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St. Thomas More > Parish
Growth Through Commitment in Christ Church of St. Thomas More 800 Ohio Pike, Cincinnati, Ohio 45245 513-752-2080 e-mail: [email protected] Mass Schedule OUR SUNDAY LITURGY Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 am, 12:00 Noon Parish website: School Web Page: Mission “We at St. Thomas More are a family of Christians led by the Holy Spirit in communion with the Roman Catholic Church. We dedicate ourselves to living the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We devote ourselves to sharing our faith, strengthening family bonds and growing in love. We commit ourselves to each other through prayer and action.” WEEKDAY LITURGY Monday 8:30 am Communion Service Tuesday through Friday 8:30 am Mass HOLY DAYS 8:30 am, 12:15 pm, 7:30 pm (except Christmas & New Year) RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:00-3:40 pm and by appointment Office Information Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Closed Saturdays, Sundays and Holy Days Parish Office 752-2080 PARISH STAFF Fr. William C. Wagner, V.F., Pastor Deacon Michael Thomas Deacon Fred Haas DRE, Becky Ready Business Manager, Mike Gennett Secretaries: Donna Buchheit Kate Roelker Gym/Multi-Purpose Building Maintenance: John Osterling Dave McCarthy Music Director, Ken Blue Parish Hall/Kitchen, Vickie Ditchen Prayer Requests Sacristy St. Vincent de Paul Youth Ministry: Jamie Melish 753-2553 753-2549 753-2569 753-2548 753-2543 753-2541 753-2550 753-2555 753-2544 752-2080 Ext. 134 753-2546 753-2558 752-2080 Ext. 133 753-2556 753-2561 753-2551 PARISH OFFICE FAX FINANCE OFFICE FAX 753-2542 753-2552 SCHOOL OFFICE SCHOOL OFFICE FAX 753-2540 753-2554 Principal, Peg Fischer Administrative Assistant, Marsha Barnes School Office, Dee Archer 753-2540 753-2540 753-2540 PSR (PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION) Religious education classes for public school students are held on Sundays ~ Pre-School 10:00 - 11:00 am; Grades 1 thru 8, 8:30 - 9:45 am. Sunday Child Care available from 10:00 11:00 am (registration forms can be found on our website). Please call 753-2550 for more information on how to register for PSR. Youth Ministry questions or for more information email [email protected]. Interested in becoming Catholic? Call Becky Ready, DRE (Director of Religious Education) at 753-2548 to find out about our RCIA/RCIY (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults/Youth) Programs. SACRAMENTS Baptism ~ To schedule a baptism please call 753-2550. Requirements for Baptism can be found on the parish website listed under Sacraments. Marriage ~ Please call the Parish Office at 753-2541, 6 months prior to the wedding date. Anointing of the Sick ~ Please call 753-2553 Communion to the Sick ~ Please call 753-2549 For a sacramental emergency requiring a priest, please call 752-2080 Ext. 116. Please leave your name, telephone number and a brief description of the emergency. BULLETIN DEADLINE: Friday by Noon (9 days prior) Submit to Kate Roelker at [email protected] or call 753-2550 for more information. We warmly welcome new members to our parish family. Please call the Parish Office or register online at If leaving the parish or moving, please notify the Parish Office of your change of address. ST. THOMAS MORE CHURCH CINCINNATI, OHIO 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time for those who have died: Charles Donabedian and those who are ill or have asked for our prayers: Donald Blom, Uldean Cieri, Joyce Dahlheimer, Mary Rettig, Megan Cash, Rose Marie Ogle, Lois Ritter, Diane Knause, Rita Iding, Ann Indovina, Jean Doogan, Verna Burnet, Lou Polk, Rose Lasita, Peter Donald Iannitti, Harry Schoettelkotte, Leigh Lyons, Linda Suedhof, Len Heiselman, Ruth McGrath, Stacey Thiel, John Burke, Gertrude Murphy, Jack Sutter, Mary Davidson, Elizabeth Bresser, Jean Driscoll, Angela Iannitti, Mike Nidek, Albert Signorelli, Adam Rose and family, Rob Ell, Gayle Robison, James Lee, Mary Lou Vogelgesang, Ruth Caruso, Gerard Roerty, Stanley Cook, Mary Miller, Rob Pairan, Rhea Cermak, Gerald Baird, Joe Burkart, George Moore, Doug Caruso, Rosemary Weimer, Beverly Ann Rapp, John E. Lang, Judy Guth, Michelle Rayburn and family. Names of those requesting prayers will be published in the bulletin for three months and then removed. If prayers are required longer than three months, you will need to call the parish office (753-2550) to request them for another three months. Thank you. and those from our parish who