Toward a Future of Leadership - Assistance League of Long Beach


Toward a Future of Leadership - Assistance League of Long Beach
May 2014
Spring Issue
Toward a Future of Leadership
f Franklin Delano Roosevelt witnessed Assisteens® Auxiliary of Assistance League of Long Beach in action
today, he would know his words, “We cannot always build the future for our youth but we can build our youth
for the future,” had come true. Assisteens Auxiliary was created in 1959 and has expanded in the current year
to more than 100 high school students who give over 3,000 hours of service annually to our community. A sampling
of their incredible service in support of our philanthropic programs is illustrated below.
 In partnership with the ALa Carte program,
Assisteens members joined the downtown “i-Walk…4
Kids” benefiting Miller Children’s Hospital. Not only
are these young adults devoted to the betterment
of the community, but they are also developing an
awareness of the city’s future. We are grateful for the
visionary commitment that enables our Assisteens to
make Long Beach a better world.
 Katie Narbutis is one
example of a leader-in-training
whose job performance is
superior in ever y respect.
She is a senior in Poly’s PACE
program, steered the holiday
Adopt A Family philanthropic
program and was nominated
for Assemblymember Bonnie
Lowenthal’s “30 under 30”
outstanding young leaders
award in the 70th district.
Katie continues each day in a life dedicated to a personal mission
of volunteerism fulfilling F.D.R.’s prophetic words.
 Assisteens reach out
to all age groups in the
community, bridging the gap
between their generation and
an older senior generation,
with a unique philanthropic
recreate a “Senior Prom” for
residents living in assisted
living facilities. Food, fun and
festivities mark an evening
when one generation gives
the other a second chance to rock and roll the night away. It is
rewarding to see Assisteens communicate with their elders in
a celebration of caring service.
support Assistance
League of Long
Beach's fundraising
as part of their training. These developing entrepreneurs
planned a Witches’
booth, developed a
budget and handcrafted the broom
merchandise at the
2013 fundraiser, “A Bewitching Soiree.” Youthful salesmanship
combined with event planning skills resulted in a highly profitable enterprise. Undoubtedly, they are ready for “Shark Tank”
competition next, but in the meantime, we are thankful for their
financial contribution.
 In the Adopt A
Pet program, blanket pieces were cut,
tied and fringed, dog
treats were baked
and both were distributed to abandoned and lost animals housed in the
P.D. Pitchford Companion Animal Village
in Long Beach. The
human participants developed a deeper empathy and compassionate understanding for those pets, and the recipients loved
the food and warmth brought into the cages. We are grateful
for their ethical and sensitive service to the animal kingdom.
Your support h
famous Chinese proverb says, “When eating
bamboo sprouts, remember the man who planted
them.” We all have so much to
be thankful for in our lives, but
I wonder how often we stop to
acknowledge it. At Assistance
League of Long Beach we realize that without
community support, foundation friends, corporate
sponsors and our membership, we would be able to
accomplish very little. The fact is, that to run our
philanthropic programs, it takes more than just hard
work; it takes financial support.
We greatly appreciate our donors and our
corporate partners. We can never say thank you too
many times. With your financial support, we are
helping children and adults transform their lives.
It could be the beautiful new smile on one of our
orthodontic patients or the happiness of a young
patient at Miller Children’s Hospital working on a
craft project or the relief on a scholarship student’s
face as he realizes he can pay for an additional year
of college.
We are blessed with a wonderful membership of
nearly 950 members. Over the years, these members
joined our organization for various reasons, but I
do believe that the main reason was because they
believed in what Assistance League of Long Beach
stands for: reaching out into the community and
lending a helping hand. I always like to say we
put smiles on faces because with each program we
operate, we very often receive a smile in return. As
a teacher for many years, my favorite reward was
a smile or a hug from one of my students. It made
all the hard work worthwhile. As the years go by,
I still receive occasional e-mails and letters from
former students letting me know they are grateful
for something I taught them. It is all the thanks
anyone needs!
 Through your generosity we’ve been
able to clothe more than 10,000 students
this year.
erious orthodontic
issues often result
in children who never
smile, talk little and
are shy in class. These
students are referred to
our Earl B. and Loraine
H. Miller Foundation
Orthodontic Center by
school nurses and their
own dentists. The center provides high quality, low cost orthodontic
care to students in Long
Beach Unified School
 Tamika is practicing her beautiful smile in
District with severe orth- anticipation of having her braces removed in
odontic problems. We a few months.
are currently serving
850 patients in braces
olunteers from ALa
Carte bring crafts,
magazines and cheerful
conversation to young patients at Miller Children’s
Hospital Long Beach.
