Ottumwa semi-weekly courier (Ottumwa, Iowa
Ottumwa semi-weekly courier (Ottumwa, Iowa
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Oct. 26.—Met by a band and a huge crowd, when his train stopped Committee Reports to Club for bread within the next few days were again predicted by members of here for a change of engines, en route the Master Bakers' association today, from Denver, Colo., to Chicago, this That Roads Are Opposed; following increases in the cost of flour morning. Col. Theodore Roosevelt, in \ an unscheduled speech, flayed Presi Will Repair the Depots yesterday. Chicago bakers will hold a meeting Floyd Lowenberg, Aged 7, dent Wilson for his "too proud to Saturday night In an effort to induce Germans, However, Predict fight" declaration and complimented Iowa as a state of "intense American \ The committee on a new union de Chicago congressmen to back a move Run Over By Car; Neck ment for an embargo on the shipment That Bucharest Will New York, Oct. 26. —Charles E. ism" where men and women "are will Broken; Falls in Street Hughes left New York this morning ing to encounter risks and make an pot reported Wednesday to the direct of wheat. Flour yesterday was quoted ors of the Commercial club at the to Chicago housewives at $11 a barrel. Be Evacuated Soon on the last trip of his presidential cam efTort for their convictions." noon luncheon which was postponed Investigation into the cause of rising paign. His program called for three "For seven and a half years, I was one day on account of the charities food prices was to be started by the speeches today at Hartford, Provi president of me the United said president or un.ieu States," "^"jand corrections convention here Tues- committee on health of the city coun FATALITY OCCURS Washington, D. C., Oct. 26.—Villis- dence and Boston. Colonel Roosevelt, "and in all of'that I a pom mitten was aonointed to cil. COUNTER ASSAULTS Mr. Hughes' itinerary calls for four time not a shot was fired against an day. A committee was appointed activity near Chihuahua had the ef ON NORTH M'LEAN days in New York state, exclusive of alien foe and not an American man. coperate with the city officials in rais fect today of officials here AT VERDUN FAIL that no thought should be given to re Sunday, one Jay In Ohio and two days woman or child was murdered by a ing a fund to provide a Thanksgiving FLOUR GOING UP. lour day mess for the members of Co. G in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 26.—FI< foreign power. " moval of guardsmen . from border in Indiana. 0.50 Brownsville, Tex. The directors also was quoted here today at $10 to $10. He will return to New York state Floyd Lowenberg, 7 year old sou of, patrol duty or withdrawal of General "The principal reasons were that I 'London, Oct. 26.—The situation of next Thursday. The last speech of endeavored to exercise scrupulous jus authorized the placing of a teleg a barrel wholesale for choice and Attorney and Mrs. J. A. Lowenbergn Pershing's column from Mexico. Fear raph key in' the club election night to fancy patents. Spring patents were 532 West Maple avenue, was fatally the defeated Russo-Rumanian army in his campaign will be made at Madison Dobrudja appears slightly less critical was fe!t that if Villa should succeed Square garden this city on the night of tice with foreign powers and every get returns. held at $9.25 to $9.75. The price of ail injured Wednesday afternoon shortly® foreign power knew that I was not too In the light of today's official report, in his apparent movement to capture Saturday, November 4. The report of the union depot grades was advanced yesterday from after 4 o'clock, when he was caught^ Chihuahua, he might find it easy to proud to fight." from Petrograd, which describes the committee was not very encouraging 25 to 60 cents a barrel. Talks To Young America. beneath an automobile driven by AJ-" "It was your backbone that kept us as to the getting of such an improve pressuie of Field Marshal von Mack get control later of nearly all nqrthem Hughes, in an address in Brooklyn mon J. Black, a retired farmer, living ensen's armies as somewhat weak Mexico. The entire Mexican situation last night In which he made an appeal out of war," declared an enthusiast, ment in Ottumwa In the very near fu STEEL MILLS HIT. at 354 North McLean street. The bojrs was regarded as serious. wearing the garments of a Catholic ture. Neither the Milwaukee nor Burl ened. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 26.