BLESSED TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH March 6, 2016 ADDRESS: 5 SE 17th Street Ocala, FL 34471 PHONE: 352.629.8092 FAX: 352.351.8872 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: PARISH OFFICE - 352.629.8092 SICK CALLS: 352.629.8092 352.207.5835 (Emergency pager) MISSION: CHRIST THE KING Pastor Father Patrick J. Sheedy x 3209 Associate Pastors Father Raul Valdez Father Franklin Salazar x 3219 x 3227 In Residence Father Michael O’Keeffe Father Joseph Maniangat x 3221 595.5605 Deacons Heriberto Berrios, Jim Boerstler, James Schwartz Sisters Immaculate Heart of Mary Reparatrix 867.9860 Misioneras Catequistas 622.4500 14045 N US Hwy 301 Citra, FL 32113 352.595.5605 LA GUADALUPANA 11153 West Hwy 40 Ocala, FL 34482 352.291.2695 MASS SCHEDULE AT BLESSED TRINITY WEEKEND Saturday 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm Sunday 7:15 am, 8:45 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm Spanish, 5:00 pm Life Teen DAILY Mon—Fri 7:10 am and 5:30 pm Wednesday 8:15 am (follows school schedule) Thursday 6:30 pm (Spanish) Saturday 8:00 am Reconciliation FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Thursday 7:00pm (Spanish) Saturday 2:45—3:30pm (English) 5:00—5:30pm (English) Sunday 12:15—12:45pm(Spanish) MASS SCHEDULE AT OUR MISSION CHURCHES WEEKEND Saturday Sunday DAILY Tuesday Wednesday 7:00pm (Spanish) 10:15 am at Christ the King 7:00 pm at La Guadalupana (Spanish) 7:00 pm at La Guadalupana (Spanish) 5:30 pm at Christ the King Parish life march 6, 2016 ~ fourth Sunday of lent MISSION STATEMENT: Blessed Trinity Catholic Church Stewardship Community recognizes Jesus is Lord. We believe that our Time, Talent and Treasure are gifts from God to be used for the spiritual, educational and social needs of our community, the Diocese and the world at large, especially the poor. PARISH STAFF - 629.8092 Sr. Juliet Ateenyi Katherine Baker Colleen Halstead Jason Halstead David Hardison Fran Harwas Steve Hoesterey Kris Plunkett Kelly Schwietert Julie Martin Ministry to Sick Secretary Parish Administrator Blessed Trinity School Elder Care Human Resources Brother’s Keeper Parish Bookkeeper Angels in Arms Youth Minister Melinda Gunn Paul Miranda Sr. Concepta Najjemba Elizabeth Tilley Stewardship Plant Manager Soup Kitchen Music Ministry Trinity Catholic High School David L. McKenzie President Lou Pereira Principal x3211 x3201 x3218 622.5808 671.2823 x3212 622.3846 x3228 622.6167 x3222 x3208 804.2415 789.8139 x3202 622.9025 NEW PARISHIONERS ARE WELCOME to stop by the Church Office to register Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm or stop by the Parish Hall the first Sunday of each month following the 8:45 am and 11:00 am Masses. BAPTISM: We are pleased to help your family prepare for the special event of your child’s entrance into our faith community. To help parents and godparents prepare, a class (English) is held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Community Center and in Spanish the 2nd Saturday of each month, at 9:00 am at Guadalupana. Parents and Godparents must attend this class prior to scheduling baptism. MARRIAGES: If you are planning to be married at Blessed Trinity, your preparation process should begin at least four (4) months prior to desired date. We look forward to helping you during your time of engagement and preparation for the vocation of Christian marriage. Call the Church Office for an appointment with one of our priests. SICK CALLS AND HOSPITAL VISITS: If you or a family member are in a local hospital or homebound and would like to receive Communion or Sacrament of the Sick, please call the Church Office at 629.8092 or Sister Juliet at x3211. When registering at the hospital, put your name on the Catholic List. STEWARDSHIP BY THE BOOK The stewardship message in the parable of the prodigal son is that it is never too late to become a good steward. Blessed is the elder brother who had been a good steward all along, but blessed, too, is the prodigal, who had to lose all he had in order to understand the value of what he’d been given. ADS OF THE WEEK GREAT LAKES CARPET & TILE Over 10,000 Flooring styles, Lifetime Installation Guarantee, FREE Shop At Home, Exclusive Stainmaster Flooring Center 352.867.9995 Edward Jones James P. Hilty, Sr., Financial Advisor 352.351.9482 Please see our Ads at the