June 09, 2013 - St. Josaphat Parish


June 09, 2013 - St. Josaphat Parish
June 9, 2013
10th Sunday in
Ordinary Time
June 16, 2013
11th Sunday in
Ordinary Time
When the Lord saw her, he
was moved with pity for
her and said to her, "Do
not weep." He stepped
forward and touched the
coffin; at this the bearers
halted, and he said, "Young
man, I tell you, arise!" The
dead man sat up and began
to speak, and Jesus gave
him to his mother.
- Luke 7:13-15
St. Josaphat
A church to come home to since 1883
2311 N. Southport Ave.
Chic ago, IL 60614
www.stjosaphatparish.org • phone 773.327.8955 • fax 773.327.2047
Calendar Notes
Mon. 6/10
Thur. 6/13
6:30 pm- SPRED Meeting
7:00 pm- Baptismal Preparation Class
7:00 pm- Anti-Violence Meeting
Father's Day
8:00 am- Men's Morning of Reflection
We warmly welcome new parishioners:
Vija and Spencer Bell and family; Lisa
Taglione; Scott & Angela Deichmann
and family. If you are new to the
neighborhood and have not yet
registered, the easiest way to register
is through our website at www.
stjosaphatparish.org. You may also fill
out the form on this page and place
it in the collection basket. If you are
moving soon, you may also provide a
change of address.
Parish Office and Rectory
2311 N. Southport • Chicago, IL 60614
[email protected]
Parish School
2245 N. Southport • Chicago, IL 60614
[email protected]
Website................................... www.stjosaphat.net
Parish Staff
Pastor..........................Rev. Richard J. Prendergast
Resident Priest................Rev. Michael A. Gabriel
School Principal.................. Ms. Colleen Cannon
Pastoral Associate /
Dir. Religious Ed...............Ms. Mary Jane Shields
Deacon ..........................................Mr. Dave Keene
Music Director ....................Mr. Joseph Labozetta
Children’s Music Director..........Mr. William Spakowski
Development Coord........Mr. Justin Prevost-Schultz
Business Manager........................... Mrs. Fran Klus
Parish Office Manager............... Ms. Maria Tubay
Maintenance.................................. Mr. Willie Shaw
Parishioner Registration Form
Also available online at: www.stjosaphatparish.org/parishioner-registration-form.php
oNew Parishioner
oChange of Address
oMoving Away
Name ________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________
Zip Code
Parish Information
Parish Pastoral Council
Chairperson: Cheryl LeeVan
Parish School Board
President: Dan O'Donnell
Parish Finance Council
President: Joseph Keller
Parish Development Council
Chairperson: Kelly Abeles Dowling
Infant Baptism
Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd Sunday
of the month at 1:30 pm, the 3rd Saturday
at 11 am and the 4th Sunday at one of the
weekend masses.
Baptismal Preparation Class is the 2nd
Monday of the month at 7:00 pm in the
rectory. Please RSVP to the office.
Please contact the rectory at least six
months in advance of your wedding to set a
date. Parish Marriage Guidelines available
at: www.stjosaphatparish.org
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 4:15-4:45 pm or by appointment.
Pastoral Counseling
Services are available from Miriam Wolfe,
M.A., L.P.C. at 773.517.3182, and Theresa
A. Nollette, LSCW, M.Div., 312.540.0320
or e-mail [email protected].
Home/Hospital Visitation &
Communion Calls
If you would like someone to visit, please
contact the parish office.
Parish Registration
We welcome new parishioners warmly.
To join, please fill out a registration card
which can be found in the back of church
or at the rectory, or find the form online at
Career Transition Center of
If you would like more information contact
312.906.9908 or visit their website www.
Bulletin Deadline
Telephone(s) ___________________________________________________
Wednesday, 9:00 am. Address articles to
[email protected].
E-Mail ________________________________________________________
I prefer
to make my donations
via: o on-line giving o weekly envelopes
Call anytime (773.327.8955).
From the Pastor's Desk 3
This weekend’s bulletin is the first in our summer schedule
of publishing every other week. If you are submitting
articles, please remember that from now until August 18th
we publish the bulletin every other week.
