March 13, 2016
March 13, 2016
The Faith Community of HUBERT ST. 729 GRAND CANYON STREET · HOFFMAN ESTATES, IL 60169 T HIS W EEK ’ S L ENTEN S CHEDULE MONDAY, MARCH 7 7:00 AM Eucharist TUESDAY, MARCH 8 8:30 AM Eucharist WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9 THURSDAY, MARCH 10 7:00 AM Communion Service FRIDAY, MARCH 11 6:30 AM Rosary 7:00 AM Eucharist 7:00 AM Communion Service 7:30 AM Adoration 7:00 PM Adore and Worship 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 13, 20 16 PASTOR’S LETTER: Dear Friends, It is with great sadness that I write this letter. Last Sunday, one of our 4-year-old students and parishioner, Dominic Spencer, passed away. His funeral Mass of Christian Burial will be here at St. Hubert on Monday, March 14, at 11:00 a.m. Please pray for him and his bereaved family at this sorrowful time. Certainly, this is an acute loss for his family and for all of us as a parish community. I pray that God will give us the strength and faith to deal with the loss of an innocent child, as we will gather to thank God for Dominic’s 4 plus years in our midst. His wake is at Michael’s Funeral home on Sunday from 2:00 to 8:00 p.m. In this year of mercy, Pope Francis reminds us to look anew at God and His face of mercy. Throughout the Scriptures we hear about a God of mercy and love. Through Isaiah today, we see God as a comforter and companion to His people during their years of exile in Babylonia. Isaiah promises that God would repeat the wonders of their exodus from Egypt and lead the Israelites home. When they thought that their hope was threatened and it seemed that all was lost, God, with great mercy, encouraged the people not to dwell on their sins of the past. “I am doing something new!” This newness meant forgiveness and reconciliation for all who would welcome God into their lives and would be faithfully responsive to God’s overtures of love and mercy. St. Paul also experienced this when he was on the road to Damascus. He allowed himself to be transformed from being a persecutor of Jesus’ followers to becoming a preacher and staunch defender of the good news of salvation. This salvation did not come from the law, but from a merciful gift of God. We see more of this mercy and forgiveness in John’s Gospel today. While others were eager and willing to stone the woman for adultery, Jesus asked them to look within themselves, to see themselves for who they were—sinners. He challenged them to look beyond the law, and to look to God. If they stood in truth before God, could they, in all honesty, condemn and execute a fellow sinner? In other parts of the Gospel, Jesus reminds us, “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you.” We are continually challenged to live the Gospel in the midst of the stresses of life and death. Pope Francis is just reminding us of what has been preached for more than 2000 years. He tells us that this mercy must touch our hearts. We must receive it and share it by showing others mercy. If we are going to be credible disciples of Jesus Christ, we must live and testify to mercy. We pray that God will help all of us be open to experiencing His mercy and willing to share it with others, even when we think that they don’t deserve it. Rev. Robert C. Rizzo St. Hubert 2 Hoffman Estates WORSHIP Readings for the Week are on page 7. Monday, March 14 7:00 AM Mary Licciardi Tuesday, March 15 8:30 AM St. Hubert Parishioners Wednesday, March 16 7:00 AM Communion Service Thursday, March 17—St. Patrick ..7:00 AM Communion Service Friday, March 18—St. Cyril of Jerusalem & Day of Abstinence 7:00 AM St. Hubert Parishioners Saturday, March 19 St. Joseph 4:30 PM Nadine Fachet; Anthony Cavaliero, Sr.; Laverne L. Lebert Scanlon Sunday, March 20—Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion 7:30 AM Rolando Lacuna; Nadine Fachet; Eufracia D. Pasquil 9:00 AM John & Hazel Siska; Dr. William Pasterczyk 10:45 AM Marion E. May; Walter Paluszek 12:15 PM Nilda Dilay; Francisco Valera; Winifreda DeLapaz 6:00 PM Steve Quinn Next Week’s Readings: Isaiah 50:4-7 Philippians 2:6-11 Luke 22:14--23:56 or 23:1-49 “Christ Jesus has made me His own.” Are you called to belong to Christ alone as a priest, deacon or through the consecrated life? Contact Father Francis Bitterman at 312-534-8298 or [email protected]. Sick Emily Sear, Beth Bacik, Vito Gorinas, John Karas, Bob Podgorski, Jean Nichi, Beth Bailey, Larry Kutt, Dan Moutvic, Peter Ruden, Jack Weber, Stephen Weber, Judi Kukral, Becky Sweeney, Bonnie Zajac, Pat Dolezal, Kathy Holder, Carol Clipper, Kenneth