Volume 7 (MAP) - 33rd Infantry Division
Volume 7 (MAP) - 33rd Infantry Division
NORTH PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Prepared from Philippine Islands Road Map 1:1,000,000 Gibol ICabu N S NI Nagbarala CaM « Call.ful Curnm. Arbol.don Pi Nogloctodtn Pi >'«0 Pi B0J01 PI Miilrr Bay Cabutunan PI Calanotan Pt Capulutan Pi \ - V ^ * 1 Kariikilan'Vjr ^ (_'alab<ifanpH ' .' / DJavan C H I N A San AntoniVy / >") ji \f~~ \ S E A D i b u l u l ^ t - -C\\ " ~ v , LINGAYEN V' f'o S BenitoJ;' ,' / ahappajan - , _ % ^/ V nToriat'a Pi «*J,, . _/^ Cabal APPENO/X 2 SK&TCH Infanta! / rmono Ato^o, \ 'JITalabagbf'-jJ^ PH1L1PP1N ANNEX US A 5 OS 8/6 7b As 0/r/s/o/vs ADVANCE: > j^NorzaKar»y ^Ob'Ha# CITY\ V \ Bayubay ' N-^Iahat 'vj^tlahan Island Passag* S«n Auguitin K—*\ Vtrdi f b«yan °° s »««*<ANA$ (SUNOS t/ y A N XXX X XXX BOUNDARY To 3c DEVELOPED ^ J ^ u i Spring A/IAP /v CORPS £• Place iranea. References, Place nanes and localities win K» 1:50.000 scale mps r e g a r d s Local place nan^s will S te usid U3ed on maps. *° ** d "iS»ted ^ No change. on the ther m a ^ as ° designated P« of^ nanes 1. ENGINEER ORGANIZATION The general organization for engineer operations By command of Lieutenant General KRUEGER; a. headquarters, (1) I, XI, XIV Corps. G. H. DECKER, Brigadier General, G.S»C. Chief of staff. APPENDIX 1 - i.jips, Reports and APPENDIX 2 - Sketch „ * , N o r t h Echelons under direct control of this follow, (2) 37th Division. (3) 931at Engineer Construction Group (Avn). Islands (4) 1112th Engineer Construction croup (less detachment). OFFICIAL: (5) 158th Regimental Combat Team, Eddleman by ',/ b. Unit Engineers, G-3 No change. £. DISTRIBUTION! Saae a s FO 3 4 Attachment of engineer units to the above ectielona effective 1200 hours, 25 iiprch 1945: (1) I and XIV Corps, As now constituted. (2) XI Corps, Co B, 339th Engineer Construction Battalion 2d platoon, 441at Engineer Depot Company Survey Platoon, 69th Engineer Topo Company 1 Detachment, 1112th Engineer Construction Group 1 Detachment, 1032nd port Construction and Repair Group 1 Detachment, 1782nd Engineer parts Supply Company 585th Engineer Dump Truck Company 27th Engineer Construction Battalion HEADQUARTERS SIXTH ARM* A. p. o. 442 APPENDIX No. 1. Anne, 8/6 to F 0 34. Engineer. 1. UPB 2. £. North P h i l i p p i n e I s l a n d s - Road ifcp - 1 : 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . b. S t r a t e g i c Mips, 1 , 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 . complete coverage of Luzon, 18 s h e e t s . £. Ifcdiun S c a l e , 1 , 5 0 , 0 0 0 , complete coverage Luzon. d . Battlemap-photomap, l i 2 5 , 0 0 0 . U n i t e d coverage - see Baae Itep Plant Catalog. (3) 37th Division: AS now constituted. (4) 931at Engineer Construction Group (Avn), 1876th Engineer Aviation Battalion 414th Engineer Dump Truck Company 695th Engineer Equipment company 556th Engineer Heavy Ponton Battalion 1011th Engineer Treadway Bridge Company Detachment, 78lst Engineer petroleum Distribution Company HYDROGRAPHIC CHaRTS Complete coverage of Luzon c o a s t w i t h USC 4 GS c h a r t s . 3. (5) 1112th Engineer Construction Group (less detachment): PURT.TCATIOIB 79th 339th 198th 492nd &m A l l i e d Geographical S e c t i o n . 3WPA. (1) Terrain Study No. 85 S.E. Luzon (Bicola). (2) Terrain Study Ho. 86 Cagayan Valley. (3) Terrain Study No. 91 Tayabas Province. (6) Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer Construction Battalion construction Battalion (less Co B) Dump Truck Company Equipment company 158th Regimental Combat Teamt 1279th Engineer combat Battalion (non-divisional) 2. ENGINEER RECOKKAISSANCEi (4) Terrain Study No. 93 lingayen. No change. (5) Terrain Study No. 94 Central Luzon, Volumes I, 11, I I I . 3. ENGINEER LISSI0N5: t>. (6) Terrain Study No. 95 Batangas - Lucena. (7) Terrain Study i,To. 97 N.W. Luzon. a. Roads and Bridges. (1) Corps and separate unit commanders will, Office of the Chief of Engineers. War Department (a) No change. (1) Strategic Engineering Study, No. 124, LUZON, August 1944. (b) As division rear boundaries are advanced, develop and raintain within the respective zones of action of the corps and Separate units, all roads indicated In red solid and dashed lines on Appendix 2, Sketch Mip, North Philippine islands. These roads will be maintained as two-lane, all-weather roads with one-lane bridges, except where otherwise directed, suitable for medium tonics and all corps traffic. (2) Strategic EnGineering Study, No. 132, PHU.IfPIHE I3IAHDS, Vol. I, Roads, and Vol. II, Railroads, September 1944 (3) Strategic Engineering Study, No. 135. LUZON, Detailed Terrain intelligence. £. U.S. Coast and geodetic Survey (1) d_. Joint Amy-Navy i n t e l l i g e n c e (1) (c) No change. Tide and Current Tables, PHTT.TPPTTTC l3LrtHDS, 1945. (d) No change. Service (e) No change. JAIJIo 154, PHILIPPI1E L^LrtJ-iDS, Landing Beaches and Port Facilities. (f) (g) The commanding General, XI Corps, is relieved of develop ment and maintenance of the road Porac - Floridablanca Guagua. Development of this route is suspended indefi nitely. iAUth; CG 3LXTH .Uttiifi : l n i t ; /a/ CPE : iDatei 26 I.prch 19451 3/7 to FO 34# The Commanding General, I Corps, i s relieved of all engineer work south of the road Rosales - Umingan San Jose - Bongabon - Cabanatuan inclusive. (2) The Commanding Officer, 931st Engineer Construction Group (Avn) will, HEADQUARTERS SIXTH JJU A. P. 0. 442 0900 I 26 LUrch 1945 (a) Be relieved, effective 1200 hour9, 27 ivfcrch 1945. of all work north of Manila, except such hauling as may be directed from tirae to time. Thi3 .jinex .Modifies Annex 3/6 t o FO 3 4 , Engineer, and supersedes Appendix 2 thereto. (b) Relieve the XIV Corps, effective 1200 hours, 27 lurch - 245 1945> and thereafter be responsible for development and maintenance of tne roud l.iinila - Alaban^ - Lipa Rosario - Batongus (indicated in green on Appendix 2) as a two-lane main supply route with one-lane bridges suitable Tor corps loads. (c) No change. (d) Mo change. (e) No change. (f) No change, (4) The Comnanding Officer, 1112th Engineer Construction Group, will, effective 1200 hours, 2( l.frrcl. 1945! Relieve I Corps and thereafter be responsible Development and i.aintenance of roads north of tanila indic-ited in greon on Appendix 2, as two-lane roads with one-lane bridges suitable for corps lauds. 2. ^dntenaace of the road Bongabon - Dingalen Hay to the iBininum necessary for intermittent lumber hauling in the wet season. (b) Develop any additional routes required in advance of Luzon Base 3ection Area, und construct heavy brid^ag thereon for Aiw locals, on specific direction of tlu.9 headquarters. (c) Install heavy floating bridges, as directed by this head quarters, in corps and division areas. (d) Dismantle ponton bridges upon completion of fixed bridges, or as otherwise directed, and prepare tlds equiDiuent for future use. (e) Forward to this headquarters, attention of the 5:njine«r, prints of drawings showing proposed fixed brid<je con struction. £. No change. d_. no change. e_. Array Supply Point and dervice JUBJECTi Airstrip Construction. TO 3ee distribution below. i for: 1. No change. 23 i/prch 1945 AG 686 R-3 IJo change. b. DlpTrtlBUTIONi .jams a s AiiluX 8/6 t o Fp 34 i B oIXTH -v AF0 442 (3) (a) 0-3 1. followai pnrugraph 3 £• of .innex 3/fa to FC Jk> Engineor, ia nodifiej as Construction at" alrstrip:i, or rol:abilitati..n J' cxiating airstrips, for vue by airplanes larper than organic a r t i l l e r y liaison uirplaneu, wiJl not bo initiated except upon specfflc authorization of this iiead jnurtei'j. 2. This modification should be considered as uinex -J/7 _»• to FO J4. By cotnaand of Lieutenant Teueral KriJ^jiM: CO, CG, CG, CG, CG, I Corps, AtO 301 XI oorps. APO 471 XIV Corps, rtPO 453 J7th Div, X?0 37 15Rth RCT, APO 75 Iufo copies to: C-in-C. CH^, oWPA. APO 500 CG, UaitiCt;, «P0 707 CE, Adv ^ch, GH4, oV.TA, APO 500 Facilities. 30 Mirch 1945 (1) No change. (2) The 931st Engineer Construction Group- (Avn) will install and operute bulk petroleum dispensing f a c i l i t i e s in tne ^atrngus area. These f a c i l i t i e s will include a barge mooring with lines to shore tanks, one 1,000 barrel tank for IT ,/asoline, one 1,000 barrel tank for dieael fuel and a drum f i l l pl-int with a daily capacity of 1,000 druns of either r'uel. (3) The Ca-aaandin^ Officer, 1112th Engineer Construction iroup, will, effective 1200 hours, 27 t&rch 1S45: GB32R dECTIQN a c t i o n - CG, XIV Coi-ps, APO 4^3 (a) Relievo I Corps and assume responsibility for operution of sawiill, loGging and lumber hauJinc; operations in the Bonpabon - Dingalen Bay area. (b) Construct all-weather installations required for supply and service f a c i l i t i e s , on specific direction of thi i headquarters. A c t i o n - CO, c ' j l cZIoIIESR CaiiTciUCTION GHOOP APO 7 5 J'UL PHIOHITY ATTSNTiai i l ^ i i - t PD Tillo .-UDI0 , COISir^ A P P 3 , D I X T,.'O TO ANNEX EIGHT £. No change. JE'/a; TO TI^LD d\DZii THREE FOUR T i n ^ IffiAD^JA^Titi A j F0LL0..J COLa: CH.UJGS rlQAD _g. Water Jupply. UPA (1) ilo cliange. TIJ.2 OF CrUl'CE TO DE ARRAI:G2D BY CQLillJinERJ CaiCERIED PD CllAliGZ AQ±D L I P A D«3H (2) The 931st Engineer Construction oroup (*vn) ind trie 1112th 3nt'ineer jonstruction rcroup w i l l , when nr.-icticL.ble, take o'e responsibility for the operation of i l l necessary water poll in the vicinity of roods for which the groups have been assigned responsibility. 'A03*XLO J^J'A L - J - U C A J FHQt!; JQLID GJCEIV fC OOTTKD GREElv PD CiiANGE .iCaD -lOi^kHIO (3; h. 4, 5» i<o change. D.-OH ^T«:iG. k J FOLLO.'r-G .tAILaOdD L I N i FRO.: DOTTED RED TO oOLID GHEaC CLii DA.iH TlACHa FRO: J0T,m XSD TO DOTTED .-ED PD PHHAGRAPH TWO .LBLE PAHI'K T.VO P.iH-a^' PAiiEN 3AK3R PiUM! OF AlINEX E10UT J L A N T O 2 V 2 ; IJ MODIFIED BY OiLETIKO ..'UK .<Oa.k.U0 U1I<UOTE FROU No change. anA 6. KHUEGER CG JIXTU -ullfflf No change. DL3TRIBUTICN: C/S, G - 4 . G-3. T r a n s , By coimind of Lieutenant General u. H . file D-££-,Z-M, i aaier Generil, G. Chief oi' Jt-iff. APPENDDC 1 - Maps, Reports and Terrain Jtudies (no change) APPENDIX 2 - Sketch J.pn, North Philippine Islands EdB 141 /s/ Eddleman - 246 V/G 2094 NORTH PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Balinguit 00%£iddu.ng •\rars.yn*.-r?s*& rmJr Ail J&fity& Prepared from Philippine Islands Road Map 1:1,000,000 , t'r:gi" S O U T H \ , " / C H I N A ' i J I « .oSal-Lapadap, ' ^ , K.r»k,.«n\gr S Nialum/r? I Dicabisafjan o ' OBayabof "pucrta o ! S Benitoll;' rin9< pi ,l o^'asapa ( f o= k\ < " ( H o ^AT SKETCH ANNEX \ /a TCrO 34: £HG/A/££/? Sr^TCft Infant Hermono Mayor f Santa C r u Hermana Mcnoi I 5an(o Cruz Pt B W ££X\S SJn^J, /?OADS/NO* PHILIPPIN lLA*efibAD Possu 1l.llll.MI Cabangan C . -SAPAN<1.BAT( M.rTtjma X(Levlt'v OCar;,c,..,y ' an Felipe SAN NARClSolh \ aF e \ / I.UIO ;A V 1K) (JKAf! . . * - / - ^ — -po/o t >l >- {^Mab.,., pT ninrh i ITYl . \) p PARANAQUE S ROQUE ^ & c abcaben CARIDAD BALA LEMEK San Pcdnno Po/nf _ "•5? V Bala|/an Bai/ ipatmg Anila 511 ". »"- Pmagbayanan P, " (r~ ,>i&AND • ~ ^ ">—Wigo-Cantidang •tf ^ Ctancalan «\ vane C.tbur.uJ£l? 1 t (b) nelieve the XIV Corps, effective 1200 hours, 28 April 1945, and thereafter be responsible for development aid main tenance of t;ie road i t a . Tomas - dan pablo - Lucena (indicated in green on Appendix 2) as a two-lane main supply route with 35-ton brldgos. (c) Relieve the XIV Corps, effective 1200 hours, 28 April 1945, and tliereafter be responsible for development and main tenance of the road (Highway 17) paronaque - TaGaytay Bilaran - Bulayan (indicated in green en Appendix 2) as a two-lane road with 35-ton bridges Poranaque to Ta-aytay and a one-lane road with 20-ton bri-lCes from Tagaytoy to Balayan. (d) Develop and .-naintain the road (Highway 25) Bacoor - Naie T^-aytay (indicated in green on ..ppendix 2) as a one-lane road with 20-ton bridges. (e) Develop any additional routes required in advance of Luzon B-ise Section ,irea, and construct heavy bridging thereon for ,vrray loads, on specific direction of this headquarters. (f) Install heuvy floating bridges as directed by this head quarters in corps and division areas. (O Dia.antle ponton bridges upon completion of fixed bridges or as otherwise directed and prepare this equipment for future use. (h) Forward to this headquarters, attention of the Engineer, prints of drawings showing all proposed fixed bridge construction. CG JIXTH .\r : l n i t ( /a/ p,/ > •Datei 26 Auril 19 4*11 ^ T i - a j SIXTH ANNEX 8/8 to FO 34. Engineer. i6oJ'i°**Jpril 1?45 This Annex modifies Annex 8/7 to 70 34. Engineer, and supersedes Appendix 2 References• No change. 1. QRGAHI&ATIQNi The general organization for engineer operations followsi a. Echelons under direct oontrol of this headquarters! (1) t>. £. I, XI, and XIV Corps. (2) Philippine Guerrilla Forces, North Luzon, (Volekraunn). (3) 931s* Engineer Construction Group (Avn). (4) 1112th Engineer construction Group. Unit Engineersi No change. (3) No chance. Attachment of engineer units to the above echelons effective 1200 hours, 28 April 1945* Units are placed under operational control of construction groups. (4) Tho caiEjundint; Officer, 1112th Engineer Construction Group, will, effective 1200 hours, 23 April 1945; (1) I and XIV Corps; (2) XI Corps: 1164th Engineer Combat Group 27th Engineer Construction Battalion 585th Engineer Dump Truck Company 2d platoon, 441st Engineer Depot Company Survey Platoon, 69th Engineer Topo Company Detachment, 1782d Engineer Parts Supply Company (3) Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer Aviation Battalion Dump Truck Company Equipment Company Heavy Ponton Battalion Treadway Bridge Company (d) install heavy floating bridges, aa directed by this headquarters, in corps end division areas. (e) Dismantle ponton bridges upon completion of fixed bridges, or as otherwise directed, and prepare this equipment for future use. (f) Forward to this headquarters, attention of the Engineer, prints of drawings showing all proposed fixed bridge construction. £. Airstrips. (1) In addition to noriaal engineer assistance to artillery units in construction of small strips for artillery liaison airpianos, comuanders will construct, without specific direction of thi3 headquarters, dry-weather strips for L-5 airplanes for air supply and for evacuation of casualties as required by operations in the respective areas of responsibility. 3uch strips v/ill be 50• x 1200' without overruns, with 25* shoulders zero fan angles, and 1:20 plide angles from ends of runways. (2) Dry-v/eather airstrips in excess of 1200 feet in length and a l l weather airstrips in excess of 300 feet in length will not be constructed prior to obtaining authority for such construc tion from thio he \Jquarters. EKGIH5E3 USSICtg Roads aid Bridges. Corps and separate unit commanders w i l l : (a) No change. (b) AS division rear boundaries are advanced, develop and maintain within the respective zones of action of the corps and separate units, all roads indicated in red solid and dashed lines on Appendix 2, sketch f»p, North Philippine islands. The roads In red solid lines will be maintained as two-lane, all-weather roads with 35-ton bridges. Roads in red dashed lines will be maintained aa one-lane, all-weather roads with 20-ton bridges. All bridges will be one-lane except where otherwise speci f i c a l l y directed. d_. Ho change. e. Army Supply Point and Service Facilities. (1) The XIV oorps is relieved of all construction of Batangas Base developuant as of 0001 hours, 20 April 1945» (2) The 931st Engineer Construction Group (Avn) is relieved of all responsibility for temporary LIT bulk dispensing facilities at Batangas as of 0001 hours, 20 April 1945* (3) f. (c) No change, (d; Delete. (c) ..'0 change. The cewumding Officer, 93lat -Sncineer Construction Group (ATO). will in order of priorities £iven belov. 1 (a) continue development and maintenance or road Mmila - .uLabang CUnlub. nc - Li pa - Uatanfius. XIV Corps wui relieved by r-Jdio on 29 1,-ireh 1*45 of tiiat portion of t.iU road Uunuba - Batungas running west of the railroad. (2) - 247 No chance. Hospitals. (1) (2) Develop any additional routes required in advance of Luzon Base Section Area, and construct heavy bridging thereon for Array loads, on specific direction of this headquarters. 1112th Engineer Construction croup 1 No change. (1) (c) no change. BEC(iaiAI3a*MCE a. Develop and maintain road (Highway 3) San Fernando, La Union - Balaoan to junction with Highway 4. t>. 79th Engineer Construction Battalion 339*a Engineer Construction Battalion 198th Engineer Dump Truck Company 492d Engineer Equipment company Detachment, 78lst Engineer petroleum Distribution Company 2. (b) 931st Engineer Construction Group (Avn)i 1876th 414th 695th 556th 1011th (5) Continue devolopnsnt and maintenance of roads north of Uinila included in green on Appendix 2, as two-lane roads with 35-ton bridges. Philippine Guerrilla Forces, North Luzon (Volctaaann): As now constituted. (4) (a) AS now constituted. Unit connonders, upon specific direction of this headquarters, will provide such f a c i l i t i e s for field and evacuation hospitals aa are required to per,jit efficient operation and reasonable comfort to patients during the rainy season, Maximum use will be neide of existing local f a c i l i t i e s for this purpose and hospital units will be given high priority in the nssign want of areas in which such buildings arc available. Hos pital s i t e s for wet-weather operation nust be selected so as to require a minimum of work to x rovide rapid drainage of the camp area. Specific directives will be issued to unit comr.iandors for the construction of hospital f a c i l i t i e s . Authorized f a c i l i t i e s for hospitals by local and new construction generally will be drainage of carjp areas, access roods and 414th Engineer Dump Truck Company 695th Engineer Equipment Company Headquarters platoon, 439th Engineer Depot Company hardstands for v e h i c l e s , showers and l a t r i n e s , framed meases, kitchens, surgeries and laboratories, and gravel for tent floors and walkways where needed. (5) jj. ijo change. h. No change. jL. canp Construction for the Rainy jeason. 1112th Engineer Construction Group: 79th Engineer Construction B a t t a l i o n 339th Engineer Construction Battalion ( l e s s Co •C" l e s s 1 platoon) 198th Engineer Dump Truck Company 492d Engineer Equipment company Detachment. 7 8 l s t Engineer Petroleum D i s t r i b u t i o n Company. Commanding Generals, I , XI, and XIV Corps w i l l expedite construction as s e t forth in l e t t e r , t h i s headquarters, f i l e AG 600.1 R-3. 3 ub jecti Construction for Rainy Season, dated 19 April 1945« 2. BY COMAID CF G3ERAL KRUEGERi ENGEEER No change G. H. DSCKER, Brigadier General, C o . C . Chief of S t a f f . APPEIDIX. 1 tpps, Reports and Terrain Studies (no change) AJ?R25DIX 2 Sketch I.fcp, North Philippine Islands. ENGINEER Roods and Bridges. (1) Corps and separate unit commanders willi (a) NO change. (b) Develop and maintain within the respective areas of responsibility as follows: OFFICIAL: /s/ Eddlenan by W G-3 DE3TRI3UTICN: as Annex 8/7 to FO 34 :AUth! CG 3IXTH .iRlfl- ; 1 i n i t 1 / s / CPE t iDate t 12 June 1945 1 0/9 to FO 34t Engineer. s SIXTH ARM* A. P. 0. 442 1&0Q I 12 June 1945 1. ~ Routes in solid lines an Appendix 2 as all-weather, two-lane roads with 35-ton bridges suitable for 20 mile per hour military traffic. 2. Routes shown in dashed lines on Appendix 2 in the following priority1 (a) Completion of bridges as indicated in Appendix 2. (b) Completion of drainage structures and ditches, and completion of surfacing to a passable condition for wet-weather use and maintenance in this condition. (£) Improvement of road sufficiently to permit two-way military traffic at normal speed of 20 miles per hour. Bridges will be one-way except where adequate two-way bridges now exist. (c) No change. This Annex modifies .annex 8/8 to FO 34, Engineer, and supersedes Appendix 2 thereto. (d) No ohange. References 1 (e) No change. (2) Ho change. 1. 9313t Engineer Construction croup (Avn), will t (a) SuGDiEKR The general organization for engineer operations follows •. a. (b) Relieve I Corps at 2400 hours, 13 June 1945, and there after be responsible far the development and main tenance of Route 5 from Aritao to Bagabag. Echelons under direct control of this headquarters 1 (1) I , XI, and XIV Corps. (2) 931st Engineer Construction Group (ATO). (c) (3). 1112th En^neer Construction Group. b. (e) Dismantle ponton bridges upon completion of fixed bridges or as otherwise directed and prepare this equipment for future use. Attachinsnt of engineer units, not attached by previous orders, to the above echelons effective 1200 hours, 10 June 1945 Units are placed under operational control of construction groups. (f) (1) Develop any additional routes required in advance of Luzon Base section Area, and construct heavy bridging therean for Army loads, an specific direction af this headquarters. (d) Install heavy floating bridges as directed by this head quarters in corps and division areas. Unit Engineers« No change. c. ~" Be relieved of a l l specific assignments of road and bridge construction now assigned the organization. I Corps: 1136th sn^neer Construction Group 136th Engineer Caabat Battalion Company "C*. 339th Engineer Construction Battalion (leso 1 platoon) 340th Engineer Construction Battalion 536th 2n, inecr Heavy ponton Battalion 2d pl-itoon, 439 tn Engineer Depot Company jloth Engineer Licht Ponton Cor^pany 641st Engineer Camouflage company 671st Engineer Topographic Company 972d Engineer Maintenance Company 1011th Snuneer Treadway Bridge Company 136lot Znyineer Dump Truck Company 1504th Snj.ineer ,/ater Jupply Cxg>any (2) XI Ccrpo: 1164th ^nt'4.neer Caabat Group °7th "ja.ir.eor Construction FJttalion 5n5th "Si ino^r D'Ji.'ip Truck Conpany 2d platoon, 441st Tn,-ir.oer Depot Company 3"xvey Piitcon, 69th ^n-'ineer Tojo Coi.ipuny (_ ) ;37 Cor r.: .iJ now constituted. (i;) °; lat "n ii.c r Construction (a-oup (.ivn;: I V'.th >i/i:ioer Aviation mtt.ilion Forward to this headquarters, attention of the Engineer, prints of drawings showing all proposed fixed bridge construction. (g) Establish an advance Army engineer dump in the vicinity of Solano and move forward from san Jose, Nueva Eelja, construction supplies for current operations and to stock the Solano dump, as rapidly as possible, for future operations in the Cagayan valley. (3) No change. (4) 1112th Engineer Construction Group will, (a) Be relieved of all assigned road and bridge construction except as indicated in Appendix 2. (b) Relieve I corps, effective 0800 hours, 4 June 1945, &^ previously directed by radio, of construction and maintenance of Route 5 fron; San Jose, Nuera Ecija, to PutIan. (c) Relieve I Corps, effective 0800 hours, 9 June 1945t as previously directed by radio, of the construction and Maintenance of Route 5 from putlan to Santa Fe, Nueva Vizcaya. (d) Helievo I corps, effective 0500 hours, 10 June 1945, as previously directed by radio, of construction and irruntenance of Route 5 from Santa Fe, Nueva Vizcaya, to Aritao. NORTH PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Ary.rg>o£\Nu<,B8 n vrf/ 0 f P.tl Prepared from Pnilippine islands Road Map 1:1,000,000 Noglocjoden Pt ''•0 Pf lo/oi Pf j J B HUlvr Bay '-Xabufunon Pf Cofonoton Pt Pt S O U T H , !