File - St. Charles


File - St. Charles
Pastoral Staff
Mass Schedule
Rev. Louis R. Jerome
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Marius Fernando (visiting priest)
In Residence
Bishop John J. O’Hara
Weekend Associate
Rev. Msgr. Edmund J. Whalen
Permanent Deacons
Deacon Stephen Tobon
Deacon Lawrence Droge
Pastoral Associate
Sr. Jeanine Conlon, O.P.
School Principal
Religious Education Coordinator
Ms. Kerry Quinn
Director of Music
Contact Information
200 Penn Avenue
(718) 987-0200
Fax: (718) 987-8158
Tuition Office
(718) 987-5780
(718) 979-6800
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday
Parish Registration
New parishioners need to register at the rectory.
Please inform us if you move into or out of the parish.
Saturday: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM, after evening
Masses, and after Mass on the Eve of a Holy Day.
Mr. Paul Light
644 Clawson Street
(718) 987-2670
Fax: (718) 987-7950
Email Address
[email protected]
Religious Education
200 Penn Avenue
Weekend Masses
Saturday Evening
4:00, 5:15 & 7:00 PM
8:15, 9:30 & 10:45 AM
12:00, 1:15 & 5:30 PM
Weekday Masses
Monday - Friday
8:30 & 11:30 AM
8:30 AM
Holy Days Masses
Eve of the Holy Day
7:00 PM
6:45, 8:30, 11:30 AM and 7:30 PM
Mr. J. C. Kiernan
Sacramental Life
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
10:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Second Sunday of the month at 2:30 PM Instruction for parents of the children to be baptized to be
arranged at the rectory. SPONSOR CERTIFICATES REQUIRED for Godparents and also a
copy of the child’s birth certificate.
To arrange a marriage at St. Charles, consult with
a priest or deacon at least six months prior to the
proposed date and before social arrangements. Attendance at Pre-Cana and Natural Family Planning Classes is required.
Anointing and
Communion of the Sick
Regular administration of the Sacraments should
be arranged for shut-ins by calling the rectory.
Emergency sick calls anytime.
Religious Education Program
Instruction for all grade levels beginning with first
grade. For information call the Religious Educa2
tion Office.
8:30 - Josephine Carmiciano - Mem.
11:30 - Wanda Brady - Ann.
8:30 - Josephine Dalla Salla - Mem.
11:30 - John Pitarresi - Mem.
8:30 - George Rhiner - Mem.
11:30 - Xueqian Zheng - Ann.
8:30 - Linda Cassella - Mem.
11:30 - Theresa Arnone Schimmel - Mem.
8:30 - Raffaella & Vincent Brigande - Mem.
11:30 - Geraldine Parisi - Mem.
8:30 - Jane Marliziano - Mem.
4:00 - Corinne Portaro - Ann.
5:15 - Dorothy Yates - Ann.
7:00 - Harry R. Bolten - Mem.
8:15 - Louise M. Bove - Ann.
9:30 - Parishioners of St. Charles
10:45 - Danny DiTonno - Mem.
12:00 - Corinne Portaro - Mem.
1:15 - Frances Grillo - Mem.
5:30 - James Fortino - Mem.
Flowers, Wine & Hosts and Oils
The Wine & Hosts for the week of July 24–
July 30 are offered in loving memory of
Josephine Granata at the request of Anna & Vincent Puglia.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Monday - Friday at 12:00-5:00 PM in the Chapel
First Mondays at 7:30 PM in the Church
First Fridays at 7:30 PM in the Church
Call Jeannette Burrell (718-979-0034) or
Lois Galvin (718-948-8193) for information
Rosary and Novenas
The Rosary is recited each weekday at 8:10 and
11:10 AM and on Saturday at 8:10 AM.
The Miraculous Medal novena prayers are said after the 8:30 & 11:30 AM Masses on Mondays.
July 30 / July 31 Mass Schedule
If you are planning a wedding in the near future and would like to arrange for music,
please, call the rectory two months prior to the
wedding, and leave a message for Paul Light,
our Music Director at (718) 987-2670.
