 60') in 2001-2004 on which he raced
top-level regattas and ocean records. He was in the shore team in the
Volvo Ocean Race 2005 with "Pirates of the Caribbean". In 2008 and
2009 he was in Audi Med Cup TP52 circuit, and recently he followed
the preparation of the Volvo Ocean Racer 70 Abu Dhabi.
Francene Simpson
From Auckland, New Zealand, Francene has been with the team since
the very beginning, when it first arrived in Auckland in 1998 to prepare
for the challenge in 2000. She stayed with the team until 2003, when
the Cup left New Zealand, and now she is back on board.
Cody Smith
Cody was born in 1979 in the United States. His sail making career
started in 1998 with North Sails in Minden, Nevada. Since then he
worked for North Sails Rhode Island as production supervisor, and
following that for North Sails San Diego as production supervisor. He
then returned to Minden NV as North Sails floor manager. Cody was a
sailmaker for the Alinghi America’s Cup challenges of 2007 and 2010.
He is at this third America’s Cup experience.
Steve Smith
Born in Auckland, Steve “Axel” Smith boasts many years of
experience in various mechanical and engineering sectors. He then
specialized in the nautical industry and has been part of the shore
crew for a of number of America’s Cup challenges, among which
the winning Alinghi campaigns of 2003 and 2007, as well as the
Volvo Ocean Race. Axel also runs his own Global Welding Supplies
business in Auckland.
Ben Tapper
Boat builder
New Zealander, born in Auckland, Ben is an expert in maintenance
for boat hulls and components. Throughout his professional career
he worked on the construction of many successful race boats in
various classes, such as America’s Cup, TP52, IMOCA 60, “canting
keel” IRCs or Maxis such as SpeedBoat. Ben joined Luna Rossa after
completing his shore team experience with New Zealand’s Camper
Volvo Ocean Race campaign.
Matthew Tasker
Born in Southampton in 1972. After finishing school he started to
work as a sailmaker for Williams Lancaster sails in Hamble, and
Diamond Sails in the UK. At this time he was also working as a
sailmaker for North Sails UK. In 2005 he joined the Alinghi sail loft for
its successful defense of the 32nd America’s Cup. Matt was also on
the Alinghi sailmaking team in the 2010 Americas Cup. He is now at
his third America’s Cup experience.
Nicole Tipler
Administrative Procedures
Originally from the UK, Nicole has worked in Italy, New Zealand,
France and Switzerland in internationally-oriented roles for various
world-class companies and the New Zealand Consulate-General
in Milan where, amongst other things, she managed functions and
events. She is now responsible for ensuring the team Luna Rossa’s
administrative procedures required for the team’s during its frequent
overseas travel. This is her first America’s Cup campaign.
Giovanni Tognozzi
From Tuscany, Italy, he has been with team Luna Rossa ever since
its first America's Cup challenge (2000). In 2011, he was shore team
manager for the Extreme 40 catamaran, with which Luna Rossa won
the Extreme Sailing Series international racing circuit. This is his fourth
America's Cup campaign.
John White
Site and building specialist
Born in Auckland, New Zealand, John has been a marine sports
fanatic his whole life. He has competed as an international rower and
coach for New Zealand in World and Olympic class events. He is a
building adviser and for commercial and residential sites around the
world. He was involved in the Luna Rossa 2000 and 2003 campaigns
in New Zealand and is now at his third America’s Cup campaign.
Andrew Wotherspoon
Born in Auckland in 1972, Andrew is a New Zealand citizen. After
completing his high school studies he started working as a sailmaker
with North Sails. In 1998 he joined Team New Zealand and with them
won the America's Cup in 2000. He then went on to win again with
team Alinghi in the 31st and 32nd editions of the America’s Cup. He
recently participated in the international TP52 and Mini Maxi circuits.
He is a passionate sailor, as well as an active windsurfer and
Communications / PR
Mariana Arnaut
Born in Lisbon, Portugal, Mariana comes from a family of sailing
enthusiasts. Her working experience started in Lisbon where she was
assistant to a fashion director for a year. Following that she pursued
a fashion design course at the Istituto Marangoni in Milan. During her
studies in Italy she has been working as an online journalist for Vogue
Portugal. Mariana is at her first America’s Cup experience.
