February 2014 - Immanuel Lutheran Church
February 2014 - Immanuel Lutheran Church
Immanuel News February 2014 Celebrating Christ’s abundant presence in our lives, neighborhood and world. Pastor Susan announces Retirement for May January 15, Commemoration of Martin Luther King, Jr. these last ten years, and for God’s love that enfolds us all in this time of transition. With a heart full of thanks and deep affection . . . Your partner in the Gospel, Susan Vanhoy Burchfield, Pastor Dearest Immanuel Community, With deep thanksgiving for our partnership in the Gospel here at Immanuel I write to share with you an important decision. After prayerful discernment I have decided it is time for me to retire from fulltime ministry. This means I will be concluding my ministry at Immanuel as your pastor. My last Sunday at Immanuel will be the 5th Sunday of Easter, May 18, 2014. I will be 67 this June and I know that it is time for me to shift gears and slow down a bit. This has been a difficult decision. It has been my joy to walk with you as we seek to be the Beloved Community of which Dr. MLK Jr spoke so clearly. Ministry with you here at Immanuel has been so life-giving. You have called forth and sharpened my very best gifts. It has been a privilege to serve with kindred spirits who share a passion for God’s vision of peace and justice for all the earth. It is a joy to partner with a community that understands God’s love is not only embodied in comfort, hope and joy; but also in food and showers, recovery and freedom, welcome and advocacy, accompaniment and transformation, questions and lament. Immanuel Annual Meeting and Potluck Dinner Sunday, February 9 12 Noon to 2 pm Agenda includes: 2014 Budget, Elections, Financial Reports, Mission / Vision Discussion Plus: “What happens when Pastor Susan retires?” Please bring a dish to share— main dish, side dish, salad, bread or dessert. The congregation and Immanuel Community Services are both in a strong and vital place with great leadership. I will be working with congregational leadership and with the synod office to ensure a good transition. As Lutheran Christians our understanding of vocation is rooted in baptism—when we were all called into ministry as servants and disciples. For the past 28 years it has been my joy to include pastor alongside my vocations of daughter, spouse, mother, grandmother, citizen and teacher. My retirement plan beginning in June is to lean into my vocation as daughter. I will also take good time for reflection, reconnecting, rest, and play. And all the rest will work itself out. I am grateful for the gift of partnership at Immanuel Welcome to the Family ! Rainier Wes and Shea Elsie Goddard Children of Kelly and Scott Goddard Sponsors: Eric & Maria Beller and Jen Stuck and Greg Hanson. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CONGREGATION Thank You February Sunday Partners 1215 Thomas Street – Seattle, WA 98109-5427 www.immanuelseattle.org Office: 206-622-1930 [email protected] February’s food bank item is: breakfast cereal—hot or cold. Please bring personal size containers so they can easily be carried on the bus. Thank you! We are a Reconciling in Christ / Open and Affirming Congregation, welcoming all persons to our worship and to our Communion table Assisting Ministers: February 2 Stacy Kitahata February 9 Doug Starup February 16 Jewell Tice February 23 Barbara Byrne Alver Lectors: February 2 February 9 February 16 February 23 Lori Roehl Thelma Colman Doris St. Louis Claudia Erdman Altar Care: February 2 February 9 February 16 February 23 Sherianne Caldwell Stacy Kitahata Holly Lund Mary Peterson Immanuel Council President: Terrill Chang Immanuel Lutheran Church Staff: Rev. Susan Vanhoy Burchfield, Pastor Candi Olson, Office Administrator Gil Proctor, Custodian Joan Lundquist, Music Director Jennifer Faul, Choir Director Ann Adam, Bookkeeper Immanuel Community Services President: Wayne Hillard Immanuel Community Services Staff: Patricia Turnberg, Executive Director Terrence Lewis Sr., Recovery Program Annaliese Stelzer-Terminello, Food Bank Dave Saluskin, Hygiene Center Janet Watness, Community Lunch Ann Adam, Bookkeeper Newsletter Staff: Candi Olson, Newsletter Editor Jack Colman, Thelma Colman, Sally Smith, Assembly January deadline: December 15th Ushers/Greeters: February 2 Sherianne Caldwell, Jennifer Thim February 9 Sherianne Caldwell, LaVonne Rasmussen February 16 Carol Asmann, Jack Colman