MAY 18 - North State News
MAY 18 - North State News
WHAT'S GOING ON? Sports festival cancelled Country Garden Faire on tap Saturday at Clair Engle Park Music will drift through the air from the band shell, traditional fair food will be available from the Lions Club and others, face painting will be offered to entertain the youngsters, and a tea garden will be set up so visitors can sit and watch the goingson under the shade of a canopy. All that means it’s WLPHIRUWKH¿IWKDQQXDO Country Garden Faire, presented by the Shasta Lake Garden Project. The event is scheduled Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Clair Engle Park in Shasta Lake. Admission is free. Also on tap, beautifully decorated western hats will be featured for sale by the Shasta Lake Garden Project. Other hat styles will be available by one of the vendors. Other vendors will have bird houses, old tools, yard art, fountains, and plants, plants and more plants - innovative things by gardeners for gardeners. A drawing will be held every hour, beginning at 11 a.m. Each year the SLGP dedicates a portion of the SURFHHGVWREHQH¿WWKH))$ program at Central Valley High School. For more information, call 275-3449 or 275-3692. Detailed Weather Please see page 3 Temperatures Hi May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 17 83 88 87 88 73 80 82 Low Rain 54 55 54 59 53 50 53 61 Measured from July 1 - June 30 Readings taken this week from Rainfall past week...........0.00 Rainfall to date…..........35.34 Last year to date….......26.21 Peter Jensen of Athol, ,GDKR¿OHGDODZVXLWDJDLQVW the state transportation department in April after his driving privileges were revoked because his car had no license plate. For the inconvenience, he believes he deserves $5.6 million in damages (gold and silver only, please) because, for example, there is nothing about “license plates” in the Ten Commandments. - Edited by Chuck Shepherd Copyright 2016 Universal Press Syndicate BULLETIN PHOTOS View supervisors forum A candidates forum for those running for Shasta County Supervisor, Dist. 4, was held May 11 at the Shasta Lake City Council chambers. Candidates, above, left to right, are Walter Albert, incumbent Bill Schappell, Wally St. Clair and Steve Morgan. Left, some of those in attendance. According to the League of Women Voters, the forum is scheduled to be broadcast until election day on Public Access Channel 11, Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. It is also scheduled to be shown online by the Shasta County Arts Council, but as of Tuesday morning it was not available. Local’s story featured in latest Chicken Soup for the Soul book A Shasta Lake woman is among the writers to have their stories published in the latest Chicken Soup for the Soul book. Cindy O’Leary’s “Goodbye TV” is among 101 stories included in the book entitled, “The Joy of Less: 101 Stories About Having More By Simplifying Our Lives.” O’Leary said she heard about the opportunity to enter one’s work through a local writer’s group. She entered her story about trying to get away from her TV addiction. A few months passed and she ZDVWROGVKHZDVD¿QDOLVWIRUKHU story. “I received an email and I thought it was junk email,” O’Leary said. Eventually they let her know that her story had been selected among the thousands that are entered each time Chicken Soup For The Soul Publishing is preparing a new book. And with it came a check for $200. ³0\ ¿UVW SDLG JLJ´ IRU P\ writing, she said. O’Leary’s essay starts off with a quote from comic Joey Adams: “If it weren’t for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn’t get any exercise at all.” She then proceeds with her own story: “I am addicted to TV, mind-numbing, time-sucking, waste-of-a-good-day TV. I know some will say I should just be able to turn it off and ignore it, but it calls to me: Cindy…just come and spend a little time with me to wake up…watch the morning news… you have to know what’s going on in the world.” O’Leary humorously goes in Cindy O’Leary’s two-page story “Goodbye TV” is among the stories in the latest Chicken Soup for the Soul Book entitled: “The Joy of Less: 101 Stories about Having More by Simplifying OUr Lives.” the two-page story about the hold the TV has on her until she ¿QDOO\ UHDOL]HV VRPHWKLQJ KDV WR be done. “It’s time to take my life back,” she writes. “I’m taking the plunge and disconnecting from TV.” O’Leary, 60, who previously ZRUNHG LQ WKH *DWHZD\ 8QL¿HG School District from 2006-2008 as the categorical programing director and currently is a resource teacher at Shasta Charter Academy in Redding, lives with her husband Patrick off Walker Mine Road. The have three children and three grandchildren and moved here from Ontario about 10 years ago, mostly due to two of their children attending Simpson University. She said they eventually went EDFNWRZDWFKLQJ+XOXDQG1HWÀL[ but poor reception and service in that area has prompted her to think that maybe it’s “time to unplug again,” she joked. 7KLV LV QRW 2¶/HDU\¶V ¿UVW published work. Two years ago she self-published a book called “Leprechauns On The Loose,” a children’s book with references to Redding and the Shasta Lake DUHDWKDWLVDYDLODEOHRQ$PD]RQ and Kindle. A weekend sports festival that was to include triathlons, marathons and bike tours, and which was expected by some to bring in anywhere from 2,000 to 5,000 people to the area, was cancelled on Friday, apparently due to a lack of entries, sponsors and general overall costs associated with putting on the event. The Shasta Cascade Weekend Sports Festival was scheduled to be held in the Shasta Lake and Redding area Memorial Day weekend. “Unfortunately, due to the high production costs for an event of this magnitude within the city of Redding and Shasta County, coupled with the relatively low sponsorship support and participant registrations to date, funding fell well short of covering the operational costs,” RUJDQL]HUVRIWKHHYHQWVDLG)ULGD\ on their Facebook page. The event was based on the 3DFL¿F &UHVW :HHNHQG 6SRUWV Festival held near Bend, Ore., created by Jon and Carol Atherton, owners of Beaverton, Ore.