Villamar Others Those who protect us at home or overseas Deceased Janet Gibbons, Anita Haarke, Joanne Herron Wedding Banns I 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT 3 NICHOLAS PIERCE + ANTOINETTE VITALE MARCH 13, 2016 LITURGY CORNER 5th Sunday of Lent "Then Jesus said, 'Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on do not sin anymore.'" To the woman caught in adultery, Jesus was literally a savior. She was about to suffer the death penalty, according to the law of Moses, but the Lord preserved her life. He did not pretend she was innocent or excuse her behavior. His protection was not the result of anything the woman did or said to earn his favor. Rather, his freely bestowed mercy became an opportunity for her conversion. He saved her and set her free--not only from the self-righteous scribes and Pharisees--but from her own destructive behavior. The woman's physical life was spared, and if she chose to follow Jesus' instruction to abandon sin, her spiritual life was also saved as a result of this dramatic encounter. We also have access to this freedom. When he died on the cross for us, Jesus became our savior too. Instead of condemning us, he set us free from the power of sin. But like the woman in the Gospel, we have a choice to make. Jesus' sacrifice is sufficient to remove the "death penalty" for us, but we are the ones who decide whether or not we will "sin anymore." We decide whether we will be slaves to selfishness, lust, and envy or whether we will pursue a life of generosity, self-control, and peace. Jesus does everything he can for us, short of taking our will captive. We, finally, have to decide: will I follow the path of Jesus, who has saved me, by resolving to sin no more? Or will I depart from my savior, and return to the same old selfdestructive patterns? The holy season of Lent is made to assist us in our decision to repent and to change for the better. There is no better time than now to sincerely resolve to begin anew. © Liturgical Publications Inc. Easter Flowers If you would like to provide an Easter lily or flowering plant for the environment this Easter season, please drop this slip with your donation in the collection basket, return it to the Parish Ministry Center, or notify us of your donation by ——-email at [email protected]. You can also pay at a later date with cash, check, or by using ___GiveCentral online and selecting Easter Flowers. Name of Honoree(s) for Flowers _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Name of Donor _________________________________ Phone Number ______________________________ Any donation is welcome and can be applied toward the seasonal decorations. Checks should be made out to St. Hubert Church. St. Hubert Adore and Worship Wednesday, March 16 7:00 – 8:15 PM Eucharistic Adoration & Contemporary Music (Featuring music heard on K-LOVE) The purpose of Lent is to be a season of fasting, self-denial, spiritual growth, conversion, and simplicity. Lent, which comes from the Teutonic word for springtime, can be viewed as a spiritual spring cleaning: a time for taking a spiritual inventory, and then cleaning out those things which hinder our personal relationships with Jesus Christ and our service to him. We invite you to join Deacon Allen and a group of talented singers and musicians for this spirit-filled evening of prayer, song, and silence; to reflect upon our own Lenten calling for prayer, fasting, abstinence, and almsgiving. 4 Hoffman Estates Whether you are new to St. Hubert or have been here for a while but have not had time to register... Please join us next week for WELCOMING WEEKEND Saturday, March 19 Beginning with the 4:30 PM Mass After Mass, join us in the lower level of the church to complete your registration and enjoy a meal. Please PRE-register in the front office or online prior to the event. Dear Parishioners, Emilee and Karyn Baldwin attend 7:30 AM Mass with their parents and have been active participants in the Church. They will be shaving their heads on March 20, 2016 at Illinois State University as part of St. Baldrick’s. St. Baldrick’s is an organization that hosts shaving events to fundraise for children’s cancer research. This will be Emilee’s third time shaving and Karyn’s first time. Any donations and prayers you can send their way would be greatly appreciated. You can make donations to their personal fundraising pages and the links are: There will be pictures, a blessing, a shared meal, time to find out about the parish and meet some new friends or connect with some old ones...and