Golfbaan Dirkshorn - Golf Environment Organization
Golfbaan Dirkshorn - Golf Environment Organization
Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 About the programme GEO Certified™ is the symbol of great golf environments worldwide – an ecolabel credibly representing a golf club’s commitment, efforts and results around sustainability, having met practical criteria in the areas of nature, water, energy, supply chains, environmental quality, and communities. Widely endorsed by a growing number of golf organizations and people working in golf, GEO Certified™ is trusted as an effective and straightforward way for clubs to assess the work they’re doing, improve where needed, and focus on continually improving, in a way that meets modern-day expectations and standards. The ecolabel is administered by the Golf Environment Organization with funding and collaboration throughout the industry. The credibility of the ecolabel is assured through independent on-site verification every three years; transparency of criteria setting, evaluation processes, and reporting; an emphasis on continual improvement; and by working to a comprehensive definition of sustainability mapped specifically to golf. More in-depth information about GEO, credibility, transparency, governance, and ecolabel benefits can be found on This report is publicly available online and contains the information provided by Golfbaan Dirkshorn as well as the independent verifiers report and recommendations – ensuring transparency in reporting as well as a way for members, visitors and the wider community to read about the good work being done by the golf club. About this Report Publication of this report indicates that Golfbaan Dirkshorn has been assessed against the GEO Certification Criteria and awarded GEO Certified™ status. Each section of this document covers a key area of environmentally sound golf facility management. As defined by the Golf Environment Organization, these are: Nature, Landscape & Heritage, Water, Turf, Waste, Energy, Education & Awareness and Management Planning. To maintain this award Golfbaan Dirkshorn will be re-certified by a GEOSA Accredited Verifier before July 9th 2013. Authors Tom Ten Hoope Golfbaan Dirkshorn Sander Kristalijn GEO Sustainability Associate, Accredited Verifier Driving the Green ™ Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Facility Details Golfbaan Dirkshorn is a golf facility comprising: Courses • Golfbaan Dirkshorn (18 holes) Other • Pro Shop • Practice Facilities Nature Before the construction of the golf course natural terrain was minimal. The area was used for agriculture, and offered little room for flora and fauna. Already during the design phase, there is special attention paid to nature. There is, however, in response to the present species, through the development of habitat. So there are pools, on corners with bush, pond embankments, natural banks, wasteland, planted with trees, elements, and thickets realized. Monitoring needs to be concerned about changes in species and numbers to be observed. The club is busy to set up a comprehensive program. Vóór de aanleg van het terrein was de natuurwaarde minimaal. Het gebied werd gebruik voor akkerbouw, en bood weinig ruimte voor flora en fauna. Al tijdens de ontwerpfase is hier speciale aandacht naar uitgegaan, door in te spelen op de wel aanwezige soorten, en door habitat te ontwikkelen voor de vestiging van nieuwe soorten. Zo zij er poelen, overhoekjes met ruigte, plasbermen, natuurlijke oevers, wasteland, beplante elementen met bomen, en struwelen gerealiseerd. Monitoring moet er voor gaan zorgen om veranderingen in soorten en aantallen te kunnen waarnemen. De club is druk bezig hier een uitgebreid programma voor op te zetten. Designations Golfbaan Dirkshorn features areas that are designated or protected at the following levels: • Self Appointed 2 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Surveys The following ecological surveys have been undertaken: Title Author Date Botanical Provincie NoordHolland 2006-04-01 Birds Golfclub Dirkshorn 2010-04-10 Mammals Provincie NoordHolland 2006-04-01 Amphibians Provincie NoordHolland 2006-04-01 Fish Golfclub Dirkshorn 2007-03-20 Habitats Estimated area of habitats at Golfbaan Dirkshorn: • Rough ‘ecological’ grassland: 22.0 ha; of Local Importance • Scrub and shrub vegetation: ; of Local Importance • Wetlands: ; of Local Importance • Open water features: 7.5 ha; of Local Importance Golfbaan Dirkshorn has undertaken the following activities