-based AA Sports, a company that owns, times and/or manages more than UDFHV LQ WKH 3DFL¿F 1RUWKZHVW and who were brought in by RUJDQL]HUV RI WKH 6KDVWD &DVFDGH Weekend Sports Festival. Nancy Cardoso was the race manager of the event. On the HYHQW¶V)DFHERRNSDJHRUJDQL]HUV claim it was the city of Redding’s decision to cancel the event. “So the decision made by the city of Redding was to cancel the event,” the Facebook entry says. “This word came about 5:30 p.m., May 13…We are all in a state of shock and (disbelief) that something that was so alive is just gone, and the adventure was not able to be shared. It was an adventure lost.” But in a story in Tuesday’s Record Searchlight, Redding City Manager Kurt Starman reportedly said it was not the city’s decision because it was not a city event. The story stated that Starman, who was at the Friday meeting with Mayor Missy McArthrur, said the city had been supportive, but was not in a ¿QDQFLDO SRVLWLRQ WR XQGHUZULWH WKH event. On Monday, it appeared that RUJDQL]HUVZHUHORRNLQJWRUHYHUVH themselves and still hold the event this year, but were unable to do so for other reasons. “Well, we tried hard to get the funding and thought we had it ¿JXUHGRXWWRGD\WKDWZHFRXOGPDNH the event a go, but at (4 p.m.) this afternoon we found out that some of the permits had been cancelled and they could not be reinstated,” the event’s Facebook page said in a post from Monday night. “We will EH VHQGLQJ DQ RI¿FLDO HPDLO RXW WR all pre-registered participants by tomorrow morning. This has been a YHU\GLI¿FXOWDQGGLVFRXUDJLQJODVW few days for all of us. We so much appreciate all of you that supported this event, and those that believed in it enough to register and train. “We hope you will stick with us for 2017. A year of fundraising and promoting will make a huge difference...Stay safe and healthy, and keep training....We have beautiful medals to hang around \RXUQHFNDWWKH¿QLVKOLQH´ Have Your Community Delivered to You. Call 275-1716 To Subscribe Today. You Can Even Charge It By Phone PAGE 2A MAY 18, 2016 SHASTA LAKE BULLETIN The pros and cons of being ‘normal’ By GENNIE SEELY 0D\EHWKHUHLVQRORQJHU DQRUPDOUDWLQJLQVRFLHW\ As a matter of fact, in this GD\DQGDJHZKDWKDVORQJ been considered normal is IRXQGZDQWLQJDQGWKHUHIRUH punishable. What was once considered abnormal must EHUHFRJQL]HGDVOHJLWLPDWH DQGWKXVJLYHQHTXDOVWDWXV as the norm. 6FLHQFHLVFRQVLGHUHGWREHEDVHGRQNQRZOHGJH of testable explanations and predictable outcomes. Not so if it deals with the human animal of twenty¿UVWFHQWXU\LWZRXOGDSSHDU0XFKKDVEHHQ accomplished in the area of medicine in the last 50 years. However, not much has been accomplished LQVFLHQWL¿FVWXG\RIWKHKXPDQEUDLQ,QVWHDG there is a preponderance of false science based RQVSHFXODWLRQHPRWLRQVIHHOLQJVDQGWKHDOPLJKW\ PC: political correctness. Sexual identity has in past FHQWXULHVEHHQEDVHGRQELRORJLFDOGLIIHUHQFHV,Q WKHODVWFHQWXU\PRUHVSHFL¿FGLIIHUHQWLDWLRQVKDYH GHDOWZLWKJHQHVFKURPRVRPHVDQG'1$+RZHYHU these do not hold a candle to sexual self-identity. 7KDWPHDQVWKDWDJX\FDQJLYHDOODSSHDUDQFH of a male, but if he feels like a woman, he is to be accepted as a woman. ,JXHVV,VDZRQHRIWKHVHJX\VZDONLQWR*RRG :LOODIHZPRQWKVDJR+HORRNHGWREHLQKLVODWH IRUWLHVRUHDUO\¿IWLHV+HVSRUWHGDEHDUGDQGWKH PXVFXODWXUHRIDQ³DYHUDJH´PDOH+RZHYHUKHKDG a bosom a la Mae West. He also wore a skirt and a WLJKWVZHDWHUWRVKRZRII³KLV´FOHDYDJH7KHUHZDVD ORQJOLQHRISHRSOHZDLWLQJWRSD\WKHFDVKLHU7KHUH was a stunned silence, except for one apparent XQVRSKLVWLFDWHGWHHQZKRVWDUWHGRRKLQJDQG SRLQWLQJ6KHDSSDUHQWO\PLVVHGWKHOHVVRQRQKRZ WRUHDFWWRWUDQVJHQGHULQGLYLGXDOV$\RXQJFDVKLHU NHSWVD\LQJ³:KDW":KR"´6KHDOVRPXVWKDYH EHHQDEVHQWWKHGD\WUDQVJHQGHUZDVGLVFXVVHG ,OHIWWKHVWRUHZLWKRXW¿QGLQJRXWZKDWWUDQVSLUHG :KDW,VDZZDVWKDWPRVWSHRSOHGRQRWKLQJ Perhaps it was for shock value, but I had seen DQRWKHUJX\LQDGUHVVZDONLQWRWKHVSRUWVVWRUHMXVW down from Good Will a few weeks earlier. I wonder what the reaction was from those hunters and ¿VKHUPHQ,QDQ\FDVH,ZDVGULYLQJE\DQGIHOWLW ZRXOGEHVWXSLGWRVODPRQP\EUDNHVDQGJDZN 7KHPDQGDWHWRDOORZWUDQVJHQGHUSHRSOHWR XVHEDWKURRPVDQGGUHVVLQJURRPVRIWKHVH[WKH\ LGHQWLI\ZLWKLQVWHDGRIELRORJLFDOJHQGHUPD\MXVWEH WKHVWUDZWKDWEURNHWKHFDPHO¶VEDFN6RPHWKLQJ has to stop the insanity. A more serious problem is WKDWPRVWSHRSOHDSSHDUHLWKHURXWULJKWLJQRUDQWRI WKHSRVVLEOHFRQVHTXHQFHVRIWKHPDQGDWHRUPXVW be brain-dead. In any case, there are a whole lot RISHRSOHRXWWKHUHZKRGHYLDWHIURPWKH³QRUP´ or haven’t a clue about what can happen if the mandate is instituted in schools. A few states are ¿QDOO\EHJLQQLQJWRUHVLVW2EDPD¶VWKUHDWRIORVLQJ IHGHUDO¿QDQFLQJLIWKH\GRQRWFRPSO\ZLWKWKH PDQGDWH:KDWWRRNWKHPVRORQJ" The situation was discussed last week on Fox’s 2XWQXPEHUHGVHJPHQW,ZDVVWXQQHGWRKHDURQHRI WKHZRPHQVD\WKDWVKHGLGQ¶WVHHZKDWZDVZURQJ with the idea. Apparently those people back in New York don’t have sexual predators, pedophiles or UDSLVWV+XPDQWUDI¿FNLQJKDVEHHQJRLQJRQIRUD ORQJWLPH&KLOGUHQDUHSDUWLFXODUO\YXOQHUDEOHDQG now we have a situation that could further put them at risk. :KDWHYHUKDSSHQHGWRFRPPRQVHQVH"7KH ELRORJLFDOPDNHXSRIWKHKXPDQPDOHFDQQRWEH GLVUHJDUGHGEHFDXVHKHIHHOVOLNHDIHPDOH+H LVVWLOOSHUFHQWVWURQJHUSK\VLFDOO\WKHQPRVW females. Few females are physically comparable to the male in physical prowess, no matter how PDQ\³ZRPHQ¶VULJKWV´DFWLYLVWVWU\WRFRQYLQFHXV otherwise. 3HUVRQDOO\,QHYHUFRXOG¿JXUHRXWZK\ LWEHFDPHD³ULJKW´RIZRPHQWREHMXVWOLNHD PDQ,WKLQNHTXDOSD\IRUHTXDOZRUNLVQRWDQ unacceptable expectation. I know that men in the SDVWKDYHEHHQJLYHQH[WUDSD\IRUPLOLWDU\VHUYLFH I would hope women in the service have the same QRZWKDWVRPDQ\VHUYHLQFRPEDW]RQHV,WLVD matter of life or death situations. If a woman is VWURQJHQRXJKWRFDUU\DZRXQGHGPDOHRXWPRUH power to her. However, expectations should not be ORZHUHGEHFDXVHVKHLVDZRPDQ7KHVDPHJRHV IRU¿UH¿JKWHUVDQGSROLFHRI¿FHUV$OOGHPDQGDWUXVW that your partner has your back, even if she is a ZRPDQWKDWVKHLVFDSDEOHRIJHWWLQJWKHMREGRQH ,EHOLHYH,KDYHVWDWHGP\RSLQLRQRQDI¿UPDWLYH action before. In relation to race, I believe it has SURYHQWRGRPRUHGDPDJHWKDQJRRG,WPD\KDYH KHOSHGDIHZLQGLYLGXDOVLQWKHEHJLQQLQJEXWLWKDV caused more individuals to lose incentive to strive IRUVXFFHVVRQWKHLURZQPHULWV,WKDVHQFRXUDJHGD GHSHQGHQF\RQWKHJRYHUQPHQWWRSURYLGHIRUWKHP LQVWHDGRIOHDUQLQJWKHVNLOOVQHFHVVDU\IRUVXFFHVV Gay and lesbian individuals can still learn the VNLOOVQHFHVVDU\WRVXFFHHG7UDQVJHQGHULVDWHUP that bothers me in that it seems to depend solely on how a person sees himself or herself. In the situation of bathroom use, I doubt women who feel PDOHZRXOGIHHODVFRPIRUWDEOHJRLQJLQWRDPHQ¶V EDWKURRP7KDWFRXOGSURYHGDQJHURXVIRUKHUHYHQ LIVKHIHHOVPDOH0D\EHQRWDOOWKHJX\VLQWKHUH JRWWKHPHVVDJHLQVFKRRODERXWKRZWUDQVJHQGHU LQGLYLGXDOVDUHWREHWUHDWHGHLWKHU2QWKHRWKHU hand, most women would feel threatened if a man - Please see Seely, page 3 SHERIFF’S LOG BOOK At 10:56 p.m. Sunday, a woman reported a suspicious vehicle parked on the 3600 block of Shasta Dam Boulevard. At 10:10 p.m. Sunday, a man from the 2400 block of Farm Hill Drive reported his FRXVLQ ZDV PDNLQJ YDJXH threats. At 5:59 p.m. Sunday, a woman reported a suspicious PDOH VXEMHFW DWWHPSWHG WR SLFNKHUXSZKLOHKLWFKKLNLQJ on the 3800 block of Coeur D’Alene Avenue. At 2:41 p.m. Sunday, a woman reported two WHHQDJHUV DSSHDUHG WR EH DWWHPSWLQJ WR EUHDN LQWR D house on the 1800 block of Deer Creek Road. At 12:38 p.m. Sunday, D ZRPDQ UHSRUWHG KHDULQJ a loud dispute on the 3000 block of West Street. At 12:25 p.m. Sunday, a woman from the 3600 block of Dowell Court reported a dispute with her husband. At 10:29 a.m. Sunday, a YLFLRXV GRJ ZDV UHSRUWHGO\ UXQQLQJ ORRVH LQ WKH DUHD RI Sandisle Drive and Tammy Lane. 