before you know it, you'll feel right at home! It's our way of saying, "Welcome to the family!" Any donations, no matter the size, will make a huge difference in the life of a child battling cancer. Thank you for your support! The Risen Life: Transformed Relationships Sunday, March 20 from Noon—1:30 PM St. Catherine Laboure 3535 Thornwood in Glenview, IL A presentation on the 4th Week of Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola by Mary McKeon, Retreat Director and Spiritual Director at the Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House. Joy, spiritual companionship, healing, and integration of wounds. No registration required. Free will offering appreciated. Refreshments will be served. Should you have any questions, please call 847-826-4704. Welcome a Refugee Family When fleeing their homes, refugees leave everything behind and arrive in America with nothing. We would like to sponsor a refugee family in making Chicago their new home. If you would like to be a part of a team to welcome a family, contact Stephanie Tatara at 847-885-7700, ext. 114 or [email protected]. Ministry of Moms Attention moms! Take some time out of your busy week to focus on you and to connect with other moms. Invite your friends and join us for a lovely time! We can't wait to meet you! Been away for a while? First and Third Wednesdays of the Month 9:30—11:00 AM in the lower level of St. Hubert Church Free babysitting! Looking for a way to Q & A with people like yourself? Call Gene & Eileen Farrell at 847-843-1975 to join the Catholics Returning Home team, your guides on the journey. Contact Megan at [email protected] or Nina at [email protected] for more information or questions. 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT 5 MARCH 13, 2016 PSST! The Stewards are happy to announce the upcoming tasting events for the parish...but keep it to yourself. With limited size, please mark your calendars and sign up quickly. The Value of Christian Meditation in Dealing with Life’s Stuff April 16 is our 2nd wine tasting. We are limited to 54 people so get your group together and let us know you are joining us. Tables of 6. DVD Presentation, Sharing by Meditators, Periods of Meditation Monday, March 14, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Church of the Holy Spirit 1451 W. Bode Road in Schaumburg, IL June 24 is our first beer tasting. We will sample some summer selections. This too, will be limited of 54 people. ALL ARE INVITED: Those who meditate, and those who want to learn to meditate. Free will offering accepted. Registration requested but not required 847-882-7580 or … [email protected]. $25 for each event Interested? Contact Jim Elder at [email protected] or 708-865-8944. These events fill up quick, as those of you who missed last years event can witness. St. Hubert …… …… …… … 6 The Evening Meditation is sponsored by the Christian Meditation groups at St. John of the Cross Parish. …. Information on Christian ...Meditation is available at and Hoffman Estates 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT 7 MARCH 13, 2016 REV. RON ROLHEISER, OMI On Not Running With the Crowd In the Gospels the word “crowd” is nearly always used pejoratively, so much so that nearly every time the word is used you could preface it with the adjective “mindless”. Crowds don’t have a mind. They are fired and driven by whatever energy, hype, fad, ideology, or hysteria is current. In the Gospels this energy is called “amazement”. We see numerous instances in the Gospels where Jesus says or does something that surprises the crowd and almost invariably this is followed by the phrase, “and the crowd was amazed”. Rarely is this a good thing. reflective energy of an individual. The text tells us that a crowd brought a woman to Jesus and demanded that he morally share their intent to stone her to death. But Jesus, in a now-famous challenge, tells them: “Let the person among you who is without sin cast the first stone.” The response: “They walked away, one by one, beginning with the eldest.” A mindless crowd, caught up in the grip of a moral fever, brings a woman to Jesus. But they walk away as individuals, one by one, no longer inside the grip of that amazement. Why? What’s wrong or dangerous about crowd-energy? Crowd-energy is dangerous because, most times, it is nonreflective. It simply conducts and transmits energy rather than discerning and transforming it. An apt image for crowd -energy, amazement in the biblical sense, is an electrical cord. An electrical cord simply lets energy flow through