Campus Comment, October 30, 1952
Campus Comment, October 30, 1952
Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The Comment Campus Journals and Publications 1952 Campus Comment, October 30, 1952 Bridgewater State Teachers College Volume 26 Number 2 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State Teachers College. (1952). Campus Comment, October 30, 1952. 26(2). Retrieved from: This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. CAMPUS COMMENT VOL. XXVI, NO. 2 STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE AT BRIDGE\VATER, MASSACHUSETTS Strong Soccer Squad Easily Defeats R.I.C.E. Dr. Joseph I. Arnold Retires October 1 Bridgewater opened its soccer campaign v.. ith ove~\\'helming enthusiasm as it downed a strong Rhode Island College of Education clevcn, 5-2. Led by its spirited captain, John Zoino, and coached by Edward Swenson, B.T.C. dominated R.1.C.E. throughout the game, and coasted to an easy victory. 111is year, a host of underclassmen, along;with the veteran seniors, responded to the initial. call by Coach Sv,'Cl1son. Only two members of last year's successful team were missing from this year's squad. Coach Swenson and Captain Zoino have molded a team, composed mostly of seasoned soccer players, of which Bridge\vater can truly be proud. Two New Starters Two new faces were introduced into the starting lineup, namely sophomore Paul Sprague, who played remarkably well as the goal tender, and junior Chris Koumantzc1is at left inside. The remainder of the starting lineup is as fo11o\\'s: (continued on page 3) Students And Faculty Enjoy First Field Day Lower campus was the scene of a varied athletic program primarily concerned with acquainting the students with each other and offering a good time for all participating. Volley ball was enjoyed by all, with the team captained by \\' ally Malone winning the tournament. Follo\\'ing the volleyball games were various field events, the major attractions of which were the pie-eating contest dndthc tugof-war. Bob Lange and Jessie Shmv emerged victorious, with smiling, purplish faces, in the pie· eating contest. Even \vith Frank Souza as :1nchorman, his squad lost the tug-of-war. It looks as if the freshmen ha\'e a Samson in Tony Kula! All-Stars Victorious Nlany of our erstwhile athletes, male and otherwise, took an active part in the softball games following the field events. The highlight was the game in which last year's intramural all-stars opposed a team composed of the faculty and ·married men of the college. The youngsters won 12-9, despi te scattered threats bv their more mature opponents. New 'friendships were made, older ones rcnewed. This first venture was an overwhelming snccess. Lc.:t's hope and work for more and c.:\'cn hc.:ttcr field days in the future. OCTOBER 30, 1952 Popular Professor To Continue Writing Pictured above, from left to right, are: Mrs. Barbara Poe'sepp, Miss Evelyn Lindquist, Miss Helen Hulsman and Dr. Joseph 1. Arnold. Campus Comment presents "Hallowe~en Haunt" at 8:00 p. 111. on N ove111ber 1st Boyden GYlnllasium ADMISSION - 75 cents Mademoiselle Accepts Board Applications "Madcmoiselle" magazine is now accepting applications from undergraduate women for membership 011 its 195253 College Board. Girls \vho arc accepted on the Collegc Board do three assignments during the college year. The assignments give Collcge Board Members a chance to write features about life on their campus; to submit art work, fashion or promotion ideas for possible usc in ":Mademoiselle"; to develop their critical and creative talents; to discover their own abilities and job interests. Guest Editorship Those who come out among the top twenty 011 the assignments \vin a "Ma(continued on page 5) Let1s Haunt The Gym! Children of all ages, Attentionl Don your best shroud, put on your most grotesque face, hop on a broom stick and fly to Boyden Gym on November 1st for Campus Comment's Halloween Haunt. The fun will begin at eight o'clock, ghosts and goblins will be on hand, to make your evening gayer? The price of admission is $.75 and (if you have one) your A.S.\V.G. (Amalgamated Society of \,'itches and Goblins) Card I Music, dancing and refreshments! Do you think yon can win a prize for the most grotesque face? Sorry - 110 one will be allowed to wear his own head! ! HA kinder gentleman treads not the earth." This phrase truly describes Dr. Joseph I. Arnold \\'ho retired on October 1 from his teaching duties. To have been a student in Dr. Arnold's class was an opportunity to receive inspiration and stimulation from his discussions, and to observe outstanding tonsideration and understanding which will long be remerpbered. Dr. Arnold \vas born and reared in \Voodford County, Kentucky, where he attended the country school for five months each year and received private instruction at his aunt's home during the spring. At 14, he enrolled at the Louisville High School from which he latel;' graduated. During his high school days, Dr. Arnold was president of the debating society and played football and baseball. Graduate of Center College After working for three years, Dr. Arnold attended and graduated.