CDB Meeting Agenda - Atlantic Beach
CDB Meeting Agenda - Atlantic Beach
CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Tuesday | June 19, 2012 | 6:00pm Commission Chambers | 800 Seminole Road 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the April 17, 2012 regular meeting. 3. Recognition of Visitors. 4. Old Business. None. 5. New Business. a. Proposed Amendment of the Future Land Use Element of the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing for review and recommendation for transmittal of an amendment of the Future Land Use Element of the adopted 2020 Comprehensive Plan, to include objectives and policies regarding coordination with Naval Station Mayport to achieve compatible land uses, ensure safety, and facilitate continued presence of this major military installation, as required by §163.3175 and §163.3177(6), Florida Statutes. 6. Other Business Not Requiring Action. a. Beach Avenue Development Discussion Review of staff-produced exhibits regarding development patterns, followed by virtual tour and discussion of existing conditions along Beach Avenue. 7. Adjournment. All information related to the item(s) included in this agenda is available for review at the City of Atlantic Beach Planning and Zoning Department, located at 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233, and may be obtained at this office or by calling (904) 247-5800. Interested parties may attend the meeting and make comments regarding agenda items, or comments may be mailed to the address above. Persons appealing decision made by the Community Development Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence upon which any appeal is based, is made. Notice to persons needing special accommodations and to all hearing impaired persons: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact the City of Atlantic Beach, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233, or (904) 247-5800, not less than five (5) days prior to the date of this meeting. APRIL 17, 2012 Regular Meeting Draft Minutes of the April 17, 2012 regular meeting of the Community Development Board MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD April 17, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER. – 6:04pm Vice-Chair Kirk Hansen verified presence of a quorum with the attendance of Jason Burgess, Kelly Elmore, Kirk Hansen, Harley Parkes, Patrick Stratton, and Brea Paul and called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. Chair Chris Lambertson was absent. Also in attendance were Principal Planner Erika Hall and Building Official Michael Griffin. 2. ADOPTION OF MEETING MINUTES – MARCH 20, 2012. Mr. Hansen called for a motion to approve the minutes of the March 20, 2012 regular meeting. Mr. Elmore moved that the minutes be approved as written. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and it carried by a vote of 6-0. 3. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS. None. 4. OLD BUSINESS. None. 5. NEW BUSINESS. A. UBEX-12-00100012 APPLICANT: Alice Reeves, represented by Jim Elliot ADDRESS: 90 Forrestal Circle South REQUEST: Request for a use-by-exception to operate a beauty salon establishment, as is consistent with Section 24-109(d)(4) of the Land Development Regulations, within the Commercial, Professional & Office (CPO) Zoning District on a property located at 90 Forrestal Circle South. Staff Report Ms. Hall reported this property, though part of the Atlantic Beach Villas residential subdivision platted in 1960/61, falls within an approximately 170’ deep swath of parcels rezoned to commercial use in the mid 1980s. This area was envisioned to house very low intensity professional office uses experiencing light traffic and infrequent customer contact, such as for the practice of architecture, law, real estate or insurance sales. Several small scale personal care and service establishments, such as barber or beauty shops, tailors and shoe repair shops were included as permitted uses-by-exception, presumably to serve the surrounding neighborhoods. Though this area has been zoned as commercial for over 25 years now, this particular property has been maintained as residential. The applicant, Ms. Reeves, is under contract