Thank You. - Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
Thank You. - Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
BLESSED TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH June 28, 2015 ADDRESS: 5 SE 17th Street Ocala, FL 34471 PHONE: 352.629.8092 FAX: 352.351.8872 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: PARISH OFFICE - 352.629.8092 SICK CALLS: 352.629.8092 352.207.5835 (Emergency pager) MISSION: CHRIST THE KING Pastor Father Patrick J. Sheedy x 3209 Associate Pastors Father Raul Valdez Father Franklin Salazar x 3219 x 3227 In Residence Father Michael O’Keeffe Father Joseph Maniangat x 3221 595.5605 Deacons Heriberto Berrios, Jim Boerstler, James Schwartz Sisters Immaculate Heart of Mary Reparatrix 867.9860 Misioneras Catequistas 622.4500 14045 N US Hwy 301 Citra, FL 32113 352.595.5605 LA GUADALUPANA 11153 West Hwy 40 Ocala, FL 34482 352.291.2695 MASS SCHEDULE AT BLESSED TRINITY WEEKEND Saturday 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm Sunday 7:15 am, 8:45 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm Spanish, 5:00 pm Life Teen DAILY Mon—Fri 7:10 am and 5:15 pm Wednesday 8:15 am (follows school schedule) Thursday 6:30 pm (Spanish) Saturday 8:00 am Reconciliation FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Thursday 7:00pm (Spanish) Saturday 2:45—3:30pm (English) 5:00—5:30pm (English) Sunday 12:15—12:45pm(Spanish) MASS SCHEDULE AT OUR MISSION CHURCHES WEEKEND Saturday Sunday DAILY Tuesday Wednesday 7:00pm (Spanish) 10:15 am at Christ the King 7:00 pm at La Guadalupana (Spanish) 7:00 pm at La Guadalupana (Spanish) 5:00 pm at Christ the King Parish life June 28, 2015 ~ thirteenth Sunday in ordinary time MISSION STATEMENT: Blessed Trinity Catholic Church Stewardship Community recognizes Jesus is Lord. We believe that our Time, Talent and Treasure are gifts from God to be used for the spiritual, educational and social needs of our community, the Diocese and the world at large, especially the poor. PARISH STAFF - 629.8092 Sr. Juliet Ateenyi Katherine Baker Colleen Halstead Jason Halstead David Hardison Fran Harwas Steve Hoesterey Ro Lipari Kris Plunkett Kelly Schwietert Julie Martin Ministry to Sick Secretary Business Manager Blessed Trinity School Elder Care Human Resources Brother’s Keeper Religious Education Parish Bookkeeper Angels in Arms Youth Minister Melinda Gunn Paul Miranda Sr. Concepta Najjemba Elizabeth Tilley Stewardship Plant Manager Soup Kitchen Music Ministry Trinity Catholic High School David L. McKenzie President Lou Pereira Principal x3211 x3201 x3218 622.5808 671.2823 x3212 622.3846 x3207 x3228 622.6167 x3222 x3208 804.2415 629.1292 x3202 622.9025 NEW PARISHIONERS ARE WELCOME to stop by the Church Office to register Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm or stop by the Parish Hall the first Sunday of each month following the 8:45 am and 11:00 am Masses. BAPTISM: We are pleased to help your family prepare for the special event of your child’s entrance into our faith community. To help parents and godparents prepare, a class (English) is held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Community Center and in Spanish the 2nd Saturday of each month, at 9:00 am at Guadalupana. Parents and Godparents must attend this class prior to scheduling baptism. MARRIAGES: If you are planning to be married at Blessed Trinity, your preparation process should begin at least four (4) months prior to desired date. We look forward to helping you during your time of engagement and preparation for the vocation of Christian marriage. Call the Church Office for an appointment with one of our priests. SICK CALLS AND HOSPITAL VISITS: If you or a family member are in a local hospital or homebound and would like to receive Communion or Sacrament of the Sick, please call the Church Office at 629.8092 or Sister Juliet at x3211. When registering at the hospital, put your name on the Catholic List. STEWARDSHIP BY THE BOOK Today’s reading from St. Paul explains the “divine economy” of stewardship—”The relief of others ought not to impoverish you; there should be a certain equality. Your plenty at the present time should supply their need so that their surplus may in turn one day supply your need.” ADS OF THE WEEK GOODEN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING, INC. David Gooden, President 352.438.4390 352.369.0555 GREAT LAKES CARPET & TILE Over 10,000 Flooring Styles, Lifetime Installation Guarantee 352.867.9995 Please see our Ads at the back for all our business supporters. WORD OF LIFE “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” — Matthew 25:35-36 (NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission.) “Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” — Matthew 19:14 (NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission.) worship June 28, 2015 ~ thirteenth Sunday in ordinary time MINISTRY OF THE WEEK SACRISTANS The Sacristans at Blessed Trinity Parish prepare the altar and all items needed for all liturgical celebrations. The Sacristans coordinate with other worship ministries and priests at all Masses. For more information, please contact Peggy McClaskey at 352.694.2978 or email: [email protected] NEW PARISHIONERS: Ken, Denise, Kylie and Chloe Klinker STEWARD OF THE WEEK ALICE HVIDSTEN Thank you to Alice for being a new minister to the sick at MRMC hospital. Alice loves the ministry and gives comfort to the sick. Your hard work and dedication is truly appreciated. Thank you for being a faithful Steward! BAPTISMS: Sean Patrick Santoro Eduardo Jr., Xiomena, Eduardo and Beatriz Diaz de Anda Elijah Jarvis Lee Santos Patrick Vnuk and Rossana Yahiro Alexander Damilare Onitiri Kaela Isabell Santos Jose, Yaritza, Mauro and Carolina Lopez Kevin M. Ballinger and Nilda Cintron In today’s Second Reading, St. Paul quotes Exodus 16:18: “Whoever had much did not have more, and whoever had little did not have less.” On the surface this may seem confusing, but it bears a strong stewardship message for us. One of the challenges of our society is the tendency to gather and to keep and to measure our success by possessions. Jesus told us over and over in a variety of ways that “possessions” are a major stumbling block in our journey toward holiness. Stewardship was once defined by a bishop as: 1. 2. 3. 4. Following faithfully Living responsibly Sharing gratefully Possessing loosely This, in a nutshell, is what it means to be a good steward. That is the message from St. Paul, as well. As difficult as it may be for us, we need to focus on others in service more than we should try to glorify ourselves through what we may seem to have. In particular we need to focus on the “possess loosely” aspect. That is more than material items, of course. We have a tendency to “hang on” to traditions, people, and other things that we view as “ours.” Pope Francis cautions us, “A heart occupied with the desire to possess is a heart full of this desire, but without God.” Copyright © SAVE THE DATE A very special Blessing will come to Blessed Trinity Church on October 22, 2015. The Body of St. Maria Goretti will be on tour around the US during September and October. The tour will be named The Pilgrimage of Mercy: the Tour of the Major Relics of St. Maria Goretti. Fr. Carlos Martins, CC is in charge of this tour. And since he was here several years ago with a hall full of various relics he had kept my name in his files. I have been talking to him over the last few months to set up our time. Each stop with St. Maria Goretti’s body is for 24 hours. The faithful can stop by anytime during the 24 hours. Thousands of the faithful usually walk by in prayer during the 24 hours. There are only three stops in Florida. This pilgrimage is especially set up to help us prepare for The Year of Mercy. Many more details will come out as we plan for October 22nd. I put this announcement now in the bulletin because: 1. I want you to try and save the date for a family visit and let all your family, neighbors and friends know. 2. A donation of $5,000.00 is required of each parish who host this visit. I will already be on mission in Uganda when this appears in the bulletin. But if you would like to be one of the sponsors please make your check out to “Blessed Trinity” and mark it for “St. Maria Goretti Tour”. Thanks. READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK Ez 2:2-5 2 Cor 12:7-10 Mk 6:1-6a WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS Monday, June 29 Tuesday, June 30 Wednesday, July 1 Thursday, July 2 Friday, July 3 Saturday, July 4 Sunday, July 5 7:10 am Maryanne Steager † 5:15 pm Bonnie Fuller † 7:10 am Marie Murray † 5:15 pm Billie O’Conner Freeman † 7:10 am Fr. Patrick Sheedy (L) 5:15 pm Dennis Coglinbse † 7:10 am Richard Curtin † 5:15 pm Wim VanKempen † 7:10 am Elvia & Efrin Moreno † 5:15 pm Fr. Michael Sheedy (L) 8:00 am James Roberts † Inocencia Datu † 4:00 pm Frances Kennedy † 6:00 pm James Farrell † 7:15 am Judi Volko † 8:45 am Albert Woodmansee † 11:00 am DeTorres Lugo Grandchildren (L) 1:00 pm Spanish Community 5:00 pm Adolph D’Ambrosio † Your prayers are requested for Christopher Hendrix who has recently died. ALTAR FLOWERS Please call the Church Office at 629.8092 x3201 if you would like more