to improve the landscape ecology of the site: Species Rare, protected and notable species occurring at Golfbaan Dirkshorn [Latin names]: • Phalacrocorax carbo (Aalscholver)) • Tadorna Tadorna (Bergeend) • Ardea cinerea ( Blauwe reiger) • Hirundo rustica (Boerenzwaluw) • Charadrius hiaticula (Bontbekplevier) • Buteo buteo (Buizerd) • Tachybaptus ruficollis ( Dodaars) • Pica pica (Ekster) 3 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 • Podiceps cristatus (Fuut) • Apus apus (Gierzwaluw) • Anthus pratensis (Graspieper) • Anser anser (Grauwe gans) • Carduelis chloris (Groenling) • Prunelia modularis (Heggemus) • Columba oenas (Holenduif) • Columba palumbus (Houtduif) • Passer domesticus (Huismus) • Vanellus vanellus (Kievit) • Larus fuscus (Kleine mantelmeeuw) • Acrocephalus scirpaceus (Kleine karekiet • Cygnus olor (Knobbelzwaan) • Corvus monedula (Kauw) • Larus ridibundus (Kokmeeuw) • Parus major (Koolmees) • Aythya fuligula (Kuifeens) • Platalea leudorodia (Lepelaar) • Fulica actra (Meerkoet) • Turdus merula (Merel) • Alopochen aegyptiacus (Nijlgans) • Tringa hypoleucos (Oeverloper) • Perdix perdix (Patrijs) • Parus caeruleus (Pimpelmees) • Botaurus stellaris (Roerdomp) • Erithacus rubecula (Roodborst) • Haematopus ostralegus (Scholekster) • Larus canus (Stormmeeuw) • Falco tinnunculus (Torenvalk) • Tringa totanus (Tureluur) • Streptopelia decaocta ( Turkse Tortel) • Gallinago gallinago (Watersnip) • Anas Platyrhynchos (Wilde eend) • Troglodytes troglodytes (Winterkoning) 4 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 • Motacilla alba (Witte kwikstaart) • Alcedo atthis (IJsvogel) • Corvus corone (Zwarte kraai) • Orthetrum cancellatum (Gewone oeverlibel) • Polyommatus icarus (Icarusblauwtje) • Lycaena phlaeas (Kleine vuurvlinder) • Ischnura elegans (Lantaarntje) • Rana Temporaria (Bruine kikker) • Rana ridibunda (Groene kikker) • Lissotriton vulgaris (Kleine watersalamander) • Lepus europaeus (Haas) • Mustela erminea (Hermelijn) • Myotis dasycneme (Meervleermuis) • Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Dwergvleermuis) • Soricidea (Spitsmuis) • Microtus arvalis (Veldmuis) • Vulpes vulpes (Vos) • Butomus umbellatus (Zwanenbloem) • Typha latifolia (Grote lisdodde) Consultation Golfbaan Dirkshorn does consult with any nature conservation organisations. 5 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Activities Golfbaan Dirkshorn has undertaken the following activities to enhance nature protection: Activity Description Birdwatching Various time a year members of Triga counts the birds early in the morning. Diverse malen per jaar tellen de leden van Tringa de vogels vroeg in de morgen. Creation of habitat Construction of new habitat, like ponds, woodlands. Bat shelter The construction of a concrete cellar for the hibernation and a maternity home for the summer shelters to support the bats Het aanleggen van een betonnen kelder voor de winterslaap en een kast voor de kolonie in de zomer voor vleermuizen Birds The preparation and placing of nest boxes for; falcon, great and blue tit, and the barnswallow. Het maken en aanbrengen van nestkast(jes) voor, valk, kool- en pimpelmees en de boerenzwaluw. Aims & Objectives Golfbaan Dirkshorn has the following key objectives for maximizing its ecological value: • Prepare monitoring plan Landscape & Heritage Dirkshorn-golf course is located on former agricultural fields, mainly used for the cultivation of flower bulbs. The structures of the plots are used in most cases, this is for both natural-and linear plots. Also the construction of the clubhouse looked at the history of the area and landscape, so there is a clubhouse designed entirely in the style of an old farm house and situated on a mound. Golfbaan Dirkshorn is gelegen op voormalig akkerbouw gebied, welke voornamelijk gebruikt werd voor de bollenteelt. De structuren van de verkaveling zijn in de meeste gevallen gehanteerd, dit geld voor zowel de natuulijke- als de rechtlijnige verkaveling. Ook bij de bouw van het clubgebouw is gekeken naar de historie van het gebied en landschap, zo is er een clubgebouw ontworpen die geheel in de stijl van een oude stolp boerderij is opgetrokken en gesitueerd op een terp. 6 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Designations Golfbaan Dirkshorn features the following landscape designations: • Historic Landscapes / Parklands • Geological Golfbaan Dirkshorn features the following cultural heritage designations and protected features: • Other Historical Features (Hedgerows / Dykes / Moats / Cairns etc) • Kavelstructuur Surveys The following landscape assessments and appraisals been carried out at the site: Date Title 2002-08-13 Structuurplan Harenkarspel 2006-03-04 Natuurtoets 2008-03-04 Watertoets 2006-04-27 Milieu Effectrapportage 2007-09-26 Beheerplan Natuurdoeltypen 2009-12-01 Aanvaag tot erkenning Commited to Green voor de golfclub Dirkshorn The following archaeological and heritage surveys have been carried out at the site: Date Title 2006-04-27 Ruimtelijke onderbouwing voor golfbaan Dirkshorn 2009-12-01 Aanvraag tot erkenning Commited to Green voor de golfclub Dirkshorn Consultation Golfbaan Dirkshorn does not consult with organisations responsible for landscape and cultural heritage issues. 7 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Activities Golfbaan Dirkshorn undertakes the following activities to enhance landscape and cultural heritage: Activit y Description Buildin g design The clubhouse is designed in the rise of an old farmhouse on a mound. Het clubhuis is ontworpen in de stijl van een oude stolpboerderij op een terp. Course design The design is specially tuned, starting with the cultural and historical values. Het ontwerp is er speciaal op afgestemd, met als uitgangspunt deze cultuur historische waarden. Aims & Objectives Golfbaan Dirkshorn has the following key objectives for conserving or enhancing its landscape and cultural heritage value: • Maintain current structures Water Because the golf course located under NAP water has a big influence. The aim is to keep the the water on NAP -3.15. The discharge of water are regulated by drains. All game elements are provided with drainage to an excess of water may discharge directly into water courses. They also use the surface water used for irrigation. Because the chemical status of water can have significant impact on the quality of the course, these these elements are checked regularly.. Doordat de golfbaan onder NAP gelegens is de invloed van oppervlakte groot. Het streven is op het pijl te houden op -3,15 NAP. De afvoer van water word geregeld door gemalen die afwateren op het boezem water. Ook word het oppervlaktewater gebruikt voor de irrigatie. Omdat de chemische toestand van het water groot effect kan hebben op de kwaliteit van de spelelementen word deze met enige regelmaat gecontroleerd. Alle spelelementen worden zijn voorzien van drainage, om een te veel water direct te kunnen afvoeren naar de sloten. 8 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Consumption Water sources Primary Source Secondary Source (if used) Clubhouse Public / Potable N/A Golf Courses Public / Potable N/A Accommodation Surface N/A Maintenance facility Public / Potable N/A Other N/A N/A Water consumption (m3) 2007 2008 Clubhouse N/A N/A Golf Courses N/A N/A Accommodation N/A N/A Maintenance facility N/A N/A Other N/A N/A 9 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Irrigation The following areas are irrigated: Area name Approx. Hectarage Greens 1.1 ha Tees 0.9 ha Fairways 18 ha Golfbaan Dirkshorn irrigation system is Fully computer controlled. This irrigation system is serviced every 12 months. This irrigation system is upgraded every 10 years. This irrigation system is calibrated every 12 years. Golfbaan Dirkshorn do not incorporate evapotranspiration rates and weather data into their irrigation programme. Golfbaan Dirkshorn monitors soil water content to minimise irrigation and improve turf quality. Analysis Golfbaan Dirkshorn undertakes environmental monitoring of water quality. Chemical Biological Inflow No No On-site Yes Yes Outflow No No Last Test Date 2010-06-11 Tester ?? The key findings of these tests were: There were no details found during monitoring, chemical results are fount in the report. 10 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Activities Golfbaan Dirkshorn has undertaken the following activities to conserve / reduce / minimise water consumption: • Minimise irrigated area • Irrigate in the evenings • De-compact the soil • Grass species selection • Regular inspections for irrigation system leaks • Soil moisture analysis • Use of wetting agents • Gathering of evapotranspiration data Golfbaan Dirkshorn undertakes the following activities to protect and enhance water quality: • Maintain vegetative buffers • Creation of swales and attenuation areas • No spray zones • Erosion control • Pest and disease tolerant grass selection • Informed selection of fertiliser type • Informed selection of pesticides (least toxic, least persistent) • Naturalisation