to purchase the property and wishes to utilize it for a commercial use, particularly, a hair salon. Being that this is a change in use of the property, the applicant, if approved for the use-by- Page 1 of 4 Draft Minutes of the April 17, 2012 regular meeting of the Community Development Board exception, will have to comply with all those commercial corridor development standards applicable to non-residential uses with frontage along Mayport Road. Ms. Hall explained the general practice of staff is to discuss such development standards and requirements with applicants pursuing permitted uses at the time the local business tax receipt is applied for, being the time when a location undergoes a change of tenant/occupant or use. Once the applicant has demonstrated compliance or is making progress towards compliance with applicable standards, final approval is granted for the use. However, in the case of uses-by-exception, staff does not grant final approval of use – the City Commission does, upon recommendation of the Community Development Board. Thus it is important that the required development standards are clearly referenced in any recommendation and/or approvals originating from this Board or the Commission. Applicant’s Presentation Jim Elliot, Realtor with Watson Realty and representative of the applicant, explained that the subject property is currently bank-owned and has sat vacant for a while. He said the applicant foresees the use of the property as follows: The eastern most addition – previously a den – would be the primary location of the salon operations, consisting of three (3) chairs at most. The original living room at the front entrance would serve as a waiting/reception area. The majority of the kitchen/dining area would be converted to accommodate sink basins for hair washing, while the remaining area of the kitchen would be reserved for employee use. One bedroom would be used for an employee break area, while the other would be used for storage. Public Comment Greg Selby (3 Forrestal Circle N) expressed concern regarding potential impact a commercial use would have on the remainder of the subdivision which is residential. Particularly, he said he felt there would not be adequate space for on-site parking and the existing landscaping already poses a hazard in that it creates an obstruction so that drivers cannot see bicyclists and skate-boarders heading south on the adjacent sidewalk. He also said he feared that conversion of the residential property to a commercial use would nullify the waiver that property owners were granted in 2009 to maintain chainlink fences. Phyllis Davis (82 Forrestal Circle South) said she too was concerned about the safety issue of increased traffic, noting that drivers cannot see beyond the shrubbery and must begin pulling into Mayport Road to determine if there are bicyclists or skaters on the sidewalks to the north of Forrestal intersection. She also expressed concern over the amount of parking that would be required to accommodate the use, noting that onstreet parking would add to the congestion of the streets and the ability to maneuver them safely, and how additional impervious surface for on-site parking would affect stormwater runoff. She also noted the property has been poorly maintained for at least a year. Mr. Elliot was allowed to responded, restating that the property is Page 2 of 4 Draft Minutes of the April 17, 2012 regular meeting of the Community Development Board currently bank-owned and subject to a short sale. He emphasized that, should this transaction be completed, the new owner would make significant improvements to the property and maintain them, since these would be in the best interest of her business. He added that all required parking would be within the boundaries of the property, and consistent with all applicable land development regulations. Board Discussion Ms. Paul concurred with comments regarding parking and stormwater runoff, while Mr. Parkes noted that any commercial permitted use-byright within the CPO would have to meet all applicable land development regulations, and there is no reason to believe this would not be the case for this property as well. The property