Spring of 2008 - The Hope For Tomorrow Foundation
Spring of 2008 - The Hope For Tomorrow Foundation
If it were n ot for hope...the heart would break. Vol. 3 I ss u e 1 Message from Dr. Meilman I wish to extc n I my gmrilud c to our hundreds of suppo rt ers who att end ed th e 2 7 Hope For Tomorrow ch arity ben 'ht din ner an d also to th ose who were un abl e to partici pare and vet neverthe less supported us with do nat ions and good wishes. I also wan t to acknowledge the ma n y loca l busine ss patro ns and our persona l span sors, In add itio n . th e proc eed s (ro m the raffle exceeded our expec ta t ions. I also want to th ank th e O 'Connors and th e Sheedys for bei ng H I h grac ious host fam ilies in 2 )07. I am awa re that our success as a fo unda rion is lirect ly attributable t il each and eve ry one of you and no t to corpo rate sponsors or to vendor ob ligation s, T h is I truly value. Your in te res t in sup port ing Hope For Tomorrow is ver y importa n tro me. I am pleased to announce that in Mav 2 8. the Hope For To morrow med ica l team :m d volunt eers wi II return to Peru, I know tha t it is unus ual to reru m to rh • same coun try for two consecuti ve vears, bur I find th at the nee I is great ; the po verty-stricken Peru v ians in the A n des ~\il oll nr a i llS have no oppor tun ity 10 receive :1I1Y typ e o f me lical assistance. 1 believe that ou r med ical services arc very impo rta nt. I am plea sed that th is year man y arc plan ning on part ic ipat ing. Again , my most sincere t hanks to you for YOllr kindness, ent hu siasm, ded ica tion and be lie in T he Hope Fo r Tomo r row Foundatio n. 2007 A Connection: Peru, the Philippines and Buffalo, NY Taylor Ingram T h ree you ng peop le rece ived an opportu ni t y to impro ve h e ir q ua l it y of life beyon d the ir imagin at io ns. T he fi n ancia l support of T he Hope For To morrow Foun dat io n a nd t h e reco nst ruc t ive surgica l pro ced ures provi de d by Dr. Jeffre y M c ilman ga ve a yo ung Peru vian man , Moiscs Ramos Mullisaca, a Filipino ch ild , Primalvn Elia and a Bu({a k) teen age r, Taylor Ingram, hope for <{ ne w begi nn in g. In a remo te vil b ge in the And es, d ur in g ;J fest iva l, Moises Ramos and hi s brother were war min g th e msel ves at <l bon fire in the sq ua re. A n e lde rly man , carry in g an open bottle of alco h o l t ripped . do using M o iscs; tlames envelo ped h is face and n ec k and h is alpaca sweater mel ted in to h is sk in . C o n t ract ures of th e face an I n eck, sca rrin g of t he fac e an d a lip defor mir v pre ve nted Moises from h old in g his h ead e rect ,1l1d fro m speak ing. H e left h igh sc hoo l .lu ring h is fi rst yea r d ue to rid icule fro m h is leers. W h ik sc reen ing patie n ts fo r surgery in ju Iiaca , Peru , D r. Me llman n o ted that Mo ises wou ld bene fit fro m facia l an d neck surgery; howe ve r. th is type o f s u rgc ry~ req uiring sk in grafts and cs peciallv th e t ime req u ired fo r follo w up care. was n or feasible to perfo rm in the Pe ru v ia n sett in g. Dr. Meilman d ec ided th at a vis it to Buftrilo . New Yo rk could prov ide the nec essary and n eede d rec o ns tr uc t io n . Two da ys aft