February 23 Juanita Merrifield, Steve Christensen Coffee Hour: February 2 February 9 February 16 February 23 Send articles to: [email protected] Immanuel Core Values As people called to be Christ’s living presence in the world, we value and are guided by our commitment to: Stan Sivesind Annual Meeting– Potluck Chris Serold Community Lunch celebrate and share God’s love invite and welcome all build relationships, nurture community rekindle hope Expect God’s love to change us February Birthdays and Anniversaries Offering Tellers: February Carl Field, Iain Quigley 1 2 3 4 Immanuel Congregation Financials 5 Year End 2013 Actual Budget Difference Member Offering 153,143 157,000 Under by 3,857 Non-member Offering 15,036 11,000 Over by 4,036 Total Income 312,275 304,438 Over by 7,837 Total Expense 312,275 304,438 Over by 7,837 Income over Expense 2,699 0 9 10 11 16 18 19 24 27 28 Selima Carol Asmann Helen Holbrook Roger Anderson Sherianne Caldwell Jayne Riggs Joe Hampson Tyler Morgan Lydia Dobrovolny Harold Bakke Tillie Obermeyer Ellen Bakke Henry Lesh Jack Lesh Stan Sivesind Marcy Golde Jen Carson Cameron and Shannon Smock anniversary If your birthday or anniversary is missing from this list, please contact the church office so we can update the church database. 2 9:00 am Sunday Adult Forum Jan 19— Mar 2 Sabbath Spirituality: The Journey of a Lifetime Leaders: Sally Parker-Henderson & Kathy Strand We meet to explore the spiritual/faith journey. The class will wrestle with such questions as: Is the spiritual journey a particular path or something different? Have you given any thought to your spiritual/faith journey since childhood? Was there an event in your life that was pivotal to my spiritual journey, perhaps sending it in a new direction, or inspiring me deeply? These questions and many, many others will be shared by people of our congregation in engaging and intimate ways. Each week will feature a panel of our fellow members sharing their own personal spiritual/faith journeys with us. Join us and be part of sharing the spiritual/faith journey with people we know and trust Concordia Choir Concert February 23 (Moorhead, MN) Sunday, February 23 at 3pm Benaroya Hall, Seattle René Clausen conducts the 79-voice a cappella choir in several spirituals and hymns plus some new dramatic new arrangements with Excelsior! instrumental trio. Visit BenaroyaHall.org or call 206-215-4747. The Dream of God: A World of Justice & Non-Violence Hear John Dominic Crossan, Marcus Borg, and Joan Chittister in conversation around the theme The Dream of God: A World of Justice & Non-Violence June 19, 20 & 21 University Congregational Lecture Series Tickets go on sale February 19 Brown Paper Tickets: www.brownpapertickets.com/ More information from church office: 206-524-6255 www.universityucc.org “Mudhouse Sabbath” Book Group Mondays in February we will reading Mudhouse Sabbath; An Invitation to a Life of Spiritual Discipline by Lauren F. Winner. After her conversion from Orthodox Judaism to Christianity, the author found that her life was still marked by traditions and spiritual practices of Judaism. She uses some of these practices in her everyday life. Come join us on Monday evenings in February to discuss 11 spiritual practices from Judaism that can transform the way we view the world, God, meals, grief, marriage, candle-lighting and other aspects of life. The book is available from the public library, many bookstores, and from Amazon. We will decide the time of the meetings once a list of interested folks has been compiled. There will be a signup sheet available in the office and at church starting on January 5th. Questions? Call or email Sherianne Caldwell at 206-892-8816 or [email protected] or talk to her in church! Lauren Winner to speak in Seattle Feb 7-8 Author, Mudhouse Sabbath Lauren Winner, author of Mudhouse Sabbath, and professor of Christian Spirituality at Duke Divinity School, will speak on Sabbath and “living in time” at University Congregational. She speaks on “Inhabiting Time” Friday at 7 pm; and on Saturday, 10 am to 3 pm on “From Weekend to Sabbath.” Friday’s lecture is $15. Saturday only is $40. Both are $50. Tickets available at Brown Paper Tickets: http:/bpt.me/512459; or from church off ice at 206-524-6255. University Congregational at 4515 16th Ave NE, Seattle. More information at www.universityucc.org The Well Brian McLaren, Dr. Cornel West, and Dr. Susannah Heschel