Business Development for the Tourism Industry
Business Development for the Tourism Industry
Business Development for the Tourism Industry What is Kurbits? • National business development program. • What makes Kurbits unique is that it is developed, adapted and designed for small scale businesses'. • It’s developed by the tourism sector for the tourism sector. • Kurbits is a one-stop-shop with ready made documents and treaties. 570 Kurbits history START The Regional Development Council of Dalarna County in cooperation with the University of Dalarna, meNY and business developers from the sector. 2008 2000 companies Kurbits Culture and Kurbits Culinary Experience 2012 2011 7 regions Adult learningconcept from meNY 2015 Level 2 programs: Kurbits Export Kurbits Design Kurbits Capital Exit from The Regional Development Council of Dalarna County 570 20 buinesses Have participated in a Kurbits program. Processleders and coaches Trained by Kurbits 14 Regions i Sweden Dalarna, Kalmar, Jämtland-Härjedalen, Värmland, Skåne, Jönköping, Uppsala, Blekinge, Gotland, Örebro, Gävleborg, Kronobergs län, Västmanlands och Västra Götalands län. Kurbits Good Practice In 2013 Kurbits was awarded ”Good Practice” by the EU for cross-sector initiatives and innovation in the area of tourism as a means to stimulate competitiveness in small and medium-sized enterprises. Kurbits toolbox for the destination • • • • • • • • • • • • Business development program + level 2 programs. Process leader training programs. Adult learning concept. Coaching process during the program. Business and sector adapted cases. Individual business coaching. Continuous support for the process leaders. Process leader meetings for update training. A list of lecture holders from the sector. Cases and to-do-lists. Evaluations online. Measure the economic effects on the companies. What makes Kurbits unique? • The process and the methods promote innovation, cooperation and concrete results for the participants. • Specially adapted tools help businesses move from words to action. • The process and the methods promote innovation, cooperation and concrete results for the participants. • Specially adapted tools help businesses move from words to action. Kurbits programs Programutbud-print sceen Kurbits Business Development program Situational analysis - Business targets Product and service development Marketing communications Individual coaching Sales and distribution Business management Entrepreneurship What do the participants say? ”Kurbits inspired me to start daily guided tours on our farm. This became a success! We have also worked on the way we communicate on site and set up clearer information boards and which has contributed to the great development we have experienced” ” Kerstin Sahlin, Sahlins struts Attended Kurbits 2010/2011 Kurbits effect: Turnover +50% Visitors + 40% Results Development impact % 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 New Investments Changed pricing Developed Marketing Networking Cooperation Newproducts Employment andservices Results are self-estimate of impact of the Kurbits program based on interviews with the first 100 Kurbits companies. Economic Impact Developement ofthe resultsin% Thesearethefirstresultsofasystematic5yearevaluation,measuringthefinancialimpactof Kurbits onacountry, aregionaloronagrouplevel. InJuly,2012yearsresultswillbevisibleandalargernumberofregionswillbeabletobe presented The organisational framework for a program Contact with the destination The Destination Integrate the destinations needs Managing the process Contact with the destination Process leader Office Select the participant s Select the speakers Give support in selecting external speakers Support the process leader Evaluatio n process Organising the program Framework for the program Billing process One Stop Shop