2010-2011 Annual Report


2010-2011 Annual Report
2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
table of contents
Letter from the President, Board of Trustees
Letter from the Head of School
2010-2011 Donors
Statement of Financial Position
Time, Talent and Treasure: You Can Make a Difference!
K-1-2 teacher, Julie Miles-Colthup, helps Alexandra Saddler
complete a project.
Cover photograph: Eliza Samuelson (‘08) and Jonah Hutchinson (‘08)
catch some air in Moab, Utah.
letter from the president, board of trustees
Dear Stanley BPS Community,
Tim Barrier
Head of School
Buffy Naake
Vice President
Elizabeth Sharrer
Kevin Mammel
Debbie Round
Katie Boston
Susan Cleveland
Natasha Garfield
Joanna Hambidge
Philippa Hambidge
William Goodwin
Garth Jensen
Jim Jonas
Karin Jonas
Nick Kemp
Karen Onderko
Richard Rogers
Mark Rudiger
Sue Sava
Clark Shaw
Monica Simmins
Ann Solomon
Bonnie Utley
Emeritus Members
Wiley Daniel
Carolyn Hambidge
Ferris Hamilton
Bea Romer
I am honored to be writing this summary of the 2010/2011 school year as the
new President of the Stanley Board of Trustees, a position I started in June,
2011. I would like to recognize my predecessor, Liz Sharrer, for helping to
shepherd many of the accomplishments described below. I would also like to
acknowledge the Board of Trustees, past and present, for the spirit with which
it has tried to steward our special school over nearly 40 years of growth and
evolution, both in program areas and in school governance. At the heart of
all of the busyness is the focused, joyful hum of learning going on in every
the K-1-2 hallway, inspired writing and displays of self-assurance in 3-4-5
country studies, and creative inquiry and team work in middle school science
fair projects. It is our students and teachers, as they continually bring our
school’s mission to life, that engage us all in this special enterprise that is
Stanley British Primary School.
During the 2010/2011 school year, thanks to the unprecedented generosity
of our community, we successfully completed the “Sustaining our Spirit/
Securing our Future” endowment campaign which raised over $3 million
dollars to support faculty salaries and socioeconomic diversity. Also, as a
result of literally hundreds of hours devoted by parent volunteers, Stanley
was successful at raising the funds necessary to transform the front entrance
of the school in to our new
community gathering space.
This project was managed by
our dedicated facilities staff and
an amazing group of parent
volunteers – the space was
day of the 2011-2012 school year.
The Curious Minds Annual Fund
$374,253, in 2010/2011 with 93%
participation. Likewise, we
re-tooled the Stanley Auction,
the biggest source of support
aid, and set a new record by
raising $106,000. Community
participation in these endeavors
is a true testament to the many
important ways families support
our school.
Bennett Jonas on a wet hike.
The 2010/2011 school year also saw
Trustees. We completed a two year review
of school governance, revised the bylaws
changes in the way the Board is structured
to be launching the Board of Trustees on
a path of learning and growth that will
We devoted special attention to a review
of our self-study data that was collected
as part of our ACIS accreditation process,
“Laughter constantly drifting out of classrooms...”
School” evening at which we highlighted an
analysis of this data with respect to our school culture, philosophy, and programs. This review indicates
that Stanley lives its mission, vision and values in a genuine and organic way and that this is a great
source of pride and satisfaction among virtually everyone in our community. And while many of our
in depth in 2010/2011, and we will have an opportunity to implement some important changes in the
to be an integral part of the administrative leadership team and the board of trustees, ensuring we are
Program and our mission as a school in the 2011/2012 school year.
Shakespeare play, the holiday program, the ever-popular Halloween parade, the arts festival, and music
and laughter constantly drifting out of classrooms – all of the things that make us who we are – a special
school devoted to joyful lifelong learning.
Kind regards,
Buffy Naake
President, Board of Trustees
letter from the head of school
Dear Families and Friends,
As is usually the case at Stanley BPS, 2010/2011 saw our school through much growth and change.
Through all the opportunity and challenge the year brought, we continued to establish our identity as
a Kindergarten through Eighth Grade school, strengthening programs and curriculum and across the
nine grades. Tying various school-wide initiatives together over the course of the year was the theme of
sustainability- what we can do today that ensures that Stanley will continue to thrive, not only for our
children but also for those yet to come.