it. It’s indifferent as to whether that energy is good or destructive. It’s a pure conduit. Whatever flows into it is exactly what flows out of it. Amazement, however, must be sharply distinguished from wonder and awe. Wonder and awe are the antithesis of amazement. In amazement, energy flows through you. In wonder and awe, energy stuns, paralyzes, and holds you. A clever quip from comedian, George Carlin, captures the difference. Explaining why he was congenitally skeptical of most “born-again” persons, Carlin famously quipped: “I distrust born-again people because they talk too much. When I was born I was so stunned I couldn’t talk for two years! When someone has a religious experience that is powerful enough to mute them for a couple of years, I will take them seriously!” Crowds tend to work in the same way. They let energy flow through them indiscriminately without discerning whether that energy is good or bad. For example, we speak of being caught-up in certain energy. Sometimes this can be good, when crowds are caught-up in an energy that is positive, that helps build community. During the past weeks, for instance, many people in the world were caught up in the rescue of the trapped miners in Chile and that shared energy helped create community across national, ethnic, religious, and political lines. We see crowd-energy too as mostly a positive thing around certain sporting events like the World Cup of Soccer, the World Series of Baseball, or a number of tennis events. And in that lies the challenge: Beware of the energy that emanates from a crowd. Beware of the latest fad. Beware of hype of all kinds. Beware of the cheerleaders of both the liberals and the conservatives. Beware of any crowd who wants to stone someone to death in God’s name. Think back to the various crucifixions that you have been involved in and recall how, later, in the sobriety and clarity of some different air, you asked yourself: How could I have been so wrong? So cruel? So stupid? Read accounts in the newspapers and on the internet of young people with decent, good hearts who, caught up in the energy of crowd, cyber-bully someone to the point where he or she commits suicide. Think how, in each case, the various persons responsible eventually walk away, one by one, a lot more sober and reflective than they were when they were caught up on the mindless energy of a crowd. But mostly the energy of a crowd is negative, the energy of ideology, fundamentalism, racism, fad, and hype. Crowdenergy is the energy behind a gang rape. It was also the energy behind the crucifixion of Jesus. It is instructive to look at the crowd before and during the crucifixion. Five days before he was crucified, Jesus entered into Jerusalem and the crowd enthusiastically shouted praise, wanting to make him their king. Five days later, with virtually nothing changed, the same crowd was shouting: “Crucify him! Crucify him!” Crowds are fickle because crowds don’t think. They simply conduct whatever energy is gripping them. Then perhaps, more lightly, display some old photos of you showing your various hairstyles and clothing styles throughout the years, and you’ll have all the reminders you need about how fickle and mindless can be the energy of the moment. Used with permission of the author. Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser is a theologian, teacher, and award-winning author, and is President of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. He can be contacted through his website Reprinted from October 24, 2010. In the incident in the Gospels where a woman is caught in adultery and is brought before Jesus by an over-zealous crowd, we see a perfect example of the dangerous, nonreflective energy of a crowd in contrast to the more St. Hubert 8 Hoffman Estates WE NEED YOUR HELP! 27th Hearts for Hope Fundraiser Every 30 seconds someone counts on Catholic Charities for help. We are now asking for your help. Please lend your voice to advocate for the State of Illinois to end its budget stalemate and pass a budget that cares for the poor and most vulnerable in our communities. Catholic Charities is currently owed more than $25 million by the State of Illinois – a number that grows by at least $2 million per month. Please take time today to call your state elected officials with this simple message, “I am a voter in your district. I am contacting you on behalf of the poor and vulnerable people who depend on our state’s safety net of human services, especially the more than 1 million people served by Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago.” If you do not know who your state representative and senator are, please call the State Board of Elections at (217) 782-4141 or visit and click on “New District/ Official Search.” You can find more information and a template advocacy letter at on the homepage. Event to raise money for Catholic Charities Services in the Northwest Suburbs The evening will feature cocktails, dinner, a silent auction, and entertainment by one of Chicago’s most popular pop-rock bands, 7th heaven. The Northwest Regional Office in Des Plaines provides more than 250,000 meals each year through the food pantry and supper program; clothes more than 5,300 people; finds housing for hundreds of people who would otherwise be homeless; and provides vital support and counseling services to clients as they strive for self-sufficiency. Reservations are $95 per person or $900 for tables of ten. Seating is limited so RSVP by April 1. WHEN: Saturday, April 16 6:00 – 10:30 PM WHERE: Chandler’s Chop House 401 N. Roselle Road Schaumburg, IL 60194 TICKETS: Call 847-376-2118 or reserve online at SPIRITUAL DIRECTION OFFERING Spiritual Direction is the contemplative practice of walking with you while compassionately listening to your story. The object of spiritual direction is to cultivate one's ability to discern God’s presence working in your life. Some actions include noticing and appreciating moments of holiness, maintaining an awareness of the interconnectedness of all things, and being open to exploring where Grace may be present in challenging and difficult times, as well as times of joy and happiness in your life. The spiritual director is there to hold the sacred space of possibilities for you. Mayslake Ministries satellite office here at St. Hubert offers you the opportunity to meet one on one with a spiritual director. Sessions run 60 minutes. Suggested meeting time is on a monthly basis. Contact Dr. Mary Amore at Mayslake Ministries, 630-852-9000, or Marilyn Kortendick at 847-8586440 to set up a spiritual direction session here at St. Hubert. “Spiritual direction is, in reality, nothing more than a way of leading us to see and obey the real Director – the Holy Spirit hidden in the depths of our soul.” —Thos. Merton, Trappist monk 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT 9 MARCH 13, 2016 255 Flagstaff Lane Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 847-885-7702 [email protected] Vito C. DeFrisco, Principal Marcia Larson, Assistant Principal Greek Mythology Comes to Life at St. Hubert School! St. Hubert Catholic School Now accepting registration for the 2016-2017 school year Serving students in Preschool – Grade 8 St. Hubert 10 Hoffman Estates This weekend is a great opportunity to serve and be a part of community life, while asking questions about discernment and getting answers in real time. For single Catholic women ages 18-40. Sponsored by the Office for Religious/Chicago Archdiocesan Vocation Association. Event begins at 6:00 PM on Friday, April 15 and goes through 8:30 PM on Saturday, April 16. Meals, overnight accommodations, and transportation between communities visited are provided. CONTACT [email protected] For more information, contact Sister Theresa Sullivan, D.C., at [email protected] or 812-963-7556. Visit to register. Summer Camp Registration is now open! • Our summer camps are: • Open to students entering grades 3-12 • Curricular and Co-Curricular (63 camps) • o Sports o Theater o Band o Choir o Academic o And more June 6th—July 31st (multiple sessions) To browse the available camps, please visit: Any questions, contact Janet Thelen at 630-668-5800, ext.1145 or [email protected]. 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT 11 MARCH 13, 2016 Casual Networking Night Monday, March 14 6:30—8:30 PM Saint Hubert Ministry Center 729 Grand Canyon Hoffman Estates, IL Continuing this popular meeting format, the St. Hubert Job and Networking Ministry will again feature a casual networking opportunity. We will have Career Subject GURUs circulating in the crowd to seek out and ask your key questions of. This is a great opportunity to visit with us and some of the experts in the hiring field, as well as to make some new key contacts and connections, while enjoying refreshments. Totus Tuus 2016 Summer Program Missionaries Needed! Accepting Applications Today! Applicants: · College Student · Practicing Catholic · Public speaking & Benefits · $2,000 Stipend · Food & Housing Included · Opportunity to impact the youth organizational skills How Background Checks