blessed trinity catholic church
blessed trinity catholic church
BLESSED TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH February 10, 2013 ADDRESS: 5 SE 17th Street Ocala, FL 34471 PHONE: 352.629.8092 FAX: 352.351.8872 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: PARISH OFFICE - 352.629.8092 SICK CALLS: 352.629.8092 352.207.5835 (Emergency pager) MISSION: CHRIST THE KING Pastor Father Patrick J. Sheedy x 209 Associate Pastors Father Jesus Arroyave Father Roy Eco x 219 x 227 In Residence Father Michael O’Keeffe Father Joseph Maniangat x 221 595.5605 Deacons Heriberto Berrios, Jim Boerstler, James Schwartz Sisters Immaculate Heart of Mary Reparatrix 867.9860 Misioneras Catequistas 622.4500 14045 N US Hwy 301 Citra, FL 352.595.5605 LA GUADALUPANA 11153 West Hwy 40 Ocala, FL 34482 352.291.2695 MASS SCHEDULE AT BLESSED TRINITY WEEKEND Saturday 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm Sunday 7:15 am, 8:45 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm Spanish, 5:00 pm Life Teen DAILY Mon—Fri Wednesday Thursday Saturday 7:10 am and 5:15 pm 8:15 am (follows school schedule) 6:30 pm (Spanish) 8:00 am Reconciliation FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Saturday 2:45—3:30 pm 5:00—5:30 pm Thursday 7:00 pm (Spanish) MASS SCHEDULE AT OUR MISSION CHURCHES WEEKEND Sunday DAILY Tuesday Wednesday 10:15 am at Christ the King 7:00 pm at La Guadalupana (Spanish) 7:00 pm at La Guadalupana (Spanish) 5:00 pm at Christ the King Parish life February 10, 2013 ~ fifth Sunday in ordinary time MISSION STATEMENT: Blessed Trinity Catholic Church Stewardship Community recognizes Jesus is Lord. We believe that our Time, Talent and Treasure are gifts from God to be used for the spiritual, educational and social needs of our community, the Diocese and the world at large, especially the poor. PARISH STAFF - 629.8092 Sr. Juliet Ateenyi Katherine Baker Jeff Wright Colleen Halstead Jason Halstead David Hardison Fran Harwas Steve Hoesterey Ro Lipari Kelly Schwietert Julie Martin Ministry to Sick Secretary Secretary Business Manager Blessed Trinity School Elder Care Human Resources Brother’s Keeper Religious Education Angels in Arms Youth Minister Melinda Gunn Paul Miranda Sr. Concepta Najjemba Richard Saalfeld Stewardship Plant Manager Soup Kitchen Music Ministry Trinity Catholic High School David L. McKenzie President Jacquelyn Gehrsitz Principal x211 x201 x201 x218 622.5808 671.2823 x212 622.3846 x207 622.6167 x222 x208 804.2415 629.1292 x202 622.9025 NEW PARISHIONERS ARE WELCOME to stop by the Church Office to register Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm or stop by the Parish Hall the first Sunday of each month following the 8:45 am and 11:00 am Masses. BAPTISM: We are pleased to help your family prepare for the special event of your child’s entrance into our faith community. To help parents and godparents prepare, a class (English) is held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Community Center and in Spanish the 2nd Saturday of each month, at 9:00 am at Guadalupana. Parents and Godparents must attend this class prior to scheduling baptism. MARRIAGES: If you are planning to be married at Blessed Trinity, your preparation process should begin at least four (4) months prior to desired date. We look forward to helping you during your time of engagement and preparation for the vocation of Christian marriage. Call the Church Office for an appointment with one of our priests. SICK CALLS AND HOSPITAL VISITS: If you or a family member are in a local hospital or homebound and would like to receive Communion or Sacrament of the Sick, please call the Church Office at 629.8092 or Sister Juliet at x211. When registering at the hospital, put your name on the Catholic List. STEWARDSHIP BY THE BOOK In today’s readings, both Isaiah and Peter hear the call of God and feel themselves unworthy. But, reassured by the Lord, both answer and follow. Do I hear the Lord asking, “Whom shall I send?” Am I prepared to answer, “Here I am. Send me!” ADS OF THE WEEK Robin Raftis Acupuncture Physician The Health & Healing Center of Ocala 352.622.9339 Robert Gonzalez, Realtor Coldwell Banker 352.726.6036 Please see our Ads at the back for all our business supporters. Prayer: ‘Deliver us Lord from every evil and grant us peace in our day. In your mercy keep us free from sin and protect us from all anxiety as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.’ worship February 10, 2013 ~ fifth Sunday in ordinary time MINISTRY OF THE WEEK STEWARDS OF THE WEEK COMMUNITY OUTREACH BT COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Various opportunities to reach out to fellow parishioners and those outside our Faith community. For more information, please contact Cynthia Hanna at 307.0838 or email: [email protected] For the period, May thru November 2012 the women of CCW have reported over a thousand volunteer hours in the following areas: 771.5 hours of Spirituality, 102.5 hours of Leadership and 739.5 hours of Service. NEW PARISHIONERS: Thank you for being faithful Stewards! BAPTISMS: Christine, Charles, Caidance, Caroline and Caleb Walker Jorge, Magaly, Chamaly and Ginna Miranda Amy, Kaylie and Karina Santa Each of the readings for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time make reference to people being “called.” Of course, each of us is called by God to be a disciple. The challenge for us is to hear that call, understand it, and then to respond to it with action. The first reading from Isaiah reminds us of a hymn based upon that reading most Catholics have sung and heard for the past few decades — “Here I am Lord.” The hymn portrays Isaiah’s response to God calling him. The lyrics in the refrain, known to many, are “Here I am Lord. It is I lord. I have heard you calling in the night. I will go, Lord, where you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart.” The Gospel from Luke is a story known popularly — of how Jesus told Peter and James and John to go out in Peter’s boat and fish again, even though they had caught nothing previously. The catch was enormous and it was a changing point in the vocations of those men. They were fishermen, and had probably been fishermen since they were boys. Fishing was their vocation, but Jesus called them to something higher — to be “fishers of men,” and they responded by changing vocations from fishermen to apostles — messengers. Some of us, like Isaiah, are called to vocations of discipleship which function parallel to our life’s vocation, our jobs. Others, like Peter, are called to lifetime vocations — holy orders. The point is not which vocation we follow — it is that as good stewards we recognize we have a vocation — a role — in building the Kingdom of God. Are we prepared and are we responding in the way we should? “Here I am Lord… I will go, Lord, where you lead me.” Copyright © ASH WEDNESDAY MASS SCHEDULE February 13th 7:10 AM, 8:15 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:10 PM, 5:15 PM, 7:00 PM Spanish, 7:00 PM English (Hall) 10:40 AM at Trinity Catholic High School Ashes distributed during all Masses after the Homily. CONFIRMATION Bishop John Noonan will be here Friday, February 15th, at 7 PM, to confer the sacrament of Confirmation to 175 of our students. Reconciliation for all students, their parents and sponsors will take place on Monday, February 11th at 7 PM. Rehearsal for Confirmation will be on Thursday, February 14th at 7 PM. All those receiving Confirmation and their sponsors must attend. BAPTISMAL CLASS LOCATION CHANGE The Baptismal class scheduled for Tuesday, February 12, 2013 has been moved FROM the Community Center TO the school building Room 201 at 7:30pm. OUR ANNUAL APPEAL The Annual Diocesan Appeal will be taken up next weekend. Most of our parishioners know well how it works. We belong to the great Diocese of Orlando. There are 92 Parishes and Missions in the Diocese. The Diocese is responsible for a great variety of ministries as it carries out its God given mission to spread the Catholic faith in the nine counties that make up the diocese—Marion, Sumter, Lake, Polk, Osceola, Orange, Seminole, Volusia & Brevard. Those ministries include—Vocations, Catholic Charities, Catholic Schools, Liturgy, Bishops’ Office, the Chancery, Youth Services, etc. Our fair share this year is $151,000.00. Please repeat your last years pledge or if you can raise it some we will be most grateful. If you have never donated or pledged to the mission of your Diocese, please start this year. READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK Dt 26:4-10 Rom 10:8-13 Lk 4:1-13 WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS Monday, February 11 Tuesday, February 12 Wed., February 13 Thurs., February 14 Friday, February 15 Saturday, February 16 Sunday, February 17 7:10 am Jacquline Tomalcyk+ 5:15 pm Alberto Gomez+ 7:10 am Kochetta & Winkler Families+ 5:15 pm John Marin+ 7:10 am Rita & Hugh Ochs+ 8:15 am Zoltan Kiss+ 10:00 am Walter Lowman