KINGDOMTIDE Sleepers Awake
KINGDOMTIDE Sleepers Awake
MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH for 139 years shining the light of God’s love and grace 3900 Saint Charles Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70115 504-899-3431 Sunday Worship at 8:45 and 11 am November 12, 2015 We Welcome All! We warmly welcome all to worship on Sundays at 8:45 or 11 am, to Sunday School at 9:45 am, to participate freely in the life of this community of faith and love, and to become a member of this congregation. Rayne welcomes and embraces all people regardless of race, class, gender, or sexual orientation with open hearts, open minds, and open doors! WELCOME to RAYNE! Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service Those wishing to become members of Rayne are encouraged to contact callie.crawford 2015 Operating Budget $1,008,279 Needed Weekly 19,390 Weekly Average to Date 16,911 Received 11/08/15 11,742 Rayne Tomb Restoration 2,125 Rayne Home Tour for Mission Trips 394 K I N G D OMT I DE In Celebration of Rayne’s 140th Anniversary the Chancel Choir presents Sl e e p e r s Awa k e J. S. Bach’s 140th Cantata Matthew 25:1-13 “Watch therefore, for you do not know the day or the hour…” Worship in the The Historic Sanctuary 8:45 and 11 am with The Chancel Choir directed by C. Leonard Raybon Sleepers Awake Organ Marcus St. Julien Violins Ben Thacher, Byron Tauchi Viola Richard Woehrle Cello Jonathan Gerhardt Oboes Jane Gabka, Johanna Cox English Horn Mike McGowan Holy Communion 10 am Hannah Chapel M atthew 25:1-13 Contribute Online at Or scan the QR Code Use your smart phone to open your own account with the church for making contributions and viewing your giving record. nday is Pledge Su 22! November OPPORTUNITIES for SERVICE Summer Mission Trip to Haiti July 10-17, 2016 _____________________________________________________________________________ Location Gressier, Haiti at “Respire Haiti —a non-profit founded by Louisiana native and Tulane alumn Megan Boudreaux to help vulnerable children after the earthquake Mission Provide a Vacation Bible School for the children, building construction/maintenance Team Leader Informational Meeting Tuesday, November 17 6 pm Kathryn Davis, LMSW Department of Child Psychology Tulane University Cost: ~$1200 Visit: Email [email protected] Summer Mission Trip to Guatemala June 20-30, 2016 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Location LaToma, Guatemala Mission Build a parsonage for the pastor’s family currently living in the church so that the church can be used for mission Team Leader Phyllis Funches Cost: ~$700 + Airfare Email [email protected] School Kits for the United Methodist Committee on Relief at Christmas Beginning on November 29, individuals and families may pick out a brightly colored school bag along with a shopping list of school supplies. Filled bags may be placed under the Chrismon Tree in the sanctuary until December 20. From there, they will be delivered to the SagerBrown UMCOR station in Baldwin, LA which sends them to places around the world where children are in great need of such supplies. Crescent City Café This young adult ministry, “compelled by the love of Christ,” serves a gourmet breakfast restaurant-style with dignity and grace to those in need twice monthly. The next café will be Saturday, November 21, 7-10 am in the Fellowship Hall. To donate or volunteer, go to ______________________________________________ Comfort Food Team Pepper will prepare a meal Sunday, November 22 at noon in the kitchen. This meal will be served on Tuesday, November 24 at the Open Table. If you would like to join a Cook Team, email [email protected] ______________________________________________ The Open Table Servers are needed at the Open Table! If you would like to help serve Comfort Food, join us at 2700 Louisiana Avenue on Tuesday, November 24 at 3:30 pm. ______________________________________________ Prayer Shawl Meeting with Knitting Lessons Twelve women have inaugurated this new ministry and will meet again on Sunday, November 15, at 4 pm to knit, crochet, share patterns and yarn. At this meeting, a knitting lesson will be offered for beginners. To learn more, call 8993431. _______________________________________________ Pledge Sunday In preparation for Thanksgiving Sunday, November 22, let us prayerfully consider making a pledge to Rayne’s 2016 mission, giving all that we can! _______________________________________________ Informational Meeting for the 2016 Haiti Mission If you are interested in joining the Haiti Mission Team in the Summer of 2016, plan to attend a meeting with Team Leader, Kathryn Davis, on Library. _____________________________________________ Donation Station We are currently collecting canned goods for the Rayne Food Pantry, blankets for the city’s homeless shelters, and hygiene items for distribution at The Open Table. Donations may be brought to the Donation Station near the kitchen. OPPORTUNITIES for SPIRITUAL GROWTH P RIMETIMERS Thanksgiving Luncheon and Program Wednesday, November 18 Noon, Fellowship Hall RSVP: 504-899-3431 World War II food will be served, so plan to have supper with us! Stop 22 for Young Adults Wednesday, December 2 6 pm D P ! “THE PRODIGAL GOD” Mondays, 6:30 pm, Rayne Youth Room Sunday, December 6 8:45 and 11 am H of the G ( M (( M * and 5 pm C, ( - ( C . “W ’ C, ( - ( E5 C /. . , C --6 5 pm and 7 pm We’re All a Part