of pond margins to improve oxygenation Aims & Objectives Golfbaan Dirkshorn has the following key objectives for conserving water quality and minimizing water consumption: • Investigate possibilities for water users to reduce 11 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Turf There is a comprehensive plan that includes work to be done considering maintenance.The choice of grass mixture is determined from the area and the golf game. Voor het beheer is er een uitgebreid plan opgezet waar alle werkzaamheden gedurende een jaar zijn opgenomen. De keuze voor het grassen mengsel is bepaald aan de hand van het gebied en het golfspel. Golfbaan Dirkshorn maintains the following turfgrass species: Greens • Fescue (Festuca rubra) • Browntop bent (Agrostis tenuis) Surrounds & Approaches • Annual meadow-grass (Poa annua) Tees • Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) • Fescue (Festuca rubra) Fairways • Fescue (Festuca rubra) • Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) Semi-rough • Fescue (Festuca rubra) • Browntop bent (Agrostis tenuis) Golfbaan Dirkshorn regularly undertakes the following practices to improve turf health: • Hollow Coring - 2 times per year • Top Dressing - 12 times per year • Micro Tining - 4 times per year • Scarification - 2 times per year • Verticutting - 2 times per year Nutrition Each year, a fertilization program prepared for the coming year, starting in 2010 Jaarlijks word er een bemestingsprogramma opgesteld voor het komende jaar, te beginnen in 2010. 12 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 The greenkeeping staff feed the following areas of the golf course: • Greens • Tees • Fairways • Drivingrange • Foregreens The nutrition programme at Golfbaan Dirkshorn is informed by: • Leaf Tissue Analysis • Soil Analysis • Visual Appearance • Sward Density • Rooting Depth Golfbaan Dirkshorn has no recorded fertiliser data. Pest & Disease Control They will be kept when and how much pesticide is used. Pesticides are mainly used curatively Er word bijgehouden wanneer en hoeveel bestrijdingsmiddel word gebruikt. Bestrijdingsmiddelen worden hoofdzakelijk curatief gebruikt. Pesticide use: • Fungicides - If Necessary • Herbicides - If Necessary • Insecticides - Never • Lumbricides - Never • Growth Regulator - Never Golfbaan Dirkshorn keeps detailed records of pesticide application. Golfbaan Dirkshorn has no recorded pesticide data. Thresholds for using pesticides at Golfbaan Dirkshorn: On evidence of actual damage Golfbaan Dirkshorn selects pesticides with the following attributes: • Toxicity - High • Persistence - High • Solubility - High • Specificty - Medium 13 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Scouting at Golfbaan Dirkshorn: Frequency / month Scout Greens 4 Greenstaff Tees 4 Greenstaff Fairways 4 Greenstaff Semi Rough 4 Greenstaff Activites Golfbaan Dirkshorn does not undertake any activities to minimise / reduce pesticide use. Aims & Objectives Golfbaan Dirkshorn has the following key objectives for achieving high quality playing surfaces in an environmentally responsible manner: • Annual review of detailed maintenace plan Waste Waste separation takes place within the requirements that apply from environmental legislation. This means that paper and cardboard are collected and separately delivered, also that hazardous wastes and chemicals are collected separately. Waste volumes are recorded in the EMS system. The waste water from the shop, and catering discharged to the public sewerage system, via an oil-seperator. The separator get emptied every year by a processing plant. Afvalscheiding vind plaats binnen de gestelde eisen die gelden vanuit de milieu wetgeving. Dit houd in dat papier en karton gescheiden word verzameld en ingeleverd, en dat gevaarlijk en chemisch afval ook apart word opgehaald. De hoeveelheden afval worden geregistreerd in het EMS systeem. Het afval water van de werkplaats, en de catering word via een vet afscheider geloosd op het openbaar rioleringsysteem. De vet afscheider word jaarlijks geledigd door een verwerkingsbedrijf. 