is already zoned CPO; it’s just a matter of this use being a permitted use-by-exception rather than a permitted use-by-right, meaning that rather than the final approval of the use being made by staff, it is made by the City Commission, upon recommendation of this Board. Unless special conditions are attached exempting the use from meeting particular requirements, the owner will still have to comply with all the normal regulations, including maximum impervious surface, stormwater runoff retention, minimum parking and signage requirements. Mr. Burgess asked to what depth the CPO encroaches upon this neighborhood, and Ms. Hall said it appears to be the width of two lots, or somewhere around 160-170’. Mr. Elmore inquired about parking requirements, and Ms. Hall said there is not a provision precisely for this use. It appears that salons and massage therapists have previously been required to provide parking on the basis of square footage of the unit occupied, which would be three (3) parking spaces for this structure which has just over 1200 square feet. Mr. Elmore suggested that in order to not disturb the adjacent residents, signage should not be lighted. Motion Mr. Parkes moved that the Board recommend to the City Commission approval of the use-by-exception, UBEX-12-00100012, to allow the operation of a beauty salon establishment, as is consistent with Section 24-109(d)(4) of the Land Development Regulations, within the Commercial, Professional & Office (CPO) Zoning District on a property located at 90 Forrestal Circle South, and subject to the property achieving compliance with all the Commercial Corridor Standards applicable to new development. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and it passed unanimously, 6-0. Page 3 of 4 Draft Minutes of the April 17, 2012 regular meeting of the Community Development Board 6. OTHER BUSINESS NOT REQUIRING ACTION. A. Beach Avenue Discussion Staff Report Board members discussed the unique characteristics of Beach Avenue and the issues that made it suitable for study. Ms. Hall reported that she was working on GIS maps to highlight historic development patterns and trends. Mr. Stratton said that he felt it would be helpful it the Board could take a field trip to Beach Avenue to look at some of this issues in person. He wondered if this would be permissible or if it would be a violation of Sunshine. Ms. Hall said that she would check into the logistics of such a mobile meeting. It was the consensus of the Board that they did not want this to be a contentious undertaking, but they felt characteristics unique to Beach Avenue, coupled with the regular receipt of variance applications from Beach Avenue property owners, indicated the current regulations were not consistent with the needs of the area and at the very least warranted review. 7. ADJOURNMENT – 7:37 PM _______________________________________ Chris Lambertson, Chairman _______________________________________ Attest Page 4 of 4 AGENDA ITEM 5a COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD STAFF REPORT Proposed Amendment to Adopted 2020 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element – Military Coordination TO: Community Development Board FROM: Erika Hall Principal Planner DATE: April 20, 2012 REQUEST: Make recommendation to City Commission to transmit proposed amendments to the Future Land Use Element of the adopted 2020 Comprehensive Plan, to include objectives and policies regarding coordination with Naval Station Mayport to achieve compatible land uses, ensure safety, and facilitate continued presence of this major military installation, as required by §163.3175 and §163.3177(6), Florida Statutes. STAFF COMMENTS Florida is home to twenty (20) major military installations and three (3) unified combatant commands, and the military accounts for ten (10) percent of Florida’s economy. Recognizing the importance of the defense industry to the state and its local governments, the 2011 Florida Legislature passed House Bill 7207 into law and established that local governments adjacent or in close proximity to a military installation must incorporate strategies into their comprehensive plan to achieve compatible land