Case Study : Badajoz – Success and Obstacles in the
Case Study : Badajoz – Success and Obstacles in the
Case Study : Badajoz – Success and Obstacles in the Development of a Dynamisation Plan. By Mikel Asensio Brouard and Manuel Mortari Fernandez, UAM 1. History, context and background of the Tourism in Badajoz important economic activity of the city, mainly because of the proximity of Portugal. Badajoz is also an important crossroad between Spain and the neighbouring country, an aspect that will be even more important with the construction of the AVE (high speed) railroad, programmed for year 2010. Despite the evidence of scattered prehistoric and subsequent settlements, the history of Badajoz starts officially with the foundation of the fortified village of Fig. 1, Badajoz position in Spain. The city of Badajoz is located in the south-western part of the Iberic peninsula, on the banks of the Guadiana River. It is located near to the border with Portugal, at an approximate distance of 400 km from Madrid. It is the capital of its province, and belongs to the Extremadura region. According to the National Institute for Statistics, the town counts 143.019 inhabitants, of which 55% is comprised between 20 and 60 years old, and 22% under 20. The economy of the city has been traditionally based on the primary and third sector, but in the last half century the services sector has developed largely, and is currently the most Batallyos in 875, by the Muladí rebel Ibn Marwan. The town flourished quickly and by the 11th century was one of the most important Hispano-Arab cities of the time. After the disintegration of the Cordoba caliphate in 1031, Badajoz became one of the largest independent kingdoms (Taifas) of the peninsula. Two centuries later, in 1230, the city was conquered by Alfonso IX, King of León. After a period of decay, the city arose again, also because of its position in a frontier territory. In 1580 Felipe II, King of Spain, moved the court from Madrid to Badajoz in order to direct the operations for taking over Portugal. The absence of wars during the following 60 years will make the city flourish again. However, new conflicts arrived (the Portuguese Restoration war, and the Spanish 2. Tourism Development Strategy: The "Plan de Dinamización" (Dynamisation Plan) Succession war), and Badajoz suffered Badajoz lacks a tourism tradition, in the attacks and sieges, which is the reason terms that we understand tourism, why there is not too much built heritage associated to leisure. However, the left. apart from the 17th century geographic position of the city, in a fortifications. In the 19th century the crossroad between Madrid, Lisboa and city suffered the consequences of a new Sevilla, and close to the border with war, the Independence one, and was Portugal, pillaged both by the French and the important circulation of persons and English troops. The end of 19th and goods, which in the last decades has beginning of 20th century brought to encouraged the proliferation of hotels, Badajoz a period of great development, and the construction of an airport and a both in terms of urbanism and important Conference Centre. This is the reason architectonic elements. The interval of why the municipality decided in the the Civil War didn’t stop the growth of 1990s to try to take the most of the the city, until the great migrations of the infrastructures and the potential tourism 60’s started. In the following decades, market, both in the region (1.562.000 of Badajoz gradually shifted its economy national tourists visited the whole from the first to the third sector, to region in year 2001, to cite figures become nowadays the largest and most provided by the Ministry of Industry, dynamic city of Extremadura, and its Tourism and Commerce) and in the city economic leader (source: Municipality’s (214.000 night stays in the year 2005, home-page, and Guia Campsa). according to the data collected by the has always entailed an tourism observatory of ITAE) . In order to do this, the idea was to structure the cultural-tourism offer (as stated in the minutes of the First Extremadura Tourism Congress, 2001). The problem, in words of the Tourism Councillor, was the lack of a built heritage Fig. 2, View of Badajoz. enhancement tradition, which resulted in the ignorance and disdain of the destinations with cultural, residents towards the monuments and sport, and built heritage of their city. This was the relevance (among other). In Spain this point of depart, with a clear analysis of kind of plan comes out of a series of the objective (impulse leisure tourism in national framework plans for tourism the city) and the main handicap (the competitivity: FUTURES (1992-1995) lack of a touristic image, both in the and PICTE (2000-2006), launched in minds potential the early nineties by the Ministry of tourists). With these premises the Industry, Tourism and Commerce. The application to a dynamisation plan first framework plan was created to appeared to be the best way to focus the reduce and correct the negative impacts attention on the Cultural and Built (mainly ecological and in terms of town Heritage aspects of the city, in order to planning) of thirty years of wild tourism integrate and complement the already development, and the second one was existing business-tourism sector. created