—Steel mills was immediately rushed to St Joseph's^ Conditions at Chihuahua were the to "the young voters of America," de priest. Unofficial Berlin dispatches say the as well as other manufacturing plants clared that the republican party had ington officials cared to sanction such hospital from the scene of the acci entente forces were split with the fall subject of greatly conflicting reports. "recovered from the division of four "Thank you, let me shake hands a plan and each rdad preferred the throughout the Pittsburgh district face dent, which was about half way up the ^ of Tchernavoda, some troops escaping Mexican Ambassador Arredondo re years ago and is ready once more to with you," answered Mr. Roosevelt, In other to come to it with plans rather a serious situation today as a result hill on North McLean street in the over the great bridge across the Dan ceived from Consul Garcia at El Paso serve." of an advance of nearly 100 per cent 300 block, but died in a few minutes^ than to take the initiative. terrupting his speech. ube while others fled northward in a denial of General Trevino, Carranza within the last two weeks in the price after arriving. The republican party, Mr. Hughes "I don't want a fight," he continued. See No Need For It. commander at Chihuahua, that he was Dobrudja. of furnace coke together with a Jump asserted, "sprang into being at a time "I will do everything possible to keep In giving his story of the accidenta l short of ammunition or intended to Both J. M. Oxley and J. P. CumAs a whole the situation for Ruma of the deepest national peril." ,out of a fight, but I don't believe in mings, superintendents of the Milwau in the price of coal. Mr. Black said that he was slowly drlT»V nia is considered by military commen evacuate the city. Carranza losses in "Preserving the nation, it not only Furnace coke ten days ago sold in hitting softly. When you've got to hit ing up the hill on North McLean kee and Burlington respectively, ex the local market at from $3.50 to $4 a tators in Berlin as increasingly pre the fight with Villistas at Santa Ysa- abolished slavery but emancipated the a man, knock him out." pressed themselves as believing there ton. This week it sold at $7.50 to $7.75 street. He noticed three boys playing) carious, in connection with operations bel had been slight, he said, and 8,000 people from the curse of destructive with a burro, but as he had seen them! He declared that during the four Is no immediate need for such a build In Dobrudja and the Austro-German troops had arrived to reinforce the sectionalism," said the nominee. years of the democratic administra ing. Both stated to the committee a ton and yesterday dealers demanded there several times before thought| successes in the mountain passes on garrison. After reciting at length what he War department reports, however, termed the achievements of the party, tion the country has not been kept out that their roads have appropriations $8 for the best grade. Anthracite coal nothing of the incident. Another ca* | the north. Predictions are made that has been advanced to $8.50 a ton. was just ahead of him and had slowed^ were that Villa was encamped five Bucharest will be evacuated shortly Mr. Hughes asked: "What sort of a of war, but in fact has engaged in four for the repairing of the two stations down nearly to a stop on the right i T and the Rumanian capital moved to miles from Chihuahua with a consider country does young America, vibrant wars, naming the present San Domin and that this work may be done in the MILK PRICE ADVANCES. of the street, and Mr. Black sw go situation, the invasion by Villa, the near future, but a new union station k?: < Odessa, Russia. Petrograd, however, j able force, after having defeated Car with patriotism, desire?" Winona, Minn., Oct. 26.—Milk ad around the car to pass It. A short i dispute with Carranza and the Huerta was frowned upon. ! asserts that the Teutonic pressure also ranza troops severely and that Tre Saying he would endeavor to answer vanced from 7 to 8 cents a quart here stance farther on were the boyB. ,' has been arrested in these Transylvan- vino was ready to abandon the city. the question, Mr. Hughes continued: Incident. The committee to cooperate with today. Flour sold at $10.20 per barrel. Falls In Front of Car. Before he had completed, the train the ian border regions. Further north in "He wants a country respected city officials in raising a mess fund Bread also sold higher. CARRANZA LOSING GRIP. Mr. Black said that he did not I the Carpathians near Capul mountain throughout the world. He wants a began leaving the station, the band for the soldiers is T. A. Stoessell, W. Washington, D. C., Oct. 26.