information on placing flowers on the altar. June 27/28: July 4/5: July 11/12: July 18/19: July 25/26: August 1/2: In memory of Ira Shockey by Audley Shockey ministries Activities UPCOMING EDGE EVENTS Youth Ministry for all 6th, 7th & 8th grade students. For information email: [email protected] EMAIL ALERTS! If you would like to receive emails regarding all upcoming Life Teen events, news and updates, please email Julie: [email protected] Sunday, June 28th: Join us for Mass, dinner & Life Night. Tonight we are having a movie night!! Bring your friends along for dinner & popcorn, and be prepared for a little later of a wrap time, for the night. Sunday, July 5th: Join us for Mass, dinner & Life Night, concluding at 8:00pm—hope to see you there, as there will be no Life Nights for the following two Sundays (7/12 & 7/19), due to the summer trip. Summer Drop-In’s: Throughout the summer, Life Teen will meet up at Jervey Gantt on Wednesdays, from 6:308:30pm. Drop-in and see what’s going on each week, and bring a volleyball, Frisbee, etc. We will meet by the sand volleyball courts each week. All high school friends are welcome! ** NO DROP IN ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 15th Remember to join us on Facebook at Blessed Trinity EDGE or follow us on instagram @BTOcalaEdge, to get the most recent updates and see pictures from past events. MEETINGS: 2nd Wednesday of the month, 7:30pm, K of C Hall, Next meeting is Wednesday, July 8 TEXAS HOLDEM TOURNAMENT: 1st and 3rd Friday at the Knights Hall Next Tournament is Friday, July 3 Doors open at 6:30 PM Games start at 7:00 PM Further Information: (352) 368-5960 Who: Blessed Trinity Church VBS is calling all children age 4-10. Where: Blessed Trinity Church When: Monday, August 3 – Friday, August 7 Time: 8:00am-11:00am Cost: $20—includes t-shirt, snacks & daily crafts. $30 for two children. Call for discount on more. Contact: Jamie Schofield 502-0205 or email: [email protected] Registration Deadline: Friday, July 24 Sometimes things can go very wrong in a marriage. Retrouvaille is a program to help heal and support married couples experiencing difficulties, couples broken, lonely and hurting. It’s also for couples who have separated or divorced and want to try again. Our next program begins July 17-19, 2015. For more information and registration, call 352-274-4614. All calls and names held in strictest confidence. We invite you to visit our website at BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY NEEDS HALL RENTALS: Weddings, Birthdays, Retirements, Graduations. Free WIFI. Hall rental is available for daytime and evening. Competitive Rates. Parishioner Discount. Call: (352) 368-5960 The Blessed Trinity Gift Store Hours: Wednesday* 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. *10% off all regular priced items. Saturday-3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Sunday-8:00-8:45 a.m., 9:45-11:00 a.m., 12:00-1:00 p.m., 4:00-5:00 p.m. SEEKING DONATIONS RETROUVAILLE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LIGHTHOUSE CATHOLIC MEDIA CD’S Just a reminder, that if you are too busy to bake, store bought family size Stouffer’s Lasagna, Mac & Cheese, Sam’s meatballs as well as Publix cakes are just as appreciated for funeral receptions as homemade dishes. Please mark your donations “Bereavement.” Our freezer is very low. Please help us fill it up again. Also, we continue to need servers so please call Marilyn Hinds at 732.6596 if interested. Thank you so much. In July, Life Teen will be traveling to Atlanta for a powerful weekend at the Steubenville Youth Conference, followed by a week of camping and outdoor excursions in Tennessee. Our teens have been busy working and fundraising all year, in preparation for the trip. In the past, our parishioners have been so generous in donating Scrip/gift cards to help us off-set the costs for food, supplies, and gas. Any monetary or gift card (Wal-Mart is great!) would be greatly appreciated!! This trip proves to be such an encouraging & inspiring experience in the faith life of our teens, so please contact Julie if you would like to contribute or have any questions: [email protected] Thank you for your support. BT SCRIP SUMMER FUN Before heading off to enjoy that summer blockbuster don’t forget to pick up your Regal Hollywood 16 Single Ticket or $25 gift card. How about making it dinner and a movie! Enjoy dinner at one of our local restaurant supporters: Mojo Grill, Ocala Ale House, Harry’s, Gator’s Dockside, Tony’s Sushi, Lakis, Kotobuki’s, PDQ, Pronto Pizza, Crispers, Zaxby’s or at one of the many national chains available for