are Done Monday, March 28, 7:00—9:15 PM Saint Hubert Ministry Center 729 Grand Canyon, Hoffman Estates, IL Our presenter is Brad Jones, Director of Operations for, a well known employment referencing, background screening and investigation firm. Brad will share with us what employers are seeking today, what information is lawfully obtained and how to prepare your references for that all important reference phone call. For questions regarding the St. Hubert Job Ministry events, contact Bob Podgorski at 847-843-0020 or [email protected]. APPLY: To Be Joyful Again is a non denominational support group for widows, widowers, or anyone else who has lost a significant other. We meet on st rd the 1 and 3 Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM at Holy Family Parish, 2515 Palatine Road, Inverness. …………………..All are welcome. Contact Elaine at 847-705-9886 or Debbie at 847-991-7327 for more information. FOR THE NEWCOMER: Join us at St. Hubert at 6:00 PM prior to our regular meetings. We’ll offer a one hour program on how to use a networking meeting effectively, the tools you’ll need such as; The Elevator Speech; How to do a Handbill; and how to generate the contacts you need. Men’s Silent Retreat ENCOUNTER JESUS: Living Through Him, With Him, In Him Celebrating and building on our 25-year tradition, we will offer three Silent Men’s Retreats at the beautiful Cardinal Stritch Retreat House amid the serene surroundings of the St. Mary of the Lake Seminary grounds. Every year, men retreat attendees tell us how the silence of these retreats is the most life-giving aspect. We honor that spiritual need and have created the weekend retreat with presentations wrapped in prayer and song, ample time for silent reflection and enjoying nature, opportunities to receive spiritual direction and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation along with Mass. As followers of Jesus, we believe we are called to a life that includes a personal, active, and genuine encounter with Jesus, our Lord. We are called to intentionally live through Him, with Him and in Him. This retreat offers an opportunity to draw closer to Jesus by reflecting on various themes that characterize His life. The more intimate our relationship with Jesus, the more we will be transformed into His image and likeness. DATE: March 18-20, 7:00 PM Friday—Noon Sunday LOCATION: Cardinal Stritch Retreat House—1000 E Maple (1300 Stritch Drive), Mundelein, IL 60060 FACILITATORS: Christine Grano & Msgr. Dennis Lyle COST: $295.00 St. Hubert 12 Hoffman Estates ST. HUBERT CALENDAR Monday MARCH 14 Tuesday MARCH 15 Wednesday MARCH 16 Thursday MARCH 17 WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE 10:30 AM—Spiritual Direction/Kortendick—SA 2:00 PM—Athletics—MPR 6:00 PM—Job Ministry Newcomers Orientation—DD 6:00 PM—Athletics Coaches Meeting/Morrisey—LR 7:00 PM—Job Ministry—PMC CR 7:00 PM—Domestic Violence Outreach—BERN 7:15 PM—Boy Scouts Troop Meeting/Malinski—HALL 7:30 PM—Young Adult Choir Rehearsal—CH 7:30 PM—GIFT 3 Class—LIB 8:15 PM—Job Ministry Networking—MPR 8:00 AM—Athletics—MPR 5:00 PM—Children’s Choir Rehearsal—CH 6:00 PM—Girl Scouts/Advani—LR 6:30 PM—Stewards Meeting—BERN 6:30 PM—Scouts Patrol Leaders Council/Malinski—RMR 7:00 PM—School Board Meeting—DD or CHURCH LL 7:30 PM—Adult Choir Rehearsal—CH 7:30 PM—GIFT 4 Class—LIB 9:30 AM—Ministry of MOMS—RMR, SHR 12:20 PM—FSA Pie Pickup—PMC CR 1:30 PM—Athletics—MPR 4:00 PM—RE Classes—SCHOOL, CHURCH LL 6:00 PM—Gift 2 Class—LIB 6:00 PM—Girl Scouts/Ball—DD 6:00 PM—Cub Scouts Tigers/Schwer—LR 6:30 PM CAFÉ Core Team Meeting—COMM 7:00 PM—FSA General Meeting—PMC CR 8:00 PM—Athletics Meeting—BERN 2:00 PM—Athletics—MPR 6:00 PM—Cub Scouts/Ouimet—RMR 6:30 PM—Girl Scouts/Piecuch—LR 6:30 PM—Cub Scout Wolves/Dombrowski—COMM 7:00 PM—Liturgy Board—SA 7:30 PM—Girl Scout Team Meeting/Advani—DD 7:30 PM—School Board Meeting/Garcia—LIB Friday MARCH 18 2:00 PM—Athletics—MPR 6:00 PM—Cub Scouts/Dombrowski—LR 7:00 PM—Stations of the Cross—CH Saturday MARCH 19 8:00 AM—Athletics—MPR 9:00 AM—RE Classes—SCHOOL, CHURCH LL 4:30 PM—Welcome Mass—CH 5:30 PM—Welcome Reception—CHURCH LL 6:00 PM—SHBA Sports Event—MPR Sunday MARCH 20 9:00 AM—CMI Session—LIB, TL, ROOMS 14, 15, 19 & 25 10:00 AM—RCIA Inquiry—SHR 1:30 PM—Athletics—MPR Saturday : 4:30 PM; Reconciliation after Mass Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 AM; 12:15 & 6:00 PM Monday & Friday: 7:00 AM Mass Adoration after Friday morning Mass until 9AM Tuesday: 8:30 AM Mass Wednesday & Thursday: 7:00 AM Communion Service SACRAMENTAL LIFE Call the