'DOWRQ (OLMDK 'HD\ was arrested around 1 a.m. Sunday, in the area of Shasta Dam Boulevard and Montana Avenue. He had WZR RXWVWDQGLQJ ZDUUDQWV $VRI0RQGD\KHZDVEHLQJ held in the Shasta County Jail in lieu of $23,000 bail. At 10:22 p.m. Saturday, a woman reported a female VXEMHFWZDVFUHDWLQJDWUDI¿F KD]DUGE\VLWWLQJDQGVWDQGLQJ in the middle of the street in the area of McConnell Avenue and Shasta Dam Boulevard. At 5:25 p.m. Saturday, a woman reported a suspicious PDOH VXEMHFW ORLWHULQJ LQ D park in the 13000 area of Shasta Street. At 1:13 p.m. Saturday, a woman form the 2700 block of Marilyn Avenue reported KHDULQJ D ORXG GLVSXWH nearby. At 12:34 a.m. Saturday, a woman reported a suspicious YHKLFOH GULYLQJ VORZLQJ ZLWKRXW LWV KHDGOLJKWV RQ in the area of Grand and 2UHJRQDYHQXHV Michael Thomas %LQJKDP -U ZDV arrested around 10:30 p.m. Friday, on the 4400 block of Meade Street. He had two felony warrants. As of 0RQGD\ KH ZDV EHLQJ KHOG in the Shasta County Jail without bail. John David Mason, 47, was arrested around 8 p.m. Friday, in the area of Ashby Road and La Mesa Avenue RQVXVSLFLRQRIGULYLQJXQGHU WKHLQÀXHQFH$VRI0RQGD\ KH ZDV EHLQJ KHOG LQ WKH Shasta County Jail in lieu of $23,500 bail. At 5:43 p.m. Friday, a ZRPDQ UHSRUWHG DQ RQJRLQJ LVVXH RI D IHPDOH VXEMHFW VWDQGLQJ LQ WKH URDG DQG \HOOLQJ RQ WKH EORFN RI Trinity Street. At 3:28 p.m. Friday, a FIRE LOG *Shasta Lake Fire Protection District (SLFPD) personnel responded at 11:36 a.m. Saturday to Cascade Boulevard at Trinity Street for a report of D WUDI¿F DFFLGHQW LQYROYLQJ vehicle and motorcycle. SLFPD personnel assisted WKH PHGLF XQLW ZLWK SODFLQJ a patient in a c-spine. *SLFPD personnel responded at 11:36 p.m. May 13 to the 4000 block of Shasta Dam Boulevard to DVVLVWWKHVKHULII¶VRI¿FHE\ SURYLGLQJWKHPZLWKDODGGHU to retrieve some bullets. *From May 9 to May 15, SLFPD personnel also responded to 18 other lift assists, public assists, PHGLFDO DVVLVWV RU JHQHUDO illness calls. There were also four additional calls that were cancelled, a false alarm, where no aid was QHHGHG RU ZKHUH QRWKLQJ was found. BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY AUTO REPAIR FINANCIAL ADVISOR RICHARD’S AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR ASE Certified 243-2994 ! Oil Changes ! Brakes ! Smog ! Tune-Ups ! Diagnostic Tests ! Air Conditioning Tune-Ups ! Front & Rear Suspension Tune-Ups ! And More You Can’t Control the World, But You Can Control Your Decisions. Call today to find out how you should approach swings in the market. Michael J Pohlmeyer, AAMS® Financial Advisor 351 Northpoint Drive Suite D Redding, CA 96003 (530) 246-1800 12345 Lake Blvd., Redding Member SIPC One mile south of Ashby Road ETY-1403A-A woman from the 1300 block of Median Avenue reported her children did not come home from school at their usual time. At 3:23 p.m. Friday, a woman from the 3900 block of Willows Street reported her ex-husband moved their \HDUROGGDXJKWHUWR1HZ Mexico in violation of a court order. At 1:33 p.m. Friday, a ZRPDQ UHSRUWHG VXEMHFWV ZHUHVWULSSLQJDQDEDQGRQHG vehicle in the area of Gulch and Broken Branch trails. At 10:39 a.m. Friday, a PDQ UHSRUWHG D EXUJODU\ RQ the 3200 block of Cascade Boulevard. At 8:02 a.m. Friday, a woman reported a male VXEMHFW SDVVHG RXW LQ D driveway in the area of Lake Boulevard and Shasta Dam Boulevard. Christian Demitri Seteroff, 27, was arrested around 8 a.m. Friday, in WKH DUHD RI 2DN Knoll Drive on suspicion of attempted murder, corporal LQMXU\ RI VSRXVH DQG FKLOG HQGDQJHUPHQW $V RI 0RQGD\ KH ZDV EHLQJ KHOG in the Shasta County Jail in lieu of $500,000 bail. At 3:16 a.m. Friday, a man UHSRUWHG KHDULQJ D IHPDOH VXEMHFW\HOOLQJIRUKHOSLQWKH area of Shasta Street and Toyon Avenue. Dylan Detrant, 23, was arrested around 12 a.m. Friday, in the area of Woodley Avenue and Ashby 5RDG IRU DOOHJHGO\ GULYLQJ on a suspended license and VXVSLFLRQ RI UHFHLYLQJ VWROHQ property. At 5:45 p.m. Thursday, a ZRPDQUHSRUWHGDVXEMHFWRQ a bicycle hit the back of her vehicle in the area of Chico Street and Montana Avenue. At 5:15 p.m. Thursday, a man from the 2900 block of Smith Road reported a IHPDOH VXEMHFW ZKR ZDV VWD\LQJ ZLWK KLP IRU D IHZ days refused to leave and made threats to have her friends assault him. At 3:08 p.m. Thursday, a woman from the 15000 area - See Sheriff’s Log, page 3 SHASTA LAKE BULLETIN MAY 18, 2016 PAGE 3A * 2 # ), ), ) ) , ) #$%& &< 4% 55 < &#%' !< 4% 55 < $(%(& $%() &*%+ .(5% % <4% 55< <4% 55< 7 !<4% < ,--(# ,--() ,--(& ,--($ ,--($ ,-)-*. ,-)-*( ,-)-* ,-)-*$ ,-)-*& @ .% ), A ! ) @ ) @ $% ) @ /% ) ! " " # $% '( + - & )* , & & .% .( ! /% 0 1 ! ( 2! 3 , & , & 5 +6 &7 #!! $ & & . !% / /( 4 $% , , & , , 0 !" * ), 2 ), # ) ) , ) 34% 34% 4% 4% 28397:,,1!; %8397%%5!< ,, = ,>?& Seely - Continued from page 2 entered a woman’s bathroom. That would go double for young girls. This is just the worst case scenario of the “war” on normal people. We have so many things crammed down our throat that we have to accept that we are now becoming inured to it. How else can it be explained that we continue to allow it to happen? Political correctness LVWKHEDQHRIRXUVRFLHW\,WGH¿HVORJLFFRPPRQVHQVH DQGHYHQVFLHQWL¿FIDFWV6RPDQ\LVVXHVFDQQRWHYHQ be discussed anymore. That does not mean that the problems go away. Far from it. They fester and grow worse. Thus our country has come to a point where the abnormal is the norm. Violence is accepted in the black community, even by the blacks. Drugs are a common day commodity, which are destroying our young, whole families and communities. Yet they are accepted as a way of life in too many cases. People are stoned on marijuana, yet think they have attained a “higher” reality. It seems Timothy Leary thought the same about LSD. I believe Don Juan also had the same thoughts in his book, A Separate Reality. Strange that they thought they have achieved