Sp Int 12:10 pm Robert Legault+ 5:15 pm Gomez Echeverri Family+ 7:00 pm Nancy Scanlon+ 7:10 am L/D Andrew & Teresa Semudo Families 5:15 pm Theresa Gauthier+ 7:10 am Helen & Fred Wisneski+ 5:15 pm Lois Lipson+ 8:00 am Helen Clauss+ 4:00 pm Rosa Anzalone+ 6:00 pm John Donahue+ 7:15 am Martha Rohn+ 8:45 am Patricia Bianculli+ 11:00 am Donald Watson+ 1:00 pm Spanish Community 5:00 pm Rita Carpentier+ Your prayers are requested for Eunice D. Hood who has recently died. ALTAR FLOWERS Please call the Church Office at 629.8092 x201 if you would like more information on placing flowers on the altar. February 10: In memory Edith & Vito Summa by Carol & Ernie Brandes ministries Activities YOUNG ADULTS Next Adoration & Praise: March 6th, from 7:00-8:00pm, at Immaculate Heart of Mary. All are welcome! Next Faith & Fellowship with a side of Food gathering at Latinos Y Mas will be held on Wednesday, February 20th at 6:30pm. Email Julie ([email protected]) with any questions! Upcoming EDGE Events February Meeting Friday, February 22nd, 6:30-9:00pm in the Hall Middle School Youth Ministry For information email: [email protected] MICHAEL JAMES METTE Sunday, February 17 at 7:00pm at St. Patrick Parish, 500 NE 16th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32601. Michael has performed at the Diocese of St. Augustine’s World Youth Day concert and is coming as part of his Lenten tour. You can learn more about Michael and his music at Cost: FREE. There will be a freewill offering during the show. Michael will have CDs for sale as well. CALLING ALL BAKERS! The Annual Chili Supper will be held on Saturday, February 16, 2013 from 3:00pm to 8:00pm. The Convent Committee for The Sisters of Mary Immaculate Reparatrix, who serve in our parish, are encouraging all of the wonderful bakers in our parish community to pull out your special recipes and bring them to the Parish Hall between 10:00am-12:00pm and before 3:00pm. In anticipation of your support, we sincerely Thank You. For information contact Terry Stoothoff at 369.3515 or email: [email protected] DIVINE MERCY MISSION Saturday, February 16th through Tuesday, February 19, 2013 ST. FAUSTINA CATHOLIC CHURCH 9310 HWY 192 Suites 1-3 Clermont, FL 34714 For more information contact the Parish Office at 863.438.6900 LIFE TEEN NEWS GIFT SHOP EMAIL ALERTS! If you would like to receive emails regarding all upcoming Life Teen events, news, and updates, please email Julie: [email protected] Confirmation gifts and cards. Pocket coins: Holy Family, I Said a Prayer, Morning Offering, Our Lady of Grace, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Serenity Prayer and 16 different Angel pocket coins. Books: The Little Black Book for Lent for adults, The Little Purple Book for Lent for children. Several Way of the Cross booklets and pamphlets. Sunday, February 10th: Join us for Mass, dinner & Life Night, concluding at 8:00pm. th Sunday, February 17 : Join us for Mass, dinner & Life Night, concluding at 8:00pm. ICE SKATING: Save the date for Saturday, February 23rd, for the annual Life Teen ice-skating trip to Orlando! Email Julie to sign up or for more details. SIXTH ANNUAL CHILI SUPPER The Sixth Annual Chili Supper, a fundraiser for the Sisters Retirement Home in Uganda, with a focus on the fund-raising for a new project: a water pump and piping system for fresh water to the motherhouse. The Chili Supper will be held on February 16, 2013 from 3:00pm to 8:00pm. This year’s feature will include the award-winning Chili, served with and without meat, as well as White Chili, which is made with chicken. Included in the supper will be a small salad, saltine crackers, toppings, and a beverage of iced tea, lemonade or water. The Bake Sale will be found at the dessert table which will include individual selections, such as cookies, brownies, breads, and whole cakes for sale. There will be a 50/50 Raffle held every hour, for the cost of $1.00 per ticket. Come and enjoy a delicious meal. Share fellowship with your family and friends, and support the sisters who serve our parish and community. Cost: $7.00 for adults $3.00 for children (5-12) If you are using a check make it payable to “Blessed Trinity.” COUNTRY FAIR Queen of Peace Council of Catholic Women will hold their annual Country Fair on Saturday, February 16th in the Parish Hall on SW State Rd. 200 from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. Bring your friends, there will be something for everyone. White Elephant items, Jewelry, Books, Tapes, Videos, and Decorative items. Baked Goods will be among some of the items for sale. Blessed Trinity Gift Store Hours: Wednesday* 3:00p.m.