September Good Newsletter 2016 - Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
September Good Newsletter 2016 - Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, The season has certainly changed, as indicated by the children, youth, teachers, and professors that have returned to school. Holy Trinity has ended a successful and fruitful summer and we now begin a new “program year” on the church calendar, of which you will want to be a part. I write to tell you about several opportunities to be involved in at Holy Trinity. Please join us for Rally Sunday on Sunday, September 11th. We will have services at 8am and 10:30am, as usual. In between the worship services we will offer breakfast for all. Ice cream will be available after the 10:30am service, and all middle and high school youth are invited for paintball in the afternoon. Children’s Church will resume during the 10:30am service on September 11th. You truly do not want to miss Rally Sunday! Many of you know that the group formally known as the Keenagers has resurrected themselves, meeting the third Wednesday of each month at noon for Holy Eucharist and 12:30pm for lunch, discussion, and fellowship. This is a group open to all, especially those who are retired or looking towards retirement. The next meeting, Wednesday September 21st at noon. Individuals are invited to bring their own bag lunch. Prayer and fellowship is free of charge! Christian Education for all ages will begin on Sunday, September 18th at 9:30am. Children under 4 are invited to join our expanding Nursery program. Children ages 4 to 5th grade are invited to join our newly revised Sunday School program in the Johnston Wing. Youth are encouraged to participate in Rite 13 (Middle School) and J2A (High School) programs. Adults are invited and encouraged to participate during the hour in one of five ways: 1). Chancel and Handbell Choirs have resumed under the leadership of our new Music Minister and Organist, Beth Jordan. The Handbell Choir meets on Wednesdays at 6pm and the Chancel Choir meets Wednesdays at 7pm and Sundays at 9:30am. Please pray about joining one of our choirs! 2). Classes for Adults will resume in the Parish Hall at 9:30am, beginning September 18th. Dr. J R Hustwit will begin a class: St. Francis and an Alternative Orthodoxy, which will continue until Sunday, October 16th. Classes during November will focus on the Parables of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. 3). There will be a Parenting Forum in the library on September 18th, October 9th, November 13th, and December 11th. All parents are invited and encouraged to attend these forums to discuss the challenges, opportunities, and blessings of parenthood. 4). There will be a Newcomer Forum, for anyone interested in getting to know more about Holy Trinity or the Episcopal Church on September 25th, October 16th, and November 20th in the library, led by me. Come and learn about the Episcopal tradition. 5). The Parlor area, located just outside of the Johnston Wing, has been remodeled to be more accommodating for leisure and fellowship. We invite individuals, couples, and groups to share Coffee in the Parlor during the Sunday morning education hour. Our Children’s Choir will resume on Wednesday, September 14th, led by Beth Jordan. Children 2nd Grade through 5th are invited to join us at 4:30pm. Children aged 4 years old through 1st grade are invited to join the choir at 5:00pm. Spread the word for children to join our choir! This fall, we are offering opportunities for parents to gather and reflect on Sunday evenings. These will be informal gatherings that will also include organically identified theological discussion. We will hold them on the playground, offering our children a time to play. They will be held on Sunday evenings from 4:00pm to 6:00pm on the playground. We are tentatively calling this opportunity PLAY / GROUND. The initial date for this gathering is September 18th, and will continue October 16th, and November 6th. We are beginning to offer worship on Sunday evenings, beginning one Sunday per evening this fall, at 5:30pm. We are calling this service “FONT.” This worship opportunity is intended to be more contemplative, creative and participatory than our morning worship. The first service will be on September 18 th, with services continuing on October 16th, and November 6th, all at 5:30pm. Please join us! To be