Our Board of Trustees undertook many projects in 10/11,
the most important of which was a restructuring of our
governance structure and a revision of our bylaws. At the
root of the changes is an intention to ensure that our Board is
populated and functions in a manner appropriate for a school
of years of careful and wise stewardship from those who have
served on our Board. One element of our governance that
will never change is the thoughtful solicitation of varying
perspectives and talents that allows our Board to represent the
best interests of our community.
ACIS Reaccreditation
During 10/11, our faculty and staff completed our ACIS
(Association of Colorado Independent Schools) Self-Study
Going for gold in the Sand Dunes National Park.
Report, incorporating results from a comprehensive allschool survey that assesses every aspect of what we do
at Stanley. This document represents the foundation of our re-accreditation process, a seven-year cycle
through which we are formally evaluated relative to association standards. The Self-Study guides the work
of the ACIS Visiting Team- scheduled to visit our school in October, 2011. The Visiting Team’s report will
re-accreditation from the ACIS Board of Directors in early 2012.
Building Long-Term Sustainability
enrollment remains very strong, we continue to fund depreciation and capital reserve, and our operations
meet budget each year. To provide Stanley with long-term security and supplementary annual operating
income, we committed to completing our “Sustaining our Spirit, Securing our Future” campaign. With
gratitude to the many volunteers who gave their time and donors who contributed generously, we concluded
Most of the funds raised, over $2.5 million, is directed to our endowment fund, with the balance supporting
capital improvements at the front of our school.
A New Front Door
Working with Semple-Brown architects and CMC construction, a volunteer steering committee shepherded
the capital component of the “Sustaining Our Spirit, Securing Our Future” campaign, began in early May,
day of the 11/12 school year.
Powered by the Sun
Made possible by the generosity of the Callahan family, we installed a 66kwh photo-voltaic system on
the roof of our gym, completed and operational in November, 2010. The system supplies nearly all the
Giving to Stanley
Again, with the great support from the community, we reached a new standard of over $374,000 in our
Curious Minds Annual Fund. These funds go directly to supporting current operations, teachers, and
support for our school. The auction netted over $106,000, and Stanley Services earned over $20,000 to
Intern Program
teachers into schools near and far. Director Sue Sava, Coordinator Gina Bernacchi and Facilitator Joanne
the intern ranks. The growth is made possible by a very generous three-year grant of over $300,000 from
the Helen K. and Arthur E. Johnson Foundation to support additional interns in two of our public school
partner schools - Eagleton Elementary in Denver and Tollgate Elementary in Aurora. Denver Public Schools
Enjoying the warm mornings of late May, we “continued” our
conclude the 2010/2011 school year. Our graduates are bound for the
following high schools:
On behalf of our community, thank you for your ongoing support of
Stanley British Primary School.
All the best,
Vivek Shah studies in
2010-2011 donors
Clark and Deborah Bublitz
William and Maureen Buchholz
The Burtchaell Family
Eric and Amy Butz
Frank and Jennifer Callahan
Bill and Liz Callender
Hilary Carlson
Leadership Circle ($10,000 - $24,999)
Russell Cranswick and Sheila Black
Bob Doherty and Karen Onderko
Tony and Carrie Damon
Victor and Cynthia Frandsen
Bruce Falkenberg
The Colorado Health Foundation
Chris and Liz Fuselier
Martin and Melissa Goldstein
Founders ($5,000 - $9,999)
Marshall and Joyce Gottesfeld
Anonymous (5)
Peter and Kelli Hansen
Jim and Karen Cannon
Shawn and Sheila Jackson
Tom and J.J. Gibson
Jeffrey Hall and Penny Johnson
Mary Ann Hamilton Lamont
Nick and Jennifer Kemp
Roger and Diane Kahn
Harriet Levy
David and Jennifer Korman
James and Heather Mulvihill
Chakradhar Kotaru and Susan Kotake
Samuel and Michelin Sharp
Esther Langmack and C.T. Lin
Laurie Sher
Michael Lindenbaum
In Memory of Jay Levy
and Marianne Hallinan
Thomas and Tina Vessels
and Debbie Montgomery
Carol Wolf
John and Holly Menges
Vernon and Buffy Naake
The Walter S. Rosenberry, III Charitable Trust Richard Naha and Gina Fratarcangeli
Ed and Jean Onderko
Keith Olivera and Christine Semsack
Explorers ($2,500 - $4,999)
Bill Ray and Melissa Knott
Janet Rey
In Honor of Jack Espy
Carl and Cindy Rossow
Lalit and Jenny Bajaj
Rod and Debbie Round
Steve and Shannon Bangert
Ali Sarram and Ramina Kashani
Todd Bublitz and Ana Faus
Ted and Kathi Schlegel
Chris Crawford and Polly Warner
Raj and Niki Shah
John and Jane Francis
Bobbie and Laurie Smith
Tom and Brooke Gordon
Kevin Smith and Miriana Martinova Smith
Steve and Lindsey Gutterman
Paul and Leslie Stratton
Ferris and Molly Hamilton
Jack and Jodi Thurman
Phil Harding and Kim Cressman
Bob and Stacey Toevs
Michael Katz and Stephanie Lucero Katz
Thomas and Charlene Trouillot
Mariner and Megan Kemper
Nikolas and Sara Waggener
Bob and Betsy Leighton
Tom and Michelle Whitten
Christopher and Laura Marino
Coralie and Ian Witter
Mark Wright and Emily Hobbs
Zane Tuta and Elizabeth Sharrer
E. Clarkson Shaw and Janet Haglund-Shaw Mark Apelman and Mary Jo Young
In Memory of Eric J. Young, Ph.D.