Two hundred grateful
children a month, unable
to leave their hospital
beds, benefit from their
I am honored to be President of Assistance
League of Long Beach this year because I witness
daily the good we do. We are making a difference in
our community, and we thank you for believing in
our mission and in helping us “plant the bamboo.”
With gratitude,
 ALa Carte member volunteer Trish Denny
helps with a patient at Beach Day.
President, Assistance League of Long Beach
Bell® provides free
school uniforms to Long
Beach children in need,
from preschool to grade
12. Many children in
our community go to
school in dirty clothing
or attend erratically because they must share
clothing with siblings.
After receiving new uniforms, teachers report a
positive difference in attendance and academic
helps transform lives in many ways
magine a promising high school student whose dream is to attend college,
but no one in his family has even graduated from high school. Where
does he turn for guidance? Enter CAMEO Professional Auxiliary of Long
Beach and its Mentoring Program, which provides three years of one-onone mentoring, including how to complete applications, choose appropriate
interview attire and prepare for a school or job interview. CAMEO students
are also eligible for a paid summer internship at a local business.
 More than 700 guests were welcomed at “Dames, Dolls, and
Flappers,” this year’s CAMEO Fashion Show in March. CAMEO
students Sara Managan and Alvin Avina are helping CAMEO Chairman
Rosi Pedersen (center) with the silent auction.
hildren are captivated by The Kids on the Block™ puppets and
their accounts of how to deal positively with social problems
like bullying and violence. This year the puppets willingly answered
questions and gave advice about many real life problems to over 5,000
Long Beach students. Puppet programs are provided by Assistance
League of Long Beach volunteers at no cost to Long Beach Unified
School District schools.
 Abbie Lynch gives puppeteer Melanie Dietz advice.
any seventh grade world history students in Long Beach Unified
School District have never been in an art museum, so imagine their
amazement when they walk into our Philanthropic Center and meet a
samurai warrior, one of the focal points of the Howard Asian Art Collection. Teachers and students alike say that the tour makes history come
alive. Bus transportation and docent tours are provided for 2,000 students
by Assistance League of Long Beach member volunteers.
 Seventh graders are fascinated by member volunteer docent Evelyn Meacham's
description of the tiny shoes worn by Chinese women with bound feet.
as Hermanas Auxiliary’s Assault
Survivor Kits® program, working
with the Sexual Assault Response Team
(SART) and Community Hospital Long
Beach, provided 52 sexual assault
survivors this year with “wear home”
clothes and toiletry kits when the police
had to keep their clothing for forensic
evidence. In addition, Las Hermanas
Auxiliary provided over 300 hygiene
kits to Interval House and WomenShelter
of Long Beach, agencies that support
abused women.
oung adults who are part of ACT
(Adult Community Transition
Program) are getting a chance to learn
work and social skills and develop selfreliance at our Thrift & Vintage Shop
on Fourth Street. They arrive with a
supervisor and are guided by volunteers
through a variety of tasks that will
help them grow from dependence to
independence. The Vocational Training
Program is a collaboration between
Assistance League, Long Beach Unified
School District and California State
University, Long Beach.
he financial burden of attending
Long Beach City College or
California State University, Long Beach
is great for many promising students.
Our Scholarship Program eases that
burden by granting more than $60,000
in scholarships each year. In addition,
grants are given to the Long Beach
Unified School District middle and high
school music program, enabling teachers
to pay for items not in their budgets.
Our Thanks and Appreciation to
Janet & James Martois
Annette Kashiwabara &
Terry & Sandie McCarthy*
Marty Isozaki*
Gail McDonald
Roberta & Bob Keester*
Melva & Dick Miller*
Georgia & Roger Klinkers*
Mary Jo & Randy Mizer
Linda & Dick Landes
Margie & Frank Newell
Nancy Lewis
Mary Newkirk
Kathy & James Lingle*
Mary Lou & Bill Nicolai
Norma & Burt Marter*
Rosi & Curt Pedersen*
Linda McCarley*
Dorothy & Michael McDermott* Judith Poindexter
Joyce Ricci & Mike Donnelly
JoAnn McDonald*
Dr. Khalid & Hashmat Saeed*
Bettye Mitchell*
Carol & Clifford Slosson
Diane & David Reed*
Arlene Solomon
Judith M. Ross
Peggy Speelmon
Annie & John Russon
Georg-Ann Talin
Elynna & Henry Schaffner*
Friends from UPS present a $15,000 grant gift to support Operation School Bell. Left
Jean Tanaka
Rachel Schwenn
to right are: UPS representatives Homayoun Kandari (Area Manager UPS Customs
Rita Valentine & John Primrose
Brokerage), Carol Crawford (Customs Brokerage Manager), and Betty Burghard (Director Linda & John Sinclair
Karen Williams
Barbara & Richard Smith
of Brokerage Operations) with Bonnie Dorrans (President), Pam Karam (Rick Rackers
Mary & Dick Zern
Catherine Vandenberg Smith
Operation School Bell Chairman), Linda Drummond (President-Elect), and Naomi
Cindy & Ron Summers
Blackmore (CAMEO member and Grants Committee Chairman).