clear, this letter is just the beginning of ways in which you might be involved in our community this fall. I thank you, deeply, for being a part of this community, and I pray that this new season finds you well. Faithfully, Jeff+ MARK YOUR CALENDARS Labyrinth Walk – September 1st at 7:00 pm. The Evening Labyrinth Walk for September will take place on Thursday, September 1st from 7 - 9 pm. Please arrive at 7:00pm if you want to watch the optional orientation video. If you just want to walk, please arrive no later than 8:15pm. Joyce Loughlin Newcomer Fall Gathering: The newcomer committee will be hosting a newcomer gathering on Sunday, Sept 25 from 5 to 7 at Holy Trinity. If you are new to Holy Trinity, please join us for a casual dinner and fellowship. Childcare will be provided. Please contact the church office ([email protected]) or Amy St. Peter (9109776141) for more information. Wonderful Wednesday Fellowship – a new opportunity for fun and fellowship at Holy Trinity. Our first meeting was a success and if you missed it, plan to attend the next Wonderful Wednesday on September 21st. We attend the noon-day service then gather in the parish hall to enjoy a brown bag lunch prepared for you by you. Afterwards there will be a program for all to enjoy. Come and bring a friend. Questions? Contact Jane Squires at 433-2885 or Joyce Lipe at 322-2743. ANNOUNCEMENTS NEEDED- Strollers: The nursery is in need of strollers for our youngest parishioners. If you happen to have one that you no longer use, the nursery staff would love to take it off your hands. Please contact Amy St. Peter @ 910-977-6141 if you can help. OPPORTUNITIES to GIVE: United Thank Offering & Episcopal Relief and Development Nancy Broadwell, ministry representative What is UTO? The United Thank Offering began in 1889 as an offering by women of the Episcopal Church to support the first woman missionary to Japan. The real message of UTO for today is to reconnect giving thanks and giving money. The Blue UTO Box is kept in homes and when any member of the family has a reason, large or small, to be thankful change goes in the box. Dollars can go in too. The pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, etc. are collected in most parishes 2 times per year. The money and the prayers go around the world to buy vehicles (the very first van owned by the Episcopal Farmworkers Ministry was bought with a UTO grant), start programs and sometimes build buildings. I had the privilege of visiting some of these buildings and programs and have heard repeatedly that the fact that the money comes from the prayers of families makes it more meaningful. Come to Rally Sunday and get a Blue Box for your family. What is Episcopal Relief and Development? Episcopal Relief and Development’s relief mission is to provide immediate assistance in the case of disasters, always working through the Episcopal or Anglician Communion diocese in that locale or a recognized relief agency in that area. Both money and bodies on the ground go and stay. There are still Episcopal Relief and Development projects going on in New Orleans from the time of Katrina. The development part works with partners around the world to improve the lives and future of people through the Nets for Life Mosquito program providing nets and most important training members of the diocese to go and train the people who receive the nets as to how and why to use them. There are many other projects providing safe, clean water, micro loans to start businesses and training for jobs. All of these programs can be accessed at and money to support the projects for relief can also be donated online. Holy Trinity sends money from May Fair to Episcopal Relief and Development each year and many people in the parish also are part of this ministry. Come to Rally Sunday and hear and see more. Parents Forum: Come meet with other parents of children & youth. This series is not a parenting class or a lecture on discipline. It is a moderated, casual conversation among parents, providing time and space to share thoughts, questions and concerns, and to build community among parents. A team of 2-3 parent moderators will keep conversation going, impart a bit of their parenting experience and wisdom, and share both their best parenting moments and their mistakes. The initial Sundays for these forums include September 18th, October 9th, November 13th, and December 11th. If