Michael and Marjory Ulm
Stanley Roundtable ($25,000 or more)
Mike and Amber Fries
Anna and John J. Sie Foundation
In Honor of the wonderful teachers and
programs at Stanley British Primary School
and your dedication to inclusion.
Wade and Beth Vagle
Seekers ($1,000 - $2,499)
Anonymous (6)
Mark Apelman
In Honor of Maja Apelman, Ph.D.
Obe and Whitney Ariss
Kyle and Jessica Bachus
James and Ann Bailey
The Baker Family
In Memory of Alice Altemeier
Tim and Ingrid Barrier
Bakken Photography, LLC
Lincoln Financial Foundation
MacCourt Fund
Ronald A. Krieger Charitable Foundation
Rose Community Foundation
Susan W. Burgamy Fund
Tri-State Generation and Transmission, Inc.
Dreamers ($500 - $999)
Maggie and Jerrel Armstrong
Woldey Assefa and Yetti Mulugeta
Christopher and Priscilla Barber
Elmar and Christina Baroth
Matt and Amy Brady
Brian and Lane Breitenwischer
Dale and Angela Bruno
Vince and Natalie Buckmelter
Ronald and Mary Butz
David Cahn
Mary Ann Combs
Sharon and Dan Cravitz
Katie Hurlbut and Rick Dart
Philip and Debra Demosthenes
Eric and Jennifer Eiteljorg
Lance and Lynne Forstot
William L. Goodwin
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Gottesfeld
Darren and Tisha Gregory
Ann Hartmann
Jolie Hazard
Eric and Sarah Hilty
Jim and Allison Johnson
Kaveh Kian
Scott and Carrie Krambeck
Jeremy and Nikki Kroner
In Honor of Alex Kroner
Gedeon LaFarge and Eleanor Harrison
Todd and Robin Larabee
Kevin and Kristin Mammel
Kevin McCabe
Marlowe McDougal
Walter and Sharon Merschat
Gary and Vicky Mierau
William Mushkin
Danny and Rebecca Needham
Mari Newman and Elizabeth Trinitapoli
David and Cathy Pfeifer
Peter Rahe and Susan Steiner Rahe
Ralph and Deborah Round
Mark Rudiger and Sue Williams
David and Myrna Schnur
Dan and Tiffany Smink
Susan and Darwin Toll
Michael and Colleen Vickers
Michele Walker
Beau and Monique Wehrle
William and Janet Weston
The Weyant Family
Haluk and Meltem Yilmazturk
Shawn Zinnen and Lisa Maier
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Marsico Capital Management, LLC
Merck Partnership for Giving
World Charity Foundation
Friends ($250 - $499)
Anonymous (8)
John and Debra Aleinikof
Charles Baker
John and Heidi Barker
The Barnes Family
Kent Beaber and Rya Merschat
Scott Beckman and Ginger Rubey
Daniel Brogan
Jack Brogan
Phil Bublitz and Becky Lowery
William L. Callender
Adam and Marguerite Cherubini
Thomas Cogswell and Marjorie
Tony and Anne Comaskey
Tisha Corbett
Elizabeth Crane
Herschel and Barbara Cravitz
Matt and Cathy Daley
Steve de Beer
Thomas and Barbara Feige
Andrew and Sharon Felser
Donn and Diane Fulton
Denise Gammon
Meg Gehl and Kim Curtis
Jane Ginsberg
Phillip and Patty Godwin
Jon Gottesfeld and Linda Buckley
Steve and Karen Gottesfeld
Grandma Myra
Paula Greisen
Barbara Guynn
Kim Hartsen and April Montgomery
Anthony and Jill Hall
Joanna Hambidge
Michael and Carolyn Hambidge
Simon Hambidge and Elizabeth Bayliss
The Hammons-Giesecke Family
William Havu
Matt and Molly Holberton
Steve and Christina Hollister
Bill Huron and Richard Rogers
James and Karin Jonas
Evan and Jennifer King
Sam Kamin and Viva Moffat
Michael and Jennifer Kimbel
Jennifer and Evan King
Roy and Judy Koskinen
Mike and Flori Legette
Bryan Leo and Doris Spornberger
Harry T. Lewis, Jr.
