Wildflower - Superior Threads
Wildflower - Superior Threads
Wildflower quilt designed by Lucy A. Fazely 67” x 78” featuring fabric from Wildflower collection by Kathy Davis Wildflower Quilt designed by Kathy Davis Finished Quilt Approximately: 67-1/2" x 78" (172cm x 198cm) Wildflower fabrics designed by Kathy Davis for Free Spirit Fabrics Fabric & Order# Cutting Instructions For 1 Quilt Yards to Buy For 1 Quilt Yards to Buy For 25 Kits A (#KD045-Mulberry) (12) 3-5/8" x 3-5/8" (9.21cm x 9.21cm) 1/4 (.23m) 6-1/4 (5.8m) B (#KD045-Wisteria) (4) 4-3/4" x 4-3/4" (12.1cm x 12.1cm) 1/4 (.23m) 6-1/4 (5.8m) C (#KD046-Mulberry) (4) 3-5/8" x 3-5/8" (9.21cm x 9.21cm) 1/4 (.23m) 6-1/4 (5.8m) D (#KD046-Wisteria) (4) 4-3/4" x 4-3/4" (12.1cm x 12.1cm) 1/4 (.23m) 6-1/4 (5.8m) E (#KD047-Mulberry) (4) 3-5/8" x 3-5/8" (9.21cm x 9.21cm) 1/4 (.23m) 6-1/4 (5.8m) F (#KD047-Wisteria) (4) 4-3/4" x 4-3/4" (12.1cm x 12.1cm) 1/4 (.23m) 6-1/4 (5.8m) G (#KD048-Mulberry)(4) 3-5/8" x 3-5/8" (9.21cm x 9.21cm) 1/4 (.23m) 6-1/4 (5.8m) H (#KD048-Wisteria) (6) 4-3/4" x 4-3/4" (12.1cm x 12.1cm) 1/4 (.23m) 6-1/4 (5.8m) I (#KD049-Cornflower) (4) 12-1/2" x WOF (31.75cm x WOF) 1-5/8 (1.5m) 40-5/8 (37.5m) J (#KD049-Mulberry) (3) 9-1/2" x WOF (24.13cm x WOF) 1 (.92m) 25 (23m) K (#KD049-Wisteria) (2) 11" x WOF (27.94cm x WOF) (3) 9-1/2" x WOF (24.13cm x WOF) 1-5/8 (1.5m) 40-5/8 (37.5m) L (#KD051-Mulberry) (13) 5-3/4" x 5-3/4" (14.61cm x 14.61cm) 1/2 (.46m) 12-1/2 (11.5m) M (#KD051-Wisteria) (10) 7-1/4" x 7-1/4" (18.42cm x 18.42cm) 5/8 (.58m) 15-5/8 (14.5m) N (#KD052-Wisteria) (8) 2-1/2" x WOF (6.35cm x WOF) 2/3 (.61m) 16-2/3 (15.3m) Backing Fabric (2) 85" x WOF (216cm x WOF) 4-3/4 (4.34m) 118-3/4(108.5m) Misc. Materials: 76" x 85" quilt batting (193cm x 216cm) Wildflower Sewing Directions Assembly : 1. Cut all 5-3/4" (14.61 cm) Fabric L and 7-1/4" (18.42cm) Fabric M squares in half diagonally twice creating four quarter-square triangles. 2. Piece two of each strip as shown: M H M B M F M D M H M D M F M B M H M 7-1/4" (18.42cm) quarter-square triangles and 4-3/4" (12.1cm) sqs. M 5-3/4" (14.61cm) quarter-square triangles and 3-5/8" (9.21cm) sqs. L L L L L L L L L L L L L G A C A E A A E A C A G L L L L L L L L L L L L L M M M M M M M M M 3. Trim pieced strips to 1/4" (.64cm) past the seam point at the ends. Pieced strips should be 54-1/2" (138.43cm) long. If not, size borders until they are by increasing or decreasing the widths of seams within the pieced strip. 4. Sew the (2) 11" x WOF (27.94cm x WOF) Fabric K strips together end-to-end. Trim to 11" x 54-1/2" (27.94cm x 138.43cm). Sew the narrower pieced strips with the Fabric L edges to both long sides of the trimmed Fabric K panel. 5. Sew the (3) 9-1/2" x WOF (24.13cm x WOF) Fabric J strips together end-to-end. From this cut (2) 9-1/2" x 54-1/2" (24.13cm x 138.43cm) panels. Sew these panels to the outside long edges of the pieced strips with the Fabric L edges. To this, add the pieced strips with the Fabric M edges. 6. Sew the (3) 9-1/2" x WOF (24.13cm x WOF) Fabric K strips together end-to-end. From this cut (2) 9-1/2" x 54-1/2" (24.13cm x 138.43cm) panels. Sew these panels to the outside long edges of the pieced strips with the Fabric M edges. 7. Make two panel strips each with (2) Fabric I 12-1/2" x WOF (31.75cm x WOF) strips sewn together end-to-end. Stitch these to the top and bottom of quilt center. Press and trim excess. Finishing: 1. Sew the (2) lengths of backing together along selvage edges creating a two-panel wide backing. Layer the backing, batting and quilt top. Quilt or tie as desired. 2. Prepare binding from (8) 2-1/2" x WOF (6.35cm x WOF) Fabric N strips. Sew strips together into one long binding strip. Press strip in half lengthwise. 3. Carefully trim backing and batting even with quilt top. 4. Leaving an 8" tail of binding, sew binding to top of quilt through all layers matching all raw edges. Miter corners. Stop approximately 12" from where you started. Lay both loose ends of binding flat along quilt edge. Where these two loose ends meet, fold them back on themselves and press to form a crease. Using this crease as your stitching line, sew the two open ends of the binding together right sides together. Trim seam to 1/4" and press open. Finish sewing binding to quilt. 5. Turn binding to back of quilt and blind stitch in place.