are coming to Seattle as part of The Well at Queen Anne United Methodist's 2014 series on "Spiritual Identity, Multifaith World." Brian McLaren will be at The Well on Tuesday, February 18 at 7 p.m., speaking about "Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road: Christian Identity in a Multi-Faith World." Dr. Cornel West will be at The Well on Saturday, March 8 at 7 p.m., speaking about "Heschel and Peace: A Dream for All Faiths." Dr. Susannah Heschel will be at The Well on Wednesday, March 12 at 7 p.m., speaking about "Abraham Joshua Heschel & Interfaith Relationships: Complicated Past, Important Future." The Well at Queen Anne United Methodist Church is located at 1606 5th Ave. W., Seattle 98119. For more information, and how to purchase tickets: http://qaumc.org/the-well/ Phone: (206) 282-4307 E-mail: [email protected] 3 from the Orion Youth Center at the beginning of May. New Immanuel Photo Directory Coming An art contest/showing featuring our Children would be a fun thing to do… Additional Photo times added . . . for Thursday Now Thursday, Feb 6, Friday, Feb 7 & Saturday, Feb 8 If you have art to display and share, contact Dena Lee to arrange your show! [email protected] 206-3719446 If you can’t make it on one of these dates, contact Christy Olsen Field to make other arrangements. It's a new year, which means it's time for a new pictorial directory! The Community Life team is coordinating with Lifetouch for this important project, and we need YOU to make our directory complete. The Visual Arts Committee is proud to announce our first “Rotating Art Show!” Immanuel Lutheran Church Artist’s Gallery Presents To celebrate our growing and vibrant congregation, Lifetouch provides the directory at no cost to our church. Lifetouch will be on site on Thursday, Feb. 6 from 27pm, Friday, Feb. 7 from 12:30 - 8:30 pm, and Saturday, Feb. 8 from 9 am - 5 pm. You can sign up for your free one-hour sitting on the church website at www.immanuelseattle.org, or after worship in the fellowship hall in January. Paintings by Peggy Haug Reception, Sunday, March 2nd Following Worship Service Coming attractions: A group show featuring art by Dan Erlander, Holly Lund, Sally Parker-Henderson and more! Every family or individual photographed will receive a free 8x10 portrait and directory. Lifetouch provides a nopressure opportunity to purchase additional poses or prints, if you're interested. A few words about Peggy Haug… I grew up in the world of art. I was blessed to enjoy a close relationship with my grandfather, famous watercolorist Charles E. Burchfield. His daughter, my mother, was also an accomplished artist who painted the Western New York countryside, often accompanied by my brothers and I. In high school, I took a watercolor class from a wise teacher who counseled me to "develop the artist within myself now that I knew the techniques." I began painting and exhibiting landscapes around my home in the Buffalo area; there was even a joint show in NYC with my grandfather and mother. Everyone is welcome and invited to participate! Please reserve your place today. The directory won't be complete without YOU! Friends and neighbors can also make an appointment for a photo sitting and receive a free 8x10, order other photos if they choose, and not appear in the directory. P.S. Interested in volunteering with the directory? Contact Christy Olsen Field at [email protected] or 253 -298-5280 to see how you can help! Throughout my life journey of education, family and child-rearing, plus full-time work as an RN, I painted landscapes occasionally, but acknowledged a love-hate relationship with this style of art. When I spent several years living and traveling in an RV, I began to draw uniquely detailed botanicals along with brief journal notes on locations and activities. Then, while serving 2 years as a volunteer at Holden Village, I developed my nature journal weekly postings, which are currently being collected into a book. Coming this month to the Immanuel Lutheran Community : “Rotating Art Show” The Visual Arts Committee is proud to announce Immanuel’s “Rotating Art Show”. There are so many talented artists of many different mediums; we feel our Fellowship walls are crying out for a display of our talents! It is our intention to feature as many artists who are willing to share over the coming year. Each artist, or group of artists will have an opportunity to write a short biography for