purchase. Scrip summer hours: Thursday 9-12 or Sunday before & after the 8:45 & 11:00 masses. How To Keep Your Kids Catholic In a heartfelt and truly practical presentation, former Baptist minister Ken Hensley reveals effective strategies to help keep our kids within the fold of the Catholic Church. Drawing on personal experience and centuries of Catholic spiritual wisdom, he shares timeless, real-world advice we can readily use. His insights set us on the road to more effective and successful parenting. The CD’s are available in the Church Vestibule. Kindly donate $3.00 per CD to continue this ministry. Checks may be made payable to “Blessed Trinity.” PETER’S PENCE COLLECTION Thank you for your generous support of our Holy Father’s charitable works in the Peter’s Pence Collection. Your contributions will be combined with those of our brothers and sisters around the world to help Pope Francis provide essential relief to people in need. Your generosity is an act of solidarity with the universal Church, answering the call to be a witness of charity. May God bless you. THRIFT STORE HELP Brothers Keeper is in need of helpers on Mondays and Fridays. You can do 9 to 12 or 12 to 4 or all day. Come join our great crew of volunteers. Call Anthony at 732-7988. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE ~ WEEKLY OFFERINGS Weekly Offering June 21, 2015 Envelope Total: 842 Electronic Offering Total: 209 Total Children’s Offering: Non-Sunday 148 Grand Total for Week: Amount needed for Operating Expenses: Difference $ 38,622.51 $ 23,494.27 $ 0.00 $ 17,874.76 $ 79,991.54 $104,350.00 ($24,358.46) Year to date collection: $4,589,265.22 Year to date budget: $5,217,500.00 Year to date deficit: ($ 628,234.78) “Thank you for your donations.” Reminder: Do your best to put your envelope number on the “memo” line of your check. Brothers Keeper Emergency ministries ST. PEREGRINE MASS Please join us in praying for a cure for cancer. The monthly devotional Mass to St. Peregrine, the patron saint of cancer patients, will be Thursday, July 2, at the 5:15 Mass. Medals and holy cards are available before or after Mass. Please come and pray with us. FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTION The Filipino-American Catholic families warmly invite all to the First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on July 3, 2015 at 6:30pm celebrated by Fr. Roy in the Blessed Trinity Chapel. Mass is in English with Tagalog liturgical songs. Potluck follows immediately. Please bring your favorite dish. In a recent survey of a broad spectrum of Catholics, more than 70 percent of the survey participants have invited someone to consider religious life. Ideally the promotion of vocations is the responsibility of the entire church, not only of the clergy or religious themselves. Pope Francis promulgated the Year of Consecrated Life to raise the church’s awareness about the importance of this unique vocation within the communion of vocation we all share as baptized Christians. What a gift and blessing for the entire church! —Vision Vocation Guide 2015 Ideally the promotion of vocations is the responsibility of the entire church. STEWARD SAINTS OF THE WEEK Week of June 28-July 4 June 28—Irenaeus June 29—Peter and Paul June 30—First Martyrs of the Church of Rome July 1—Blessed Junipero Serra July 3—Thomas July 4—Elizabeth of Portugal IMMEDIATE NEEDS FOR ADORERS! Saturdays 3:00 – 4:00 PM BLESSED JUNIPERO SERRA Mondays Midnight – 1:00 AM Fr. Serra was born in Spain and chose the name of one of the companions of St. Francis, Junipero, when he entered the Franciscan Order. He was a distinguished preacher and scholar, but, inspired by the mission work of St. Francis Solanus in South America, he longed to be a missionary instead. In 1749, he traveled to Mexico and worked in the Baja Peninsula for eighteen years. Then when the Spaniards took over Upper California in 1767, Fr. Serra accompanied the Spanish forces to San Diego, and established his first mission. He founded nine missions up and down the length of California before he died, and twelve more were founded after his death. Fr. Serra’s zeal for the faith “brought the gospel of Christ to the peoples of Mexico and California and firmly established the Church among them,” says today’s Opening Prayer. His zealous stewardship of the faith also makes him the ideal namesake for Serra International, an organization dedicated to fostering vocations to the priesthood. May we, too, always be eager to share the gift of faith with those who have not yet heard the Gospel. Tuesdays 2:00 – 3:00 AM 3:00 – 4:00 AM Food Bags We still have a