Kevin Lewis
George Lupiba and Cynthia Friedland
Matt and Kim McGrigg
Michael and Nancy McKeever
David Mellman and Philippa Hambidge
Josh, Nathan and Adam Merenstein
Greg and Elyn Moldow
Reid Neureiter and Nora Hoskins
Bill and Leslie Newell
Mark Niles and Lori Pidick
Jay and Martha Markson
Sandra Martin
Colin and Jenifer Monks
Richard Martinez
and Nancy Ortiz Moreno
Ted and Lisa McCausland
Ralfella Meister
Mike and Heather Miller
Peter Murane and Alice Wolfe
Francine Paston
Joel Pollack and Abby Ferber
Paul and Jackie Prendergast
Jeff and Amy Raval
Chris Reichert and Kim Shankle
Leonard Ripps
Chris and Laurie Romer
Mark Saliman
Steven and Anne Schreiber
Chester and Louise Schwartz
Lloyd and Patricia Slevc
Gregory Smith and Deirdre Arnholz
Deborah Stegner
Harry and Vicky Sterling
Ric Tan and Catherine Murphy
Randy and Joanne Tanaka-Cuerden
Giles Toll
Scott and Eileen Umbaugh
Srikant and Karlyn Vasan
Alain Veratti
Sukumar Vijayarghavan
and Geeta Sharma
Michael and Patricia Wade
William Walters and Christy Cutler
Kevin Wanebo and Meg Kaehny
Terry Ware and Nina Cruchon
Marcia and Joe Welch
Cari Wolfe
Doug and Maureen Wulf
Masami and Kazumi Yoshimura
Motorola Foundation
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Oracle Corporation
RCF Management
Timbuk Toys
US Bank
Wells Fargo Community
Support Campaign
Wells Fargo Foundation
Partners (Up to $249)
Anonymous (13)
Vance and Mary Aandahl
Mona Akbari
Tim and Mary Ammons
Brent Applebaum
Gultekin and Nesrin Aydin
Steven and Susan Bachar
Donald Bacon and Kim Stewart
Beverly Barber
Matt Barber
Edward Barkwill
Christa Baroth
Gene and Ellen Barrier
Adam and Kara Bartolik
Jonathan and Stephanie Bender
Bezawit Berhanemeskel
Gina Bernacchi
The Bombardiere Family
Charles and Carolyn Boston
Charles and Theodora Boston
James and Katie Boston
The Duda Bowen Family
Toby Branch and Korin Haight
Don and Patty Brandes
Rachel Brown and Tom Weaver
Tom and Maria Cecilia Buckley
Anjali Budhiraja
Karlene Burrell
Ronald Buss and Susan Dunn
Robert and Leonore Cahn
Martha Cargile
Thomas and Nancy Caswell
Mel and Sharon Cave
Eva Cherin and Craig Rudman
Mary Jo Chicoine
The Cleveland Family
Dana and Jonathan Cohen
Stephanie Collins
Glen Colthup and Julie Miles
Darren Conner
and Melinda Hughes Conner
Telma Cordova
Frances Corsello
Joanne Corson
Mich Cotton
Bryn Cranswick
Ann Daley
Jau Donna Daniels
Bobby and Janice Davis
James and Kim Davis
Theodore Demosthenes
Anil and Emily Dervisevic
Helen Dillon
Colin Dodunski
Larry and Rachel Dorr
Margaret Duke
Abbey, Conor and Jack Dunn
Walter and Cornelia Edgar
Bridget Ewings
Virginia Fanfera
Matthew Fedde
In Honor of super-duper teachers
Joanna, Steve, Taylor, Mary, Betsy,
Chris and Anne
Margie and Larry Feinberg
Nicole Foucher
Ubin and Rosamaria Foucher
Robert and Connie Friesen
In Memory of Alice Altemeier
Walter and Georgia Garnsey
The Gaydos Family
Laura Gibson
Art Gluck and Signe Hartmann
2010-2011 donors
Kayla Gluck
Ellen and Anna Goldstein
Carlos and Sandra Gomez
Jeff Gowen
Heather Graesser
Van and Mary Grafenstein
Grandparents of Kate Schlegel
David and Karolyn Greher
Suzanne Gunn and Rick Ginsberg
Gary and Sheila Gutterman
Phil Hainline and Nancy Francis