Friendship Circle ($50 - $249)
Diana & Chris Wade
ALLB Past Presidents
Sandy & John Wells*
LBS Financial Credit Union
Peggy & Karl Anatol
Kathy Winn
Millie and Severson
$20,000 - $49,999
Shirley & David Armes
Generations of Giving is a
S.A. Recycling
The Green Foundation
Community Circle ($250 - $999) pati-Sue Ashcraft
mission-based annual appeal.
Signal Hill Petroleum
The Earl B. & Loraine H. Miller
Debra & Darwin Barrad
Faye & Bob Alperin*
Every gift helps in transforming Dr. Virginia Baxter &
Norm Wilson & Sons
Barbara Becker
lives in our community and 100%
The Rudolph J. & Daphne A.
Maureen Bell
David Pagnotta
Supporters ($500+)
of the donations go directly
Munzer Foundation
Charlene & Jim Bockholt
Shirley Black*
Cushman & Wakefield of
towards Assistance League
The Kenneth T. & Eileen L. Norris
Marilyn Bohl
Naomi & Mike Blackmore
of Long Beach philanthropic
Marilynn Bonzer
Fran & Steve Briggs
Farmers & Merchants Bank
Sally Kozell Boren
Cynthia Clark*
Gail & Jim Gray Family
$5,000 - $19,999
Shirlee & Ray Bouch
Adams Legacy Foundation
Rosalba & Robert Campbell
Anne & Glenn Cook
Holthouse, Carlin & Van Trigt, LLP
Ahmanson Foundation
Transformation Circle
Blanche Cannady
The Crail-Johnson Foundation
Cecilia & Louis Canut
Bonnie & David Dorrans
Kensington Investment Counsel
Lawrence P. Frank Foundation
Liz & Jim Breslauer*
Jan & Ron Carlson
Josephine S. Gumbiner
Ruth Peck
Kathy & Joe Casanova
Nanci & Lynn Gee*
Thomas Reep*
Emily & Bob Clark
Bess J. Hodges Foundation
Phyllis Comiskey
Harriet & David Golding*
Leadership Circle
Association and Long Beach
CORPORATE PARTNERS Lifeguard Association
Colleen & Tim Conley
Kathleen Grubb
($5,000 - $9,999)
Corporations partner with
Dr. Jody Cormack*
Cheryl & Ken Ellegard Foundation Karen Haney
Assistance League of Long Beach Additional Gifts
Sharon & Bob Denham
Helen Z. Hansen
Suzanne & David Nosworthy*
to support Operation School Bell. Long Beach School Nurses
Fay & Roger Denny
Pat & Everett Harper
Susan & Mort Stuhlbarg*
Trish & Paul Denny
Senior Partners ($10,000+)
LBS Financial Credit Union
Gloria & Governor George
Valerie & Fred Hayward
Pat & Jim Warner
Union Pacific
Diane DeWalsche
Margaret & Dr. Morton Kern
Julie & Randy Wilson*
Partners ($5,000+)
Florence Dodge
Claudia & Roger Langner*
Employees of corporations
Philanthropy Circle
BNSF Railway
Charlene & Mark Ebright
Chrisi & Joe Libeu
participate by donating backpacks
($2,500 - $4,999)
Southern California Edison
Dorothy & Earl Farrow
ALLB Life Members
and school supplies in support of
Mary Alice & Bob Braly*
Operation School Bell.
Patti & Paul Brown*
Associates ($2,500+)
Blair Carty*
Employees of The Boeing
American Business Bank
Marilyn & Jerome Montgomery
American Golf Corporation
Employees of Molina Healthcare, James A. Reep Family
Cavanaugh Machine Works, Inc.