reality only when they have removed themselves from it. The fact is that we have thousands of people who have some form of mental illness or “separate reality” they exist in. Yet they are not being treated. We have veterans returning from combat with serious emotional problems. Apparently their needs are not being treated adequately by the Veteran’s Administration. That is unacceptable. We have a preponderance of homeless with mental problems in our communities. Nobody seems to know what to do about it. The problem has reached critical proportions. Our citizens, both normal and abnormal, are being put at risk because some of these individuals are released felons. Supposedly, they are considered by some to be harmless if they were incarcerated for drug infractions. I cannot understanding how it is considered harmless to get people hooked on drugs, make money selling dangerous drugs, or taking other people’s property to pay for drugs. Just what is the new normal, anyhow? I am having SUREOHPV¿JXULQJLWRXW,JXHVV,KDYHDQLGHQWLW\ problem, too. SHERIFF’S LOG BOOK - Continued from page 2 of Fawndale Road reported a possible phone scam when a subject claiming to be with Dell Computers called and was asking for personal information. At 3:40 a.m. Thursday, a woman from the 22000 area of Loop Drive reported hearing a male subject and female subject in a loud dispute nearby. She said there was a baby crying and someone possibly said something about a baby being thrown. At 2:01 a.m. Thursday, a man reported a male subject appeared to have injured himself by crashing into a dumpster on a bicycle at a high rate of speed on the 4800 block of Shasta Dam Boulevard. Alan Charles Orozco, 39, and Raymond Grigalba, 47, were arrested around 11 p.m. May 11, on the 5100 block of Fort Peck Street. Orozco was allegedly driving under the LQÀXHQFH DQG *ULJDOED ZDV allegedly drunk in public. At 9:42 p.m. May 11, Chris Ross reported a television and Playstation stolen from the 4300 block of Meade Street. At 11:58 a.m. May 11, a woman from the 20000 area of Terri Lee Terrace reported hearing a male subject sneeze outside her home. Kelsey Ralynne Heckler, 25, was arrested around 4 a.m. May 11, on the 4800 block of Main Street. She had an outstanding warrant. At 12:09 a.m. May 10, a woman reported her husband ZHQW¿VKLQJZLWKDIULHQGRQ Shasta Lake earlier during the day and did not return. She said his truck and trailer Lunch menu for senior nutrition program Following is the Shasta Senior Nutrition Program’s lunch menu scheduled at the John Beaudet Community Center scheduled May 18 to May 25. Wednesday, May 18 - Two Beef Tacos with Tomatoes, Lettuce and Cheese, Spanish rice, Oregon bean medley, orange. Thursday, May 19 Toasted Tuna Melt with Cheese, Italian vegetables, potato salad, Jello with Mandarins. Friday, May 20 Hungarian Goulash, noodles, carrots, garden salad, strawberries. Monday, May 23 - Pork Steak, broccoli Normandy, green salad, whole wheat roll, orange. Tuesday, May 24 – Biscuit with Gravy, two sausages, carrots, grape juice, peach cobbler. Wednesday, May 25 - Chicken Pot Pie Over Mashed Potatoes, mixed vegetables, pickled beets, oatmeal cookie. Menu is subject to change without notice. All meals are served with milk and meet the one-third daily minimum nutrient requirement. Transportation service is available. Twenty-four hour reservations are required. Call 226-3075. For more information on SSNP services, call 2263060 or visit their website at were still parked at Jones Valley Marina. At 1:14 p.m. May 10, Brent Small reported a burglary on the 3800 block of Los Gatos Avenue. He said guitars were stolen. David Leroy Crossland, 65, was arrested around 11:30 a.m. May 9, in the 19000 area of Tunnel Road. He had three outstanding felony warrants. At 10:57 a.m. May 9, a woman reported a pit bull running loose and acting aggressively in the 14000 area of Bollibokka Way. On the morning of May 9, JUDI¿WL ZDV UHSRUWHG RQ WKH side of City Hall on the 1600 block of Stanton Drive. Charles Burley Deckard, 41, was arrested around 1 a.m. May 9, on the 4800 block of Shasta Dam Boulevard. He had an outstanding warrant. Total number of incidents handled by the Shasta &RXQW\ 6KHULII¶V RI¿FH LQ WKH unincorporated areas of the county and also as the law enforcement agency under contract for the city of Shasta Lake: May 15 – 138 May 14 – 120 May 13 – 141 May 12 – 147 May 11 – 142 May 10 – 126 May 9 – 139 PAGE 4A MAY 18, 2016 SHASTA LAKE BULLETIN 6LPSOLÀHGWDEOHWVGHVLJQHGIRUWHFKFKDOOHQJHGVHQLRUV Dear Savvy Senior, I’m interested in getting my 78-year-old mother a tablet for video calls and email but want to get one that’s super simple to use. What can you recommend? - Shopping Around Dear Shopping, There are several different ways you can go about getting your mom a VLPSOL¿HGWDEOHWWKDW¶VHDV\ for her to use. Depending on how much help she needs and how much you’re willing to spend, here are some different options to consider. Simplify a Tablet If you or your mom already has a tablet, but LW¶VWRRGLI¿FXOWIRUKHUWR use, you can install a free senior-friendly software application on it like Oscar Senior (, which works on Apple iPads and Android tablets. This app will change the appearance and performance of your tablet LQWRDVLPSOL¿HGGHYLFH with big understandable icons to only commonly used features (video calls, By Jim Miller photos, instant messages, Internet, news, weather, reminders, contacts, etc.) for easy navigation, with no clutter. It even offers remote access capabilities so you can gain access to your mom’s tablet from your smartphone, so you can see what she sees, and help her if she gets stuck. Limited Tech Skills If you’re interested in purchasing your mom a new tablet that’s VSHFL¿FDOO\GHVLJQHGIRU seniors, you have options here too, depending on how simple it needs to be. For seniors with some, but limited computer/ tablet skills, there’s AARP’s RealPad, which is an Android Intel tablet with a 7.85-inch touchscreen WKDWSURYLGHVDVLPSOL¿HG home page with large text icons to frequently used functions. It also comes with 24/7 phone support, and a “Real QuickFix” tool that connects users to technology support agents over the Internet who can DFFHVVWKHWDEOHWDQG¿[ problems. Available at for only $60, AARP recently announced that the RealPad will be discontinued when inventory sells out in a few months, but they will continue offering customer/technical support throughout the life of the product. No Tech Skills If your mother is completely unfamiliar with