back for all our business supporters. WORD OF LIFE “The mercy of God is his loving concern for each one of us. …he desires our wellbeing and he wants to see us happy, full of joy, and peaceful. …Just as he is merciful, so we are called to be merciful to each other.” Pope Francis, Misericordiae Vultus, no. 9 © 2015 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. worship March 6, 2016 ~ fourth Sunday of lent MINISTRY SHOWCASE Looking for a place to Retreat, Reflect & Recreate? As Jesus went away from the crowds to pray, we invite you, particularly this Lenten season to do the same. We have trails, a little lake & a ‘mini mountain’ to climb. Pray the rosary, walk the outdoor Stations of the cross… Register online and come any day with family or friends. Join our monthly, ‘outdoor’ Mass or our Saturday Sessions for Faith, Fun & Fellowship. 10-3. For more information visit or call Marilyn/Victor at 352-816-3881 STEWARDS OF THE WEEK GIRL SCOUT TROOP 4001 Thank you Girl Scout Troop 4001 for your gardening talents. Together you are "Beautifying Blessed Trinity, one island at a time." Thank you for being faithful Stewards! NEW PARISHIONERS: BAPTISMS: Jaime, Myrka and Gianna Alava Christopher, Lindsey, Jaerdan and Aizik Weech Samantha, Dustin, Ava and Colton Crews PARISH COMMUNAL PENANCE SERVICE MONDAY, March 21, 2016, AT 7:00PM Reserve Monday of Holy Week, March 21st, at 7:00pm for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Prepare, examine your conscience, celebrate with hundreds of fellow parishioners, confess privately to any one of the many priests, receive the great joy of the Lord telling you in the Words of Absolution that your sins are no more. They are gone. Turn to a clean page. In our Second Reading from St. Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians, Paul says, “So we are ambassadors for Christ, as if God were appealing through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” There are two important points intended for us in those two sentences, especially during our Lenten journeys. First, we are to be “ambassadors on behalf of Christ.” Then, as now, an ambassador was one who represented a ruler, at that time most likely a king, in dealing with others. Paul’s meaning is that we are called to represent our King, the Lord, here and now in our dealings with others. We do things representing our Lord and Savior, and we need to recognize both that fact and the responsibility which goes with it. It is what being a steward means — someone who is placed in charge of gifts which come to us from God and which are to be used in God’s behalf. That should be part of our Lenten efforts. The second sentence reminds us that we need to be reconciled with God. Note that it does not say that God is to be reconciled with us. The duty lies with us and needs to be precipitated by us. At this time as Easter approaches, reconciliation-confession is important and necessary. At a recent general audience Pope Francis declared, “I can’t be baptized two or three or four times, but I can go to confession often and regularly, and when I go to confession, I renew the grace of Baptism.” Copyright © Is 43:16-21 Phil 3:8-14 Jn 8:1-11 WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS Monday, March 7 OUR CATHOLIC APPEAL We are very grateful to all the families who have responded. So far 527 have sent back their Catholic Appeal pledge envelope. We have $139,012.10 in pledges. Our parish assessment is $147,989.00. We have $8,976.90 to go to meet our goal. Our Catholic Appeal envelopes are available in the vestibule. Each parish family is expected to make a response. Xuan, Thao and Cyanne Vutran Jessica Sandy and Marcus Hamilton READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK FULL TIME POSITION AVAILABLE AT BT Blessed Trinity Catholic Church in Ocala, FL is seeking a FT Director of Religious Education/Faith Formation. Responsibilities include development and implementation of parish catechetical and sacramental preparation; management of adult faith formation programs including RCIA, Christ Renews His Parish retreats and others. Minimum qualifications include a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology, Religious Education or related field as well as the ability to be a strong team builder. Salary commensurate with education and experience. Start date: 