of the Christmas Story Children’s Pageant Sunday, December 13 Join the United Methodist Men on Wednesday, November 18, at 6 pm (dinner at 5:30 pm) in the Fellowship Hall, and bring someone with you! Our program will include two "A-Team" speakers from the World War II Museum: New Orleans native and war veteran Bert Stolier and Ronnie Aboud, museum volunteer and speaker coordinator. Bert Stolier joined the Marines in 1940, was present at Pearl Harbor, witnessed the Dolittle Raid launch from the USS Hornet, the Battles of Midway, Makin Island, and Guadalcanal, survived for 2 days in the water after being shot down, waded ashore at Tarawa, and landed on sands of Iwo Jima. He was on the deck of the USS Missouri when Japan surrendered. As a tribute to our veterans, come listen to Bert’s fascinating and personal story. A dv en t Sunday, December 13 8:45 and 11 am C, . C, P M (( M * and 5 pm C, ./ ’( P A.. a P of the C, ( - ( S You Are Invited! For more information about Stop 22, contact Young Adult Coordinator, Courtney Stuckwisch at [email protected] The School for Contemplative Living presents THE GATES of HEAVEN are EVERYWHERE Wednesdays, 6 pm, Rayne Parlor For more information or to register, go to !” New Study Begins One In The Spirit Class Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service Adam Hamilton’s Monday, November 23 7 pm, St. George’s Episcopal Church 4600 St. Charles Avenue Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today Sundays, 9:45 am Rayne Library Beginning on November 22 All are welcome! For information, contact Jan Bugg at 225-892-1882 Clergy and choirs from the uptown churches and synagogues will lead our worship. All are welcome! Sundays 5-7 pm Youth Fellowship 5-6:30 pm Women’s Covenant Group Each Week At Rayne Mondays 10 am Staff Meeting 5:30 pm Centering Prayer 6 pm Ministry Meetings 6:30 pm AA Meeting Tuesdays Noon Brown Bag Covenant Group 1 pm Intercessory Prayer Group 3:30 pm Open Table 5:30-8 pm Luke’s House Free Clinic 6:30 pm Covenant Group Wednesdays 9:30 am Mom’s Bible Study 5:30 pm Centering Prayer 6 pm Children’s Choir seasonal 6 pm Wednesday Classes 6 pm Disciple Bible Study 7 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7:30 pm Overeaters Anonymous LET US PRAY WE SHARE THE SORROW —of Missy Sparks and her family in the death her father, Hal Hopson. WE SHARE THE JOY —of Billy Crawford who received for the 2nd time the Excellence in Media Award from the Louisiana Tennis Association. Saturday 9 am STAIR Tutoring Meetings Coming Up Monday, November 16 6 pm Board of Trustees Tuesday, November 17 6 pm Haiti Mission Informational WORSHIP LEADERS Altar Guild Nancy and Bob Hopkins, Jan Jeter, Trish Rauls Head Ushers Bob Moffett, Gary Kennan Head Greeters Mable Thomas, Susie VanderKuy, Barbara Clark, Carol Thiele Sound System Amy Pertuit, Dominic Rivera, Randy Rivero —to Will Winebrenner and Dodd Denton for opening their home to us so graciously last Sunday; —to Jonnie Honse for leading the Financial Peace class; —Mal McLetchie for leading the Covenant Bible Study; —to Nancy Hopkins for leading the class on prayer practices; —to Joyce Bracey for leading “Break Free”; —to Joyce Mathison for her stewardship message last Sunday; —to Jill Holland for help with the Wednesday night snack clean-up; —to Autumn and Ashlynn Henderson for helping in the office, pantry, and kitchen. Announcements Thursdays 9:30 am Sacred Yoga Parker UMC 10 am Space for God 7 pm Al-Anon/AA Meetings 6:30-9 pm Luke’s House Free Clinic THANK YOU —Ken Tan, Betty McHale, Phyllis Funches, Elonwy Neer, Shirley Watts, Kelly Hereford, Laura Coatney, Katie Worley, Jackie Muscare, Marie Mahnke, Leon Perret, Andrew Scott, Dan Winn, Edith Parr, Pat Peebles, and Bryan Slate. Quarterly Statements If you would like a copy of your 3rd quarter statement of financial giving, simply call the church or email our Business Manager at [email protected] NOTE: End-of-year statements will be mailed to all contributors. Throwback Thursdays Visit Rayne’s Facebook page, “like” us, and check out “Throwback Thursdays”! Gluten-Free Communion Bread Those who are on gluten-free diets may request a glutenfree communion wafer at the altar each time we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. The 140th Rayne Anniversary Committee announces The Chancel Choir’s performance of Bach’s 140th Cantata on Sunday, November 15, 8:45 and 11 am in the Sanctuary. Mission Market It is not too soon to begin crafting items to be donated for sale at this year’s Christmas Mission Market on December 6. Bakes items, jams, and jellies are welcome too. All proceeds go to Rayne mission projects. Positions Available —to help prepare cookie trays on Friday mornings for Sunday fellowship; —to help prepare the Sanctuary on Friday mornings for Sunday worship; —to help with the Children’s Christmas Pageant on Sunday, December 13, at 5 pm. November Birthday Sunday! Early Worshipers Join us for cake and Ice Cream 504 at Noon in the Fellowship Hall this Sunday, November 15! During the holiday season ahead, we will be experimenting with worship in the Sanctuary at 8:45 am. We are open to your feedback! KINGDOMTIDE When Kick-Off is at Noon 1Samuel 1:4-20 Psalm 113 Hebrews 10:11-14 Mark 13:1-8 Consider attending the 8:45 am Service of Worship Come casual, wear your black and gold, make worship a priority even on game days! The Children’s Choir Will Sing! Rehearsals on Wednesdays, 6 pm