Carlo Borlenghi
Carlo Borlenghi was born in Bellano (Lake of Como) where he started
his photography career. Renowned throughout the world as one of
the best sailing photographers, Carlo travelled around the world,
following the most important nautical events such as all the America’s
Cup editions since 1983, the Whitbread Round the World Races, The
Race, the Rolex Regattas and many more. He has been involved in
all the team Luna Rossa America's Cup challenges (2000, 2003 2007
and 2013).
Luca Buttò
Photo Editor
Born in Sicily, Luca has a degree in Communication and a master in
Photoghrapy. He joined the Studio Borlenghi in 2009 collaborating
as photographer and photo editor, covering many international races
such as the 33rd America’s Cup, the America’s Cup World Series, and
the Rolex Regattas. Luca works for the communication department in
tight connection with photographer Carlo Borlenghi.
Pietro Invernizzi
Press Office / Internet
With a lifelong passion for sailing, Pietro crossed the Atlantic Ocean
from New York to Balearic Islands and raced on both dinghy classes
and offshore boats. An expert of websites both in terms of creative
contents and architecture, he is now joining team Luna Rossa for the
34th America’s Cup. Pietro works in the Communication Department
and he is charge of digital communication.
Giordana Pipornetti
Press Officer
Born in Rome, Giordana started sailing on the Optimist when she was
6 and went on to racing in dinghy classes until the age of 21. After a
degree in Molecular Biology she went back to the sailing world and
started working as press officer and PR in national and international
sailing events such as, among others, Extreme Sailing Series, MOD
70's European Tour, World Match Racing Tour and Olympic Games
of London. After a brief experience in the 33rd edition, this is her first
America’s Cup campaign. She is working in the Communication and PR
6. The 34th America's Cup
6.1 Format
The 34th America’s Cup, unlike previous editions, occurs in two separate phases, each
of which sailed with a different class of yachts.
The innovation derives from the new yacht class introduced to race in the Louis Vuitton
Cup - America’s Cup Challenger Selection Series - and the America’s Cup Final Match:
the AC72 winged maxi catamarans, that represent a real revolution in sailing and in
particular in the America’s Cup.
In order to allow crews, designers, sailmakers and shore teams to become familiar
with this new class of yachts, the Defender introduced a smaller one-design winged
catamaran, similar to the AC72: the AC45.
The first phase of the 34th America’s Cup consisted therefore of a number of racing
events - the America’s Cup World Series – that have been raced with the AC45
catamarans up to April 2013. The score in the ACWS is not relevant for the
Louis Vuitton Cup or for the America’s Cup.
The second phase, sailed in the AC72 maxi catamarans, consists of the Louis Vuitton
Cup - America’s Cup Challenger Selection Series - and the America’s Cup; these races
will take place respectively from July 7th to August 31st and from September 7th to the
21st in San Francisco.
There are three Challengers - Artemis Racing, Emirates Team New Zealand and Luna
Rossa Challenge 2013 -, the Defender being Oracle Team USA.
The Louis Vuitton Cup format can be summarized as follows: there will be 5 Round
Robins, a Semi-Final and a Final. The best scoring team at the end of the Round Robins
can access directly to the Final of the Louis Vuitton Cup.
In this event the two remaining teams will sail the Semi-Final. The winner of 4 races will
race the Louis Vuitton Cup Final against the best scoring team in the Round Robins.
The winner of 7 races in the Louis Vuitton Cup Final will be the Challenger of Oracle
Team USA in the Final America’s Cup Match from the September 7th to the 21st.
The winner of 9 races in the Final Match will be the winner of the 34th America’s Cup.