4:00 Msgr. Whalen
5:15 Msgr. Whalen
7:00 Msgr. Bartley
8:15 Fr. Marius
9:30 Fr. Gyamfi
10:45 Fr. Gyamfi
12:00 Fr. Marius
1:15 Fr. Gyamfi
5:30 Msgr. Bartley
Adult Faith Formation
Wednesdays at 1:30 PM
except for the third Wednesday of the month; rectory
Baptism Classes
First Tuesday of the month at 8:00 PM; rectory
Bereavement Group
Will resume in the Fall
Book Club
Third Thursday each month at 4:00 PM; rectory
Caregivers Support Group
Thursday - 9:30 - 11:30 AM; rectory
Choir (Adult)
Thursday at 7:30 PM; church
Divine Mercy Devotion
Friday at 3:00 PM; chapel
Eucharistic Ministers
First Fridays at 7:30 PM; church
Leisure Group
Thursdays 2 - 4; auditorium
Prayer Group & Holy Hour
First Monday of the month at 7:30 PM; church
Religious Education Classes
Monday 3:45 - 5:15 PM Grades 6 & 7
Wednesday 3:45 - 5:15 PM Grades 1-5
Special Needs: Wednesday 5:10 - 5:45 PM
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Meeting - Second Tuesday of month at 1:30 PM;
Food Pantry open 2nd & 4th Tuesday of every
month 11:30 AM -1:30 PM; rectory
Teen Club
Sunday 7:00 PM; auditorium
Visitation Ministry
Women’s Worship Wednesdays
Third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM;
We have surpassed our goal this year once again
and as of July 15, we have reached $173,678
from 676 parishioners.
The generous parishioners St. Charles is
always supportive of the appeal enabling the
Archdiocese to operate and provide for those
who are in need. Congratulations and may God
bless you and your families for your generosity!
Ignatian Spirituality
The next session of Ignatian Spirituality will be
on Saturday, August 6 in the Presentation Center (169 Lindenwood Road) at St. Clare’s parish.
They will meet right after the Saturday 9 AM
Mass (optional) and the one hour session will
begin at 10 AM.
Spiritual Direction
Are you interested in exploring, deepening and
enhancing your spirituality and relationship
with God? A spiritual director in formation is
available to offer the ancient ministry of spiritual direction. Meetings will take place at St.
Charles. For more information or to make an
appointment, please call Fran Tassone at 917822-2672.
July 25, - July 31, 2016
Monday - July 25
Villamarin Camp—9:30 AM—12Noon; school
Tuesday - July 26
Villamarin Camp - 9:30 AM - 12 Noon; school
Bingo at 7:30 PM; doors open at 6:00 PM;
early bird 7:15 PM
Wednesday - July 27
Villamarin Camp - 9:30 AM - 12 Noon; school
Adult Faith Formation - 1:30 PM; rectory
Thursday - July 28
Villamarin Camp - 9:30 AM - 12 Noon; school
Caregivers Meeting - 9:30 AM; rectory
CDA Comedy Night Fundraiser Save the Date!
Thursday, September 29, 2016
To support its various charities, Staten Island’s Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Court St. Clare is hosting an evening of
laughter, food, baskets and fun with a nationally know comedian, Rob Magnotti. The
$55pp Comedy Night Dinner will be held at
6:30 PM in the St. Clare School Auditorium
in Great Kills. Tickets are on sale now. For
more information, email:
[email protected] or call Joann
Lamberti at 718-966-1425.
Friday - July 29
Villamarin Camp - 9:30 AM - 12 Noon; school
Saturday - July 30
Sunday - July 31
Can You Help?
The Religious Education Office is looking for
dedicated volunteers to help us as Catechists/
Substitutes and Classroom Aides. Any student
in Grades 8 - 12 who is looking for service
hours may volunteer as a classroom or office
aide. If you are interested, please contact us at
[email protected]
Religious Education News
Please note that our office will be closed for
the summer. If you need to contact us,
please email us and someone will respond as
s o o n
a s
p o s s i b l e .
([email protected]) The office
will re-open on Wednesday, September 7,
If you have not re-registered for 2016-17,
please do so as soon as possible. Please
email us if you need the forms. The LATE
FEE will be applied to all families reregistering AFTER September 7, 2016.
New family registration for Grades 1 - 7 will
take place on: Wednesday, September 7 from
9 - 11 and 3:30 - 6:00 and again on Thursday,
September 8 from 9 - 11 (in the Religious Education office).
Corrine Alaimo
Keith Alaimo
Paul Alaimo Sr
Nellie Audiffred
Abdul Baig
Michael Benyo
Frank Bollettieri
Eva Bonafilia
Joan Boragi
Steven Borrielli
Salvatore Caffiero
Deacon Michael Calafiore
Michael Carbonaro
Nick Castagna
Grace Castelao
Tony Christo
Joanne Clark
Ann Marie Coppola
Thomas Coppola II
Christian Coppola
Raffaela Cosentino
Cynthia Crane
Nancy D’Amico
Frances & Richie Day
Thomas DeFrancesco
Frances & Richie Day
Lillian DeMartini
Randi Dietrich
Christopher DiForte,Jr.