This weekend’s special collection is for the retirement fund
for priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago. I encourage you
to be generous to this collection not only because I hope
one day to be one of them, but because they are an amazing
group who not only served the Archdiocese faithfully
before their retirement, but most of those who are still
able to do so, continue to help out in parishes across the
Archdiocese where their help is so important.
I encourage the men of the parish to consider joining us for
the Men’s Morning of Reflection on June 22 from 8:00 am
– 12:00 noon. Our morning
will be focused on: Home,
Work, Play and Pray: Being
a Catholic Man in the World
Special THANKS to the
Girl Scouts who took on the
project of beautifying the patio
area between the parking lot
and the church and added
10 beautiful new hanging
planters on the fences and
garage, brought in the dirt and plants and made the area so
welcoming and beautiful!
Here are some photos of the Girl Scout project as it happened last Saturday:
Parish Mission Statement:
St. Josaphat Catholic Parish, with faith in a loving God,
joyfully welcomes all who wish to come together as a
community of shared faith in Jesus Christ, to give glory
and praise to God.
We commit to making Christ’s love apparent on
our journey of faith by striving to support, comfort,
forgive, challenge and inspire each other in our homes,
schools, neighborhoods, community and world.
We are energized through the celebration of the
sacraments and the proclamation of the Gospel.
Through our ongoing formation and education,
outreach to those in need and hospitality to all, we
come to know Christ and make Christ known.
Members of St. Josaphat Junior Troop 20386: Katie Ausman,
Lauren Bartels, Maria Frech, Grace Garrison, Evelyn
Hermanek, Bella Johnston, Ann Kennedy, Bonnie Kennedy,
Eva Nauman, Carly O’Brien, Emma Polt.
Co-Leaders - Christine Frech and Kerry Ausman
Julie Polt and Stephanie Bartels gave guidance to the girls in
picking and planting the flowers. Mary Hermanek helped
them design what they wanted to do.
June 9 & 16, 2013
4 Scripture Reflection
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
As I was preparing to do this
week’s reflection, a close friend
of mine’s husband died. He
had been battling cancer on
and off for years, but his death
came suddenly. He had been
the light in the lives of his wife
and daughter and a source of
constant inspiration to them
and others who knew him.
The main theme of our readings today
is about sinfulness and forgiveness.
Relationships are about sinning,
forgiving and loving The pattern just
keeps repeating itself. We are all sinners
because of our humanity. Oh, we might
try not to sin and we might even have
days (OK maybe just hours) of no sin,
but because we were born into a sinful
world we can’t help ourselves. In our
first reading we hear about David acting like a spoiled son
and wanting more. Enough cannot be done to make him
happy. But it is in the fact that he realizes his sinful ways of
wanting too much and asks for forgiveness that we see the true
My initial response was, “Oh, no!” It reminded me of
how each of those who lost a loved one in this week’s
reading from the first Book of Kings and in Luke’s
Gospel must have felt, and how great their faith was
that they believed their loved one could be brought
back to life by Elijah and Jesus through God’s grace
and power.
How well our God understood our deepest fear – that
of losing someone we love. It is a testament to how
much God wanted to show his love for us and the
depth of his relationship with us that his most moving
examples of miracles are those in which he brings back
to life those we love.
We are challenged through these miracle stories to
embrace and trust in the life promised to us by God
through Jesus Christ. In times of great sorrow and
loss, it is the eternal life through God that is our hope.
We are buoyed by our community in this belief as we
journey toward its realization.
— Erin Shields
In our 2nd reading from Galatians we are taught that it is not
enough to just simply follow the law without following Jesus
Christ. The two go hand in hand. It is in Christ’s dying for us
that we have life. When Christ died for us, to save us from our
sinfulness, he took up his new residence in each of us. “Christ
lives in me,” this reminder can help us to remain focused on
not sinning or at least when we do sin to ask God to forgive us.
If we really believe that Christ is living in us then how can we
continue to sin? The answer to that question is quite simple.