±:r C H I N A S E A oTltm \ j '.O Disusuan Virgen , Dipupir N ^ Dos H,rmonoi Mond Sant/ogo I / . I\C.'\ Vfc'.V APPENDIX 2 - SKETCH MAP FO 34, AN jdHfe MSt^r-\,,r SJ™*4, ALL PHILIPPIN ROADS /A/O/^ATEO ARE ALL WEATHER 2 POAOS To 3£ />v PASSABLE . ARMY S/f/OG£S CORPS £xc*f*T As A/oreo (See PI 6/5/15OS Cabangan BOUNDARY BouMDARiES BETW£i*N C- -SA!'AN(iBATO S ^ - ^ ^ u l Springs », n . Kalo 0 Kolol'01 ' » ; POULLO ISLANDS PARANAQUE S R(XiUE abraben CARIIJAD I.EMEK Son Fmdnno Poinl Haiayan Bay paling An i lac Caratungan MINDOfi U Y A N — CoRRS —XXX (e) (f) Develop additional routes required in advance of Luzon Base section Area, and construct heavy bridging thereon for Armr loads, on specific direction of this head quarters . 1504th In^inoer 7,'ater Supply Company (2) XI Corps: 1164th Sngineer Ccnbat Group 27th 3n<_;ineer Construction 3attalion 131st 3n,-,ineer Combat Battalion (less Company "A") 1279th Encineer Combat Battalion Survey Platoon, 69th Engineer Topo Company 3d Platoon, 439th Engineer Depot Ccnpany 2d Platoon, 441st Engineer Depot Ccnpony 530th Engineer light Ponton Cocpany 585th Snjinoer Dump Truck Caq>any 642d Snjineer Caaouflage Cccnany 1486th Encineer liintenance Cccpany 1491st Engineer L^intenance Cauqpany 1520th Engineer ..ater oupply Conipany i n s t a l l heavy floating bridges, as directed by this headquarters, in corps and division areas. (G) Dismantle ponton bridges upon completion of fixed bridges, or as otherwise directed, and prepare this equipmant for future use. (h) Forward to this headquarters, attention of the Engineer, printa of drawings showing a l l proposed fixed bridge construction. b. lio chance. c. No chance. a- Ko change. e. Ko cuanco. f. No change. fi No change. ll. No change. i. No change. (3) £CV Corpsi 1129th Engineer Ccnbat Group Cccipany "A", 131st Engineer Combat Battalion Survey Platoon, 670th Engineer Topo Company (4) 931st Engineer Construction Group (^vn): 556th Engineer iieavy I'onton Battalion 1876th Engineer «viation Battalion 414th Engineer Dump Truck Company 695th Engineer ^nuip.-ient Ccopany Headquarters Platoon, 439th Engineer Depot Conpany 1011th En/ineer Treadway Bridge Conpany BY QjOUiiKD OF GENliU. (5) 1112th Engineer Constr'action Group 1 79th Encineer Construction Battalion 339th 3n£ineer Construction Battalion (less Co *C", less 1 Platoon) 198th En(q.neer Dunp Truck Company 492d Engineer Equipment Company G. H. DECKER, Brigadier General, G.S.C. Chief of Staff. OFFICIALt 2. / s / Dddlenan ENGDEER No change 0-3 3 . ENGIKSSa . Roads and Bridges. APPENDIX 1 - Ifcps. Reports and Terrain Studies (No change) APP3JDIX 2 - Sketch l.pp, worth Philippine islands. (1) Corps and separate unit ccctxxnders will: (a) Ko change. jare as Annex 8/8 to FO 34* (b) Develop and mintain within tne respective areas of responsibility as follows: .1. Routes in solid lines on Appendix 2 as all-weather, two-lane roads with 35-ton bridges suitable for 20 uile per hour nilitary traffic. iAuth« CG SIXTH '.I i l n i t : / s / PV iDate: 25 June ANNEX 8/10 to FO 34, Engineer. 2. Routes as shorci in dashed lines on Appendix 2 in the folloT7in£ priority: (a.) Completion of bridges as indicated in Appendix 2. ffiLJTjaARTSiti SIXTH A. P. 0. 442 1600 I 25 June 1945 (j>) Cacpletion of drainage structures and ditches, and conpletion of aurfacii^- to a passable condition for wet-weather use and naintenance in this condition. This Annex nodifies Annex 8/9 to FO 34, Engineer, and supersedes Appendix 2 thereto. (c,) Iiaprovencnt of road sufficiently to permit tno-way lailitary traffic at noraal speed of 20 lailes per hour. 3rid,-cs will be one-nay except wncre adequate ^7o-v/ay bridges now exist. References: Ho change. 1. (c) No change. The General organization for engineer operations follows: 3. b. (d) IJo change. Echelons under direct control of this headquarters: (1) I , XI, and AIV Corps. (2) 931st Snrineer Construction Group (Avn). (3) 1112th Engineer Construction Group. (e) No change. (2) 931st Engineer Construction Oroup (->yn) will: (a) Be relieved of the construction -r.d Maintenance of the portion of iloute 5 frcca nritao to -iiid ineTiding the f i r s t croasirn; of t.ie lagat Aver. Unit Engineersi (b) Relieve I Corps of the dcvclopusr.t ol" .^oute _' frou the f i r s t croasin,; oi" '-.ic :A.at --*iver, axcl'jsivo, to oantiaco, and of ^oute 35^ fret. ->-:itia£O tlirouji Oscaria to Ciuayan, effective OoOO 'IOUTS, 26 June 1945» Ko chance. c . Attach.«nt of en.ineer u n i t s . Units are placed under operational control of construction groups. (1) (c) Develop any additional routes required in advance of Luzon Rise .Section Area, ami coi,->truct iic-vj' brid^,i:v: thereon for ^rny loads, on specific direction of this head quarters . I Carpsi 1136th Engineer Construction Group 136th En t ineer Combat Battalion / Company -C-. 339th Engineer Construction Battalion (less 1 Platoon) 340th Engineer Construction Battalion 2d Platoon, 439th Ensineer Depot Company 510th Engineer light i'onton Coupany 641st Engineer Camouflage Company 671st "Jnfinoer Topocraphic Company 972d Engineer IJiintenance Company 136l3t Engineer Duqp Truck Coiqpany (d) Install heavy floating brid.es aj iirccted by t.-iiJ head quarters in corps aiti division ai'c-:... (e) Di3:antle ponton briil.es upon co..:?l-;tion jf fi:.e>l ti.-il..es or as otherv7ice direct.u and prsL ire t.iis equir-*".t for future use. (f) - 249 Forward to this headquarters, attc.tian of tue :-hi.;iueGr, printa of dra\iin us showing all prorosed fixed uridje construction. (g) Establish an advance Arcy engineer dun?) i n the vicinity of Bayambong and move forward fron .Jan Jose, Nueva Ecija, construction supplies for current operutiona und for stocking Jtayoubong dump, as repidly as possible for future operations in the Cagayan Valley. ANNEX 8/10 to F0 34, Engineer, Cont'd. e_. l.'o chanye. (3) No change. (4) £. Ho change. £, V.o change. ^. No change, i.. No change. 1112th Engineer Construction Group w i l l : (a) Continue development of roads presently assigned. (b) Jtelieve 931 3 * Sngineer Construction Group (ATO) of the development of Boute 5 north from Aritao to and including the f i r s t crossing of the liagat River, effective 0600 hours, 26 June 1945. (c) BY GaiMD OF GElCiiiAL Develop additional routes required in advance of Luzon Base section Area, and construct heavy bridging thereon for Army loads, on specific direction of this head quarters. (d) I n s t a l l heavy floating bridges, as directed by t h i s head quarters, in corps and division areas. (e) Dismantle ponton bridges upon completion of fixed bridges, or as otherwise directed, and prepare t h i s equipment for future use. ( f ) G. 11. JECICri, Brigadier General, G.o.C. Chief of J t a f f . 1 - tops, Reports and Terrain studies (No change) APEQIDIX 2 - Sketch l.'-ap. North Philippine Ialands OFFICIAL: Forward t o t h i s headquarters, attention of the Engineer, p r i n t s of drawings showing a l l proposed fixed bridge construction. b. No chance. c,. No change, d^. No change. / a / Eddleoan by V/ G-3 DISTRIBUTION! 3an» as Annex 8/9 t o F0 3 4 . - 4 -250 © 1 2 1 • 30 Magoaauif p» iking * © NORTH PHILIPPINE ISLANDS <e © Moyroka H 20 30 40 50 «O MILES Polaui / i f a n d ^ ticorpada Pi l Cap* l<Uid<v Nauabu-u, i Ba; 10 10 5 0 I U U U TT Cop* f r*f ono \taua ft of LCampan Pt ENGINEER Rak ' " • I < utamhalifivan Hq. Sixth AZB7 Mrpodor COM tatulinoo Pt r fanonopon Pf lligan Pt ofc0ol f t BAqAR UK © Prepared from Philippine Islands Road Map 1:1,000,000 © jNanondatan Pt G.bo (Cabu Ni fNoglociodln Pi S Nagbarala CM, H Callacull Solo* Pt Sinai/7 (."abu^co Buy Cobugoo Pf^i © S O U T H s±rr C H I N A San Antontifc 0 (d Condon Pt SEA Darapidap1 } £ a iW»r' 3SV Bay ha; IMcabisagan o ' (Bayugao pucrtao j_ Dor/goyo jOBaldgan ^ JlN^ull ^;yol urin Boy O'Buya^n 0 O Gangalan O Tauna O Dica- olodmo PI mopiqui PI © DipintinO\ B,a,,o >^«^» 0 libny •61'ug,, o ' 1 1 ™ " 1 ^ ' APPENDIX 2 - SKETCH MAP ANNEX 8°//o //O TO F0. h U 34, ^ 7 , ENGINEER /SAN IIDEFONSO PEN/NSUtA Conci Tambobo., Caiman Pf ALL ^tTacibun (s)\ B^r Santa Cru Her mono Menoi i w. /" r i—t A A i A / ROADS INDICATED ARE ALL WEATHER PHILIPPINE Santo Cruz Pt X /,,,,„, ROADS TO B£ MAINTAINAD IN PASSABLE COMO/TJOIV ? 2 LA/YE RO/9D 35 TON BRIDGES r Ft* SS To* M/A' ' (SEE •.il«« ,/ H Palaui Cabangan 'TOTTthlr \ sf' P3a USA50S 'n otpandian L -SAl'ANrtBAT( TMnrua f •xxxx BOUND. RY BET VEEN Co/7PS s i/UO •xxx- r, Ko'ongfcoooti I V •> U.ok I . OKO'IO'1"11 l«onl " 0 •' POULLO ISLANDS 'atnanongan Island 0 Jomatig I Samur i o /s/ond» , Maculabo I lanatr I * ft © •-^RACALE PANG&NIBAN ^ ABAS B AMYM Mjagna. 0 Pai-.bcan San Augustin (S-A Vtrdi I x9S«n Agapito 9ng Pt MaignesiffCO liau Virac Pt Btnapy « iPrieto EM«I 0 Nagvmbuaya Pi APPENDIX NUMBER THREE Location of Unit Command Posts 251 LOCATIONS OF UNIT CPa Unit Location To Data Prom Army 4ti' Engr Spec Brig hq 4th ESB 19 Jan 23 Apr 19 Jan 23 Apr 19 Jan 23 Apr 19 Jan 23 Apr 19 Jan 23 Apr 19 Jan 23 Apr 19 Jan 23 Apr 19 Jan 23 Apr 19 Jan 19 Jan 23 Apr 19 Jan 23 Apr 19 Jan 19 Jan 23 Apr 19 Jan 23 Apr 30 Jan 5 Uar 11 Jan 12 " 14 " 1 Feb 14 Jan 2 Feb 2 Mar 30 Jan 12 Mar 22 Apr To Date 22 Apr To Date 22 Apr To Date 22 Apr To Date 22 Apr To Data 22 Apr To Date 22 Apr To Date 22 Apr To Date To Date 22 Apr To Date 22 Apr To Date To Date 22 Apr To Date 22 Apr To Date 5 Mar 15 Mar 12 Jan 13 " 31 » To Date 1 Feb 1 Mar To Date 11 Mar 15 Mar Linrayen J'anaoa? 14 Jan 29 Jan 18 Feb 18 Feb 21 " 28 " 15 Jan 28 " 9 Mar 15 Jan 17 Jan 26 " 28 Jan 17 Feb 15 Mar 21 Feb 28 " To Date 26 Jan 8 Mar To Date 15 Mar 26 Jan 30 Har Lingayen Santo Toraas San Juan 14 Jan 8 Feb 18 rar 7 Feb 17 L'.ar To Date San Jacinto Bianaley 24 Jan 8 Feb 8 Feb 12 Var Man^aldan Manila 11 Jan 26 Feb 26 Feb Calasiao Tarlac San Fernando Manila 21 27 1 9 16 573 En rr Our.p Trk Co ran^aldan \'o Dates 1542 ?z\-nr ^ a s e Survey Co Itanila 6 1 7 t h Enrr Hase E q u i p Co Linpayen Bu gallon Clark Field 13 Jan 23 " 10 l'ar 22 Jan 9 I'ar To Date L'maoa'' Villasis Rosales 10 Jan 25 Jan 26 Jan 25 Jan 26 Jan 15 I'ar "•hite Beach Aeuilar San Carlos L'anila 21 26 2 7 26 2 7 To La Paz Cala^acuan Kulis 29 Jan 6 Feb 23 " 6 Feb 23 " To Date San Fabian Kurlis 26 Feb 28 " 28 Feb To Date Lingayen 3ayanbang Camiling Tarlac Calupipit Fort Stotsenberg Santo Domingo 13 26 26 4 6 6 10 4 6 26 2 ;*7 2 Hq Co 4th ESB Med Det 4th ESB 434 ASF Band 91 Hq ft Hq Co 164 Ord liaint Co 289 Signal Co 264 Ued Bn ( l e s s Co A) Co A, 264 Ued Bn 564 EBM Bn 534 E3&SR ( l e s s Co D & 1 s t Bn) Co D, 534 EBiSR 544 EB&SR 594 EB&SR ( l e s s Co B) 1112 Engr Const Op 186 EnPT (C) Bn 64I Engr Camouflage Co 492 Base Equip Co Dagupan Manila Dagupan Manila Dagupan Manila Dagupan Manila Dagupan Manila Dagupan Manila Dagupan Manila Dagupan Manila Uangaldan Dagupan Manila Dagupan San Fernando, La Union Daguoan Dagupan Manila Lingayen Manila San Uarcelino Floridablanca Luto Beach SoBol San Jacinto Rosales San Jacinto Rosales San Jose San Marcelino Pio Unit "5202 863 Engr Avn Bn (Cont'd) A Company B " H (> S C " 1 8 9 6 EnpT Avn Bn 8 6 4 Ener Avn Bn "10 Enn- Avn IJi Sncr Const n n D n 769 Ennr Dump Trk Co 5209 Encr 'Service Co 7 7 4 5n<r Dumn Trk Co 26 Feb 27 " 2 Mar 2 Apr TcuDate 1879 En.fr Avn Bn Lingayen CKilf Son Carlos Santa Ignacia Capas Capolangan 11 Jan 19 " 26 " 1 Feb 7 " 18 Jan 25 " 31 '• 6 Feb 15 i!^r 841 Sngr Avn Bn Calasiao nngeles Manila 17 Jan 2 Feb 11 liar 2 Feb 11 Mar To Date 689 Enrr Base Equip Co Calasiao '1/ayantoc Manila 18 Jan 24 " 7 I.:ar 24 Jan 6 !.tar 15 " 782 Engr Petroleum D i s t Co VJhite Beach Calasiao Dau Manila 11 16 4 15 Jan » i'ar " 15 3 14 To Jin Lar " Date 571 2 n T Dump Trk Co 3oy unban* Tarlac 0ar>an Mueva Ecija Clark Field 29 2 10 21 Jan Feb " " 2 10 21 To Feb " » Dtte Dagupan Tarlac San Fernando J'anila Rosales 14 Jan 1 Feb 1 » 1 " 13 Mar 1 To 13 To Feb Date l.'ar Date Calasiao Tarlac Canlubang 13 Jan 31 " 7 Mar 30 Jan Gueguesanguen San Pedro San ,jitonio Baloc ^raoan Cabanatuan San Jose 9 22 4 10 14 21 3 9 13 15 26 To J*n Feb Feb Feb ."or '• D^te Feb " i:ar Date 439 Engr Denot Co 2nd, 3rd «• !!q Platoon 2nd » U0 II 3rd" 2nd " u 1491 EnT J'aint Co Jan Jan Feb " Mar 79 EnT Const 3n I 3 6 I 2n?T Dunp Trk Co 585 En*r Dump Trk Co 1782 Ensx P a r t s h S u p p l y C 3 " II f- S it 11 11 11 A v 26 1 9 16 To Jan Feb " Mar Date Jan Jan Feb Feb Jan Feb Feb Date Jan » » Feb " » " Feb Feb Feb Apr Feb War -252 Jan " Feb » " 16 ILJT 27 " San Jacinto Binday Rosario Sdnto Rosario 10 Feb 14 " 28" " 16 Uar 14 2S 15 To 114 Sntr (C) Bn Hq Sumabnit Apno 30 Jan 2 Feb 2 Keb 15 ]'_r San Jacinto" Sumabnit Agno San Manuel Sapinit Santa Rosa 30 Jan 31 " 31 Jan 1 ?eb 1 Feb 15 " 7 L'ar 10 •' 7 U-r 10 " 15 " Co B J.'abilao San Jacinto S_n licnuel San '.'icholas 27 28 30 1 Jan Jon Jan Feb 28 30 1 15 Co C San Jacinto Tayuf an Ticholas 27 30 1 26 Jan " Feb " 30 Jan 1 Feb 26 » 15 :.;ar Sumabnit Agno San Nicholas 30 Jon 2 Feb 3 I'ar 15 ::ar San Fabian San Jacinto .isiniran San Pedro 9 Jan 14 " 1 Feb Rosales 10 Feb 15 ::«r San Antonio Olonfapo Naval 3ase Kulis 30 Jan 2 Feb 9 Mar 2 Feb 9 J!ar To Date 27 En/r Const Bn La Paz Calapacuan Kulis 29 Jan 2 Feb 23 ,. 2 Feb 23 •• To Date 118 Enirr (?.) 3n San Fabian Santa Barbara Bamban Manila Taytay San Fabian San J a c i n t o Pozurrubio Hereit Guimba I'abalacat Rosario Taytay 9. Jan 18 " 16 Feb 18 16 2 10 15 11 18 6 13 16 1 8 18 Co A J - 5 >~ar 5202 8 6 3 Sn<r Avn Bn \ *• C Comnanies H<? t B " A Company it 108 Engr Combat Bn c 510 S t i T L i ^ h t Ponton Co To I Corps 7f of Mangaldan San Carlos Clark Field Mangaldan Fort Stotsenberg Floridablanca Blue Beach S of Uangaldan Manila San Fabian 8 7 0 Engr Avn Bn Date From Manila Manila Manila Manila A5C0M 828 EnPT Avn Bn Location 1'edical Det 340 En?r Const 3n 972 En IT I taint Co 1052 Engr PCftR Tp Co A hi. uorps 8 I'.nr 2 V,3T 10 9 11 13 6 13 16 1 8 •• Jan » " Feb " » liar " Jan Jan Feb L'ar 2 Feb 13 J-n 31 " 7 Vr-Jr To Date Jan Feb Liar " " Jan » Feb " » L'ar " " Unit XI Cor^s IIS 3n~r (C) !?n (Cont'd) Co" 3 Location llanoafj Pozorrubio SS of Santa Barbara San Joaquin Bamban Co 2 6th ~n~r Combat "^n 150A Sn<rr " a t e r Sunply Do 1129 Tin-r Conbat ~o 3 " 9 27 31 13 Jan » " Feb Bijr.ban 2o 1 " :\ir id » lo 21 13 1 3 To Jan Feb i!ar " ')-tc 27 31 13 26 1 10 15 Jan " Feb " L:ar » " Jan Feb " !:.-r Lap.»z Castsllejos Clon-apo Balan.^a Orani t'abalacat 29 30 2 18 11 17 Jon " Feb " Liar " 30 2 18 11 Blue Beach Santa Barbara Villasis Guimba L'alayantok San I/A^uel Paso De Bias Hovallches Quezon City 9 13 20 29 3 8 16 18 26 8 Jan '• " " Feb " » » » Uar 13 20 29 1 8 16 18 26 8 20 La Paz Clon »apo Kurlis 29 Jan 2 Feb 26 i.:ar 2 Feb 26 !.:-r To D.te Blue -each an Jacinto Rosales 2 aliuipi t Orace Park Kanil3 Canaolan San Carlos Caniling Son Lli^uel Bamban San I'd»uel Concepcion ,\n=>eles San Fernando Taban? Caloocan 3alonTbato 17 22 2 6 8 17 11 12 21 23 25 25 28 1 2 21 J-n 1 Feb 5 Feb 7 " 16 '• ar 15 ^Mar 17 Jan 20 " 22 " 24 • 25 „ 27 " 31 " 1 Feb U " 6 •' 6 U^r Pina"T>an.ian 111 "n-r Oepot Co 18 Jan 21 » 13 Feb 1 \.Ur San Fabian Pin-dlapic San losario Catablan 1'^balacat Taytay ]13 3t\-nr (C) Rn Date From c CanlubcinT 5 Jan " Feb " " " Jan " » " .. " " Feb " " 7 " 7 t:ar 15 " 131 EnPT (C) 3n 1279 (C) Bn 10 19 21 25 28 1 2 Jan » » " » Feb " U " 6 " . 5 L'ar 7 " 18 20 24 27 28 1 3 5 Jan " » " " Feb " " A Kar 6 l£ar 15 " Lin^ayen Aguilar Malacdmp Tarlac Anpeles San Vine en te San Juan Orace Park 10 Jan 19 " 22 " ZK " 8 " 127 A/3 EnfT 3n San Antonio Gapan San Leonard Nichols Field Tagatay 31 3 9 13 26 Jan Feb " " " 592 Engr Boat A Shore Regt La Paz Uatainhulo 29 Jan 1 Feb 1 Feb 15 &«• 8th Trier Squadron Urdaneta "uimba Cabanatuan Balivag Orace Park Manila Rosario Alabanp 27 Jan 28 '• 1 Feb 3 " 9 " 28 « 10 Var 27 31 1 2 8 27 9 15 Binraaley Camiling San Liguel Angeles Bocaue Manila 11 22 25 2 6 10 Jan " " Feb » » 22 25 2 6 10 17 liar Balacoc Camiling San lli^uel Domingo San Juan Trace Park Bolintawak H 23 28 1 5 7 10 Jan " " Feb " " " 23 28 1 5 7 10 18 Jan " Feb " " " « 17 „ To O-te J^n " " Feb " >' " >< V<xr ' Dagupan Binn-.aley Rd S Malasiqui 1/oncada I'aliualo Concepcion Bucot Cabanatuan Tulay Balongbato Rizal Canlubanrr XIV Corps 1520 En»r "Vater Supply Co 530 SnPT Lif*it Ponton Co H " To D-te - 253 30 .1 3 Feb 5 2 n 11 18 21 23 29 2 U 7 Jan » » » Feb " " 15 Mar 2 9 13 26 15 Feb " " " Uar Ji.n « Feb " " n Kar " Jan " Feb »n APPENDIX NUMBER FOUR Bridge Reconnaissance Form - 255 Unit.: irty: McCarthy 117th Bn^r (C) Bn Chief 'Jote B Juno 1945 Time: Depart ure 0730 Arrival At l o c a t i o n Anthanoulch Olovelund .Veilther: Map reference: WO 1 W 10' I, 190' CLASSIFICATION: h t . G' Out (Use standard synbola) LOCATION: By-pa33 'tambanfl-BayombonK Rd (895.8 - 1987.2) (To and f r o m , a l 3 o eoordinateo) TYT2 BltlOGli: 1. 2. 3 . Overcast Dimensions: (1) rfidth ', Ho. l a n e s : U) Length o v e r a l l : {Z) Ho. of spans: (4) Length of each span: (£) Clearance: (a) To water: (b) Overhead: b. 1 \1 10' 190' 10_ 1 _ 6j_ Stringers: (1) :.'o. i- type: (J.) Dimensions: (3) Condition: 3 it I's 3'-6" O.C. 6 r 10 Good lx.-oi.-ui.-:: (1) Type: (2) Dimensions: (3) O n . U t i o n : '.'food 3 I Poor d. B-iit *:-l i-jr-. nr Cribbing: '. I) Pyp»i: Vi'ood Post 8" to 10" Dia. Id) Diatinuionn: ( P o i t , caps &. s i l l s , cross bracing) (3) '<-•nJition: Poor \butnients; f. (1) Type: Hock (3) Coiidition: Poor Capncity, tons: Kone condition: a. b . Poor /ldth: 10' Poor Condition: r Ma«at River a. b . c. d. e . 6 . Width: Depth: datij and d i r e c t i o n of Tv-pe bottom: Ty^« brinkt: 1&01 30" t o 4 0 " flow: rtorth 2.2 ft/sec Oravel L Stone Flat travel 'r Stone cotJiTU'CTIOM IK P«/;HIii5 CH H ^ : E D : Description: a. 1 ':i 1 \ . i erfiorinel: 7 . b ' 1.. liquipT-.int: <:. '•. i imot'^d '1'ite rird t i r e of n t a r t a n i compl o t llflKAiiHi: NOri;: U3K o o n v e n t l o i i a l snrUnoer rcconnalaaJinco 3ymhol3. - 256 (nwie) APPENDIX NUMBER FIVE Assault and Pioneer Supplies For One Regimental Combat Team Reinforced - 257 CLASS A & P ASSAULT AND PIONEER SUPPLIES FOR ONE REGIMENTAL COMBAT TEAM (REINFORCED) QUANTITY UNIT ITEM EXPLOSIVES Caps, #8, electric Caps, #8, non-electric Demolition blocks, ohain Ml : Detonators, delay : Device, firing, pressure, M1A1 Device, firing, pull type, Ml Device, firing, release type, Ml Explosive, dynamite, 40$ or gelignite Explosive, TNT or Comp C : Fuse, lighters Fuse, time Marlin, 5 lbs Mines, AP M2 Mines, AP M3 Mines, AT Prlma oord, 100' spool Tape, friotion Torpedo, bangalore, 50* per box Wire, trip, #9 TOTAL FIELD FORTIFICATIONS Bag, sand Burlap, plain, 3 1 x 100 yd Picket, anchor, barbed wire Picket, long, barbed wire Wire, barbed, lOCf coil (480 yd) Wire, conoertina, 50' ooll Wire, steal, galv. #10 TOTAL SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPLIES Bolts, drift, 3/4" x 2' Bolts, mach. sq hd, 5" x 12" • Cable, wire, 1/2" : Cable, wire, 3/4" Chain, log, 5/8" x 14' Cloth, red, 36" wide : Cloth, white, 36" wide : Fence, oyolone, 10' x 50' : Lumber, 1" random : Limber, 2" random . Mesh, ARC 6' x 10' : Clips, mesh : Staples, mesh, 18" ea ea ea ea ea ea ea 5 AUCUST 1 9 4 4 27 74 141 300 50 : 6000 6000 1000 3000 10 800 200 500 20 10 10 ea ea ea ea roll box ft 2000 ea 250,000 10 bolt ea ea ea ea 2500 2500 200 220 20 roll ea ea 500 100 ft ft 1000 300 : 20 50 yd roll bd ft bd ft Sheet ea ea 19 20 200 • 200 • coil yd SHIP TONS 1400 3400 lbs lbs •a ft ea WT TONS : : 100 6 1000 1000 150 1500 600 : : : : Class A & P Assault and Pioneer supplies for Regimental Combat Team (Reinforced) ITEM UNIT Nails, 8d, 100# keg Nails, 20d, 100# keg Nails, 40d, 100# keg Nails, 6Od, 100# keg Pins, drift, 12" x 1/2" Pins, drift, 18" x 3/4" Rope, Manila, 1/2" Rope, Manila, 1" Spikes, decking, 80d Tape, tracing, 3/4" x 500' TOTAL SUPPU&3NTARY BQUIBiENT Axe, #4 Boat, assault, nest of 10 Hook, brush Machete Maul, post Pick-mattock, w/handle Saw, crosscut, 2-man Shovel, HPtE QUANTITY ea ea ea ea ea ea ft ft ea roll ea ea •a ea »a ea ea ea MATERIALS FOR 100' TIMB2R TRESTLE BRIDG1E Braces, 2" x 3" x 20' piece Bolts, drift, 3/4" x 2' ea Bolts, mach., sq hd 5/8" x 12" ea Caps, 8" x 8" x 12' piece Decking, 3" x 12" x 12' piece Posts, 8" x 8" x 16' piece Sills, 8" x 8" x 12' piece Spikes, decking, 60d •a Stringers, 6" x 12" x 16' piece TOTAL AGGREGATE - 258 WT TOIIS SHIP TONS 4 : 4 6 11 300 300 3000 2000 600 10 14 20 24 32 131 220 150 1 25 200 20 100 6 300 45 150 50 10 150 30 10 600 50 APPENDIX NUMBER SIX Supply Delivery Schedule - 259 TARGET REQN DATE NQ S+2 DWT TYPE OF SUPPLIES 2300 /6/O A**r 6005 \nMr 6006 AttMfPeseavE or At P SUPPLIES fowry Cfo/nDot/see DOUBLC dwterdjnoce 50%0ectc 7r*>e Tit/oree* £At/rs //m2O Ofi/ooe 7wo //MTS 7keAO*v*Y Se/OGE 52O 540 2224 73O 760 FOUPTHOUS/WO FT. Twace 2000 275O Aouf 6011 Two Abi/r FbjvraA/157 Jerrtes - A*m 4732 Am 600/ A*MY 6003 dewoe 98O 496'»_?//_ TOTAL 7.950 ~ 5 + 4 Aa*r 6OO7 7rvoFtottr/A/eOOCAZSPoA/ro/v /TPC 3G • 350 /675 AHMY 60/0 Permoceo** 3AAO* Fmc/ctrtes 7t*e*Tr t/o+trea Jerrras • Sr**o**o 7r*e 65 545 fi*~ir 6O/2 5*11 3625 635/ fi*~r 60/7 /miTim Co**3TMt/<rto/tJt/*Pi/ejt JV*r&&,cttcnttc*i f)Mt»r6O/8 fltmoAOMe CoMsrMvcr/o* f JB»*o 7Zre*n**A/r -Af*r, fo»r COM Joocx ro*A/<9r/v£ £*a&e far 6026 /)*Mr6O36 0**tr6037 fl**ir6O46 fo**s/»smic*rm«s 4Q0008dlS.§'5000,2-/0,000,?-20aO) 5p&y/oc 3*/0&€ &P*/* £ocwre#r 3 3OO 13sfiAfJ /*_>* 3/e/oae &e/>a/0 £p**e P**rs 3O-6OD*rJ«.**cr ro*£«*>»e** £ou/* /754 hrw. Z5.283 FIBMT COO2 TtMrroAw6k'rs3*uerA*fa9ea>t,*£eaoamte 3OX0*r7~r** flevr£O4/ A//JC*. C~o«srAto«rr«>«rJ^»ci,/es t ,Ot//coMt0. drc. j3/M#*wf6cue4/ 65 roo £<?tsss>wvr , 769O 5eo /2OO Tome 3.4/0 faMr 6O/3 f)*Mr6C/5 fi*Mr6O/9 fl***r£O22 Q*Mr6O27 0*Mr6O2S AtMr603C fo»r£O34 i rfettrPes&sye or? /?£/** Setose/es Oco P/r>e {/*/£ Jerrr riiBDGo**? f&o#o 23OO /do /SO /O62 /G&9r**&vr • /2/r£//f£/v Hw 6006 fle*r 60 i 6 - /27 )&*£*&*,* Av£VAUtr.