you have questions or would like to suggest a topic, please contact The Rev. Anne Thornberg at [email protected] Women’s Connection is a place for moms of every kind to gather, share their lives, and grow in faith. We will meet on the second Wednesday of the month from 9:30am to 11:00am in the Parish Hall (there will be childcare provided for these events), on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7pm in the sanctuary for Yoga on the Labyrinth, and one Friday a month for a more social and informal gathering. While the nature of the group lends itself to mothers of small children, we hope that wherever you are on your journey through motherhood, you will consider joining us. We are all enriched by the stories and experiences of one another, especially ones who have gone before. Please pick up a flier with our fall dates in the Narthex, join our Facebook group and come whenever you are available. If you have questions or need more information, please contact The Rev. Anne Thornberg at [email protected] The Road to Durham with Ellen Hancox, Annie Thornberg, Alison Jones, and Jordan Capps On a typical hot, humid evening, four members of our church walked into Temple Baptist Church in Durham, NC. We were greeted like long lost family and invited to the parish hall for dinner. Why were we there? We were attending a Godly Play Training. Godly Play was created by the Rev. Dr. Jerome Berryman, an Episcopal priest, educator and author. Dr. Berryman believes that children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play approach lets children explore their faith through story, to learn religious language and to enhance their spiritual experience through wonder and play. Why did we need training? We had a gift, a gift of many children attending Sunday school and Children’s Church. We wanted to learn more in order to improve our children’s ministry. How did we get there? Several gifts; our own Reverend Annie Thornberg was familiar with this curriculum and found a training course nearby. Then the Vestry agreed to send us and we were able to attend thanks to the generous gifts of parishioners to Holy Trinity’s Foundation. What did we learn? We discovered and learned a new curriculum. We met other people from across the country and from different faiths. We learned that some churches have had Godly Play for many years and others were just starting. We learned that some churches have large children’s ministries and others are getting ready and hoping that their ministry will begin. We learned that each of us have different gifts and talents and we share a deep commitment to the children of our church. Finally, we were fortunate to spend three days with very talented, tolerant, patient, and loving children of God. It was a gift we will share with everyone. Reports and Updates GOING OUT TO SERVE ....PARTNERING WITH MARGARET WILLIS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL School is back in session this month and so is the need for donated school supplies. The social worker has asked for help with specific items that are out of stock in her ‘supply room’. These items are: Hand sanitizer; clorox wipes; baby wipes and/or kleenex Pens, pencils, boxes of crayons and/or highlighters Glue sticks Clear back packs (NO rolling backpacks) The school ‘clothing closet’ can use a fresh supply of shoes and belts. These may be new or gently used: Shoes should be lace-up tennis shoes in black or brown; no logos; avg sizes K3rd grade Belts must be black and will be worn through belt loops. Bring your items to the designated Margaret Willis baskets in the Narthex. You can also help by donating money to be used for purchase of these items; write a check to Holy Trinity and designate Margaret Willis on the memo line. Barbara Brooks PRESCHOOL NEWS and ANNOUNCEMENTS Many, many thanks to all who came out August 6 for the "Preschool Primp Up". Tricycles now have new tires (and many years of wear to come!), walls have fresh paint, and the grounds are looking great! The new Holy Trinity Preschool Board of Directors are off to a busy start (see "Primp Up" above). Board officers are: Jane Horrocks, chair; Jordan Capps, vice chair; Brad Loase, secretary; Jamie Bashore-Watts, treasurer. At large members are Margaret Barefoot, Scott Hancox, Nancy Holt, Lacy Kells, Ann Lee, Carla Richardson, Amanda Nimocks and Alison Jones (vestry liaison). Ex officio members