-::fJ:om Center College in Danville, Kentucky. After engaging in social work and doing some graduate work at the University of Louisville, Dr. Arnold studied at Harvard University from which he received his master's degree in Social Ethics in 1914. Desiring first-hand knowledge of social problems, Dr. Arnold went to New York where he worked for $6. a week. He did further social work among the coal miners in Benham, Kentucky. During vVorld War I Dr. Arnold was in the Officers Training School of the Field Artillery. After the war he went to New Orleans. It was in Eros, Louisiana, that Dr. Arnold began his teaching career as assistant principal of the high school. After one year there, he became principal of the McCreary County High School in \Vhitley City, Kentucky. The following year he was high school principal in Catlettsburg, Kentucky. In the summer of 1921, Dr. Arnold was principal of the summer school for teachers at Bedford, Kentucky. From 1921-22 he studied at Columbia University specializing in sociology. After he left Columbia, Dr. Arnold came to Bridgewater where, in addition to teaching he did some writing. His first book, "Problems in American Life," was published in 1928. In 1933 he published "Cooperative Citizcnship" and in 1939, with Dorothy Bank, Dean of Girls at Lyons Township High School, (con tin ued on page 3) :: CAMPUS CAMPUS COMMENT State Teachers College, Bridge\vater, :NIassachusetts FOR OCTOBER 30, 1952 Executive Editor ......... Francis Curran N e\vs Editor .................. Raymond Harding Feature Editor ........................ Judith Forte Headline Editor ............ ~ ..... Jack Green Proofreader ........................ Edward Ferriter Business Manager ............ Franklin James Advertising ~Janager ..... Joanne Kilmain Circulation Manager ......... Joseph Bruno Head Typist ........................... Peggy Rattray Faculty Advisor ... ~/liss Olive H. Lovett Typists: Richard ~lenice, Irene Shubsda, Pauline Tardanico, Peggy Travers, Dorothy Messier. / ~);. ~_.....:::::>'H_O_U..S..E_ _~:'. . Throughout the nation it's "I like Ike" or "Vote gladly for Adlai," but here arc our choices from the soap boxes on the Ad Building steps. If you could nominate a Presidential candidate from B.T.C., who would you nominate and why? A\v, Has! "The worst mail pest. The Presidential mail would keep he, she or it busy for four years anyway." -JEAN HASSETT It's a Long ('Vinded) Campaign "Ed Ferriter. He's got the longest line of gab." -POLLY TARDANICO NOT TO BE MINISTERED UNTO BUT TO MINISTER· Pogo for Presiden t "1 go Pogo." Member I=tisociated CoUe6iate Press MEMBER OF THE COLUMBIA SCHOLASTIC PRESS ASSOCIATION VOL. XXVI, NO.2 \ /' __ Reporters: Emma Fisher, Jaye Nerney, Odelia Fernandes, Ann Kerton, Doris Green, Charles Christie, Robert Forest. ISSUED MONTHLY Oc(ober 30, 1952 CO~I~1ENT RATES: $1.55 A YEAR A Questi.on Of. Policy In modern society there is a dangerous tendency to confuse an end with the means by which it is attained; There is also much confusion as to what the ends of certain institutions are. A newspaper for instance, is an institution which had for its original purpose the revelation of general inforl11ation to the reading public. In the growth of the newspaper other purposes came into view. In order to sell a newspaper the purchasing price had to be kept low. To meet his high expenses without charging an exorbitant price for his product some ingenious newspaper il1an came up with the idea of sponsors-paying advertisers. It also became apparent to the men who ran newspapers thatr"they held in their hands a powerful medium for moulding the minds of the general public-and they used it. Today the question can no longer be ignored. What is the fundamental end to which a newspaper should be used? (This is not meant to refer to denominational literature, or propaganda put out by an organization for the education and information of others within that organization.) Should a newspaper have for its end the information of the public in a factual manner? Should it be used to thrust the views of a political party or economic group at the public in the guise of fact? Should it be used as a mechanism to derive for its owners and backers an immense monetary profit (which is not an evil in itself), through the exploitation of a "sensation" seeking public which pays for its thrills in direct proportion to its decrease in intelligence? These are questions which we as part of a great newspaper-reading public should try to ansvver to the best of our ability and we should learn to judge our reading material accordingly. Now let us apply this question closer to home. What is or should be the purpose of Campus Comment? Clearly there is no need to accumulate any vast amount of capital. None of us is connected with this paper for mercenary reasons. It is also clear that we are not out to insult the intelligence of anyone connected with the school by sensationalism. Our aim has been to give you a paper which can be read for entertainment, and factual material concerning your school and classmates, and which ·can be a souvenir for those who care to keep such mementoes of college life. But does it end there? Do