REFLECTOR - Ringgold Baptist Church


REFLECTOR - Ringgold Baptist Church
MAY 2015
R i n g g o l d Ba p ti s t C h u rc h
4620 Ringgold Church Road
PO Box 100
Ringgold, VA 24586
Phone: (434) 822-5959
E-mail: [email protected]
A Word from Pastor Duane
Return Service Requested
Audio - Todd Fitts, Steve Norris
Pastor............................Rev. Duane Caldwell
Secretary......................................Laura Davis
Minister of Music......................Daniel Wolfe
Minister to Children...............Madison Norris
Minister to Youth...................Madison Norris
Organist.....................................Ginger Collie
Pianist...........................................Leslie Blair
Groundskeeper...........................Doug Motley
Property Maintenance.................Curtis Lewis
Sunday School
Sunday Morning
Sunday Evening
Wednesday Evening
- 9:15 am
- 10:30 am
- 5:00 pm
- 6:30 pm
Casserole Team #1: Mike Gauldin, Page Reynolds, Linda Snead, Sharon Strader
Backpack Buddies
May 6 - Ashleigh Gilbert, Melanie Gilbert, Jamie Yancey
May 13 - Lucy Adkins, Jeannie Adkins, Donna Favero
May 20 - Betty Atkinson, Rebecca Hughes, Margaret Sneed
Counting Committee Schedule
5/03 - Team 1 – Frankie Gilbert, Garrett Hughes, Brian Foster
5/10 - Team 2 – Sharon Strader, Mike Shelton, Pam Tuck
5/17 - Team 3 – Ellen Boyd, Sara McDowell, Mary Hughes
5/24 - Team 4 – Bonnie McDarmont, Kim Dodson, Paula Ruis
5/31 - Team 1 – Frankie Gilbert, Garrett Hughes, Brian Foster
Nursery Schedule
5/03 - Diane Foster, Sammy McCormick, Amy Adkins, Elaina Gregory
PM - Dara Johnson
5/10 - Kim Dodson, Amy Adkins, Morgan Hughes
PM - Mother's Day - No Evening Service
5/17 - Bonnie & Brad McDarmont, Brandon Jones
PM - Cheryl Horne
5/24 - Sandra Gauldin, Nancy Adams, Emily Hughes
PM - Memorial Day - No Evening Service
5/31 - Butch & Ellen Boyd, Sarah Sparks
PM - Stephanie Neal
Ushers - Chester Sneed, Brad Collie, Larry Collie, Ricky Davis, John Foster, Billy DeMott
A couple of years ago my little
red tractor sat behind my house doing
nothing the whole year because I couldn’t
get it to run. It would crank, then die, and
wouldn’t hit another lick until it sat for a
day or two. I knew I needed to work on it,
but I wasn’t exactly sure what to do. I
suspected there was a problem with the
carburetor, which feeds gas to the engine. I
knew it would be smelly, dirty, and
sometimes frustrating work, so I just kept
putting it off.
I wanted to have a garden that
year, so I began to work on my tractor. I
ordered some parts because I decided not
only to rebuild the carburetor, but to also
put everything new from the gas tank to
the intake. The tractor will not run if it
can’t get fuel to the engine, so I wanted to
make sure there wasn’t anything to
prohibit the fuel from getting where it
needs to go. I also bought a new battery,
spark plugs, and spark plug wires. I knew
it wouldn’t run it if there wasn’t a spark to
ignite the fuel.
I discovered, while I was taking
these old parts off the tractor, the most
likely culprit for my problem. The
carburetor is not only attached to the fuel
line, but also to the air cleaner. Engines
need a proper mixture of air and fuel in
order to run properly.
Just inside the air cleaner there is
a little reservoir that had somehow gotten
filled with water. When the tractor would
crank, it would immediately suck water
from the air cleaner into the gas in the
When the water went to the
engine it would kill it. The next time I
went back to crank the tractor, the water
had evaporated from the engine and the
process would start all over again. It would
crank, then die, and wouldn’t hit another
lick until it sat for a day or two.