er h is arrival , Moises attend ed th e 20 ' 7 Hope Fo r To mo rrow ch ar ity benefit dinner. T he fo llo wing Monday. at Ken more Mercy Ho sp ita l. with the assista nc e of Dr. Krzsztof M e rke l. t he anesthesiolog ist, Dr. Me llman per fun n ed exren s ivc -surgc rv o n Mo ises (ace an d neck. After sev era l days, h e return ed to his h ost family, Da n and I rrna O 'Connor. Ano ther ch ild , Primalvn Elias, fro m Villa Garc ia, a small to wn in the Philippines, suffe red from a double c left pala te . T h is left her malnour ish ed as sh e W ;) S unable to ch ew 0 1' swa llo w an v food ; sh e h ad the ap pc ara ncc o f a two year o ld . M el an y S h eed y and her hu sband Brian , Ii W illiams\'ille , New York, were- vis it ing fami ly in the Ph ilipp in es wh e re Brian ro o k pic tu res of the c h ild ren . A t this tim e . t hey noted Pri rnal vn 's pro blem . U pon t h e co up le's return to Buffa lo , t hey sought t h e help o f The H o pe Fur To mo rrow Foundat ion . Pr i If it were not for hope...the heart would break . ---- Kudos for Karen Kar en Ko lcp p Manke, the for mer Pre side nt nf H o pe For Tomorr ow and a visible presence a t Sl l Maple Road for mo re than tw en ty yea rs, will he greatl y missed . H er dedicati on to and h er spir it fo r T he H ope Fo r To mo rrow Foun dat io n ha s p roduced pheno men al gro wt h as evidence d in in crea sed pa rt ic ipa tio n a t t h e an n ual H op e For TOlllorww cha rit y ben efit e vents. H e r be h ind th e scen es acr ivitv inspi red co n fidence to the man y v )Iun teers. As office ma nage r, she allayed pa tients' surgica l fea rs wit h h er cn co ur agcmenr and her po siti ve attitude . H e r worm an d en e rge tic pe rson ality exh ibited by her sin cere and win n in g sm i le, h er kn o wledge an d lo ve of th e pa t ien ts . greet ing eac h perso n by name and inqu iring a bou t fami ly member s, is missed . \V it h Karen a t the hel m , t he oftlce at 811 Ma ple Road was a friend ly place . People could t al k and lau gh and get to k now o ne anothe r. wh ile v isit in g the offic on the sp ur o f the mo ment . Of cou rse, work was al ways a pri orit y, bu t no o ne ev e r cit rushed or igno red . Tha n k you Karen for your yea rs o ( ded ica ted an d devoted se r v ice to ,-, 11 Maple Ro ad and to th e H ope For Tomorrow Fo un dati on . b)' Antoinette A n dolin a gram, liv es in Buffal o . T h e Revere nd Ja mes A. Lewi s, from t he Eric C o un try M ed ica l C ent er, introd uced Talor to Dr. Me llma n. The th irteen yea r o ld ei ghth grader a tte nds t h e Olrn st ead sc h oo l in Buffa lo , N e w York. C left palate su rge ry and lip repair, were co mp leted with positi ve results, by D r. M ei lrn an at th e Eric C o un t y M edi ca l C e nte r in Sep te m ber 200 7. M rs. S harct ia Ingram, Ta ylo r's \11,)01, apprec iates and admi res D r. Me il m an's im pact o n her daugh ter's life, So t he con n ect ion beg in s with Dr. Me llma n , giv in g a h opeful fut ure ( 0 th ese child ren , bringing to them who le n ess o f bod y and sp irit. The H ope For Tomorrow Foun da ti on wishes to than k Kenmo re Mercy Hospi ta l, in Ken mo re , N ew Yo rk and the Eri e C ounty M ed ica