We forget that Christ died to save us. We forget that we have
Christ living inside of us. We forget in our every waking
moment that all we have to do is to turn back to him and make
it right. It is through our sin that we forget but we can quickly
turn that around by asking for forgiveness and forgiving and
loving others. Just as relationships are a continuing cycle of
sinning and forgiving and loving, so is our relationship with
Christ. It might not always be easy to keep from sinning but it
should be easy to forgive one another. All we have to do is to
remember who we are and who we have dwelling inside of us.
Jesus continues to show his people what it looks like to forgive
one another. In today’s Gospel Jesus allows a sinful women
to wash and kiss his feet. His followers were appalled. He
explained to them that she turned her sinfulness around
through a simple act of love. It was because of this simple
loving act that Jesus forgave her of her sins.
It is often through the smallest of actions that we show the
greatest love. Relationships are about loving!
— Mary Jane Shields, DRE
St. Josaphat Parish
Parish news 5
Fathers Day
St. Josaphat Junior Troop 20386
Earns Girl Scout Bronze Award
We are proud of our accomplishments this year: we earned our Bronze Award,
which is the highest award in Junior Girl Scouting. We also served our community
and had a bit of fun, too!
Cards for enrolling living and
deceased fathers in the masses offered
throughout the year, are available at
the doors of the church. Please fill
out the intention envelope, include
your offering and place the envelope
in the collection plate or drop it off at
the rectory office. Keep the card and
other envelope for your father.
Anti-Violence Meeting
Anyone interested in working on
preventing gun violence is invited to
a meeting on Thursday, June 13, 7
pm in the Rectory Meeting Room.
Offering Update
Sunday Giving for June 2
In-pew collection:................ $4,707.00
Electronic giving:................. $8,211.00
Subtotal:................................. $9,314.00
Weekly Budget...................... $9,314.00
Difference:....................... $3,604.00
Homeless Outreach
In the month of May, we served 905
sandwiches, soups, snacks, and hats,
gloves, and scarves to the needy who
came to our door. If you would like to
help feed the needy who come to our
rectory door Monday- Friday, please
contact: Wendy Koller McGill at
[email protected]
The Bronze Award is a leadership adventure that allowed us to use our special skills
and interest to take action and make a difference in our community. We took a walk
around the neighborhood to find out what we could improve on. We observed there
was a lot of graffiti, dog waste, inappropriate posters, people not following the rules
of the road, and we also noticed the patio behind the church wasn’t as beautiful
and welcoming as we thought it could be. We took a vote on what we wanted to
improve. The winner was the patio. Some of our early research and service included
feeding the homeless one day over Christmas break and interviewing Maria at the
We made some ideas on what we should do to make the patio more welcoming. We
were going to 1) paint the fence, 2) put an awning or canopy up where the homeless
get their food so they are protected from sun and rain, 3) put an umbrella up by the
picnic tables to give shade in the summer, and 4) plant flowers. We researched and
made a plan to implement all four ideas, including making a visit to Menard's. We
presented our ideas and project plan to Fr Rich for his input. We concluded that all
were great ideas, but we didn’t have enough money to do everything. We decided to
plant flowers right away, and you can see how beautiful they are for yourselves. The
money we earned from selling over 2400 boxes of cookies went into the buying of
the horse trough planters, flowers and other supplies.
The other three ideas are in process. We suggested stain colors for the wooden
fence to Fr. Rich, and it may be stained in the fall. We were able to reuse umbrellas
that the parish had, however sturdy poles were missing. Maria’s uncle will make
replacement poles, and the maintenance staff will install them over the picnic tables.
A parishioner offered to help fund the awning, but we still don't have enough. We
are talking to the two companies we asked for estimates about different installation
We hope that the homeless, the parishioners, and the school kids who use the patio
will be warmed by the improved area, and feel even more welcome at our parish.
by Katie Ausman and Troop 20386
Please Pray for Our Sick Parishioners & Friends
Jeanne Basile, Barbara Blake, Kurt Braun, Holly Conley, Melissa Delia, Mary
Lou DiNovo, Barb Duffy, Christopher Farrell, Joanne Gross, Patrick Hanrahan,
Eddie Hussey, Patricia Ingram, Mike Jeuk, Emily Johans, William Johnson,
Gloria Kennedy, Dennis Laspesa, Theresa Lapinski, Jack Lauth, Vernon LeSage,
Albert Mittler, Jr., Michael Morse, Ronald Peterman, Loretta Porebski, Chester
Smietana, Don Thourot, Neil Vander Horn, Bertin Villagomez.