After having the carburetor
rebuilt, changing the gas line, cleaning out
the gas tank, cleaning out the air cleaner,
and replacing the battery, spark plugs, and
wires, I put fuel back in my little red
tractor to see if it would run. Guess what? I
was ready to get my garden in shape to
plant because the uncontaminated fuel was
getting to the sparks in the engine and the
tractor was able to do the work it was made
to do.
Many of us are like my little red
tractor. We come and we sit at church and
do nothing for God. We start to do
something, but we just quit before we
accomplish anything because our fuel gets
contaminated. We know the problem, but
we just keep putting off fixing it because it
becomes frustrating when we fail. The
Holy Spirit is our fuel, but we mix it with
the things of this world. When we try to
mix the Holy Spirit with the world, it
extinguishes the spark God has placed in
us to accomplish the work He has put
before us.
It is time we get serious about
getting rid of the things in our life that
keep us from being useful to the one who
created us.
Although He doesn’t really
need us, He wants us. Instead of just
tossing us aside as useless, God sent
His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on an old,
cruel, rugged, Roman cross to pay the
penalty for our sins. He paid a debt we
could not pay, and He offers us
redemption by just accepting His free
gift. But Jesus not only died for us, He
defeated death and rose from the grave
that we might know we have power
over death. God did that for you and
me because He loves us and He wants
us. He simply wants us to love Him
back and show Him our love by obeying Him and Him alone. You see, God
has put His Holy Spirit within us, so we
can have the power to accomplish
anything God asks us to do.
Are you ready to get rid of
those things that contaminate your fuel
and let your life be filled with a fuel
that can ignite a spark which can never
be extinguished? You can do great
things for God if you let Him and Him
alone work through you. Imagine the
fruit you can grow in your glory garden
once your engine gets cranked and
powered by the uncontaminated fuel of
the Holy Spirit. Are you ready to plant
your garden? Let’s get cranked up and
sow some seeds for Jesus.
Pastor Duane
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Deacon Moment
Our mission is to live a life completely devoted to Christ
and to compassionately love others with a servant’s heart.
To put it simply we want to love God and love people.
Over, under, or around…conquer the rocks
People should be like water
Water is an awesome force. If you have ever canoed or kayaked a river, or even waded in a small stream, you fully understand how much power
moving water has. Rivers have made their way across whole continents and the Colorado River itself gets credit for carving the Grand Canyon.
Short of a massive dam, nothing gets in their way. When encountering even huge boulders, water figures out a way to keep going. Either over the
rocks, around the rocks, or sometimes under them; nature seldom stops water from reaching its intended destination. Even determined beavers
seldom stop a creek or stream entirely, they just slow it down long enough to be able to use it. We should be more like water. Determined to reach
our goals no matter what rocks life puts in our way. As Christians, the devil is going to constantly try to hold us back by rolling rocks in our way.
When that happens, be like water; go over, under, or around the “rocks” and keep on moving.
The church should be like a river
For all of their power and volume, I have yet to see a single river that starts out a mile wide and 20’
deep. For all their strength and might, every river out there either starts as a group of small
underground streams coming together, or from the convergence of many small streams. In fact
most rivers start as a trickle of water in a small creek somewhere. Along the way other small
creeks pour into the first and add to its volume. Think of our own Dan River. It starts in Meadows
of Dan as a stream small enough you could jump across it in many places. Along the way numerous creeks and streams join in as does the Mayo River, Smith River and Sandy River. If you look
at the Dan as you cross any of our bridges, you will see a lot of rocks, but none capable of keeping
the river from carrying on. Each of us as a Christian, acting like water, has enormous power to
keep on moving for Christ and avoiding the devils “rocks”. But if we all consider ourselves “streams” and join together to form a mighty river for
Christ, not only does our power multiply; but we can also help our fellow streams around their “rocks”. “I’m just a creek, but I’m happy to join you”
J.O.Y. Club
Our shut-in for May is
Mrs. Ruth Strader
Roman Eagle - Room #65
2526 North Main Street
Danville, VA 24540
You may leave cards for Mrs. Strader
in the mailbox through May 31.