14 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Management Waste streams for Golfbaan Dirkshorn Avoid Reuse Recycle Landfill Incineration Registered Uplift 2009 Totals (kg) Glass No No Yes No No Yes 0 Plastic No No Yes No No Yes 0 Aluminium No No No No Yes Yes 0 Metal No No No No No No 0 Paper No No No No No No 0 Cardboard No No No No No No 0 Electrical No No No No No No 0 Grass Clippings No Yes No No No Yes 0 Cores No Yes No No No Yes 0 Turf No Yes No No No Yes 0 Sand No No No No No No 0 Wood / Timber No Yes No No No Yes 0 Leaves No No No No No No 0 Detergents No No No No No No 0 15 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Cooking Oils No No No No No No 0 Lubricants No No No No No No 0 Pesticide Containers No No No No No No 0 Fertiliser Bags No No No No No No 0 Oil Filters No No No No No No 0 Batteries No No No No No No 0 Golfbaan Dirkshorn has secure storage for hazardous material. There is an enclosed cabinet where pesticides are stored, which meets legal standards Er is een afgesloten kast waarin bestrijdingsmiddelen worden opgeslagen, en welke voldoet aan wettelijke normen. Surveys Golfbaan Dirkshorn has not undertaken a waste audit. Waste Water Golfbaan Dirkshorn manages its water as follows: Discharges to: Legally Compliant? Formal Discharge Agreement Clubhouse Mains Sewer Yes N/A Accommodation Mains Sewer Yes N/A Maintenance Facility Mains Sewer Yes N/A Wash Pad Via Oil Separator Yes N/A 16 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Activities Golfbaan Dirkshorn undertakes the following activities to reduce resource consumption or minimise waste: Use of large packages • Because the use of large packages, the amount of waste reduced Doordat er gebruik gemaakt word van grootverpakkingen wordt de hoeveelheid afval gereduceerd. Use of keg • Because the use of keg instead of bottles, the amount of waste reduced. Doordat er voor sommigen producten gebruik gemaakt word van fust in plaats van flessen wordt de hoeveelheid afval gereduceerd. Aims & Objectives Golfbaan Dirkshorn has the following key objectives for reducing, re-using and recycling waste, and minimizing resource consumption at source: • Doen van onderzoek naar mogelijkheden om afval te reduceren. Energy The use and consumption of energy, multi-year agreements about the quantity. This means concretely that beyond a fixed limit, one must evaluate whether and how this can be reduced. Because the new clubhouse is allowing for these newest technologies in lighting. Here we used motion sensors and LED lighting Voor het gebruik en verbruik van energie zijn er meerjaren afspraken gemaakt over de hoeveelheid. Dit betekend concreet dat er bij overschrijding van een vastgesteld maximum gekeken moet worden of en hoe dit gereduceerd kan worden. Doordat het clubgebouw nieuw is er rekening gehouden met die nieuwste technologieën op het gebied van verlichting. Hier is gebruik gemaakt van bewegingsmelders en led verlichting. Consumption Golfbaan Dirkshorn has not taken any measures to diversify energy or fuel supply. Surveys Golfbaan Dirkshorn has not undertaken an Energy Audit. Carbon Golfbaan Dirkshorn has not begun to carbon footprint its operations. Purchasing Policy and Sustainable Supply Chains Golfbaan Dirkshorn does not inform suppliers of its environmental preferences. 17 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Purchasing policy for Golfbaan Dirkshorn (1 = not important; 5 = very important) • Performance Quality - 5 • Price - 5 • Supplier Service - 5 • Durability - 5 • Energy Efficiency - 5 • Recycleability - 4 • Pollution Risk - 4 • Packaging - 4 • Disposability - 4 • Local Produce - 4 Activities Activities undertaken to record energy consumption: • Monthly meter readings are recorded in the Board Activities undertaken to reduce energy consumption: • Bewegingsmelders • LED lighting in the clubhouse Golfbaan Dirkshorn has not undertaken any green purchasing activities. Departments involved in energy saving activities: • Bouwcomissie • Baancomissie • Dagelijks bestuur 18 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Education & Awareness Knowledge Employees of Golfbaan Dirkshorn receive the following formal and informal environmental education: • Pesticide storage, application and disposal • Emergencies / accident management • Habitat and vegetation management Golfbaan Dirkshorn keeps formal staff training records for these departments: • Greenkeeping • Administrative • Catering Golfbaan Dirkshorn keeps the following record of accidents in the workplace: • Number • Type • Severity Response plans for accidents and emergency situations at Golfbaan Dirkshorn Accident are recorded bij de head-greenkeper. An annual risk analasis takes place bij the contractor. Communications Golfbaan Dirkshorn undertakes the following internal environmental communications: • Newsletters • Course walks • Notice boards • Magazine table • Golf match The most successful internal communications project at Golfbaan Dirkshorn has