l Cen ter in Buffalo, New York for all th eir sup port in 2 Il 7, T h e doc to rs, nurses an d swff have been most we lco m ing and caring. W e a pp rec iate you r t ime , scr v ice and gen eros it y. T h a nk Yo u. A Connection.. . C 0111lm,cd from 1m!,,, Z rna lvn n ot o nl y h ad a faci al di sfigureme ri t hut als o a se rio us health issue . Dr. M c ilrn a n . a lways aw a re and at tuned to th e needs of ch ild re n , read ilv rec ogn ized Prirna lyn 's pligh t an d th e pro cess began . W it h in two weeks, :1 11 paperwork was complet ed and Pri ma lyn a rrived in Buffal u t o Sta y wit h h e r h ost fam ily, t he S hecd vs. D r. Mei lma n completed her proced ure at t he Erie C ounty Med ica l C en ter. H e r pa r ems are delight ed with h er progess. T h e th i~d reci p ie n t, Taylor In- Hope For Tomorrow Foundation Please Note: We have changed the month to Septe ber! Hope for Tom orrow Newsletter Honorary Editor Jd"frcy Mc iim an. MI) Chairman Dr. Jeffrey Me llma n Secretary C ynthia G u: ik -/It ' /0 . ~~0'hI /lII(tI 1 .~&)}(-:!·}- E/(/rn·1(/ ,_!hllu ! r a iJeI' Directors G cOf!!C Bcrba ry Karen Carlo Friday, September 26 2008 at Salvatore's Italian Card Lorraine Engl C h a ir m a n John Lenahan .I e if re y Mci lrnah , M ' Richard Sb: Michael C. Srracck 2 Conrrjbutors Alidi Travel Sal An dol ina Rick Brunn Stan Cole ma n Dua l Printing Ni namarie G on zal ez Do n na Jeffo rds C laudia Lewis A n na Mar ie Diina Brian D. Ru sk Editor-in-Chief Antoinette M. A ndolin» Irm a O 'Co nno r o ri,111 D. Rusk Patrici a Shee dy De n ni s S tier er \Vc welco me your co m ments! news lerterd l I@roa -lrunncr.com If it were nor for hope ...the he art would brea k. 2007 Surgical Recipients Buffalo N.Y. Peru Taylor Ingram Mo ises RH lllO S The Phillipines Primalvn Elias Healing in Process Four wee ks afte r surge ry Moises Ramos Taylor Ingram Primalyn Elias A l doctor Meilman . Dr:ar Dr. lvfeilman and 514 f. Dear Dr. ~vfcilm(ln , QuierodmIe lJlUCMS gracias por rodo que Ud me 110 dadn. Estuy mL(" conrcnto. Than" ~ rim d01U T his T hanksgi,,'ing we are grmcful for you and yuur sldff. Md:YGod bless )'OU for ltc/ping so many childrcn . Primaf, n tt;ill alway's remember y'QU and shall think of )'0 11 with gratitude. A lc nl{l)!1Cr1!C. -Mo .ses so nltlch for whal ) 'Oll have for me. You IUH'e d umgd my whole lifc. It is .grem/'· ap[ncciart'd. If it were not for hop e...th e heart would break . Hope For Tomorrow Honorees The Honorees, buth community a nd inte rn ation a l leaders, have inspi red and sup p o rted the effo rts Qf H op e For Tomorrow. 2007 2004 2001 INTERNATIONAL COMMUN ITY SERVICE AWARD INTERNATlONAL COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD COMMUNITY INVOLVEMEN T AWARD John E.D. de la V. Browne Honorable Richard M. Devos. Sr. Former me mbe r of Brit bh Pa rliamen t In vestmen t Bank e r Auth o r Mo t ivat iona l S pea ke r Co-Founder of Am-W:lV C o rpo rat io n O wner of Orl an do ~hg i c Michael A. Young P reside nt and C EO of t h e Erie Counrv Md ica l C e llt e r 2006 I: TER: iAT IO N A L COMM UNITY SERVICE AWARD Brig. Gen. Albin F. Irzvk A utho r G e nera l U.S. A rmy se rved unde r G ene , I Pa tron J. Rigas HUMAN ITARIAN OF THE YEAR