we have a further responsibility? It has never been the policy, nor is it the right of this or any other school paper, to criticize the faculty or administration of the school to which it is attached! But is is our right, if not our duty, to voice an opinion in matters where the student body or student-faculty -LOIS FULLER A Naturalist in the 'Vhite House "rv"Iyself, 1'd be the only President not afraid of snakes." -PAUL JOLICOEUR First Impressions "Any sophomore, they're tough enough for the job." -A FRANTIC FROSH A Clean Sweep-er Slate "Anyone of the janitors. The place needs clcaning up." -RAY I-lARDING Let's not Quibble "Bob RO\v cIl , evcn though he isn't Republican." -ULYSSES SOUSA And You, Mr. President? "Fran Bennett, he has all the characteristics of a leac1cr." -BOB ROWELL Our Logician "Mr. Huffington. Tl1e country nccds his great reasoning power." -ELLEN SHARPE The Younger Generation "Any second grader in T. S. They know all the answers. -HERMANSCHMERMAN To Fill In After Tests "Mr. Foth. He'll tape record all the speechcs in Congrcss." -SANDY SPARRELL Vox Populi "June Bengston. She'll straighten the eountry out." -JEAN McCARTHY Applied Study "Mr. Durgin. l:Ie'l1 solve our economic difficulties." -A STUDENT relationships are concerned. By this we mean the practices as a group and as individuals of such organizations as S.C.A., club officers and members, class officers etc., where such practices shall pertain to the student body in general. It is our right to advocate reforms-to suggest regulations and to criticize any malpractice which may exist, but only if we speak as a representative voice of the student body. This is where your work begins. Every newspaper in existence today encourages reader correspondence with its editorial staff. We shall no longer be an exception. There will be set up, in the near future, a method for receiving suggestions from the student body. We hope that this medium will be used with discretion and judgment. Any letter will be accepted, pertaining to the subjects mentioned before, pro~iding that these letters are signed. Names will be withheld upon request but no anonymous letters will be considered. As a final point I would like to state that we are definitely not looking for destructive criticism or discussions on personalities. We are looking for the kind of criticism which builds; the kind a newspaper can print shamelessly and which can be read without harm to anyone concerned. This is the last column I shall write which reflects my own opinion. From now on it is up to YOll, the student body to determine the policy of your school paper. R. I-IARDING, News E ditOT C A :NI PUS October 30, 1952 C 0 j\II\I E N T 3 DR. ARNOLD- SOCCER SQUAD- (continued from page 1) (continued from page 1) Illinois, "Building Our Life Together," a 9th grade civics text. In 1940 "Challenges to American Youth" \vas published, and also "Government of the :\merican People" written in conjunction with Prof. Jeremiah Young of the University of ~r innesota and Prof. Jolm Manning of the American University. Dr. Arnold is now \\'orking on a revision of his Problems of Democracy text to be entitled "Democracy Challenges American Youth." Also Studied at Harvard Dr. Arnold has taken graduate courses at Harvard University from which he received his doctor's degree in the special field of Social Reform. under the Department of Economics in 1934. During his years at Bridgewater, Dr. Arnold has taught sociology, economics, and American history, also psychology, introduction to education, world history, philosophy and history of education. \Vhen asked for his philosophy, Dr. Arnold replied: "Evaluativeness - the usc of reason to locate the paths of Truth rather than reliance on tradition and authority-is my basic philosophy. The great curse which keeps people divided and in conflict is the fact that each continues to be marked by the narrow and divisive stampings received in childhood and youth instead of discussing freely and evaluativc1y basic points of view and the reliability of those who put the stampings on us before we were old enough to evaluate. My great wish is that people-particularly in the field of higher education-will become mature enough and free enough from institutional control to evaluate with one aIlother the~ basic -beliefs and values of each." Bridge\vatcr is indeed honored and proud to have had as a faculty member such a gentleman, scholar, and teacher as Dr. Joseph 1. Arnold. ,0"-11._110-.11-""_1111_11"_1111-1111_""-.11-1111 1DORR/4~ c!t~~ ~Tre SHOP 11 i t !Official l'rintcrs of "Uampu8 Uomment" SCHOOL SUPPLIES Tempera Colors: Index Cards f Fillers Erasers Art Paper Ink : Typewriter Ribbons Blotters (10 shades) ! And many other items for t your daily school needs. .. i Ring Binders i Zipper Notebooks ! f=Open: 8Saturdays: a.m. to lZM and 1 to 5 p.m. 9 a.m. to 12M I 1_"M_II"_lnl_IIII_III:1_IIII_IIU_~III_IIII_IIJt_UI,!