uses, ensure public safety, and facilitate the continued presence of major military installations in the state. The Legislature has established a June 30, 2012 deadline for meeting this requirement. Attached Exhibit A is a draft of Objective A.1.15 and Policies A.1.15.1 through A.1.15.5, which address these requirements as applicable to the City of Atlantic Beach, in close proximity to Naval Station Mayport, and is presented as an amendment to the adopted 2020 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element. Attached Exhibit B is a draft of new Map A-6, Military Influence Zones, to be included in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Map Series. June 19, 2012 Regular Meeting This public hearing is a required step in the process to amending an adopted comprehensive plan according to the provisions of §163.3184, in that it provides an opportunity for public review and comment. Further, the Community Development Board, acting as the local planning agency, is charged with establishing findings of fact and consistency and making a recommendation to the City Commission to transmit the proposed amendment to the state planning agency and other agencies for review. The draft language of the proposed amendment is consistent with and substantially identical to the provisions of §163.3175, F.S., and the accompanying draft map is consistent with and substantially identical to data presented in the “Military Influence Zone Map L-22” of the adopted Duval County (City of Jacksonville) 2030 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element. June 19, 2012 Regular Meeting AGENDA ITEM 5a Page 2 of 2 Ordinance 31-12-xx Exhibit A Objective A.1.15 Military Compatibility and Coordination with Naval Station Mayport The Florida Legislature finds that incompatible development of land close to military installations can adversely affect the ability of such an installation to carry out its mission; that such development also threatens the public safety because of possibility of accidents occurring within the areas surrounding a military installation; that the economic vitality of a community is affected when military operations and missions must relocate because of incompatible urban encroachment; and that it is desirable for local governments to cooperate with military installations to encourage compatible land use, help prevent incompatible encroachment, and facilitate the continued presence of major military installations. The City of Atlantic Beach, as a municipality in close proximity and with strong cultural and economic ties to Naval Station Mayport, shall cooperate with the military installation, shall coordinate on land use decisions that may affect the mission of the military installation, and shall support development practices that are compatible with the land uses of the military installation. Policy A.1.15.1 The City of Atlantic Beach shall transmit to the Commanding Officer, Naval Station Mayport, or his or her designee, information relating to proposed changes to comprehensive plans, plan amendments, and proposed changes to land development regulations, which, if approved, would affect the intensity, density, or use of land in close proximity to the military installation. At the request of the Commanding Officer, the City of Atlantic Beach shall also transmit copies of applications for development orders requesting a variance or waiver from height or lighting restrictions or noise attenuation reduction requirements within areas defined as being in a zone of influence of the military installation, as defined in Map A-6, Military Influence Zone, of the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Map Series. The Commanding Officer shall be afforded adequate opportunity to review and comment on the proposed changes prior to final action. Policy A.1.15.2 The Commanding Officer, Naval Station Mayport, or his or her designee, may provide advisory comments to the City of Atlantic Beach on the impact such proposed changes may have on the mission of the military installation. Such advisory comments shall be based on appropriate data and analysis provided with the comments and may include: Ordinance 31-12-xx Exhibit A