technology, two simpler options are the grandPad and Claris Companion. GrandPad is a 7-inch touchscreen Android tablet that is designed for seniors, ages 75 and older. It comes with a stylus, charging stand and Verizon 4G LTE built-in so it works anywhere within the Verizon network – home Wi-Fi is not necessary. This tablet provides DVLPSOL¿HGPHQXRIELJ colorful icons and large text, to only essential features, giving your mom clutter-free, one-touch access to make phone calls and video calls, send voice emails, view photos and videos, listen to personalized music, check the weather, play games and more. But, to simplify usage and avoid confusion, it does not offer Web browsing. GrandPad also has a “Help” button that offers 24/7 phone/tablet remote assistance to help your mom with any facet of her tablet, and it provides damage and theft insurance so if your mom breaks or loses her tablet it will be replaced at no additional cost. Available at grandPad. net or call 800-704-9412, a grandPad leases for $60 per month, or $53/month if you pay one year in advance. Another good option to check out is the Claris Companion (, 866-284-4939), which offers Wi-Fi and 4G tablets that costs $549 and $649 respectively, plus a $29 and $49 monthly subscription fee. These tablets are GHVLJQHGVSHFL¿FDOO\IRU elderly seniors living at home so their family can connect with them socially via video calls, email, text messages and photos. It also gives caregivers the ability to receive alerts and monitor compliance with medications, treatments, and important appointments. Claris Companions are 10-inch Android tablets that have big buttons and text to only essential functions. They come in a thick bamboo frame, with a charging stand that prop them up, and can EHFXVWRPL]HGWR¿W\RXU mom’s needs and abilities. Claris also offers a lower cost tablet option for $349 and an Android app for $29. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. Diet Detective’s fast and extreme weight loss for bathing suit season, weddings and reunions By Charles Platkin People are constantly asking me what they should eat. They have a wedding (or reunion, trip, party, etc.) in three months. They have to lose weight, and fast. Can it be done? Yes, you can lose weight fast enough to make DVLJQL¿FDQWGLIIHUHQFHLQ how you look. Granted, this is not a healthy way to lose weight, but if you stick to the plan, you will more than OLNHO\EH¿WDQGKHDOWK\LQ time for your event. I’m giving you this information with hesitation, because it’s not a diet you should follow forever, and you will probably gain the weight back (mostly because it’s too hard to stick to). Finally, I have to add this disclaimer: You must see a physician before starting any weight loss program -- including this information. The following is only for those who have a medical doctor’s approval. Once you’ve been cleared, simply follow these steps and you will shed pounds fast. Step 1: Toss Out Every Last Bit Of Junk Food From Your House Anything that is even questionable. Gone. Don’t take no for an answer from any member of your family. Just do it. This is not about being “PC.” It’s about getting the job done. End of story. THE DIET DETECTIVE® Step 2: Eat Egg White Vegetable Omelets Every morning, without fail, you need to eat a fourto eight-egg vegetable egg white omelet. Prepare the pan with cooking spray. Chop up anything you like -- peppers, mushrooms, onions, broccoli, tomatoes -- and toss them in the center of the omelet. Then fold the eggs over the YHJJLHVDQGFRRNEULHÀ\RQ both sides. Get creative and try new combinations to keep things interesting. For instance, try mixing salsa and avocado into your eggs for a change. Step 3: Eat Lots Of Non-Starchy Vegetables Just when you think you’ve eaten enough EURFFROLFDXOLÀRZHU spinach, peppers, asparagus, etc., eat more. You need to eat at least 2 ARIES - March 21/April 20 Aries, expect to be very busy in the days ahead. Make a concerted effort to be more aware of what’s around you so that you don’t miss a thing. TAURUS - April 21/May 21 7DXUXV¿QDQFLDOTXHVWLRQVNHHSSRSSLQJXSDQG\RXMXVW keep pushing them aside for later. If need be, work with a professional to establish your goals. GEMINI - May 22/June 21 Do something out of your comfort zone this week, *HPLQL:KHQ\RXGRVR\RXPD\¿QGRXW\RXKDYHDZLGHU DUUD\RILQWHUHVWVWKDQ\RX¿UVWEHOLHYHG CANCER - June 22/July 22 &DQFHUMXVWZKHQ\RXWKLQN\RX¶YH¿JXUHGRXWKRZWR play the game, they go and change all of the rules on you. Adaptability is one of your biggest strengths. LEO - July 23/Aug. 23 It’s time to make your love life a priority, Leo. If you’re in DUHODWLRQVKLS\RXPD\¿QGLWQHHGVDOLWWOHQXUWXULQJWRJHWLW back to the level it was a few months ago. VIRGO – Aug. 24/Sept. 22 Virgo, if you come up against things you don’t understand this week, ask people whose opinions you trust for their to 4 cups at every meal. The vegetables should be prepared with some sort of oil spray, pepper, sea salt, herbs and fresh garlic if you like it. Avoid using any oil or butter. Try grilling your vegetables. If you’re not sure how to make vegetables taste great, learn. Experiment by read cooking blogs. Here is one from Eating Well Magazine called How to Cook 20 Vegetables: http:// Step 4: Eat Clean and Lean Protein with Your Vegetables for Lunch and Dinner Clean means no oil, butter, cream or anything but seasoning. Lean means no fat. So, for every meal you should eat a reasonable amount of protein that’s low in fat HJ¿VKHJJZKLWHV skinless chicken and turkey breast, and beans). Protein slows the movement of food through the digestive tract, and slower stomach emptying means you feel full longer and get hungrier later (increasing satiety) than when you eat foods that are lower in protein. Research also suggests that high-protein meals lead to a reduced subsequent calorie intake. Protein also helps keep blood sugar stable, avoiding the quick rises that can occur when you eat carbohydrates that are rapidly digested (e.g., white bread). Sources of Protein Poultry: Choose primarily chicken and turkey, and make sure to select lean cuts. The leanest poultry choice is white meat from the breast without the skin. Also, - Remove the skin, either before or after cooking, to reduce the fat content by almost half. - Trim all excess fat from poultry before cooking. 