_ H~~e is a~ example of the aetio~- your team produces. The above pictures were taken at the Ne\v England - Bridgewater game at Bridgewater. The team has spirit but school spirit is lacking. Come on out and help support your undefeated team. It should be a pleasure, not a duty! . Campus Comment presents "Hallowe'en Haunt'" at 8:00 p.111. on November 1st Boyden GY111nasizlIn ADMISSION - 75 cents Chance Of A Lifetime! I-lear ye! Hear ye! used to ring thro'ugh the villages long ago when the towncrier was the formal news carrier, indeed, the only source of news to be found. But nowwchavc slldlmcdiaasJhc Campus Comment, this familiar publication flourishing around the collcge campus and appearing once a month. Each year about this time, this nc\vspaper offers the Chance of a Lifetime. That is, the chance to become a member of the Campus Comment staff. This newspaper isn't a far-removed· illusion published somewhere off in the clouds. It is for and by the students. And if anyone has the slightest suspicion that he possesses a bit of talent for writing, the Campus Comment offers a perfect opportunity to display it. Just imagine contributing a vital news story to page one, or seeing in print an editorial or feature story. So when the next notice is postcd for a Campus Commcnt meeting, come in for your Chance of a Lifetime. ~'-lllj-llll-irfl-lltI-IIII_IIII_IIII_1111_111I_III1_UII_( i i I The Bluebird Shop f l l Greeting Cards - - Stationery Gift Novelties .- Yam " 1 B n'd gewater, l' ""1ass. ~I ~-UII_'III_llrl_1111-IIU-JIII_UII_II[I-IIU-UIl_IIII-t s r""-'~JlU j~ IIIR;st;~-;'-~~t-",ll I i I and. f i FountaIn /I A good place to eot I ll 1111I-111I-1111_1I1'_IIII_III'_IIII_IIII_~III_IIII_"M_MJ l-IIII_IjU-II'I_IIII-IIII-I'II-IIII-II"-IIN-""-MII~ I I iii I l! iii j'I l iii Please Patronize I ii 1 j l ; ; O u r Advertisers I " 1" L I l I I _ l I h _ I I I I _ I I U _ I I I . I _ I I I J _ U l l _ •• _ .. II...;.... •• _ ii •• I ;; I "I ~ Al Saulino and Frank Souza at fullback, Annand Boiselle and Joe Pauley at halfback, "Buddy" O'Brien at center-half, Charlie Christie and Don Currier at the outsides, Koumantzelis and Art Chase at the insides, and Capt. John Zaino at center-fonvard. Strongest Replacements Bridgewater has the strongest replacements in B.T.C. soccer history. These incl ude Ralph Fletcher and Ed Keller at the outsides, Fran Curran, John DiTullio, and Gary Koltookian at the insides, Tim Tomlinson at center-forward, \Vally 1Ialone at center-half, Bill Gauthier, Bill H llghes, and Dick Binney at halfback, John Mahoney :md freshman Tony Kula at fullback, with Jack Murphy, freshmen Pete Lane and Joe Frattiani alternating at goal. Other freshmen ,,,ho have impressed Coach Swenson with their possibilities are Benson, Murphy, Mays, Drescher, Moriarty, O'Donnell, and \Varrell. Much credit is also due to team manager Don W onnwood, who has proved to be a capable, dependable aid to Mr. S\venson. Here is a brief summary of the game: Currier Scoring Star B.T.C.'s strong line kept penetr~ting into R.LC.E. territory until half-way into the first quarter when Charlie Christie lifted a comer kick to Don Currier for a score. In the second period Bridgewater went on a scoring spree to put across four more goals. Capt. Zaino started things off with a bang when he tallied a neat shot from the center. The third goal was made by Ed Keller on a terriffie shot from the outside, while the_fourth goal, his seconci of the game, was tallied by sophomore Don Currier on an accurate shot from 25 feet out. The fifth and final goal was scored by Fran Curran, on passes from Christie and Zoino. This victory wasn't accomplished by the aggressive forward line alone. Fullbacks Frank Souza and Al Saulino completely stymied R.I.C.E. scoring attempts, while halfbacks Joe Pauley, Annand Boiselle, and Lennie O'Brien played a stalwart game on defense. During the second half Coach Swenson cleared his entire bench, with every member of the squad participating in the game. Although Bridgewater failed to score in the second half, the reserves gained valuable experience. In the final quarter R.LC.E. wa~ able to push across two goals, to make the final score, Bridgewater 5, R.I.C.E. 2. 4 C A lVf PUS Spotlight On Stuart Pickard Stu Pickard, known to many as Flower (from that hit of hvo years ago "By The Shores of Gitchee Gumec"). Stu's more official activities include acting as treasurer of the senior class, and president of Canterbury Club. He's in the ~Ien's Glee Club, played soccer his first two years, and has been in Young Howard three years. Stu graduated from Stetson High in Randolph and Thayer Academy in Braintree before entering B.T.C. as a history major. In addition to campus activitiy, he holds the Order of the Arrow in scouting, and takes part in church and 111 youth organizations. Enjoys Political Discussion For relaxation, horseback riding rates, and most afternoons you can find him deep in political or religious discussions at a cracker barrel session at Paul's. He dislikes the attitude of the average person on getting along while doing the least. This attitude he believes is indicative of a lack of maturity in adolescents, stemming from a gap in family life \vhich must be filled by education. Politically, Citizen Pickard thinks a change in government is needed to avoid a creeping socialism. He admits he doesn't know, historically if the Republic'm Party holds the answer, but is