6.2 Schedule
4 July
5 July
Opening Ceremony
Opening Series
Special Event
6 July
7 July
8 July
9 July
LVC Round Robin 1
10 July
LVC Round Robin 1
Reserve Day
Def Access 1300
1215 ART vs ETNZ
1330 Def Access
13 July
14 July
LVC Round Robin 2
LVC Round Robin 2
Def Access 1200
1215 LR vs ETNZ
1330 Def Access
15 July
Def Access 1200
1330 Def Access
21 July
LVC Round Robin 3
LVC Round Robin 3
Def Access 1200
1215 LR vs ART
1330 Def Access
Def Access 1200
1330 Def Access
LVC Round Robin 4
LVC Round Robin 5
Def Access 1200
1330 Def Access
3 August
Def Access 1200
Reserve Day
Reserve Day
10 August
11 August
LVC Semi Final
Reserve Day
Reserve Day
1230 Def Access 1300
Reserve Day
Reserve Day
Reserve Day
1 August
2 August
1100 Def Access 1200
Reserve Day
1215 LR vs ART
6 August
7 August
LVC Semi Final
LVC Semi Final
1230 Def Access 1300
1230 Def Access 1300
1315 SF - Race 1
1315 SF - Race 2
1430 Def Access 1500
1430 Def Access 1500
12 August
13 August
14 August
LVC Semi Final
LVC Semi Final
8 August
9 August
LVC Semi Final
Reserve Day
1315 SF - Race 3
1400 Def Access 1500
15 August
16 August
LVC Semi Final
Reserve Day
1200 Def Access 1300
1315 SF - Race 5*
1100 Def Access 1200
LVC Round Robin 5
1215 ART vs ETNZ
1315 SF - Race 6*
1315 SF - Race 4
1430 Def Access
31 July
Reserve Day
1330 Def Access
26 July
LVC Round Robin 5
5 August
25 July
1215 ART vs LR
30 July
4 August
Reserve Day
LVC Round Robin 4
1215 LR vs ETNZ
1215 ETNZ vs LR
1330 Def Access
24 July
Reserve Day
1330 Def Access
1100 Def Access 1200
LVC Round Robin 4
29 July
19 July
1215 ART vs ETNZ
23 July
28 July
1215 ETNZ vs ART
Reserve Day
1330 Def Access
18 July
LVC Round Robin 3
1215 ART vs LR
1215 ETNZ vs LR
27 July
17 July
Reserve Day
22 July
Reserve Day
LVC Round Robin 2
20 July
1100 Def Access 1200
1215 LR vs ART
16 July
1215 ETNZ vs ART
12 July
LVC Round Robin 1
Reserve Day
1215 ETNZ vs LR
11 July
1200 Def Access 1300
Reserve Day
1315 SF - Race 7*
1400 Def Access 1500
17 August
18 August
LVC Final
LVC Final
19 August
20 August
21 August
Challenger & Defender
1230 Def Access 1300
1230 Def Access 1300
1310 Final - Race 1
1310 Final - Race 3
1310 Final - Race 5
1340 Def Access 1400
1340 Def Access 1400
1410 Final - Race 6
1410 Final - Race 2
1410 Final - Race 4
24 August
25 August
LVC Final
LVC Final
1310 Final - Race 7
1310 Final - Race 9*
1340 Def Access 1400
1340 Def Access 1400
1410 Final - Race 8*
1410 Final - Race 10*
1440 Def Access 1510
1440 Def Access 1510
31 August
Reserve Day
7 September
22 August
23 August
1200 Def Access 1400
Reserve Day
LVC Final
Access 1100 - 1600
Reserve Day
26 August
27 August
28 August
29 August
LVC Final
Challenger & Defender
Reserve Day
Access 1100 - 1600
30 August
LVC Final
1200 Def Access 1400
1310 Final - Race 11*
1310 Final - Race 13*
1410 Final - Race 12*
1430 Def Access 1530
1 September
2 September
3 September
4 September
Red Bull Youth AC
Red Bull Youth AC
Red Bull Youth AC
Red Bull Youth AC
1100 - 1400
1100 - 1400
1100 - 1400
1100 - 1400
Challenger & Defender
Challenger & Defender
Challenger & Defender
Challenger & Defender
Access 1400 - 1600
Access 1400 - 1600
Access 1400 - 1600
Access 1400 - 1600
8 September
9 September
10 September
11 September
5 September
6 September
12 September
13 September
America's Cup Match America's Cup Match Superyacht Regatta America's Cup Match Superyacht Regatta America's Cup Match Superyacht Regatta
1310 AC Match - Race 1
1310 AC Match - Race 3
1410 AC Match - Race 2
1410 AC Match - Race 4
14 September
15 September
1100 Start
1310 AC Match - Race 11*
Reserve Day
Reserve Day
Reserve Day
Reserve Day
24 September
20 September
Reserve Day
1310 AC Match - Race 15*
1410 AC Match - Race 14*
23 September
19 September
America's Cup Match
1310 AC Match - Race 13*
22 September
1100 Start
1410 AC Match - Race 8
18 September
America's Cup Match
1410 AC Match - Race 10* 1410 AC Match - Race 12*
21 September
17 September
1310 AC Match - Race 7
1410 AC Match - Race 6
16 September
America's Cup Match America's Cup Match
1310 AC Match - Race 9
1100 Start
1310 AC Match - Race 5
1410 AC Match - Race 16*
25 September
26 September
27 September
America's Cup Match
1310 AC Match - Race 17*
LVC = Louis Vuitton Cup, America's Cup Challenger Series
* = Racing if necessary
LRC = Luna Rossa Challenge 2013
ETNZ = Emirates Team New Zealand
AR = Artemis Racing
Hull length
Maximum beam
7. The yachts
Wing height
13,45 m
6,90 m
21,50 m
2,70 m
Hull length
22 m
Maximum beam
14 m
Wing height
40 m
1400 Kg
Sail Area:
5900 Kg
Sail Area:
85 sqm
48 sqm
4,40 m
125 sqm
Estimated maximum speed:
260 sqm
80 sqm
320 sqm
Estimated maximum speed:
16 knots
25 knots
28 knots
42 knots
40 m
21,50 m
8. Circolo della Vela Sicilia
The Circolo della Vela Sicilia, established in 1933, is one of the oldest and most
prestigious sailing clubs in the Mediterranean.