been: Er word op verschillende manieren gebruik gemaak van de aanwezige media om te communiceren over duurzaamheid en natuur, ook hebben deze onderwerpen een plaats in de hiervoor bestemde comissies en vergaderingen. Golfbaan Dirkshorn undertakes the following external environmental communications: • Website • Press releases • Brochures • Club journal Greenvelder 19 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 The most successful external communications project at Golfbaan Dirkshorn has been: Via de website word er gecommuniceerd over natuur en duurzaamheid, om hierover ook mensen van buiten de club in te lichten. Partnerships Golfbaan Dirkshorn works with the following external groups: • Local environmental groups • Local businesses • Authorities • Noordhollandse Zoogdierstudiegroep • Vogelvereniging Tringa The most successful partnership project at Golfbaan Dirkshorn has been: There is good contact with the municipality, which also make constructive suggestions in improving the sustainability of the Golf Course Er is goed contact met de gemeente, welke ook medenken in het verduurzamen van de Golfbaan. Aims & Objectives Golfbaan Dirkshorn has the following key objectives for educating and raising environmental awareness amongst staff and golfers: • Anual meetings with the CtG commitee • Keep members informed about the enviroment, using different by different types of media and events. 20 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Management Planning Environmental Management Plan Golfbaan Dirkshorn has an Environmental Management Plan covering: • Nature • Landscape & Culture • Water • Turf • Waste • Energy • Education & Awareness The Management plan was first introduced: 2010-01-01 Golfbaan Dirkshorn review the management plan every: • 12 Months • 1 Years Golfbaan Dirkshorn monitor the progress of the scheme as follows: Het monbitoren van de vooruitgang word gedaan door de baancomissie. Working Group Golfbaan Dirkshorn has an environmental working group, comprising the following individuals/organisations: • General Manager • Course Manager • Committee Members • Technical Specialist • Local Environmental NGO 21 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Accreditation Golfbaan Dirkshorn does not belong to any other accreditation or award schemes. Key national environmental legislation with which Golfbaan Dirkshorn complies: • Flora- en faunawet • Voorschrift en milieu wetgeving (Hinderwet • Environmental law, Milieuvergunning of melding milieubeheer • Environmental law, Milieuvergunning of melding milieubeheer • Environmental law, Milieuvergunning of melding milieubeheer Aims & Objectives Golfbaan Dirkshorn has the following key objectives for effectively planning its proactive and long-term environmental management: • Commited to green report 2009 22 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Verifier Report Overview of Report Dirkshorn golf is a young golf course located in North Holland. The course is designed by Allan Rijks. The surface area of 58ha, in which an 18-hole course and clubhouse is located. The golf course is fairly new; in 2007 construction has been started and the opening has occurred in may 2009. The track has an impression of openness and fits well in the area of arable and farmsteads. Due to the fact that the club is recently opened, they could not build up an history of consumption and user data. But I have seen data of this Year (2010) , which included a maintenance plan an a pesticide- and fertilization plan. Having seen this I am convinced, that they are serious about the program. Sander Kristalijn, GEO Accredited Verifier Local Translation Golfbaan Dirkshorn is een jonge golfbaan gelegen in Noord-Holland. Het is een polderbaan, ontworpen door Allan Rijks. De oppervlakte van het gebied betreft 58ha, waarop een 18 holes baan en een clubhuis is gelegen. De golfbaan is nog vrij jong; in 2007 is er begonnen met de aanleg en de opening heeft in mei 2009 plaatsgevonden. De baan heeft een open indruk en sluit goed aan op de omgeving van akkerbouw en boerenerven. Gezien de recente aanleg en opening heeft de club nog geen historie kunnen opbouwen van gebruiks- en verbruiksgegevens, Wel heb ik gegevens van het afgelopen jaar ingezien evenals het bemestings- en bestrijdingsmiddelen plan. Hier uit blijkt dat ze deze zaken serieus oppakken. Observations Nature The newly constructed golf course has greatly increased the potential for nature in the area. The land was used for cultivation. During the design- and