8VHÀDYRUHGYLQHJDUV wines, herbs, spices or citrus fruit to season. - Avoid fat by baking, roasting, broiling, grilling or poaching. - Stir-fry using cooking spray. Fish: Fish is a great source of both protein and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Make sure to SUHSDUHWKH¿VKE\EURLOLQJ baking or grilling. No butter and very little oil. Make sure to check the FDA website at food/resourcesforyou/ consumers/ucm110591. htm for mercury content DQG¿VKWRDYRLGDQGWKH EPA here: ¿VKWHFK Meats (including beef, veal, pork and lamb): Make sure all meats are lean, with visible fat removed, and control portion size and frequency. Also: - The leanest beef cuts include round steaks and roasts (eye round, top round, bottom round, round May 22 to May 28, 2016 points of view. Educating yourself will help you move ahead. LIBRA – Sept. 23/Oct. 23 Take some time out of your schedule for some muchneeded pampering. Whether your idea of special treatment is a massage or simply sleeping in, make it a priority. SCORPIO – Oct. 24/Nov. 22 Delegation will be your favorite word of the week, Scorpio. When the going gets tough, start delegating the tasks that have you stumped. This will ensure everyone stays productive. SAGITTARIUS – Nov. 23/Dec. 21 Sagittarius, you may be called upon to lend your special skills to a situation this week. While it may not be a job you tip), top loin, top sirloin and chuck shoulder and arm roasts. - The leanest pork choices include pork loin, tenderloin, center loin and ham. - Choose extra-lean ground beef. Look for at least 90 percent lean. You PD\HYHQEHDEOHWR¿QG ground beef that is 93 or 95 percent lean. For cooking: - Trim visible fat beforehand. - Broil, grill, roast, poach or boil meat instead of frying. - Drain any fat that appears during cooking. Step 5: No Sugar or White Foods Do not eat or drink anything – and I mean anything -- with added sugar, or white foods such DVFDNHEUHDGPXI¿QV ÀRXUULFHSDVWDFUDFNHUV and cereal. If you want to know more, you can read an interview with Gary Taubes at diet-detective-interviewgary-taubes-author-whywe-get-fat-and-what-doabout/ Step 6: Exercise Cardio and Strength Train Daily This is a must. Just because it’s Step 6 doesn’t mean that it is less important. And if you think you can really lose weight by walking up the stairs rather than taking the elevator or escalator, think again. What you should do is walk for at least 90 to 120 minutes per day, every single day. Then, in addition to the walking every day, you also need to do strength training about two to three times per week. Most important, pick core exercises those that focus on your abdominal and back muscles. See the following for a great start: www. and http://www. Step 7: Drink Lots of Water, No Alcohol You need to stay hydrated. This means drinking enough water. How much? Probably at OHDVW¿YHWRHLJKWJODVVHV per day. Can you drink coffee, tea, etc.? Yes, as long as it’s plain, or with skim milk and one or two sugars at most. No alcohol. CHARLES PLATKIN, PhD is a nutrition and public health advocate and founder of DietDetective. com, and the Director of the New York City Food Policy Center at Hunter College. Copyright 2016 by Charles Platkin. All rights reserved. Sign up for the free Diet Detective newsletter at www relish, you know ultimately it has to get done. CAPRICORN – Dec. 22/Jan. 20 Capricorn, speak your mind because if you don’t do it others are not going to advocate for your needs. That’s why LW¶VVRLPSRUWDQWIRU\RXWR¿JKWIRUHYHU\FDXVHQRPDWWHU how small. AQUARIUS – Jan. 21/Feb. 18 Aquarius, work may be getting on your nerves, but you have to maintain a professional demeanor at all times. It can be challenging, but you will handle it. PISCES – Feb. 19/March 20 Pisces, a few days away from the daily grind will help you recharge your batteries. Turn off your phone and enjoy the well-deserved respite. FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS May 22 - Ginnifer Goodwin, actress, 38 May 23 - Jewel, singer, 42 May 24 - Bob Dylan, singer, 75 May 25 - Mike Myers, Comic actor, 53 May 26 - Helena Bonham Carter, actress, 50 May 27- Chris Colfer, actor, 26 May 28 - Kylie Minogue, singer, 48 SHASTA LAKE BULLETIN MAY 18, 2016 PAGE 5A WWW.ATHLONSPORTS.COM Don’t forget to follow us! A WEEKLY TURN AROUND THE BASES @ AthlonSports / AthlonSports @ AthlonSports Dodgers outfielder Yasiel Puig is one of several Cuban-born players who are starring on big-league rosters. A Cuban infusion Cuba’s heyday in the Major Leagues is right now A SSUR[LPDWHO\\HDUVDIWHUWKHÀUVWELJUXVKRI&XEDQSOD\HUVLQWR 0DMRU/HDJXH%DVHEDOOWKHLVODQGKDVPRUHVLJQLÀFDQWVWDUVLQWKH 8QLWHG6WDWHVWKDQHYHU 7KHEDVHEDOOFUD]\QDWLRQZLWKDSRSXODWLRQRIDERXWPLO OLRQKDVSURGXFHGWRQVRIWDOHQWRYHUWKHODVWKDOIFHQWXU\2IFRXUVHDQ\ SOD\HUZKRZDQWHGWRFRPSHWHDJDLQVWWKHZRUOG·VEHVWKDVKDGWRGHIHFW VLQFHFRPPXQLVWGLFWDWRU)LGHO&DVWURVHL]HGSRZHULQ :LWK&XEDHDVLQJXSRQOHWWLQJLWVWRSWDOHQWOHDYHWKHFRXQWU\LQUHFHQW \HDUV0/%KDVEHQHÀWWHG(LJKWHHQ&XEDQVZHUHRQ2SHQLQJ'D\URVWHUV LQWKDWQXPEHUURVHWRWKLV\HDU0DQ\RIWKRVHSOD\HUVDUHGHYHO RSLQJLQWR$OO6WDUWDOHQWVDQGPRUHDUHRQWKHZD\ A brief history 3UH&DVWUR&XEDSURYLGHGWKH0DMRU/HDJXHVZLWKDQXPEHURIJUHDW SOD\HUV'ROI/XTXHSRVWHGD²UHFRUGIURPSLWFKLQJIRU IRXUWHDPVKHZHQW²IRUWKH5HGVLQ0LQQLH0LQRVRZDVDVWDU LQWKHVIRUWKH:KLWH6R[=RLOR9HUVDOOHVZDVWKH$/093IRU 7RQ\2OLYDÀQLVKHGLQWKHWRSVL[RIWKH$/·V093YRWHIRXUWLPHVDQG RIFRXUVH7RQ\3HUH]LVLQWKH+DOORI)DPH %XWZLWK&DVWUR·VULVHWRSRZHUWKH&XEDQV·SUHVHQFHGHFOLQHGIURPD KLJKRI&XEDQVLQWRMXVWWKUHHE\WKHPLGV5DIDHO3DOPHLUR DQG-RVH&DQVHFRZRXOGVKRUWO\EHFRPHVWDUVEXWWKHLUIDPLOLHVOHIWWKHLU KRPHQDWLRQVZKHQWKHLUFKLOGUHQZHUHDQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ $QGXQGHU&DVWURQRWDORWRI&XEDQVGHIHFWHGRQFHWKH\EHFDPHEDVH EDOOWDOHQWV5RJHOLRÉOYDUH]ZKRKDGDVKRUWDQGXQUHPDUNDEOHFDUHHUOHIW LQWKHQH[WGHIHFWLRQZRXOGEH\HDUVODWHUZKHQ%iUEDUR*DUEH\ GHSDUWHG3LWFKHU5HQp$URFKDIROORZHG\HDUVDIWHUDQGEURWKHUV/LYDQ DQG2UODQGR+HUQiQGH]ZKRZRXOGFRPELQHWRZLQJDPHVZHUHWKH ÀUVWWRKDYHELJVXFFHVV/LYDQZDVDWZRWLPH$OO6WDUDQGZDV:RUOG 6HULHV093LQZKLOH2UODQGRZDVWKH$PHULFDQ/HDJXH&KDPSLRQ VKLS6HULHV093LQ· 6WDUWLQJZLWK$URFKD·VGHIHFWLRQLQDWOHDVWRQH&XEDQSOD\HUGH IHFWHGHYHU\\HDUXQWLOH[FHSWLQJDQG The best is now 7KHEUDYHIHZZKRPDQDJHGWRHVFDSHNQRZLQJWKH\PLJKWQHYHUVHH WKHLUIDPLOLHVDJDLQODLGWKHJURXQGZRUNIRUDQXPEHURISOD\HUVZKR·YH EHFRPH0/%VWDUV 6L[FXUUHQW&XEDQSOD\HUV³3DGUHVVKRUWVWRS$OH[HL5DPLUH]0LDPL SLWFKHU-RVH)HUQDQGH]<DQNHHVUHOLHYHU$UROGLV&KDSPDQ0HWVRXWÀHOGHU <RHQLV&HVSHGHV'RGJHUVULJKWÀHOGHU<DVLHO3XLJDQG:KLWH6R[ÀUVW EDVHPDQ-RVp$EUHX³KDYHDOOPDGHDQ$OO6WDU*DPH5DPLUH]LV SDVWKLVSULPHEXWVWLOOKROGVGRZQWKHVWDUWLQJMRELQ6DQ'LHJR $IWHUDGRPLQDWLQJVHDVRQDWDJH)HUQDQGH]SLWFKHGMXVWHLJKW JDPHVLQDIWHUWHDULQJDQHOERZOLJDPHQW6LQFHUHWXUQLQJODWHLQ KH·VKDGD(5$LQLQQLQJVZLWKDUHPDUNDEOHVWULNHRXWV &KDSPDQWKH1HZ<RUNFORVHUZKRPLVVHGWKHÀUVWPRQWKGXHWRD GRPHVWLFYLROHQFHVXVSHQVLRQLVWKHKDUGHVWUHFRUGHGWKURZHULQ0/%KLV WRU\KLWWLQJZLWKDSLWFKLQ+HFROOHFWHGWKUHHVDYHVDQGDOORZHG MXVWRQHUXQLQKLVÀUVWIRXUDSSHDUDQFHV &HVSHGHVHQGHG:HHNUDQNHGWKDPRQJDOO0/%KLWWHUVLQ)DQ *UDSKV·:LQV$ERYH5HSODFHPHQW:$5DQGKDVPRYHGIURPOHIWWRPDQ FHQWHUIRUWKH0HWVWKLVVHDVRQ 3XLJ·VEDWWKRXJKVL[ZHHNVLVVWUXJJOLQJDVWHDPVDUH JLYLQJKLPDVWHDG\GLHWRILQVLGHIDVWEDOOVWKDWKH·VQRWKDQGOLQJEXWWKH \HDUROGVHHPVWREHPDWXULQJDVDSHUVRQDQGKDVPDGHRQHH\HSRS SLQJWKURZDIWHUDQRWKHUIURPULJKWÀHOGWKLVVHDVRQ $EUHX·VWKLUG\HDULVIDURIIWKHEDVHRIKLVÀUVWWZR WKRXJKLQ0D\KH·VORRNHGPRUHOLNHWKHSOD\HUZKRVPDVKHGKRPHUV LQKLVÀUVWWZRVHDVRQV 7KHEHVW&XEDQSOD\HURIDOOWKLVVHDVRQKRZHYHUKDVEHHQ\HDUROG URRNLH$OHGP\V'LD]WKH&DUGLQDOVVKRUWVWRSZKR·VEHHQRQHRIEDVHEDOO·V ELJJHVWVXUSULVHV'LD]HQGHG:HHNZLWKEDVHEDOO·VWKEHVW)DQ*UDSKV· :$5DQGWKHVHFRQGEHVWEDWWLQJDYHUDJHLQEDVHEDOO <DVPDQ\7RPDVLVDOVRKDYLQJDEUHDNWKURXJKKLWWLQJ VHDVRQIRU$UL]RQDDWWKHVDPHDJHWKRXJKKLVGHIHQVHQHHGVZRUNDVKH·V VWLOOOHDUQLQJWREHDQRXWÀHOGHU $OVRZDWFKRXWIRU5HGVSLWFKHU5DLVHO,JOHVLDVWKH\HDUROGZKRP &LQFLQQDWLKRSHVWRJHWEDFNVRRQDIWHUDUPVRUHQHVV,JOHVLDVZKRGHEXWHG ODVW\HDUKDVDFDUHHU(5$ZLWKVWULNHRXWVLQLQQLQJV 7DOHQWHG&XEVRXWÀHOGHU-RUJH6ROHULVVWUXJJOLQJEXWGRQ·WFRXQWKLP RXW Who’s next? <RDQ0RQFDGDZKRP0/%3LSHOLQHFRPUDQNHGDVWKHÀIWKEHVWSURV SHFWLQLWVPLG0D\UDQNLQJVKDVEHHQFRPSDUHGRIIHQVLYHO\WR5RELQVRQ &DQR-XVWPDQ\H[SHFW0RQFDGDWRDUULYHLQ%RVWRQDIWHUVLJQLQJD PLOOLRQGHDOLQHDUO\ 6L[WHHQ\HDUROG/D]DUR$UPHQWHURVUHPDLQVDIUHHDJHQWEXWWKDWZRQ·W ODVWRQFHWKHVLJQLQJSHULRGRSHQVRQ-XO\6RPHVHHKLPDVDIXWXUH KLWWHUZLWKKRPHUXQVWHDOSRWHQWLDOZLWKDSODFHLQWKHÀHOGDVDFRU QHURXWÀHOGHU5LJKWKDQGHGSLWFKHU9ODGLPLU*XWLHUUH]SURMHFWVDV&XED·V WRSSLWFKHUDQGVKRXOGVLJQWKLVVXPPHU %URWKHUV<XOLHVNLDQG/RXUGHV*RXUULHODQGKDYHDOVRGHIHFWHG IURP&XEDDQGDUHDZDLWLQJFOHDUDQFHWRVLJQZLWK0/%WHDPV ATHLON SPORTS POWER RANKING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Cubs Nationals White Sox Red Sox Orioles Mets Mariners Rangers Cardinals Dodgers Giants Pirates Blue Jays Indians Royals Miguel Montero returns from the disabled list. Stephen Strasburg gets a seven-year, $175 million contract extension. Chris Sale becomes Majors’ first eight-game winner. Eduardo Rodriguez threw 100 pitches in May 14 rehab start in AAA. Chris Tillman has reeled off five straight quality starts. Forearm soreness forces Steven Matz to miss May 14 start. Closer Steve Cishek blows three saves in May 7-14 stretch. Shin-Soo Choo begins rehab assignment for calf strain. Closer Trevor Rosenthal is having serious control troubles. Rookie Corey Seager (22) leads team in all triple crown categories. Struggling Matt Cain responds with 15 IP, 3 R in May 10 and 15 starts. Jung Ho Kang (four HR since injury return) seizes third base job. Surprisingly only tied for 14th in MLB in runs through Week 6. Michael Brantley (shoulder) hits DL for second time this year. Lorenzo Cain had his first career three-HR game. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Phillies Rockies Marlins Rays Tigers Yankees Angels Astros D-backs Padres A’s Twins Brewers Reds Braves End Week 6 a game behind Nats despite minus-30 run differential. Tyler Chatwood posts a surprising 3.20 ERA in first seven starts. At 32, Martin Prado (.374/.411/.443) having a career year. Matt Andriese allows one earned run in 16 IP in first two 2016 starts. Victor Martinez and Nick Castellanos end Week 6 1-2 in AL batting race. Andrew Miller gives up one earned run and fans 28 in first 15.1 IP. Hector Santiago provides boost with eight scoreless IP vs. Seattle Preston Tucker (.185/.224/.370) demoted to AAA. Arizona starts season 5–16 at home, but 12–7 on the road. Injury issues have decimated the San Diego infield. Danny Valencia hits five HR in series from May 13-15. Infielders Trevor Plouffe, Brian Dozier not playing at 100 percent. Rotation so bad that 31-year-old rookie Junior Guerra now starts. Nine different Cincinnati pitchers have made starts through Week 6. Atlanta can’t wait for new park after 2–17 start in Turner Field. Twelve years after the Padres made the shortstop the No. 1 overall pick in the 2004 MLB Draft, Matt Bush made the Majors — as a relief pitcher for the Rangers — on May 13. Bush pitched a perfect ninth in a 5–0 loss to Toronto and two days later got his first win over the Jays. This time a year ago, Bush was in prison after hitting 72-year-old motorcyclist Tony Trufano in March 2012 and fleeing the scene. Bush was charged with his third DUI but says he’s been sober since. He was banned from driving except to and from his job at Golden Corral in Jacksonville, Fla., and the Rangers signed him after a tryout in the parking lot there in December. Bush impressed Texas in spring training. … Bush was also at the center of a fight between the two teams after he hit Jose Bautista in the elbow with a 96 MPH fastball in the eighth inning on May 15. The Rangers were still angry about Bautista’s home run and subsequent stare-down of pitcher Sam Dyson in a playoff game on Oct. 14 last year. Bautista then slid hard into Texas second baseman Rougned Odor, who shoved Bautista and then landed a punch to the Toronto slugger’s face moments later. In the bottom of the inning, Jesse Chavez retaliated by hitting Prince Fielder in the leg, emptying the benches again. … The Yankees’ Carlos Beltran blasted his 400th home run off White Sox reliever Zach Duke. Only 54 players have hit 400 home runs; Beltran is just the fifth to do that and also exceed 300 steals. … May 13 was a big day for Dodgers pitcher Ross Stripling. He earned his first MLB win and also got his first big-league hit, which came off his former Texas A&M roommate, Michael Wacha. … Stripling’s teammate, Clayton Kershaw, leads MLB with 77 strikeouts through Week 6 and ranks fifth with a 1.74 ERA. The lefty has taken has game to a new level: he’s walked only four hitters for an incredible 19.25 strikeout-to-walk ratio. … MLB launched its inaugural “Play Ball” weekend, as children across the country were allowed to take the field at various ballparks and interact with players to varying degrees. It’s part of MLB’s initiative designed to encourage youth participation in baseball and softball. NUMBERS GAME .320/.405/.695 That’s the batting average, on-base percentage and slugging percentage of Boston’s David Ortiz, of which the first and last would represent career highs for the designated hitter. “Big Papi,” who turns 41 in November, plans to retire after this season. Ortiz ended Week 6 ranked fifth in the American League