Get Well Soon!
We keep names on our sick list for three weeks. To place or keep a name on
our sick list, please call the rectory every three weeks to let us know that you, a
loved one or friend are still in need of prayers. Please call the rectory to request
a visit from one of our Ministers of Care.
June 9 & 16, 2013
6 School News
Congratulations to our graduates. We wish them the best of
luck as they head to high school!
The faculty, staff, and students of St. Josaphat School wish you
a wonderful and safe summer.
Recently at school:
Students in computer class
learned about the workings
of a computer as they took
some old computers apart
to examine the components.
Perhaps we have some
computer engineers in our
The 4th grade hosted their
annual State Fair. There are
new facts to be learned each
year as students, teachers,
and parents visit the fair. This
year was outstanding.
Looking ahead:
School begins August 22nd.
Fourth grade students stand next to their State
Fair presentation boards (left). Computer class
students disassembled old computers to learn
about their component parts (right).
St. Josaphat Parish
St. Josaphat School
2245 N. Southport Ave.,
Chicago, IL 60614
phone: 773.549.0909
fax: 773.549.3127
Religious Education
Help Needed for
Children’s Liturgy of The Word
For Parish Children Grades Kindergarten through 5th
Here at St. Josaphat we offer a wonderful program for
our children, ages 5 through 10, to gather together to
experience the readings on their level. This program
begins in September and goes through May. I have
a couple of adults willing to help us beginning in the
fall but I am in need of a few more. Moms, dads,
grandparents, and young adults are more than welcome.
We use a wonderful series that guides you right through
the readings on how to bring them to a child’s level of
understanding while not changing the message behind
each reading. We offer Children’s Liturgy of the Word
each Sunday at the 10:00 am mass unless we have a
Family Mass scheduled. Please call or drop me an email
if you would be willing to join us in this wonderful
ministry to our parish children. No training is required,
just a love of children (and some patience!) and a love
of God.
God Bless you as you Discern!
Our SPRED Program needs your help!
Are you looking for a special way to get involved
with your parish? Are you considering what you
can do to help those in need? PLEASE join us for
an informational meeting concerning our SPRED
program. Please come if only to see what all the fuss is
about. Our SPRED program is for people with special
needs and will begin in the fall. We have adults with
special needs who are looking for a sacred place to hear
all about God's love. If you like helping others you will
LOVE this program. Come for fellowship, coffee and
cake to the rectory on Monday, June 10th at 6:30pm.
Let us share God's love with those who need our help!
For more information or to sign up for a Religious
Education event or program, please contact:
Mary Jane Shields, DRE/Pastoral Associate
[email protected]
RCIA: Rite of Christian
Initiation for Adults
Are you interested in becoming a part of the Catholic
Faith? In the fall we will begin a new journey in faith to
share the richness of the Catholic Church and our parish
family. We invite you to learn what the church teaches
and be introduced to some of our parish members.
These sessions are also a chance for you to ask all the
questions you have always wanted to but never had the
opportunity to ask. Our program is for all inquiring
and all those who are unbaptized in as well as those
baptized another faith. Please give me a call if you have
any questions or would just care to chat. Mary Jane
Shields/Pastoral Associate 773-327-8955 or email me at
[email protected]
Donations Needed for
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School for our parish children is set for
the week of June 24th. We are looking for donations
of the following items. If you are willing to donate
any item/s to our program please drop them off at the
rectory anytime before Monday, June 17th.
8 pool noodles
80 small sponges
8 bandanas
500 brown lunch bags
8 beach balls
20 yards of baby-print fleece
6 large buckets
20 gallon bottles
of apple juice
6 large car wash sponges
6 hoola hoops
50 brown paper
grocery bags
10 small bottles
of Elmers Glue
500 napkins
500 large paper plates
300 9 oz paper cups
10 pounds of
dry lemonade mix
Thank you for your generosity!