construction phase natural values where taken into account. They are recorded as natural and semi-natural, toads pools, on corners, bushes and willow thickets. During surveys of different animal groups more common species where observed. The expectation is that when the course matures, flora and fauna will also increase. The targets set are focused on developing a good basis for nature management and monitoring. Landscape & Heritage The area has several scenic and historic cultural elements. Some of these elements are left over from former land use and is integrated into the rugged design. So will be found old and typical plot structures, waterways and undulates. The clubhouse is completely build in the form of an old farmhouse and it fits well in the landscape and the surrounding agricultural area. 23 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Water Water is an important part of the scenery. The area is approximately 3.15 m below NAP. Drainage is important to keep track playable. The flowing water is initially held in the polder by infiltration into groundwater and surface water. At an excessive amount of water, the water is discharged into the ring closed. Irrigation uses surface water. Remarkable is that in this relatively wet track fairways are sprinkled, here are opportunities for water- and energy savings. Turf Maintenance of the golf course is outsourced and carried out by greenkeepers of Grontmij. They ensure that both the game and the other elements in and around the golf course are maintained. It is important that proper consultation takes place between the greenkeepers team and the various committees. Regular consultations are held between the Commissioner and the green keeping track. The head superintendent is also a member of the Committed to Green committee. This creates a basis for planning and understanding the choices of the club. The contractor shall also provide the plans necessary for the maintenance jobs such as fertilization and management. Because the track is still young, there will be more intensive maintenance necessary, this will reduce when the course matures. Waste The catering is, if possible, using large packaging. Remarkable is that they serve wine from a keg, to reduce waste. The waste is collected separately and the quantities are registered. Energy During construction of the clubhouse sustainability and the environment is taken into account, so the building is equipped with the latest amenities in the area of energy conservation. The bulk of the lighting is equipped with LED lights and motion detectors. The energy consumption is maintained by the Board and is included in consultations. The club is open to new developments, this is reflected in the design of the clubhouse, it is also used by the manufacturer as an example for other institutions. Education & Awareness The contractor assures the education of the greenkeeping staff. They are certified for serveral areas of profession, like spray licenses and first aid. The contractor self is certified for VCA, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Within the club there are several ways to communicate about nature and landscape, for this purpose the magazine and website are used. These communications are provided by the course committee and Committed to Green committee. 24 Golfbaan Dirkshorn GEO CertifiedTM Report 2010 Management planning There are several reports that shows a clear vision on the field and give the administration. There are available: a natural management, job management, a fertilization plan and an environmental management plan. Documentation Reviewed • Environmental policy • Environmental management plan • Action plans & project proposals • Certification report • Minutes of meetings • Newsletters • External surveys and reports • Internal reports • Emergency incident plan • Environmental data • Register of accidents • Awareness raising materials Conclusions I, Sander Kristalijn, GEO accredited verifier, recommend that Golfclub Dirkshorn will be awarded with the GEO certified status Recommendation I Sander Kristalijn, Golf Environment Organization Accredited Verifier, recommend that be awarded GEO Certified status for excellence in environmental management. About this Report This report represents the opinion of an independent environmental professional accredited by the Golf Environment Organization. The environmental performance of was assessed against the GEO Certification criteria. 25
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