Immanuel’s newsletter as well as host an “opening” one Sunday over the 6 week run of each show following worship service. Finally resettled in Seattle for the past 6 years, I have embraced, with renewed passion, various expressions of my art, especially visual journaling. I have enjoyed, and benefitted from my involvement with the group "Urban Sketchers." The visual fun begins February 2014 with a solo show by Peggy Haug. Mid- March will feature a group show featuring Dan Erlander, Holly Lund, Sally Parker-Henderson and a few other fine artists. We hope to feature art by youth You can view my work at www.flickr.com/photos/ peggyhaug. I am a correspondent for www.seattle.urbansketchers.org and post my sketchers there monthly. 4 Our Prayer Concerns Women of Immanuel “We walk by faith and not by sight; with gracious words draw near. O Christ, who spoke as none e’er spoke: ‘My peace be with you here.’ Help then, O Lord, our unbelief; and may our faith abound to call on you when you are near and seek where you are found.” [ELW #652] Knowing Christ’s peace is with us, we pray: For healing: for Lori Nelson, Maryann Lund’s niece, following stomach cancer surgery; for Joel Nelson, Maryann’s nephew, hospitalized with an infection; for Eileen, Heidi Lundquist’s friend, following a rare surgery; for John and Elizabeth Taylor, friends of the Paul Lunds, for broken bones; for Bron Taylor with pneumonia—praying also for their families and physicians. Women of Immanuel will meet Thursday, February 6 for Bible Study at 11 am. The study will be “Woman of Endor, A Seer and Communicator.” The lesson will cover Psalm 109, 1 Samuel 28:3-25, Matthew 9:18-26, and 1st Samuel 9:1-19. We will have Mary Lindberg as our guest Bible Study Leader. Everyone is welcome. Bring a dish to share for the pot-luck lunch. Coffee and dessert are provided. The remaining Thursdays will be spent working on quilts for Lutheran World Relief. No experience is necessary. Bring a sack lunch and join us at a10 am. Coffee will be provided. We pray for our shut-ins: Bob Erdman; Jim Gamrath; Carole Haney; Laurie McGibbon. Blessed are the feet of those who bring good tidings, who publish peace, who bring good tidings of good, who publish salvation, who says, “Your God reigns!” We pray for Pastor Susan as she prepares for her retirement and for us that we may be empowered to continue the ministry she so ably inspired and brought to fruition. We pray for our Church: for Pastor Susan and the other pastors who assist her; staff; the church council; Children’s Church leaders, nursery care, ICS Director Patty, Staff and Board; for all who serve: music director Joan and choir director, Jennifer; lectors, ushers, altar care, assistants, choir, etc.; for those who are served by Immanuel’s outreach; for Lay Eucharistic Ministers who bring communion and minister to our shut-ins; and for our visitors. Bless us that we may be a blessing! For comfort in the loss of a loved one within the past year: Barbara Byrne Alver and family in the death of her husband, Ken; Terrill Chang’s family following his father’s death; John Griffen’s family—Kirsten, Aiden and Jackson on the death of father and grandfather; for Karen and Les Wahlstrom in the death of nephew. Compass Housing Alliance Annual Dinner & Auction March 15 Join us March 15, 2014 at 6:30pm at the Museum of Flight for a fabulous evening of food and fun bidding at our auction “Fly me to the Moon!” We're less than two months away from one of the most exciting dates on our social calendar -- the 2014 Fly Me to the Moon auction, an evening of fine dining, fantastic auction items and fun to benefit the mission of Compass Housing. Reserve your place now online at http://compass.maestroweb.com/ For more information about the 2014 Fly Me to the Moon auction, or to donate auction items, contact: Cindy Jackson, 206.357.3104, [email protected] For all men and women in the Armed Forces. We pray for our President and Congress that they may keep the needs of people in their focus. We pray for all world leaders that they will reach out in compassion to help those in need—whether from natural disasters or oppression in any form. We invite you to join us on the Prayer Chain for intercessory prayer. If you don’t use the internet, you will be called by ‘phone. If you need prayer for yourself or a loved one, please call or e-mail Maryann Lund, 425-347-0413 or [email protected] 5 Update your Directory