-C 3*S0*<? ~/&oi* 7V0VJA>JV0 /£*_v Z**ae* £*,£*>* "re Si AI £> T fi//SC£££#Af£'0£'& Chs*J7/Z/ycr/0/Y \rV<&r<£x5i/'0^£.r' ro/yocAeriS 2OOO O^' Oit^l' Sv*»£s£3 r ~s&7'rr£S QsMf 60 4C 864 /3/O /482 7GT»L //,£5I /375 ' 2OO4 3654 /6<3 /O/968'' / €> i r ... C*Ci?e 23O~O~~ //l'O/''-C#r'f/vo/s£* *?s /%?*'/'/~£>ASro/*r 7K**£ 36 ' 35O 542 'itsiflttiS J'A',, *3'i 2.J9 ITs&t'J ^z /j CJUCJ /}*£( .^(Tj' ^iijiji) ^J ' ^/C*^_</ /eoo /6 32 27 32 « w 603 < \AMM,T' —J&QO 2OO /49O 759 nBAtf U>0 —• >_3 '"&*.<• r 311 245G 7or*c 22.96/ 2356 T3O /68O lomt 4,766 33OO !~lBMf (c L C. v faAir- 4745 fair 60O9 ()*»>.• 6023 3/30 7or*c M.O9O 3945 /O5 5Q5 5O72 389/ 3/ /5OO 5 542 fca</jj9*f0j£/£&//<ojf/r#4/f#7yn'V \0***es/eeo€**eo ro* l/sr t* Jt***r£km*s M)»c€ /374 i/5wS*rj#JX*IKT tPsovee* St,*/>c,rs Q»mr 6042 ~" 5*25 4500 /nets /*J T~/9££/9r/o/f 57,&@@&c?£- J. *4v$, 000,3'5000,4' 500) /5OO Tint _W_r //e*¥rfttMw/*&*sa*ec /4S f/ira Q*~r&O39 5*23 S/TONS £032 673 S49 275O J /728 22OO 2O75 Tow 20,833 3945 2SO5 5//6 235 Mood' 444 2O Tor**. 23.565 45 O 6 3 34 5 75 9 40 00 229O 2324. Ter<u /8,3/8 5*35 ~ 5 • 45 _?_» -- f rt S- / M/SCC. G»«.- r*<str,O~ 5^We S - rV*re# - £tccr*,<:*< A*~r 6O/4 Qe»tr 4747 SUMMARY OF LOGISTICS R**r 4733 /a ' 25 7OA/ /fos*no/v rx. <?<c/_r 3654 fcr**. 3654 7O54 69 OO for**. 7354 5//6 Zorat S//6 72 7O ~""/3~5b'd~ Zm /4J70 79,552 124,179 2O 35 JOO HEADQUARTERS SIXTH ABM A . P . O . 442 AG 400 P-5 14 October 1944 Subject: Heavy Shipping Requirements for MIKE I Operation. To Connander-in-Chief, southwest Pacific Area, A.P.O. 500. Commanding General, united s t a t e s Army Service of Supply, A.P.O. 707. : 1. I n compliance with paragraph 2 e (3)(a) and 2 e (3)(b), Annex 4 ( l o g i s t i c s ) t o Operations i n s t r u c t i o n s No. 73. General Headquarters, south west pacific Area, 12 October 1944, a t e n t a t i v e schedule of cargo preloading of heavy shipping for LIKE I Operation i s submitted, Inclosure No. 1. Air Force and liavy cargo shipping requirements are not known as yet but will be furnished as soon as they can be determined. 2 . A t e n t a t i v e schedule of heavy shipping requireiosnts for the direct movement of troops w i l l be submitted as soon as requirements can be determined. 3» I t i s requested t h a t , laore than one ship i s to be assigned t o carry any one group of the attached schedule, t h i s headquarters be advised prior t o the assignment of a d d i t i o n a l ships, i n order that exact composition of any echelon may be determined i n advance and changes to the schedule coordinated with the Navy, interchange of elements of groups arriving i n the objective area on the atone day, t o f a c i l i t a t e loading or conserve shipping space will be concurred i n , i f loading i s accomplished so that selective discharge can be p r a c t i c e d . 4* « group number for i d e n t i f i c a t i o n purposes has been assigned each s h i p , supply ships a r e designated by the l e t t e r *S* and troop ships will be designated by the l e t t e r "T". Sach i s numbered consecutively beginning with the number 1 . The prefix l e t t e r •Y" has been selected t o identify, together with suffix *o" or »T*» the cargo and troop ships involved i n LIKE I . Groups subsequently added to tne 3chedule will be be assigned the s e r i a l number of the l a s t group scheduled for that date of a r r i v a l with an added suffix l e t t e r , begirjain£ with tiie l e i v e r «.. 5. Pending selection of regulating s t a t i o n s and rendezvous point with cenbat convey, i t i s requestea that shipping t o l i f t suprlies be loaded so as t o peri.it a r r i v a l i n the Kollandia area not l a t e r than fourteen (14) days prior t o scheduled a r r i v a l t i i * ir. the objective area, i:ore detailed information on eonbat convoy rendezvous point and requirea dates of arrival thereat will be furnished rit a l a t ^ r d a t e . Ltr, Hq 3ixth Array, AG 400 P-5. 14 Oct 44i subject: ments f o r LIKZ I Operation, Cont'd. fleavy Shipping Require 6 . The laLninum cruising speed of ships t c be employed nust be nine (9) knots i n order t i a t proper canvoy speed may be maintained. "or the Coaaanding General: 1 Incl: schedule of Cargo preloading of Heavy Shippine f o r i.HE I Operation (w/shipping fnatroctions) IICORIATION CGGO CiXI oJTvTI.TH 51H?r CG 71rt3C CCi: J E T u i H -ui-HIl' ?GRCE CG 13T:i AF cc 1 oo:-:rJ CG CG CG ;^ / s / A. T. Novakovich A. T. NOViiKOVICH, 2d L t . , FA., Actg. Asst. Adj. Gen. APPENDIX NUMBER SEVEN Engineer Shipping Requirements - 263 5202ND ENGINEER CQNSTHUCTION BRIGADE Copy LJ-1 ENGINEER SHIPPING General STUHGIS Colonel WALSH Colonel ELY Colonel WRIGHT Lt. Col. NEVILL 29 December 1944 DESIRED ACTUAL ARRIVAL ARRIVAL VESSEL CARGO REMARKS #2079 John V/. Poster See Manifest S/ 2 Landing mat, Assault & Pioneer s u p p l i e s on t e n r e s e r v e s e t s , decking, bridge timbers & hardware, AVGAS m a t e r i a l s ( 8 6 0 ) , hand t o o l s , rial l a . Awaiting call at Hollandia. #2682 W. peffer USA-Portland See Manifest 3/ 2 S o l i d lumber ship (5.549#279 BF) (312 P i l e s ) Awaiting call at Hollandia. FS-173 and F3-3&4 3/ 2 Bailey bridges (5) Awaiting at 0330. F3-154 3/2 6th Army CP materials Awaiting at 0330. #2251 Peter Lassen See l£Lnifest 5/2 Landing mat (1662 tons) Awaiting at 0330. #2232 Bobart Baker See jifuiifest 3/2 Landing mat (800 tons) Awaiting at OfclSO. #2716 Walter tfyman See I.fcnifest 3/2 Awaiting call at Hollandia. Sandbags, g e l i g n i t e , barbed wire, pickets, oxygen, e l e c t r i c a l supplies, one-500-bed hospital, portable huts, p i l i n g , paint, pipe f i t t i n g s , hand t o o l s , n a i l s , spikes, bolts, pipe, lumber (1,166,066 BF) Loading at Hollandia. #2410 Miredith S/2 Landing mat (5500 tons) #2002 joe Harris See Manifest S/ 4 Awaiting call at Hollandia. Solid Engineer Ship - Barbed wire, bridge hardware, nails, bridge timbers, ceiaent, pipe fittings, culvert, pipe, hand tools, genera tors, parts of 7 Bailey bridges, explosive materials, 8 complete Bailey bridges. #2278 D. D. Field jee t&nifest s/ 4 Bolted tanks «(5-5000 bbl - 6-10,000 bbl), pumps, pipe victaulic and fittings, asphalt (5000drums) culvert (1000') 555 Navy pontons. #2574 aydney jsdgerton (u»A-SFPCE) 3ee Kuiifest 3 / 4 This is basically Signal Corps ship awaiting call at Hollandia. Piles (378), pipe, oxygen, wire, rope, nails, Awaiting call at Hollandia. six Bailey bridges, generators (55)t spare parts (for tractors, generators, graders), refrigeration units, hand tools, tractors, cranes, motorized shops, construction materials. Tanks, pipe, fittings, hand tools, nails. Awaiting call at Hollandia. heavy equipment, corrugated roofing, culvert, electric supplies, cranes, crush & screen plant, sawmills, tractors, demolition materials, snake demolition, TNT. #2372 Robert Brussard (U3A-3FPG2) See i.nnifest #2729 Henry Barnard (USA-N0P0E) See usmifest a/ 4 Electrical supplies, pipe, fitting, cement, carbide, piling, culvert, heavy equipment, tanks, roofing, pumps. Awaiting call at Hollandia. #2730 77. Parrinrton (U3A-3FPCE) S/ 4 Nails, cement, hand tools, pipe, fittings, oxygen & acetylene, sandbags, navy cubes, LCM's. Awaiting call at Hollandia. This is standard resupply ship, Type "B". See Ipnifest #2732 Otia 3kinner (U3A-SFPCE) See tpnifest s/ 4 Hand tools, cement, nails, hardware, rope, pipe, lumber, (80,000 BF), navy cubes. Awaiting call at Hollandia. This is standard supply ship. Type "B". #1661 prank Evers See l^uaifest 3/12 5 hospitals (500 bed), cement, piling, dock hardware, cranes, explosives, explosive mat erials, pipe, fittings, nails, lumber, pumps. Awaiting call at Palau. - 264 Vco3.iL ATtfllYAI .V2156 Robert G. jee i.Uiifest ACTUAL A.OIV.J. • A-f 1C R3VUTKS 3/12 jolid Sn^neer ship - parts for six Bailey Awaiting call at Hollandia. bridfC-3, diMolition aaterial, electrical sup plies, barbed wire, pickets, explosives, roof ing, hi.vnd tools, niila, n'/Ciwi ."aateriala. 3/12 Oxygen, hand tools, pipe fittings, cetaent, nailo, lo_- chains, lumber. iinder. ero p. (U^A-Jeattlo; Uo information available as to present location. This i s standard resupply ship Typo "B" Jea l.nr.ifcst J l.o l.&nifest Available #2746 / 12 This is standard type »B" resupply ship. D/3 supplies for 20,000 30 No information available a a to present location. 3/13 Lumber (2,477,000 BF) piling (267), tractors, nails, rnfricerant, hund tool3, electrical supt/lios. Awaiting call at Hollandia. 3 / 1 8 Hand tools, fittings, olectrical supplies, one Bailey bridge, oxygen and acetylene, paint, tanks, sandbags, explosive materials. Awaiting call at Hollandia. J / 18 Corrugated steel, pipe, culvert, heavy equip nent, welding equipment, samdlls, electrical supplies. Awaiting call at Hollandia. A. B . riaj j.iork jee I.j5mife3t Judaon _>ee Itimfeat ^2362 •avid Lubin See Manifest 3/19 3 Units, Treadway bridge (10001 ea), 4 conpressors, 2 cranes trk mounted, 35 bridge trucks, t r a i l e r s , u t i l i t y boats. #2796 Calbraith S / 18 Piling (277 tons). Supply Ship ,72775 John .7. Burgess (TJ3A-oFPC£) 3ee 3/18 Cement, hand tools, pipe & fittings, elec t r i c a l supplies, lumber, TUT and blasting caps. Awaiting call at Hollandia. This is standard type "B* resupply ship. S / 18 This i s standard type 'B" resupply ship 30 D/3 supplies for 20,000. No information available as to present location. S / 18 Cement, pipe, fittings, spikes, hand tools, lumber (80,000 BF), nails, TNT and blasting caps. No information available as to present location. This is standard type «B* resup ply ship. #2139 j . J. O'Kelly See I5anifest S / 30 Asphalt (15,071 drums), heavy equipment, electrical supplies, pipe fittings. Awaiting call at palau. #2448 Kleth Vawter (NOPCS #29) No Manifest 3/30 r a i l s , cross-ties, 20 Bailey bridges, 13 _ H-20 bridges, Assault & Pioneer sup plies to f i l l . Vessel sailed from NOPQE #2625 wm. N- Pendletan 3/30 General engineer supplies - From TJ3A No further information as to present location. 3ir Ttanas harc (USA-SFPOE) ETD 3FP0E 1 5 DEC. PCEM #73 This is Civilian Relief No information available as to present location. l.o Manifest Avallable #2738 (U3A-3FP0S) See Ijanifest (U3A) 15 Dec. 3/30 This i s standard type "B" resupply ship 30 D/S supplies for 20,000 troops. No further information as to present location. S / 30 This is standard type »B" resupply ship. 30 D/3 supplies for 20,000 troops. No further information as to present location. 02782 Geo. Luka No S / 35 This is standard type "B" resupply ship. 30 D/S for 20,000 troops. No information available as to location. #2777 K&ria i<atcnell See Uinifest 3/35 Pontoons, nails, bolts, cement, lumber, steel wire, TNT. No information available as to location. This is stand ard type «B' resupply ship. #2808 Jacques c a r t i e r No 6/35 This is standard type -B« resupply. 30 D/3 for 20,000 No information available as to present location. #2685 No Manifest #2786 - 265 CATiO Ko vessel Assault and p i o n e e r s u p p l i e s on Anny 4747 i'lan i s to trv to load these supplies in o/rJney - berth 10 February. 35OO tons mines. •low at Kollanriia. This i s an Ordnance vessel. This i s a standard type "B" r e s u p p l y ship 30 D / J for 20,000 t r o o p s . No inion.'iation available as to present location. Pontoons, lumber, hardware, DJT, hand t o o l s . No Inforrjation available as to location. This i s standard typo "B" resupply ship. a t- 40 Lumber,' pcntoons, s p i k e s , a c e t y l e n e , n a i l s , TOT, hand t o o l s . I?o inforr.Btion available as to location. This is standard type »B" resupply ship. s / 40 Ceoent, b o l t a , pontoons, p i p e , lur.iber, n a i l s , Mo inforreation available aa to location. This i s stand ard Type °D" resupply ship. S /• 40 X-133B Kurd 3/40 Abel oteams :;o Manifest ^iv/ard canby Jee l./inifest ,V. Frankmn j^aes A. Bayard 3as Ilinii'est Grar.vlIIc -{all dee 3/55 hand tools, fittings. •Pontoons, nails, TNI', rope, lumber, ceoent. No infomntlon available as to location. This i s stand ard Type "B" r^supply shi{'. This is standard Type "3" resupply ship. 30 n/s for 20,000 troops Ilo Information available ua to location. This i s standard Type "B" resupply ship. 30 D/3 for 20,000 troops. Ko inforraation available as to location. TNT, oxygen, pipe, acetylene, pontoons. No information available as to present location. :.'o I.&nifest Pontius K. 3o33 ;.'o J.snifest I r. ^rax: -3eattlo) leanest s / 55 NODSi Following engineer ships will be included in proper sequence when more detailed inforration i s available. Ifcinly r a i l s , cross-ties, railroad bridging materials, 4 steam locos, 1 diesel loco, 26 KD tank cars, engr f i l l e r . on Berth KOPCE 29 Nov. Mainly rails, cross-ties, railroad bridging materials, 3-ateaj.i locos, 1 diesel loco, 1 7;recker crane, 27 KD tank cars, engr f i l l e r . On Berth N0P0S 29 Nov. ::-ithan 6. Davis Lpinly 13 - H-20 bridges, 21 Bailey bridges. 1500 tons r a i l s , assault and pioneer f i l l e r . On Berth HOPCE 8 Dec. #2568 12 yd scrapers, tractors, cranes, topo supplies, tank farm equipj-nent and mis cellaneous engr supplies. On Berth Los Angeles 11 Dec Jolid Lumber load. On Berth Portland 23 Dec. I.Pinly raila, cross ties, 40 LUVP's, engr filler. On Berth NOPCE 12 Dec. l.nialy rails, cross-ties, 4 st6am locos, 30 10) tank cars, engr f i l l e r , 1 tread- way bridge. 2TD 1J0PQB 18 Dec. golden jji"3 5(35 Sncr paul Jones #37 AJRPENDIX NUMBER EIGHT Revised S h i p p i n g List - 267 GROUP DATS AFLOAT AT HOLLANDIA ARRIVAL DATE AT DE3T'N Y3-1 3-12 S/ 2 NATURE OF CARGO 3 12 3 / 2 20 units Bailey Bridge double-double (50% Deck Type) 13 units H 20 Bridge 4000 LLn.ft. one way 30-ton Timber Bridge Civilian labor Rations Y3-3 3 10 3 / 4 Airdrome Const & Road Treat Yd-4 3-10 s /4 Steel beams for repair and reinfor cing of bridges Floating Docks, Navy Ponton, 2 ea. Petroleum Barge Facilities Lighter Jetty, 3td Typo, 20 oa. Bulk oil installation, 49iOOO bbl. Jpecial Bridge Repair Equipment Field ,/ire ra-5 3-10 3 / 4 HT 980 3130 ARMf 6011 2300 740 540 4500 1142 760 ARMf 4732 Alamo 113-30-45 ARMf 6005 1610 520 2224 730 ARMf 6001 ARlff 6003 2000 2750 ARMf 6OO6 Navy Ponton L3T J e t t i e s Army depot r e s e r v e s of a s s a u l t and pioneer supplies Initial Base & Airfield Material 2 Units Treddway Bridge Y3-2 Di«T LOADING POINT REQ/N NO. As d e s i g n a t e d by CG UaA30S As designated by CG UoASOd 1736 2900 (IM-ML-14-45 6351 8891 ARMf 6018 300 1875 As Designated ARMf 6O37 ARMf 6007 by CG USASOS ARMf 6010 ARiJT 6012 ARMf 6026 ARMf 6036 Alamo 110-SC-45 65 545 311 3945 105 585 700 1500 3 647 823 5 Blankets, Litters, Atrabrine, penicillin 4o 132.5 Vet Equipment •5 1 Serum & Vaccines .25 •5 42 Graves Registration 77 10 26 Finance Equipment Staging Area 1534 5038 Base Hq Office Equipment 35 132 Native Troop Initial Equipment 243 765 863 1832 Paulina Ohristmas Dinner 251 432 78 299 Cl III Dispensing Paper Bags 10 25 Depot Stock 395 445 Y3-6 3-10 S/ 4 30 D/S Supplies for 20,000 6000 Y3-7 3-10 3 / 4 Initial Construction Construction Tools, IJatiVe Labor Spare parts, 3°-6o Days 3625 65 1754 6000 M>6A-80-44 ML)6A-84-44 As designated by CG U3AS03 Aa Designated by CG USASOS MO6A-86-44 <lM-ML-ll-45 CiM-Ml-6-45 vlU-ML-1-45 HM-ML-8-45 QMF-155-45 Qja-Ml-5-45 HM-ia-12-45 QMAF-158-45 qi^F-154-45 Alamo 105-3C-45 Standard Type •B i 5072 91 As designated by CG US AS 03 ARMf 6017 ARMf 6024 ARMf 6046 2457 SFPCE Y3-3 S 7 3 / 7 30 D/S Supplies for 20,000 Y3-9 s 3 3/11 21 Sets Bailey bridge double-double (50.. Deck Type) 13 Units H-20 Bridge Additional Base & Airfield Mat' 1 Field .Yire Spare Parts Depot Stock Use Construction 1200, 30 D/3 Supplies for 20,000 6000 Standard Type «B" SFPCE 6000 f SFPCE 1690 520 955 647 12.5 395 S / 11 Y3-11 s -3 s 3 S / 11 30 D/3 Supplies for 20,000 YS-12 3/ 1 s / 15 10 sets Reserve Assault and Pioneer 1310 Supplies 2 Units Heavy ponton Bridge 149 127 3 units pneumatic Bridge Army Depot Reserves of Assault and 2300 Pioneer Supplies 20 Reserve camouflage l.5aterials 18 Ponton Floats (25 ton) 35 4«2" l.ortars and Flamethrowers 5 l.l Dust Respirators Cranes required for use in supply Hi imp 1a 864 110 Oil Pipe line jetty }.toorin£ Hose platform for discharge of Y3-1O Y3-13 3 / 1 3 / 1 5 Tankera Airdrome Const. & Road Treatment 5000 Bed Hospital Bulk Avgas Installation - 2bO 150 1062 Standard Type «B* 2356 730 1316 823 25 445 1680 ARMf 6002 A3 designated ARMf 6004 by CG USASOS Alamo 114-SC-45 Alamo l l l - S C - 4 5 Alamo 1O6-SC-45 Alamo 116-SC-45 ARMf 6041 Standard Type "B 2200 678 849 4500 DICE 1374 S e r i e s ARMf 6029 ARMf 6030 244 ARMf 4744 ARMf 4739 ARMf 4733 20 cw-59-45 100 89.2 cw-57-45 1728 ARMf 6039 ARMf 6013 120 200 1490 542 759 1432 2075 SFPCE ARMf AR11Y ARMf ARMf 6015 6019 6022 6042 As designated by CG USASOS As designated by CG USASOS GROU? DATE AFLCUT AT HOLLANDIA Y3-13 (oont'd) 3/1 YS-14 YS-15 S/ 1 ARRIVAL DATE AT DEST'N 3 / 15 S /• 15 S/ 1 15 NATUR2 OF CARGO D.iT LOADIKG POINT KO. Materials Handling Equipment Administrative Vehicles Red Cross Supplies 4000 U n . f t . one way 30 ton timber Bridge Bulk Oil Installation, 37,000 bbl. Refrigerators Nurses clothing Hative Troop Ration LPdals 150 150 25 1000 1000 40 2000 1500 405 6 2995 Native Troops I n i t i a l Equipnsnt l.&chine, embossing 20 729 2 ASCOM-Ord-10 mc-:a-io-45 A3 designated by CG UoAJ03 From Base "A" iiKC Warehouse 2750 3300 ARKY 6034 AR1LT 6027 A3 designated by CG 2104 tiM-i.a-3-45 3 4442 47 2295 4 ^.-j-H-S-kS As designated by CG '.tIrML-10-45 <iMAF-l57-45 Qi>'AF-163-45 Y3-16 3 / 1 s /; 15 30 D/3 Supplies for 20,000 6ooo Standard Type "B* SFPCE YS-17 S /: 1 3 /• 1 5 6ooo Standard Type "B* 3FP0E YS-18 S ft l S /1 15 YS-19 3 /t 1 [ 3 / 15 YS-20 S /t 1 1 S /I 25 YS-21 3 /i 1 1 S ,t Y3-22 3 i(• 1 1 S j*• 2 5 YS-23 11 25 s / 25 30 D/S Supplies for 20,000 Civilian Relief supplies Civilian Relief Supplies Lumber Vessel Lumber Vessel 6000 • 4170 6000 • 5434 5500 AHIff 6035 5484 55oo 6035 3654 647 A R L Y 6020 1922 12. 395 5116 323 3462 25 445 Alamo Alamo Alamo Alamo 65 15 1057 444 20 3945 ArlLtf 6038 .curs 6040 Aai.S 6oo3 AS designated by CG USASOS 2004 183 169. 2305 235 353 6016 ^Hi.Y 6025 AS designated by CG UGiuiC-i Ac by As by As by As designated CG U3AS0S designated CG TCASOS designated GG UaASOS designated by CG UjikjOS t l a c l . Const. Supplies Field Wire «dditional Base 4 Airfield Mat'l Spare Parts Depot Stock Gas Storage Tanks for use in Forward areas Refrigeration spare parta and gassea Floating Docks Navy Ponton, 2 ea Liberty Ship Dock, 2 ea Water Supply to Docks and Jetties Class I I Expendable Dust Respirators Y3-23 4170 3- As designated 112-SC-45 by CG U0A0OS 115-SC-45 117-3C-45 118-SC-45 ow-56-45 c Bal Ointment 3/11 s/ Y3-25 S / 11 3/25 Y3-26 3/11 S / 25 30 D/3 Supplies for 20,000 YS-27 3/11 a/ Y3-28 3/15 S / 29 30 D/S Supplies for 20,000 5000 Bed Hospital Bulk Oil installation, 2t>500 bbl Repl for Combat losses of Class I expendable & non-expendable Ord Dep Equip Athletic & Recreation Equip Radios Y3-24 25 25 Red cross Supplies Topo Supplies YS-29 3/15 s / 29 Repl T/E & SLOE Equipment Org Repl Equipment Floating Docks Navy Type, 2 ea Y3-30 s / 15 3/29 Army depot reserves of assault and pioneer supplies Hosn Expans Equip U Spare parts YS-31 S / 15 S / 29 oOOO Standard Type "L>" dJi-OD 6000 Standard Type "D" JFPQE 6000 Standard Type "B" 30 D/S Supplies for 20,000 Public Address System Generators PE 75 Spare Parts s / 30 Standard Type "B" SfPOE 6000 30 D/S Supplies for 20,000 Civilian Relief Supplies - 269 542 1:CCI632 250 43. 2. 18 8 12. 25 4 755 AHM' ''023 A3 Jesifcjnated 4000 500 6031 ASC0t.:-Crd-12 oo-13 Si-14 25 40 SS-17 Aia-so-iri->,c-ij5 Fron Base "B" 20 1857 25 3945 6032 -33-^1 :j 6009 2300 750 4500 2500 I.D6A-35-44 5640 8000 2732 iiRJ^ 4745 A3 desitnuted by CG US/oOS A.3 designated by CG UiAaOS A3 designated by CG USAJJOS GROUP DATE AFLOAT AT HOLLANDIA ARRIVAL DATE AT DEST'N Y3-32 3/15 3 / 2 9 Civilian Relief Supplies Y3-33 3/15 3 / 2 9 Y3-34 3/21 Y3-35 Y3-3& 3/21 3/21 NATURE QF CARGO DWT Mr REq'N NO. #40 8000 • Civilian Relief Supplies 5640 8000 • s/35 A&sol. Const. Supplies 3654 5116 ARMY 6021 3/35 30 D/3 Supplies for 20,000 6000 Standard Type »B" A0 d e s i g n a t e d by CG U3ASOS As d e s i g n a t e d by CG 03A3Q3 As d e s i g n a t e d by CO 03A3U3 SFPOK S/35 30 D/S Supplies for 20,000 6000 Standard Type "B* 3FPCB 6000 Standard Type "B" SFPOS 6000 Y3-37 3/21 3/35 30 D/3 Supplies far 20,000 Y3-38 3/21 3/35 30 D/S Supplies far 20,000 Y3-39 3/31 3/45 l»Jar Item (ord) Army Reserve Fortifioation Supply 800 LOADING POINT Standard Type *B" 3FP0B 3450 2000 6750 A3CGU-0rd-9A ARMf 4747 As d e s i g n a t e d by CG TBA303 Y3-40 3/31 s/45 Army Reserve Fortification Supply Small Ships Docks, 2 ea 3450 1054 6750 1270 ARM* 4747 ARMY 6014 As d e s i g n a t e d by CG TBASCB YS-41 3/31 3 / 4 5 Vehicles Parts Atnletio & Reoreational Equip Radios Red cross Supplies 1100 325 7450 650 ASC0U-0rd-9B ASOOM-Ord-90 33-12 33-15 As d e s i g n a t e d by 0 0 03A303 48.71 2.5 Yb-42 3/31 3/45 30 D/S Supplies for 20,000 6000 Standard Type *B* From Base « E f 4 •G* ARC ffhse 31-POS Y3-43 3/31 30 D/3 Supplies for 20,000 6000 Standard Type • B i 3FP0E YS-44 3/31 s/45 s/45 30 D/S Supplies for 20,000 6000 Standard Type »B' SFPOS YS-45 s / 31 3/45 3/45 30 D/S Supplies for 20,000 6000 Standard Type <B* 3FP0S Civilian Relief Supplies 6030 9000 • 3/45 3/45 Civilian Relief supplies 6030 9000 • Civilian Relief Supplies 6030 9000 • YS-46 3/31 Yb-47 3/31 YS-48 3/31 YS-49 3/41 100 160 30 D/S Supplies for 20.000 6000 Standard Type »B" As d e s i g n a t e d by CG U3A303 As d e s i g n a t e d by CG TBA303 Aa d e s i g n a t e d by CG USA308 3FP0E 30 D/S Supplies far 20,000 6000 Standard Type 'B* ttFPCB 6000 Standard Type »B' SFPOE Standard Type "B" SFPOB 3/41 3/55 3/55 YS-51 3/41 3/55 30 D/3 Supplies far 20,000 Y3-52 3/41 3/55 30 D/S Supplies far 20,000 6000 Y3-53 s / 46 s / 60 Civilian Relief Supplies 6290 9200 • Y3-54 S / 46 3/60 Civilian Relief Supplies 6290 9200 • Ya-55 s / 46 3/60 Civilian Relief Supplies 3290 9200 • YS-56 S / 61 s/75 Civilian Relief Supplies 5880 8100 • 8100 • YS-50 YS.57 S / 61 s / 75 Civilian Relief Supplies 5880 YS-36 S / 61 3/75 Civilian Relief Supplies 5880 8100 • •10-59 s / 76 3 / 9 0 Civilian Relief Supplies 5800 8100 • Y£<-60 S / 76 3 / 9 0 Civilian Relief Supplies 5800 8100 • Y0-61 s / 76 3 / 9 0 Civilian Relief Supplies 5800 8100 • • l e t t e r Headquarters S i x t h Arniy, f i l e AG 40O-.312, R e q u i s i t i o n of S u p p l i e s for Civilian Relief and Rehabilitation in the Philippines for M-l Opera tion, 14 October 1944 270 As by As by As by As by AS by AB by Afi by As by As by designated CG TKA3CS designated CG UJA303 designated CG O3AS0S designated CO U3A303 designated CG TBA3CS designated CG USAS03 designated CG US A3 OB designated CG 03AS03 designated CO 03 A3 OS APPENDIX NUMBER WINE Troop L i s t For Subic Bay Operation - 271 SJGINEE3 UNITS AND DATE OF LANDING IN SUBIC BAY OPERATION UNIT DATE 1112th Engineer Cons Gp* 339th Engineer Cons Bn** 27th Engineer Cons Bn*** 585th Engineer Dp Trk Co*** 198th Engineer Dp Trk Co** 1052nd Engineer PC & RG (Det)* 441st Engineer Depot Co (1 Plat)* 781st Engineer Pet Dist Co (Det)* 113th Engineer Combat Bn* 492nd Engineer Base Equip Co** Co "C H , 3rd Engineer Combat Bn* 67th Engineer Topo Co, Surv Plat** 592nd EB & SR* 1417th Engineer S/L Maint* 1782nd Engineer Parts Sup* 1460th Engineer Maint Co (ESB)* 29 January 45 Tf 29 45 n 29 45 tt 29 45 n 29 45 rt 30 45 » 30 45 n 30 45 29 45 V 29 45 n 29 45 tt 30 45 « 29 45 Never arrived 5 l.'arch 45 29 January 45 * Under XI Corps control ** Under 1112th Engineer Construction Group control *** Under 1112th Engineer Construction Group control until 31 January 1945 when it reverted to XI Corps control - 272 APiENDIX NUMBER TEN Field Orders For Luzon Operation - 273 (3) Will prepare to conduct such operations as may be required to comrlete the destruction of hostile forces and the occupation 1 >Autht •Inlti :Datei CG SlXPli i of L i 20 Nov lilt : UAi TLIt SIXTH AWW A.I.C. ^2 23001 20 November 19kk Maps: 1. a. £. Aeronautical Charts, J-D~GN - lil.oce.CCO. Coast and jeodetic Survey, i-ULcN - l:20C,00C. Cf the estimated ltl.COO trocps non disposed throughout LUllCN, 101,000 are probably mobile combat troops and the remainder bjse defense and service troops. I n n c i p a l identified combat units are the 6th Div i s i o n , the 2nd Armored d i v i s i o n , the newly activated 103rd and lC5th I/ivisions, ind probably the 5?U anJ 61at Independent V.ixed Brigades and %.