Ann DiSalvo
John & Mary Driscoll
Russell Dunn
Joseph Elia
James Falcone
Gloria Faraci
Robert Faraci
Dorothy Fleming
Timothy Fox
Bob Gardner
Giuliana Giannone
Albert Giudotti
Anthony Gonez
Marie Grzeczka
Anthony Guarnieri
Emily Harris
Cheryl Houss
Helen Istico
Antoinette Kaade
Jeannette Castelao Keane
John Kelley
Peggy Kiernan
Amanda Lavoro
Elizabeth Linton
Theresa Lisa
Anthony Locicero Jr.
Nicholas Lombardi
Diego Lopez
Helen Mahon
Lauren Marie
Raymond Mignone
Joseph Mormino
Ann Murphy
Marie Petrocelli
Rev. George Realmuto
Lee Rhatigan
Rose Russo
Dorothy Sabatell
Vincent Santore
Alexis Savattere
Anthony & Leonarda Scocco
Jerry Scotti
Susan Sexton
Sandra Sinclair
Peter Sladack
Maryann Sparano
Michael Takacs
Dolores Tombolini
Annette Tornatore
Herb Van Houten
Eternal rest grant unto their souls, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed
rest in peace. Amen.
Mary C. Snyder
Linda Dickinson
Gerald Gallagher
We Celebrate
We ask the family of St.
Charles to pray for the following couple who will receive the Sacrament of Marriage.
Kimberly Torello & Salvatore DiLorenzo
Cardinal Dolan together with
Fr. Jerome want to communicate more effectively with you
through the technology of today. The Archdiocese has provided us with a tool called Flocknote so that we
will be better equipped to keep our parishioners
informed of parish events, Archdiocesan announcements, etc. There are two easy ways to
1. Visit our parish at:
SCBstatenisland and sign up.
2. Text stcharlesb to 84576 from your cell
phone to subscribe to Flocknote.
This is a great opportunity for you to get
plugged into things going on in our parish and
to increase engagement here in our com6
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Land of the free and home of the brave…
This past July 4th, I was able to watch the beautiful display of fireworks on the
East River. It was a great night as we celebrated the two hundredth fortieth anniversary of our independence as a nation. After all, America is something to celebrate and
most of us feel especially patriotic on the Fourth of July.
But then, just three days later, came a different type of “fireworks” not in New York City but in Dallas, Texas. Five police officers were brutally gunned down at the conclusion of a rally-a terrible tragedy for
everyone. Of course, violence is not the answer.
In this regard, we might think of our Blessed Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane when He was falsely
accused and arrested. In His defense. Saint Peter took up a sword and began to swing it around violently. Jesus said, “Those who take the sword perish by it!” How true and how prophetic!
Police officers have a job to do and we all know that it is not an easy one. They have to enforce the laws.
Without the enforcement of law, we would have anarchy and chaos in our city and our land. Now, there has
been much criticism of the police in the last few weeks. Are there bad police officers? Of course! There are also
bad doctors, lawyers, teachers, and even priests sad to say! But we can assert that the majority of police are
indeed good. Certainly most of them are trying to perform their job in an extraordinarily difficult times in our
current society.
Speaking generally, we could assert that people vested with authority today are looked upon with disdain and suspicion by some. Authority is given to the police to uphold and up build the common good and to
protect our lives and safety. We should respect our police because of the great service they perform. Talking to
a friend of mine who is a police officer recently, he told me, “You can’t imagine how difficult it is emotionally
in the “heat of the moment” when confronting a suspect.” That is something I never thought about.
In the last few days when there has been so much violence all across the country, we must have essential faith in our democracy. The United States is the “land of the brave.” Thank God for the freedoms we enjoy
here-freedom to worship God, freedom of speech, freedom from want and finally, freedom from fear.
This last freedom gives us the right as Americans to feel safe and secure in our homes and neighborhoods. Our law enforcement officials contribute in no small way to our security and peace in our communities.
The United States will remain the land of the free as long as it continues to be “the home of the brave.”
We certainly should be thankful not only to our police and firefighters, but also to those who serve in the military and other organizations. Bravely, these men and women “put their lives on the line” so that we might enjoy peace and a secure existence.
So instead of criticizing, let us thank those who serve us at such a great cost! My prayer during this
hot and long summer is that the violence will end with a prayerful recognition by all parties that life is fragile
and must be handled with care...
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Jerome
Church Name: St. Charles Church
Bulletin No. 511977
Bulletin for the Week of July 24, 2016 (511977.7.24.16)
Number of Pages: 11 (includes 2 advertisement pages and one cover sheet)