—Official Played the Star Spangled Banner and ,he Russians report the repulse of a Madison, Wis., Oct. 26.—Under an lieve that the Lowenberg boy reports received here showing that country which respects the dignity of the crowd rushed after the train, B. Graham. W. C. Miller, Jake Abegg, S" its citizenship and thus deserves and Teeutonic attack. George Springer, R. G. Hollingsworth, agreement reached between farmers aware of the approach of the car, members of the Carranza, -Obregon, On the western front the Germans enjoys the esteem of nations. He wants shaking hands with Mr. Roosevelt as Jesse Spurgeon, J. J. Patterson, H. and milk dealers, the orlce of milk that he used every precaution in Huerta and Madero families no are reported by Paris to have ceased Trevino, braggart assertion of power, no pol the train increased its speed. will he increased on November 10 ing up to them, for be had se Moschel and Ralph Wilson. are now in San Antonio, Tex., have their counter attacks at Verdun. The puzzled observers seeking an explana icies of aggression, he has no desire from 7 to 8 cents per quart, it was an times feared that the boys In John H. Morrell made a report on ROOSEVELT IN CHICAGO. play In the street, might be hurt. new French positions are still under strife.- But he desires to have the nounced today. tion of the gathering, in the United for denly, when the car was a few Chicago, Oct. 26.—Col. Theodore the dinner given by the club to the German artillery Are, however. American flag a symbol of firmness, boys and girls of the baby pork fend States of non-combatant Mexicans. from him, Floyd darted across In Macedonia, French cavalry has of a courageous and indomitable spirit, Roosevelt will reach Chicago this clubs In the dining room of the street, bis back to the auto,, occupied the villages of Golobrda and The reports do not explain their pres of an Intense love of Justice, of great afternoon. He is to address the wom corn club during the live stock show and in ence. • stumbled, falling full length in en of Chicago and Illinois at 4 o'clock. Lalsitsa, in the vicinity of the Grecostrength well organized, but never mis Some officials believe, however, used, which secures protection to street. In the evening, a squadron of cow stitute. Albanian border, while the Serbians A committee of the club composed River Enthusiasts Told That Promises The driver said that he realized have driven the Bulgarians and Ger- economic and social conditions gen American citizens in their Just rights boy cavalry, recruited from the Union Of Money by Mississippi Towns it was too late to bring the car ! mans further back In the region of the erally in Mexico are such as to make throughout the world. He must recog Stock yards, will escort the colonel of Secretary Weidenfeller, E. C. Man Mexicans of the wealthy class anxious stop without hitting the boy, and nize that there is no permanent secur and party to the Dexter park pavilion, ning, L. C. Hardsocg and Dr. W. E. Cerna river southeast of Monastir, ac Were Not Kept. he tried to straddle him so that cording to Paris. The British report to get their women folks out of the ity for a people which takes counsel where the pclncipal address of the day Creath with Supervisors Stodghill and country for the present Knox, County Engineer Cook and wheels would not pass over himr carrying out successful naval aero of its fears rather than of its prin is to be delivered. Lacrosse, Wis., Oct. 26.—With re The state department has not re Superintendent J. M. Oxely and Roadhe lay parallel with the street, ciples. Timidity, weakness and chang plane-attacks on the railway stations ports of officers showing that threeceived, so far as known, any official master F. Barnoske of the Milwaukee was successful in this, but the pad ing purpose are feeble custodians at Buk and Drama on the Constantly reports bearing out charges of Gen either of a nation's honor or of a na left the club rooms early this after fourths of the assessments against the car was so low that the boy ople-Saloniki railway. eral Carranza's political enemies that tion's peace." noon to inspect the road crossings river cities for dues during the past caught and his neck broken. his grip is relaxing and that is pre In making thiB effort the front whc GERMANS CONFIDENT. If we do not protect our trade, Mr. Republicans Join With Democrat* in north of the city. They" were joined year had not been, paid, delegates to / Berlin. Oct. 26.