a) Whether such proposed changes will be incompatible with the safety and noise standards contained in the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) adopted by Naval Station Mayport for the on-premise airfield; and b) Whether the military installation’s mission will be adversely affected by the proposed actions of the City of Atlantic Beach. The Commanding Officer’s comments, underlying studies, and reports shall be considered by the City of Atlantic Beach in the same manner as the comments received from other reviewing agencies pursuant to §163.3184, Florida Statutes. Policy A.1.15.3 The City of Atlantic Beach shall take into consideration any comments and accompanying data and analysis provided by the Commanding Officer or his or her designee, as they relate to the strategic mission of the base, public safety, and the economic vitality associated with the base’s operations, while also respecting private property rights and not being unduly restrictive on those rights. To this end, the City shall promote development strategies that discourage incompatibility and provide alternative means to preserve development rights, including the following: a) In instances where these policies result in limitations on the ability of the landowner to utilize their land pursuant to its current land use and zoning designation, the City shall support land use map amendments and rezoning to compatible uses. b) In instances where nonresidential uses that are consistent with current land use and zoning designation, but incompatible with military influence zones, are discontinued for a period of twelve consecutive months or more, the City shall not allow those nonresidential uses to be restarted under the land development regulations. c) In instances where lands within the military influence zone is proposed for development, the City shall require techniques such as Planned Unit Development or Special Planned Area zoning to cluster development away from accident potential zones. The City shall forward a copy of any comments regarding comprehensive plan amendments to the state planning agency. Ordinance 31-12-xx Exhibit A Policy A.1.15.4 The City of Atlantic Beach, in order to facilitate the exchange of information and foster close coordination and communication, shall maintain a representative appointed by the Commanding Officer, Naval Station Mayport, as an ex officio, nonvoting member of the City’s local planning agency. The designated military representative shall be notified of all meetings and provided copies of all agenda packents. Policy A.1.15.5 The City of Atlantic Beach shall coordinate grant writing and management efforts with Naval Station Mayport, and the Commanding Officer is encouraged to provide information about any community planning assistance grants that may be available to the City through programs such as those of the Federal Office of Economic Adjustment as incentive to participate in a joint planning process that would further facilitate the compatibility of community planning and the activities and mission of Naval Station Mayport. City of Atlantic Beach Municipal Boundary Naval Station Mayport Installation Area Air Field : 0 0.5 Miles 1 Atlantic Beach, Florida Geographical Information System Community Development Department Planning & Zoning Division, GIS Section Title: A-6_Military_thru Ordinance 31-12-xx (_____ __, 2012); Data Sources: ABGIS (2012), COJPAO (2011), US Navy (2009). 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 P: 904.247.5826 F: 904.247.5845 Ordinance No 31-12-xx Atlantic Ocean Military Flight Tracks Amended ____ __, 2012 Noise Zone 2010 - 2020 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Map Series Accident Potential Zone MAP A-6: Military Influence Zone Military Influence Zone AGENDA ITEM 6a COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD STAFF REPORT Beach Avenue Development Patterns Discussion TO: Community Development Board FROM: Erika Hall Principal Planner DATE: June 7, 2012 SUMMARY: Review and discussion of attached exhibits regarding development patterns and existing conditions along Beach Avenue. STAFF COMMENTS The attached exhibits were produced to provide background and insight