The opening regatta, which was held a few months after the club was established, saw
the involvement of Alfonso XIII, the King of Spain, on his yacht Hispania VII, and many
distinguished European personalities patronised, like they still do, its beautiful and
elegant clubhouse in Mondello, a few kilometres from central Palermo.
Over the years, many club members stood out thanks to their sporting performance in
many classes, amongst them Enrico Ducrot, Luigi Airoldi, Giuseppe Tasca d’Almerita,
Alessandro La Lomia and Agostino Randazzo, the current President.
In its long history, the Circolo della Vela Sicilia hosted several prestigious Italian and
international regattas, in particular the European Championships of the Star and J24
classes, the Absolute Italian Championships of the Olympic classes and the “Palermo Monte Carlo” offshore regatta.
President Agostino Randazzo stated: “It is a real honour for Circolo della Vela Sicilia to
challenge for the America’s Cup with a team as prestigious and beloved as Luna Rossa.
Hence, I wish to thank Patrizio Bertelli both for choosing us and for the reasons that
prompted his decision. I am confident that our challenge will raise a strong sense of
emulation and that it will push many young Sicilians to approach sailing”.
9. Sponsor
9.1 Prada
Prada is Luna Rossa’s sponsor since her very first challenge. The team was founded in
1997 by Patrizio Bertelli under the name of Prada Challenge for the America’s Cup 2000.
Prada was founded in Milan in 1913 by Mario Prada, Miuccia Prada’s grandfather.
Located inside one of Milan’s most celebrated icons, the prestigious glass-covered
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II arcade, Prada was an exclusive shop selling luxury travel
articles and accessories made with sophisticated techniques and the finest materials.
It wasn’t long before the shop in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II became a favorite port of
call for the aristocracy and the more refined and elegant members of Europe’s upper
classes. In 1919 Prada was appointed Official Supplier to the Italian Royal Household;
as such, it incorporated the House of Savoy’s coat of arms and knotted rope design into
its logo.
In the late seventies, Miuccia Prada and Patrizio Bertelli started their collaboration, laying
the foundations for the company’s subsequent international development.
Patrizio Bertelli is the first in the luxury industry to introduce a new business model,
applying uncompromised quality throughout the whole production chain and a constant,
careful control over the entire process. Miuccia Prada’s creativity, able to infuse her
work with thoughts linked to her day-to-day experiences and observations of the
environment in an original innovative way - thus anticipating trends - never transcends
the brand’s quality core-value and historic craftsmanship know-how. This skilful balance
makes it possible for Prada to become internationally renowned, so much so that it
was recognized as one of the 100 brands with the most value in the world (Source:
A key attribute of Prada is its capacity for innovation in all areas. Being a pioneer
in introducing a new approach in the retail network, Prada is the first to launch a
new, revolutionary concept of stores - the so-called Prada Epicenters - designed by
internationally acclaimed architects such as Rem Koolhaas and Herzog & de Meuron. An example which was later followed by all the leading brands in the industry.
Today the Prada brand includes men’s and women’s leather goods, ready-to-wear and
footwear which synthesize an innovative, sophisticated and modern design coupled
with the high quality typical of handcrafted products. Prada is also active in the eyewear,
fragrance and mobile phone sectors.