—(By wireless to paring to leave Mexico. by Frank Gephart and other land own the convention of the Upper Mississip struck the curb stone and the Hughes declared, it will be constantly pi River Improvement association re Extending Welcome at Cincinnati Sayville)—"The capture of Tchernavoa telephone post. Marks are plain] ers. The Marion line and east divis menaced and shackled. VOTES FOR SOLDIERS. to Executive. visible upon the post and curbstone i da by Field Marshal von Mackensen's ion line road crossings of the Milwau ceived a distinct shock today. Must Safeguard Citizens. St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 26.—Gov. J. A. That the association has not carried Frank Hogue, an employe of the i army has definitely turned the military kee have been/ considered in need of "If the lives of our citizens are not A. Buruquist today issued the call for on an aggressive campaign during the situation in Dobrudja in our favor," tumwa Railway & Light Co., livifl safeguarded," said Mr. Hughes, "there Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 26.—President some improvements for "greater safe writes the military critic ot the Over a special session of the state legisla will be a continued invitation to Wilson on his final middle western ty and the road, cofanty officials and past year to assist various cities in but a few doors above the place ture to assemble next Saturday for the providing docks and terminal facilities the accident, was raking his yard slaughter by those whose contempt we swing of the campaign came to Cin club committee with land owners ad seas News agency. to prepare them for the revival of riv "The right wing of the combined purpose of considering legislation that have evoked. cinnati today for the first time in his joining the crossings will cooperate to er traffic is due entirely to a shortage the time, and upon seeing what ha happened, immediately rushed to Bulgarian, German and Turkish force would make it possible for the Minne administration. Arriving here at 11:30 make the places safer. of funds. It was said. (Continued oh Page 8 Black's aid and held the boy In marched on after the taking of Con- sota national guardsmen, now at the a. m„ he was met by a cheering crowd P. M. Hanson of St. Louis, chairman lap on the way to hospital. v stanza and in a powerful push advanc Mexican border, to vote in the general and a large reception committee at the CHILDREN DIE IN election November 7. of the commercial committee, said ed twenty kilometers (about twelve Inquest This Morning. union station and was immediately that in St. Louis the first FIRE AT HOSPITAL however, miles) beyond that place. From that taken by automobile through tjbe The body was afterwards remove unit of the terminal !s being construct moment the capture of Medjidie was streets, thronged with people, to a ed and during the season just closed to the Daggett undertaking parlor Farnham, Que., Oct. 26.—Five chil only a question of a few hours, as the St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 26.—An inves hotel. dren are dead and fifteen unaccounted 45.000 tons of freight were handled out where an inquest was held this mor town was threatened on the flank. The Arrangements for the president's en ing. Upon examination, it was i , Russo-Rumanian position thus being Vessel Carrying Mall is Reported tigation of the venire drawn for the tertainment were made by the non for as the result of a fire this morning of that city. that outside of a few scratches uj trial of Oscar D. McDaniel. prosecut in St. Elizabeth's hospital. rolled up from the east, the western 8elzed by Germans and Taken partisan city club. Mayor George the arms, there were no marks on ing attorney of Buchanan county, Farnham is forty-four miles from point of support on the Danube, the body. Some of the teeth were missinj Puchta, a republican, officially wel Into Teuton Port. charged with the murder of his wife, Montreal. town of Rasova, also had to be given ' . and the neck broken, which account was gotten under way here today by a comed him. More ^han 350 persons were asleep up. A shrill chorus of locomotive in the hospital when the blaze was for the fatality. It was evident tha Liondon, Oct/ 26.—It is now reported commission of attorneys appointed by "With this situation brought about Victoria, B. C„ Oct. 26.