-.•> 2(U lndepenuent Infintry ie^iaent. It i s probable that the enemy will expand the above mentioned independent mixed brigades to divisions by the absorption of miscellaneous small combat and service units. In ChM'kAi. LL^CN, defined on the nort\east by a line running from SA,\ KLhMANLC (LA 1.7.1 CN) to bAl^h dAY and on the south by a line running from I-ANILA OAY e a r t anJ west through OAMTK (CITY), there are an estimated 77,000 troops, of v.hich 2J7,OOO are first line dombat troops. The remaining are base defense «nJ service troops, but many of these will probably be used in a combat capacity. It i s believed probable thjt at least onp new division has moved into this area to replace U t recently departed Cfcth Division. The 2nd Armored Div ision har been located in this area wit!, an apparent, minimum of 300 tanks of a l l types. Cn th« nort>- flank, disposed in the remaining portion of i.CK: ^ni, iXi^h, there are an estimated -7,SOT troops, of which :">,000 are reported to be combat troops of the 103rd Division wit. headquarters at IWuLJ.w.»i., 3n unidentified division in the SAN KckN-^Lv. (i_i '..!.!.) Hreo an.' an unidentified independent mixed brigade iii t.'e VJ. JA ;. areo. Th^re are an estimated 31,000 troops, of which «r'l,COO are probably combat troojs on the ~A. ,O.'JA., iL;.j.NLLLA where the ft: and a probable additional unidentified division are located* Cf the 15,>0C troops in the J-XLCJ. ii.Kj.Ki.LxA, probably 10,000 are of the lC_,t:i division known to be located there, irincipal concentrations are at U.J*~H, !>««.,, },ir.Ai.*Lt _,-d A.J...LN^. i t i s believed that there i s at least one accitionui unidentified division which has recently arrivtd in U;LVI\, end that there i s every probability that at least two more may arrive prior to S-Day, and that the pre ponderance of enemy strength will be in the **fcjiih*i. xAJ^N area. I t i s believed that there are at least two divisions now disposed in the i-.mediate UWGAYEN GULF area. It i s likely that a mobile striking force of division strength will be held along the general line - Cii-i.Lj.K'j - J-v-OAlib, and i t arrears logical that the enemy will have additional strong mobile forces in the vicinity of CABAKHTUAN (NLJ-.A ECxJ^») and ^AK » UTJ\.JU»J (i«Jia-jiMi.n). The enemy has an un determined number of lon<---range coast defense guns on either side of Ulv^Yt-N JIU. located generally on CAIL bCUNAC . SANTIAGO io^jtli. anO between 1-t^j.LAO and AkJv.«Y, nith strong fortifications ruiinin. from i>L«^- to i-AN r^tx >N'. LIN'JAYEN 'Jl/xJ1 ia reported to be mined. Due to repeated Allied carrier-based air attacks, the es timated enemy air strength in the xhx*J.ixlNXi> as of f November was reduced to a nominal fi, ure of 16.C f i l t e r s and 170 bombers. The energy gives every indication that he will make an all-out aerial defense and has th-. capability of greatly increasing his air strength by sta^in^ i t planes from Chj.k», JrOHtQUA anJ the tb^xtl. and by shore-basiHc; the complements of aircra.'t carriers. However, the imminent threat to the x^Jiifc, posed by our F l e e t , may act as a jOAirful deterrent to a lar t 'e-scale aerial reinforcement of WJCL. The Japanese f l e e t may be expected to offer a substantial threat to our convoys, even to the point of risking a large-scale naval »>n/7acement. (1) (2) 2. a. Forces of the Southwest l a c i f i c , covered and supported by the Third f l e e t , the 20th ami liith Air Torces, will continue the offensive to reoccupy the xl.±i~LiiiUi^ by seizing a beachhead in U.isu^Y'i-. >/Lii , destroying hostile forces, and reoccupying the CbN'l'hAL XIAINV. - u^iNxLn area; will continue operations to com plete th* conquest of U,ZCN, a l l for the purpose of eetabliah 11.t bases to support future operations and to re-establish the iLixJiiiNi^ government. Missions assigned supporting forces by Gh^, £>/.lA: Annex 2. Sixth Army, supported by Allied Naval and Air forces: (1) Will, the are air the (2) by overwater operations, seize and occupy beachheads in Lli»jAYiJv - i«t.CI.TLii - i>AN iLW'.-iMX. (LA Ul.li.N) areas as required to i n i t i a t e and insure uninterrupted naval and operations in support of the continued offensive to seize isi^iM'Hffcj- i ^ t x ^ - i»_ii^xL«i a r e a . n i l l s e i z e the U.i.'iruu_ iJ-Ao.Nt> - i»Alu.lA area by overland opera tions to the southward. (k) Will occupy and defend sites for radar and air warning instal lation; as arranged with the Conmanders, Allied naval and air Forces. (5) Will assume control of and direct the operations of FI1IHN0 Forces in UJZON. (6) Will establish facilities for minor naval operations at the earliest practicable date in the LDCAYEK area, LUZON, as ar ranged with the Commander, Allied Naval Forces; and be prepared to initiate the establishment of naval, air and logistic bases as required to support subsequent operations to complete the destruction of Japanese forces in the ihlj-llUNbS and to sup port future operations to the north and east of the fhlll Phases of the Operation! ( 1 ) these I: An amphibious assault to seize and consolidate beachheads in the UKGHYEN - DA&.U1TIS area of UNGHYEK GULF, and to i n i t i a t e the establishment of air and baee f a c i l i t i e s therein. ( 2 ) Fhase H i An attack to destroy all hostile forces north of the AGN0 RIVER, and to seize anu secure crossings of the AGN0 RIVER. ( 3 ) Phase I I I : The destruction of hostile forces in the CENTRA! iLnlNS area; the continuation of the attack to capture MANILA. S-Day 20 December l^kh (Target Date) H-Hour To be announced Troops designated for the operation! ( 1 ) Unitet ( a ) Army Troops: Units and Staging: Annex 3a. (b) ( c ) (d) ( e ) ( f ) I Corps, reinforced: 1. Commander! Major General Innis F. Swift, U.S.A. £. Units and Staging! Annex 3£. XIV Corps, reinforced: 2 . Commander: Uajor General 0. w. Griswold, U.S.A. g. Units and Staging: Annex 3£. 11th Airborne Division, reinforced! 2. Commander: Major General Joseph !•'.. Swing, U.S.A. g. Units and Staging: Annex 3d. 158th Infantry RCT, reinforced! X' Commanderi g. Units and Staging: brigadier General Hanford ibacMder, U.S.A. Annex 3 £ . 13th Armored Group: 1. Commander! To be designated. g. Units and Staging! Annex 31. (g) Sixth Army Service Command: X' Commanderi Major General Hugh J. Casey, U.S.A. g. Unit? and Staging: Annex 3g. (h) (i) Naval Service Command: 1. Commandert £. Unite and Stagingi 13th Arniored Iroup: Will land in the i-A commencing on S/2 a r e a / and an w i l l 10Ci move to an assembly area in the general 10Z.CivI-.Ucl0 area, prepared to launch an armored attack in the zone of advance of either C o n e . Annex 3Jj. Sixth kxay Reserve: 25th D i v i s i o n , ( j ) £. Captain Robert E. Webb, U.S.N. 6th Ranger Infantry Battalion: afloat. Command of units designated in t h i s order as Sixth Army, Corps, Division, separate RCT, or Six th Army Service Command unite, which are not already a part of these commands, w i l l pass to respective Commanders effective this date, or upon arrival of each unit in i t s final staging area, i f arrival thereat i s subsequent to the date of this order. Commanders w i l l be n o t i f i e d , by separate communication, of dates of arrival of units in staging areas. h. '"ill, on S/l, land in the ^ A in Sixth Army Reserve. Sixth Army oervice Command 1 (1) Will land in accordance with Loading and Landing Schedule, Annex 7S> (2) Within the limits of the Army Service Area: ( a ) Will rromrtly i n i t i a t e e s s e n t i a l topograplic and hydro graphic surveys and w i l l make eucH adjustments to pre liminary plans for the temporary base, docks, dumps, road net, and airdromes as may be required by the re s u l t s of these surveys. (b) Will conduct aggressive and extensive engineer reconnaissance, as permitted by the existing t a c t i c a l s i t u a t i o n , and will coordinate this reconnaissance with that bein tt conducted by the 1 anc XIV Corps. (c) Will establish a i r , and temporary port and base Annex ((., Operations Map. A. 1 Corps, reinforced: ( 1 ) Will, on S-Day at K-Kour, divisions abreast, w i l l forces encountered, and head within the I Corps (2) Will seize and holo the of the XIV Corps. land i n the IM^UI-AN -fc.Au.LL~oarea with attack vigorously to destroy hostile w i l l seize and secure the Army beachzone of action. bridge until relieved by elements (3) Will be prepared to s e i z e and secure c r o s s i n g of the AGJX RJ.Vi.fc within the I Corps zone of action. iu) " i l l e s t a b l i s h and maintain contact with the 158th RCT and with the XIV Corps. as directed. (d) Will protect the l e f t Assume responsibility for the unloading of a l l units, supplies and materials arriving in the objective area. Lispert.' , store, and issue supplies to grend ana a i r units. 2. flank of Sixth Army. 3. XIV Corps, ( 1 ) (2) W i l l , on S-Day, at l.-hour, land in the i-liviiYLN area with divisions abreast; w i l l attack vigorously to destroy h o s t i l e forces encountered, and w i l l seize and secure the Army beachhead within the XIV Corps zone of action. ''.ill e s t a b l i s h anc maintain contact with 1 Corps. (/») Will protect the right flank of Sixth Army. 25th Division, In o i x t l ( 3 ) reinforced: (3) Will be prepared tc increase the scope of construction operetions as and when the army service area boundary i s advanced. (ll) Will be prepered to assume operational control of such L~u units as ma;, be designated. (3) Viill i n i t i a t e the establishment of air and l o g i s t i c f a c i l i t i e s as directed for the suj jo t of subsequent operations against (6) i i i l l oe prepared to transfer base operations anc construrti^n missions to USAi>CL> control when directed. Naval Service Command: Army Reserve., i n i t i a l l y a f l o a t , w i l l be prepared: To reinforce e i t h e r tbe I or XIV Coris in the UNOAYKK oU i area with: 1 HOT on ~ / 2 . (l>) hemainrttr of d i v i s i o n t.y ~ / H » To reinforce the 156th hUI in i t s i n i t i a l 1 RCT. Sixth Army Troops: (1) (2) objective area with To land in the uAiAil/vI; _k«fci.L»C area, conn.c-ncin on 5/2 and to cicvfc t c an assembly area in the generalfaiN>J-01<JAt.area. reinforced: " i l l r,e prepared, on or after 1 January 19^5. to undertake one of the following when directed: (a) To s e i z e by ar, airborne operation, in conjunction with Oround forces, any of the subjoined objectives: Will land in the objective area and will move to bivouac areas (1) Missions: (a) Signal: (b) Engineer: (c) l/.edical: (d) QM: Annex 1, to Adm 0 It , (J£. - KtUS ( b ) To neve by air transportation, or, i f necessary by *ater t r a n s l a t i o n , to the UN^YU. -JVU area. hCI1, reinforced 1 (1) Will, on V at a t i m e t 0 b e announced, lane north of ^ " " p 0 ' " i t h i ? the zone of action of I Corps, will pa.e through the north flank of the I Corps beachhead, attack north, and copture (2) Will block the advance of hostile forces from the direction of (3) V.111 establish anO maintain contact with 1 Corps. Annex 5 , Signal. (e) Ordnance: Annex 6, Lngineir. Annex 3 , to Ado 0 16, t>.edical. Anr.ex 2, to Adm 0 16, Ordnance. During the amphibious movement and landing, the Commander, Naval Attack rorce, i s in control of a l l amphibious operations. The Commander of oacr Naval Attack -it-oup operating under the con trol of the Commander, Naval Attack Force, i s in control in his area of operation. Control of forces ashore passes to: ( a ) Each assault Divieion Commander after his arrival ashore and upon his n o t i f i c a t i o n , by the most prompt means at his disposal, to the Ccmmander of his supporting Naval Attack iroup that he i s ready to assume command of his forces ashore. Each assault iJivision Commander » i l l promptly notify his Corps Commander of the time he as sumes command of his forces asrore. (b) Each Corps Commander and the Commanding Gtneral, 156th RCT, in hie respective ar<:a of operations, after his arrival as! ore and upon his no1 i f i c a t i o n , by the most prompt means at his disposal, to t t e Commander of his supporting l^aval Attack Jroop that he i s ready to assume command of his forces ashore. The Command inz General, 15fth RCT, w i l l promptly notify the Corairandinf general, Sixth .irmy, of the time he assumes command i f his forces ashore. Each Corps Commander w i l l promptly inform the Commanding Oeneral, Sixth Army: . CLh.Pt. hlELL £. Adnex 6, lingineer. in accordance with Loading and Landing Schedule, Sixth Army Troops, Annex 7&, and apjendices thereto. (a) U t t Airborne L i v i s i o n , (1) supervise 'Am be prepared to seize ana secure crossings of the *iuX RIVLh (3) (2) In coordination with KiAU, recruit, a l l o c a t e , and administer c i v i l i a n labor. reinforced: within the -IV Corps zone of action south of the Army beachhead. (1) facilities (Annex C, Engineer). ' ' i l l , when directed: 1. (5) area and assemble in that area X' The time each of his Division Commanders assumes com mand of hie forces ashore. 2. The time he, himself, assumes command of his forces ashore. (c) The Commanding General. Sixth Army, upon hia announcement to the Commander, Naval Attack Force, that he is ready to assume command of his forces ashore. ( h ) Naval Service Command t (2) Commanders, who have assumed command of their forces ashore will continue under the control of the Commander, Naval Attack Force, until the next senior Army commander assumes comaand Ashore. LEYTE Subsequent l o c a t i o n - t o be reported. ( i ) 13th Armored Group t LEYTE Subsequent l o c a t i o n - t o be reported. (3) The Commanding General, Sixth Armyi ( j ) 6th Banger Inf Bn 1 TANAUAN Opens DAGUPAN - to be reported. (a) (h) arrange for the movement of a l l units to final staging area. (2) Axis of Signal Comraunications« (a) Sixth Armyi Will arrange overwater transportation to objective areas for the movement of Allied Air Force units, except those accompanying assault forces, as designated by the Com mander, Allied Air Force. (Annex 6£ and 7c.). DAGUPAN - TARlAC . SAN FERNANDO - MAMLU. (b) ( c ) Will arrange overwater transportationto objective areas for naval service units as designated by the Commander, Allied Naval Forces. (Annex 6£ and "&). (d) Will coordinate with the Commander, Naval Attack Force, the plans for naval gunfire support and air support for the landing operations and subsequent operations ashore prior to the establishment of land-based air craft in the objective area. ( e ) Will coordinate with the Commander, Allied Air Force, the plans for air support after land-based aircraft have been established in the objective area. (4) (5) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) XIV Corpsi BAAY - CAM1LLNG . TAhLAC _ SAN FERNANDO. WAITER KRUEGER, Lieutenant General, U. S . Army, The Commanding General, 68th AAA Brigade, w i l l , when d i r e c t e d , be prepared t o assume command of A n t i a i r c r a f t A r t i l l e r y retained under the d i r e c t c o n t r o l o f S i x t h Army and provide a coordinated a n t i a i r c r a f t defense o f v i t a l points and o r i t i c a l areas and i n s t a l l a t i o n s i n accordance with Annex 10, A n t i a i r c r a f t Defense. lAuthi CG SIXTH AHUYt i l n i t i / s / CPE : •Date: 26 Jan 1945 1 Corps Commanders, the Commanding Generals, 25th D i v i s i o n , and S i x t h Army Service Command, and the Commending General, 156th RCT, w i l l submit t h e i r plans to t h i s headquarters on or before 25 November 1944* These plans w i l l include the assignment of shipping and loading and landing plans of a l l u n i t s , e i t h e r attached or a s s i g n e d . HEADQUARTERS SIXTH ARMY. A. P . 0 . 442 20001 26 January 1945 For coordination of land-based and naval a i r c r a f t i n support of the o p e r a t i o n s , see Standing Operating Irocedure I n s t r u c t i o n s No. 1 6 / 2 , GHQ., SWPA, dated 26 September 1944. ?0 45 When a h o s t i l e landing attack against one of our occupied areas i s inminent or i n progress t h e operational control of a l l e l e ments of the f o r c e s of the Southwest F a c i f i c Area i n the threatened area passes t o t h e control of the l o c a l Ground Force Commander i n order t o obtain unified a c t i o n . 1. (8) Corps and separate unit conmanders are responsible for the supervision of loading of a l l units assigned or attached to their respective commands, except units in those areas for which the Commanding General, Sixth Army, retains the respon s i b i l i t y of loading. (Annex 7 to Adm 0 16, Transportation). Wherever possible units and their equipment will be loaded intact. ( 9 ) Commanders of a l l echelons will take positive action to insure the safeguarding of captured stores and equipment against pil fering and looting by members of our forces and by local in habitants. Maps: 2 . Insure that units under their comnand do not fire on friendly aircraft. (b) Enforce passive defense measures, particularly dispersal of ammunition and P.O.L. dumps. ( b ) I Corps ( c ) XIV Corps ! BOUGAINVILLE Opens BAAY - t o be reported. ( d ) 158th M-1": N0EMF00R Opens v i c i n i t y RABON - t o be reported. ( 2 ) 1st Cavalry Division and 32d Infantry Division, both reinforced (Annex 1 ) , w i l l land at White Beach (LDJGAYEN GOLF) on 27 January 1945t at which time both Divisions w i l l pass t o command of the Commanding General, Sixth Army. c.. 35th Infantry Regiment i s released to the Commanding General, I Corps, effective 08001, 28 January 1945* d,. 1st Cavalry Division, reinforced, w i l l assemble i n the URDAHETA area i n Sixth Army Reserve, prepared for immediate movement t o the GUIMBA area. e.. 32d Division, reinforced, w i l l assemble in the MANA0AG - aAN VICENTE UAPANDAN area, where the Division ( l e s s one infantry regiment) w i l l pass t o the control of the Commanding General, I Corps, e f f e c t i v e 08001 30 January 1945 for 'the purpose of r e l i e v i n g elements 25th Division north of the AGNO RIVER. The excepted infantry regiment w i l l remain in Army Reserve. 3 . XTV Corps 1 (1) Will continue to advance vigorously to the southeast and secure the crossing of the PAMPANGA RIVER at CAU31JPIT. 1 HOLUNDIA Opens SAN FABIAN - t o be reported. * - S i x t h Army Service Command! TACLOBAN Subsequent l o c a t i o n - t o be reported. 11th Airborne D i v i s i o n : The Commanding General, Eighth Army, w i l l , on 29 January 1945, land the XI Corps i n southern ZAJJBALES PROVINCE and seize the SAN ANTONIO - CASTILLEJ03 - aAN FELIPE area, after which this Corps w i l l continue operations t o the eastward under coraaand of the Commanding General, Sixth Army. Boundary between Corps: DAG0PAN - aAN CARLOS - MALASIQIJI - CARUEN ANA0 - VICTORIA - LA PAZ - ZARAGOZA - SAN ANTONIO (lJOEVA ECIJA PROV) - PLARIDEL ( a l l inclusive to XJV Corps). _b_. Command loatsi 3. (1) £. 5. £. Signal Orders 1 Annex 5« TANAUAN Cpens DAGU1-AN - t o be announced• Pursuant t o instructions of the Commander-in-Chief, Southwest Pacific Area: Sixth Army continues the offensive to secure the CENTRAL PLAINS MANILA area. Adm 0. 16. (a) Sixth Armys LUZON - 1/50,000. £. (11) Corps and separate unit commanders wills (a) LUZON - 1/250,000. &. Current intelligence reports. .b. (10) Corps 3nd separate unit co/tmanders will inform commanders of a l l echelons that one of the purposes of the pHIiltllNE campaign i s to liberate the l i l i p i n o s . To this end every effort compatible with the tactical situation will be made to safeguard the lives and property of the Filipino people. ( f ) I Corpst SAN FABIAN - ROSALES - CABANATUAN - GAiAN. (c) 4. « NOUMEA Subsequent l o c a t i o n - t o be reported. (g) 25th Division (2) Will reconnoiter to include the line HAG0N0Y - &IAL0L0S - PLARIDEL. (3) Will continue 1 (4) I£YT£ Subsequent l o c a t i o n - t o be reported. - 276 (a) To protect the west flank of 3 l x t h Army. (b) To maintain contact with I Corps. >'ill he prepared to establish and maintain contact with XI Corps i n the DD1ALUPIHAN area, when directed. I Corpsi (3) Will establish and maintain contact with XI Corps along the line HERMOSA - DHULOPIHAN. (1) will continue current missions. (2) Will an 28 January 1945, advance vigorously to the southeast and secure the line LICAB - TALAVERA - MUNOiS - LUPAO. t 0 inolude JQaE • (1) Will continue current missions. the line CABANATUAN . BQNGABON - a S 3 e n i b l e t h e l 8 t OaTO ^ I Corpsi di3poaal (2) lry Division, reinforced, in Comnandine General, of t h e Will, on 1 February 1945# attack vigorously to the southeast and east, capture SAN JOSE, and, continuing the advance, secure the line CABAKATUAN (exclusive) - BONGABON - RISAL (NOEVA ECIJA PROV). (3) Will block the southward advance of hostile forces from the .c. 13 th Amored Group 1 CAGYAN VALLEY. (1) " i l l be prepared to support the advance of I Corps. (4) " i l l interdict roads and t r a i l s in the BALETE PASS area with long-range a r t i l l e r y f i r e . (2) Will assemble the 44th Tank Battalion (leas Company C) in trie GUBiBA area, coordinating this movement with the Commanding ueneral, I Corps. (5) Will push reconnaissance to DINGaLEN BAY and HATJTR BAY and be prepared to clear these areas of enemy forces, when directed. (0) Will be prepared to assemble one engineer aviation or construc tion battalion in the R08ALES area ready for movement and to pass to Army control on 36 hours prior notification by this headquarters. 