07/01/16. Please direct inquiries, resume and letter of interest to: Blessed Trinity HR Office, 5 SE 17th St., Ocala, FL 34471 (352-629-8092 x3212 or 3218), [email protected]. BLESSED TRINITY CHURCH AND GROUNDS TOUR Would you like to know more about the Blessed Trinity Church campus? Would you like to learn some history? Please join us at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 13. Volunteers will lead small groups throughout the church and campus, explaining things along the way. Last stop will be refreshments in the Parish Hall! To learn more, call Matt McMurrer at 274-5339. Tuesday, March 8 Wednesday, March 9 Thursday, March 10 Friday, March 11 Saturday, March 12 Sunday, March 13 7:10 am Canganelli Family † 5:30 pm Nan Kiley † 7:10 am L/D Winkler & Kochetta Families 5:30 pm Brenda Beckman † 7:10 am Pauline Wannamacher † 8:15 am Joe Martino † 5:30 pm Teresa O’Neal † 7:10 am Ignacio & Felicia Dorta † 5:30 pm Kevin Kruso & Ethel Lynch† 7:10 am Rose Bilancio † 5:30 pm Eva Pacariem † 8:00 am Dorothy Heckenberger † 4:00 pm Lea DePre † 6:00 pm Blanche Brownell † 7:15 am L/D Andrew & Teresa Semudo 8:45 am Adolph & Maria D’Ambrosio† 11:00 am Stan Swiderski, Sr. † 1:00 pm Spanish Community 5:00 pm Jack Slavik † Your prayers are requested for Carlotta Farrell, Bridget Donohue and Deborah (Deb) Bullard who have recently died. LENT 2016 Daily Mass: 7:10am and 5:30pm Private Prayer: In the Adoration Chapel 24 hours a day Stations and Benediction: Every Tuesday at 2:15pm (Starting February 16th) Every Wednesday at 6:30pm after Soup Meal (Starting February 17th) Soup Meal: Every Wednesday, 5:30pm-7:00pm in the Parish Hall Fish Fry: Every Friday from 3:30 – 8:00pm Activities EMAIL ALERTS! If you would like to receive emails regarding all upcoming Life Teen events, news and updates, please email Julie: [email protected] Sunday, March 6th: Join us for Mass (no dinner provided tonight), and to the movie theater to see the new film, “Risen.” The film follows the story of the Resurrection, as told through the eyes of a non-believer from the Roman Military Tribune, who is tasked with solving the mystery of what happened in the weeks following Jesus’ crucifixion, in order to disprove the rumors of a risen Messiah and prevent an uprising in Jerusalem…a compelling investigation to see events through the eyes of a skeptic who must reconcile what he believes to be true with all the evidence that is laid before him. **Movie review done by the Catholic News Service: Entertainment.aspx?id=36422 Sunday, March 13th: Join us for Mass, dinner & Life Night, concluding at 8:00pm. Following dinner, all those involved in the Living Stations of the Cross will be practicing in the church, until 8:00pm. All those not participating in Living Stations can watch the practice performance, or participate in an alternate activity in the Community Center. BLESSED TRINITY SENIOR CRAFTS BT Senior Crafts meet on Thursdays, 10:00am-noon, in Bldg. "F". Come join us as we make springtime inspired crafts! CATHOLICLAND MASS We invite you all to a monthly ‘out-door’ Mass at CatholicLand, on Saturday, March 12, at 10:00am. Followed by a pot-luck lunch, hike to the lake, through the woods, field games,… concludes with the Divine Mercy at 3:00pm and/or join us at 6:00 pm for a pot-luck supper, campfire rosary / Catholic family movie. RSVP: Marilyn or [email protected] or 352-816-3881. Any questions please email: [email protected] or follow us on FB at Blessed Trinity EDGE or instagram @BTOcalaEdge A GREAT way to take something on would be to spend an hour in Adoration – talk about THE best Lent ever! IMMEDIATE NEEDS FOR ADORERS: KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Did you realize that Blessed Trinity's Council of the Knights of Columbus VOLUNTEERED over 10,000 HOURS last year. Wouldn't you want to become a part of this Unique Brotherhood & help support Our Parish with its Needs. MEETINGS 2nd Wednesday of the month, 7:30pm, K of C Hall. Next meeting is Wednesday, March 9th. TEXAS HOLDEM TOURNAMENT 1st, 3rd and 5th Friday at the Knights Hall Next Tournament is Friday, March 4th Doors open at 6:30 PM Games start at 7:00 PM Further Information: (352) 368-5960 HALL RENTALS Weddings, Birthdays, Retirements, Graduations Free WI-FI. Hall rental is available for daytime and evening. Competitive Rates Parishioner