sure fI~e can surmount his ptlrty's short comings (all contenders will be taken on anv afternoon). . Plans To Enter Air Force Although he's interested in teaching in elementary school, the Air Forcc will see something of him after graduation. In his future there's also a possibility of attending Columbia for his M.A. In commenting on the changes made at B.T.C., Stu has noticed that academic work has bcen strengthened in a recognition of the college's capabilities. In conclusion, if you should see ~Ir. Pickard race madly out of class (after a fire alarm) no onc's chasing him down School St. As part of his job as a volunteer fireman, he might wave to you from his perch on the hook and ladder while speeding to a fire. f"llll-UII-"II-UII-IIU-I1I1-IIII-IIU-\lII-IIII-IIII-II~ 1 DON'T FORGET! I = i I i i i ENT October 30, 1951 Social Activities presents ~Ieet I i ~11Vl Campus Conlment ~Ioon ! C0 Haunt The Gym! i '_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_11"_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_ Haunt" on N ovenlber 1st at 8:00 p.ln. Boyden Gymnasiunl AD1\lISSION - 75 cems Help Wanted The response to our last ad was good. We have an organization which we hope will be a credit to the school. We shall still welcome any offer of help by people who are willing to work for their college and its newspaper. Apply to editor of Campus Comment at the next posted meeting If all of the social activities during this ycar at Bridgewater arc as successful as was the Freshman Acquaintance Dance, we may fully expect a yery rich social program. The eyening brought forth a great deal of talent from the freshman class who proyided greatly enjoyed entertainmcnt. The social \vas under the very capable chairmanship of Leonard O'Brien, first vice president pro-tem of the senior class. As co-chairman of the hospitality committee, l\Iargaret Beaulieu and Jan Pietraszak did a wonderful job of making everyone feel at home and of creating an atmosphere of good will. Evcryone present worc name tags with different colors rcpresenting the various classes. The ne,,, women faculty members received corsages. In fact, the members of the faculty turned out in full force for the dance, and appeared to bc having as good a time, if not a better one, than anyone else. Tim Tomlinson and Paul Sprague did a fine job as cochairmen of refreshments. Joail Grieve and Ann Steves arc to be congratulated on their vcry clever handling of the decorations, especially for the four pictures, on the walls of the Gym, representing the individual classes which were particularly well done. Senior Dance Successful The Acquaintance Social was inlluediately followed on September 27, by another huge social success. The Senior Dance, under the leadership of class president Leo Mulready, was successful socially and financially. The decorations were the same as those the night before, bnt this time, a four-piece orchestra with Mr. Mulready at the drums, was the lead attraction. Claire Golden and Joan Kelley comprised the ticket committee. Mr. and I'vfrs. Tyndall and Dr. rvIary Moriarty acted as chaperones. Capping of Freshmen The capping of the new freshman women occurred Oli Thursday.afternoon, October 2nd, with the traditional ceremony taking place in the Albert Gardncr Boyden Gymnasium. After the freshmen had pledged themselves to the ideals of Bridgewater, the sophomores broke their week-long tyranny by singing "Bless the Freshmen." The freshmen then provided entertainment for thc sophomores, again displaying the talents of our new school members, and, finally, all joined together for refreshments, concluding a rather strained week of initiation \vith a very pleasant and inspiring afternoon. -n-·"-"1 fllll-ml-ulI-lIlI-uu-ulI-ulI-lu __ .. ;: I t PATRONIZE ii lOUR ADVERTISERS 1 1...._ U _ i I i t •• _ I I I I _ . K _ I l I 1 _ I I .. _NIt_tlH_IUI_UIl_IIU .. C A 1\1 PUS C 0 I'll :Nl E N T October 30, 1952 Spotlight On Jane Unsworth \Vhen you heelr Jane Uns\vorth referred to as the Barber of \Voodward don't think the title has any concentra: tion camp connotation. She's just the originator of many of the new coiffures sported around the campus. 'V.R.A. President Jane, the President of \V.R.A .. feels the enthusiasm for sports shown this far promises a great year. Her other activities have consisted of serving on Dorm Council, member of Kappa Delta Pi, formerly an officer of P.E,rv1. Club and Red Cross. As a Phys. Ed. Major, Jane's sports interests include basketball and following Brown's football team. Jane's noted for providing a good time at any time \vith her accordion. Her duo (\vith Lois Day's drums) is in its third season at \Vood. Her musical background is based on six years of playing accordion. Stan Kenton, George Shearing, and \Voodv Herman are her favorite music maker;. Jane, who graduated from Dighton High, now lives in Rehoboth and spends . summers in Falmouth. SkIing EntllUsiast If you can remember Jane and her crutches last winter, you'll realize how much she (still?) enjoys skiing. Just now, in her senior year, she's absorbed in finding underclassmen to record for posterity her repertoire of jokes. \Vhat energy she has