Parish Office 847-885-7700 for further questions or to make arrangements. BAPTISMS To register for Baptism, stop in or call the Parish Office. Parents must attend a Baptismal Preparation Meeting, which is held on the last Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM. You may attend this parent meeting either before or after the baby is born. Baptisms take place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 1:30 PM or at Mass by arrangement. You will confirm the date for Baptism by attending the Baptism Preparation Meeting. MARRIAGES Please do not reserve your banquet hall before confirming the date with the church. Set your date by calling the Parish Office as early as possible as you plan your wedding—at least 6 months before the wedding. Weddings take place on Saturdays at 2:00 PM. Weekdays and Sundays must be arranged individually. RECONCILIATION Saturday after 4:30 PM Mass, or by appointment. EUCHARIST FOR THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND ST. HUBERT FACILITY ABBREVIATIONS If there is anyone who would like to receive Eucharist at home, or if you know a friend, PARISH MINISTRY CHURCH SCHOOL CENTER Upper Level JR HI -Jr High Classrms neighbor or family member who is homebound and would like a home visit to receive Upper Level CH - Church SL - School Library Eucharist, please call the Parish Ministry BERN - Bernardin Rm LR - Lunch Room Lower Level Center. One of our dedicated ministers will be DD - Dorothy Day Rm MCL - Music Classrm SCR - St. Cecelia Rm SA - St. Aloysius Rm TL Teacher Lounge glad to fulfill these requests. COMM - Community Rm HALL - Church Hall Lower Level SACRAMENT OF THE SICK MPR - Multi-Purpose Rm LL KIT - Kitchen Please call the Parish Ministry Center Office to PMC CR - PMC Club Rm SHR - St. Hubert Rm make arrangements for a priest to visit. PMC KIT - PMC Kitchen RMR - Richard Miller Rm 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT 13 MARCH 13, 2016 PARISH CONTACTS PARISH OFFICE ……………847-885-7700 Ext. 102 FAX…...847-885-4631 Rev. Robert C. Rizzo (Pastor) .............................. Ext. 106…………………………………….…[email protected] Rev. Fred Licciardi (Associate Pastor)………….Ext. 108……………………………………[email protected] Pat Aschom (Pastoral Secretary)………………...Ext. 104……………………………………[email protected] Deacon Steve Baldasti.......................................... ………………………………………………[email protected] Deacon Dick & Sandy Lawson ............................ Ext. 105……….…………………….……… [email protected] Deacon Allen & Stephanie Tatara........................ Ext. 114..……………………………….……[email protected] Teresa McCutchan (Business Manager) .............. Ext. 111……………………………….…[email protected] Yvonne Cassa (Liturgy Coordinator) ................... Ext. 107………………………………………[email protected] Marie Staffa (Ministry Coordinator) .................... Ext. 124………………………………………[email protected] Siobhán Maguire (Director of Music) .................. 847-885-7701……………………………[email protected] Michael Keenan (Director Religious Ed.) ............ 847-885-7703………………………………[email protected] Stephanie Tatara (Youth Ministry Coordinator)...Ext.114.………………………………[email protected] Karyn Weiland (Bulletin Editor)……………….. Ext. 119…………………..…….…………[email protected] PARISH OFFICE HOURS ST. HUBERT SCHOOL ....................... 847-885-7702 Monday - Thursday ................9:00AM - 8:00PM Friday......................................9:00AM - 4:00PM (Closed for lunch 12:00 - 1:00PM) Saturday ..................................9:00AM - 1:30PM Sunday ....................................9:00AM - 1:30PM Vito C. DeFrisco ............................................Principal Marcia Larson ................................ Assistant Principal Fax ........................................................ 847-885-0604 Email................................. [email protected] ALEXIAN INTERFAITH COUNSELING SERVICES .................................................................... 855-383-2224 ! ARCHDIOCESE HOT LINES Sexual Abuse ............................................. 800-994-6200 Financial Misconduct ................................. 