Prada’s horizons go beyond the confines of fashion: art, architecture, cinema and
culture in general are an integral part of the brand’s core values. The Fondazione Prada
(Prada Foundation) was established in 1993 to present “the most radical intellectual
challenges in contemporary art and culture”. It organizes contemporary art exhibits and
other cultural activities that have enjoyed great consensus on an international level. The
Prada Transformer in Seoul - designed in collaboration with architect Rem Koolhaas represents one of the most interesting expressions of this approach. On March 28, 2011
the Fondazione Prada announced its new exhibition space in Venice, the Ca’ Corner
della Regina, an historic palazzo on the Grand Canal which is going to be restored with
the goal of offering to the city of Venice, and beyond, a stimulating program of important
events in the realm of the Arts. From May 31st to October 2nd 2011 Ca’ Corner was
opened to the public with its first exhibition documenting the multiple activities of the
Fondazione Prada, such as the project for the new permanent space in Milan - designed
by architect Rem Koolhaas - whose opening is scheduled for the end of 2014.
Prada is part of the PRADA Group, one of the global leading companies in the luxury
goods sector, which embodies an original business model that successfully combines
industrialised production processes with highly sophisticated workmanship and superb
handcrafted goods. The PRADA Group also includes Miu Miu - Miuccia Prada’s vision
of an alternative style - a brand with a strong personality, provocative and sophisticated
as well as free-spirited and avant-garde; Church’s, one of the world leaders in the luxury
footwear industry, established in 1873 in Northampton (Great Britain), and Car Shoe, the
first producer of the driving moccasin, characterised by a patent soft sole with rubber
studs, established in 1963.
The Group manufacturing is concentrated in 11 plants, 10 in Italy and 1 in Great Britain,
plus research and development laboratories. Each phase of the production process is
closely monitored and directly controlled: from the choice to the purchase of the raw
materials (external suppliers included), to the creation of prototypes, through to the
planning and coordination of external and internal manufacturing. The Group products
are sold in more than 70 countries around the world: besides a selection of luxury
department stores and multi-brand stores, the distribution network is composed of 461
(31 January 2013) directly operated stores, a strong point in the international growing
process of the brand.
In 2012, the PRADA Group registered consolidated net revenues of Euro 3,297.2 million
(+29%), EBITDA of Euro 1,052.5 million (+38.6%), EBIT of Euro 889.8 million (+41.5%),
net income of Euro 625.7 million (+44.9%) and a positive net financial position of Euro
312.6 million. On the 31st of January 2013 the PRADA Group had 10.000 employees.
[For further details consult the website]
On June 24th, 2011, Prada Spa (HKSE code 1913) listed 20% of its shares on the Hong
Kong Stock Exchange; at IPO, the company was valued around 9.2 billion Euros.
The PRADA Group is the owner of the brand “LUNA ROSSA”, under which a ready-towear collection inspired to sailing has also been created. The brand “LUNA ROSSA”
has been granted to the Team Luna Rossa Challenge 2013 for its challenge to the 34^
America’s Cup challenge.
10. Official Suppliers
10.1 Illy
illycaffè produces and markets worldwide only one blend of high quality coffee, made
of nine kinds of pure Arabica. The unmistakable taste and aroma of illy are born from
the perfect balance of these ingredients that the company purchases directly from the
growers in South America, Central America, India, Africa, and China. Taste and aroma
are always the same in each cup of coffee sipped in any region of the globe. Worldwide,
more than 6 million coffee cups are enjoyed every day, made with the illy blend for
HoReCa channels (hotels, restaurants, cafés), for home and the office. Depending on the
channel, the illy blend is available in cans (of either beans or ground coffee), capsules,
and pods. illy coffee is sold in over 140 countries, in each of the five continents, and it is
available in more than a hundred thousand bars.
Founded in 1933 by Francesco Illy, the company is still led by the Illy familyAndrea
Illy is Chairman and Managing Director of the illycaffè. Around illycaffè, the Illy family
has built the holding Gruppo illy Spa, that gathers in a pole of taste some companies
of excellence, such as Domori (high quality chocolate), Dammann Frères (French tea
maker), and Mastrojanni (wine farm of Montalcino).
10.2 ION
In 2004 the Boards&More Group founded their new brand ION. Main focus are wetsuits,
neoprene products, accessories and softgoods for the international kite, windsurfing
and wakeboard market. The unique combination of high quality products wrapped in
a progressive style and design created a surprisingly fresh new core image in a market
formerly dominated by well established brands. Hence Tech&Style are most relevant
core values and lead to the mission statement of ION to claim a leading position in wind
sport neoprene and accessory products.