A\VARD Philanthropist A ut ho r HUMAl lTARIAN OF THE YEAR AWARD Jo h n Fo under and CEO of Adelphia Cable C o mmunica tions HUMANITARIAN AWARD Dr. Robert Moskowitz C linical Professor of M ed ic ine of SUN Y Buffalo Mcdtcal Grou p Onco log ist 2003 Patrick J. Wiles Hea lth A d m in istra to r of Sisters of harirv H ospital .m d Ke n more Me rcy Hospita l Thomas A O'Connor M.D. C h id Llf A n est h esia a t Ken mo re Merc y Hospi tal INTERNATIONAL CO MMU i IT Y SERVICE AWARD Brian F. Haig Rea red Lieutenant Colonel U.S. A.rmy 2000 HUMANlTARIAN OF T H E YEAR AWARD A ut hor of Fic tio na l N o vels Patti Bowers H UMANITARIAN OF THE YEAR AWARD HUMANITARIAN AWARD Buffalu Po lic e De partm en t Cha ir of Chi l,] Sex lJnl t\ btlse Co mm itt ee Margaret W. Paroski M.D. C h ief:Vkel ic ll 0111(er tor Kalc ida Healt h Rabbi Martin L. Goldberg Rar, bi of Temple Beth Zion lor 40 years (post humo us) Exec ut ive Direct or of C r'1J Ic Ikach Cm1fS 2005 2002 Campanella Orthotics and Prosthetics INTERNATlONAL COMM SERVI CE AWARD .rrv Countess Alexandra Villard de Borchgrave A ut hor and Poe t HEALING UG HT Arnaud de Borchgrave C hief Forei~n C o rrespo nde nt lo r N e wswee k Fox N e ws C o nt ributor CO MM U N IT Y SERVICE AWARD Kenmore Mercy Hospital Mary L. J-1 o ((m ~lIl Preside nt and C EO u ( K"'111110re Me rcy H o sp ira I INTERNATIONAL PHILANTHROPHY AWARD um M. Boling Don ated Prosthesis f,\r HIT Rec ipie nt Ma rc in C wyka John K. Castle Terri Campbell C ha irma n and C EO Kevin G uest Hou se of C astle Harlan, Inc. Ph ilanth ro pist . Mark J. Fitzpatrick Po lice Athletic League CO~1MUNITY SERVICE AWARD James D. Griffin Mayor of Buffalo New YQ,k for Si xteen Yea rs HU!vlANITARIAN AWARD Ronald McDonald House Prov ided C .lre for Ho pe For T,ml OITl\\V Surgic 11 Rec ip ie nts llf Bufbl, ) Lieutenant David F. Mann, Jr. BlJil:llo Poli ce Del':lrr.me nr C h ild Ad voc a v C e nt e r 1999 HUMA llTA R IA N OF THE YEAR AWARD Lee Gross Anthone Founder and Ch;-l ir or C h ild ,J\d V'; C<1Cy C ente r Fundraiser (ur I he BU tla lo Ph ilh;m no n ic Orch c,;tr,1, C hildren', Hospital "mel the i\ lbrigh l Kno x A n G alle ry Russell Salvatore Phil anthrop ist Sa lva to re 's lta ha n Cia rdem 4 If i r were nor for hope...the heart would break -..... Hope For Tomorrow Sponsors \Y,JC are apprec ia t ive of our ~p()n ~ur~ who h:1\ T bee n , n .ge n e ro us rhro ugho ur the yea rs. 'vii th WH i r ' Ul'rUrl , t1w (-jure Fur Tomorro w Found ation h<l' been abl e to provide rhc manv se rvices needed in order h in .£: our , urgical rec ipients tll the U n lte,l .:' w tes. 2007 DIAMOND Mr. J.D. C rane PLATINUM Mr. & Mrs, Rnlx rt .1 .:\ . Irwin Mrs. josephine Res=d EC:--'K T he MeC um; G roup BRONZE Kak ida Health Dr. Garv Wetrcich ,111,1 Mrs, S teph an ie Me ilrnan \'Verreich M r. Peter Mart in Tho' Dietrich Law Firm Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Diina 2005 PLATINUM GOLD AH,II Tr,lI'e! Global Defense ~ lr. .I ,D. Crane SiLVER C ampane lla O rthot ics nod Prosth et ics Campanella O rrhotics & Prosthetics .I irn Cu lli.gan. In c. Kvell: Inc. Harry Williams /1.11'. i'o 1ei r . Carney. Esq. & l\b ry E. G iallanz« . Esq. Dr. Lorraine Engl The Straeck Farnilv Sraroba