are currently serving in the Armed Forces: Michael Hucker Jr., Corey Campbell, Danny Braun, Michael Nazarovech, Randy Damron, Keith Deardorff, Ryan Robinson, Joe Driscoll, Paul Bellonby ll, Rob Keller, Andrew Schloemer, Andrew Grachek, Zachary Stultz, Joe Conrady, Stephanie Owens, “Fritz” Schoolfield, Kimberley Brinson & Joshua A. Rettig. We would like to welcome home, Michael Bradford from his enlistment in the United States Army. His family thanks you for your prayers for his safe return! We thank Michael and all those who still serve in our country’s military for the sacrifices they make on our behalf. Please remember to keep all those serving in our country’s military in your prayers!! SECOND COLLETION: Next weekend is the 5th Sunday of the Month. The second collection will be for the work of our SVDP Society. Please be as generous as your means permit, as the increase in requests for help in this area continues to grow. SVDP relies heavily on the funds received in the 5th Sunday Collections. Please help them continue their service to those less fortunate. Readings for October 30 - 31st Sun in Ord Time First Reading: Malachi 1:14b-2:2b, 8-10 Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 2:7b-9, 13 Gospel: Matthew 23:1-12 October 23, 2011 THE WEEK AHEAD Monday, October 23 7:30 pm SVDP - Fr. Wack Library Tuesday, October 24 11:30 am 3:00 pm 7:00 pm Book Club - Faith Formation Room Children’s Choir - Church Adult Choir - Church Wednesday, October 25 9:30 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Bible Study - Faith Formation Room Feed the Hungry - Parish Dining Room CRHP - Men - Fr. Wack Library Evening Bible Study - Conference Room C Thursday, October 26 6:30 pm 3:00 pm Confirmation Parent Meeting - Parish Dining Kairos Cookie Drop Off - Parish Dining Hall Friday, October 27 8:30 am 10:00 am 6:30 pm School Mass Adoration Cub Scout Halloween Party - Parish Dining Saturday, October 28 9:00 am 3:00 pm Clean Church Confessions Sunday, October 29 8:30 am 8:30 am 9:45 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 PM PSR Grades 1-8 Coffee House Chat - Fr. Wack Library RCIA - Faith Formation Room Sunday Child Care - Music Room Children’s Liturgy - Library PSR Preschool ALL SOUL’S MASS-RECEPTION TO FOLLOW Youth Ministry at St. Thomas More Don’t forget to join us today (Sunday) from 1:00 ~ 6:30 pm in the Parish Dining Hall for the best Italian Dinner Rigatoni and Meatballs with Homemade Sauce Fried Dough, Adults ~ $8.00 Salad, Dessert, Children ~ $5.00 Family ~ $28.00 Beverage & Wine (5 or more) Carry Outs available at no extra cost. CONFIRMATION PREPARATION SESSION FOR PARENTS ONLY ~ On Thursday, October 27, at 6:30 pm in the Parish Dining Hall, all parents of 8th graders (at least one parent) will be meeting to prepare for confirmation. This first gathering is an information night for parents only. It is extremely important for you to join us since we will be sharing all the details of our preparation process. We will give you a handbook including important dates and steps in the process. Your attendance at this meeting is essential and obligatory. ST. THOMAS MORE CHURCH CINCINNATI, OHIO 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH STEWARDSHIP Actual Budget October 16: $13,727.20 $13,500.00 YTD $233,689.52 $262,000.00 YTD Sunday Collection ONLY Under Budget: $28,310.48 420 Envelopes Returned Sun October 16: $12,994.76 Loose Change October 16: $732.44 OTHER COLLECTIONS CISE $1,293.21 Outstanding Debt: $706,549.88 Unpaid Interest on Debt: $643,943.28 Total Due Archdiocese: $1,350,493.16 October 23, 2011 STEWARDSHIP INITIATIVE Stewardship of time is one of the three interlinked dimensions of our call to stewardship. Just as with our financial resources, we talk about spending time, saving time and wasting time. But how well do we steward our time, or use it in a way that reflects our gratitude to God for every hour of every day? According to the latest government survey, the average American spends about 5 hours of “spare” time each day in these activities: ‐ 2.8 hours watching TV ‐ 38 minutes socializing and communicating ‐ 20 minutes reading ‐ 20 minutes using the computer for fun ‐ 17 minutes participating in sports, exercise, active recreation ‐ 16 minutes relaxing and thinking ‐ 20 minutes on “other activities” (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistic) How do you use your leisure time? Where do your priorities lie? How much time do you give back to God ‐ in prayer, study, volunteering in the parish? “Teach Us to count