into the “big picture” of how Beach Avenue has developed over the past nearly 100 years. The immediate goal of this discussion is to determine what, if any, problems exist within the current code that hinder or limit development or redevelopment of lots fronting on Beach Avenue. Notes below provide a brief description of each exhibit, and some general observations made by staff. Following review and discussion of these, staff will be presenting a virtual tour of Beach Avenue. Neighborhoods, Subdivisions & Plats This exhibit looks at the overall development of Beach Avenue. South of 16th Street, with exception of those lands to the north of 12th and west of Beach (Mandalay), and the old Hotel Reservation lying between 7th and 10th, are generally referred to as “old” Atlantic Beach or Atlantic Beach subdivision “A”. This area was platted in 1913, with re-plats in 1914 (Broome’s) and 1925 (Daniel & Hackett). Mandalay was also platted in 1925, followed by Ocean Grove beginning in 1937 and Club Manor in 1954. The platting of North Atlantic Beach commenced north of 16th Street in 1934. However, this area was not annexed into Atlantic Beach until 1988. During this same period, Beachside was platted (1986) and a portion was re-platted (1988). Over the years, a number of properties have been converted to or developed as condominiums, including the old Hotel Reservation, and these are interspersed throughout the area. It should be noted that prior to North Atlantic Beach annexation, those properties were within the jurisdiction of the City of Jacksonville, and certain setbacks were less restrictive June 19, 2012 Regular Meeting than in Atlantic Beach. With the annexation came rezoning of those properties, and in some cases, what was considered conforming by Jacksonville standards became nonconforming by Atlantic Beach standards. Lot Characteristics: Total Lot Area This exhibit examines total area of lots, as documented by the Duval County Property Appraiser’s Office (DCPAO). Historically, non-oceanfront lots in old Atlantic Beach typically measured between 5,000 and 6,500 square feet, while oceanfront lots were generally 10,000 square feet in area. Variations can be attributed to a number of things: technological advances in surveying equipment, impacts of erosion, re-platting/subdivision of lots, illegal lot splits. Some lots, including the “garage lots” north of 17th, were never platted, and thus have irregular dimensions and sizes. Any lot measuring less than 5,000 square feet is likely subject to development challenges under current code requirements. Principal Structure Characteristics: Year Built This exhibit provides a chronology of development along Beach Avenue, with the oldest remaining structures, aged 70 years or more, occurring mostly south of 16th Street. More recent construction, generally over the last 20 years, is interspersed throughout, but with the majority occurring north of 12th Street. Principal Structure Characteristics: Gross Floor Area This exhibit depicts the gross floor area of the principal structure, according to data maintained by the DCPAO. There does not appear to be any distinct correlation between structure size and lot size. Principal Structure Characteristics: Floor Area Ratio This exhibit demonstrates the calculated floor area ratio (FAR) of the principal structure on each lot, according to data maintained by the DCPAO. This is the ratio of the total area of the principal structure to the total area of the lot. Atlantic Beach does regulate FAR, but instead regulates maximum impervious surface area (ISA), which means coverage on the ground. The current residential ISA standard is 50% of total lot area. However, to relate the two concepts and put ISA in context of FAR, consider a typical 5,000 square foot lot. For the sake of simplicity and assuming ISA to be maxed out within the building footprint – no additional impervious surfaces exists on the lot – and the principal structure is a 3-story box, the resultant area of the principal structure could theoretically reach 7,500 square feet. Such a structure would have a FAR of 1.5, or 150% of the total lot area. Regulation by means of FAR keeps development proportional