Discount Call: (352) 368-5960 THANK YOU PARISHIONERS! On behalf of Florida Knights of Columbus State Deputy Don Goolesby, District Deputy Joseph Rzepka and Council 5960, we want to thank the Parishioners of Blessed Trinity Catholic Church for their support for the Holy Family Icon which was exhibited during the week of February 6th to the 14th. The support for the Prayer Service for the Holy Family Icon was overwhelming. The family as God intended has been under attack by many forces and it is important for us, as Catholics, to stand firm supporting the Family. The prayer service gave a mighty witness to what God intended the family to be. Thank you, again, for your support. God Bless Our Families, Joseph Rzepka, Sr. District Deputy #20 Tuesdays: 3:00 AM – 4:00 AM Fridays: 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM Sundays: 4:00 AM – 5:00 AM Sundays: 2:00PM—3:00PM As part of our stewardship way of life here at BT, it is a blessing that each family commit one hour a week to the Adoration chapel; please prayerfully consider this ministries needs and if you are unable to serve, please pray that God will send individuals to sustain this core ministry, here at Blessed Trinity. Terry Schultz Nourse, Adoration Coordinator [email protected] 352-817-5553 RETROUVAILLE If your marriage has become troubled and stressed, unloving or uncaring; if you have grown cold and distant; even if you are divorced or separated, or are thinking about it; Retrouvaille can help. It has helped thousands. Our next program begins April 15-17, 2016. For more information call 352-274-4614. Not counseling or group therapy. All calls and names held in strictest confidence. Check our website at SPECIAL COLLECTIONS: March 6th CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Mt 25:40). Today, we are reminded that Jesus identified himself with our poorest brothers and sisters. The Catholic Relief Services Collection serves Jesus in the victim of human trafficking, those who suffer from unjust laws, and those who need pastoral care and humanitarian assistance across the globe. Through supporting today’s collection, you help Jesus in disguise. Please be generous. CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE The Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe illuminates the way for the people of the region by helping Catholic organizations provide affordable shelter and training to seminarians, in addition to providing pastoral care and catechesis. Your donation today helps restore the Church and build the future in the aftermath of Soviet rule. Please be generous to the Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. Visit ST. PATRICK’S DINNER Let’s celebrate St. Patrick early, Sunday, March 13th, Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner at Our Lady of the Springs Hall beginning at 1:00pm. BYOB. There will be 50/50, door prizes and more. Tickets are $15.00/pp or 2 for $25.00. Please make your reservations by calling the office at 352.236.2230. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE ~ WEEKLY OFFERINGS Weekly Offering February 28, 2016 Envelope Total: 990 Electronic Offering Total: 209 Total Children’s Offering: Non-Sunday 193 Grand Total for Week: Amount needed for Operating Expenses: Difference $ 41,843.52 $ 21,173.58 $ 18.50 $ 21,728.10 $ 84,763.70 $104,650.00 ($19,886.30) Year to date collection: $2,978,257.09 Year to date budget: $3,453,450.00 Year to date deficit: ($ 475,192.91) “Thank you for your donations.” Reminder: Do your best to put your envelope number on the “memo” line of your check. STEWARD SAINTS OF THE WEEK Week of March 6-12 March 7—Perpetua and Felicity March 8—John of God March 9—Frances of Rome JOHN OF GOD “It’s never too late!” would be a good motto for St. John of God. A runaway at eight, a soldier in his twenties, an overseer of slaves in Morocco, and a shepherd in Spain, St. John of God lived an irresponsible and dissolute life for forty years. Then he tried to make amends -- he returned to North Africa to ransom slaves, ran a Christian bookshop, even begged and beat himself in public, for which he was committed to a mental institution! Finally, a compassionate spiritual director, St. John of Avila, visited him in the asylum and convinced him to be more concerned with the needs of the sick and the poor and less harsh with