full pantry. We do need to restock our personal items. Food Pantry: Spaghetti Sauce Fruit Cocktail Pork & Beans Beef Stew Toiletries for families: Diapers & Wipes Laundry Soap Tuna Helper Dish Soap Toilet Tissue For Women: Feminine Hygiene Deodorant Toothbrush & Toothpaste Bar Soap Shampoo For Men: Razors & Shaving Cream Bar Soap Deodorant Toothbrush & Toothpaste Shampoo You can also buy a bag of pre-packaged food at most PUBLIX stores. We will pick up your bag from the Publix for you. Wednesdays 4:00 – 5:00 AM Thank you for your consideration and may God bless you. The only time our Lord asked the Apostles for ANYTHING was the night He went into agony. Not for activity did He plead but for an Hour of companionship. ~ Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Please consider fulfilling your stewardship commitment for each parish family to offer one hour of Adoration. Terry Schultz Nourse, Adoration Coordinator 352-817-5553 or email: [email protected] Put your bag in the Brothers Keeper Van in front of the Church on July 4 & 5. Thank You. GANGLER RAFFLE WINNER The drawing for the 4 day fishing/hunting trip to Gangler’s North Seal River Lodge took place last weekend. The Grand prize was won by Robert Barish. The Second prize winner was Leslie Gilliland and the Third prize winner was Chuck Vigne. Congratulations to all our winners. A big thank you to Ken Gangler and his family who donate this trip to the Church. Thanks, too to all of you who bought tickets. HAVE YOU MOVED OR ARE YOU PLANNING TO MOVE? Please notify the Church as soon as you have a new address so we may update our records with your current information. This will not only ensure you receive mailings in a timely fashion, but also save us money on forwarding and undeliverable mail fees from the Post Office. We are charged over $4.50 for EACH packet of envelopes that is returned with no forwarding address or marked “undeliverable” by the Post Office. AUTOMATED GIVING/ELECTRONIC DONATIONS Blessed Trinity offers an Automated Giving/Electronic Donation program and many of our families are taking advantage of this program. Forgetting your checkbook or being out of town and having to “play catch up” are no longer an issue if you choose to participate in our Automated Giving Program. We are currently accepting debits to Checking Accounts, Savings Accounts, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover credit/debit cards. If you would like to participate, please stop by the Church Office to pick up the form or contact Melinda at 629.8092 x3208. OFFERTORY/GIFTS FAMILY AT MASS Representatives of the community bring the bread/wine/ prayers and collection from the community to God’s Altar at Mass. It is a great honor and privilege to represent the community in this fashion. If you have never done this, decide today to accept this invitation. All you have to do is let an usher know on your way into Mass or you can sign in on the book provided for this purpose in the vestibule. You can be a single person, a couple, a family or several single persons. When no one volunteers then and only then do the ushers do it. POPE FRANCIS — “LAUDATO SI” Our earth created by God, is a gift to humanity—all of humanity. Taking proper care of “Our Home” is much more a moral issue than it is a political issue. It is not primarily a scientific problem to solve. If we truly accept the real reason why God created mother earth then we will all see we all have a right to be here, we all have a right to the basic essentials for living and we all have a moral responsibility to take proper care of mother earth—our home—and we all share in the great need to take care of our brothers and sisters who, at present, do not receive the basic human needs. We will make “Laudato Si” available to our parishioners possibly in August after I get back. In the meantime you can pull it up online if you want to get going now. All of us should read it, study it, pray over it and ask for God’s guidance. And thank God for Pope Francis. LET’S RESPECT GOD’S HOUSE Please—no gum—besides defiling His house, it also shows a lack of respect for Holy Communion. Please—no food. Children can be trained not to get into the habit of having food in Church. Doodle paper—it is available in the vestibule if you wish your little child to get busy drawing (a gift for Jesus). Pick it up on the way into Mass. Envelopes—If you forgot your envelope, yellow envelopes are always available at the visitor’s center (vestibule). If they are not visible pull open the top drawer (for envelopes or doodle paper).
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