June 9 & 16, 2013
8 Parish information
Fact Sheet: Why Catholics Support Comprehensive Immigration Reform?
“You shall not wrong a stranger or oppress him, for you were
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there
strangers in the land of Egypt.”
is netiher male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
Exodus 22:21
Galatians 3:28
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church #2241,
including earned legalization of immigrants, a future
good governments have two non-negotiable duties in regards
worker program, family-based immigration reform,
to immigration:
restoration of due rights process, policies that address
1. Welcome the foreigner out of love and respect for the
the root causes of immigration and a legitimate reform of
human person. People have the right to immigrate—
illegal immigration enforcement mechanisms.
especially in the search for a better and more humane
• There are 11 million undocumented Americans, not
life—and thus government must accommodate this
citizens, but Americans by desire. They are forced to live in
right to the greatest extent possible, especially financially
the shadows of our society. They are brothers and sisters,
blessed nations like the United States.
husbands and wives, parents
2. Secure one’s border
and children. They work
and enforce the law for
hard. They love this country.
the sake of the common
Only comprehensive
good. Sovereign nations
immigration reform will
have the right to enforce their laws and all persons must
allow them to live in the light of day, under the protection
respect the legitimate exercise of this right.
of the law, to avoid unscrupulous people and criminals who
exploit them. An overwhelming majority of them are our
• Sadly, many immigration reform measures only attempt to
fellow Catholics.
enhance enforcement efforts. This approach is against the
teachings of the Catholic Church.
• Lawmakers should consider the prophetic words of
Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles:
• In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus Christ tells us that the
nations will be judged—among other things—on how they
“Many of us have forgotten our immigrant roots. But
welcome the strangers in their midst.
our Church has always been a Church of immigrants."
• “Come, O blessed of my father, inherit the Kingdom
In earlier generations, we welcomed newcomers from every
prepared for you before the foundation of the world; for
nation in Europe. Today, we are still welcoming newcomers
I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you
- but now most of them come from Latin America, Asia,
gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
Oceania and Africa.
Matt 25:34-35
Our nation will be far stronger and more secure
• Christ does not mince his words: a nation’s failure to
when we find the political will to welcome this new
welcome the strangers in its midst is cowardly and
generation of immigrants into the promise of America.
separates that nation from God’s loving plan.
[Let us pray that we are able] to open our hearts so that we
build a world where no one is a stranger.”
• The American bishops have outlined several key
components for authentic and just immigration reform,
Glimpses of Susanna
Choral and solo excerpts from the
opera Susanna and Handel's oratorio
Susanna. Performed by the DePaul
Community Chorus featuring our own
Ron Dickson. Sunday, June 9th at
3:00 pm at the DePaul concert hall,
Belden & Halsted. Free admission.
St. Josaphat Parish
Coaches Needed
for the 2013-14 School Year!
Do you love sports and enjoy working with kids? The St. Josaphat Athletic
Association (SJAA) is looking for flag football, basketball and volleyball
coaches for the 2013-14 school year. If you are interested but not sure if you
have time to commit contact Mary Hermanek - St. Josaphat Athletic Director
at [email protected] to discuss the minimal time commitment. Some age groups
and sports require experience to coach but there are several opportunities for
first time coaches with a sports background.
Spiritual Life 9
Men's Morning of Reflection
How can we find God present in our home and how can I simply find time for God? Is there a “God-problem” at work?
How does my faith and my work interact? Is their time for play in my life? Is it healthy? Is my prayer the same as when I
was school? How do I re-engage my relationship to God?
All the men in the parish are invited to join in a morning of reflection: Home, Work, Play, Pray: Being a Catholic Man in
the World Today on Saturday, June 22nd from 8:00 am – 12:00 noon (including breakfast).
Please let the rectory office know if you can join us so that we have adequate materials: [email protected], or
Know the Mass, One Word at a Time:
In England, you might see a restaurant sign that says
“Dine in or take away.” For the British, “take away”
is equivalent to our “carry out.” Actually, “take away”
may be the more accurate phrase. It implies obtaining
something, holding it, and going away to consume it
elsewhere. Surprisingly, this same action of “taking
away” is deeply embedded in the Sunday Mass we
celebrate together, although it’s not an immediately
obvious action.