himself. The lesson took, and when he was released from the hospital, he began to work tirelessly with the sick and suffering. His compassionate care even attracted followers who later became the Order of Brothers Hospitalers. “If we share with the poor, out of love for God, whatever he has given us, we shall receive according to his promise a hundredfold in eternal happiness,” said this late-blooming steward saint. “What a fine profit, what a blessed reward! Who would not entrust his possessions to this best of merchants, who handles our affairs so well?” SUPPORT GROUP Elder Care is sponsoring a monthly Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support Group. The group will meet at 2:00 pm every 3rd Tuesday at Brentwood at Fore Ranch, 4511 SW 48th Ave. in Ocala. Please contact David at Elder Care 671-2823 for additional information. STEWARDSHIP 101 Stewardship 101 is a 45 slide and witness presentation of the Spirituality of the Stewardship Way of Life. The next presentation will be held March 13th at 10:00am in Room 102 of the school. We encourage all, especially new families to go to one of these listed sessions. All new school families (BT or TCHS) are required to attend. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING FREE Blood Pressure Screening in the Parish Nurse’s office in the Parish Hall opposite the Library from 8:00am-1:00pm, TODAY, Sunday, March 6, 2016. MUSIC IN OUR SCHOOLS CONCERT The Blessed Trinity School Music Department is proud to announce our Music in our Schools Concert to be held in the church on Wednesday, March 9th at 1:00 p.m. All are invited to this event. We are very proud of our musicians, and are excited to share our talents with you. PEACE & SOCIAL JUSTICE According to the United Nations, 2.5 billion people in the global South still live on less than $2 per day; it’s the kind of crushing poverty that makes living with dignity awfully difficult. Fair Trade ensures that coffee, tea, hot chocolate cocoa and olive oil farmers in the system are paid fairly. And it supports the creation of producer cooperatives in Asia, Africa, India, Latin America & Palestine that bring social, cultural and economic benefits to entire communities. Thank you for supporting these farmers, their families and their employees. We now have Single Serve Coffee. We will be selling all these products after Mass next weekend. America Needs Fatima Public Square Rosary Rally For God’s Marriage March 19th, Feast of St. Joseph Please come and join us in praying together with thousands of Americans throughout different cities for our country. Saturday, March 19th Noon @ Downtown Square Ocala, FL Troops of Saint George will lead an 8 mile hike starting at Queen of Peace parking lot and ending at the square. Parking lot departure at 8:00am For more information visit Contact Domenick Galatolo (786)554-1600 or [email protected] Got Love?… New and Lucite angel car charms. Auto decals of St. Michael, Mary and the rosary and the Holy Spirit. Cat and Dog lover angel lapel pins. Care Notes: What is Palliative Care and when is it called for. (for teens) Suicide prevention, getting help before it’s too late. (for teens) When your grandparent dies. Books: Handbook for Those Who Grieve: What You Should Know and What You Can Do During Times of Loss “Confusion, bewilderment, and a lack of direction commonly surface in the aftermath of a death. It’s also the time when dealing with the issues and emotions of the experience can lead to making hasty or unwise decisions. offer concise, practical, topic-based lists and suggestions to help people immediately after a loss. Rather than philosophizing, theologizing, or rationalizing, the authors draw on their research and personal experiences to provide short but solid answers to help grieving people successfully deal with the countless issues and varied emotions that a person’s death is sure to thrust upon them.” The Gaze of Mercy: A Commentary on Divine and Human Mercy “Just in time for the Holy Year of Mercy, Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher to the papal household, delves into the mystery of mercy, both human and divine. Jesus is "the mercy of God who became flesh", and it is his gaze of mercy that transforms us. Among the Gospel passages he explores are Jesus encounters with Zacchaeus and the woman caught in adultery as