left from her official functions, she exerts in horseback riding, eating (l'vIrs. Volton's chocolate C"dke), enjoying cocker spa~iels and men. Her obvious dislikes number interviews, hill-billy music, ~1ilton Berle, and formality. To illustrate her abhorrence of formality, Jane's greatest disappointment to date is getting a cap and gown that doesn't zip up. (No comment.) Jane hopes to take her mC1sterate at Smith and hopes the rest of her senior year will run as smoothly as the first week. Kappa Delta Pi; Its Purpose And Procedure \Vhat is Kappa Delta Pi? This is a question which many undoubtedly have asked and for which they have r;ceived a vague or inadequate reply. Therefore let us see for ourselves exactly what this organization represents. Kappa Delta Pi is not a social frater~1ity but r~ther a national honor society 111 educatlOn, with institutional chapters established only in teachers colleges or in university schools of education at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The society, which is professional as well as honorary, originated at the University of Illinois on :March 18, 1911, under the name of Kappa Delta Pi. Later, in 1932, the society changed its name to Kappa Delta Pi, An Honor Socictyjrr EducatiPIl, Tht!~p.tlrp()seQf the s~ciety, then as no\\' , was to encou~ag~~ hIgh professional, intellectual, and personal standards among educators. Installed Here in 1942 On :L\1ay 14, 1942, the late Dr. \ViIliam C. Bagley, Professor Emeritus of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, installed Epsilon Iota Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi at the State Teachers College, Bridgewater, IvIassachusetts. Written into its constitution at this time were the fundamental attributes which the society seeks in choosing its new members, namely, commendable personal qualities, worthy educational ideals, and sound scholarship. The membership limit for Epsilon Iota chapter, is forty members in any one year. Approximately not more than twenty-two may be seniors and not morc than eighteen may be juniors. Scholastic qualifications established bv our chapter constitution are: full junio"r collegiate standing; two full years of aecredited work completed at Bridgewater State Teachers College; general scholarship rank for the first two years above the upper quartile point of the College; a grade of 2.0 or better in each Q.P.R. subject in-each·year;and work in Education completed or being completed during the current session to the extent of at least six semester hours if elected when a junior and twelve if elected when a senior. In addition, the annual list of candi- rC~n ;roiS;;;;;-P-;;~:c-;l i Your Rexall Store JO 0 . - On the Corner - TEL. 460 Save with Safety 1'---.--..-.--.'-"-'.-.--111-"-"-. fN . - ••- •• - •• - ••- ••- ••- ••- - ' - - - - i I i J Patronize "j! Our Advertisers T -"-lIlt__I" _IJI_IIU_NII_IIN_IIK_IIH_IIII_IIII_ i i~ ! dates for membership must be dravlU up by the chapter counselor and approved by the Dean of ~Ien. Dean of \Vomen. and Supervisor of Training before the chapter may take action on the list. Also the membership committee ~1uSt gather data for evaluation, \\'hieh l~ concerned \\'ith the personal qualificatIons of the individual, including desirable personal habits, attributes of leadership, and an indication of continued interest in the field of education. Quorum Required for Election A q llorum of two-thirds of the total mcmbership of the society is necessarv to elect C"dndidates to membership i~ the society. To elect individual candidates into the chapter requires a favorable vote of the majority of the quorum. Faclllty members, of which one marbc elected in each year, require a unanimous vote of two-thirds of the total member·ship -of th-e Cllapfet and are erected af the same time as undergraduates. Kappa Delta Pi hopes that the above explanation of its purpose and procedures will enlighten those who are uninformed or misinfornled as to its raison d'etre and that it will also establish a goal towards \vhich all the undergraduates may aspire in their endeavours here at Bridgewater State Teachers College. MADEMOISELLE- (continued from page 1) demoiselle" Guest Editorship, will be brought to New York next June to help write, edit and illustrate the August College issue. They will be paid a regular sala:r for their month's work, plus round-tnp transportation to New York City. 'While in New York, each Guest Editor takes part in a full calendar of activities designed to give her a head start in her career. She intervie\vs a celebrity in her chosen field, visits fashion workrooms, ne\vspaper offices, stores and advertising agencies. Deadlil1e November 30 ~ovcll~b~r 30 is th~ deadli~le for applymg for membership on the College Board. Applicants write a criticism of :'Maclemoiselle's" August 1952 College Issue. Successful candidates will be notified of acceptance on the College Board early in December; the first College Board assignment will appear in "Mademoiselle's" January issue. This is a wonderful opportunitv for a budding Bridgewater journalist m;d favorable results would undoubtedly boost tl:e prestige of our school. So, let's go gIrls! The address is: College Board Editor MADEMOISELLE 575 Madison Avenue New York 22, N. Y. Note: Miss Helen O'Connor '52 won an editorship last year. She i~ no\~ at r.,/Iills College in Oakland, California, where she has a fellowship. . 