If we have fully and actively participated in the Mass, we
will take away the Word of God and the Bread of Life that we have received. We
will hold onto these sustaining realities within ourselves. We will walk back into
our familiar worlds of family, work, and community. And there we will continue to
draw from these mysteries and, God willing, share them with others.
When the risen Jesus approached the two disciples on
their way of Emmaus, they did not recognize him. After
he opened God’s Word for them and then took bread,
blessed it, and broke it, Saint Luke says: “Then their
eyes were opened, and they recognized him” (Luke
24:31). Since that time, every Mass has been an act of
At Mass, we recognize that we do not walk alone. We
recognize the presence of the Risen One who even now
is transforming our fragile and vulnerable existence
Photos © John Zich
and drawing us into the fullness of life. We recognize
the presence of the Lord, as we make our Eucharistic acclamation: “We proclaim
your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.” We
recognize his presence among us and his glory in the Most Holy Trinity when
acclaim the Great Amen, affirming “Through him, and with him, and in him, O
God, almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours,
for ever and ever. Amen.”
Year of
Sunday Mass
July 2012 - June 2013
Question of the week for June 9
Because of his compassion—“He
was moved with pity for her”—Jesus
returns the son of the widow of Nain
to life and gives him back to her.
How has the Eucharist been
“the bread of compassion” for
me, enabling me to know God’s
compassionate love for me and
enabling me to bring compassion
to my world?
Question of the week for June 16
Today, Saint Paul says of himself, “…
Christ lives in me…I live by faith in
the Son of God who has loved me and
given himself up for me.”
How has the Mass kept me
mindful of Christ’s love unto
death for me and that he lives in
Archdiocese of Chicago +
Strategic Pastoral Plan :
Louis J. Cameli ©2013 Archdiocese of
Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.
Visit our website at www.LTP.org
June 9 & 16, 2013
10 W e e k I n W o r s h i p
Monday..............................June 10
8:15 am Living & Deceased
Mothers & Fathers
Tuesday.............................. June 11
St. Barnabas
8:15 am †Emily Gonsalves
Wednesday......................... June 12
6:30 pm Parishioners of St. Josaphat
Thursday............................ June 13
St. Anthony of Padua
6:30 pm †David Toth
Friday..................................June 14
8:15 am †Purgatorial Society
Saturday.............................June 15
3:00 pm Doyle-Moon Wedding
5:00 pm †Thomas Perry
Sunday................................June 16
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am Living & Deceased Fathers
10:00 am Living & Deceased Fathers
12:00 pm Living & Deceased Fathers
Liturgical Ministers for June 15 & 16
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, June 15, 5 pm
Presider.............................................................................................Rev. Tom Donaldson
Ministers of the Word..........................................................Leah Gray, Gina Hortatsos
Ushers..................................................................................................................Tim Quinn
Ministers of the Eucharist....................... Cathy Barlock, Mary Flores, Sergio Flores
Cantor..................................................................................................................... Joe Keller
Altar Servers....................................................................Joseph Flores, Jonathon Marek
Sunday, June 16, 8 am
Presider...................................................................................Rev. Richard J. Prendergast
Ministers of the Word.............................................................. Pat Casey, Patrick Koehl
Ushers..........................................................................................Ira Bey, Terry Pawlowski
Ministers of the Eucharist..........................Joanne Gross, Bill Sherlock, Erin Shields
Cantor................................................................................................................. Aaron Seret
Altar Servers................................................................. Grace Garrison, Frank Graziano
Sunday, June 16, 10 am
Presider...................................................................................Rev. Richard J. Prendergast
Ministers of the Word............................................................... Mike Carin, Tom Geary
Ushers.................................................................................Scott Dowling, Tom Kukulski
Ministers of the Eucharist..........................Meg Carin, Karen Kukulski, Judy Lovero,
Jim Maciejewski, Al Mittler
Cantor..............................................................................................................Chris Tamani
Altar Servers.................................................................... Evelyn Hermanek, Avery Kain
Sunday, June 16, 12 pm
Presider.............................................................................................Rev. Tom Donaldson
Ministers of the Word...................................................Adam Skibley, Lindsay Skibley
Ushers.................................................................................................................Adam Cody
Ministers of the Eucharist...............................................................................Mary Gallo
Altar Servers................................................................Jack Sirovatka, Mikayla Sirovatka
Low-Gluten Hosts Available
Celiac disease affects as many as one out of every 133 people. Those suffering from this condition cannot ingest any
gluten, a protein found in wheat. Eating gluten causes intestinal damage and can lead to many secondary illnesses.