-6:00p.m *10% off everything in the store on Wednesday Saturday 5:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00-8:45 a.m. 9:45-11:00 a.m.12:00-12:30 p.m. 4:00-5:00 p.m. MINISTRY TO THE SICK TRAINING Saturday February 16th 2013 8.30am -3.30 pm The training for NEW Communion Ministers to the sick and the homebound will be held at Blessed Trinity Church Ocala in the Teachers’ Lounge. Breakfast, snacks and lunch will be provided. For registration please call: Sr. Juliet at 352629- 8092 ext. 211. Not later that February 13th. FINGERPRINT ALERT There are still a large number of our volunteers whose fingerprints have expired. Anyone who is involved with volunteering in any capacity with children (all school related events/activities) and elderly, Ministry to the Sick, Money handlers, Church office volunteers, anyone who uses Parish/School computers for any purpose including data entry, etc. – must be in full compliance with the policy of the Diocese of Orlando pertaining to fingerprinting and Safe Environment training. This is a mandatory requirement. This compliance must be completed by March 15, 2013. At that time your ministry head will notify you that you are no longer permitted to serve in the ministry unless you immediately get it done. CCW CHOCOLATE CANDY BAR SALE FEBRUARY 9-10 This year the BT Council of Catholic Women is having its candy sale in-conjunction with Blessed Trinity School. Therefore, when you buy a $1 candy bar from us, you will be supporting all of our charitable endeavors as well as Catholic Education. This year we are selling a variety of World’s Finest Chocolates. Candy will be sold after all the masses on THIS weekend. Buy a chocolate treat for a loved one for Valentine’s Day and one for yourself as well! Your last “treat” before Lent begins! BEREAVEMENT GATHERING The Bereavement Ministry will be welcoming all new members, that is Bereavement Companions, Grief Recovery Facilitators, Funeral Reception Volunteers, and Funeral Reception Cooks Saturday, February 16 11:00 a.m. in the Elder Care building. If you are new to the ministry or have not yet been to an orientation, OR WOULD LIKE TO BE PART OF THIS MINISTRY -PLEASE COME! There will be a simple lunch. Please let us know if you are coming. Call Peggy McClaskey 694-2978 or Chris Hildner 6942349 or Linda Smith 208-4337 On APRIL 21, 2013 Blessed Trinity will be celebrating our Church’s 130th Anniversary. This celebration will be honoring our humble beginnings in 1883 to our flourishing community today, 2013. The celebration will begin with a special Mass @ 11:00a.m. followed by lots of food, fun, music, games, and more. Please join us for this day of joy and festivities. There is an opportunity to become an honored sponsor: Gold with a minimum donation of $250 Crimson with a minimum donation of $150 White with a minimum donation of $50 With a donation of the minimum levels above you will be noted in the program of the event. To take part in this amazing opportunity, please email: RHONDAM@ FLMEDICAL.NET Also, did you know, we as a Church family represent 60 countries from around the world? We plan on recognizing and celebrating our church’s diverse ethnicity. It would be greatly appreciated if you could furnish your country of origin name and perhaps a flag which represents this country as well. Thank you! Please email: [email protected] Community outreach ministries SENIOR NEWS PRAYER FAIR The Stewardship Committee is again sponsoring a Prayer Fair during the upcoming Lenten season to let the parish know about the ministries we have that help us grow closer to God through prayer, study and retreat weekends. If you are head of one of these ministries and would like to take part in Prayer Fair 2013 (Sunday, March 3), please call 624-2316. We will have displays and information available following all morning Masses. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PARISH BREAKFAST This Morning Serving after 7:15 AM and 8:45 AM Mass All American Breakfast: Eggs, Sausage, Hash Browns All You Can Eat Pancakes, Featuring Brother Jack's Biscuits and Gravy, Still only $5.00 TEXAS HOLDEM TOURNAMENT 1st and 3rd Friday at the Knights Hall Next Tournament is Friday February 15 Doors open at 6:30 PM Games start at 7 PM Further Information: (352) 368-5960 HELP WANTED: ELDER CARE Elder Care is looking for part time employee to work approximately 27 hours a week. Experience working in a senior care setting is desirable but not required. Must have a positive attitude, a willing spirit and a servant’s heart. Please send resume by fax 622-4849 or email [email protected] . STEWARDSHIP 101 The next presentations of the spirituality of Stewardship in its most basic form will be held March 10 and April 7 at 10:00am in Room 102 of the school. All are welcome, especially new families. BROTHERS KEEPER SOUP DINNER Get those taste buds ready. Brothers Keeper Soup Kitchen will be serving its fabulous Wednesday night Soup & Bread Dinner. Beginning on Ash Wednesday and continuing on Wednesdays in Lent, come have the best tasting soup in town in the Parish Hall from 5:15 to 6:45. BLESSED TRINITY SENIOR CRAFTS We meet on Thursdays from 10am to noon in Bldg. "F". This month we will be working on a variety of cloth shoulder bags. We all are learning together, so don’t be afraid of giving it a try! BLESSED TRINITY SENIOR LUNCHEON Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 5th at noon in Bldg “F”. Program to be announced. We ask that you please bring a casserole or a salad, or dessert for six...bring a friend too! STEWARD SAINTS OF THE WEEK Week of February 10-16 February 10—Scholastica February 11—Our Lady of Lourdes February 14—Cyril and Methodius OUR LADY OF LOURDES In 1858, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to young girl named Bernadette Soubirous near Lourdes, France, and identified herself as “the Immaculate Conception.” In a series of visions, she directed the girl to prevail upon the priests to build a chapel near a tiny stream there and to pray for the conversion of sinners. In the years that followed, Lourdes became a place of pilgrimage and healing. But the relevance of this feast does not lie solely in the many miracles that have occurred there, “but on the ‘prolonged miracle’ of the effects of the paschal mystery on our physical, moral, or spiritual weakness. To bathe in the waters of Lourdes is to return, as it were, to the font of our baptism and to rise from sin to new life.” This feast invites us to recall the beginning of our discipleship and to recommit ourselves to Jesus, wholly and without qualification, as Mary did when she uttered her first, trusting “Yes” to the Lord. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you. BLOOD DRIVE Life South Community Blood Centers will be in the church parking lot TODAY, February 10, 2013 from 8:00am-2:00pm. OPERATION RICE BOWL Pick up your Rice Bowl TODAY after Mass. Start using it this week on Ash Wednesday as you fast from meat and between meals by giving a donation to your Rice Bowl. Join us on our seven week journey through Lent by participating in Operation Rice Bowl. (School Children and GIFT students should already have a Rice Bowl). DON'T GIVE BROTHERS KEEPER MONEY NEXT WEEKEND In your envelope packet for next weekend Feb. 16/17 is a special offering or "red envelope" for Brothers Keeper. Please don't use it yet. We will be participating in a matching program sponsored by the Feinstein Foundation. They will match your contributions dollar for dollar up to a maximum of $35,000. (More details will be provided in future bulletins). The campaign counts donations made between March 1st through April 30th. So save those envelopes until March 1 and date your check appropriately. Then we will gladly take your money as it counts double for us between March 1 and April 30. Thank you. NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING A class on the Sympto-Thermal method of Natural Family Planning will be held on Saturday, February 16th from 9:30am—12 noon. The cost is $35 which pays for the supplies. The Sympto-Thermal method has the highest reliability rate of any of the natural methods (except abstinence), even greater than the pill, with no side effects. This method is officially recognized and endorsed by the Catholic Church and sponsored by the Diocese of Orlando. For more information and to register for the class please call John & Rhoda Podlaski at 867.1015. SOUP KITCHEN CASSEROLES Thank you for the great response last month. We gave out 310 pans and received 130 back. Just a reminder that we will be handing out pans/lids/ recipes next weekend. OLD PALMS Please bring back your old Blessed palms and place them in the container in the vestibule. They will be burned and the ashes will be used for Ash Wednesday. WOMEN’S PREGNANCY CENTER Are you hurting from the pain of a