well as the passion of Jesus, "the height of God's mercy", and his resurrection, the "triumph of God's mercy". He also reminds us that just as we are recipients of God's mercy, we are called to be merciful to others. Insightful and inspiring!” The Blessed Trinity Gift Store Hours: Wednesday* 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. *10% off all regular priced items. Saturday: 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Sunday:8:00-8:45 a.m., 9:45-11:00 a.m., 12:00-12:30 p.m., 4:00-5:00 p.m. LIVING STATIONS Mark your calendars for Wednesday, March 16th and Wednesday, March 23rd! The teens will reenact the Lord's Passion on 3/16 at 1:15pm for the BTS students, and then again during Holy Week on 3/23 at 6:30pm, in the church. Please consider joining us, as we prayerfully enter into Holy Week. Do you ever feel the need to return God’s gift of Love? In Ephesians, Chapter 1, we read, “Before the world was made, he chose us, … to make us praise the glory of his grace …” God does not need our praise, but we have been created to express love and gratitude for our God! This is the essence of the praise and worship found at the center of charismatic prayer meetings. The Gift of Praise we offer is our innate response, the offering of our love for His Love. If, when we sing to God we pray twice, so too must our praise be made double. Join us then, as we gather each week to offer God the gift of our love and praise. Your presence will add to our offering, and increase our joy! We meet Every Thursday from 7-8:30pm in Adult Day Care. Call Richard or Katy for info, 307-9009. Sponsored by Fountains of Living Water Prayer Group HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE All 16 of us had a most successful, peaceful, holy and exciting Holy Land Pilgrimage for seven days. The Franciscan priest, Fr. David, was a big reason for the success of our pilgrimage. We stayed at Notre Dame Center—which is owned by the Vatican—and sits about 100 yards from the “New Gate” leading into the Old City of Jerusalem. It was a simple but elegant hotel with no tv’s in the rooms, a big chapel with daily Mass and a daily Holy Hour with the Blessed Sacrament. It was a lovely setting as our base for five days. The other two nights we stayed in Tiberius on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. We were, and felt, so secure throughout all our travels. We had a concelebrated Mass at: 1. Nazareth—Mass of the Annunciation 2. Bethany—Shepherd’s Field—Christmas Mass 3. Capernaum—Promise of the Eucharist: Mass of the Eucharist 4. Gethsemane—Mass of the Agony 5. Jerusalem—Church of the Flagellation: Mass of the Passion 6. Jerusalem—In the Tomb of Christ’s Death & Resurrection 7. Shore of the Sea of Galilee—Mass of the Primacy of Peter That’s just our daily Mass schedule. Read all about the pilgrimage in our next issue of The Triangle. lent FORTY DAYS FOR LIFE Respect Life Ministry would like to invite you to PRAY & FAST for 40 days and every Saturday we will be praying in front of Ocala Women's Center along Pine Avenue, Ocala FL. OPERATION RICE BOWL God answers our prayers, in His own way. Has God blessed you recently – of course He has. As a way of thanking God for all he has given you, contribute to your Rice Bowl and make up for any missed weeks. Pray this week that God will fill your heart with love for others and the poor. Read Matthew 20:20-28. “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve…” Pray this week that you may be of service to others. One way of doing that is contributing to your Rice Bowl. Is your Rice Bowl close to empty? Fix that this week. FRY EVERY FRIDAY We make it easy for you to keep your Lenten promise each Friday of Lent! Join the Covenant Mission Team for its annual Fish Fry in the Parish Hall from 3:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Eat in or take out. Large menu to choose from. Cash or credit accepted. All proceeds support the Team’s trip to Belize this June. Fried or Baked Fish Fish Tacos Baked Ziti Fried Clams Fried Shrimp Combo $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 All dinners served w/Fries or Mac N Cheese, Cole Slaw or Green Beans & a roll Dine In with us or Carry Out Proceeds fund our Mission Trip to Belize in June We thank you for your support! Frequent Fryer Cards still available: Buy 6 meals and your 