Corridor Recycling
Employees of Gulfstream
Service Circle ($1,000 - $2,499)
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Employees of P2S
Jeanne Badgley
Keesal, Young & Logan
Arroyo Developmental Services
Marge & Jim Cammack*
Suares Investment Group
Corporate In-Kind Gift Donors JoAnn & John Cheroske*
The VONS Foundation
Jerene Chiaro*
Molina Foundation
Friends ($1,000+)
Kathy & Don DeSilva
Atkinson, Andelson, Loya,
Kathryn Wade Fine Framing
Linda & Doug Drummond*
Ruud & Romo
First Book
Stephanie & James Eiler
Gulfstream Aerospace
Gazette Newspapers
Sue & Bruce Foat*
President Bonnie Dorrans, 2nd Vice President Fund
Carmen & Robert Hedges*
Development Faye Alperin, artist Reiko Berg, and Howard
Kardent Design
Minuteman Press
Ghislaine Iliff
Asian art collection advisor Jim Keck.
Long Beach Convention &
Jane & Tyler Jackson*
Visitors Bureau
Our Donors and Supporters
Beverly O’Neill
Harriet Ottaviano
Suzanne & Doyle Powell
Beverly & Charles Quaife
Oscar Reyes
Zelda & Chuck Rice
Dottie Ricketts
Susan & Mike Rivard
Ann Robertson
Ann & Shelby Robertson
Hilda Sanchez & David Rigby
Dr. Preston & Nancy Smith
Joan & Samuel Smock
Audrey & John Sosoka
Wilma and Fred Flintstone
Trudi & Nick Spagnoli
(aka Pam and Mike Mundy)
Karen Sprague
clubbed their way to win
the prize for most humorous Jean & Tom Stewart
Vickie & Jim Sullos
costume at Assistance
League of Long Beach’s “A Marlene Swenson
Bewitching Soiree” at The Delores & Merlin Thimlar
David Tuebner
Grand in October. More
than 600 guests in festive Joan & Wayne Twedell
Pat & John Walker
costumes attended the
Nanette & Dr. Stephan Wan
sold-out event.
Pat Weber
Dr. John & Yvonne Whaley
Joane Ferguson
Toni Whitesell
Diane Gleason
Kady Wightman
Linda & Stephen Gordon
Penny Wilds & Don Garner
Kathy & John Green
WISE Class
Barbara & Gayle Grubb
Vi Witter
Betty & Lynn Hagman
Karen & Joe Zucchero
Meg & James Hogan
Other Donors
Sylvia & Dr. Ronald Hartman
Diane Booth
Cass Humphrey
David Chavez
Lorrie Hutton
Diane & Richard Fagan
Bette Iapello
Dorla & Charles Fair
Harriet Ibbetson
MaryLu Hauser
Barbara & Jack Irvin
Sheila Hernandez
Barbara & David Joel
Marcha & Allan Katz
Pam & LeRoy Kehret
Frances Lyon
Rick Kessler
Susan Olson
Mary Ann Keyfauver
Mary Elizabeth Peterson
Janis & Richard Kleinberg
Julie Kay & John Satariano
Gillian Klinkert
Karla & Al Taylor
Heidi Kohler
Susan & Russell Young
Joyce & Terry Krauss
Jamie Laudenslager
Judie Lecesne
Linda LeMoncheck & Jed Shafer Transformation Circle
Ann & Gene Lentzner
Thomas Reep*
Joanne & Jeff Levin
Marjorie Lewis
Philanthropy Circle
Anne Little
($2,500 - $4,999)
LaNay Locher & Stephen Somsen Nancy & Kevin Malloy
Carolyn Lockhart
Service Circle ($1,000 - $2,499)
Darlene & Richard Lunde
JoAnn & John Cheroske*
Phyllis B. MacLeod
Stephanie & James Eiler
Melinda & Jim Martin
Sue & Bruce Foat*
Elena & Jerry Marty
Carmen & Bob Hedges*
Dr. Linda Matlock & Cindy
Annette Kashiwabara &
Marty Isozaki*
Lorie & Paul Merrill
Georgia & Roger Klinkers*
Sylvia & Jon Meyer
Norma & Burt Marter*
Janice Miklas
Diane & David Reed*
Mary Lou & Ben Millar
Judith M. Ross
Linda Moore
Annie & John Russon
Maggie Nees*
Linda & John Sinclair
Barbara & Mike Newton
Sandy & John Wells*
Virginia Oleen
Community Circle ($250 - $999)
Cynthia Clark*
Joane Ferguson
Kathleen Grubb
Darlene & Richard Lunde
Doris & Richard Ryder
Hashmat & Khalid Saeed*
Audrey & John Sosoka
Judith Vander Lans
Friendship Circle ($50 - $249)
Faye & Bob Alperin*
Shirley Black
Mary & Jerry Breuer
Cecilia Canut
Trish & Paul Denny
Diane Gleason
Better Iapello
Emily & LeRoy Goesel
Harriet Koppel
Judie Lecesne
ALLB Life Members
Jackie McReynolds
Mary Lou & Ben Millar
Nancy & Ray Mullio
Anna Piercy
Mary & Edward Sheridan
Ellen & Jim Smith
Peggy Speelmon
Jean Tanaka
Nancy & Fred Upham
Cindy & Roy Walters
Jann Whisenant
Vi Witter
Old Ranch Country Club provided a beautiful setting for
Rick Rackers Auxiliary’s annual Woman of the Year awards
luncheon. Rick Rackers Chairman Nancy Smith (left) with
Woman of the Year honoree Susan Bell (center), and
Woman of the Year Chairman Katey Conley (right).