past abortion? Know someone else who is? Women’s Pregnancy Center is presenting a 12-week Bible study that offers hope and healing to those struggling with their past decision. The next study will begin on Monday, February 11th at 6:30pm at Women’s Pregnancy Center (1701 E. Silver Springs Blvd). All calls are completely confidential, so please contact Krista at 351.1294 or email [email protected] for more information. “JOYFUL AGAIN” RETREAT San Pedro will be offering “Joyful Again!” a retreat for all widowed men and women, March 2 and 3, 2013, at San Pedro Retreat Center in Winter Park. “Joyful Again!” is a nationally recognized retreat that provides the widowed with support from others who understand the loss associated with the death of a spouse. “Joyful Again!” Is a two-day retreat for widows and widowers who want to resolve the grief they feel inside and begin to live again after the death of their spouse. The retreat emphasizes self-help, personal growth skills, and personal spiritual practices that will enable the participant to take the healing journey. For more information contact: Sharon Groholski 386-717-4452, or Lois Scrivener 321-777-4008. Space is limited. WORD OF LIFE I was 18 years old when I found out I was pregnant. With the dreadful advice of my family I had an abortion. It has been 14 years and I never realized how much pain was buried deep within me. The denial was so great that I didn’t know that I hated myself so much. I treated myself horrible because of what I had done so long ago. I allowed people to treat me bad and I felt I didn’t deserve God’s love or forgiveness. Most of all, I didn’t deserve to live a happy life. My wonderful friend told me about Project Rachel. … My journey towards a better life has begun. I finally feel I deserve better things and I know that God wants me to live a happy life. I have asked and received forgiveness from the Lord for what I did and I have made peace with my beautiful baby. ~ Message to from a post-abortive woman Christian education WHY CATHOLIC? The next segment of Why Catholic? is titled, The Celebration Of The Christian Mystery: Sacraments. Would you like to learn more about the Catholic faith? Would you like to share the faith with other adults as we continue our journey together? If you answered, yes, to any of these questions then join the hundreds of Catholics that are experiencing Why Catholic? This six week session will begin the week of Feb. 10th and end the week before Holy Week. If you would like to join a group please call Ro Lipari at 629-8092. Special Parish Seminar Wednesday, February 12th This seminar will highlight: Tax benefits for Retirees Last Will & Testament Life Insurance Living Wills Health Care Surrogates Trusts – Revocable and Irrevocable Pros and Cons of Joint ownership of assets with children And much more.……. Please join us on Wednesday, February 12th at 3:30 p.m. in the Church Chapel for this informative session. Christian education Please consider giving yourself a wonderful gift of a weekend away from the routine; a time to become closer to Christ. Come join us at Christ Renews His Parish retreat. Over 650 fellow parishioners have made this fantastic weekend. The ladies weekend is February 23rd & 24th. The men’s weekend is March 2nd & 3rd. Sign up weekend is February 9th & 10th, after all the Masses. Space is limited. For more information or to pre-register, call Ro Lipari at 629-8092. Please prayerfully consider making this retreat. You will be glad you did! MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Time is running out and space is limited! Now is the time to enrich your Marriage by experiencing a deeper level of love and communication towards each other. Join us, in Orlando, for the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend from Friday, February 15 at 7:30pm until 4pm on Sunday the 17th. If you have any questions, or wish to register please call Dennis and Claire Marotte at 407.282.2899 or go to our website at FOURTH ANNUAL BLESSED TRINITY GREAT OUTDOORS RAFFLE Gangler’s North Seal River Lodge in Northern Canada will be the setting from which you can do world class fishing, a caribou hunt or bear hunting on Archer’s Choice. The winners (two people) prize includes airfare and overnight hotel on the way. Tickets are $50.00 for one or $200 for five. We sell only 500 tickets. Tickets are available at the Church office. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE ~ WEEKLY OFFERINGS Weekly Offering February 3, 2013 Envelope Total: 1,090 Electronic Offering Total: 171 Total Children’s Offering: Non-Sunday 118 Grand Total for Week: Amount needed for Operating Expenses: Difference $ 58,953.69 $ 21,194.19 $ 98.21 $ 13,781.50 $ 94,027.59 $ 102,025.00 ($ 7,997.41) Stewardship Verification CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH RETREAT Year to Date—Week 32 Year to date collection: $ 2,917,378.92 Year to date budget: Year to date deficit: $ 3,264,800.00 ($ 347,421.08) “Thank you for your donations.” Reminder: Do your best to put your envelope number on the “memo” line of your check. Meetings Tuesday, February 12th – 6/9pm All Stewardship families must attend a Stewardship Verification Meeting to verify their time, talent, and treasure Stewardship commitments for 2013. At this meeting, a member of the Stewardship Committee will sign each family’s Stewardship Card. These meetings are different – and in addition to – the mandatory school re-registration meetings in late February. Appointment times and directions on what to bring to the meeting will be included in your letter. If you have any questions about these meetings, please call Melinda in the Church Stewardship Office, 629-8092, ext. 208. WALK-A-THON THANKS We, your priests are most grateful to our many sponsors. We enjoyed the nice Florida weather while walking. Since my day was otherwise full I didn’t get a chance to walk with the students. But I did complete my 50 laps. I have two witnesses—God and Mike Boyle. I didn’t get to check on Fr. Mike if indeed he did his 8 laps. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of his friends at the school allowed him to cheat. Thanks to all. You are a great support to our students. WALKATHON The Blessed Trinity School Walkathon was a huge success this year! It was a day filled with fun and laughter and we have many wonderful volunteers to thank for all of their help. We would also like to extend a huge THANK YOU to the entire parish, all the school families and their friends for their support. We also had a number of generous business sponsors, THANK YOU to: Pepsi, Golden Flake, Brusters Ice Cream, Concord Print Shop, Chick FIL A, Papa Johns, Clayton K. Ellis, PA, Kinder Homes, Companion Animal Clinic, Mr. Auto Insurance of Ocala, and The Martinez Family. CHEERLEADERS SUCCESS We congratulate Trinity Catholic Cheerleaders who once again came in 2nd in the whole state of Florida. They put a whole lot of work into their very difficult routine. We thank their head coach, Mrs. Debbie Bowe for her commitment to and her love for this very united team of girls. Mrs. Bowe is retiring from her post as head coach. BT ALUMNI OF THE YEAR AWARD This year during Catholic Schools week we presented the Alumni of the Year award to Mr. Carswell Ponder. Mr. Ponder attended Blessed Trinity Academy and spent a career in banking. He is married and has 3 sons and 8 grandchildren. He has served a number of charitable organizations in his life, including United Way, Boy Scouts, the Chamber of Commerce, F.A.F.O., and the Boys and Girls Club of Marion County, where he currently serves as Development Director. We congratulate Carswell on receiving this distinguished award. If you ever visit the Blessed Trinity School Office you will see photos of all the previous winners. SAINT BERNARD PREPARATORY SCHOOL A co-ed boarding-and-day school for grades 7-12 in Cullman, Alabama. Operated since 1891 by the Benedictine monks of St. Bernard Abbey, it offers a Catholic college prep education in a beautiful and safe academic environment. For more information contact [email protected] or call: 1-800-722-0999. Website: Open House: Sunday, March 3, 2013. THANKS FOR SUPPORT FOR SOCCER FINAL Your generous donations last week to help us get buses to send our students to the soccer final in Melbourne amounted to $2,519.11. Because of your support we are able to get buses and support our team. This is the first time any soccer team from Ocala got to play in a State Final. Thanks. Muchas Gracias. CAR RAFFLE There is still an opportunity to purchase your Luck of the Irish car drawing tickets in the church office, Trinity Catholic or the Trinity Catholic website: Tickets are $100 each for a chance to win a new car from Palm Chevrolet or $15,000 in cash. Thank you to all the parishioners that have already supported this fundraiser. Please consider purchasing a ticket to help fund our tuition assistance program.
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