to view in a new window - Scottish Families Information Services
to view in a new window - Scottish Families Information Services
.I Wide Mouthed Frog, Dunstaffnage - - Falls of Lora, Connel X The Oyster Inn, Connel .I - X Lochnell Hotel, North Connel Ben Lora Tearoom, Benderloch Scottish Sea Life Sanctuary, Barcaldine - Castle Stalker View Cafe, Appin The Airds Hotel, Port Appin - - The Pierhouse Hotel, Appin - Yo .I .I Yo .I The Ballachulish Tourist Information Centre .I - - .I .I .I .I .I .I .I .I .I .I .I .I .I .I .I 1/2 Spacious • Sea Views • Friendly Staff Home made • Organic Fair-trade coffee Real Hot Chocolate· Online Mail Order .I .I .I 1/2 .I .I ** RS 1/2 RS .I .I -- .I New· kid's workshops 711t" ~ I Come and take in the spectacular views whilst you sample our delicious menu and relax with a drink. Great range of gifts and souvenirs. C2s~IeStJlI.;G1"Vil-lv.,.Ar:·p~·-l.T,=l' " The Barn, Lerags .I Tigh _. an Truish .Inn, Seillsland )t The Oyster Brewery, Ellenabeich, Seil ..__ .. - -----Melfort Mermaid Restaurant, Melfort Pier )t .I Cuilfail Hotel. Kilmelford X The Shower of Herring Inn, Kilmelford .I .I .I .I .I Lord of the Isles, Craobh Haven The Crafty Kitchen, Ardfern The Galley of Lorne Inn, Ardfern Kilmartin House Museum Cafe, Kilmartin .... , .I .I .I .I .I .I .I .I .I .I ~ .I .I .I - * .I Sf * * ./ .I 0;' Little Leamers' Nursery Dunstaffnage, By Oban ~ Tel: 01631 559522 ~... Open Monday - Friday 8am-6pm for 50 weeks of the year caring for children between the ages of 3 months ~nd 5 years TPa and Coffee House Pamll1S un-.1 C'1111rp.n call13tljO'J 8 'I.'am' .3n~ frlendl}' t1tfT1O.2phu~-:; .wtl ::! r','~ ru~·;:; CliJr.tfoo:n. Argyll Square, Oban Tel: 01631570307 .~- .I .I .I -j .I .I .I ~~~ '6A..-?l1J/a-rb "meun.t'liJJ ""1/w,.'J'~of Expanding family? 'tilol/<>W~ &-C)(",ol-t Loves Babies and Children 16 miles soutn of Oban T~:01852200324!333 ~~~ Heritage Builders your local '"family friendly" builder, for all your renovation, extension and new build needs. 07780 676782 orOI631 S70902 .r.ti':\~~,'lo1~ vwvw.nlel! 1/2 ./ V2 BroCIOUS FOOD TO SUIT EVERYONE ~1Ii]ljJ!]~ Quality to)'s SJld beautiful bab)' gifts! ~~ ~ OOAN OUT & ABOUT Tesco, Lochavullin Drive .I ./ ./ ./ .I .I ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ Tourist Info, Argyll Square X * .I * ./ ./ Trains )t RS Aldi, Lynn Road Atlantis Leisure, Dalriach Road Caledonian MacBrayne Big Ferries Caledonian MacBrayne Main Terminal Coop, Soroba Road Corran Halls Homebase. Lochavullin Drive Lorn Medical Centre, Soroba Road Oban Train Station Public Toilets, North Pier ~ m: Baby Change .I .I * * babies. tweenies and pre-schoolers X ASK Ask RS ST PraJ)l Acc;E?SS ...:..t.o;.,.:," •."(.: •.•.. 112 g~tLbl~ !~f]gy Children's Menu Bold Child Friendly Ex(ras : Yes X ,,--:-' '::.... .. Restricted SpaCe· Stairs l-taU Porqol1s toys, books, pel1ciis No GALT J;tigh qliality affordable childcare for I-li9.t1,9.3ir~ .. Plllynests and other super baby \0)'3 from Galt and WhOt»:iL Abo B.ut:foot book$. * .I * ./~ * * * ./ 01\')81 ?3044d ~, • www.ar9yllcolleqe ac ukllittlelearners GOING SOUTH FROM OBAN - - -- - - -_. Castle Stalker View Applications to Ann Burke Croft Road, Oban Tel: 01631 567491 ~ The Coach House Coffee Shop Luss, Loch Lomond Argyll G83 aNN T: F: 01436860341 01436 860336 r\ ,',Silt, I/.sk:'VJ~ 8';\'H;·~ 9t In!s iJ\W.lfd \l.,',tr ,::otteB ~tlCv and ;x!JOlni'1~ lJrl shop sef In Luss on 'he c,nks or l.r>ch LonmnJ. KI"f, ,"ze ~lOns d ~lOOC wh:oJe'"vOuJo.;! iocd arb on otter Local Breastfeeding Counsellor • •• nC t Amanda 07833 392563 Valley Cushion Hire Sally 01631 570902 Bumps and Babies Coffee Morning with Breastfeeding drop-in Mondays 11-1pm, Dunmar Court, Oban Sally 01631 570902 THANKS TO All OUR SPONSORS for their financial assistance in producing this guide. Your Dbao Babv & Toddler FrieDdlV GUide details establishments in and around Dban that welcome babies.roddlers. parents and carers PIUS Whafs on during the week. CHAIGIIG fACIUnES • HIGH CHAIDS PRAM ACCESS • CHILD MINUS • WHITS 0 ~ Produced by local mums for the lorn Toy CupbUllrd. ;:...