4- Adm 0 I6/3 and Adm 0 16/4. 5« a. Current Sixth Army SOI. t>. Connnrt Posts: £. (1) sixth Army - CALA3IA0. Sixth Army Reserve 1 (1) (2) I Corps - AWGIO. (3) *IV Corps - SAN L3GUEL (TARLAU PROV). (4) 1st Cavalry Division - vicinity UrtDANETA. (To be reported). (2) 126th Infantry, 32d Division, assembled in MANA0AG - WAPANDAN SAN VICEOTS area. 112th Cavalry RCT - assembled in GUHIBA. area. 13th Armored Group - assembled in 3AN JiiCINTO area, prepared to support the attack of I Corps. x,. Ccraaanding General, I Corps, will coordinate movement of 1st Cavalry Division through I Corps zone of action with priority on GUIMBA TALAVER.i - CABANATOAN road to 1st Cavalry Division until 20001 1 February 1945. (3) (5) 32d Infantry Division - vicinity MANAOAG. (To be reported). / s / Ualter Krueger 4. WALTER KRUEGER, L i e u t e n a n t General, U. S . Commnding. &. I and XTV Corps: No change. J>. XI Corps: (1) As directed in Adm 0 5« Headquarters Eighth Army. 1 (2) All reports required by Headquarters E i ^ t b Army under Adm 0 5 will be rendered to this headquarters. i CG SIXTH di :Initi / s / CDE :Date; 30 Jan kS 5. No change. : /s/ Walter Krueger WALTER KRUEGER, Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, Commanding. HSADvJCURTERS SIXTH A. P . 0. 442 23001 30 January 1945 FO 46 I«ap3i 1. 2. LCZOK - 1 / 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 . Omitted. _§. S i x t h Army continues b. 3. t lAuthi CG £lATH ARLIXI i :Inits / s / ODE i :Date: 2 Feb AS LUZON - 1/50,000. the offensive. HEADQUARTERS SIXTH ARMY A. P. 0. 442 20001, 2 February 1945 2oundariesj (1> Between XI and XIV Jorpa: BUGAO RIVER - UT PIHATU3A DIMiLUPIIlw] - CRjiHI ( a l l i n c l u s i v e t o XI C o r p s ) . (exclusive) (2) Between XIV and I Corpsx DAGUPAN - SAN G*RL03 - h*ZXZl$n. CAriaJ - WMCUAN - VICTORL* ( a l l i n c l u s i v e t o XIV Corps), thence UC«5 - PII;AGPAKAA1« - C*BU - TA&2LLA ( a l l i n c l u s i v e t o I Corps). F0 47 c,. 1 s t Cavalry D i v i s i o n , r e i n f o r c e d , ( l e s s 112th Cavalry RCT) i s t o XIV Corps, e f f e c t i v e 00011 31 January 1945 £. 191st Field Artillery Group and the 465th Field Artillery Battalion are attached t o I Corps, effective 00011 31 January 1945 £. 44th Tank Battalion (less Cc C) ia attached to 1st Cavalry Division, effective 00011 31 January 1945• tops: attached LUZON - 1/250,000. 1. emitted. 2. &. Sixth Army continues the offensive, i. .(ill continue current missions. (2) fall advance vigorously t o the eastward, and will establish and maintain contact with XIV Corps along the line HEiUlOSA DIIUIUPIHAN. (3) Will reconnoiter to include BATAAN PENMSUIA. Jj. No change. XIV Corps: (1) Will continue current missions. (2) Will continue aggressive advance to the southward; capture L<ANILA; and secure the line CAVITE - TAGIG - TAY TAY ANTIPOLO - MONTAiBAN. (3) Will protect left flank of Sixth Army within zone of action of the Corps. £. I Corps will continue current missions. £. Sixth Army Reserve« (4) £. Boundaries between Corpsi 3. 5. XI Corps will continue current missions. a. XI Corps: (1) LUZON - 1/50,000. Will protect right flank of Sixth Army in zone of action of the Corps. XXV Corps: (1) 12oth Infantry Regiment remain in present area. (2) 112th Cavalry Regimental Combat Team remain in present area. (1) (2) Will continue current missions, protecting west flank of 3ixth Army i n z o n e oi action of the Corps. (3) i3 t n Armored Group remain in present area prepared to continue current missions. W i l l continue t o push a g g r e s s i v e l y t o the southward, ^ i t s l e f t on 1 February 1945i 3«cure c r o s s i n g s over t h e RIV2H w i t h i n t h e zone of a c t i o n of t h e Corps; secure the l i n e MALOLO* - SIBUL SPRINGS - CABANATUANi and be prepared p r c u p t l y t o c o n t i n u e t h e advance t o c a p t u r e MANIIA. 4. - 277 Onmitted. a. iirlv^iico Echelon S i ^ t h A.r:ay opono GEKONA luOOI 3 F e b r u a r y 1 9 4 5 . .b. Rear E c h e l o n i i . r t l i BJUV - C A I A S I A O . c.. i Auth: ilnits :Date: Other c c o - m d i>03ts - t o be r e p o r t e d . XiS 3LCTH «.. P . 0. 442 13001 7 February 1945 /a/ W a l t e r Krueger WALTER KRUECEa, L i e u t e n a n t General, U. 3 . Army, Commanding. i :Auth: :Init: ;Date: f0 48. tops 1 LUZON - 1/250,000. hi LTOOi - 1/50,000. 1. Current intelligence and operations r e p o r t s . 2. a. CG 31X7:1 AHMY: CDS oixth Arnv. supported by a l l i e d Kaval and Air Forces, continues the offensive by oeizinL, the l^kril/liliia B/iY area and COHi-GDlDOH by shore to shore and airborne operations to a s s i s t in opening the entrance t o LJUJIL^. B/d, and securing BATAAN PSUEJOUIA. \X F o b H JD. rL'ai oIXTH <^O A. P. 0. 1X2 12001 11 February 1945 12 February 1945 (Target Date). H-Hour To be announced. 503$. Parachute Regiment, mounted from l.JNDORO by the Ccraaanding General, Eighth iLTcor, w i l l drop on COrirEGIDQR on D/l and w i l l pass to t!ie control of the Coiamandine Oenerul, XI Corps, on arrival thereat. d,. Aiiphibioua saippin,?; available for shore to ohore operations 1 Annex 1. e_. Troops available for the operation: As designated by the Comoanding Gericral, ;d Corps, froia troop3 r.rescntly under his canrand. F0 43 i s auended as follow:.: Change a l l reference to 503d Parachute Asginent to read 5O3<* Parachute Regimental Cccbat T>aij. D-Day c. JT NO. 2 to FC 48, Hoa.:quarters Sixth Anny. 7 February 1945. By OG SIXTH Jug/!Y 1 / a / CDS t 7 Feb 194r) i d of Lieutenant General KRUEGuR: a,. XI Corps (Annex 2, Operations Lap)i G. K. D3CXER, Brigadier Gereral, J.3.C. Cl.ief of Staff. OFFICIAL: (1) Will on D-Day at K-aour, onploying not to e.:ceed one reinforced reci->-^tal combat tean, land i n the l.^.TlV2Lti> BAY area of southern hrt.TA.il', seize and secure a beachhead and establish control over the southern t i p or BaTAAfo. (2) Will, in conjunction with the amphibious assault i n the i.-ArtIV3L3o BAY area, launch a vigorous attack to the south ward alone the east coast of BATAAN and destroy h o s t i l e forces encountered. (3/ iTill, on D-Day, uove one reinforced infantry battalion t o the ].ulIV2L2-> EAY area, prepared for a shore t o shore operation o£aiii3t CC.WJGIDQH on D / l in conjunction with the attack of the 503d Parachute xtegiriient. /a/ G 1 :A.uth: ilnit: :0ate; CG SIXTH ARMYi / V PW 3 Feb kr, KiAD •tUAKTEiB SIXTH ftflMY ». P. C. U-1 10001 i February 1945 (4) b. AMSNDiOENT MO. 1 to F0 4&, Headquarters Si.rth A.-^r, 7 February i % 5 . XTVCorpsi (1) .'/ill continue current missions. (2) iVill, euployine a dnimum of one infantry battalion, continue to maintain contact with 21 Corps along the line HKRLlQaA DDLiLUHHiK. F0 43 - - a»-f:ined as follows: Delete l'cirjg--j>i 5b ( 2 ) (b) and subuti tuts. t..e follov/iny: (b, :la/.u.r-iovu' Duty Caie. Effective l.-t c.. I Corps w i l l continue current missions. x. (1) The Caiuanding General, XI Corps: - " i l l on D/l, eL5>loyinc tiie 503d Parachute flegiinent i n airborne operations as arranged v.lth the Ccoaanding General, Sighth An.^r, and by shore to shore operations from the L*vHIVEL23 BAY arta, capture COHHEGIDQa. iV/PIPO 5IGia2 SftKtCA (a) " i l l arrange d e t a i l s of loading, landing, and naval gunfire support direct with the designated co-jraander of naval supporting forces. (b) V/ill arrange d e t a i l s of cl&se air support direct with the Commanding General, Fifth Air Force. (c) Will coordinate the eiaployraent of the 503d Parachute itefioent with the Commanding General, 2ighth Arj^y, and the Conjanuin,-; General, Fifth Air Force. (d) './ill sub;dt a brief of h i s plan for the operation, to inclurlo plini of close supporting naval and a i r forces, to thi3 nejdiiuarters on or before 10 February 1945< of Lieutenant Oon Ol.ie: (2) OFFICIAL: / a / Oidle/un by W (j) During the amphibious Movement and landing of elements of XI Cori):;, tat Ca.iander, l.aval Attack Group, i s i n cco.iand of a l l ai^hibious operations. Control of forces uhore pa3aes to ti.e ground force coraLiander upon hi3 arrival aaho-.^ aiid upon hiii notific ition to tlie Ccoiiivder, laval Attac'.. Group by the :-ost pra_-'t ntans at his disposal, t:.ax :e i : ready to a^suije ccai.jnd of hi.; forces aa:iore. the airbcrne uove:.fcnt of the 5°.i'i Pur^-cjiute :teyirj-nt t:io CajnanOiu,/ •-.tncral, Fifth Air Force, i s in cajijaru.1 of the •iirbome oper.tion. CoiL-und of t h i j unit jjs-ies to ihc C.ui. ..n-int- Gener.il, XI Corps, upon coupletion of the drop on CCd.tS'.iiDai. 4* Supply; 1 a. Levels of supply to be taken with the force land in/- In BAY area: Class I to IV inclusive Class V £. i :Auto I CO oIXTH ARM*i : Jlnit: hi CDE : :Datet 9 *'•eb 19iiS 10 D/3 3 U/F HEADl}uARTER3 SIXTH ARMY A. P. 0. 442 09001 9 February 1945 Additional supplies for the 503d Parachute aegiuent to'be forwarded by tno Conmandinc General, XI Corps, by ovorwator trinjport fron lARIVE12a BAY on D/2: FO49. Class I Class V 5 D/o 1 U/F Resupplyi Maps: 1. itesponsibility of CoznaidndinK 'Joneral, .a Corps, to imintain levuls for entire force as presccribed In paragraph l\u above by ovei-,;atei shipi.fints'froci 3UBIC BAY. d,. LUZON - 1 / 5 0 , 0 0 0 . a.. Omitted. Jj. Pursuant t o i n s t r u c t i o n s of the Commander-in-Chief, Southwest P a c i f i c Area, the 33d D i v i s i o n w i l l land on MUTE aEACn (LINGAiKN GULF) on 10 February 1945, a t which t i n e the D i v i s i o n w i l l pass t o tae command of the Commanding General, dd.ith Army. a,. S i x t h Army oontinuea the offensive t o secure the CENTRAL PLAINS MANILA area, t o secure BATAAN PENINSULA, and t o open MANILA BAY. £ . Boundary between Corps: £. 33d D i v i s i o n w i n assemble i n the I&NA0AG - SAN JAClNTO - SAN FABIAN area, where the D i v i s i o n w i l l pass t o the control of the Commanding General, I Corps, e f f e c t i v e 08001 12 February 1945 f o r the purpose of r e l i e v i n g the 43d D i v i s i o n and 158th RCT i n tne P0Z0RHUB10 R03ARI0 - DAMQRTIS a r e a . Svaouation: 2 . By returning naval craft to hospitals under XI Corps control in the 5UBIC BAY area. 5- LUZON - 1/250,000. No change. a,, dee current index to oOI. b, Com-andiiig General, XI Corps, will arrange for necessary coordinate to insure continuous communications between a l l elements involved, (1) Radio Circuitsj (a) XL Corps - RCT at IuulIVELES (D-Day). d,. 126th Infantry Regiment i s released t o the Commanding General, I Corps, e f f e c t i v e 08001 15 February 1 9 4 j . (b) RCT at I.i*aiVEl£i - BLT and 503d Parachute Regiiaent at 0011-ki.GIDQR ( D / l ) . e.. Confirming radio i n s t r u c t i o n s , e f f e c t i v e 08001 8 February 19451 (c) XXV Corps will ^uard rjdio circuit (b) and be prepared (1) 7l6th Tank Battalion i s released fran the control of toe Commanding General, I Corps, and passes to the control of the Commanding Officer, 13th Armored Group. (2) 775th Tank Battalion i s released from the control of the Commanding Officer, 13th Armored Group, and passes to the control of the Commanding General, I Corps. to relay tr^fi'ic, if necessary. (2) Codes 1 (a) Coabined Assault Code. £. CCBP 0130-D12. (b) Hazardous Duty Code. 3. Effective - 3IG.HHF-6 3IGPAF 3IGLTT-8 - 3IGVEF-7 Reserve oIGAAF oIGLTT-9 Cccuand Posts: a,. XI Corps will continue current missions. b.. XIV Corps will continue current missions. c.. I Carps: (1) dixth Amy GERONA Rear Echelon CALA3IA0 (2) XIV Corps GRACE PARK, JMANILA (3) XI Corps CA5TILLEJ05 (4) I Corps TUMuKA (5) 503d Parachute Regiment 1JUDQH0 (1) Confirming radio instructions, effective 12001 9 February 1945i *b» 112th Cavalry RCT ( l e s s Troop G) i s attached to 1st Cavalry Division. Will oantinue current missions. (2) Will, employing the 33d Division, effect the relief of the 158th RCT and 43d Division in the POZORrtOblO - ROSARIO DAMQRTIS area as follows: 158th RCT 43d Division (3) by 08001 24 February 19*45 by 08001 16 February 1945 n i l l , upon completion of the relief of the 15Sth Rtfi?, release the R(JT for concentration in the TARUu area, where i t will pass to Sixth Army Reserve, effective 08001 15 February 1945 (4) f i l l , upon completion or the relief of the 43d uivision, concentrate the Division in the URDANETA - UAPANDAN - SANTA BARBARA area where i t will pass to oixth Army Reserve, effective 08001 17 February 1945• / s / .Valter Krueger tfALTSR KRUEGER, L i e u t e n a n t General, U. S . Arny, (5) Will concentrate one infantry regiment (less 1 Bn) in the general SAN JOSE (NOEVA ECIJA) area by 08001 10 February 1945, at the disposal of the Commanding General, Sixth Army, until further orders. 4. XI, XTV and I Corps 1 No change. 33d D i v i s i o n : ( 1 ) f i l l turn i n t o Base M Depots a l l Class I I I and IV i n excess of ten days supply. (2) f i l l retain a l l Class i n . (3) Will take over a l l Class V in 43d Division and 158th RCT dumps, retaining under division control sufficient addi tional ammunition to bring level to two units of fire; and will turn in balanoe of Class V to Base U ammunition dumps at MANGALDAN. 5 . Command Posts: To be reported. / s / Walter Krueger WALTER KRUEGER, L i e u t e n a n t G e n e r a l , U. S . Army, Commanding. :Auth; :Init: ;Date: Confirming radio instructions, the 11th Airborne Division passes to tlie control of tne urn, jiiin^ General. XIV Corps, e i l e c u v e oOOli 10 Feuruta-y 1945. CO SIXTH hi CDL; r XI Feb l The Commanding General, I Corps, will ooordiaate the movement of the 1st Reginxmtal Combat Team frcm present location to DINALUPIHAN with the Canaanding Generals, XIV and XI Corps. TE^. JIXTH ~I Units on movement to DINALUPIHAN areai A. ?. 0. kk2 12001 11 February 1% (1) supplies to accompany units 1 nJd£NDt.£NT NO. 1 to FO 49. Headquarters sixth Army, 9 February 1945. Class I Class III Class V FO 49. this headquarters, 9 February 1945, i s amended as follows: 1. 5 Days 5 Days l i Units of Fire Change paragraph 3 i ( 4 ) to readi (2) Will, upon completion of thi relief of the 43d Division, con centrate the Division ( l e s s one regimental combat team) in the URDANETA - MAPANDAN - SANTA BARBARA area whers i t will pass to oixth Arm/ Reserve, effective 08001 17 February 1945; and w i l l concentrate the excepted regimental combat team in the OTIWRi area where i t w i l l pass to Sixth Army Reserve, e f f e o t ive 08001 17 February 1945. Reaupplyi (&) I n i t i a l l y from Amy Supply Points at TARLAC by unit transportation. (b) Upon opening Highway / from 0L0NGAPO to DIM1XTPIHAN by XI Corps. I Corpo continues responsibility of resupply of designated battery, 465th Field Artillery Battalion, released to XIV Corps control. By command of Lieutenant General KRUEGERi 5. No change. G. H. DECKER, Brigadier General, G.3.C. Chief of Staff. /a/ Walter Kruegcr WALTER KHUEGER, Lieutenant General, 0. 3. Army, Commanding. OFFICIAL: /a/ £ddleman G-i lAuthi CG SIXTH ARMY: :Inlti /a/ CDS 1 1 Date 1 15 Feb 4S 1 : lAuth: :Init: iDatei i HEADQUARTERS SIXTH ARM* A. P. 0. 442 17001 15 February 1945 CG SIXTH AFUYi / s / CDlS : 1 1 Feb JiS i TO 5 1 . HKAIXiDARTERS SIXTH ARMY A.P.O. 442 16OOI 11 February 1945 FO 50. hiaps: 1. 2. LUZON - 1/250,000.. LUZON - 1/50,000. Omitted. _b. Pursuant to radio instructions at the Commandar-in-Chier, South west Pacifip Area, the 11th Airborne Division ia relieved from assignment to Eighth Army and i s assigned to Sixth Army, e f f e c t ive 00011 10 February 1945. LUZCN - 1/250,000. Omitted. 2. &. Sixth Army continues the offensive. 5irth Army continues the offensive to secure the CENTRAL PLAINS 3. So'iodary between Corps: a. XI Corps w i l l continue current missions, i. XIV Corps: (1) (2) £. No change. Will continue current missions. Will concentrate one tank destroyer company and one medium tank company in the DINALUPIHAN area by 18001 13 February 1945 and 12001 14 February 1943 respectively, at which times units w i l l pass to the control of the Commanding General, XI Corpa. (1) Between XI aid XIV Corps: East Coast BATAAN - DIWALUPIHAN SAW TOOTti MT ( a l l inclusive to XI Corps). (2) Between XI and I Corps 1 PALAOIG BA? - HIGH PEAK (both inclusive t o I Corps). (3) Between I and XIV Corps: HIGH PEAK - MABANABA - TARLAC LlCAB - UAYAlAP - CABU - MT BACA . DESBkDA POINT ( a l l in clusive to I Corps). (1) Will continue current misaions. (2) Will ooncentrate the 1st Regimental Combat Team in the DINALUPIEAN area oy 18001 14 February 1943. at which time the 1st Regimental Combat Team w i l l pass to the control at the Canaanding General, XI Corps. (3) £. 6th Division ( l e s s 1st RUT) and Co C, 44th Tank Bn, pass to control at Commanding General, XIV Corpa, effective OttOOI 17 February 1945* 4 . One infantry regiment, 43d Division, passes to control of Commanding General, I Corps, effective OttOOl 17 February 1945. £. The infantry regiment ( l e s s one battalion) held by I Corps in the SAN JOsE (NUEVA ECIJA) area at the disposal of the, Commanding General, Sixth Army, i s released to I Corps, effective at once. 3 . 5 . I Corps: XI Corps w i l l continue current missions. .£. XIV Corps w i l l continue current missions, mak-jng a determined effort to achieve objectives prescribed in FO 47. t h i s headquarters, 2 February 1945. £. I Corps 1 11) Will continue current missions. (2) Will relieve promptly those elements or the XIV Corps now in that area of the XIV Corps zone of action which passes to I Corps, as prescribed in this FO. and w i l l oarrv out th« luiseions for which the XIV Ccrps was heretofore responsible in that area. Movement of the units relieved will be as directed by Commanding General, XIV Corps. (3) Will concentrate the 6th Division ( l e s s 1st RCT) and Co C, 44th Tank Bn, i n the CABANATUAN a n a , south of the PAUPANGA RIVKR, by 06001 17 February 1945. Confirming verbal orders w i l l release one battery, 465th Field Artillery Battalion, to XIV Corps, effective 13001 11 February 1945. -280 PHXLLPPINB ISLANDS - 1/500,000. Boundaries between Corps, effective 08001 17 February 1945> MANILA area, to secure BATAAN PENINSULA, and to open MANILA. BAY. jj. LUZON - 1/50,000. 1. £. a. a. Maps: 4. &. Supply Points: (1) I Corps - No change. t i lAuth: CG 3IXCH ARMYt IIDUI /s/ CUE i I Date: 19 Feb 1945 i (2) XI Corps - JMO change. (J) (a) XIV Corps (leas 6th Division (lees 1st HCT) and Co C, 44th Tank Bn) - No change. (b) 6tb Division llese 1st riCT) and Co C, 44th Tank Bni X' Supplies to accompany units on movement to assembly area: Class I Class III Class V 10 D/S 10 D/S 2 U/F F0 5 3 . Maps: 3upplies to achieve above level will be drawn from Base Id. 2. HEADQUARTERS 3IXTH ARM* A. P. 0. 442 16451 19 February I945 Omitted. 2. £. i i x t h Army continues the o f f e n s i v e . i. Boundaries between Corps, e f f e c t i v e 08001 21 February 19451 Units in Sixth Army Heserve will build up and maintain the following levels of Supplyi 5« 5 D/S 5 D/S 2 U/F No change / s / Walter Krueger WALTER KRUEGER, L i e u t e n a n t General. U. S . A n y , Coracmdlng. lAutht IInlti :Dat«i CG SIXTH ARMYt / a / CPE i 17 Feb 1°4S : 3. 1. 2. emitted. £. Pursuant to instructions from the Commander-in-chief, Southwest Pacific Area, changes in logistic responsibilities and control of units on LUZCN are announced. (See Sixth Army Adm 0 16/12) a. Sixth Arsy 1 (2) 3. a,. XI Corps: Adm U 16/12. 5. No change. (1) Will oontinue current missions. (2) Will carry out missions i n that area at the XTV corps zone of action which passes t o XI Corps, as presoribed i n t h i s F0, and for which the XIV Corps was heretofore responsible. (3) Will complete the concentration of the 1st Regimental wombat Team in the SAN vICKNTE (BULiGAN) area by 18001 23 February 1945, coordinating this movement with the Ccanaading General, XIV Corps. (4) Confirming verbal orders, will move one battery, 544*h FA Bn, to the MANILA area by 18001 20 February 1945. coordinating t h i s movement with the Commanding General, XIV Uorps. XIV Corps: (1) Will continue current missions. (2) Will capture TERNATE and secure tne southern approaches to the SOUTH CHANNEL, UANILA BAY. (3) Will be prepared to garrison MANILA with the 37th Division and to relinquish oontrol of this Division and MANILA upon 24 hours notice, when directed. Annex 1, Troop List. Will retain responsibility far security of a l l Sixth Army, Corps and LUZON Base Section, UaASOS, installations within reapectlre Corps boundaries, and will coordinate .defensive measures with local coomanders concerned. PAMPANGA RIVER ( t o XIV Corps), from One b a t t e r y , 5 4 4 t h FA Bn, p a s s e s t o t h e c o n t r o l of t h e Canmanding General, XIV Corps, e f f e c t i v e 18001 2 0 February 1 9 4 5 . Continues to be responsible for overall protection of the LUZCN 4. Between XI and XIV Corpsi MAYAPYAP t o 1UNLLA BAY. e_. b.. (4) Will be prepared to continue aggressive advanoe southward at MANILA with the objective of opening BAIANGAS BAY. I, I I and XIV Corps: a . Will continue to utilize tactical headquarters and other tactioal installations within the LUZON Base Section, USASOS, area until the military necessity for their use no longer exists. i . (3) 1 s t Regimental Combat Team p a s s e s t o t h e c o n t r o l of t h e Commanding General, X[V Corps, e f f e c t i v e upon i t s a r r i v a l i n t h e SAN VlOKNTE (.BULACAN) a r e a . Retains control of army supply points, tactical headquarters, staging areas and other tactical Installations within LUZON Base Section, USASOS, area. Control at Units> Between I and XIV Corps 1 UAXAPYAP - CABU - MT BACA - Tre^KfP* POINT ( a l l lnolualve t o I Corps). £.• Base Section, USASOo, area from enemy action. i. (2) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS - 1/500.000. £. (1) Between I and XI Corpst PALAUIG BAY - HIGH PEAK - MATURAMTU . TARLAC - LICAB - MAYAPYAP ( a l l inclusive t o I Corps). 