
Innovation and Leading Technology
ECO is a leader in its field in the design, the fabrication
and installation of sandblasting rooms. Depending on
your surface treatment requirements, we can provide
a complete turn-key solution including the making
of a new room, or simply providing the necessary
equipment and technical support to guide you in the
self manufacturing of your room. This partnership
option makes it possible to save substantially on your
construction expenses.
Minimal to no maintenance required, the ECO
Pneumatic System will provide a safe and efficient
indoor surface treatment environment, independent
of outdoor weather conditions.The result is a safer
environment for the operators, aswell as a complete
and certified environment protection against harmful
sandblasting dust.
Featuring the safest and most effective process in
surface treatment while recycling the most popular
abrasives such as; glass bead, aluminum oxide,
steel shot, steel grit and much more, while achieving
substantial consumption savings of abrasives (recycling
rates of 95% and more can be realized).
Markets served
• General manufacturing • Power & energy
• Aerospace and aviation • Pharmaceutical
• Marine
• Automotive
• Petroleum
Technical :
ECO offers various types of recovery floors which will be
adapted according to your available production space. Either for
a surface installation or excavated, dimensions can vary from 4
feet in length for the compact installations, and to more than 40
feet for high output industrial facilities.The configurations are
practically infinite.
The shallow and space saving over the floor design, is
easy to install and requires limited maintenance. A 17” floor
excavation is sufficient for existing floors. The system can also
be installed on a concrete floor or on any other permanent or
temporary floor.
We manufacture a complete line of Recovery Systems
designed to surface treat the external structures and large
surfaces, Recovery Systems and Abrasive Recycling Systems
compatible with our equipment or compatible with other
manufacturers’ equipment. The fundamentals behind an
effective Recovery System is to recover, recycle and re-use the
Economic :
The concept of recycling abrasives will able the user to achieve
substantial savings in abrasives consumption while protecting the
environment from harmful sandblast dust. Example: The cost of steel shot is of approximately 10 times
superior compared with the cost of any non recyclable media.
However, steel shot abrasives can be recycled and used up to 100 times compared to only once with the standard media.
The non recyclable sandblasting abrasives are not expensive
to purchase but they can only be used for one sandblasting cycle.
Because of their fragile molecular structure, they deteriorate quickly
while generating harmful sandblasting dust and substantially
reducing the visibility of the operators.
Savings in compressed air consumption in using the double
control sandblasting system (please ask for details)
Please contact one of our specialists in surface treatment, they
will be able to analyse your needs and evaluate all they technical and
financial benefits associated with our recovery and recycling systems.
ECO is recognized as a leader in its field since 1978 in the design, the fabrication and installation of sandblasting rooms.
Depending on your surface treatment requirements, we can provide a complete turn-key solution including the making of
a new room, or simply providing the necessary equipment and technical support to guide you in the self manufacturing of
your room. This partnership option makes it possible to save substantially on your construction expenses.
How it works
To operate a pneumatic recovery
system is very simple. Following the
sanding process, the residual abrasives
accumulated on the floor can be manually
or mechanically swept towards the
recovery pits. The pneumatic recovery
system collects and conveys the used
abrasive to the recycler to be cleaned
and recycled. The clean abrasive is then
conveyed to the pressure vessel to be
used again for the sandblasting process,
while the dust is conveyed to the filtration
Parts and examples
Air flltration
A wide selection of models is available, from 600 CFM of capacity and up to 50 000 CFM units
fully equipped including filtration cartridges or filtration bags.
Simple and safe cartridges
replacement system that
does not require any tool.
A luminous light indicates
when the cartridges must be
Full area recovery system
Automatic pulse
cartridge cleaner
Main control panel
Hopper recovery pit
Partial area recovery system
Multiple operators system
External dust collector
Consumption study
Recyclable Abrasives vs Non Recyclable Abrasives (consumption @ 4 000 lbs / day)
Abrasive (price/lbs x % recycling)
Cleaning (hrs x $25)
Abrasive disposal cost $
Additional electrical cost (600v 8 amps)
Silica Sand
Steel Grit
Savings $/ day
$0.12 x 0%
4 hrs x $25
$8 / day
$0.00 / day
$0.75 x 95%
0.2 hrs x $25
$0.40 / day
$6.00 / day
- $6.00
Saving Cost $ / day
For more details about other options and available accessories, sales, warranties,
distribution and service, contact us at :
1 800 835-1096 Fax : 316 634-6658
Or visit us at :
Tel. :

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