Plastic anJ l\,1cT;ll Product, of New York, Inc. Island Srrect Lumber joseph N. William, GOLD ~vl r. and Mrs. lames C ullican Mr. and Mrs. '.Iohn K. C:L~r k SILVER Buffalo Ultrasound Candy Bouquet Til", McC.lulH: Group Jay c. Rowland III, DDS 2002 Jim Culligan PLATINUM GOLD ) lin an i Linda C ullig:m Psalm 11 6: 12 FlJund;·;t ion (Mark and Kat hy Balus) SILVER GOLD The McGuire Gn1ll F TI1e Stracck FJl1I il\· Dr. Loraine Engl J,'St'l'hine Re ~ : d Mr. Mark C UllCY. E,'-1. and 1\'\;11)' E. G iallanza, E: 1. M::l rk ,1I1e1 Kathy Balu.' joseph N . Willinrns Hope Groewch and Roseanne Roberts BRONZE SILVER Th« McCuire Group Robert L;) Carrubba DDS Frank D. M a" ~a r() DD~ Buftal" Ultrasound Dr. and \ b , Eric ). Scott Richard and Kathleen Rocicki 200 1 Dr. Gary Wetreich and Mrs. Stej:'h :m i ~ Meilman Wetreich TI1E- Dietrich Law Firm Sraroba Pla-ne and Metal Products of N <:, \\, York. Inc. Frank Langh:y Mr. and /o-'1 r". Patrick Rine Michae] K. Landi. M.n. Kenmore 1\·It'n:y Hospital Th e Spier Family J4.J d ph ia C able C ommumcat ions Buffal" Ultrasound Cullinan Auto Place Frank )V1cGu"iro.: amily Found ation I'ionecr C red i 1 Recovery Sisters Hospital Foundation DiAMOND 2004 "'MILLENNIUM TABLES Mr. and :Vlrs. Jim C ullman (2) ;\'Ir. J.D. C ran e PLAT IN UM Mr. :111,1Mrs. .1.1 111 0.: 5 C ulligan BRONZE Mr. and Mrs. S,ll And olina K3b da Health Dr. Ga rv Wetreieh anJ Mrs. Stephan ie Mcilruan Wo.: m:ich Mr, an Mrs. Rocco Diina Michad K. L111di. lvLD. Kenmore Mercy Hospital 2006 GOLD John K. C w k GOLD ,'\l icli Travel CJI" bal l", tt;ll:<o.: SILVER ouff,t!o Ultrasound SiLVER Loraine Engl. PhD The McG uire G roup Cam panella Orrh on cs and Prosthetics Jim Culligan, Inc. The M<:(.Jui(c Croup The Srraeck Family 5t:lroha Plastic and :-- leral Products of N,·\\' York. Inc. 1, land Street Lumber joseph N. William,; 2000 Marilynn an d Mark Kahle CORPORATE LEVEL TABLES PLATINUM Mr. .md M r~ . Robert lrwin CORPOR ATE SPONSORS BRONZE Jay c. Rowland. III nDS 2003 PLAT INUM The Robert" Family and Hope G rocweh Sierra Tech _ alvatore 's Italian G ardens Restaurant Bella Vista Grou p, Inc. Frank ]. McGuiro.: Fanulv Fou nda tion G&R ~'l ac h i nl.::: rv. Inc. Mr. ,~ l1d Mrs. Bem ar~ 1 Di P i~ io J <1-\' Halpern do Tyler Jay. Co, (2) Cradle Beach G roup Benchmark Development Inc. A llied Publishing SC!I'k c Butfalo Plasnc Surgerv Buffalo Athler i« lcaeue Buffalo Police Foun,l;;t ioll i'o\r. and Mrs. Pat Co sent ino Sara and Anthonv Delen a Ivlr. end Iv1rs. T, \(11 Spier Dolly Gernatt 5 If it were not for hope...the he8IT would break. --.... Humanitarian Missions Tanzania, Africa 2000 Dr Meilrna ancl Michael Strucck Dr. Mellman. M,tr> Mcilman. Dr. Mcrke] .lIld Dr. !..:.. r;m l;·m , .uk i.i n Isle of Capri 2003 Peru 2007 Rri ~ll Rusk. Dr. Mellman. A lex Campane lla, Jan Vo,h lrt:h. Ursula Ca m r :lnella. Toni Andolm a, ,'\ lld r~\\ (.)rel\:. Dr. \lL·rh·1<lnd :::T.I n Colern.u; Rome 2002 6 Poland 2005 If it were not for hope ...the heart would break. 