Information With a new directory in the works, we want to be sure to have your updated address and contact information in the church office. This includes phone numbers and email addresses also. If there are any changes or corrections, please call the church office at 206-622-1930 or email Candi at [email protected]. Immanuel Story Corp Among Our Members: Joan Lundquist Joan Lundquist enjoyed a love of music, and after attending Muskingum College in Ohio, became a music teacher. After teaching for a few years, Joan moved to Madison, Wisconsin where she earned a Master of Music in Accompanying. Along the way she needed a piano. A professor was selling one, so she made the purchase. The agreement was that he would deliver the piano to her in her apartment. She was away when the delivery was made. The professor had to use a crane to hoist the piano onto the balcony outside her apartment, in order make the promised delivery. She enjoyed the piano until it was time to move. Deciding to attempt to take the piano with her, she tried to get the piano out of her building. Joan found out the stairway was too narrow and curved too much to take the piano out. So, that apartment included a piano for the next occupant. schools. Now she is going to sing in choir, visit people more, and read more. Now that her youngest, Sarah, is in college, she is looking around for volunteer opportunities. Joan reads the Bible a lot, and is undertaking to read the Bible through this year. She remarks how she finds God so gracious and loving with the stiff necked people. We are most fortunate to have Joan with us at Immanuel. We wish her the best!! PLU CORNER To educate students for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership, and care- for other people, for their communities, and for the earth. (PLU mission statement) Immanuel members Carl Field and Christy Olsen Field are two Pacific Lutheran University graduates who embody the values expressed in the PLU mission statement. Did you know Carl serves as a representative on the PLU Alumni Board and Christy is the 2008 class rep? The Alumni Board meets two times a year to consider issues dealing with student admissions, enrollment, capital improvements, and other items relating to campus life. This body also shares its insights with the PLU Alumni Office, Advancement and Admissions Offices, and the Board of Regents. She moved to Humboldt State in Arcata, California in 1981. She worked as Staff Accompanist and it was here she met Rick at the Methodist church where he sang in the choir and she was organist. Rick went on to attend the UW and Joan made more plans to make a living with her musical talent. She came to Seattle and needed a way to make that rent payment. Word arrived that Immanuel needed an organist/choir director. Joan came to be interviewed. She was an instant success. Carl considers himself a liaison between PLU and Seattle alumni. Both Christy and Carl are working on plans to provide more opportunities for alumni to get together and to bring university professors to Seattle. Joan moved into her Capitol Hill apartment on August 15th, 1984. She told the landlady she had a piano and to let her know if it was bothering her. One day the lady said she did have a problem with the piano. It was just that Joan did not play it enough!! If you are a graduate or supporter of PLU, feel free to contact Carl or Christy ([email protected] or [email protected] ) to discuss ideas you have or to receive information about campus activities. To paraphrase Carl, the PLU community follows its members throughout their lives. Carl and Christy are here to help us to stay engaged with this vibrant community. Joan free-lanced until Heidi was born, teaching piano, working with the Northwest Boy Choir, Seattle Choral Company, and accompanying students at the UW. She also taught at Seattle University where she met Jackie Boreson. Looking back over the years, Joan fondly remembers the early Thanksgiving dinners, Christmas Caroling around Cascade including the taverns. She also recounts the time Johnson Music went out of business and she dumpster dived to get some of the choir music they were discarding. All this, while Rick reluctantly looked on . While her family was growing, she volunteered in the 6 been a great experience for all involved. The men love the food and all the extra touches and the volunteers love the guys who live here with us. Union Church has