-- contact email [email protected] T~e oban :&aby frie~'<lly Guide St~ry w~ IMAGIIl You are out and about with your baby and toddler, and There are two key pieces of recent Scottish legislation underpinning the Baby Friendly Guide. it starts raining. Your baby starts to wail. What do you do? Wher vo a J)aby friej\dly GUide? 11Ie Breastfeeding etc Act • 11Ie smoling ACI iJ The Breastfeeding etc Act means that it is an offence for anyone to stop you from feeding your baby, either naturally or with a bottle in a public place. The Smoking Act means that it is an offence to smoke in most public places, meaning that cafes, restaurants and hotels are all smoke free. Due to these Acts, it is assumed all places in and around Oban will welcome feeding, either naturally or with a bottle, in a smoke free environment. Babies change your life. Places where you can change and feed your baby become essential. And so the Oban Baby Friendly Guide was born. For the last five years, the Oban Baby Friendly Guide has been compiled by a few local mums attending the Lorn Toy Cupboard. it is funded by sponsors from local businesses, designed by DeeVA Design and printed by Clunie Group Limited. BC HC fA MEJlU _X ./ ~~ ,/ ./ OBAN CAFtS & RESTAURANTS Bossards Patisserie, Gibraltar St _ __ Cafe Atlantis, Dalrlach Rd --- --Coast Cafe, J::>hnSt__ _ _ -- Coast Restaurant, George St Coffee Corner, Argyll Square _ Cuan Mor, George St * ./ ._-... _ - - ./ ./ RS 1/2 X ./ ./ 1/2 ./ Eeusk, North Pier - X~.~l!2. __ _ y ._ * ./ ./ _ * ./ .~.X_ 1/2 Julie's Coffee House, Stafford St X'/'/ X'/ IS Kerrera Tea Garden, Kerrera ./ ./ ./ 1/2 MeT's, George St ./ ./ * _ ./ Juicy Roast, Argyll St _ _ 1/2 * ./ Oban Chocolate Company, Corran Esplanade'/ ./ --- ---- --- -------_ Oban ~sh and Chip Shop, George St ././././ .... Kilchrenar:..Yill~eHall Monday Kilchrenan Child Frien':!.2:'. Coffee morning_ Connel Play C3rouP _ Salen Toddlers _ _ _ _---"'eg Pareni and Toddler Group - - - Tuesday __ C()nnel Chur?~~lall Salen Primary School, Mull Duno.!'g Schoof - noon (term time) 1 O:~~, no.on(terrntim~l - _. - - 1pm· 3pm term time i 6tc:>,',A5am (ierm ii;"8j - Strachur & Dist~ctToddler woup _ Jack and Jill Parent and Toddler Group . - NCT Bumps and Babies and Breastfeeding, d~op In Gaelic Play Group Crof/eagan !::,!~morial H~, Strachur, ~unoon. Undercroft, Church of Scotiand Centre, Dban Dunmar Court. Soroba Road, Dban Kinlochlaich Garden Centre. Appin. 1O,3.2"m . 12.30pm 10 to ".30am 11 am· 1pm 12.45pm· 2.45prn C~~endly Book and l3~et~erJfree internet) Commu_nitY,Centre, 6B Scal~!, Terrace, Dban Baptist C.!2.urch i-'all. Shore St.:..9ban _ __ Taynui~ Village Hall -Und~;c;ofi,Ch~'rch of Scotland Centre, Dban - 930a~':; 2no;~' Happy House Parent and Toddler Group Taynuilt Play Group Tc:>YC~Pboa;d" Wednesday ~2 - - Rhythmic Rascais TobermoryMother and Toddlers Parent and Todd~r Swimming Lessons Parents Hea~h and Wellbeing Group Lochaline Village Hall ----P~rt-Appin Vil-~Q~ Ha~ --Cra~gnis~ ~lIag.e Hall, ",~mern _ Taynuilt Village Hall 8 A Seal pay Terrace, Dban Ar~f~rn Play group _ _ Taynuilt Play group . Soroba Youn9 Families Parent and Toddler group -=- ....;.H,:aPiJ.LH..",use P~rent and Toddler Group Friday Dalmally Mothers and Toddlers _ _ _ _--=L_o_o~py'--H~f'.