Marlene and Don Temple
Kim and Steve Whaley
Karen Williams
Karen and Joe Zucchero
$1 - $499
Peggy Anatol
Paul Bailey
Jean Bakke
Dr. Robert Ballard
Bancroft Middle School
Julie Beall
Other Donors
Barbara Becker
Anne & Glenn Cook
Kim Bente
Virginia & Hugh Osmera
Margo Bergkvist
Seena Singer
Carol Black
Lorraine J. Thall
Shirley Black
Janie vonSeggern
Barbara Blackwell
Cindy & Roy Walters
Karen Blair
*Indicates Charter Member
Marilynn Bonzer
Shirlee Bouch
Mary Alice and Bob Braly
Linda Brown
Maria A. Campelo
Helen Carlson
Blair Carty
Cammie Cassiano
Emily Chronister
Best Cleaners
Karen Clements
Mary Coates
Colleen Conley
Jane Conway
Wendy Corzine
Terri Craig
Coralee de Dubovay
Sallie Deere
Laurie and Joe Dempsey
$50,000 and above
Jane and Tyler Jackson
Suzanne and Doyle Powell
$10,000 - $49,999
The Port of Long Beach
$1,000 - $9,999
Liz and Jim Breslauer
Gloria and Governor George
Linda Hossom Landes
Norma and Burt Marter
Evelyn and Arthur Meacham
Norm's Refrigeration
$500 - $999
Judy McNulty Black
California State University,
Long Beach – College of
Business Administration
Helen Hansen
Dorothy Macrate
Sally Miller
Suzanne and David Nosworthy
Nancy Smith
St. Mary Medical Center
In August, Rick Rackers Auxiliary was a co-sponsor of
“Shop With a Cop” at the Target in Signal Hill along with
the Long Beach Junior Chamber and the Long Beach
Police Foundation. Sixty children from local nonprofit
organizations had the opportunity to shop for school at
Target with a police officer and received a backpack filled
with new sets of school uniforms from the Rick Rackers
Auxiliary. Left to right are Rick Rackers Chair-Elect Mary Lee
Freeman, Long Beach Police Deputy Chief Robert Luna, and
Officer Josef Levy with a satisfied shopper.
Our Thanks and Appreciation to
In memory of Clare Hossom
Linda Hossom Landes
In memory of Pat Horton
ALLB Life Members
Frances Lyon
In memory of Thea Kalthoff
Suzanne & Doyle Powell
In memory of Julia Ida Kee
Arline & Dr. Mike Walter
In memory of Tommye Lovett
Jan & Dale Fairbanks
Linda McCarley
Member volunteers at Assistance League of Long Beach’s Thrift & Vintage Shop were
all ready for the long lines of shoppers outside the door for the annual Glitz sale in
December. Left to right are Barbara Jordan, Judy Brown, Annette Farber, Melanie Werts,
Julie Mendell and Barbara “Tigger” Kedwards.