866-294-5256 ! ESTATE PLANNING If you have provided for St. Hubert in your will, please let us know by contacting Father Rizzo. Persons interested in including the parish in their will, or questions about how to make a bequest to St. Hubert or to any other archdiocesan program and/or institution, please call the parish office, 847.885.7700, or contact directly: Rich Goode • 225 S. Aberdeen Street, Chicago, IL 60607 • 312.655.7848 To To include include St. St. Hubert Hubert in in your your will, will, the the correct correct legal legal designation designation is: is: Catholic Catholic Bishop Bishop of of Chicago Chicago -- AA Corporation Corporation Sole, Sole, For For the the use use and and benefit benefit of of St. St. Hubert Hubert To have Richard Goode contact you, complete the form below and drop it off at the Parish Office. Name: _____________________________________________________________ Contact George Velazquez to place an ad today! Phone (home): _______________________________________________________ [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2631 Best time to call: ______________________________________________________ Phone (work): _______________________________________________________ Comments: __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ For ad info. call George Velazquez at 1-800-950-9952 • St. Hubert Hoffman, Estates, IL. C 4C 01-0627 COURTESY AUTO & TRUCK SERVICE CENTER SPORTSMAN’S LIQUOR 1421 W. Schaumburg Rd. 524-1471 Schaumburg Plaza, Schaumburg Open 365 Days A Year “WE SELL LOTTO TICKETS” Tune-Ups • Brakes • Tires • Major & Minor Engine Repairs $18.95 Oil Change With Coupon Bathrooms Windows Siding Ken Linnemann Electrical Kitchens Plumbing Painting 224/875-5112 Tiling FULLY INSURED Floors Doors 10% Discount on all parts 614 Morse, Schaumburg (847) 352-4466 SCHAUMBURG AUTO BODY VIRTUOSO PERFORMING ARTS PANCAKE & WAFFLE HOUSE 700 E. Schaumburg Rd. Classes, Summer Dance Schaumburg Intensives & Musical 847 781-0300 Theater Camps Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Are Now Enrolling! Acting • Dance • Tumbling Guitar • Piano • Voice All Ages Since 1979 899 W. Wise Rd., Schaumburg 847-524-3373 Contact George Velazquez to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2631 847-998-9900 Franchise Owners Jeff & Ann Bartel • Reliable & Secure WINDSHIELD REPAIR Chips, Cracks & Scratches Repaired Without Replacement • Cleaned, Inspected & Guaranteed Plote Construction Inc. • Uniformed, Licensed, Bonded 1100 Brandt Drive Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 Free Estimate 847-885-9378 630-830-1550 Roger Blankenheim - Parish Member For ad info. call George Velazquez at 1-800-950-9952 • (847) 695-9300 St. Hubert Hoffman, Estates, IL. B 4C 01-0627 WALLPAPERING • PAINTING DRYWALL REPAIRS KEN YOUNG 847-358-3026 Tom Corcoran (847) 397-5888 Over “Our People Are The Best” $225 Million in Sales Real Estate Service Ron Dutner 39 Years Experience 847-923-6925 847-888-2541 The Fabbrini Family Parishioners since 1962 Toll free: 888-885-2000 Local: 847-885-2000 Attorneys And Counsellors At Law John P. Kelley (1931-2009) William F. Kelley Matthew X. Kelley Scott C. Zambo - Associate Areas of Practice Corporate - Real Estate - Estate Planning - Tax - Probate Divorce - Traffic - Bankruptcy - Commercial and Business Transactions - Litigation - Personal Injury 1535 WEST SCHAUMBURG ROAD, SUITE 204, HERITAGE BANK BUILDING SCHAUMBURG, ILLINOIS 60194 (847) 895-9151 or visit us on the web at Mark Miller, M.D. Parishioner RAY’S PLUMBING & HEATING DIV. OF DAN DOYLE INC. Heating • Plumbing Air Conditioning “All Your Service Needs” 10% Off Labor With This Coupon 847-895-3430 Heritage Bank of Schaumburg Community Banking at its Best! Our staff is friendly, and all credit decisions are made right here at home by people who are familiar with the needs and preferences of the community. We offer a full line of products to meet your needs. Contact George Velazquez to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2631 HERITAGE BANK Adult/Pediatric Asthma & Allergy SCHAUMBURG Member F.D.I.C. 1535 W. Schaumburg Rd. Schaumburg, IL 60194 (847) 524-4000 455 S. Roselle Rd. Schaumburg Suite 206 630-404-5949 WE ARE LOCATED IN THE 4-B PLAZA. PRICES ARE MARKED DOWN EVERY 30 DAYS TO KEEP INVENTORY FRESH! 847-352-2822 Tuesdays 11am-3pm, Thursdays 11am-7pm, Fridays 10am-6pm and Saturdays 10am-2pm Furniture Painting, Consignment and Repurposing RESTAURANT Dine In • Carryout • Catering • Banquets Katy & Waldo We accept your gently used furniture, home decor, jewelry and fine tableware. 676 Bonded Pkwy • Unit B • Streamwood [email protected] 1170 S. Roselle Road, Schaumburg, IL 60193 847.891.7777 • Fax: 847.891.0726 WILLIAM M. DUMICH Certified Public Accountant Income Tax Preparation Personal • Business Year Round Accounting & Business Services 847-605-1040 Parishioner For ad info. call George Velazquez at 1-800-950-9952 • St. Hubert Hoffman, Estates, IL. A 4C 01-0627
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