Amplify: Family: This month we will be babysitting on Friday, May 22 from 6:00 pm-9:00 pm. We will be
eating dinner and then having a School’s Out for Summer party that will include a summer theme craft,
water balloon games and an ice cream sundae bar! Wear clothes you won’t mind getting wet and be ready
for a fun night! Please sign up your child by Wednesday, May 20 so we have enough food and craft
Youth Mission Trip Prep: If you are going on the mission trip we will be having a mission trip prep meeting
on Saturday, May 30 from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm. We will be making t-shirts for the mission trip and doing
some training exercises. Lunch will be provided.
Amplify: Fun: You survived the school year now let’s have a little fun! Friday,
June 5 - We will meet at the church at 5:30 pm for a night of fun! We will go to
dinner as a group and then form teams for a photo scavenger hunt! There will
be prizes for the winners and ice cream for all!
Honesty really is a big deal. That’s why we’re spending the month of May talking
about it. Honesty is choosing to be truthful in whatever you say and do.
Hello RBC family…
Thought you may enjoy something a little different.
Here’s some hymnal trivia for your amusement.
The title and lyrics of the song allude to the Biblical passage from 2 Corinthians 5:7 which states,
"We walk by faith, not by sight." The author is unknown, but it became very popular in the 1930’s
and has been recorded by many famous artists, including Red Foley, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Patti
Paige and Elvis Presley.
Our May meeting will be
Tuesday, May 26 at 12:00 noon
"Just A Closer Walk With Thee
I am weak, but Thou art strong;
Jesus, keep me from all wrong;
I'll be satisfied as long
As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.
We will enjoy our annual
Shrimp boil & grilled chicken lunch.
Remember to bring a canned food item
for God’s Storehouse.
Don’t forget to save your used
postage stamps for our Veterans.
Just a closer walk with Thee,
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,
Daily walking close to Thee,
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,
Daily walking close to Thee,
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be."
Please join us, bring a friend and enjoy the
fellowship of the “Just Older Youth” of our church.
~ Harriett Jones
~ Dan Wolfe
Minister of Music
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To my Church family,
I want to thank you so much for your kindness during my stay in the hospital after my heart attack. For the many cards,
food and visits I received. A special thank you to Pastor Duane for being with my family.
Jean Neal
Dear Ringgold Baptist Church,
Thank you for the prayers, phone calls and all the thoughtfulness during my mothers illness. The bereavement bag was
so nice and very helpful. A special thank you to Pastor Caldwell for being there during the loss of my mother. I am so blessed to
be a part of Ringgold Baptist Church.
Debbie Bernard
Our Church family,
Thank all of you so much for everything you have done for us during our loss. It meant so much to have you and your
love. Thank you also for the beautiful flowers.
Mike, Debra & Stephanie Neal
To my Church family,
Thank you for your care and concern that has been shown to me through cards, calls, visits and during the RVFD benefit.
Your love, support and encouragement mean so much.
Joan Burton
To our Ringgold Baptist family,
Our hearts continue to overflow with blessings for each expression of love & concern during Pete's (Daddy's) illness and
passing. Your prayers sustained us! Each call, card, visit & dish that were brought will always be remembered. To our Pastor
Duane ~ we thank you for your visits, words of comfort, care and your help in preparing a wonderful service of celebration.
Gay Boswell, Laura, Ricky & Hope Davis
Steve, Cindy & Buck Boswell
The family of Vernell R. Cassada thanks you for the many acts of kindness shown to Vernell during his lengthy illness.
We appreciate every prayer, card, flower and phone call; but especially every visit. He enjoyed your presence so much. Please
continue to remember us in your prayers as we adjust to life without him.
Sharon Cassada
Bobby and Ruth Scearce
Our deepest Christian sympathy to:
The family & friends of Doctor Weatherford, Jr. in his passing on March 13, 2015.
Doc Weatherford was a brother of Betty W. Atkinson.
The family & friends of Walter C. Henderson in his passing on March 17, 2015.
Walter was the son of Debra & Mike Neal.
The family & friends of William H. " Pete" Boswell in his passing on April 3, 2015.
The family & friends of Vernell R. Cassada on April 19, 2015.
Mr. Cassada was a brother-in-law of Ruth & Bobby Scearce.