2007 Hope For Tomorrow Charity Event Chairman Event Chair Jeffrey Meilman, fAD Donna McG uire I nternational Community Service Award H o N o R E E S John E.D. de la Browne Humanitarian of the Year Award J Iichael A. Young 2007 Surgical Recipients M " i ,;e~ Ra mo- Dr, ~v1 ei l l11 a n , Jame' Huel-lx-rs Don n a ;-' 1cCl uire, T;,vl"r J n g r'~I11 , Pnrn .uvn Elias, Cri, rt:! C a lin :,:-calin s J'11I1(· ~ H ucl-l-cr- Dr. \1 ~ i l ma Il , Donna McG uire a nd Do n Po -tlcs .uid Brando n .sheedy 7 If it were not for hope ...th e heart would brea k. Master of Ceremonies Invocation . . . . Award Presenter Award Presenters / ,# ' /" '., '\~'~ "'#~-. -t·r""""'\j. . ,': ., ~·'. ~ ~ ..", .' ~ ~ .. ' . . '7-". ' • (I .' . • ;A.,' , ...' . '., ' • !' . . ..t-.1i ' - -' \ l f i : 1 ' .1..."1 a '"'-' • I ~., Dr. utrv \Verreich anJ \l ~ . Stephanie Mellman \Vt'r r~ i c.h Auction A llc ri, meer [a n V()~ r- lJ r~ h an.l h i~he~r HJJn joh n Lenaha n Ushers L\ m Buchanan. Jert'IIlYKrupski , ~' la r c i a G rundu sch, T"m G n mJ ri' .h , Tom Drahu,;huk Tavl"r Ingram, Dr. \-k ilmen ,In>! Dnnn::, 1--. h:C \' in: ,'I Photography Tearn Sal and T"n i :4.n,I"lin'I, Dollv L Hcll" and !lenn i, St iercr Musicians II If i[ wer e no t for h ope...the heart would break. -.... Ma ry ~ ~ c i l ll1 : tn .lI1d J"hll Lenahan Gerry und [ohn Br",k~' and l' ancy Gall:1~1 ·r If it were not for hope...the he art would break. Michael anJ Sharon Str.-eck. Michele :<od Mich ael Srracck A lic e B r ~ g .g IAn and Lind.i :-' l,,,, ka io If it were not for h ope...th e heart wou Id break . -.... Richard an.I Fl« Wh il\:-<.·11 , larv Ann Bruno c ue }'!cC:m hy and Rl'\. Fruncu- \t~ : ur Jackll' Gurnev .10,1 RIChard Kn cce r Juk, Smith. Ale-x Nnn hrllr . Hanna .md J;\), Z ll k '.>~k i JI If it were not for hope...th e heart would break . Pat :mJ J:lck Sheedy Rol-en Fox jam es and j ean LeBlanc . Marcia and Jpc .J:.J le n:>1 C vru h r« Gu: ik and Paul Mic h~' rd :i l bk i 12 S U l' Grclick and John Hoffman ]f it were not for hope ...th e heart would break . ....... •• ,-'jj. it: ,I " " , ';'4 •' ( .~ ~ I ~'J ; " ' ; , r'~l_o:..;~ , ,', • . ~~.,~ J'.' .;lU" .. '', ~. ,:~..~, ~' ------ ~ I ~ ~-a:-: .~ ....:,:: I i"I. . ., < I " G:, I " . :-- Ir, and Mrs. Rol-en Richards Joe Pimin~al " and T on i . nJolin::l Dr. Michae] Sroffman ond Mrs. 1t.1I1:l roffman. 1)r. Ry::m ,111<1 ,. Dian ... Denhacsc Frank L inclev, Donna Brockman , Pat Clark and Frank L.J n,,; 1<-,· Li: and Rill Savin« Ur-ula 'loll A k x C a mpanella If it were not fo r hop e... the heart would break. Dean and Donna Lucas Bonni e and Jim 5.:>; (.)11 A li ~ and Rich ard S li ~: Honorabl e Pcn nv Wo lfg,mg 14 If it were not for hope...the he art would break. Final Destination: Peru and the Galapagos Islands First Prize Raffle Winners After much deliberation an I discussion, he humanitarian mission for 2008 will be returning to Peru . The itinerarv included three days of surgery in)uliaca, an optional tri!J to Machu Picchu, and three days at the Galapagos Islands. Travel arrangements are bv. Alidi Travel of Buffalo, Nev.' York. ,. Peru .. Galapagos Humanitarian Mission 2008 with The Hope ForTomorrow Foundation Double Occupancy: $3,999.00 Single Occupancy: $4,799 .00 Departure: Buffalo, New York to Lima, Peru Friday, May 3u 2008 Return: Galapagos Islands to Buffalo, New York Saturday, June 7, 2008 I For more information, please contact Tony Constantini at Alidi Travel (716) 886-4443 Dear Dr. and Scaff. Yesterda::· was the Big Da)'! After four and Q lwlf 110urs of running cables u/) stairs, doums ta ir.