7th one is free! For more information, please call 875-7456 We will be accepting major credit cards this year. FLORIDA CATHOLIC LONG SLEEVE SHIRT RELIEF DRIVE - 2016 (sponsors - Peace and Social Justice and Knights of Columbus) Long Sleeve Project continues. Let's do it again! Bring in long sleeve shirts for the migrant workers during LENT. Collecting shirts through March 20th. Look for the drop off on the left as you enter the church. Thank you for your Works of Mercy. CALLING ALL USHERS Please sign up for holy days and holy week masses in the ushers room at the entrance to the main church. Thank you for your support to Blessed Trinity. DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION The Novena of Divine Mercy was revealed to St. Faustina on August 10, 1937…”I desire that, during these nine days, you bring souls to the fount of My Mercy, that they may draw therefrom strength and refreshment and whatever graces they need...On each day you will bring to My Heart a different group of souls and you will immerse them in this ocean of My Mercy.” (The NOVENA is to BEGIN on GOOD FRIDAY for the nine days before the Feast of Divine Mercy.) The Feast of Divine Mercy was first revealed to St. Faustina on February 22, 1931...On November 5, 1934, Jesus said to her, “And who knows anything about this feast? No one!..and I want it to be venerated publicly so that every soul may know about it.” “I want to grant a complete pardon to the souls that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion on the Feast of My Mercy.” “...that whoever approaches the Fount of Life on this day will be granted complete remission of sins and punishment. Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My Mercy.” Begins Good Friday, 3/25, at 6:00pm-Adoration Chapel Holy Saturday, 3/26, 3:00pm-Adoration Chapel Easter Sunday, 3/27, 3:00pm-Adoration Chapel Monday-Friday Church Chapel after 5:30pm Mass Saturday, 4/2, 3:00pm-Adoration Chapel Divine Mercy Sunday, 4/3, 3:00pm-Church *Note: Please join us...every Sunday in our Perpetual Adoration Chapel at 3:00pm. The Divine Mercy Chaplet and three decades of the Rosary are prayed. HOLY SATURDAY, MARCH 26 BLESSING OF THE EASTER FOODS- 9:30AM followed by EASTER EGG HUNT followed by BRUNCH WITH THE BUNNY* *Tickets for the brunch are $5 for adults, $3 for children. Tickets are available at the church office Monday-Friday. Proceeds will benefit the Catholic Heart Work Camp group. TAKING DONATIONS FOR THE EASTER EGG HUNT! Last year the Catholic Heart Work Camp mission group filled over 2000 eggs with candy. Please send in bags of small wrapped candy to put in the Easter Eggs. Fruity flavored candy works well as it is less likely to melt in the eggs if warm that morning. Put the bags of candy in the brown bin in front of the church inside the portico. 21ST ANNUAL LEGIONARY ACIES LEGION OF MARY OCALA CURIA EASTER DECORATIONS Easter is truly a beautiful season in our Christian faith. It is the defining moment for Christianity as a whole. It is our mission to bring the beauty of scripture alive in the environment of Blessed Trinity. There is a decorated box in the vestibule for you to prayerfully consider donating funds for Easter flowers and decorations. Thank you in advance for your participation. HOLY WATER FONTS The Christian family gathers in the Church. On the way in and out we dip our fingers in the Holy Water Font, usually set up inside each entrance door, we bless ourselves with the Holy Water, thereby reminding ourselves of the dignity that is ours as Christians, committing ourselves to continue the journey of being Christ like people. We are “suggesting” that you also place a Holy Water font inside the exit/entrance doors of your home and, do the same as you do in Church, dip your fingers in the Holy Water re-committing yourself to go and come as a Christ like (Christian) person. See our gift store if you need a Holy Water font. AT QUEEN OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH 6455 SW State Road 200, Ocala ,FL 34476 MARCH 20, 2016 2:30PM Presider: Rev. Fr. Patrick J. O'Doherty All active and auxiliary members of the Legion of Mary and those who wish to renew their Consecration to the Blessed Mother Mary are invited to attend. For more info please contact Stanley Brion (352) 875-2031.
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