Sun-Protection-Policy - Gorsefield Primary School | Home
Sun-Protection-Policy - Gorsefield Primary School | Home
Sun Protection Policy This policy represents the agreed principles for Sun Protection throughout the school and continues to reflect the status of Gorsefield Primary School as a Healthy School. This policy has been agreed by governors within the school and all teachers representing the Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. At Gorsefield Primary School we want learners to enjoy the sun safely.As you know the school aims to provide an environment, in which learners are able to develop their own maximum potential in academic, social, physical and emotional terms. Our Aims: Having proper regard for all learners in the school we aspire to develop lifelong learning by: Fostering and maintaining an ethos which is supportive of all members of the school community irrespective of ability, gender, ethnic or social background and which ensures that all feel valued, cared for and secure. Promoting collaboration with parents and the wider community to enable us to provide the best possible social, academic and cultural development for our learners. Developing a sense of discipline and outstanding behaviour, leading to high standards of interaction with and between adults and children. Having equal access for all learners including those with a physical need. Developing independence, resilience and resourcefulness leading to a positive attitude to learning and pride in achievement. Encouraging and enabling learners to acquire and hone academic and individual skills to the maximum of their ability. Developing respect and tolerance for all religious, moral and cultural values including having regard to the wider community. Encouraging creativity and aesthetic values. To support this we will ensure All learners have at least one sun safe lesson per year We will talk about how to be sun safe in assemblies during the Summer Term each year. Parents and carers will be provided with information explaining how to keep their child safe in the sun. All play areas have places where there are shady spots to sit in, for instance the well established trees and the shadows of walls, during lunchtimes and breaks. . Clothing Learners should bring caps/hats, the kind that cover the neck are particularly advised, in the summer. Learners will wear t-shirts during PE lessons that cover up their shoulders, no ‘vests’ . Sunscreen All parents/carers will be asked to sign a form giving permission for their children to bring to school their own sun cream and apply it themselves. DO NOT SEND SUNCREAM IN TO BE KEPT IN YOUR CHILD’S BAG OR POCKET. Learners in Foundation Stage will be assisted with the application of their sunscreen. The sun cream must be labelled and will be stored in crates and kept by the class teacher. The sun cream will be made available to the children during break times and lunch times. Sunscreen is to be applied at home before educational visits Staff are encouraged to follow the same guidelines as learners. M.Stroud 2014 This policy will be reviewed every 2 years.