our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart.” (Psalm 90:12) EXPENSES Total Expenses Paid week ending: 10/15/11 $15,958.75 Notable Expenses Paid: Lay Pension $4,467.56 Gym Roof Leak Repairs $2,345.00 Maintenance Supplies $859.38 PLEASE REMEMBER ST. THOMAS MORE IN YOUR WILL!! YOUTH MINISTRY MEETING OCTOBER 23 HALLOWEEN PARTY AT ST. BERNADETTE There will be a costume contest, games, music, karaoke, food and drink! Please bring an appetizer snack with a Halloween theme….prizes will be given! If you haven’t joined yet, no problem…you can find registrations on our website. Download, fill out and bring to this meeting. Or just show up and we have forms available to fill out there. For questions or more information, please email [email protected] or [email protected]. Moeller Kid Crusader Wrestling Club Sign Ups Moeller Youth Wrestling teaches fundamental wrestling techniques rooted in the Marianist Catholic tradition. All K6th graders welcome! Mail-in registrations now or sign-up at the 1st practice Tuesday, November 1st. Forms found at (Teams/Wrestling/ Moeller Kids Club). Questions call Mike Walsh at 615-9980. STEWARDSHIP INITIATIVE UPDATE Our Stewardship Initiative continues to be very well received by the people of St. Thomas More. Through October 14, 268 households have increased their weekly contribution in response to the letter from Fr. Bill, representing a combined weekly increase of $2,154.50. The average increase in the weekly offering is $8.04. If you have not already done so, please use the special Commitment Weekend envelope to indicate your new level of giving, and return it in the collection or drop it off at the Parish Office. If you are interested in receiving information on our Electronic Giving Program, please contact the finance office or go to the parish web site and click on “Stewardship” for more information. Those households requesting envelopes that have not received them in the past will have a 2012 set ordered. A few families requesting envelopes can find their 2011 boxed envelope sets in the back of church. Every Catholic should be confirmed during this life. The Sacrament of Confirmation along with the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist completes our full initiation into the Church. Every Sacrament brings with it its own particular grace. If you are an adult Catholic (16 or older) who has not been confirmed, please contact Becky at 753-2548 or email her at [email protected]. Our preparation process will be starting soon. ST. THOMAS MORE CHURCH CINCINNATI, OHIO 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions MON 10/24 8:30 am TUES 10/25 8:30 am WED 10/26 8:30 am THURS 10/27 8:30 am FRI 10/28 8:30 am SAT 10/29 4:00 pm SUN 10/30 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm L ITURGICAL M INISTERS Saturday, October 29 4:00 pm Communion Service Joseph Doogan/Jean Doogan Betty Miller/James Breslin Joel Diemler/Denise Faner Lorraine Langenbahn/Jim & Charlin Bolger Mary Dietrich/Don & Debby Weber Marie Dannenfelser/Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Philpot Ed Buchheit/The Buchheit Family People of the Parish = Deceased Monthly Food Collection The October food collection will be donated to October 23, 2011 SEM Please place donations in the tubs marked “Feed the Poor” located at all the church entrances. Food donations may be dropped off at anytime during the month of October. High School Open Houses MND OPEN HOUSE - SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, FROM NOON - 3:00 PM ~ Take a tour of MND’s campus and meet MND students, faculty and staff and learn about their challenging academic program and numerous extracurricular opportunities. Two lucky 8th graders in attendance who enroll in MND’s Class of 2016 will win a Tablet PC (non-transferable). URSULINE ACADEMY OPEN HOUSE - SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6 FROM 11:00 AM UNTIL 1:00 PM ~ Open House starts with 10:00 am Mass in Beal Theater. Tours begin after Mass and will be led by Ursuline Academy students until 1:00 pm. Lectors ~ Janet Tate, Ginny Rottinghaus Eucharistic Ministers ~ Michelle Emerling, Charles Rottinghaus, Dennis Lahey, Patricia Rieck, Jenny Barnes, Gerry Roerty, Donald Weber, Duane Bradley Servers ~ Danielle Piening, Taylor Crothers, Callie Johnson, Megan Schaefer, Marissa Miller Greeters ~ Jerry Edwards, Gail Convery, Char Schworer Ushers ~ Jerry Edwards, Paul Guthrie, Gene Johnson Sunday, October 30 8:00 am Lectors ~ Janelle Jessie, Charles Randolph Eucharistic Ministers ~ Michele