January 2016 - Several Sources Shelters


January 2016 - Several Sources Shelters
Please HELP US
ung mothers
about Holy Chastity.
“Thus says the Lord, ‘A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children;
she refuses to be comforted for her children, because they are no more.”
(Jeremiah 31:15)
January 2016
Dear Several Sources Benefactors,
Our baby-saving work continues ONLY because of your prayers and financial support! How I wish you could come to
our shelters for just a few hours to see how 79 cents of every dollar you donate saves God’s precious innocent preborn
children, while we teach their mothers of His Divine Ever Present Love for them. Please feel free to contact us and set
up a visit anytime so you can meet some of the precious innocent little ones whose lives you have saved and their young,
forever grateful mothers. You have changed history in their lives and in God’s family too.
“On Friday, October 9th I delivered
my first baby little Donte. I was really
lost when I first came to Our Gift of
Hope seeking help for myself and my
baby. I was not sure if I was going
to keep the baby. I have not lived in
America a long time and came from
Ghana with my mother. I was feeling
tired and sleepy all the time so I took
a pregnancy test because I missed
my period and the test came back
positive. I was so nervous I did not know what I was going to do. I am
going to school at Bradford Hall and barely had money to take care of
myself let alone a baby. The sonographer helped me fill out an application
for food and showed me where to go to apply for health insurance so I
could keep my baby. When I saw my baby on the sonogram machine I felt
like a mother and I did not want to throw my baby away. Thank you very
much for all the help, support and counseling that helped me change my
mind about my little baby that smiles all the time. Thank You, Topeka”
Because of your generosity we were able to save 278
babies in the past 12 months through the efforts of
our sonogram team, our sidewalk counselors and our
Sprinter which is parked in front of one of the oldest
abortion clinics in New Jersey. We are blessed to share
with you “Our Gift of Hope” statistics that reflect a
37% decrease in the number of women entering the
clinic from 4,784 in 2014 to 3,034 in 2015 for a total
decrease of 1,750. Two of the “Saved” babies from
“Our Gift of Hope”are from top to bottom:
Donte born on 10-9-15 and Angel born on 5-10-15.
“My name is Carmen and I would like to thank everyone at Our Gift of Hope for helping me
outside of the abortion clinic in Englewood. I am 20 yrs. old and pregnant with my first baby.
I thought that no one cared about what I was going through until someone came up to me
and offered me a sonogram to see my baby for the first time. My life has not been the same
since I saw my baby’s sonogram back in August of last year. My Angel is in my arms now
and I am so happy that I keep him and now I know how important life is. Thank you again
for all the help with food and clothing for my son. Carmen R.”
We were blessed with 2 beautiful baby girls. Mom, Lexis gave birth to Emilee
on 11/30/15 weighing 9 lbs. 14 oz. Lexis said “my daughter means everything in
the world to me. My daughter was born with an actual tooth and the doctor said
he had never seen a baby born with a tooth before. He said Emilee was one in a
million. I would like to thank all our benefactors for helping to keep Several Sources
up and running. If it wasn’t for Several Sources my daughter would not have been
born. The benefactors have given me and others the chance to have our babies and
have a place to get on our feet.”
Jasmine, one of our most experienced
housemothers with 17 years of service,
handles a call from our 24 hour pregnancy
hotline 1-800-662-2678
Tierney’s daughter Jazlyn was born on 12/4/15
weighing 6 lbs. 15 oz. Tierney sends her thanks to
Kathy for without her, her daughter would not have
been born. Tierney’s mother was young when she
was pregnant with her and did not want the same for
her daughter. She wanted Tierney to have an abortion.
Now that Jazlyn is born, Tierney’s mother is happy and
accepts her granddaughter as a gift. Tierney would like to
thank the benefactors for giving her a good place to stay
and for helping to save her baby.
Dear Benefactor, as you may imagine, each and every dollar counts. So when we asked a few of
our Several Sources Families if they might help us to put together a $1 to $1 Matching Challenge
they agreed, thanks be to God.
Now we are blessed to announce that every dollar you donate before March 1st
up to a total of $65,000 will be matched by these donors with another $1.
SEVERAL SOURCES SHELTERS | P.O. Box 157, Ramsey, NJ 07446 | 201-818-9033 | www.severalsources.net
We are so very grateful to learn that Our Dear Friend and Champion of the Several Sources Shelters, Blessed
Mother Teresa will be canonized a Saint in the month of September 2016. What a blessed time to share with you
some of the words she wrote to me 25 years ago on January 30, 1991.
“Dear Kathy DiFiore, Thank you for your beautiful letter - so full of your humility and
availability to God where He needs you most - to save the poorest of the poor - the un-born
children. Let us not be afraid to be small, humble and helpless to prove our love for God. May
God’s blessing continue to abide with you in Your good work. Let us pray. God bless you.”
This photo was taken at the recent
30th Anniversary of Mother
Teresa’s help to rescind Kathy’s
$10,000 Fine for housing unwed
mothers and their babies in her
own home and the actual passing
of Senate Bill 2697, nicknamed by
some “The DiFiore Bill.”
In 1988, I met with Mother Teresa
during one of her frequent visits to
Newark. She thoroughly enjoyed
meeting our “saved” baby Liza
who decided it might be ok to touch
Mother’s nose. The last time I spoke
to Liza, now 27 years old, she asked
me, “Do you think some of Mother
Teresa rubbed off on me?”
SEVERAL SOURCES SHELTERS | P.O. Box 157, Ramsey, NJ 07446 | 201-818-9033 | www.severalsources.net
To our joy and amazement on December 4, 2015 Bill
O’Reilly of FOX TV’s The Factor stated on air that
“Several Sources is one of the BEST CHARITIES in
the world to put your money.”
Note: Bill’s own charity has been donating to Several Sources
Shelters since 2009 and Several Sources is also mentioned
on Bill’s Personal Website as one of his “Favorite Charities”.
Please spread the word and tell your family and friends about
Bill’s message. Our baby saving work desperately needs more
donors to help young, confused pregnant women to choose
life for God’s innocent children and teach their mothers about
Holy Chastity.
Without your support our Shelters and Sonogram Center would close. January has always been the most difficult
month for us to raise funds because the holidays are over and the winter season is upon us. Please pray that the Holy
Spirit will help us to keep our shelters open.
Your Sister in Christ Jesus,
Kathy DiFiore,
P.S. We hire no professional fundraisers. 79¢ of every $1 goes towards
helping God’s children in need. One of our former housemothers
assists me in our daily struggles to help us pay our bills including
putting together our appeals. Kathy holds “saved” baby Izabella
born 8-25-15.
In December, we were blessed to have one of our young benefactors
recruit three new donors for us and one of these donors is trying to help
us submit a grant application for the work we do through a foundation
where he has contacts. Now a few of our Several Sources kindhearted families, as we mentioned, will be
matching your donation $1 for $1 up to $65,000 between now and March 1st.
SEVERAL SOURCES SHELTERS | P.O. Box 157, Ramsey, NJ 07446 | 201-818-9033 | www.severalsources.net