pledged to do this every month for as long as they can gather volunteers. Dear ILC Friends: Did you ever participate on a board or committee that struggled to develop a strategic plan and then filed it away for a year? Did you ever make a New Year’s Resolution that lasted less than 30 days? It happens to the best of us but I am proud to say…it won’t happen here at ICS this year! It’s hard to believe, but our hard-working Board of Directors took time from their busy schedules between Thanksgiving and Christmas for a Board Retreat! We updated our strategic plan and decided to assign board members as “goal tenders” to follow-up on each goal at every meeting. The plan will be integrated into our agenda for each meeting and goal tenders will report on any progress. I would like to offer this unique opportunity to other churches, organizations and local businesses. And of course, if YOU at Immanuel want to form a Supper Club Group, just let me know. It’s a truly rewarding experience for everyone. I hope to see you all at our Annual Meeting, March 2 at 12:00pm in the Immanuel Lutheran Parish Hall. Blessings, Patty Turnberg Executive Director I hope that many of you will be able to join us at our ANNUAL MEETING scheduled for after the church service on Sunday March 2nd in the Parish Hall. We’ve invited our new mayor to join us but as of this publication, we’ve not yet heard back from his office. With or without Mayor Ed Murray we will have an interesting meeting. You’ll have a chance to meet our new and old board members and our dedicated staff. We’ll tell you about our struggles this past year and our plans for a successful 2014. And, you’ll be given an opportunity to ask the hard questions! I do have one success story I’d like to share with you right now about the formation of our new SUPPER CLUB. At our last Annual Benefit Breakfast, I asked folks if they might like to volunteer to cook a dinner for the men in our Recovery Program Shelter. This request came direct from the men…it was their idea. Members of Union Church perked up their ears at this and for three consecutive months now, they’ve been coming over on a Wednesday night at 3:00 PM, bringing food with them, and preparing a delicious dinner for the men. It has been a WONDERFUL opportunity for fellowship between their volunteers and the men living with us. The food has been excellent (meatloaf, baked potatoes with sour cream/ cheese/bacon bits/chive, Brussels’ sprouts with pomegranate sauce, fresh baked brownies with ice cream)….you get the picture? Dinner was served promptly at 5:00 PM. There was never an awkward moment. Conversation started immediately at all four tables and it continued for at least an hour. By the end of the evening, everyone was hugging one another and wishing each other a Happy New Year. It has Members of Union Church Supper Club. ICS Coffee Tour Last Monday of each month, 12noon-1p This month: February 24 Want to learn more about Immanuel Community Services, or introduce a friend or colleague to ICS? Join us for a Coffee Tour held the last Monday of each month. You’ll see the Food Bank in action, meet staff, and tour the facility where we operate all of our programs. Please contact ICS Director Patty Turnberg to reserve a spot. 206-622-1930 or [email protected] 7 Immanuel Lutheran Congregation 1215 Thomas Street Seattle, WA 98109-5427 Non-Profit U.S. Postage Paid Seattle, WA Permit No. 289 Change Service Requested February 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 9a Adult Forum 10:30a Worship ILC Marketplace 9 9a Adult Forum 10:30a Worship 12p ILC Annual Meeting 16 9a Education Hour 10:30a Worship 3 4 5 12:30p Staff 11:30a Finance Team 6 11a Women’s Bible Study and Potluck 7:30p Choir 2p-7p LifeTouch Photos 6:30p Book Group 7:30p AA 10 6:30p Book Group 11 12:30p Staff 7:30p AA 6p Exec Committee 7p Church Council 7:30p Choir 18 19 17 11a-1p Food Bank 13 10a Quilting 24 12p-11a ICS Coffee Tour 11a-1p Food Bank 6:30p Book Group 7:30p AA 5:30p First Friday at the Row House 14 20 10a Quilting 21 27 10a Quilting 28 7:30p Choir 25 26 12:30p Staff 6p ICS Board 7:30p Choir 8 9a-5p LifeTouch Photos 12:30p-8p LifeTouch Photos 12:30p Staff 6:30p Book Group 7:30p AA 23 9a Education Hour 10:30a Worship 12p Community Lunch 12p Assisting Min meet 12 7 15 newsletter deadline 8:30a-3p ILC Council Retreat at St John United 22 11a Community Lunch prep
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