Lamping, Vickie Ditchen, Pattie McMullen, Mary Opp, Patricia Tussey, Diane Meisman, Tony Ramundo, Pat Ramundo Servers ~ Paul Conrady, Peter Conrady, Tiffany Hayward, Alex Willenbrink, Adrian Ell Greeters ~ Nancy Guertin, Helen Fehn Ushers ~ Wes Carroll, Kevin Bauman, Joe Guertin, George Hofmann Sunday, October 30 10:00 am Lectors ~ Gregory Snodgrass, Tom Kiefer Eucharistic Ministers ~ Deacon, Kathy Hornschemeier, Catalina Handleton, Margaret Pangburn, Charlene Kiefer, Patricia Lindsey, Lori Casnellie, Dan Casnellie Servers ~ Sydney Evans, Jacob Vaughn, Julia Nelson, David Kiefer, Samuel Bechtol Greeters ~ Ray Neltner, Sandra Bishop, Darline Foltz Ushers ~ Lynn Austin, Lee Knause, Joanne Buchanan, Rob Pairan, Shelby Pairan Sunday, October 30 12:00 pm Lectors ~ Barbara Hammond, Richard Schuler Eucharistic Ministers ~ Deacon, Jacqueline Moore, Jeffery Moore, Terrill Denton, Megan Farwick, Gloria Saliceti, Susan Crawford, Bill Crawford Servers ~ Emily Feldkamp, Travis Feldkamp, Katie Feldkamp, Brian Cabell, Erica Gumbert Greeters ~ Dee Archer, Terrill Denton, Laurie Bagley Ushers ~ Tom Finn, Bill Luehrmann, Charlie Tekulve MCNICHOLAS HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Sunday, October 23 ~ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Questions? Contact Lizanne Ingram, Director of Academic Services and Enrollment 513-231-3500 ext.5811 ST. THOMAS MORE CHURCH CINCINNATI, OHIO 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time “...I was in prison and you visited me.” - Matthew 25:36 It is no secret that our faith teaches us to reach out to those who are incarcerated. We at St. Thomas More are presently doing this by making homemade cookies for a Kairos weekend. On the Kairos weekend, each night, 42 Kairos participants take several dozen cookies back to their cell block and are permitted to share the cookies and their Kairos experiences with their fellow inmates. Throughout the years, many prisoners have been touched through this loving gesture and have recommitted themselves to the faith. 10,000-12,000 dozen cookies are needed for each weekend. Our goal is to provide as many as possible. Why? To share God’s love and because prisoners who go on a Kairos retreat are significantly less likely to be re-incarcerated. You can find information in the church vestibule with details for making the cookies along with the drop-off location and time. Story Time for Toddlers ~ Every Friday at 10:30 am Miss Sharon is back and ready to read great stories about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit! Here's a peek at what she will be reading the week of 10/28/11: Bob and Larry in The Case of the Missing Patience by Karen Poth The Pod Squad needs some detective training, and Bob and Larry are on the job. But will the expert detectives be able to stay patient when things don't go their way? Come join the fun, invite your friends!! Innervisions Religious Books and Gifts ~ 8556 Beechmont Ave US Military Veterans Helping Veterans Willing to volunteer your time to work with veterans who have been diverted into the Hamilton County Court System Veteran Treatment Program? Call or email John or Mike at Catholic Charities Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) for more information (513) 241‐7745 or [email protected]. October 23, 2011 A CARING PLACE PREGNANCY HELP CENTER located in the Eastgate area, is looking for Volunteers to reach out to young women who need someone to offer caring assistance. If you feel called to serve others in a life-affirming way, our training program will empower you to bring light and hope to young families in need. Please contact Anita Paddock, Director of Volunteer Recruitment @ 753-4357 (x205). URGENT PSR NEED ~ for more assistants for our Sunday School classes. No preparation is required, the teachers just need another pair of hands. If interested or for more information, please contact Becky Ready at 753-2540, [email protected] or Linda Bader at 753-3446. UPCOMING RECONCILIATION GATHERING #2 ~ Parents of 2nd graders ~ mark your calendars for Thursday, November 17, for our second gathering to prepare for First Reconciliation. Beginning at 6:30 pm at least one parent and their second grader will be introduced to the steps involved in receiving the sacrament of reconciliation. Fr. Bill will be joining us to guide us through this awesome gift that Jesus offers us through the Church. PRAYER FOR OUR SOLDIERS Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ our Lord. ~ Amen ~ This space is reserved for advertisements.