~, basement and moving our TV 's . We were read)' to scan enjoying, our netl,} n i. 1t tvill Sl!n !e as a lasting momenta of that worubjltl e"Oling we hared at )'(Jur "C lwri t)' Benefit" . May [his blllebeIT)' cof[ecakc be lJ. token of om llnd)'ing gratitude. Enjoy, Patrick & Karft)" G illm an We Congratulate T he Hope For Tomorrow Foundation Raffle Winners First Prize Sec ond Pri ze Third Prize Fourth Prize Fifth Prjze Patrick Corman l.i nda Moskal David M~i IeI' Nancv , Perna Sandv.' Padovan I ' Sarnsu ng .SO-' Pla:;nl<l HDTV .s days for Two in Las Vegds at. Caesars Palace $2,000 in Chips for Seneca 1\i agara Casino l..) Season Tickets to 1\\'0 at Shea's $500 in Chips for Seneca Niagara Casino Items of Interest • The 2007 docurucntarv of • Ar. their respect ive d inners, • An oruanizat ion founded bv • M Zl lW are not aware of HFT l~; )ard member Karen ' the Peruvian h umanic; r. the G eneral Pulaski As wayst hat the Hope For sociarion , rhe A mherst Re Carl os donates med ical ian trip to [uliaca, Peru Tomorrow Foundat ion an nually reaches out to pub lican Committee and supplies med icine and produced by Stan. Cole man of A ppa loosa Pro duct ions, i ~ no w be ing aired on public television, C h anne l 20 , every Mo n day evening at 9:00pm. • Dr. Margaret Paroski received-th e Humanirar ian of the Year Award from the Hope For Tomorrow Foundation in 2006. the National Conference for Comm un ity and Justice all recognized and honored the efforts of Dr. Meilman and Th e H\1rCFor Tomor row Foundat ion in prornot i n ~ an awareness and in a i~l i ng the less [ortunarc of the world by provid ing medical care, surgeries and medical supplies.' cloth ing t o orpha nages in Poland, A frica, Bosni a and Peru. Orphans in Need has also been instrumental in the placement of "special need s" children in the United S ta tes, Fur fu rther the Buffalo urea. Fo r rnan y years, Cradle Reach and the Sa lvation Army have been able to offer many camperships to local chil dren, th rough the gcn eros irv of the Hope For Tomor info rmat ion , please co nt act row suppo rters. Karen at 71 6-9 13-0494. 15 If it were no t for hope...the heart would break. Vol. 3 Issu e 1 Message 2007 A Connection: Peru, the Philippines and Buffalo, NY from Dr. Meilman I wish to extend Illy gra rit u Ie to our hundreds of ~UP I orr ers who attended t he Z007 Hope Fo r Tomorrow ch a rity be nefit [inner and also to tho se wh o we re unable to partic i pa re and yet nevertheless supported us wirh donat ions and good wish es. Into want to acknowledge the many loc al bus iness patrons and our perso na l spon sors. In ad d ition, t he proccc Is fro m rhc ram . exceeded our cxpc ra t ions . I also wa nt to tha nk the O'Con nors and the Shcedw (or be in g such graci ous host taui ilics in 2 7. I a m aware tha t ou r success as a fo un .la t ion is d irec tl y a t t ribu ta ble to each and ev ery one of you an d no t to co rpo ra te spo nso rs or to ve ndo r obligati o n s. This I t rul y va lue. Yo ur interest in support ing Hope For Tomorrow is ver v im po rt ant to me. I am pleased to