Melissa Haniewicz
The Hart/Nelson Family
Jim and Marty Hartmann
Marcia Helfant
Jane Hile
David and Nina Hinds
The Horton Family
Denny and Pamela Hovik
William and Patricia Jackson
Dan and Bev Jacobson
Hank and Susan Jenkins
Garth and Lisa Jensen
Kristen G. Johnson and James Jablonski
Nichole Johnson
James and Emma Lou Jones
The Kahn Family
Jim Keneipp and Diane McElveen
Jessica Knauf
Sheldon and Sharon Korman
Erik and Amanda Koskinen
Adam and Jane Koszowski
Ann R. Lane
Rod and Stephanie Lane
John Lebsack and Holly Bennett
Barbara Lesnoski
Stacey Levy
Barbara Lewis
Chris and Betsy Lewis
Susan Lewis
Nathan and Anne Longenecker
David Maahs and Christine Walravens
Reeves MacDonald
Hannah Magoun
David and Catherine Manchester
David and Susannah Marais
Joan Markey
Bob and Nancy Martin
In Honor of Tucker Cargile
Valentina Mascarenhas
David and Amy Mathias
Lynn and Richard Mathias
D.J. McCleary and Bragg Hemme
Kelly and Bill McDonald
Jean McIntyre
Chad and Nea McKeehan
Barbara and Bow McLean
Ted and Karin McLean
Donna Meallet
DoMargarita Mehan
Gregory Meister
Getabecha Mekonnen and Lulit Melake
Abraham Mengistu and Sara Tessema
Bonnie Merenstein
John and Stacey Messiter
Carla Mestas and Mark Duey
Daniel and Mary Jane Mestas
Bruce and Leela Miller
Suvi Miller and Robert Arnold
Susan Moffat
Jim and Monica Mogen
Sarah Mogen
Joanna Moldow
William and Rosemarie Murane
Julie Nahabedian
Fadi and Haifa Nasrallah
Allison Neckers
Berhanemeskel Nega and Addis Aimero
Norman and Georgine Neureiter
Lee Lee Newcomb
Michael Noone and Leysa Morris Noone
Kevin and Elizabeth Nugent
Lawrence and Kathryn Oberlies
Ian and Rebecca Olgeirson
Jacob and Jennifer Olson
Riley Olson
Edwin and Sandra Palent
Annie and Rob Patterson
Ofori and Cindy Pearson
Margaret Perkins
John Pidick and Helen Cahill
Mary Sue Pleune
Ed and Janis Pluss
Barbara Pollack
Thomas Potter
Mark Prather and Aya Schickel
Amy Pregulman
Doug Price and Hazel Stevens Price
Paul Primus and Barbara Hamilton
In Honor of Josh and Lily Primus
Gail Raymond
Lori Reece
Richard and Natika Rhodes
Elizabeth Riggleman
Brad and Sascha Ripps
Beth Robbins
Frank and Susan Ruble
Katie Russell
Robert and Ashlee Saddler
John Sadwith and Karen Grote
Dennis and Sara Sakai
Yvette and Ron Sally
Buddy Saper and Beth Palent-Saper
J.H. and Sue Sava
Steve Schermer and Teddi Bryant
Francis Scheve
In Honor of the Damon Family
Carol Pearlstein Self
Herbert and Suzanne Sheppard
Rob and Della Shikiar
Ryan and Whitney Short
Renard and Monica Simmons
Carrie Simpson
Jameson and Jeanet Sinkhorn
Michael and Ann Solomon
Timothy and Carrie Stegner
David and Mary Steefel
Kathy Steinlage
Joseph Stenson
Margaret Stenson-McCormick
Sara Stern
John Storb and Elizabeth Biesiot
Dianna Swenson
Leslie Swid
Valeria Tanaka
The Teas Family
Sothi and Binah Thillairajah
Evan Unger and Teri Schwartz
Helen Vagle
Scott and Esther Varney
John Wasserman and Esther Starrels
Mike and Kelsey Wasylenky
Skip and Deb Waugh
Lucinda Welch
Christopher and Kelli Whitelaw
Tina Wilson
Hal and Sue Wofford
Charles and Maria Wooldridge
Wade and Beth Vagle
Stuart and Kathy Zimmerman
AXA Foundation
Center for Applied Research
Corum Real Estate Group, Inc.