to lot area. This may also be accomplished by other means, though, including proportional heights and graduated setbacks. Types of Structure This exhibit demonstrates the number and type of structure(s) located on each lot. Information was obtained from the Duval County Property Appraiser, and location of the June 19, 2012 Regular Meeting AGENDA ITEM 6a Page 2 of 3 approximated according to the street-side wall of any structure. Condominiums were excluded and focus was placed on single-, two-, three-, and four-family principal structures, along with secondary dwellings (garage apartments) and residential accessories (detached garages and detached guest houses). Note that garage apartments – limited to through-lots and ocean-front lots in Atlantic Beach – are consistently present south of 19th Street, but none appear to the north. Likewise, with the exception of three instances, there are no detached accessories north of 19th Street. Generally, north of 19th Street, garages are integrated into the principal structures, most of which are built significantly closer to the Beach Avenue property line than principal structures to the south. Constraints on Development: Coastal Construction Control & Set Back Lines The exhibit consists of an aerial photograph overlaid with parcel/lot lines and the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) and Set Back Line (CCSB). The CCCL is the demarcation of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) jurisdiction. All lands seaward of this line are subject to FDEP review in regards to improvements. The CCSB is the eastern-most limitation of construction. The intent of this exhibit is to demonstrate the added constraints these regulatory lines place on certain coastal properties. Note the narrowing of distance between the CCCL and the CCSB, especially in the northern portion of Beach Avenue. Constraints on Development: Topography This exhibit consists of parcel/lot lines, CCCL, CCSB and topography of the land shown based on a one-foot contour interval. The intent is to demonstrate the added constraints placed upon the developable area of lots due to the natural coastal landforms. Note the increased variation in topography, especially in the northern portion of Beach Avenue. June 19, 2012 Regular Meeting AGENDA ITEM 6a Page 3 of 3 North Beach Avenue Central Beach Avenue South Beach Avenue 10TH BEACH BEACH AVENUE DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS STUDY 20TH 17TH 20TH CORAL PLAZA GARDEN COQUIN A BEACH Part Government Lot 1 7TH Part Government Lot 3 Part Government Lot 4 Part Government Lot 7 16TH PLATTED LANDS 6TH BEACHSIDE SEMINOLE 19TH SECTION LANDS 8TH DE WE ES 19TH Neighborhoods, Subdivisions & Plats CLUB Atlantic Beach 15TH Beachside Broomes' Replat 5TH Club Manor 14TH Daniel & Hackett Replat OCEAN 13TH 18TH AST EAST CO 4TH Mandalay North Atlantic Beach Ocean Grove CONDOMINIUMS OCEAN GROVE 3RD Beach Avenue Condominium 12TH Le Chateau of Atlantic Beach Seaplace Condominium 2ND Shorecrest Condominium AST EAST CO 11TH The Cloister Condominium 1ST 1ST BEACH 17TH AHERN AHERN OCEAN 10TH Ê The Nautilus Condominium 0 250 500 Feet 1,000 Document Name: Lot_subdiv Author: Erika Hall Date Saved: 6/6/2012 3:22:37 PM North Beach Avenue South Beach Avenue BEACH AVENUE DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS STUDY BEACH 20TH Central Beach Avenue 17TH 20TH PLAZA CORAL CLUB COQUIN A 8TH BEACH GARDEN DE WE ES BEACH COTTAGE 19TH Lot Characteristics 7TH TOTAL LOT AREA 16TH BEACHSIDE < 5,000 SQ FT 5,000 - 9,999 SQ FT 15TH 5TH 14TH 13TH 20,000 - 29,999 SQ FT 4TH 30,000 SQ FT + OCEAN 2ND AST EAST CO 11TH 1ST 10TH 17TH 15,000 - 19,999 SQ FT 3RD BEACH BEACH OCEAN GROVE 12TH AST EAST CO OCEAN 18TH 10,000 - 14,999 SQ FT BEACH SEMINOLE 6TH AHERN 1ST AHERN Ê 0 250 500 Feet 1,000 Document Name: Lot_TLA Author: Erika Hall Date Saved: 5/3/2012 4:46:15 PM North Beach Avenue South Beach Avenue BEACH AVENUE DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS STUDY BEACH 20TH Central Beach Avenue 17TH 20TH PLAZA CORAL CLUB COQUIN A 8TH BEACH GARDEN Principal Structure Characteristics DE WE ES BEACH COTTAGE 19TH 7TH Year Built 1900s 16TH BEACHSIDE 1910s 1920s 15TH 5TH 14TH 1950s 4TH 