after assessing the success of its of residents and shopping wildlife, gastronomic predecessor, with the same goals. More specifically, the Dynamisation plans were created in the 1996 Tourism Sectorial Conference. The investments, financed Agreement equally of by local, a Collective regional and national administrations, are distributed in three or four years, and they are used Fig. 3, Badajoz, the Alcazaba. The Dynamisation Plans are addressed to destinations that are driving their tourism and have some basic infrastructures but want to ensure a sustainable, competitive economically reliable Furthermore, in dynamisation plans and development. many cases the to the aim diversification of the typical sun & beach, developing new products and to prepare the natural or built heritage and historical resources for tourist consumption. The most frequent actions involve the improvement of lighting in downtown areas, the conservation and restoration of reinforcement built of heritage, public the services (mainly the transport), the construction of museums, visitor centres and viewpoints, the display of signposts in trekking routes, the increase of the hotel and restaurant offer, and the Strengthen diversify and integrate construction or improvement of Tourist the built heritage and natural Information tourism offer. Offices. In relation to the Excellence Plans, to which they are similar in many aspects, the Dynamisation Plans correspond to a lower stage of Tourism development. de Dinamización was launched by a agreement between professionalism of the tourism services. Develop among residents and local In the specific case of Badajoz, the Plan collective Increase the quality and the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, the Region of Extremadura, agents an interest and sensibility for Tourism Quality aspects. Support the enterprises Study and design policies and the Municipality of Badajoz and the strategies for the development of Confederation of Tourism Businessmen tourism. of Extremadura. Its planned length was Improve and diversify the of three years, from 2002 to 2005, and complementary offer. the total budget amounted to 2,16 Millions of Euros (source: Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce). The Construct and improve infrastructures. generic goal of the Plan was to transform the city into a tourism destination both in the Spanish and Portuguese tourism market (source: Home-page of the Plan). 3. Concrete actions within the Cultural Tourism Strategy Fig. 4, Badajoz’s Carnival. A series of objectives were defined, in order to achieve the generic goal was to: Enhance the monumental, cultural, historical and natural resources, for a tourism consumption. The objectives generated a series of concrete actions, that are available in the Home-page of the Plan: Redaction of a Strategic Tourism Development Plan. Launch of a tourism promotional campaign Execution of a complete signpost plan for the whole city. Creation of a Visitor Centre (CIDE) Development of a complete monuments lighting plan. Launch of a campaign for the promotion of a quality tourism, addressed to enterprises. Fig. 5, Badajoz, Puerta de Palmas. The Plan de Dinamización expired officially in 2005 but there are many actions that still remain unfinished (mainly the enhancement of the Alcazaba and of large parts of the downtown). Beside the concrete actions, Preparation of a promotion and the strategic plans and the objectives marketing program for the city fixed by the plan are still defining the Redaction of a plan for a leisure- policies of the municipality, and is tourism exploitation of the beginning to produce effects. One of Guadiana river. them, for instance, is a private initiative Enhancement and real use of the downtown. Design of a landscape rehabilitation program. Launch of a residents-oriented lead by the Business School ITAE in 2005, the launch of a Tourism Observatory. Unlike the one in Ávila devoted to the monitoring of Tourism flows, to visitor studies and to macroeconomic studies, the Badajoz campaign to make aware of the observatory is more oriented towards richness of the tourism offer of the analysis and consulting tasks. In fact, city. beside a general tourism monitoring activity, limited to some indicators and conceived to provide very basic information, the purpose of the ITAE observatory is to exchange information and ideas between private sector agents, foster the co-operation between them and provide suggestions and ideas to the as part of the whole process of municipality in order to develop the management of cultural resources. It tourism sector and bring benefits to all completes and is integrated into the the stakeholders. management process and strategies of This observatory, or Think tank as it should better be called, illustrates and fits well into the situation of Badajoz: there is a politic will, there are infrastructures and there are means for a Tourism development. However, the development of the sector is not balanced, the private sector stakeholders enjoy a longer development of experience. the The public administration policies does not satisfy the municipality. The main difference between the UAM tool and a typical Tourism Observatory as in Ávila is that our tool provides more qualitative analysis of the city’s cultural offer, while