The Janus Foundation
Sustaining Our Spirit, Securing Our
Future Campaign*
$500,000 and above
The Witter Family
Anna and John J. Sie Foundation
$200,000- $499,000
The Fries Family
Gates Family Foundation
Frank and Jen Callahan
Russ Cranswick, Sheila Black
and Bryn Cranswick
Mr. Nicholas & Dr. Jennifer Kemp
and the Kemp Family
Vernon and Buffy Naake
Carol Wolf
R.C. Kemper Charitable Trust
Kyle and Jessica Bachus
John Campana and Lisa Cameron
Elizabeth Crane
Bob Doherty and Karen Onderko
The Dolan and Stratton Family
Karen Glanert
Bob and Betsy Leighton
Chris and Liz Fuselier
Garth and Lisa Jensen
Mariner and Megan Kemper
Sam and Michelin Sharp
Liz Sharrer and Zane Tuta
Thomas and Charlene Trouillot
Newmont Mining Corporation
Anonymous (2)
John and Heidi Barker
Tim and Ingrid Barrier
Tom and Virginia Boschen
Adam and Maggie Cherubini
Stephen and Karen Gottesfeld
The Hamilton Family
Sarah and Eric Hilty
Jim and Allison Johnson
Esther Langmack and C.T. Lin
Mitchell and Margaret Morrissey
Ali Sarram and Ramina Kashani
David and Myrna Schnur
Tim and Carrie Stegner
The Witt and Toevs Family
Haluk and Meltem Yilmazturk
The Colorado Health Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Gottesfeld
Up to $9,999
Tim and Mary Ammons
Woldey Assefa and Yetti Mulugeta
Katie and James Boston
Rusty and Sarah Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Garnsey, Jr.
The Goldstein Family
Dr. William L. Goodwin
and Mrs. Laura Goodwin
Mary Ann Hamilton Lamont
James and Karin Jonas
Martin Katz
Jennifer and Michael Kimbel
Doug and Pam Kincaid
Jennifer and David Korman
Kristin and Kevin Mammel
Beth McCann and Toff Linsmayer
James and Heather Mulvihill
Larry Odle and Bonnie Utley
Ralph and Deborah Round
Mark Rudiger and Sue Williams
Kathryn Russell
Sue and J.H. Sava
Michael and Ann Solomon
Deborah Stegner
Michael and Marjory Ulm
Medtronic Foundation
*This list includes all campaign donors
Dr. William L. Goodwin Teacher
Preparation Endowment Fund
Marc and Alice Applebaum
Tim and Ingrid Barrier
Virginia Bays
Christina Scripps Benevento
Gina Bernacchi
Thomas Bidell and Jill Nelson
Paul and Lacey Books
Thomas and Lindsey Brems
Vince and Natalie Buckmelter
Cayla Chavez Murphy
Erin Cody
Joanne Corson
Susan Crews
Doc De Bruin
Marguerite Detmer
Colin Dodunski
Edward Dulworth
Jack and Carolyn Fleming
Catherine Forington
Lance and Lynne Forstot
Kelsey Fuller Fatland
Art Gluck and Sig Hartmann
Jeffrey Goldstein and Kris Fraser
Victor and Barbara Golletz
Gregory and Peggy Goodwin
Jonathan Gottesfeld and Linda Buckley
Joanna Hambidge
Michael and Carolyn Hambidge
Robert and Nancy Hand
Steve and Chryse Hutchins
Thomas and Robin Jurgens
Jolayne Keller
Richard and Lucretia Koeppe
Steven Lass and Diana Poole
Lindsay Lepley
David and Pam Livingston
Patrick and Lunden MacDonald
Julia Milwid
Patrick and Laurie Moore
Kathryn Munchmeyer Kendall
Kerry O’Shaughnessy
Larry Odle and Bonnie Utley
Elysabethe Olmstead
Laurel Olson
Ofori and Cindy Pearson
Robert and Jennifer Prescott
Doug and Hazel Price
James Andrew Reynolds
Katherine Rich
Roy and Bea Romer
Lindsey Anderson Rosendahl
J.H. and Sue Sava
Christine Schaub
Nancy Schoyer
Carrie Simpson
Lloyd and Patricia Slevc
Michael and Ann Solomon
Sandi Spiegelman
Sarah Stowell
Larry and Sharee Strasheim
Paul and Janet Sullivan
Portia Terrell
Lisa Weiske
Ian and Coralie Witter
James and Anne Witwer
Patricia Young
Paddington Station Preschool
Emergency Medical Equipment
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Butz
Victor and Cynthia Frandsen
Steven and Christina Hollister
Lori Johnson
George Lupiba and Cynthia Friedland
Francine Paston
Christopher Reichert and Kimbery Shankle
In-Kind Donations
Jeanne Granville
Amy Hansen