1960s 1970s 1990s 2000s OCEAN 2ND 1980s AST EAST CO 11TH 1ST 10TH 17TH 1940s 3RD BEACH BEACH OCEAN GROVE 12TH AST EAST CO OCEAN 18TH 13TH 1930s BEACH SEMINOLE 6TH AHERN 1ST AHERN Ê 0 250 500 Feet 1,000 Document Name: PS_yearblt Author: Erika Hall Date Saved: 4/27/2012 11:47:49 AM North Beach Avenue South Beach Avenue BEACH AVENUE DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS STUDY BEACH 20TH Central Beach Avenue 17TH 20TH PLAZA CORAL CLUB COQUIN A 8TH BEACH GARDEN Principal Structure Characteristics DE WE ES BEACH COTTAGE 19TH 7TH GROSS FLOOR AREA <1,000 SQ FT 16TH BEACHSIDE 1,000 - 1,999 SQ FT 2,000 - 2,999 SQ FT 15TH 5TH 14TH 5,000 - 5,999 SQ FT 4TH 6,000 - 6,999 SQ FT 7,000 - 7,999 SQ FT 9,000 - 9,999 SQ FT >10,000 SQ FT OCEAN 2ND 8,000 - 8,999 SQ FT AST EAST CO 11TH 1ST 10TH 17TH 4,000 - 4,999 SQ FT 3RD BEACH BEACH OCEAN GROVE 12TH AST EAST CO OCEAN 18TH 13TH 3,000 - 3,999 SQ FT BEACH SEMINOLE 6TH AHERN 1ST AHERN Ê 0 250 500 Feet 1,000 Document Name: PS_GFA Author: Erika Hall Date Saved: 5/3/2012 4:42:29 PM North Beach Avenue South Beach Avenue BEACH AVENUE DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS STUDY BEACH 20TH Central Beach Avenue 17TH 20TH PLAZA CORAL CLUB COQUIN A 8TH BEACH GARDEN Principal Structure Characteristics DE WE ES BEACH COTTAGE 19TH 7TH FLOOR AREA RATIO 16TH BEACHSIDE 10.00 - 19.99% 20.00 - 29.99% 15TH 5TH 14TH 50.00 - 59.99% 4TH 60.00 - 69.99% 70.00 - 79.99% 90.00 - 99.99% 100.00% + OCEAN 2ND 80.00 - 89.99% AST EAST CO 11TH 1ST 10TH 17TH 40.00 - 49.99% 3RD BEACH BEACH OCEAN GROVE 12TH AST EAST CO OCEAN 18TH 13TH 30.00 - 39.99% BEACH SEMINOLE 6TH AHERN 1ST AHERN Ê 0 250 500 Feet 1,000 Document Name: PS_FAR Author: Erika Hall Date Saved: 5/3/2012 4:43:07 PM North Beach Avenue " ) ) " ) " ) " ) " ) " " ) ) " ) " ) " " ) ) " " ) ) # *" ) " " ) ) (" ! CORAL ) (" ! ) ! " ) (" ) " ) (" ! ) " ) ! " ) ( " ) " ) (" ! ) (" )! " ) " ) # " * ) ! " ) ( " ) " ) " " ( ) ! ) " ) # *" ) " ) ( " ! ) ( " ! 16TH ) (" ! ) " ) # *" ) ! ) (" # * " ) " (" ! ) ) ! " ) (" 15TH ) (" ! ) " ) " # *" ) ! ( " ) ) ! " ) (" ) ) " " " ) ) " SEMINOLE BEACHSIDE 13TH OCEAN GROVE " ) ) " " ( ) ! ) (" ! ) "" ) " ) ) " " ) ) " BEACH 17TH ) " ) " ) # * " " ) # * ) " ) " ) " ( )! " ) " 11TH 10TH ) " " ) ) " ) " *" " # ) ) ) " " ) ) " ") ) ) " " )" ) ) " " )" )" )" "" )" )) )" )" )" 7TH PRINCIPAL DWELLING UNITS [261] ) " " ) ) " ) ( " ! " ) " ) ) ( " ! ) ) " " *" )# ) " ) " ) " ) * " ( # ! ) ( " )! " ) ( " ! ) " ) " " ) ) ( " ) ! " ) " " ) 6TH 5TH # * 4TH 2ND AHERN ) " ! " ) ( " ) " ) ) ( " ) ! " ) " ) " ) " ( ) ! " ) ) " ( " ! ( ! ( )! " ) ) ! " ( " # * ) ) " " *# ( # ! ) ** " ) # " ) ( " ! ) ) " ( " ! ) # *" 3RD 1ST Not including condominiums ) " 1ST AHERN )( " ! ) " ) ( " ! ) " ) ( # *" ) ! 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Garage Apartment [63] DETACHED ACCESSORIES [32] # * Detached Garage # * Detached Guest House [13] [19] Coastal Construction Control Line Ê 0 250 500 Feet 1,000 Document Name: Structures_type Author: Erika Hall Date Saved: 5/11/2012 12:13:07 PM North Beach Avenue Central Beach Avenue South Beach Avenue BEACH BEACH AVENUE DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS STUDY 20TH 17TH 20TH PLAZA CORAL CLUB GARDEN COQUIN DE WE ES 19TH 19TH BEACH A 8TH 7TH Constraints on Development Coastal Construction Control Line 16TH Coastal Construction Set Back Line BEACHSIDE SEMINOLE 6TH 15TH 5TH 14TH OCEAN 13TH 18TH 3RD OCEAN GROVE 12TH 2ND AST EAST CO 11TH 1ST AHERN 1ST AHERN OCEAN 10TH BEACH 17TH AST EAST CO 4TH Ê 0 250 500 Feet 1,000 Document Name: Aerial_CCCL Author: Erika Hall Date Saved: 6/6/2012 4:13:13 PM North Beach Avenue Central Beach Avenue South Beach Avenue BEACH BEACH AVENUE DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS STUDY 20TH 17TH 20TH PLAZA CORAL CLUB GARDEN COQUIN DE WE ES 19TH Topographic Contour BEACH A 19TH Constraints on Development 8TH 7TH Coastal Construction Control Line 16TH Coastal Construction Set Back Line 6TH BEACHSIDE SEMINOLE 1-ft interval 15TH 5TH 14TH OCEAN 13TH 18TH 3RD OCEAN GROVE 12TH 2ND AST EAST CO 11TH 1ST AHERN 1ST AHERN OCEAN 10TH BEACH 17TH AST EAST CO 4TH Ê 0 250 500 Feet 1,000 Document Name: Topo Author: Erika Hall Date Saved: 6/7/2012 10:45:59 AM