5 This Side Of Music Hello again music lovers and, of course, Eddie Fisher fans. (Excuse the satire.) It's time to get together again and see what's new in the music \\'orld this month. The Champ, Frankie Laine, brought out the bobby-soxer in the Britons and became the conquering Yank of the Palladium. No other American entertainer has ever ruffled their collars so much. The great duo, Les Paul and Marv Ford will hoist sail next spring and ~mbar~ on their first concert tour (undoubtedlv it will be a sweeping success-after am). "Somebody Loves :Me," the stor\' of two vaudeville stars, is Holly\vood's ~ew est musical venture, starring Bettv Hut~on :md Pat-Morgan. (\Vithout a"doubt It should be a terrific comedy!) Kath:rn Grayson and Tony Martin are chirpmg together in Victor's latest album "The Desert Song." Incidentally K. co-stars with Gordon McRae in the remake .of this movie. Duke Ellington and hIS orchestra will bid farewell to '57_ ce1eb ' the SIlver . ratmg Anniversary of the Duke's ascent to big time-congratulations to a great leader! The s\\'eeth~art of the forces, Vera Lynn, has deCIded that a fortune in America cannot compare with the peacefulness of her English villa; she'd just as soon remain the farmer that she was. Ella Fitzgerald's 'Trying" is on-:"of this month's best offerings that's fast becoming a hit. Incidentally, Ella is one of the many great headliners of the "Jazz at the Philharmonic" that began its tOur September 12 at Hartford. (Stan Kenton, Louis Armstrong, Gene Krupa, and George Shearing are only a few of the others.) "Because You're Mine" Mario Lanza's latest, is highly rated onlv because it is the title song of his latest moyie; otherwise it shows him at his worst, warbling a mediocre ballad. This month's cream of the crop is the Mills Brothers' "Glow \Vorm" -iFs ferrific! \Vell that's the story for this issue, music fans. I hope to sec YOll all around this corner next month. Until we meet again, I'd like to make one more statement. There is only one word that can deseribe the Cry Boy's latest release "Love M" e, an d that word, my dear' readers, is unfortunately censored here. Musically yours, Bob Forest C: a~"II-"N_'"_.If---'IIII-.'-'III_'II_"-.'-.'-'''' t I STENGEL'S Inc. Bridgewater Delicatessen I _. _. _. - . _. _. _. _._._._..J S. S. Pierce Co. Products 6 W.R.A. Encourages Greater Participation Club Activities The \Yomen's Recreation Association has started off \vith a grand beginning. The exhibition in the various sports \vhich took place on September 18, so that the freshmen could get an idea of \V.R.A. and its activitics, has yielded results surpassing the greatest expectations. Practically all the freshmcn members of \V.R.A. have taken this opportunity of getting recreation, making lasting friendships, learning a new sport, and, most important of all, having a lot of fun. The various sports offered this quarter arc field hockey, archery, tennis, biking, hiking, and badminton. In badminton alone fifty-eight girls have signed up as beginners and fiftv-six as advanced. . Participation Encouraged This vear \V.R.A. is making a special effort t~ get more women out for the various sports. In fact, the once widclypublicized and fought-for plaque will in the future be awarded to the class which has the highest percentage of participation. Here's a chance for each and every member of \V.R.A. to score a point for her class. Let's have more class spirit! The annual \V.R.A. supper hike will bc on \Vedncsday, October 22. There will be plenty of hot dogs, apples, choco};"':'" bars, crackers, marshmallows, cocoa ~{tlcrall the other things which go into the making of a good time. This invitation is extended to the day students in particular. Tickets arc nmv on sale; so don't you be left out. Athletic Conference Held The Massachusetts State Teachers College \Vomen's Athletic Conference took place October 16-18 with representatives from all the State Teachers Colleges attending. The program included ~1r. Salom Rizk as its quest speaker. He addressed the entire student boch' on the topic, "America Is More tha~l a Country." ;\ field hockey and a terinis workshop wcre conducted by women who arc famous in their respective fields. A master lesson in l\10dern Dance was also scheduled. Modern Dance Club presented a Modern Dance Concert by the great artists Emily Frankel and :lvlark Ryder. Many Bridgewater students participated in this conference for which Bridgewater was host. , I Club Activities arc in full swing again at B.T.C. In the past few weeks almost all clubs have had an opening meeting, met their officers. and made plans for the coming year. The Dramatic Club is working under a new policy this year; that of furthering dramatic arts throughout the whole college. This plan calls for an advisory board operating in close union with all \\'orking crews. These cre\VS will be formed according to interest and eventually \vill find a place for every person on campus interested in dramatics. The first meeting of the French Club found many new members pledging themselvcs to the ideals of French Club and receiving their emblems of red. white, and blue. The speaker, Miss Evelyn Brega, head of the French Department at Hingham (?vIass.) High Schuol, was greeted by the singing of "La Marseillaise" before telling of her recent trip to Paris. K. P. Club met to be introduced to their new officers ~~nd planned a general program for the year. Glee Club has had tryouts but the resnlts have not yet been annonnced. Newman Club plans a social, rcli- I gious. and educational program for this year. 1\ Iany plans are afoot for the social events. and the religious program has started \'\.