~"rentand Toddler ______ ~are~t"nd_r()ddl~rC3.roLJP ~oroba .'(2'ung Families Respite Creche Gaelic Play Group CroiJeagan An T·Oban Toy Cupboard Sunday Service Church Creche Sunday Other Dban Town Diary· for ioca..!.!vents __ Usef~11 Info Rhyme.Time, sing,ing"n~storytelling ____ Homestart Lorn, supporting local families ~oga for babies, children ~dadults Argyll & Bute Childcare Information Service -- 10,30am. 12,30pm 9.30am· 11.30am Q time> __ li.'" __ - 11...L1~;--;-tPrm __...._ ........_ _ _ Dunb~~.Sc:hoo_I_~ _. 8 A Sealpay ~rrace,. Dban Free Church Hall, Star.Brae/Rockfield Road, Dban Main Hall, Church of Scotland Centre, Dban Undercroft, Church of Scotland Centre, Dban _ lUam: '" noon .\~erm time) 1Oam· 12 noon 9.30 ·12 noon Baptist Church r.all. Shore St., Dba" 9.45-11.45am (term time) Dalm.!'lIy Village Hall • ..fl,'5,,~:.'1,15am ...!'tlantis Leisure, Oban, _>anT,:):::mDiary___ Dban Lib,r".ry. _ _gueens Building, ~'se"re~lngclasses _Bowen Technigue:£,re~nan.'::y Massage Pushchair walks in Arg.~11 and beyond 10.30· 11.30amjterm time) 10·12 noon 1iJ.mJo 3pm (booking required) ~30 am fo 12 noon Me~~I_~a~~r!,chur, Dunoon Thursday Lochaline Baby and Toddler Group ----A~pi~Mother and toddler time) 9.45-11.45am (term time) 10am· 12noon 130.Y30pm (;;;; time) _.St Modan's Church Hail, Benderloch Aros Hall,Tobermory, Mull AtlantisJ,eisure, Dban, 8 A ScalpayTerr~e, Dba_n__ _,__ =_-:-__-'S-'-tr-'-a-'-c~LJ0'.District Playgroup (te~m _ Geo~g'!. St, Dban _ 10 to 11.45am (term ~im.e) 9.30 ·12 & 1.15· 3.30pm ~2.4.sp~ 10am· 12noon ".30am 01866833233 01631 7101',0 01680300434 01369860533 01632570902 07881 525754 O.163~'562736 01631 562494 01866822022 -016":11--563243 01631 720628 01631 566800 01.63.2..565263 01369860533 01631730623 01852500369 01631565263 01631 562494 ._ _ 01631 566800 01631 565263 .-._---- 01631 710314 01631563243 01631 562405 --,-~------ _ See li~raryfor times/~ates 0163~5~~444 C~taC!S.h~en,,~~C:;h~~ear:'.~o_ Service .c~d?are'§!!.r§1~II:but.e:~ov,-,!~69 70850~ wwwar!Jyllbowenpractl?e~ Phone Hazel _ f\.1u~ 07770575745 __ R"ng~ofv~.n'!..esthroug,hout Ar~ Phon.e K,,!tCro:,,~()~ 01866844088 01369 708504 THE NATIONAL CHilDBIRTH TRUST NATIONAl HELP LINES • 8A TO 10PI EVERY DAY BreasUeeding help line 0300 3300nl • Pregnancv and Bwrth hela nne 0300 3300m • smalaJ nne 0300 330na Oban Steak House, George St ././././ Pancake Place, George St ./ Piazza, North Pier X'/ _ __ Rascals, Railway Pier ./ ./ ./ * ./ * * ./ 1/2 X ./ _,/ ./ Roxy's Coffee & Tea House, Argyll Square ./ ,/ ./ ./ Spinnaker Cafe, George St ./ ./ un ./ Taj Mahal, George St ./ ./ X ./ V2 Paparazzi, Breadalbane St X X 1/2 The Krtchen Garden, George St ././ ST 1/2 The Waterfront Restaurant Bar, The Pier ./././ 1/2 Room g, Craigard Ro_a_d_ _ _ OBAHHOTRS ---, ././././ Caledonian Hotel, Station Square Kings Knoll Hotel, Dunollie Road Oban Bay Hotel, Corran Esplanade _ X ./ ./ X'/'/ ./ V2 Regent Hotel, Esplanade ASK ,/ RS ./ Royal Hotel, Argyll Square X ./ ,/ ./ Poppies Garden Center and Cafe ././ * 1/2 Robin's Nest, Taynuilt --- The Taynuift Hotel, Taynuift X ./ RS 1/2 X -,/ - ./ - ./ GOING EAST fROM DB Inverawe Smokery & Visitor Centre X'/'/ V2 Cruachan Visitor.; Centre, Dalmally ./,/ 1/2 The Green Welly Stop, Tyndrum ./,/ * ./ The Real Food Cafe, Tyndrum ./ ./ Loch Fyne Oyster Bar, Calrndow ,/././ The Coach House Coffee Shop, Luss ,/./ * 1/2 V2 The George Hotel, Inveraray -_. -Loch Lomond Visrtors Centre, Tarbet ./ ./ ./ ,/ ,/ ---- ./ * ./ ./
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