The technical competence of this new brand is expressing itself in a great range of
wetsuits, neoprene accessories, impact vests, harnesses, softgoods, packs&bags
and other accessories. Highly elastical and warm neoprene, smart details for practical
solutions brought to the end users' requirements, perfect fit allied to style are the goals
to achieve for each product line.
Several top kitesurf riders, like Jaime Herraiz, Cesar Portas, Sky Solbach and Jeremie
Eloy, have joined the ION team as well as worldclass windsurfers like Gollito Estredo,
Cyril Moussilmani, Klaas Voget, Andre Paskowski and others.
10.3 Keforma
Keforma is a brand owned by Aquaviva srl, a company based in the Republic of San
Marino, which was established in 2000 following thirty years of experience and research
on dietary supplements. Keforma is a brand that has gained international reputation in
the field of dietary supplements for sportspeople, also thanks to its collaboration with
champions active in different sports. Its product line is distributed all over Italy and in
recent years it has approached the European and Mediterranean markets.
All the company's initiatives are based on its close connection with sports; Aquaviva's
main focus is performance optimisation and the improvement of the athletes' quality of life.
10.4 Peroni
Peroni Nastro Azzurro
The crisp and refreshing beer with an unmistakable Italian taste, Peroni Nastro Azzurro
is one of the most successful premium beer brands in the world and a star in the
SABMiller portfolio. Peroni Nastro Azzurro is a truly international brand, with a presence
in six continents. Key markets include the UK, Australia, US, and South Africa as well
as Canada, India, Russia, Colombia, France, Spain, Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam and, of
course, its home in Italy. Peroni Nastro Azzurro is committed to championing Italian style
around the world and bringing timeless, effortless style to the world of beer.
The brand reflects the best globally recognised virtues of Italy - craftsmanship, passion,
creativity, authenticity, attention to detail and Italian heritage. Its style positioning sets
Peroni apart and challenges traditonal beer brand behaviour.
SABMiller plc is one of the world’s leading brewers with more than 200 beer brands
and some 70,000 employees in over 75 countries. The group’s portfolio includes global
brands Pilsner Urquell, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, Miller Genuine Draft and Grolsch; as
well as leading local brands such as Aguila (Colombia), Castle (South Africa), Miller Lite
(USA), Snow (China), Victoria Bitter (Australia) and Tyskie (Poland). SABMiller also has
growing soft drinks businesses and is one of the world’s largest bottlers of Coca-Cola
products. In the year ended 31 March 2013 the group reported EBITA of US$6,421
million and group revenue of US$34,487 million.
SABMiller plc is listed on the London and Johannesburg stock exchanges.
10.5 Sanpellegrino
S.Pellegrino, Acqua Panna and Sanpellegrino Sparkling Fruit Beverages are international
trademarks of Sanpellegrino S.p.A. which is based in Milan, Italy.
Distributed in over 120 countries through branches and distributors in all five continents,
these products represent quality excellence by virtue of their origins and perfectly
interpret Italian style worldwide as a synthesis of pleasure, health and well-being.
Founded in 1899, Sanpellegrino S.p.A. is the leading company in the beverage sector in
Italy with its range of mineral waters, non-alcoholic aperitifs, drinks and iced teas.
As a major Italian producer of mineral water, it has always been committed to enhancing
this primary good for the planet and works responsibly and passionately to ensure that
this resource has a secure future.
10.6 Technogym
Technogym is a world-leading company in the field of fitness products, services and
wellness solutions. Technogym was founded in 1983 by Nerio Alessandri and currently
employs about 2000 people worldwide. About half of these operate c/o the Cesena
company headquarters, whereas the rest are spread out within the 13 branch offices
located in Europe, United States, Asia, Middle East, Australia and South America.
For over 20 years the company has been actively committed to the promotion of
wellness, a lifestyle based on regular physical activity, balanced diet and a positive
mental attitude. Technogym’s innovative vision is based on its unique combination of
business and social awareness and responsibility.
For three years in a row now the company has won the “Great Place to Work” award,
and today is considered to be the best place to work in Italy and in Europe.
For many years, all over the world, the most prestigious sports teams have collaborated
with Technogym for the preparation of their champion athletes.