annou nc e that in May 20 , , the Hope For Tomorrow medical tea m an I vo lunteers will rerum to Peru. J kn ow thar it is un usua l ro return to th e same count ry (or two consecut ive yea rs. but I find that the need is grea t; th e poverty-stri cken Peruv ian s in th e An des Mount a ins have no opportun ity to receive any type of medic al assista nce. I believ e tha t our med i a l serv ices are vcrv important. I am pleased that this year many are plan n ing on part ic ipating. A ga in, my mo st since re th an ks to yo u for you r ki ndness, enthusiasm , d e lic a rio n a nd bel ief in T h e Hope For To ma r row Foun dat ion. Fn malvll E1r;>, T hr ee Yllu n ~ pe ople rece ived an opportuni ty to improve th eir q ual ity' of life be yon d their ima ginations . The: fin anc ial suppo rt o f TIlt' I-lope For Tomorrow Foundation and the rec o nst ruc t ive surgica l p roced ures pro v ide d by D r. Jeffrey Me llman ga ve a young Peruv ian ma n , M o iscs Ramos Mullisaca, a F ilipino ch ild. Primalyn Elias and a Buffa lo te enager, Taylor Ingram. hope for a n ew l -cginni ng . 1n a remo te vi Ilagc in th e Andes, duri n g 8 fest ival, Moises Ramos an d hi s brother were warmi ng themse lve s at a bonfi re in th e square. An e ld erly man , carrying an ope n bo t tl e of alco h ol tripped, dou sin g M o iscs; flames en v e lo ped hi s fac e and n eck and hi s alpaca swea te r mel ted into h is sk in . C o n rrac tu res of the fac e an d n ec k, sc arr in g o f t he face and a lip d eto r mi t v pre ve n ted Mo ises fro m holdin g his head erect and [ro m speak ing . H e left high sch oo l d urin g hi s fi rst year d ue to rid icule fro m hi s peers. \':i111ile sc reen in g pat ien ts fo r surge ry in [u [iaca, Peru , Dr. Mc ilma n noted that Moises would be ne fi t fro m bed and neck surge ry; ho we ve r. th is t ype o f sur ::?cc rv, req uirin ....g sk in grafts and t\ 'i 7 pec iall y t he t im e requ ired fo r fo llow 0..;. up care. was no t fea sible to perform in the Peru v ia n se rtin g. Dr. M c ilman de c ided t h a t <1 visit co Buffalo, N e w York could pro v ide t h e n ecessary and needed reco nst ruc t io n. Two Jays after h is arri val, M oi ses atte nded the 200 7 Ho pe For To mo rro w c ha rity heneflt dinne r. T h e fo1l0wing Mo nd ay, at Ke n more M e rcy H osp ita l. with the assistance o f D r. Krzszro f Me rkel , t he anesth esiologist , Dr. M e ilrnan per formed ex te n sive surgery on M o iscs face a n d neck. After sev e ra l days. h e ret m n e:l to hi s h ost family, Dan and ]rma O 'C o n n o r. Another ch ild , Prirnalvn Elias , fro m Vill a G arci a , a sma ll (Own in th e Ph ilipp ines, suffered fro m a do uble cleft pala te , T his left h er malnour ish ed as sh e was un a ble to c hew or swa llow a n v food ; sh e h ad th e a p pearan ce of a t wo year old . Me lan y S heed y and h e r hu sb and Brian , of Wi ll ia ;nsv ille , N ew York, were v isit in,g fanl ily in the Ph ilipp in es wh ere Bri:-J n took pi ctu res o f t he: children . A t this ti me , they n o t e d Pri malyn 's pr o blem . U po n rh e co up le 's return to Buffalo . th ey so ugh t th e help o f T h e H o pe Fo r Tomo rro w Foundation . Pri . ..Continued 0n f>a~" 2