Diane DeWalshe
Damon Dunn
Margaret Durnin
Janet M. and Alfred J. Eichenlaub
Becky Ellison
Pat Estrellas
Norma Fast
Mary Lee Freeman
Patty Gadd
Marilyn Gale
Cheryl Galloway
Carole Garrett
Nanci and Lynn Gee
Nancy Gills
Dan Gomez
Kat Goyan
Anna Grayhek
Carmen Guess
Rose Hamm
Leda Hargrove
Pat Harper
Mari Hooper
Glory Horn
Susan Houser
Michele Hubbs
Harriett Ibbetson
Barbara Irvin
Jennifer Jeffries
Mickie Jenkin
Karin Jenkins
LeAnn Johnson
Dianne Jones
Laurie Joselyn
Mary Ann Kahanic
Annette Kashiwabara and
Marty Isozaki
Frances Keys
Laura Killingsworth
Victoria Killingsworth
Pamela King
Janis Kleinberg
Mary Klingensmith
Nancy Koehring
Judy Lamb
Theresa and Bud Landers
Sally Lane
Robert Latimer
Gale and Ted Lingle
Kathy and Jim Lingle
Marilyn Lonsdale
Gwen Mack
Lisa Mais
Lisa Maloney
Leslee Martin
Janet Martois
Nancy Mauger
Eileen McCafferty
Catherine McHugh
Dawn McKenna
Sylvia and Jon Meyer
Melva and Dick Miller
Elizabeth Minor
Valerie and Dick Morgan
Murphy & Murphy
Karen Oishi
Beverly O’Neill
Penny O’Tolle
Sheryl Pearl
PEO Chapter - FQ
May Pinkman
Suzanne and Doyle Powell
Diane and David Reed
Joann Rich
Pamela Runk
Linda and Don Sarantos
Jennifer Sarantos
Gail Schack
Lesley Scheller
Mary Scott
Beverly Shafer
Joan Sherwood
Seena Singer
Catherine Vandenberg Smith
Jean Bixby Smith
Arlene Solomon
Karen Sprague
Diawn Stanley
Cindy and Ron Summers
Cecilia Tallichet
Kristine Trost
Christine and Chris Tucker
Vicki Vaught
Susan Waller
Sara Whaley
Wendy and Gregg Whelan
Jann Whisenant
Shirley Wild
Diana Williams
Dr. Felton Williams
Julie and Randy Wilson
Norm Wilson and Sons
Beverly Wing
Vi Witter
Susan and Russell Young
In memory of Ida Frances Lowry
ALLB Life Members
In memory of David MacLeod
Phyllis MacLeod
In memory of Beverly Marks
ALLB Life Members
Jean & Tom Stewart
In memory of Mike Milburn
Norma & Burt Marter
In memory of Marian Payne
Harriet Koppel
In memory of Patricia H. Brenner
Kathy Winn
ALLB Life Members
In memory of Mary Elizabeth
ALLB Life Members
Norma & Burt Marter
In memory of Lou Canut
Cecilia Canut
In memory of Merretta Potthast
Melva & Dick Miller
In memory of Tom Clock
Sylvia & Jon Meyer
In memory of Pat Reep
Tom Reep
In memory of John Cockriel
Pat Cockriel
Charlene & Mike Ebright
Norma & Burt Marter
Mary Lou & Bill Nicolai
Karen & Joe Zucchero
In memory of Lorna Rowland
Faye & Bob Alperin
ALLB Life Members
In memory of Virginia Faris
ALLB Life Members
In memory of Logan S. Hansen
Helen Z. Hansen
In memory of Lula Hatfield
Faye & Bob Alperin
Shirley Black
JoAnn & John Cheroske
Jan & Dale Fairbanks
Sheila Hernandez
Marcha & Allan Katz
Linda McCarley
Susan Olson
Peggy Speelmon
Pat & Jim Warner
Susan & Russell Young
In memory of Joanne Timmons
Norma & Burt Marter
In memory of Winnie Sherer
Shirley Black
Jan & Dale Fairbanks
Linda McCarley
In memory of Karen Weiss
Faye & Bob Alperin
Sharon & Bob Denham
Jan & Dale Fairbanks
Norma & Burt Marter
Linda McCarley
Lorie & Paul Merrill
Mary Elizabeth Peterson
Trudi & Nick Spagnoli
Joan & Wayne Twedell
In memory of Charles Westlund
Jean & Tom Stewart
In memory of Jeanne Williamson
Seena Singer
Ellen & Jim Smith
In memory of Ruth Wright
Phyllis Comiskey
ALLB Life Members
Melva & Dick Miller
In honor of Naomi Blackmore
Faye & Bob Alperin
In honor of David Chavez
Oscar Reyes
In honor of Shannon Cofell
Ellie & Henry Schaffner
In honor of Bonnie Dorrans
Linda & Doug Drummond
Linda H. Landes
Suzanne & David Nosworthy
Ellie & Henry Schaffner
In honor of Georgia Klinkers
Melinda Martin
In honor of Sandie & Terry
Shirlee & Ray Bouch
Barbara & Mike Newton
In honor of Ellie Nantais
Lorraine J. Thall
In honor of Suzanne Nosworthy
Delphine Kaufman
In honor of Rosi Pedersen
Faye & Bob Alperin
In honor of Diane Reed
Virginia Oleen
In honor of Barbara & Lee Shoag
Trish & Paul Denny
In honor of Nancy Smith
Ellie & Henry Schaffner
In honor of Kathy Wade
Ellie & Henry Schaffner
Donations include donors from
June 1, 2013 to date of printing.