4 0 t h D i v i s i o n , r e i n f o r c e d by Co D, 754th Tank Bn, Co B, 82d Cml Bn and Co B, 6 4 0 t h TD Bn, p a s s e s t o t h e c o n t r o l of the Commanding General, H Corps, e f f e o t l v e 0S00I 21 February 1 9 4 5 . K0 5 2 . LUZCN - 1/250 000. LUZON - 1/50.000. (1) g.. HEADQUARTERS SIXTH ARM? A. P. 0 . 442 22001 17 February 1945 Maps: LUZON - V 5 0 . 0 0 0 . 1. Resupply from Army Supply Points to be designated later. Class I Class III Class V - LUZCN - 1/250,000. £. 4. I Corps will oontinue current missions, taking aggressive action to improve the dispositions of its units on the north and east flanks. .a,. Supply Pointsi (1) I Corps - No change. (2) XIV Corps -N o e&ange. (3) XI Corp8 (leas 40th Division) - No change. 40th Division - Army supply points at TARUC and SAN MIGUEL. / s / Walter Krueger WALTER KRUEGER, L i e u t e n a n t G e n e r a l , U. S . Army, Commanding. b. XI Corps continues responsibility for Field Artillery Class V resupply at designated battery. 54ktn FA Bn, released to XIV Corps control. £. S-jpplies to accompany let RCT on movement to SAN VICKNTE (BUUCAN). Class I - 5 D/3 Class V - 1 U/F 5. No change. / a / Walter Krueger WALTER KRUEGER, L i e u t e n a n t General, U . 3 . Army. Comaanding. - 281 £. ilniti iDatei I Corpsi (1) Will continue current missions. CG 3LTCTH ARMY: / a / CPJt i 2S Feb a*i i (2) Confirming radio instructions frcm this headquarters, will« (a) Press vigorously current aggressive action with the right wing of the Corps in order the shorten lines so as to economize troops and make them available for further operations. HEADQUARTERS SIXTH ARMY A. P. 0. 442 17001 25 February 1945 (b) Relieve the 169th Infantry aid concentrate that Regiment in the CAMILING area by 18001 26 February 1945, at whioh time it reverts to control of the Commanding General, 43d Division. FO 54 Maps: LUiiON - 1/250,000. UJZON - 1/50.000. amtted. Pursuant to instructions from tne CoLjnander-ln-Chief, Southwest Pacific Area: d_. Confirming radio instructions from this headquarters, the 43d Division will concentrate the 172d Regimental Combat Team in the BAMBAN area by 24001 26 February 1945* (1) e_. (2) 2. a.. elements of the 24th Division now la LDZ.CN and the 503d Parachute Regimental Combat Team will move to MINDORO in shipping as arranged Dy Headquarters Sixth Amy, and will pass to control of the Commanding General, Eighth Army, upon arrival tnereat. 4> 158th Regimental Combat Team will remain in Army Reserve. Supply Levelsi a. To accompany units staging out of NASUGBU, CORHEGIDOR and 30BIC BAYi 40th Division, reinforced, will concentrate, prepare, and mount for early operations against the VISAYAS frcm LINGAYEN GULF and w i l l pass to control of the Commanding General, Eighth Army, upon embarkation. 15 days (includes voyage rations) Class II & IV (less Engineer and blgnal) 30 days (as available) Signal (Class II & IV) Sixxh Army continues the offensive. Boundaries between Corps1 Class I No change. Confirming radio instructions from this head quarters 1 (1) 632d Tank Destroyer Battalion passes to control of the Commanding General. I Corps, effective 08001 25 February 1945 (2) 43<1 Division passes to control of the Commanding General, Engineer Class IV T/E equipment, plus supplies authorized in A3F Catalog dig 4-1, and components of sets of T/E equipment. 3d Bn, 19th Inf, w i l l take 15 days supply in ad dition. (a) Engineer supplies for unit consumption w i l l include a min-tnrmn of 60 days of water purification chemicals. (b) Assault and pioneer supplies in proportion and in con formity with l i s t Assault and Pioneer Supplies for One Regimental Combat Team (Rein forced) dated 5 August 1944* XI Corps, as specified below 1 (a) 172d HCT in the BAMBAN area, effective 24001 26 February 1943. (b) 169th Infantry in the CAMILING area, effective 24001 28 February 194i. Division, l e s s units in (a; and (b) above, in present location, effective 24001 28 February 1945. (c) Class III 3. a,. XIV Corps! Class V (1) Will continue current missions, reducing expeditiously a l l obstacles to the immediate restoration of port and base f a c i l i t i e s in the MANILA area. (2) Confirming radio instructions from this headquarters, wllli (a) Relieve elements of the 24th Division now under S1V Corps control witn other troops. (b) Concentrate promptly the 3d Battalion, 19th Infantry, at MAJUGBU (BATANGAO PROVINCE.) and on 1 March 1945, mount this Battalion in assault shipping to be furnished, as arranged by this headquarters. (c) Concentrate the 2d Battalion, 19ta infantry, and Cannon Class I 15 days (includes voyage rations) Class II & IV 1 l e s s Engineer, Ordnance and Signal) 30 days Engineer Class IV (a) Engineer supplies for unit consumption w i l l include a min-tmum of 6o days of water purification chemloals, based on the division and attached troops. (b) Assault and pioneer supplies for divisions and separate combat teams will be in oon formity with l i s t , Assault and Pioneer Supplies for One Regimental Combat Team (Rein forced), dated 5 August 1944. XI Corps: f i l l continue current missions. (2) Confirming radio instructions from this headquarters, willi (a) Press operations on CUFWEGIDQR, in BATAAN and in the BAMBAN - FORT STl/ESENBURG area to destroy hostile forces there at an early date. lb) Helieve the 40th Division in i t s present zone of action and concentrate that division in the general SAN JACINTO area by 18001 4 March 1945. at wnlch time i t passes to control of the Commanding General, oixth Army. (c) Relieve elements of the 24tn Division now under XI Corps control with other troops. (d) Concentrate the 24th Division Reconnaissance Troop, 34th Regimental Combat Team ( l e s s 3d battalion) and 11th Field Artillery Battalion at 3UBIC BAY and, by 28 February 1945, mount these units in amphibious shipping, as ari-anged by this headquarters. (e) Concentrate the 3d Battalion, 34th Infantry, at STOIC BAY by 10 March 1945t and mount that Battalion in amphibious shipping, as arranged by this headquarters. (f) Relieve the 503d Parachute Regimental Combat Team and con centrate that unit at CQRREGIDOR by 10 March 1945, for mounting in amphibious shipping, as arranged by this head quarters. 3 U/F b_. To acoompany troops staging out of LINGAYBNi Company 2l S«t Infantry, at NASOGDU (HATANGAS PROVINCE) byTAi, rch 1945. and, on that date, mount these units in amphibious shipping to be furnished, as arraged by this headquarters. (1) 15 Days Ordnance Class II Using organizations1 Organizational spare parts and equipment as pre scribed in appropriate £NLa, and 30 days supply C * P. 740th LM Co: 30 D/3 for 40th Div. Signal Class II * IV T/E equipment plus supplies authorized in ASF catalog 31g 4-1, and components of sets of T/E equipment. Class III 15 days Class V 5. No change. / s / Walter Krueger WALTER KRUEGER, L i e u t e n a n t G e n e r a l , TJ. 3 . Army, Commanding* 1 lAuthi ilniti iDatei 158th Regimental Ccmbat Team w i l l move by motor s h u t t l e t o t h e general PARANAqUE area, c l o s i n g by OOoll 5 March 1945. coor"! d i n a t i n g t h i s movement with t h e Commanding Generals. XI and XIV Corpa, r e s p e c t i v e l y . i CG olATH, ARM*. /a/ CDK i 28 Feb 194 S i Corps Ooninanders and t h e Commanding General, 37th D i v i s i o n , w i l l take s p e c i a l precautions t o p r o t e c t v i t a l railroad and highway bridges within their respective zones of action. H&UX}UAKEBH3 SIXTH ARMY A. P. 0 . 442 17001 28 February 1945 4. 55. Omitted. 5* No change. Maps, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS - 1/500.000. LUZON - 1/250.000. LUZON - V50.000. 1. omttad. 2. a.. Sixth Army continues the offensive. £. Boundaries, e f f e c t i v e 00011 5 Marob 19451 ( 1 ) A* 3. / s / Walter Krueger WALTER KHUEGER, L i e u t e n a n t G e n e r a l , U. S . Army, Commanding. Between XIV Corps and 37th Dlviaioni NICHOLS FIELD - FORT WILLIAM MeDNLBY (both inclusive to 37th Division) - thence MARIKINA RIVER to 3ANT0LAN - BALARA FILTERS - MALINTA ( a l l inclusive t o XIV Corps) - thenoe MANILA and UAGUPAN Railroad to BOCAUE RIVER (inclusive t o 37th D i v i s i o n ) . (.2) Between 37th Division and XI Corps: BOCAnE RIVER from railroad crossing at BOCAUK to confluence with BULACAN RIVER - thenoe BOLACAN RIVER t o MANILA BAY (inclusive to XI Corps). (3) Between XI Corps and XIV Corpei PAMPANGA RIVER ( t o XIV Corps) from MAYAPYAP to SAN LDI3 - thenoe HJLILAN - PLARIDil - BOCAUE ( a l l inclusive t o XI Corps). (4) Between XI Carps and I Corps 1 No change. (5) Between XIV Corps and I Corps 1 No change. (1) 37th Division, reinforced, passes t o control of the Commanding General, Sixth Amy. e f f e c t i v e 00011 5 March 1945. (2) 158th Regimental Combat Team and 603d Tank Company, i n the PARANAQDE area, pass to control of the Commanding General, XIV Corp*, e f f e c t i v e 00011 5 March 194.5. i lAuthi ilniti iDatei HSADqDARTERS SIXTH ARMY A. P . 0 . 4 4 2 17001 6 March 1945 FO 5 6 Maps: _b_. Will continue current missions applicable t o the XIV Corps within i t s zone of action as prescribed in this FO. ( 2 ) Will press vigorously operations east and northeast of MANILA to destroy h o s t i l e r areas in the ANTIPOLO - MONTALBAN - IPO area and east and southeast thereof. (3) Will advance aggressively southward, destroying h o s t i l e forces encountered; secure the line L LI JAW - BATANGAS - LIPA TAWAUAN - LINGA; open BALAYaN and BATANGAS BAYo; and be pre pared to .advance t o the line LUCJSNA - TAYABAS - LuCBAN C.VINiI - PAGSANJAN. (4) Alll, the for SAN after opening BAlANGAS nOi, be prepared to concentrate 158th Regimental Combat Team in the general BAOAN area shore-to-shore operation to secure northern e x i t s to BcJWARDINO STRAITS. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1 / 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 . LUZON 1 / 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 . LUZON 1 / 5 0 , 0 0 0 . MANILA and v i c i n i t y 1 / 2 5 , 0 0 0 . 1. Omitted. 2. a. Sixth Army continues the offensive. b. Boundaries, effective 00011 15 March 1945: .§. XIV Corps: (1) i CG SIXTH ARMY: /a/ CDE i k Mfrch ;L94S i (lj Between XIV Corps and XI Corps 1 GUADALDPE - thence PASIG RIVER to confluence with TACIG RIVER - TAGIG RIVER to LACUNA de BAY TALIM POINT - JALAJALA POLNT ( a l l Inclusive to XI Corps) thence JANTA CRUZ - CUVINTI - MAUBAN ( a l l inclusive to XIV Corpa). (2) Between XIV Corps and 37th Divisioni Highway 54 from Junction with Highway 1A northeast to junction witn Highway 21A ( a l l inclusive to 37th Division). (3) Between XI Corps and 37th Divisioni Highway 54 from junction with Highway 21A north and west t o MALABON - thence NAVOTAS RIVER to MANILA BAY ( a l l Inclusive to 37th Division). (4) Between XI Corps and I Corps: PALAUIG BAY - HIGH PEAK MABARANABA - TARLAC - LICAB - l^YAPYAP - CABU - MT BACA UEdE*DA POIWT ( a l l inclusive to I Corps). £.. 6th Division, with 112th Cavalry Regimental Combat Team attached, passes to control of the Commanding General. XI Corps, effective 00011 15 March 1945. £• 43d Division ( l e s s one regimental comoat team) passes to control at the Commanding General, AIV Corps, effective upon arrival in the TAYTAY area, and reverts to control of the Commanding General, XI Corps, at 00011 15 March 1945. XI Corpa 1 ll) Will continue current missions. (2) Will concentrate the 603d Tank Company in the general PARANAQJE area by 00011 5 March 1945. coordinating this movement with the Commanding General, XIV Corps. (3) Will carry out current missions in that area of the XIV Corps zone of action whioh passes to XI Corps, as prescribed in this *-0, and for which the XIV Corps was heretofore responsible. e_. c I Corps will continue current missions, taking aggressive action with the right wing of the Corpa in order to secure current ob jectives at an early date. d,. 37th (I) The following units pass to control of the Commanding General, XI Corps, effective 00011 15 liarch 1945» 757th Field Artillery Battalion 517th Field Artillery Battalion 544th Field Artillery Battalion (leas those elements now a part of XI Corps) Btry C, 465th Field Artillery Battalion Btry A, 289th Field -»rtillery Obaprvation Battalion 82d Chemical Battalion (notarized) (less those elements now a part of XI Corps) 640th Tank Destroyer Battalion ( l e s s those elements now a part of XI Corps) 754th Tank Battalion (leas those elements now a part of XI Corpa) Company C, 44th Tank Batt.'dion. l)ivision Will garrison MANILA, relieving XIV uorps of those responsibili t i e s in the MANILA area assigned in Letter, this headquarters. 9 February 1945. Subject. "Control of the MANILA area-, and which at OOOLL 5 March 1945 remain the responsibility of iiV Corps; and will carry out current missions i n " £ * fffa tf theXIV Corps zone of action wuicn passes to.37th division as prescribed in this FO. and for which the XIV Corpa -aa heretofore responsible. • i l l be prepared to concentrate one regimental 3. a.. XIV Corps 1 (1) Will continue current missions, pressing vigorously the attack apainat enemy position;; in the ANTIPOLO - L1CHT*LBAN area, until relieved of ttat rtuty in this area by the XI Corps. (2) Will relieve the 1st Cavalry Division in i t s present zone of action by the t*3d Division ( l e s s one regimental combat team) and w i l l , by 00011 Is. !'.arch 1°45, complete the concentration of the 1st Cavalry Division in the ALABANG area (LAGUNA PROVINCE). (3) 7 i l l carry out missions in thut area of the J?th Division zone of eetion wlrich passes to XIV Corps, as prescribed in tills FO, and for which the 37th Division was heretofore responsible. ccmbat team in ; L W H r e a on 24 hours notice, and place this " t f ~ » £ l ccSbat team at the disposal of the Commanding General. Sixth Army. - 293 ,t. XI Corps: (1) 1 lAuthi tlniti iDatei "ill concentrate the 4jd Division (loss one re^iiaental coubat teat;) in the VAYTkY area in accordance with the following schedule, coordinating cove_£nt;J involved with the Commanding General, XIV Corps: (a) One regi.jsntal cccibat Vaa by 08001 8 Llireh 1945. HEADQUARTERS SIXTH ARlff A. P. 0 . 442 17001 13 March 1945 (b) 43d Division (less one regimental coobat team) by i24OOI 12 L'^rch 1943. (2) '"ill continue current cissions and, effective 00011 15 Larch 1945, Wllll (a) Car.-/ out aissicn; in that area of the XIV Corps 2one of action which pa3jes to XI Corps, as prescribed in tnic FO, and for which the XXV Corps was heretofore responsible (b) Carry out ::dssijiis in that area of the 37th Division zone of action ;;hich passes to XI Corps as prescribed in this FO, axl for which the 37th Division was heretofore responsible . c.. I Ccrra . i l l continue current uissions and make detenained efforts to sec xc tl:e vital BAL2TE PZ33 area at an early date. d_. 37th Divicicn. i CG SIXTH Af / s / CDS • i o inarch 1<; )hcit AMENDMENT SnO. 1 t o FO 5 7 , Headquarters Sixth Army, 11 March 1945• \ FO 57 i s amended as follows: 1. Paragraph 2b. 1 Change 25 Uarch 1945 t o 1 April 1945. 2. Paragraph 24(3)1 3. Paragraph 3 £ ( l ) i 4. Paragraph 3 i ( l ) ( e ) : Chang* 17 March 1945 t o 24 Uarch 1945 5 . Paragraph 3 x ( 2 ) ( b ) i Change 22 March 1945 t o 24 March 1945. In 3 d &nd 4th l i n e s change 18001 17 March 1945 t o 18001 24 March 1945. Change 18001 17 inarch 1945 to 18001 24 tlaroh 1945 By ocDmand of Lieutenant General KHTJEGERi (l) './ill continue toi (a) Garrison the gre-ter l..w.IL«. area with the Division (less one re^i.ent-d ca_l-t te^j) and provide tactical security t:ier«in. (b) VlSie avail-Vile enr relji...eatdl coccbat teaia to the Provost llaraacJ. General, U3*FFi, rotating regiLental ccmbat teau on t. i s Jjty free; ti...c to tiias as agreed upon between Cni^-iv-ing Jener-ls cor.cerned. G. H . DBOfOSR. Brigadier General, G.S.C. Chief of S t a f f . OFFICIAL: / a / Eddleman (_') '.all \e jro-arcd, in the event of -an erercency, to make avail able "-..: Divicio:; (^as onu ret ic»ntal e cub at tean) to the Prcvojt 1 arj'.iol Zezo?-1, "i'JTS, for provost marshal duties lr. .'l-'O.TLii., ~.ien directed by t::is head quarters. (3) V.'iil be prc;._re!, or. 2'J, Iv-irs notice, to place one regi.-ental cori'tit tei.: in i-U.TL-i at the disposal of the Commanding OenT_1, Sixth -irtay. U) "ill cst.bli^h s:jd .-dint-in crnt-ict with XI and XTV Corps. 0-3. .'O... 0 16/15. i •Authi ilniti •Date: / s/Vilti r :-'-ruc > r Lieutenant Jcneril, U. J. la; UK-n, . i /s/ CUE 11 Mar 194S . HttADqaARTERS SIXTH Afttff A. P. 0 . 442 19001 11 March 1945 FO57. t L th:Init. :Date. CG oIXTH AR] / a / CDS 26 hex liS SIXTH ARLDf A. P . 0 . 442 21001 26 l^rch 1945 Maps: PHILIPPINE ISLANDS - 1 / 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 . LUZON - 1 / 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 1. Current i n t e l l i g e n c e and operations r e p o r t s . 2 . 3 . S i x t h Amy. supported by A l l i e d Naval and A i r F o r c e s , continues the o f f e n s i v e on LUZON by s e i z i n g the LEGA3PI area, ALBAX PROVINCE, by shore-to-shore operations and securing the northern e x i t s t o SAN BERNARDINO STRAIT. iiLENDMENT NO. 2 t o FO 5 7 , Headquarters ->ixth Army, 11 Larch 1945 •&• FO 57 i e further aoBnded as f o l l o w s . D "DaT 25 March 1945 (Target Date) H Uour - Paragraphs 3b ( 2 ; ( a ) and ( b ) : Change NICHOLa FleXD t o BATANGA3 AIHFIELD. By ccmand at Lieutenant General KH02GER. To be determined. S.. Assignment of shipping: Annex 2 . £. Troops designated f o r the operationi (1) 158th Regimental Combat Team, reinforced. (a) Conmanden Brigadier General Hanford MacNider, U.S.A. G. H. DfcCKER. Brigadier General, G.o.C. (b) Units and staging! Annex 3 . (2) Sixth Army Reserve: Chief of S t a f f . 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment (less one" battalion). OFFICIAL: (3) Conmand of units reinforcing the 158th Regimental Combat Team passes to the Commanding General thereof at 18001 17 March 1945» or upon arrival of such unit in i t s staging area, if that arrival i s subsequent to 18001 17 March 1945. / s / 3ddleman C-3 3. a. 158th Regimental Combat Team, reinforced 1 (1) Will on D-Day, at H-Hour. land in the LEGAsPI area, seize a beachhead, and capture LECASPI. (2) Will secure promptly the northern exits to 3AN BERNARDINO STRAIT and clear SORS0GON PROVEJCE of a l l e^eray forces. £. Normal Systems 1 *• Army System #11 or Naval channel 181 (Strip). CSP 1607 (M-209 or CSP 1500). Cryptonet #20 systems, 2022, 2042 (Strip and DT). XT7 Corps, in support of toe operation: (1) "ill concentrate the 158th Regimental Combat Team in the £K (2) r a i ^ J ? ! T a (BATANGAS M0WNC5) by 18001 17 March ^ 1 1 p a a a t o c o n t r o 1 * t h e 3.. Army system #881 and Cryptonet #20 systems 2022 and 2042 when authorized by this headquarters at which time all hazardous systems will be superseded. 4.. Sigaba cryptographio device when situation has been reported secure and authorization obtained from this headquarters. Will be prepared, when directed! (a) To concentrate the 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment I lean one battalion) on or after D-Day at NICHOLa FUiLD on 24 hours notice. (b) To mount the 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment (less one battalion) from NICHOLS FIELD for airborne move ment to reinforce the 15eth Regimental Combat Team in i t s objective areai (d) 2* Maintain radio silence until H-Hour or until the element of surprise has been lost. £. JL» With one parachute infantry battalion within 4d hours. j>. 3. 2.' Be prepared to: With the 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment (less one battalion) wltnin 60 hours. (£) Establish contact witn Sixth Army Command Ship in the LEGA3PI area in nets 6 C and (1) Coonanding Gt.ieral, 158th Regimental Combat Teami (a) Will arrange details of loading, landing and naval gunfi-e support direct with the Cocimnder, Naval Attack Group. (b) Will arrange details of close air support direct with the Ccutianding General, Fifth Air Force. (c) Will assume control 01 and direct operations of Philippine Forces in the objective area. (d) Will furnisn the Commanding General, Sixth »rmy, with prompt, frequent, and concise reports on his situa tion, plans and casualties. These radio reports are in addition to the daily reports required by this headquarters. (e) (2) En,ter Sixth Army radio nets 6D and 6R as soon as practicable after radio silence is lifted and thereafter maintain continuous radio contact with this Headquarters. 6R. Q>) Maintain radio contact with XIV Corps or a designated unit thereof as later directed. (e) Establish necessary communications for liaison and/or control of Philippine Farces in the area. Command Posts: Unit Sixth Army SAN FJLRNANDO (PAUPANGA PROVINCE) XIV Corps MANILA, 158th Regimental Combat Team LBKEHY (Subsequent l o c a t i o n s t o be r e p o r t e d ) . Will submit to this Headquarters, by 17 March 1945, a brief of his plan for the operation, to include plans of close supporting naval and air forces. Connanding General, XIV Corps. (a) Will arrange details of employcent cf troop oarrier air craft for lifting the ^ixth Axmy Reserve for this operation (511th Parachute Infantry Regiment, less one battalion; direct with tne Commanding General, Filth Air Force. (b) Will submit his p i n for mounting the Sixth Army Reserve for tms operation (f.lltb Parachute Infantry Regiment, less one battalion") to this Headquarters by 22 March 1945 Location la/ Walter Kxueger, WALTER KHOEGER. Lieutenant General, U. S. Army, C oonanding • 1 (3) During the amphibious movement and landing, the Conmander, Naval Attack Group, i s in comnaiid of the amphibious opera tions. Control of forces ashore passes to the Commanding General, 158th Regimental Combat Team, upon hia arrival ashore and upon his notificaticc to the Cammnder, Naval Attack Group, by the most pranpt means at this disposal, that he i s ready to assume camxand of his forces ashore. The Comanding General, 158th Regimental Ccmuat Team, will notify promptly the Conmanding General, Sixth Army, of the time he assumes command of his forces ashore. 4. Ada 0 17. 5. a. HEADQUARTERS SIXTH ARMY A. P. 0. 442 13001 23 March 1945 F0 58 Uapsj (3) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS - 1/500,000. LUZON - 1/250,000. LITTON - 1/50,000. 1. Omitted. 