are Jeff Thornberg, rector, Rob Richardson, senior warden, and Ruth Gillis, preschool director. The teachers are back at work, getting their classrooms ready and visiting the children and their families at home. New staff members this year are Jeanine Cotton (4-day 3- year-old class lead teacher) and Anne Bell (4/5-year-old class lead teacher). Returning are 2-year-old teachers Melissa Hickman and Erin Joy, 3-day 3s teachers Mary Osinski and Kate Hawkins, 4-day 3s assistant Lisa Moeller and 4/5s assistant Susan Hitcho. Thank you again for your continuing support of your preschool. Ruth Gillis, Director News from the Food Pantry In June we were able to serve 145 households, handing out about 1,413 pounds of food. Campbell Soup Company contributed about 1400 pounds of soup, spaghetti sauce, and juices. The Food Pantry received colorful, reusable, non-tear bags that will be handed out to our homeless populations. These bags will be very useful to them for carrying other items and also benefit the environment. In July we were only open 7 days because the administration building was closed while the floors were refinished. At that time, the Food Pantry moved into the former copy room and the new area is smaller and required creativity to stock the shelves and store the items properly. The Food Pantry happily re-opened, 2 August 2016. During the In-gathering Sundays in June and July the pantry collected a good amount of food. The Food Pantry Volunteers would like to thank everyone for all the support, donations of money, food, and supplies. Because of you, we at The Food Pantry are successful in helping our community. Volunteers Needed to help with shopping, bagging, and distribution. If you are interested in volunteering, please call the church office at 910 484-2134. Drop by and visit our new “home”. We are proud of it! Sid Gardner, Pat Stang and Sharon Robertson August 2016Vestry Highlights The vestry did not meet in July, but met twice in August. A special meeting was called for the evening of August 11 to consider placing the duties of the church sexton (who had resigned) with a commercial company. A number of proposals were considered, and after thorough discussion, the vestry decided to seek a contract with Jan-Pro cleaning. The regular vestry meeting for August was held on Thursday, August 18. The meeting was opened in prayer led by Wendy Hustwit. Kasmin Davis presented the minutes of the vestry’s June meeting, and they were accepted, along with minutes for the special meeting held on August 11. Neil Bergman, treasurer, presented current financial statements, which were accepted. Neil also gave an interim report on the ongoing audit progress. Sylvia Ray presented an idea for a combination live and silent auction to raise money to apply to the mortgage debt. With their thanks for her initiative and willingness to lead this project, the vestry approved Sylvia’s moving forward and gathering a core group to plan the event. Junior Warden, Mark Philbrook, reported that the Administration Building floor refinishing has been completed, and some office rearranging was accomplished affecting Janice Luce and the Food Pantry. Mark reported that a condensation/mildew problem has developed in the sanctuary, and is being addressed. There was a discussion that the thermostats for the building appear to have been tampered with/adjusted by unauthorized persons, resulting in over use of the air conditioning and ways to stop and prevent further abuse will be investigated. The Senior Warden, Rob Richardson, expressed his thanks for the work of parishioners that often goes unnoticed, but is nonetheless appreciated. He also informed the vestry of the passing of the mother of Janice Luce and provided information for scholarship donations in her memory. The Rector reported that the contract with Jan-Pro had been executed for the coming year. He also reported on the ongoing and impressive work of the Stewardship Committee, which he trusts will result in ever-improving stewardship of time, talent and treasure by all members of Holy Trinity. The Godly Play training was completed by volunteers for use by our young Sunday School children during the coming Sunday School year. An anonymous donation was received, and for which the vestry is greatly thankful, to pay for the equipment necessary to record Sunday sermons and make them available to all. Keith St. Peter will