In memory of David Hauser
Mary Lu Hauser
In memory of Bob Heron
Marilyn Heron
Norma & Burt Marter
Joan & Wayne Twedell
Arline & Dr. Mike Walter
Left to right, Endowment Committee Chairman Debra
Barrad welcomes Susan and Dr. Richard Bell and Linda
Landes into the Legacy Society.
Our Donors and Supporters
Assistance League of Long Beach
announces Cumulative Giving
Recognition honoring cumulative
gifts made beginning January
1, 2008. Gifts that are counted
are outright donations and may
consist of cash or stock. Once
a donor reaches a cumulative
giving level of $5,000 or more,
the donor will be recognized on
the Cumulative Giving Donor Wall
which was unveiled at the Donor
Recognition Reception on January
Rick Rackers Auxiliary members along with other Assistance League of Long Beach
26, 2014. Individual donors are
members and corporate partner volunteers participated in the national 2013 "Make
recognized beginning at the
a Difference Day" on October 26. More than 800 sets of new school uniforms in
Partner Level. Corporations and
backpacks were distributed to children at Bret Harte Elementary School. Pictured with
Foundations begin at the Patron
the happy children are representatives from Rick Rackers Auxiliary, chapter, Keesal, Young Level. The following donors were
& Logan, Gulfstream, UPS, LBS Financial Credit Union and BNSF Railway.
recognized at a recent reception:
Through gifts to the Endowment
and Legacy Society, the following
individuals have helped to
strengthen and ensure our
philanthropic programs for future
S. Baba and J. Keck
Stephen and Dee Cockriel
Melanie Dietz
Sandra and Gerald Facon
Sue and Bruce Foat
Sandra and Dave French
Nanci and Lynn Gee
Harriet and David Golding
Jane and Tyler Jackson
Warren and Ghislaine Iliff
Clyde and Geraldine “Jim” Bronn
Kathrine and James Lingle
Loraine H. Miller Collins
Norma and Burt Marter
Clifford Evans
Linda McCarley
Miriam K. Garland
Suzanne and David Nosworthy
Jane and Tyler Jackson
Carolyn Steuber Powers
Geraldine A. and Eugene Kinsey
Linda and Allan Rahn
Linda Hossom Landes
Susan Redfield
Kathrine and James Lingle
Dr. Joseph C. and Ruth K. Reed
Carol A. MacKenzie
Margaret A. Reep
Arthur and Everlyn Meacham
Patricia and Thomas Reep
Louis C. Mirabile
Elynna and Henry Schaffner
Melva and Richard Miller
Lauren Sharp, MSW, Ph.D.
Doyle and Suzanne Powell
Arline and Mike Walter
Margaret A. Reep
Sandy and John Wells
Patricia and Thomas Reep
Melanie and David Werts
Catherine Vandenberg Smith
Legacy Society Members
Merry-Lee Van Pelt
Shelly Barbre
Founding Legacy Society
Debra D. Barrad
Dr. Richard and Susan Bell
Faye and Robert Alperin
Thirty-eight vendors selling everything from pet blankets
to fine clothing were at Assistance League of Long Beach’s
Philanthropic Center for the Holiday Boutique in October.
Rick Rackers member Katy Wade and chapter member
Kathy Wade taking a short break from their vendor booth.