2. a. Sixth Army continues the offensive. b. Boundaries, e f f e c t i v e 00011 28 March 1945. (1) See current index to Signal Operations Instructions. (2) 1 I Auth! CC; 3JXTH AFflff, i l n i t : / a / CUB 1 sDatei 93 Mi»*.h 19J|S • Continuous communication between all elements involved in this operation will be maintained. (1) Boundaries between Corps and boundary 37th Division: The Commnding General, 158th Regimental Combat Team, will: (2) Between I Uorps and Philippine Guerrilla Forces, North Luzon, (Volckmann)i ARIIAO - BOKOL) - thence AGN.0 RIVi&R t o LOO AUPUoUnGON - AUSuLJNG - LUGAuOU • BACNOTAN ( a l l inclusive t o I Corps). (a) Arrange for necessary coordination between ground, naval, and air force elements involved to insure adequate and continuous communications. (b; Notify this headquarters when facilities are available to penult Sixth Army L-5 air messenger service to be extended to the LEGASPI area. (c) Use cryptographic syatecs as follows: 2. Hazardous Duty Systems 1 ..ff active D-Day fc»t Reserve jWHtti} StfPRSX SWPE3S SWPURK SICM0L7 £. 129th Regimental Combat Team and 136th Field Artille'ry Battalion, 37th Division, pass t o control of the Commanding General, I Corps, e f f e c t i v e upon arrival in the BAUANG (LA UNION) area. £. 66th Infantry Regiment, Philippine Army, passes to control of the Ocmaanding General, I corps, effective 00011 28 karch 1945* 4 . Confirming radio instructions, mattery B, 5U4th Field A r t i l l e r y ttattalion, passes to control of the Ccnmandlng General, I Cox-pa, upon arrival in the PUGO (LA UNION) area. a. 1TV Corpsi 2d Reserve SIGWHF_4 SIGJKR SIGNMI_8 3. No ohange. - 235 (1) Will promptly secure the l i n e LUJAN - BAIANUAS - LIPA TANAUAN - LINGA, and open and secure BATANGAS BAY for early development as a port and supply base. (2) Will advance aggressively eastward, destroy enemy forces south of LAGUNA DS BAY and secure the l i n e LUCENA - TAYABAS LUCBAN - CA7INTI - PAGSANJAN: e s t a b l i s n contact witn XI Corps east of LfcGONA DS BAY. (3) V/ill secure the west and soutn flanks of Sixth Army within the 4. XIV Corps zone of action. .fa. The 129th Regimental Combat Team and the 136th Field Artillery Battalion will concentrate in the BAUANG (LA UNION) area with the following levels of supply: (4) Will maintain contact with .a Corps and 37th Division. Classes I to IV inclusive - 5 D/S (5) Will, ia support of the operation to suize LEGA3PI, continue those aissions assigned XIV Corps in FO 57, this headquarters, as amended. Class V - Artillery and Morturi 1/2 U/F All other weapons 1 1 U/F XI Corps: ( 1 ) (Aumunition shortages not available in MANILA area will be reported to I Corps by the 37th Division). Will vigorously press operations in the ANTIPOLO - IIIGNTALBAN IPO area and east and southeast thereof and destroy h o s t i l e f o r c e s in t i o s e areas; e s t a b l i s h contact with XIV Corps e a s t of L»GDNA DE BAY. 5. a,. 3ee current Index to -Sixth Army Signal Operations Instructions and Communication Directive. Command Posts1 ( 2 ) ( 3 ) Will destroy h o s t i l e forces remaining in PAMPANGA and BATAAN PROVINCES and in those parts of ZAtJBALES and TARLAC PROVINCES within the Corps zone of a c t i o n . Sixth Army I Corps XI Corps XIV Corps 37th Division Philippine Guerrilla Forces, North Luzon (Volckmann) 66th Infantry Regiment (P. A.) Will capture CjkbALLO, EL FHAILLE and CARABAO ISLAiNDd in MANILA BAY. (4) Will secure the west flank of oixth Army within the XI Corps zone of action. (5) £. Division. (1) During the period that the 129th Regimental Combat Team operates under control of Commanding General, I Corps, frequencies, call signs, etc., as assigned to 129th Regimental Combat Team by 37th Division may be continued in effeot by I Corps. I Corps: (1) Will advance vigorously with i t s left and secure the SAN FERNANDO (LA UNION) area for early development as a port and supply base. (2) (2) V/ill push strong reconnaissance in the direction of BAGUIO and will be preparea to attack and captuxe BAGUIO, when directed. I Corps and Philippine Guerrilla Forces, North Luzon (Volckmann) to maintain radio contact by utilizing the Sixth Army Corps lateral net 6Y if desired. (3) Communications for Philippine Guerrilla Forces, North Luzon (Volckmann) will be as directed AC of S G-2, Sixth Army, pending receipt of Signal Operations Instructions from this headquarters. (3) £. Will maintain contact with I and XIV Corps and SAN FERNANDO (PAMPANGA) TUMANA (PANGASINAN) MALOLOS (BULACAN) CANLDBANG (ULGUNA) MANILA CAMP SPENCER, DARIGAYOS PT (LA UNION) KIBUNGAN (MOUNTAIN) continue determined efforts to secure the vital BALETE PASS JJANTA FE area at an early date in order to snorten lines and provide an entrance into the CAGAYAN VALLEY for future offen sive operations. (4) Will destroy hostile forces remaining in PANGAilNiiN and NUEVA ECIJA PaoVH.'CEo and in those parts of £AUBALE3 and TARLAC PiK)VINCEa within the Corps zone of action. (5) Will establish and maintain contact wita Philippine Guerrilla Forcos, I*ortu Luzon (Volcta-ann). (6) Will maintain contact with XI Corps. /a/ Walter Krueger WALTER KRUEGZR, Lieutenant General, U. 3. Army, Commanding. 1 lAuths ilniti iDatei 37th Division: (1) Will, by r a i l and motor movements, concentrate the 129th Regi mental Combat Team «"* 136th Field Artillery Battalion in the general BAUANG (LA UNION) area by 24001 27 March 1945> coordinating rail ncvements with this headquarters and motor movements with the Commanding Generals, XI and I Corps, respectively. t CG SIXTH AF / a / <7FR 7 ADfil 45 HEADQUARTERS SIXTH ARMY A.P.O. 442 21001 7 A p r i l 1945 FO59 (2) (3) 'fill garrison the greater MANILA area with the Division (less two regimental combat teams and 136th Field Artillery Batta lion) and provide tactical security therein. .e. t.ake available one regimental combat team to the Provost l/jarshal General, UsAFFE, rotating regimental combat teams on this duty from tuae to time as agreed upon between Gcnmaoding Generals concerned. (b) Be prepared, in the event of an emergency, to make available the Division ( l e s s two regimental combat teams and 136th Field Artillery oattalion) to the Provost I^arshal General, UdAFFE, for provost marshal duties in LIANILA, when directed by this headqiarters. (c; Be prepared, on 24 hours' notice, to place one regimental combat tejm in I.W.'ILA at the disposal of the Caumanding General, Sixth Army. 1. Omitted. 2. a. S i x t h Army c o n t i n u e s the o f f e n s i v e . _b. Boundaries, e f f e c t i v e 00011 10 A p r i l 1 9 4 5 . (1) Between XIV Corps and XI Corps: Highway 54 from junction with Highway IA northeast to GUADALUPE - thence PASIG RIVER to confluence with TAGIG RIVKR - TAGIG RIVER to LAGUNA DE BAY - TALIM POINT - JALAJALA POINT (All inclu sive to XI Corps) thence SANTA CRUZ - CAVINTI - MAUBAN ( a l l inclusive to XIV Corps). (2) Between XI Corps and I Corpsi No change. (3) Between I Corps and Philippine Guerrilla Forces, North Luzon, (Volckmann): No change. Will maintain contact with XIV and XI Corps. Philippine Guerrilla Forces, horth Luzon (Volcioiifinn): (1) iVill continue mission's as directed in Letter of Instructions, this headquarters, 2 February 1945 S.. 37th Division (leas 145th Regimental Combat Team and those elements now a part of I Corps) passes to control of the Ccanaandintj General, I Corps, effective upon arrival in the NACUILIAN (LA UNION) area. (2) Will oy agijres^ive offensive seize CErfVANTco and establish d. Company B, 637th Tank Destroyer Battalion, i s attached to the 37th Division upon arrival in the MANILA area. a. XTV Corps: control over highway 4 ea3t thereof to include BQNrOC. 3. (3; f_. x. ~ PHILIPPINE ISLANDS - 1 / 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 . LUZON - 1 / 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 . LUZON - 1 / 5 0 , 0 0 0 . Will continue tot (a) (4) Maps 1 Will establish and loaintain contact with I Corps. AjitiaircrofI Defuse. Annex 1. Corps Conuinders and the Commanding General, 3?th Division, will continue to take apociaJ precautions to protect vital railroad and highway bridges within their respective zones of action. (1) V/ill continue current missions, destroy hostile forces remaining in i t s zone of action, seize MAUBAN and AWTB10NAN, and be prepared for further advance to the southeast. (2) Will move Company B, 637th Tank Destroyer Battalion, to the MANLU area by 08001 9 April 1945, coordinating Movement with the Commanding General, 37th Division. &. XI Corps; 4- (1) Will continue current missions. No c h a i s e . No change• 5(2) Will provide tactical, security for MANILA, and will establish therein liaison with the Provost Marshal General, USAFFS. £. / s / iV<er Krue^er WALTiiA General, U. j . Comaandin/',. I Corps: (1) Will continue current missions. (2) Will attack rigorously all along the line, linking its main effort on the right to seize the BALETE PA3S SANTA FE area at an early date, and will capture BAGUIO. 4. t JJtUth: 37th Division (less 1^5th Regimental Combat Team and those elements now a part of I Corps), with Company B, 637th Tank Destroyer Battalion, attached, will move to the general N A G U H J A N (IA UNIONJ area in accordance with following schedule, coordinating movement with this headquarters. (1) :Inlt: :Date: a. FO 6 l Maps: L e v e l s of s u p p l y t o accompany t h e 3 7 t h D i v i s i o n u n i t s moving t o NAGUILIAN (LA UNION): Class I & III inclusive Class I I & IV Class V 5 D/S plus Travel Supplies on hand Artillery and Mortar 1/2 U/F All other weapons 1 U/F 5. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS - 1 / 2 0 0 . 0 0 0 ana 1 / 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 1. Omitted. 2 . a.. Sixth Army continues the offensive to destroy enemy forces re maining on LUZON. J2. Boundaries: (Ammunition required to f i l l shortages which i s not available in the MANILA area will be reported to I uorps by the 37th Division). b. ^Rttf CUt : 18 jisr l^AS dIXTH ARMY A. r . 0 . 442 19151 18 A p r i l 1945 One regimental combat team by 18001 10 April 1945. (2) Remainder of Division (leas excepted elements) by 18001 11 April 1945. 4. OG -iUCTH (1) Supply Points: Between XI and XIV Corps, effective 00011 22 April 1945: CARuBaO ISLAND (.exclusive) - Highway 54 from junction with Hignway IA northeast to GUAtfALUPE - thence PAolG RIVER to confluence with TAGIG AIV&. - TAGIG RIVER to LACUNA DE BAY - TALIM POINT - JALAJALA POINT - SANTA MARIA RIVER - NAPSI - PAGUS - KATILATJDAY CH3EK - KAIIVA RIVER - ^GOS RIVER (all inclusive to XI Corps). (1) 37th Division ( l e s s 145th Regimental Combat Team) Base U (2) I45th Regimental Combat Team Manila Base (2) Between XI Corps and I Corps: Ho change. (3) All others No change. (3) Between I Corps and Philippine Guerrilla Forces, North Luzon, (Volckmanr.): No change. Omitted. £. / s / Walter Krueger WALTER KHUEGER, General, U. o. Army, Commanding. 1 •Autb: ilnit: :Date: Confirming radio instructions and pursuant to authority of the Commander-ln-Chief, United States Arny Forces in the Pacific: ( l ) 145th .tegiraental Ccmbat Team, 3/th Division, passes to control of the Commanding Gen^m;, XI Corps, efiective upon relief by the 20th Regimental Combat Teat, 6th Division, in " •— (2) 20th Regimental Combat Team, 6th Division, passes to control of the Provost I-arahal GennraJ., United jtat93 army Korces in the Far East, effective upon ca..pletin£ the relief of the 14;)th H-9gimental Ccmoat Teaoi, 3/th Division, in I.'-aNILa. i CG JIATH AB /a/ UDE 1 2 ADrj,! 1<3 d.. HEADg,OARiERi> SIXTH ARMY A . P . 0 . 4 4 2 15<3th Hegimental Combat Team, reinforced, passes to control of the Ccranaadina General, XIV Corps, effective 00011 22 April 1945 19151 12 April 1945 e.. FO 60 Jkiapsi PHILIPPINE ISLANDS - 1/500,000. LUZON - 1/250,000. LUZON - 1/50,000. 3. Company C, 8Sth Chemical Battalion, passes to control of the Corananding General, I Corps, effective upon arrival in the UAUANG area. &. XIV Corps: 1. Omitted. (l; Will continue current missions. 2. a. Sixth Army continues the offensive to clear southeastern LUZON of a l l enemy forces. (2) t>. Boundaries: too change. Will, by 24001 21 April, complete relief of XI Corps units in that part of the XI Corps zone of action which pauses to AIV Corps, as prescribed in this F0, and will destroy hostile -, forces therein- £. Confirming radio instructions, 511th parachute Infantry Regiment ( l e s s one battalion) now i n Sixth Army Reserve for the operations to seize LEGA3PI, i s released to control of the Coemandina General, XIV Corps, effective 00011 12 April 1945• (5) Will, Dy overland and shore-to-shore operations, vigorously attack and destroy enemy forces remaining in the DICCL 3. a. b. PROVINCES. (4) Confirming radio instructions, will promptly garrison ISLAND with guerrilla forces, relieving elements nf the XI Corps on that Ialund. (5) V/ill uove Con-puny C, 85th Chemical Battalion, to the BA-UANG area Wy 24001 21 April, coordinating movement with this head quarter's . ConfinaLng radio instructions, XIV Corpsj (1) Will aggressively continue current missions. (2) Will advance promptly and vigorously southeastward, capture CALAOAG, secure the line VMA3 RIVER - CUYAO POINT, and be prepared for further advance into the BICOL PROVINCES. JD. XI Corps: 156th RCT, reinforceds (1) Will continue current missions. (1) Will advance promptly and vigorously northwestward and clear ALBAY PROVINCE of a l l enemy forces. (2) (2) Will aggressively reconnoiter to include the line SABA11G Confirming radio instructions, will promptly relieve the l4L;th Reginental Combat Team, 37th Division, in MANILA., with tne 20th Hegimental Combat Team, bth Division, coordinate rw details'oi" the relief with the Provost Marshal General, united States Army Forcas jn the Far East. - (3) COUiO. Will complete the destruction of eneiny forces in i»QK5CGUN PROVINCE. (4) Confirming radio instructions, will destroy eneny radar installations on CATADUANE3 ISLAND, maklnc the maximum use of guerrilla forces in thi3 operation. 287 £. I Corps w i l l continue current 4. No chants. 5. Omitted. I Corps: £. (\j / s / .falter Krueger ,i*LTz3 KRUJiGER. General, U. 3 . Army, Commanding. iAuth: ilnit: :Date: Will cor.tiiuo current missions, poshing the advance to a:*! capture ARITAC with the utmost determination and spoe..1, and v»ill be prepared to advance thereafter, when directed, i m o tho CAGAYAN V.iLIEY to capture BAYQMECKO. (.'.) Will nsaist Philippine U-'.crrillu Forces, North Lu2on (Volckiuann), as nece^-ar/. CG SIXTH .I-HIY: / a / ODE J 11 Iviav 194 S : 4. (a) To capture CEfl'.'ViMIS it an early date. (b) To exert maximum pres3ure against enemy forcea .:J t)« CAGAYAN VALLEY. (c) To deny the use of AIARRI to eneny forces. Supply< nnf regimental ccm.but team) in move to DIGDIC-. For 6th Division ( l HEADQUARTERS SIXTH AHL3f A. }>. 0 . 442 23001 3 1toy1945 Levels of Supply Class I AMENDMENT NO. 1 t o FO 6 3 , Headquarters S i x t h Arm', 28 Ma.y 1945• Claa . II FO 6 3 , H e a d q u a r t e r s S i x t h Amy, 28 May 1945. i 3 amended a s f o l l o w s : IV Supplies on hand Claa;. I l l 3 D/3 Class V Artillery and mortar amr.ini tion on band . (tjnii..uE quantity 1/2 U/F) So much of FO 6 3 , t h i s h e a d q u a r t e r s , a s r e a d s *6th D i v i s i o n ( l e s s one r e g i m e n t a l combat team)" i s changed t o read 6 t h D i v i s i o n ( l e s s one i n f a n t r y r e g i m e n t ) . AII other weapons 1 U/F BY CQM.1AND OF GENERAL KRXJEGER: (Ararxinition recuired to f i l l shortages which la net available prior to mover»nt will be reported to I Corps by the 6th Division) 5. G. H. DECKER, Brigadier General, G. 3. C. Chief of Staff. OFFICIAL /s/ _a. See current Index to Sixth Army Signal Operation I n s t r u c t i o n s Ccnmunication Directive, and Signal Operation Instruction Special Letter ill, dated 8 April 1945. b_. Com.And Posts: c.. Ccs-i-i-anding General, I Corps, will establish cau^uni cat ions with Philippine Guerrilla Forces, North Luzon (Volckmann). Frequen cies and call signs presently assigned Guerrilla Forces may be continued in effect by I Corps. Eddlemen G-3 No change. /a/ : lAuth: ilnit« iDate t Walter Kruoger WALTLP KRUEG2R, G e n e r a l , 0 . J . Army. C oumand in^5. i UG dIXTH JiBtH / s / CUE : 28 May 194S : HEAD^UARTEftJ SIXTH ARMY A. P . 0 . 442 22001 28 May 1945 1 :Auth: :Init: :Date: CG SIXTH ART/Y: / s / CDE : 2 June 19iiS : F0 6 3 . HEADQUARTERS SIXTH ARMY A. P. 0. 442 08001 2 June 1945 Maps 1 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS - 1/200,600. LUZON - 1/50,000. 1. Omitted. FO 64. 2. j|. Sixth Army intensifies the offensive to destroy remaining enemy forces in LUZON. Mapsi PHILIPPINE INLANDS LUZON - 1/50,0C0. 1/200.000. _b. Boundaries between Corps 1 No change. £,. Philippine Guerrilla Forces, North Luzon (Volckmann), pass to control of the Commanding General, I Corps, effective 00011 1 June 1945. 1. Omitted. 2. j i . Sixth Airy continuo3 the offensive t o destroy h o s t i l e forces r e rcaining on LUZON. d,. 6th Division (less one regimental combat team) passes to control of the Commanding General, I Corps, upon arrival in the DIGDIG area. 3. b. Boundaries between Corps, effective 00011 5 June 1945: (1) Between XIV Corps and XI Corp3: HIGHWAY 5.4 from Junction with HIGHWAY 1A northeast t o GUADALUPE - thence PA3IG RIVER to confluence with TAGIG RIVKH - TAGIG RIVKR t o LAGUNA DE B«Y TALIM POINT - JAIAJALA POINT - PANGIL - PAIJGIL RIVER - thence LALAVINAN RIVER TO LAL;ON BAY ( a l l inclusive t o XI Corps). (2) Between XI Corps and I CJorps: «i. XIV Corps will continue current missions. b. XI Corps: 11) Will, continuing current missions, vigorously seek out, attack, and destroy remaining hostile forces in that portion of BULAOAN, H1ZAL, and TAYABAS PROVINCES within the Corps zone of action. (2) fill concentrate the 6th Division lluss one regimental com bat team) in the DIGDIG area according to the following schedule,coordinating movement with the Commanding General, I Corps: c_. 3« No change. 2d Cavalry Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, passes t o control of Coumanding General, XI Corps, effective 00011 5 June 1945. .a. AlV Corpa will continue current missions, i. XI Corps: (1) Will continue current missions. (2) Will carry out missions in that area of the XIV Corps zone of action which pa.sjes t o XI Corps, as prescribed in t h i s FO, and for which tho XIV Corps was heretofore responsible. (a) One regimental combat team by 00011 5 June 1945• (b) The Division tless one regimental combat team) by 00011 15 June .c. - 288 I Corps will continue current missions. auta«rl»dfS. this :Autn: 5» Wo change. CG dlXTH A H L J ' : :Init: / s / CDE :Date: 9 June lQiiS Walter Kvuu WALTER KHT General, U. j . : /s/ HEADCJJJARTERa oIXTH A. P . 0 . 442 19001 9 June I945 F0 6 7 . t i a p s : ;., it.,: :I, M t ; :j •.tto. CG 3IXTH ARMf: , ' V CuS ' June 1 i^'i : 1. OmitteO. 2. No c h a n g e . 3- a* XIV and XI Corps: b. I Corps w i l l c o n t i n u e tho advance eastward i n t o t h e CAGAYAN VALLEY, c a p t u r e and secure ECHAGUE, and be prepared f o r f u r t h e r advance northward i n t h e d i r e c t i o n of APAKrtl. HEADH':.V.U'Eitj oliTH ART.IY « . P. 0. kh2 19001 o June 1945 F0 4- s: 5. Ctaitteu. 2. a. h. No c h a n g e . Omitted. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS - 1/200,000. 1. 3 PHILIPPINE I3LAND3 - 1/200, O'JO. No change. oUtL AT ;/ continues the offensive to destroy enemy forces regain ing on LUZOl.. Bound&rie". between Corps: / a / Walter Krueger WALTER KRUEGER. General, U. S. Army, Commanding. No change. &• XT/ and XI Coi-ps continue current missions. b. I C?rp. will continue current missions and. c.nfinsing radio ir.. traction? of 5 June 1945, continue the attack northward of AXT.LQ, capture tuYCHBONG, and be prepared for l a t h e r advance in the direction of APARHI. :Auth: :Init: :Date: 0: nit ted. 5- No change. CG oIXTH Affl>2t: : / a / CUE 12 June 194S 1 HKAD3JUAR12R3 SIXTH ARUY ~. P . 0 . 442 06001 12 June 1945 /s/ Walter Krueger V.'AlTER KHUEGER, General, U. 3 . Arc F0 68. : :Auth: jlnit: :Date: PHIUi'PIUE ISLANDS - 1/200.000. 1. Onitted. 2 . a,. S i x t h Army continues the offensive t o d e s t r o y enemy forces r e maining i n LUZON and regroups u n i t s i n p r e p a r a t i o n f o r future o p e r a t i cms. b. Boundaries between Corps, e f f e c t i v e 00011 15 June 1945: CG oIXIH ARUf; / a / CPE : 3 June 19/iS : (1) HEADQUARTERS SIXTH A. p . o. 442 19001 8 June 1945 PHILIPPINE ISLANlB - 1/200,000. 1. Omitted. 2. £. Dissolved. £.. Units listed in .unnex 1, Troop List, XI Corps, pass from the control of the Commanding General, XIV Corps, to control of the Cou mandina: Geaeral, XI Corps, effective 00011 15 Jane 1945* F0 66. Maps: Between XIV Corps and XI Corps: (2) Between AI Corps and I Corps> No change. d_. Units listed in Annex 2, Troop List, XI Corps, pass from control of the Canmanding General, XIV uorps. effective 24001 3° J ura 1945' Si.ct.h Army continues the offensive to destroy enemy forces re 3. .§.. XIV Corps: a lining on LUACIJ. 3. (1) b. BouMarios between Corps: No change. .a. XIV and XI Corps continue current missions. b. I Corps: (NUEVA 3CIJA). (1) Will continue current missions and, confirrJng radio instruc tions of 7 June 1945, continue the attack northeastward of BAYOMOIJC, capture B.»CxABAG, secure the BAGABAG area, and be prejiared to continue the advance into the CAGAJCAN VALLKY in the direr-tion of APAHRI. (2) Mill intensify guerrilla a c t i v i t i e s within the uAGAJfAK Y.iLLSY to harass eneny concentrations and lin*? of can 4. Chatted. 5. No change. (2) Kill, effective 00011 15 June 1945. be relieved of responsi b i l i t y for a l l missions currently assigned to i t . Will promptly displace Corps Headquarters and Corps Troops, remaining under Corps control, to the vicinity of oAN JQa£ /a/ Walter Krueger WALTKR KRUHGSK, General, U. S. Amy. (3) b. will, effective 24001 30 June 1945. assume control of units listed in Annex 2, Troop List, XIV Corps, and, after 00011 1 July 1945t will toe prepared to carry out those missions on LUZON assigned by the Commanding General, Eighth Army. XI Uorps: (1) Will, effective 00011 15 June 1945. assume control of units listed in Annex 1, Troop l i s t , XI Corps; will continue missions currently assigned to XI Corps and those missions heretofore assigned XIV Corps. (2) will, effective 00011 1 July 1945, be relieved of responsi bility for all combat missions currently assigned to it. 5. No change. c_. I Corps: / a / Walter Krueger, 4 . (1) Will continue current missions. {2) Will, effective 2400J. 30 June 1945, be relieved of responsi b i l i t y i'cr a l l combat missions currently assigned to i t . x. To insure continuity of operations and to f a c i l i t a t e details of transfer of control of units and responsibility, direct contact between Ccrpa coiaianders i s authorized. a. XI Orps w i l l , effective 00C1I 15 June 1945, assume responsibility for the l o ^ s t i c support of those units l i s t e d i n Annex 1, this i'0, and will assume responsibility for operation of a l l supply i n s t a l l a t i o n s now operated by XIV Corps. XIV Corps w i l l , effective 24001 30 June 1945, assume responsibility for the l o g i s t i c support of those units l i s t e d i n Annex 2, t h i s F0, and will assume responsibility for operation of a l l supply installations now operated by I Corps which pertain to the supply of units listed in Annex 2 . WALTER KHUEGER, General, U. S . Army, Commanding. tAuthj ilnit: «Date« CG SIXTH ARMY: /a/ CPE t 17 June 1945 i HiODCJDAHTEIfci SIXTH A. P . 