—The domin .the wheels had not passed over Thomas F. Ryan, the trial judge. whistles in the railroad yards here as discovered. Unable to make their way the attacking Teutonic allies stood be that the Norwegian mail steamship Judge the president came in furnished an un ion government will permit the build body from the absence of bruises. T1 fore the strong Danube bridgehead of from Bergen for Newcastle which, ac Yesterday Judge Ryan dismissed the usual feature of his reception. The to safety by means of the fire escapes, ing of merchant ships in Canada for clothing, although bloody, was not t« declaring it had been influenced nearly all of them jumped from win Tchernavoda which then had to serve cording to advices received yesterday, panel, railroad engineers and firemen stood Norway, according to a telegram from in the least. as a cover for the hasty retreat of the was stopped by a German warship, has by a newspaper interview purporting on their engines and waved to Mr. Wil dows. The inquest was opened at 9 o'clc Ottawa made public today. Contracts to quoto John T. Barker, attorney gen Twenty-five children who leaped defeated Russians and Rumanians. been taken to a German port, although eral i for three vessels valued at $3,500,000 this morning in the Daggett underti of Missouri and head of the pros son, from the third story were badly in Today the railroad line from Constan it had no cargo aboard. Testimony wad tat have already been signed with Vancou- ing parlors. The Norwegian mail steamships ecution. as having said the venire had i During the ride from the station to jured. ta to Tchernavoda is completely In the j the hotel the president stood in his The hospital and a laundry were verver ship builders and they only re from A. J. Black, Frank Hbgue, w hands of the victorious allies, consti form a conecting" link between Eng been "jobbed" against the state. helped take the boy to the hospital an automobile waving his hat to the peo quired assurance of the government General Barker was asked destroyed and several adjacent build tuting a first class base for strategic land and the Scandinavian countries byAttorney the commission about the alleged ple who cheered him from the win ings were damaged by smoke and that a trahsfer of flags would be grant Dr. J. A. Ornduff, who said that and Russia. They carry many Ameri operations. He replied that he and oth dows of high buildings and along the water. The fire is believed to have ed on completion to become effective. was driving -behind Mr. Black's car "The defeated army was separated cans and American mail, official and statement. Orders for seven or eight other ves the time of the accident. The thW state's attorneys had agreed upon sidewalks. Bombs bursting high in started in a defective chimney. Into two pkrts. Those who did not re otherwise. This is the first instance er sels al30 will be given almost Immedi happened so quickly that It was almd the "belief that several veniremen the air added to the din. main on the battlefield or were not tak in which the actual seizure of one of qualified with remarkable rapidity and The president and Mrs. Wilson ately. it was said today and the total Impossible for anyone to give an ei en prisoner, saved themselves by flight them has been reported. value will reach not less than $10,000,- description of how it happened. knew more about the case than they walked a block from the hotel to the across the Tchernavoda bridge over Black alone having seen the accide chamber of commerce for the official 000. pretended to know." HOLD VERDUN GAINS. the Danube or to the north ward in actually occur, although the others reception ceremonies. The hall was Paris, Oct. 26.—The French troops Dobrudja. peared immediately afterward. packed. Mayor George Puchta extend AUTO THIEVERY IS "After the capture of Tchernavoda at Verdun are following up the advan Earl Carter of Kirkville was in I San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 26.—The ed a "cordial welcome" to the presi tage gained by their sudden forward this famous Danube bridge was dom car with Dr. Ornduff, but had return* China Mail steamship company, which dent on behalf of Cincinnati. IMPORTANT PROBLEM sweep on Tuesday and, according to inated by Von Mackensen's guns. The home, and the case was continued "I cannot say I feel strange In Cin began trans-Pacific operations a year Clinton, Oct. 26.—With crowds from bridge is the largest in all Europe, its the latest information,-have closed in Chicago, Oct. 26.