William Havu
Grant and Leneta Jones
Shonna Sam
Susan Steiner Rahe
James and Jill Teas
CW&H Graphics
Carlie Barnhart
During the year ending July 31, 2010,
the value of contributed professional
services meeting the requirements for
Thank you to everyone who contributed to
the Auction, the Science Fair, the production
of the yearbook, and in countless other ways.
In addition, many individuals volunteered
their time and talent to perform a variety of
tasks that assist in the school carrying out
its mission. Thank you!
statement of financial position
Tuition and Fees
Contributions Endowment Campaign
Contribution Other
Other Income
Total Revenue and Support
Other Income
Contribution Other
Contributions Endowment Campaign
and Fees
Financial Aid
Facilities and Maintenance
General and Administration
General & Administration
Facilities & Maintenance
Salaries &
Financial Aid
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Investments in Marketable Securities
Accounts and Notes Receivable
Promises to Give
Endowment - Investments
Endowment - Promises to Give
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Investments in Marketable Securities
Accounts & Notes Receivable
Promises to Give
Endowment - Promises to Give
Endowment - Investments
Accounts Payable
Accrued Patrol Costs and Other Liabilities
Tuition Fees Paid in Advance
Deferred Lease Incentive
Deferred Compensation Liability
Bonds and Notes Payable
Line of Credit
Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts Payable
Accrued Patrol Costs and Other Liabilities
Tuition Fees Paid in Advance
Deferred Lease Incentive
Deferred Compensation Liability
Bonds and Notes Payable
Line of Credit
Net Assets
time, talent and treasure
You can make a difference at Stanley British Primary School!
to discuss getting involved at Stanley BPS, please contact Karin Jonas, Special Events and
If you would like to make a gift to the Curious Minds Annual Fund, please contact Jessica
further information, or if you are interested in making a gift to the endowment, please
Thank you for everything you do to make Stanley BPS a community of joyful, lifelong
This Stanley British Primary School
Report to the Community covers the
fiscal year August 1, 2010 through
July 31, 2011. In compiling this report,
every effort has been made to ensure
that it is accurate and complete.
If we have made an error, please notify
the Development Office at (303) 360-0803
sincere apologies.
Published by
Stanley British Primary School
Development Office
350 Quebec Street Denver, Colorado 80230
website: www.stanleybps.org
Association of Colorado
Independent Schools
Non-Discriminatory Policy
as to Students
The member schools of the Association of
Colorado Independent Schools (including
Stanley British Primary School) admit
Our mission is to engage, challenge, and inspire children
to reach their potential and develop their own voices within an
inclusive, diverse, and collaborative community
that values distinct contributions and abilities.
We prepare teachers to implement our vision, mission, and values,
and we share our educational approach with the larger community.
students of any race, color, national and
ethnic origin to all rights, privileges,
programs and activities generally accorded
or made available to students at any school.
The schools in the Association do not
discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national and ethnic origin in administration
of educational policies, admission policies,
scholarship and loan programs and athletic
and other school administered programs.
Editors: Nilmini Senanayake Hecox and Laura Becker
Photography: 2009-2010 Stanley BPS Yearbook Staff
Design & Layout: Carlie Barnhart