other Observatories aim more to statistical results. The UAM tool retrieves data that makes possible not only descriptive reports, but also detailed analysis of the cultural offer of any city. the expectations or the schedule of the The private sector, so the latter takes the monitoring tool in Badajoz obtaining initiative and submit a proposal of very useful information about (among guidelines to the Municipality. This other things) the perception of the situation represents a natural moment in image by the residents and by potential the development of the tourism sector of and actual visitors. The detailed survey a city, but entails the risk that the and conclusions of our tool can be private interests overcome the interests found in the final report (D22: Cultural of the community. In this sense, it Offer would available be advisable that the UAM team Quality on has tested Monitoring its Tools, http://www.pciture- Municipality develop other monitoring However we would like to tools, independent and oriented to mention here the most remarkable evaluate the tourism flows as well as the outcomes that can be related to the impact of tourism on the residents, and strategies of the Plan de Dinamización. the quality and sustainability of the The main conclusion is that, despite offer. The monitoring tool developed by being one of the actions of the Plan, the the UAM team for instance evaluates a city of Badajoz still hasn’t developed wide range of impacts, and is conceived yet a valid strategy to lead and integrate actions and sectors (urbanism, culture, of the Plan, a better knowledge and education, etc.) of the municipality. appreciation of the built heritage of the This can be seen, for instance, in the city by its own residents, has clearly delays of the urbanistic rehabilitation of been achieved. the downtown, and the recovery of the Historical built Heritage: the impression of the tourists is negative (feeling of insecurity and poverty). Another example of the work still to be done can be the image that the city evokes on the potential visitors: we have detected that it is dominated by the presence of the Nature element, followed by the “Culture, History and Art” aspects, and subsequently by “Built Heritage” and “Gastronomy”. This image is quite Obviously Badajoz has a long way to go in tourism planning and management. A Plan de Dinamización has to be considered as a starting point for a professionally driven tourism policy, more than an objective itself. Badajoz’s challenge now is to keep on with the good job done untill now and define and plan clearly its tourism policy and strategies, integrating them into the other departments strategies and into the general policy of the municipality. different from the one that actual tourists have, which is structured around built heritage elements as the Alcazaba or the Cathedral. This difference shows that the promotion of the city is still far from transmitting coherent with the a clear image, perception that 4. Concluding comments and Transferable key lessons The experience of Badajoz offers some interesting elements to take into consideration. The main keys are: residents have of their own city (which, Existence of a strategic plan (not according to our analysis, corresponds yet fully operative) where the to built heritage, intangible heritage, tourism policies are integrated and Natural heritage). Having said this, into the general policies of the it goes without saying our tool has also administration; detected important positive results of Investment of external funds the Plan: for example, a growing (plan de dinamización) not only diversification of the offer, that is in short-term and isolated preparing actions (i.e., built heritage the terrain for a full structuration of the tourist product. conservation and Furthermore, one of the main objectives embellishment) but also in defining and launching Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y development strategies that will Comercio. Subdirección General de survive after the aid is over. Calidad e Innovación Turística. Offer diversification projects and strategies Calidad Destinos. ( adDestinos/CalidadDestinos.asp?menu=des Co-operation with other private stake-holders (businessmen association) Communication campaigns tinos&scroll=cdestinos&vis=uno) Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio. Subdirección General de Calidad e Innovación Turística. among the residents about the Planes de Excelencia. value of Badajoz’s built heritage ( 5. References Congreso del Turismo de Extremadura (2001). Actas del primer Congreso de Turismo de Extremadura: Badajoz, 7, 8 y 9 de Junio de 2001. /CalidadDestinos/PlanesExcelencia. asp) Municipality of Badajoz. Home-page: ( Observatorio Turístico de ITAE (2005). Badajoz: Junta de Extremadura, Minutes of the Tourism Observatory Consejería de Obras Públicas y kick-off meeting celebrated the Turismo, Dirección General de 2/XI/2005. Turismo. Instituto de Estudios Turísticos (2003) Plan de Dinamización de Badajoz. Home-page: El turismo en España durante 2002 ( p.23. ntacion.htm) ( umentacion/FronturFamilitur/ElTurismoEnE spanaDurante2002.pdf) Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Homepage: ( Interview with the Councillor of Tourism of Badajoz, Mr. Germán López Iglesias, recorded the 21/VII/2004.