Shannon and Monte Cofell
Kathleen Costello-Pitts
Kathy and Don DeSilva
Linda and Doug Drummond
Pat Horton
Annette Kashiwabara and
Marty Isozaki
Roberta and Robert Keester
Georgia and Roger Klinkers
Linda Hossom Landes
Richard and Darlene Lunde
Melinda and Jim Martin
Mary Newkirk
Barbara and Michael Newton
Virginia Oleen
Roger K. Patterson in memory of
Alice G. Patterson
Suzanne and Doyle Powell
Diane and David Reed
Jessica A. Zifer
The Boeing Company
First Book
Colleen Gardner
Gazette Newspapers
Gulfstream Aerospace
Hearst Publications
Tiffany Karlin
Annette Kashiwabara &
Marty Isozaki
Jim Keck & Steve Baba
Minuteman Press
Molina Healthcare
Suzanne Nosworthy
Pi Beta Phi Chapter Grand Council
Press Telegran
Signal Hill Petroleum
Cindy Summers
Humanitarian ($500,000 $999,999)
The Earl B. & Loraine H. Miller
Philanthropist ($100,000 $499,999)
Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris
The Thomas R. Peck Sr. Family
The Bickerstaff Family Foundation
Liz & Jim Breslauer
Patricia & Paul Brown
Blair A. Carty
Gloria & George Deukmejian
Cheryl & Ken Ellegard
Enterprise Rent-a-Car /
Fred Abdelnour
Lawrence P. Frank Foundation
Josephine Gumbiner Foundation
Keesal, Young & Logan
Ronald McDonald House
Ronald McDonald House
Charities of Southern California
Louis C. Mirabile
Bettye Mitchell
Maggie Nees
Diane & Harry Pickard
The James A. Reep Family
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate
Word & St. Mary Medical
Mort & Susan Stuhlbarg
Arline & Mike Walter
Pat & Jim Warner
Randy & Julie Wilson
Partner ($5,000 - $9,999)
Faye & Bob Alperin
Benefactor ($50,000 - $99,999) Bob & Mary Alice Braly
The Rudolph J. and Daphne A.
Clyde & Geraldine “Jim” Bronn
Munzer Foundation
Marge & Jim Cammack
Doyle & Suzanne Powell
Linda & Doug Drummond
Patricia & Thomas Reep
Sue & Bruce Foat
Robert & Carmen Hedges
Altruist ($25,000 - $49,999)
Jane & Tyler Jackson
Adams Legacy Foundation
Annette Kashiwabara &
Lula Hatfield
Marty Isozaki
Bess J. Hodges Foundation
Georgia & Roger Klinkers
Suzanne & David Nosworthy
Kathrine & James Lingle
Edison International /
Burt & Norma Marter
Southern California Edison
Arthur & Evelyn Meacham
TABC Inc. / Toyota
Louis C. Mirabile
Union Pacific Railroad
Diane & David Reed
UPS Foundation
Elynna & Henry Schaffner
Patron ($10,000 - $24,999)
Catherine Vandenberg Smith
The Ahmanson Foundation
Betty Sunofsky
John & Sandy Wells
American Business Bank
Sam Reep and his sister Maggie O’Neil with their father
Tom Reep who was recognized at the Benefactor Level on
the new Cumulative Giving Donor wall recently unveiled
in January
Long Beach, CA
Permit No. 10
6220 E. Spring Street
Long Beach CA 90815
Office (562) 627-5650
Fax (562) 627-5645
Web site:
E-mail: [email protected] or
[email protected]
Editor: Hilda Sanchez
Mission Statement: Assistance
League of Long Beach is a nonprofit
corporation whose purpose is to create a
community of volunteers to identify and
deliver philanthropic services.
Assistance League of Long Beach
2013-2014 Board of Directors
Bonnie Dorrans
Linda Drummond
1st Vice President Philanthropic Programs
Roberta Keester
2nd Vice President Fund Development
Faye Alperin
3rd Vice President Special Events
Judith Poindexter
4th Vice President Finance
Arline Walter
Wind Beneath Our Wings Award
his year we recognized three members for their dedication and selfless
devotion to our programs with the “Wind Beneath Our Wings Award.”
Julie MendelL Since joining, Julie has taken on job after job,
never hesitating to step up to the next challenge. She has a way
of getting things done with a smile and demeanor that engages
everyone who works by her side. Regardless of the magnitude,
Julie approaches all projects, programs, or assignments with the
same level of intensity and perfection.
5th Vice President Membership
Vickie Sullos
Recording Secretary
Pat Harper
Catherine Vandenberg Smith
Thrift & Vintage Shop Chairman
Penny Wilds
Press & Public Relations
Hilda Sanchez
Suzanne Nosworthy Suzanne is an amazing volunteer
in Long Beach and, fortunately for us, she is a steadfast and
passionate supporter of Assistance League of Long Beach. She
has a marvelous sense of humor, a large repertoire of jokes, and
a contagious joy of life which she shares willingly, lovingly, and
generously with all.
Strategic Planning
Suzanne Powell
Rick Rackers Chairman
Nancy Smith
Las Hermanas Chairman
Beverly Quaife
CAMEO Chairman
Rosi Pedersen
Assisteens® Coordinator
Karen Haney
Sandy French As a Past President, Sandy could rest on her
laurels but instead she chooses to continue as an active and driving
force. She doesn’t shy away from the large jobs – can you say
Holiday Boutique? Always enthusiastic, Sandy loves Assistance
League and is a tremendous advocate for us wherever she goes.