lead that effort. Disbursements of May Fair proceeds were recommended by the Outreach sub-committee and authorized to be made. Keith St. Peter and Mike Morketter are spearheading efforts to clean up and plan future improvements for the church buildings and grounds. Mike has obtained some quotes for grounds, and is seeking a few more. The vestry believes that properly maintaining both our buildings and our grounds is a prime objective going forward, and authorized contracting to have a major clean-up of the grounds completed as soon as possible. The meeting was adjourned, and ended with compline led by Dane Reid. Tom Holt UPCOMING YOUTH EVENTS September 11th: Paint Ball, 2:30pm-ish September 30th - October 2nd: Youth Group Retreat @ Trinity Center November 13, Youth Event PRAYER LIST: Frank Allison, III, Baby Louisa, Elizabeth Demmon, The family of Carter Davis, The Luce and Pearce Families, The Family of Rosemary and David Zimmerman, Vicci Fix, Betsy Gurney, Louise Hall, Steve Hardin, Diana Harvey, Glen Himmaugh, Vivian Hollinshed, Larry Jensen, Linda Karp, Susanne Kohrman*, The Koonce Family, Lolita Lao, Doris Leggett, Rosario Mauricio, Anne Mizelle*, Sandra Moore, Doris Mumford, Carol Orr, Marie Parker*,Barbara Paul, Peter, Margaret Peterson*, Diane Rauch, Paul Reichle Jr.*, Joe Roberson, Isolene Robertson, Angela Rowley, Alicia Russell, Ruth Samuelson, Raymond Seidel, Debby Sims and her family, Heather and Chris, Betty Smith, Staus Family, Natalie Sutton, Mary and Harold Syms*, Jimmy Teachey, Jeanette Zabala. * Denotes Visitation Welcomed. Military Prayer List Leroy, John, Cedric, Daven, Scott, Daniel, Mike, Jon, Stephanie, Sam, Trey, Ed, Amanda, Robert, Augustus, Roger, Kyle, Brian, Oliver, Thomas, Nicholas, Alex, Matthew, Mitch, Abigail, Patrick and all their families. Contact the church office at 910-484-2134 or [email protected] with prayer requests or fill out a prayer request form found in the narthex. Note about birthdays: Our database was migrated to the “cloud” and only birthdays with the year you were born converted. If you don’t see your name in the birthday list, please call the office and give us the year you were born. Thank you, Janice SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS 1 Hampton Horrocks, Tamara Feraca, John Lancaster, Sr., Brad Loase 2 Kim Johnson, Heather Quick 3 Brad Matera, June Pearce, Ed Wise 4 Jeff Jones 5 Sarah Moorman, Khadijah Craddock, Liliana Turner 6 Molly-Mae Pinson, Cynthia Sabatinos 7 Brodrick Carpenter, Kirk Johnson 9 Cydnee Scott 10 Madeline Binkley, Terry Levitt 11 Morgan McCaffrey 12 Susan Stephany, Fitz Lee 14 Brielle Lancaster, Tim Harris 15 Willa Demmon, Yolanda Scott-Chisolm, Kristin Smith 16 Christina Blackburn 18 Lenny Salzberg, Wendy Hustwit, Adrian Perez, Gail Childers 19 Ed Burkett, Mary Mac Shields, John Ashford 20 Kathie Dees 22 Jimmy Teachey 23 David Booth, Grace Christianson 24 Dave Harsant, Drew Lawrence, Ann Morketter 25 Vivian Hollinshed, Mary McCaffrey, Phoebe Holliday 26 Melissa Yoakum, Jackson Hallman 27 Betty Chiles 28 Devon Chisolm, George Franks, George Harrison, Greg Whitley 29 Elliot Fiebig, Hailey Fowler, Dudley Buck, Adlai Wood 30 Emma Driscoll Youth Pool Party and Parents Meeting, August 28, 2016 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING MAKE-OVER Summer 2016 Mimi Spears Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Fayetteville, NC Permit #85 Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 1601 Raeford Road Fayetteville NC 28305 Return Service Requested Staff and Clergy The Rev. Jeffrey D. S. Thornberg, Rector The Rev. Joe Running, Assisting Priest for Pastoral Care The Rev. Anne C. S. Thornberg, Assisting Priest for Children’s Education Beth Jordan, Music Minister and Organist Jeremy Fiebig and Jon Hecker, Vergers Janice Luce, Parish Administrator Jewely Schroeder, Financial Administrator Ruth Folger Gillis, Preschool Director Melissa Hickman, Nursery Coordinator VESTRY: Senior Warden: Rob Richardson, Junior Warden: Mark Philbrook, Treasurer: Neil Bergman, Clerk: Kasmin Davis 2016: Kasmin Davis, Alison Jones, Mark Philbrook, Rob Richardson 2017: Tom Holt, Fitz Lee, Keith St. Peter, Dane Reid 2018: Scott Hancox, Wendy Hustwit, Julie Lee-Jacobs, Mike Morketter Office Hours: Monday – Thursday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Office: 484-2134/Fax: 484-3198 Preschool: 910-484-0250 Website: Email: [email protected]