0 . 4 4 2 19001 17 June 1945 F0 70. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS LUZON - 1 / 5 0 , 0 0 C . Levels cf supply to accompany uniis on niove from CANLUBANG 1/200,000. LAGUKA PROVINCE) t o SAN JOSE (KUZVA ECIJA PROVINCE) i 1. Class I Ciasd II & IV Clas3 III Claso V 5« Supplies on Hand 3 D/S 1 U/F a. Current S i g n a l Operation I n s t r u c t i o n s and Comnunication D i r e c t i v e reiuain i n e f f e c t . b. U n i t s passing t o c o n t r o l of COM landing General, XI Corps, on 15 June 1945 w i l l r e t a i n c a l l s i g n s and frequencies presently a s s i g n e d . ja,. Omitted. b. (1) Southwest P a c i f i c Forces i n the southern PHILIPPINES and i n LUZON w i l l be regrouped i n preparation f o r future o p e r a t i o n s . ( 2 ) Pursuant t o i n s t r u c t i o n s from t h e Comnander-in-Chief, S t a t e s Army F o r c e s , P a c i f i c t (a) United The Commanding General, ^ i g h t h Army: 1. Will, effective 00011 1 July 1945t assume control of Sixth Army units on LUZON as l i s t e d in Annex la., Troop List, while simultaneously passing to the con trol of the Commanding General, Sixth Army, units of the Eighth Army as l i s t e d in Annex ljj, Troop L i s t . 2. While continuing current missions and duties in the southern PHILIPPINES with forces assigned and with forces made available by the Commanding General, Sixth Army, w i l l concurrently with the assumption of control of units l i s t e d in Annex la,, relieve the Sixth Army of combat responsibility and of other duties and missions on LUZON except those which per tain directly to the preparation of the Sixth Army for future operations. 3 . Will concentrate units as indicated in annex 2, Troop Movement Directive, i n staging areas and pass con trol of units to the Commanding General, sixth Army, upon arrival thereat. 4 . Will arrange with Commander, Allied Naval Forces, for transportation to effect the concentration indicat ed in paragraph l b ( 2 ) ( a ) 2 . 5 . Will a s s i s t in training Sixth Army units for future operations by u t i l i z i n g these units in actual com bat as requested by and as arranged with the Commanding General, Sixth Army. 6,. Will release to the Commanding General, Sixth Army, at the earliest practicable date consistent with the tactical situation, and not l a t e r than 1 September 1945, a l l units made available by the Sixth Army for combat and security missions in LUZON and the southern PHILIPPINES. 2> <'ill arrange with the Commanding General, Sixth Army, necessary details of transfer of command, duties and units, insuring continuity of operations. The XIV Corps w i l l continue t o operate the switchboard i n i t s present l o c a t i o r a t CANLUBANG u n t i l 30 June 1945. ?osts: XIV Ccrps: Others . CAULUrANG (Time of opening SAN JOJE, NUEVA ECIJA, t o be r e p o r t e d . ) Uo change. / s / ifalter Krueger .VALTErt KRUiCER. General, u. S. Army, Connanding. :Auth: :Init: :Date: CC SIXTh AHUY: / s / CDE : IS June 19iir> : HEADQUARTERS SIXTH ARMY A . P . 0 . 442 11001 15 June 1945 F0 69. Maps: PHILIPPINE ISLANDS - 1/200,000. LUZON - 1/50.000. 1. Omitted. 2. No change. 3. a. XI and XXV Corps: b. I Corps, while continuing current missions: (1) No change. .(ill destroy hostile forces regaining in the ECHAGUE area and in the CAGAYAN VALLEY south thereof. (2) advance aggressively northward in the CAGAYAN VALLEY, capture and secure the NACUILIAN - CABATUAN - CAUAYAN area, prepared for further advance to the north, when directed. (3) « i l l vigorously seeK out and destroy enemy forces along the axis of advance to the CAGAYAN VALLEY, raking prompt and deternined efforts to eliminate those enemy groups which were isolated by the rapidity of our advance. (4) Will expedite the destruction of enemy forces in the CERVANTES area. (5) '"ill intensify guerrilla a c t i v i t i e s throughout the Corp3 zone of action to harass enemy concentrations and lines of cam lnumcation and destroy isolated enemy detachments and foraging parties. (6) Will exert niaxinuc pressure on enemy forces in the B0K0D KIAi:i;.a; BONTOC ar£-u from the south and southeast. Omitted. (b) The Commander, Allied Naval Forces: X> Will provide the necessary transportation to effect the concentration designated in paragraph lJ2(2)(a).2 as arranged with the Commanding General, Eighth Army. See Annex 2, Troop Movement Directive. 2. (c) Will continue the support of operations of the Eighth Army in the southern PHILIPPINES and w i l l , upon transfer of control in the LUZON area from the Sixth to the Eighth Army, continue missions in support of the Eighth Army hitherto specified for support of the Sixth Army in the LUZON area. The Commander, Allied Air Forces, w i l l continue the support of operations of the Eighth Army in the southern PHILIPPINES and w i l l , upon transfer of control in the LUZON area from the Sixth %p the Eighth Army, continue missions in support of the Eighth Army hitherto specified for support of the Sixth Army in the LUZON area. Pursuant to instructions from the Cammander-in-Chief, United States Army Forces, Pacific, Sixth Anny relinquishes the responsibility for combat missions and other duties and missions on LUZON, other than those that pertain directly to the preparation of Sixth Army for future operations, to the Eighth Army, and regroups forces as directed. T th the! x,. (1) ^ °° P U3t ' " i U P a 3 3 *o the control of ing General. Eighth Army, effective 00011 1 Jui^ l% 5 . The Counanding General, Sixth Army, will: ( a ) (b) Assume control of Eighth Army units as listed in Annex lb Troop List, effective 00011 1 July 1945. Concurrently with the passage of control of units as indicated herein, transfer to the Commandxng General, eighth Array, the mission of combat responsibility and other duties and missions in UMW except those per .taining directly to the preparation of Sixth Army for future combat. ( c ) Assume control of Eighth Army units as indicated in Annex 2, Troop Movement Directive, effective upon arrival of these units in staging areas. (d) Pass to the operational control of the Conmanding General. Eighth Army, such forces as are required to complete the destruction of the Japanese in the southern PHILIPPINES and era LUZON, to control Philippine Army and Guerrilla Forces and to provide security in areas aa agreed upon from tine to time with the Commanding General, Eighth Army. Units will be rotated as arranged with the Commanding General, Eighth Array, in order to insure training in actual combat and rehabilitation for future operati ons. (e) (f) (3) By troops at CEBU to Commanding Officer, Base d. (4) By troops at LEYTE to Commanding Officer, Base K. (5) Requisitions for Ordnance and Cheidical 'ffarfare ammunition will be submitted to this headquarters. (6) Requests for emergency air supply will be submitted to this headquarters. Reports, except G-l Periodic Reports, heretofore submitted to Eighth Army, will upon the date of transfer, be submitted to the Coui&anding General, Sixth Army, A.P.O. 442. G-l Periodic Reports are not de sired except that a copy of the final G-l Periodic Report submitted to Eighth Army will be submitted to this headquarters. (1) See Index 1-32 Sixth Army Signal Operations Instructions, effective 1 July 1945. (2). All units passing to control of Commanding General, Eighth Army, will cease operations under Sixth Army Signal Operations Instructions, effective 24001 30 June 1945« (1) Comtaanding General, I Corps, and Commanding General, XI Corps, will assist the Commanding General, XIV Corps, in providing the signal communication f a c i l i t i e s required by XIV Corps. (2) Wire construction projects now underway will be completed by the units which are now employed thereon. Prior to the transfer of combat responsibility to the Eighth Army: Cauiaand Posts 1 1. Continue the destruction of Japanese forces in central and southern LUZON anu provide for the security of these areas. (1) Sixth Army - SAN FERwANO, PAMPANGA (2) Eighth Army - LEXTE 2. Continue the offensive in northern LUZON in the direc tion hALSTE PASs - APARiil and destroy hostile forces in and establish control over the CAGAYAN VALLEX. (3) I Corps - TUIdANA, PANGASINAN (4) XI Corps . MANILA (5) XIV Corps - CANLUBANG, LAGUNA (Time o f Arrange with the Commanding General, Mghth Army, necessary details of transfer of command, duties and units, insur ing continuity of operations. reported) 12) Rotation of units aa indicated in paragraph 3x(i;(d) will be upon request of the basic unit commander concerned through normal command channels to the Commanding General, Sixth Army, who will arrange details of the rotation with the Commanding General, .eighth Army. / s / Walter Krueger WALTER KRUEGER. General, U. S. Army, CM rarfmnA i n g T Pursuant to instructions from the Commander-in-uhlef, United States Army Forces, Pacific 1 1 IAuth: ilnit: iDate: .a« Concurrently with the transfer of responsibilities outlined in para graph 2, above, the Commanding General, Sixth AiT.gr, will be relieved of, and the oammanding General, Eighth Arty, will assume reaponsi b i l i t y on LUZON for: (1) The l o g i s t i c a l support of a l l units passing to his control. ( 2 ) Logistic support of Philippine Army and Guerrilla units passing to his control. (3) Operation of such supply points as are required for the logistic support of forces passing to his control and such Sixth iixmy units as must draw from these supply points. (4) The continuation of a l l construction projects heretofore assigned to the commanding General, Sixth Army, which JTC incident to the transfer of logistic responsibility set forth herein. Concurrently with the transfer of the responsibilities outlined in paragraph 2, above, the Commanding General, Sixth Army, will: A. P. L-apa: PHILIPPINE ISLANDS - 1/200,000. LU40N - 1/50,000. 1. Omitted. 2. Sixth Amy continues current missions, intensifying effort to destroy remaining hostilo forces in north LUZON. 3. &. XIV Corps: No change. t>. XI Corps 1 (1) Will continue current missions. (2) £. (1) the operational control of Eighth Army. pertaining to units in the soutnern PHILIPPINES for a l l S S S ^ f Supplies except Ordnance and Chemicel Warfare ammuni tion will be submitted as follows! By Sixth (a) Secure APA^HI. (b) establish contact with and assist elements of I Corps in the destruction of remaining hostile forces in the I Corps, confirming radio i n s t r u c t i o n s of 19 June 1945« ^sssa srs&.S EL i (2) Will be prepared to mount one parachute infantry battalion combat team on 24-hour notice to drop in the APAHRI area in order toi CAGJIYAN VALLEY. Provide supplies at such Sixth Army operate.: supply points as are requested by the Comnding General. Eighth Army f or those Sixth Army troops referred to in paragraph kk(J). Jove, and for such Eighth Army troo r s as must draw from these supply points. By Sixth Army o up ply Point at ILOILO to Commanding Officer. BaseK.%lth information copy to this headquarters Q.~rkk2 F0 71. Relinquish reaponsibility for normal maintenance and logistic support to the Commanding General, Eighth Army, for those (1) : 22301 21 June 1945 during the period of such utilization. £.. CG SIXTH AE /s/ CUE 21 June 194 HEADQUARTERS SIXTH ARtff CD Assume responsibility for the operation of such Eighth Army Supply Points, i n c i t i n g those at ILOILO and ZAIIBOANCA as are required for the logistic support of those forces herein transferred from Eighth to Sixth Army in the VISAYAo and southern FHILIPPINES. (2) opening SAN JOSE, NUEVA ECIJA, t o be (2) Supply Point at ZAI.BOANGA to Commnding Officer, incarnation copy to this headquarters. id 11 continue: (a) To carry out current missions. (b) To advance aggressively northward in the CAGAYAN VALLEX, destroying hostile forces encountered. (c) To vigorously seek out and destroy enemy forces along the axis of advance to and within the CAGA*AN VALLSY. making prompt and detenained efforts to eliminate those enemy croups which were isolated by the rapidity of our advance. Will intensify pressure against hostile forces in the BQNTOC - CjiRVANTJSS a r e a . - 291 13) x. 11) (2) 4. 5• be prepared to assume control of one parachute infantry battalion cciubat team, upon completion of i t s drop in the APARRI area. The Commanding General, XI Corpsi (a) will arrange d e t a i l s of mounting and dropping one parachute infantry battalion combat team direct with the Commanding General, f i f t h Air Force, coordinating these plans with the Commanding General, I Corps. (b) Will arrange d e t a i l s of close air support direct with the Comnanding General,Fifth Air Force, coordinating these plans with the Commanding General, I Corps. During the airborne aoveinent of parachute infantry units, the Comnandiiig General, Fifth Air Force, i s in command of the airborne operation. Command of these units passes to the Corjranding General, I Corps, upon completion of the drop. 2 July 192i5 : F0 73t Headquarters S i x t h Army, 25 June 1945. i a amended a s f o l l o w s 1 D e l e t e paragraph 4 and s u b s t i t u t e the f o l l o w i n g ) 4. Confirming verbal i n s t r u c t i o n s : A. The 25th D i v i s i o n w l l l i (1) Carry the following l e v e l s of supply in moving to the TARLAC area: Class I - IV, both inclusive, not to exceed 5 D/S. Class V, 1 U/F l e s s a r t i l l e r y and mortar. Dpon closing in the TARLAC area, draw ^M Class I , Class II normal maintenance, and Class III from Army QH Supply Point #3, SAN FEHK14NDO, (P). All other supplies w i l l be requisitioned from UANILA depots. (2) / a / Walter Krueger WALTEri KHUEG2R, General. U. J . Army. Command inij. b. The 43d Infantry Division upon closing in the CABANATUAN area w i l l be based upon the Army Supply Point at SAN JQ3E for normal maintenance and supplies. All other Class II and IV items will be requisitioned from MANILA, depots. £. The 1st Infantry, 6th Division, w i l l carry the following l e v e l s of supply in moving to the BAYCMBQNG area: CC SIXTH ARMY: /s/ CDE Class I Class II £c IV Class III Class V 23 June : HEADQUARTERS SIXTH ARMS" A. P . 0 . 4 4 2 22001 23 June 1945 5 D/S Supplies on hand 3 D/S Prescribed loads Other details: No change. F0 7 2 . OFFICIAL: PHILIPPINE ISLANDS - 1 / 2 0 0 . 0 0 0 . .•Date: A&ENDM2NT NO. 1 t o F0 7 3 , Headquarters S i x t h Army, 25 June 1945 No change. Maps: ; CG SIXTH ASM*: /s/ CDE : HEAD3JAHT3R3 SIXTH ARM* A. P . 0 . U 2 19001 2 July 1945 Itesupply of the parachute infantry battalion combat team i s the responsibility of the Cocmandins General, I Corps, and will be by air droprin,'-; until ground or overwater contact has been established with USHFIP forces at ABULUGJ thereafter by overwater transportation froia BASE LI - ABULUG. lAUth: :Init: :Date: 1 tAuthi ilnit: G. H. DEUKiS. Major General, G. J> C , Chief of Staff. /a/ 3ddleman 1. Odd t t e d . 2. V.o ch<inge» 3- .a. Confirming telephonic instructions of 21 June 1945 from the Coz.TiLndinc General, Sixth Army, XT Corps, while continuing current nd.^sion3, will mount and drop one parachute infantry battalion combat team in the APARRI area on 23 June 1945. arraiigin^ d e t a i l s d i r . c t with the Conmanding Generals, Fifth Air Force, and I Corps. .b. I Corps: G-3 (1) Confirming telephonic instructions of 21 June 1945 from the Commanding General, Sixth Arny, will assume control of one parachute infantry battalion combat team upon completion of i t s drop in the APARitl area on 22 June 1945. (2) Will secure APArtRI. (3) Will effect speedy junction of the forces advancing north and those advancing south in the CAGAYAN VALLEY, com pleting destruction of remaining hostile forces in that valley. (4) i r Auth: CG SIXTH ARMJf: : : Ini t: /sj' CDE :Date: 25. June 1945 : HEADQUARTERS SIXTH ARM* A. P. 0. 442 22001 25 June 1945 F0 73. Maps 1 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS - 1/200,000. 1. Omitted. 2. &. Sixth Army regroups forces i n preparation for future operations. _b. Boundary between I Corps and XI Corps 1 Dissolved, effective 24001 30 June 1945. c_. 11th Airborne Division passes to control of the Commanding General, Sixth Army, effective 00011 1 July 1945. d.. Araerical Division passes to control of the Commanding General, XI Corps, effective 00011 1 July 1945. e. 4lat Division, l e s s l62d Regimental Combat Team, 3VI Battalion, 163d Regimental Combat Team, and 2d Battalion, 186th Regimental Combat Team, passes to control of the Conmanding General, I Corps, effective 00011 1 July 1945* Excepted units pass to control of the Commanding General, I Corps, upon closing in ZAMBOANGA, on or about 15 July 1945• jf. Unite listed in Annex 1, t h i s f i e l d order, pass to operational control of the Commanding General, Eighth Army, effective 00011 1 July 19i)5t for the purpose of providing training in actual combat, and providing control and supply of such guerrilla forces as may be designated by the Commanding General, Eighth Army. Will continue current missions. 4. Omitted. 5. No change. /s/ Walter Krueger, WALTER KRUEGER, General, D. S. Army, Commanding. - 292 '•}> a- XI Corps will: (1) (2) Confirming radio instructions, move the 1st Infantry, oth Division, to the general DIGDIG area in accordance with the following schedule, coordinating moveiaent with the Commanding General, I Corps, and passing elements of 1st Infantry t o control of the Commanding General, I Corps, upon arrival i n the DIGDIG areai (3) £. (2) x. 4. Class I Class II & IV Class III Class V Other details: Command Poats: Withdraw a l l I Corps units, except those units listed in Annex 1, from combat commencing 30 June 1945* assemble those units in designated rehabilitation areas, coordi nating movement with the Commanding General, XIV Corps, and initiate the training program as prescribed by Train ing Memorandum No. 25, this headquarters, 25 ljay 1945* As designated in FO 68, this headquarters, 12 June 1945 11th Airborne Division, 40th Division, and 8lst Division will initiate the training program prescribed by Training Memorandum No. 25, this headquarters, 25 May 1945 Rotation of units listed i n Annex 1, this field order, may be effected by request of corps and division commanders concerned, through command channels, to this headquarters, which will coordinate rotation with Headquarters Eighth Army. (1) Sixth Army SAN FlSHNANDO (PAKPANGA) (2) I Corps TOI.IANA (PANGASINAN) (3) XI Corps MANILA (4) Uth Airborne Division LIPA (5) 40th Division HEGROS (6) 8lst Division LEXTE (1) 11th Airborne Division will establish radio craznunicatlon with Headquarters Sixth Army on Net "6D". bee Sixth «irny Signal Operation Instructions, Item 30-31. (2) 40th and 8lst Divisions will establish radio comuunicatiot) with Headquarters Sixth Arzzy on Nat "6A". See oixth ATL^ Signal Operation Instructions. Item jO-31. / s / Walter Krueser WALTEH ilBUEGER. Usnerai, 0 . S . A n y , The 25th Division willi (1) No change. 00021 1 July 1945. Supply. a. Supplies on hand 3 D/S Prescribed loads 5. a,. See Index I-33 Sixth Army Signal Operation Instructions, effective Initiate the r e l i e f of the 33d Division by elements of. the 32d Division on 30 June 1945, coordinating details of relief with the Commanding General, XIV Corps. c_. XIV Corps: d. The 1st Infantry, 6th Division, will carry the following levels of supply in moving to the BAYOIMEQNG area: I Corps will: (1) Division railhead The 43<i Division upon closing in the CAEUHATUAN area m.11 be baaed upon the Army Supply point at S*N JOSE for normal main tenance qr.r| supplies. Relieve elements of the 25th Division in the DINGALAN BAY . DMUUY area with one infantry battalion, 43d Division, by 24001 30 Tune 19451 coordinating details of relief with the Commanding Generals, I and XIV Corps, respectively. Withdraw a l l XI Corps units, except those units listed i n Annex 1, from combat commencing 30 June 1945. assemble those units i n previously designated rehabilitation areas, coordinating movement with the Commanding General, XIV Corps, and i n i t i a t e the training program as prescribed by Training Memorandum No. 25, this headquarters, 25 May 1945* a Class I - IV, 5 D/S Class V, 1 U/F 1 Infantry Battalion on 25 June 1945 1 Infantry Battalion on 2? June 1945 Remainder of 1st Infantry on 29 June 1945 (2) Upon closing in the TARLAC area open with levels of supply as follows: Carry the following levels of supply in moving to rfce TARLAC area: Class I - IV, both inclusive, not to exceed 5 D/3. Class V, 1 U/F less artillery and mortar. - 293 25 (ARMY RESERVE) Plan of Assault Diagram 3 BAYOMBONG L I N GA Y E N DAGUPAN V1A-NAT5A13 •AN rflP6 : LINGAYEN ARMY RE VVILLASIS 1 S. QUINTIN S. LEO BALUNGAO :* MORIONES.* TARL AC' MT. ARAYAT 'ANGELES if AC AN S. NARCISO LINO AUTONI 8 *' rx MARILAO ^ B ATA AN NOVALICHES M A N I L A B A Y Friendly and Enemy Dispositions, Sixth Army, a f 24001, ST<-24 (2 February 1945) Diagram 12 NOVALICHES DAM^ TALBAN IZ A L *f MT. ARAYAT * " FORT STOTSENBURGl CLARK AIR CEN 1 WkM..' *«*»«teS' ZAMBALES SAPANGBATO • PORAC PAMPANGA MANILA BALLO I Friendly and Enemy Dispositions in Zone of Action of ST Corps at 24001, Sy-42 ( 2 0 February 1945) Diagram 2 9 BAY SOUTH CHINA SEA 3AM ILOEFONSO PCNINSUI-A PHI LIPPINE SEA SAN NAR.CI SAN A N T O N W • ' . 6 '• /SLA/VOS S I 3 U y A A/ Friendly and Enemy Dispositions, Sixth Army, at 2 4 0 0 1 , Diagram 3 2 S E /I ST^54 (4 March 1945) BABUYAN CHANNEL CAPE BAJEADOR ESCARPADA PT. SAN VICEN1 EROS APARRI DUGO APAYAO 1LOCOS NORTE /A^^'' TUAO BONTOC / I TUMAUIN PALANAN BAY <0 ILOCOS SUR o o ISABELA LIN GAYEN GULF NtfEVA VIZCAYA SAN F SAN ILDEFONSO PENINSULA PORT SUAL LINGAYEN PANGASINAN DASOL BAY PHIL IP PINE SEA NUEVA ECU TARLAC PALAUIG TARLAC '\ CLARK AIR CENTER v<^ ""™\ "'^IVGA \ s cs BULACAN Friendly and Enemy Dispositions in Zone of Action of I Corps at 24001, S/-I62 (20 June 1945) Diagram 57