Celiacs have to maintain strict gluten free diets to protect their health. Hence, the concern among Catholic celiac
sufferers was how could they continue to receive the Body of Christ at Eucharist when it is made with wheat. The
Benedictine Sisters at Clyde, Missouri tried mixing together two different types of starch. The result was a sticky, messy
batter that seemed hopeless. They plopped some of it onto the baking plate and then decided to throw out the rest and
start over. When they opened the baker they discovered a round, crisp, light wafer that tasted delicious. The Vatican
received their samples and test results and approved the low-gluten hosts for Communion. The low gluten altar breads
were featured in an article in the magazine Gluten-Free Living. The editorial and accompanying write-up cited data from
the Center for Celiac Research that showed that the 0.01% gluten content of the altar breads would be perfectly safe for
most celiacs.
Here at St. Josaphat, if you would like to receive Communion with a low-gluten host, please stop in the sacristy before
mass to let the priest know, and then at Communion time, please go to the Communion station of the priest who is
Presider of the liturgy.
St. Josaphat Parish
W e e k i n W o r s h i p 11
Monday.............................. June 17
8:15 am † Bella Burandt
Tuesday..............................June 18
8:15 am †Michael & Eleanor Laspesa
Wednesday.........................June 19
6:30 pm †Purgatorial Society
Thursday........................... June 20
6:30 pm Parishioners of St. Josaphat
Friday.................................. June 21
8:15 am Living & Deceased
Mothers & Fathers
Saturday.............................June 22
5:00 pm †Florence Rios
Sunday................................June 23
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am †Donald James Reynaert
10:00 am Tracy Elaine Episcope
12:00 pm Michael Markase
Liturgical Ministers for June 22 & 23
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, June 22, 5 pm
Presider...................................................................................Rev. Richard J. Prendergast
Ministers of the Word.................................................................... Bill O'Neil, Kim Vick
Ushers................................................................................................................Hector Loya
Ministers of the Eucharist.........Charlene Herda, Kathy Jenkins, Theresa Montano
Cantor..............................................................................................................Joe Labozetta
Altar Servers................................................................................ Gigi Bodie, Mack Bodie
Sunday, June 23, 8 am
Presider.....................................................................................................Rev. Dan Andree
Ministers of the Word................................................... Georgia Burke, Cheryl LeeVan
Ushers........................................................................................... Ira Bey, Agustin Velarde
Ministers of the Eucharist........................ Joanne Gross, Doug Koch, Pat Pawlowski
Cantor...............................................................................................................Ron Dickson
Altar Servers..................................................................................................Alyssa DiRico
Sunday, June 23, 10 am
Presider.....................................................................................................Rev. Dan Andree
Ministers of the Word......................................................Paul O'Connor, Kate Steimel
Ushers................................................................................... Jeff Lovero, Brian Oleszczuk
Ministers of the Eucharist..................................Meg Carin, John Dreixler, Al Mittler,
Crystal Riley, Don Tenbrunsel
Cantor...........................................................................................................Rio McNichols
Altar Servers.......................................................................Carlo Bernardini, Avery Kain
Sunday, June 23, 12 pm
Presider...................................................................................Rev. Richard J. Prendergast
Ministers of the Word.....................................................Emilio Flores, Robin Toomey
Ushers.................................................................................................................Adam Cody
Ministers of the Eucharist....................................................Sergio Flores, Mary Flores
Altar Servers........................................................................................... Brendan Vaughan
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05-31-2013 10:03:34