—Fraudulent bills til late this afternoon pending his cinnati, because ao many of my early ago with the liner China, purchased to within less than 500 yards of Vaux all over this section present, Clinton's total length across both branches of recollections are connected with this from the Pacific Mail company has of sale are the chief obstacles with rival. Dr. W. C. Newell was Bummd the Danube and the Swampy and fre fort. Announcement of the capture Is first fall festival and com show open great state," responded the president. bought two big ocean steamers under which police officials have to contend ed to the hospital to lend his effor quently impassable terrain traversed momentarily expected here, thus com ed this morning when President Thom "There are a great many things construction at the Wallace ship yard, in dealing with automobile thieves, ac towards saving the boy, but did being seventeen kilometers. It was pletely restoring the French line held as Crawford of the Commercial club Ohio reminds one of that are the es Vancouver, B. C.. It was reported here cording to John Sheehy of the Central testify this morning. introduced Mayor H. C. Hansen, who on February 25. completed in 1896. Funeral Friday, Detective bureau here. He made the ~ The German forces at Verdun are re delivered an address of welcome in the . sence of American life. Therefore today. "With the loss of the ConstanzaThe funeral services will be held Look Tin Eli, president of the China statement today In connection with when I come in Ohio, some of the zest Tchernavoda line by Rumania the acting with such apparent lack of coliseum. The program for the three of 2 o'clock Ffidav afternoon from 1 the history of America gets in my Mail company, according to reports, the report of the Chicago j>ollce de transport of provisions from Russia strength that, in the opinion of French days of the festival include aeroplanes blood. has agreed to pay $2,500,000 each for partment showing the growth of the residence. 532 West Maple avenue. There Is no zest in monopoly. military men, they no longer possess and fireworks exhibitions, automobile will have to be conducted over two races, water sports, push ball contests, The real zest is to feel that you are the liners, delivery to be made within local automobile stealing industry minor and less efficiently equipped a general reserve. from practical Insignificance In 1911 to Reports of casualties show French Japanese battle royal fights and com f part of a great company of people ten months. railway lines in Moldavia or by way a value of more than $1,250,000 so far working for human liberty. losses were very light, considerably edy features. of the Danube ports of Galatz and this year. "The problem now is to have a spir 'Ibraila. which are by no means com- less than the number of prisoners tak itual bond of unity joining u> from 1 parable to Constanza. At Topeka, Kas., Oct. 26.—Women the same en. F. P. NEAL TO RETIRE. coast to coast The Germans had massed guns of all girls will not be allowed to work time the most important route for ar Kansas City, Mo.. Oct. 26.—Fernan "Every man has the task of being stores longer than nine hours a New York, Oct. 26,—A greater Can tillery transportation by way of the calibers in the Ravine of Death, ail of Des Moines, Oct. 26. —Auto bandits In himself what be would have the ada. industrially and politically, when do P. Neal, president of the South as the result of an order Issued to 'railway from Constanza to Bucharest which fell into the hands of the west National Bank of Commerce in whole world believe the United States French. from Des Moines early today robbed by the labor and industrial welf peace is declared, is predicted by Baris virtually eliminated. All shipments The three lieutenant generals, who, two post Polk county and to be. Our tasks are to be much cn Shaughnessy, president of the Can Kansas City, one of the largest banks commission. The order will go must go by way of Ibraila and PloIn the west, will retire as active head greater in the future. under the command of General Manescaped with about $250 In currency effect as soon as it can be printed i adian Pacific railway, in a statement escl." "We have got to make a team of left behind when he sailed for Europe of the institution on January 1, 1917. mailed to merchants in the state. gin. led the attacking divisions, were and stamps. The post offices at Bon all lieutenant colonels at the outbreak durant and Berwick respectively thir- ourselves and pull the great chariot In yesterday on the steamer Kroonland. but will remain as a salaried director. GERMANS, PROGRESS. A consultation of lawyers, • Berlin, Oct. 26. (By Wirless to Say- of the war and had been singled out by |teen to eighteen milts from here, were •which rides the statue of liberty." chants anc^ commission officers The dominion is already preparing it It was announced here today. Following his address the president self for great development, he said, — Field Marshal von Macken- General Joffre for promotion on ac robbed. been arranged to work out a suital TO BUILD BIG GARAGE. Counting today's robberies, four sim- was kept busy shaking hands for more and is possessed of the self reliance sftn is progressing with his operations count of their technical ability, en j definition of the term "girl." liar crimes have been perpetrated In [than half an hour. San Antonio, Tex., Oct. 26.