-ith a basic course in Apologetics, introduced by Father Doonan, Club Chaplain. which will be continued at the next meeting by a professor of philosophy from Stonehil1 College. .-\ good old-fashioned hymn sing fea-' tured the opening meeting of Student Fellowship, follO\'red by a second meeting in which Rev. Davidson of Brockton described his hostel trip through Europe, and illustrated his talk with slides. The club plans an active year under the leadership of Becky Cook. \Vith all these clubs starting in on such vigorous programs, certainly evcry studcnt can find at least one intcrestand remember, don't be afraid to join. You may be just the onc that a certain club needs and evcry club in which you actively participate helps make you more and more a bettcr member of B.T.C. r"II-III-;'~_~~"" G~S"~~~;'~"'-lIll-1 i 1 1 Jewelry Store 1 Complete Line of Watches f . F or Graduation i ~1-ml--""-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-'III-III1-llll_UIl_IIII_ Campus Comment presents "Hallowe'en Haunt" on N ovelllber 1st at 8:00 p. m. Boyden GYlnnasium ADMISSION - 75 cenrs " - I o I I 1 - U U - _ .. - I I I I - I I I I - " U - I I I " - " . -.... -I"-".-. i""-""-·..-lllt-.m_.ll_•• _'IlI-UII-.'-"-'. j ! STOP TO SHOP AT 1 f Legan'sApothecary i ~ Snow's Friendly Store i The Modern Drugstore i: I i Shoes and Sportswear I . = I 23 Central Square Bridgewater I, Tel. No. 5076 1 =1 l U _ I I I 1 - I I I 1 - l l n -.. II--.II II - _.II ____ Oll_,,_ll._•• _II._.. r~;-.-.-'-:;.;.;" y October 30, 19:;2 C 0 11 11 E N T C A 1'1 PUS ... - •• - ••- •• - • . -..... _"_"_"_"_"_"_·'1 S LUNCHI I ~._oII._II._ ••_ , T . .- - - -. . _ ... •• - .... - ... - •• - ... - I I .. _··-t i j OUR ADVERTISERS 1 f ••- ... _ PATRONIZE i f 5 :30 o. m. - ... - i 'i " I I I _ I I I I _ I I I 1 _ I I I I _ I I I I _ I I I I _ l l n _ I I H _ I I . I _.. M _ I I I t _ I I M _ • • _HII_1111-1111 _ _ " - - : 1111 _ _ •. -•• - •• _ f Where Good Food. . . Is Always Served 2:00 o. m. •• _ •• _II._u._n,,_p._UII_.II"_NP..r I I Rotunda Echoes By this timc thoughts of initiation haye probably been wiped from the freshmen's minds by the multitude of homcwork coming their way - or are they alrcady busy planning what they \"ill do to the class of 1957? Memorable Initiation Cries of ''Trcat for shock!·' have long since dicd out oyer the campus of B.T.C. but both the classes of 1955 and 1956 will long remember initation. For the sophomore class it was their first opportunity to assert their new superiority. For thc freshmen it was a realization of their humility and later their acceptance as full-fledged members of our college. From the first time they lustily sang "Bless Thc Sophomores," on bended knec, to the final capping ceremony, it was a busv week for the freshmen women. Th~ir "average" day started when thc\' serenaded thcir sisters into wakefuh;css. Thcn came the mass exodus to the dining hall to save a table. No sooner had they had their morning repast than they were back polishing shocs, making beds, straightening rooms, and, in general, aiding the sophomore class to live thc life of luxury. During the evening the freshmen again found themselves very popular and thev were visited by many sophomores. "That this youngest class is a verv talented one is becoming increasingi y evident. Everyone certainly enjoyed their impromptu perfonl1anees on lower campus. "Dress" for Dinner \Vednesday evening, while the upperclassmen attended dinner in all their fincn' the lowly freshmen were present in tl;~ most o~tragcous garb their respectivc soph sisters could imagine. By this time thev had workcd up an appetite as thev h;d already marched around the campt;s several till~es. Eyen the fact that the" had to eat the entire meallcft handed ·and ,,,ith a knife didn't eurb their enthusiasm. The dining hall raug with laughter as the freshmen performed thc hilarious tasks set upon them by their superiors. Yes. initiation is oyer for anothcr year but the feeling and fun fostered by it ,vill never end. Such a tradition makes a college a morc-closely knit unit. All initiation was done - and it is sincerelv hoped - taken in a spirit of fun. 01~ce again "Bless The Freshmen!" <"·--D~~E·~·~~;~~ Flovvers I For AI I Occasions i i Flowers Telegraphed 1 i i i r i f i.._ .._ .._ .._ .. _ .._ .._ .. ,_"._."_,,._,,"~ 18 Central Square ' ... _ " I _ I l l I _ I I : I I _ ... _ Tel. 937 iI IIH _ " .. _ t t l l _ II I I _•• _ M I I _ .. ':'