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Our average attendance for the month of March was 110.5 for Sunday School with
eighteen visitors. In April the average attendance was 109 with twenty-two visitors. With
warmer weather coming, let’s all attend a Sunday School Bible class as we all need to
refresh ourselves in the study of God’s Word to prepare for the week to come and the
trials that we all face. Thank you to everyone who makes the effort to be present in your
small group Bible study each week.
Pastor Duane, Suzanne Emerson and Michael Shelton attended a Sunday School training session focusing on the
“Purpose of Sunday School and Ways to Enhance It” facilitated by Tony Brooks at the Pittsylvania Baptist
Association office on Monday, March 30.
Thank you to the Sunday School classes that helped provide meals during our recent spring revival.
The next quarterly Sunday School covered dish breakfast will be Sunday, June 7 at 8:30 AM.
Please be in prayer that our Sunday School growth will continue.
Eva Walton WMU Circle
Senior Spring Fling
Sunday, May 3, 2015
following the morning
worship service.
Appointment schedules for our NEW UPDATED
Ringgold Baptist Church Directory
will be announced soon.
If you have any questions, please contact Linda Snead at
822-7271 or via email at: [email protected]
If you are 60 + years old,
please join us for lunch.
We look forward to having
you as our guest enjoying a
fun time of games
& fellowship.
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WMU Highlights
Announcements, Events & Reminders
Sunday, May 17, 2015
During our morning worship
service we will
honor our graduates.
If you have a high school or college graduate
please contact the church office no later than
Sunday, May 10.
We would like 6-8 photographs for a special
video presentation. Please include the graduates
school, awards received, degree earned and
future plans.
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Family Night Dinner & Devotions
Wednesday, May 13 at 6:30 pm
hosted by the
Sunshine Sunday School Class
Prepare your favorite dishes and join us
for a special time of fellowship.
Deacon’s Meeting
Sunday, May 3
following the evening worship service.
Finance Committee
Sunday, May 17
Following the evening worship service
THANK YOU Ringgold Baptist Church for supporting GOD’S PIT CREW by filling or making a donation to help fill our
“BLESSING BUCKETS”. These buckets will be given to the many people who are left homeless from weather related
disasters. Buckets are continuing to be filled and we will report on a final count soon.
The WMU church wide mission for the month of May is Baby Bottle Boomerang for Little Life. Little Life exists to
share the gospel of Jesus Christ and uphold the sanctity of human life. Baby Bottle Boomerang is used to fund the
ministry’s programs. Baby bottles will be distributed at the beginning of May and the project will run from Mother’s Day to
Father’s Day. We ask that you take the bottles home, fill them with checks, cash or coins, and return them by Sunday,
June 21. Please make checks payable to Little Life. There will be a collection bin in the FLC foyer.
Our individual circles always welcome visitors and new members. If you are not a member of a circle, we would like to
extend an invitation for you to join us! Our circles offer unique opportunities of fellowship and bonding in showing
Christ’s love as we reach out to help others.
May Circle Meetings:
Sunday, May 10th
Eva Walton
 Tuesday, May 5th, 6:00pm, at Joe & Mimmas Italian Restaurant
Ola Lea
 Tuesday,, May 12th, 7:00pm, at the home of Doris Taylor, 2600 Wilkerson Rd,. Ringgold
Lottie Moon
 Tuesday, May 12th, 6:30pm, at church
In Honor and Tribute
Sunday, May 24, 2015
During our morning worship service a we will honor
and pay tribute to those who sacrificed their lives
while serving as a member of the
United States Military.
If you had a family member who died during their active
service we would like to honor them - please contact
Madison Norris in the church office at 822-5959 no later
than Sunday, May 10.
We would like a military photo along with their name,
branch of service, dates of service, military rank and date
of death. You may send your information and photo via
email to: [email protected]
THANK YOU for continuing to be a “W.M.U PARTNER” at RBC!
Curtis & Janet Lewis
558 Davis Drive
Ringgold, VA 24586
C. Dale Stone
1105 Cedar Road
Ringgold, VA 24586
Tammy Marshall
3208 Mountain Road
Halifax, VA 24558
Daniel Wolfe
107 Floral Avenue
Danville, VA 24541
Thank you for your mission giving,
Annie Armstrong - Easter Offering
Our goal: $2,000.00
Received: $2,624.00