—Orders j against the Russo-Rumanian armies In ergy and initiative. and confidence necessary to bring that this section within five weeks. ! — have been received at Fort Sam Hous • #Jobrudja .the war office announced to development to its highest state. INVADERS REPULSED. ton to erect sheds to house more than HOYN E T H R EATENS day. The bridge over the Danube has iuNK. Bucharest. Oct. 26, via London.— 800 of the big army motor trucks for NEW INDICTMEI , been blown up by the Rumanians, the J. C. DURR IS LAID TO REST. The capture by the Rumanians of lx>ndon. Oct. 26. —The British mine : announcement states. Williamsburg, Oct. 26.—The funeral the winter. The motor sheds will be Mount Kerekheras, on the Transylsweeping vessel Genista ljas been torChicago, Oct. 26.—Threats of the "largest garage" In the world, Teutonic troops have, pushed their l Mrs. Sarah F . Hanna who has recent of J. D. Durr was held at the Pilot army men believe. ther indictments in connection I way further into Rumanian territory vanian front south of Bicaz. was an- pe doed and sunk, according to an anGrove church with burial In the Pilot 1 on the northern front. the alleged city hall police . scanfl Ground has nouncerl today by the war office. In nouncement given out by the British ly moved from Ottumwa to Eldon, has Grove cemetery. Mr. Durr died Satur word of military honor which MEDICAL SOCIETY MEETS. were contained in a new states • been gained on the road to Sinaya the the Oituz valley fighting continues be admiralty. All the officers and seven received day at the age of 70 years. He leaves her son Ell W. McKenney, now with the yond the Rumanian frontier. ty-three members of the mine sweep Ma Kansas City. Mo., Oct. 26.—The fight made public here today toy statement says. United tSates Gun Corps at Yuma. a wife, three daughters. Mrs. Ross MaThe Austro-German forces have now er's Vrew were lost. The survivors Russian battalions yesterday evenAriz, has been given. McKenna has hannah of North English, Mrs. Ralph against tuberculosis will occupy the Hoyne, state's attorney. been driven everywhere beyond the numbered twelve. i lng made an advance without artillery Chief of Police Healey, who been recommended for the certificate of Janes and Miss Louise Durr of Wil attention^ the twenty-fourth annual 'preparation against German positions western front of Moldavia (the north merit and the second lieutenancy of liamsburg, two brothers, I.eonard of meeting of the Tri-State Medical been indicted by Hoyne, has BRITISH VESSEL SUNK. ern province of Rumania) the* state volunteers for distinguished ) bravery I to the west of Lutsk in Volhynia. says society, which starts a three day con the state's attorney of the polteti London. 'Oct. 26.—The British steam and daring courage displayed in an at Kenwood and Charles of Williamsburg vention here today. Physicians from tail whici: aided him in the today's official statement. The storm- ment says. Their losses were very and two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Hlbbs of ship Sidmotfth has been sunk and her tack and capture of Nag Bayabas sev heavy. lng Russian waves, the statement adds, phases of his investigation an4> while he was seeing Chicago and Mrs. Caroline Gode ot Missouri, Illinois and Iowa are in at- ia new and smaller squad. *r ^ The war office says there Is nothing crew safelyvianded, reports Lloyd's eral years ago broke down under the German artillery itendanc*. Marengo. , servlc* in the Philippine Wands, new to report from Dobrudja. shipping ajra|cy. Art. TOSOMEEXTENT Columbus, N. M., Oct. 26.—Villa bandits operating near Namiquipa only twenty-five miles south of the American expedition's southern outpost, have demanded the shortening of the American troop line and gradual evacuation of Mexi can territory by the U. S. army» Americans coming to the border report. Republican Nominee Plans to Visit New England and New York State- Is Is LAX ON RIVER DUES PRESIDENT GREETED NORSE SHIP TAKEN JUDGE DISMISSES PANEL OF JURORS CANADA TO BUILD SHIPS FOR NORSE CHINESE COMPANY BUYS BIG SHIPS CLINTON'S~FALIR FESTIVAL OPENS "GREATER CANADA" DUE TO THE WAR ROBBERS VISIT TWO POSTOFF1CES ELI MKENNEY IS HONORED IN ARMY . I I.WJIMRPPU1UP KANSAITCUTSDOWN GIRLS' WORK HOI