with 10 home runs, and was second with 32 RBIs. TURN BACK THE CLOCK May 18, 2004 At age 40, Randy Johnson becomes the oldest pitcher ever to hurl a perfect game, and also joins Cy Young, Jim Bunning, Hideo Nomo and Nolan Ryan as the only men to ever throw no-hitters in both leagues. TRIVIA CORNER Who was the first player to hit a home run before his 20th birthday and also after his 40th birthday? Written and compiled by Chris Lee. Follow Chris on Twitter: @chrislee71. Email: [email protected] TRIVIA ANSWER: Ty Cobb, who hit one in 1905 for Detroit as an 18-year-old, hit five more for the Athletics at age 40 in 1928, and later hit his final round-tripper at age 41. Rusty Staub, Gary Sheffield and Alex Rodriguez have also accomplished that feat. Brooks Robinson, who homered as a 19-year old in 1956, hit his last homer a month shy of his 40th birthday. INSIDEBASEBALL AROUND THE HORN Photos by Tom DiPace PAGE 6A MAY 18, 2016 SHASTA LAKE BULLETIN Nine C.V. athletes win events, eight more take second DW1$/WUDFN¿QDO SHASTA LAKE - It was quite a day for the Falcons here Friday at the Bill Springhorn Track Facility at Central Valley High School. Nine individual Northern Athletic League titles were won along with eight who were runner-up for Central Valley as they truly were poised for the big show, C.V. coach Howard Brodmerkle said. Anna Lewis lead the charge for the Falcons winning three individual titles in the 800 meter run in two minutes, 30.53 seconds, the 1600 (5:23.53), and the 3200 (11:53.71). Lewis cruised out in front for the 800 and 1600 meters to easily bring home both titles, but the 3200 meters was quite the gut check, Brodmerkle said, as she came from behind in the last 200 meters to outlast Mallory Ward of Yreka. “I heard coach Brodmerkle tell me that it was the last time racing on our home track and to JLYH LW D ODVW SXVK WKH ¿QDO 800 meters and that really inspired me to win today,” Lewis said. “I was so proud of Anna winning all three races, Brodmerkle said. “The last race, though, was such a true testament to her grit, coming from behind.” Austin Chaolee was varsity league champion in the 200 meters cruising to victory in 22.74, a personal record (PR) by .56 seconds. “It was such an incredible race to witness,” Brodmerkle said. &KDROHH¿QLVKHGVHFRQG in the 100 meters in a PR time of 11.30 seconds. Kylanna Bluford won the junior varsity 100 meters in 13.54 (a PR by .32 seconds). Bluford also placed fourth in the long jump and was the second leg of the second place C.V. team in the 4x100 meter UHOD\UDFHZKLFK¿QLVKHGLQ a time of 54.43 seconds, a school record. Brandon O’Dell won the JV boys 200 meters in 24.09 (.45 PR). “It was so gratifying watching him win that with all the extra work he put in this week on the turn,” Brodmerkle said. O’Dell also placed third in the 100 meters (11.76, a .30 PR), and second in the 100 meter hurdles (17.74, a .17 PR). Jaycie Sundstrum won the high jump with a leap of 4-ft., 8-inches. Sundstrum also lead off the 4x100 meter relay team that placed second. Ashlinn Boyd won the long jump (14-7), placed second in the high jump (44), third in the triple jump (28-10) and was the third leg of the 4x100 relay team. Rylie Silva blew the ¿HOG DZD\ LQ WKH VKRW SXW Brodmerkle said, heaving it 50-4, a personal record by ¿YHIHHW “I was so pleased to see BULLETIN PHOTOS / Gary Hanlon Above, Central Valley’s Anna Lewis, left, and Yreka’s Mallory Ward battled it out in the 3200 meter race. Lewis won this race and two others, the 800 and DW )ULGD\¶V 1RUWKHUQ $WKOHWLF /HDJXH ¿QDOV Left, C.V.’s Kylanna Bluford ran the second leg of the Falcons J.V. girls 4x100 meter relay. The team set a new school record in the event. Below, the Falcons Luke Butler competing in the high jump. Rylie put that together as he has done that in practice consistently this week,” said coach James Sutton. Other Central Valley athletes to place included Levi Quintana who was a runner-up in the 100 meters (11.64) and the high jump 6DQG\ $QWH¶ ¿QLVKHG second in the discus with a throw of 114-6. Sheleah Stephens was second in the shot put (32-10). Haily Valencia was second in three of her events: the 200 meters (29.35, a .60 PR), second in the 800 meters (2:42, a .76 PR), and the anchor leg of the 4x100 meter relay team. “It was quite a day for our team,” Brodmerkle said. “We only had two individual winners last year, so the hard work our team put in daily has paid dividends.” Brodmerkle said the only sour note of the day was that the JV girls team missed out on being league champions by four points. “I’ll take second place this time with all the great performances,” he said. BULLETIN PHOTOS / Ron Harrington &9JLUOVÀQLVKUGLQ1$/ UHFHLYH1RVHHGLQSOD\RIIV Central Valley’s softball team ended the regular season last week with a third SODFH ¿QLVK LQ WKH 1RUWKHUQ Athletic League following three losses to West Valley and a win over Anderson. The Falcons lost a doubleheader to the Eagles at home on May 10, falling LQ ¿YH LQQLQJV LQ WKH ¿UVW JDPH DQG LQ WKH nightcap. ,Q WKH ¿UVW JDPH &9 managed only one hit, an RBI double by Destiny Young who knocked in Jaceyln Parratt in the game shortened by the 10-run rule. In the second game, it was a bit of a see-saw battle. 7KH (DJOHV VFRUHG ¿YH UXQV in the second inning to take a 6-0 lead. But the Falcons bounced back, scoring three runs in the third and sixth innings and two in the fourth to take an 8-7 lead heading into the seventh inning. But :9VFRUHG¿YHWLPHVLQWKH seventh inning for the win. Parratt was C.V.’s leading hitter, going 3-for-4, including a double, with a run and two RBI. Lindsey Beck was 2-for4 with a run and three RBI. Veronica Shlapia was 2-for-4 with a double and two runs scored. On Friday at West Valley, Young was 2-for-2 with an RBI. Raina Pierce and &9IUHVKPDQ.\QGDOO+ROOHPDQUHFHLYHVDKLJK¿YHIURPFRDFK5DQG\5XGGOHIWDQGLVWKHQJUHHWHGE\KHU teammates at home plate following her home run against Anderson on May 11. Parratt each had a double. “We didn’t hit and had a lot of walks,” C.V. coach Randy Rudd said about Friday’s loss to the Eagles. In between the losses to West Valley, Central Valley hosted Anderson on May 11 in a make-up game that was rained out the previous week. The Falcons scored four UXQV LQ WKH ¿UVW IRXUWK DQG ¿IWK LQQLQJV WR ZLQ LQ ¿YH innings over the Cubs. The highlight was a two-run home run by Kyndall Holleman. “Kyndall’s home run was awesome,” Rudd said. “That’s her second of the year. Not bad for a freshman.” 7KH)DOFRQVZKR¿QLVKHG league with a 7-8 record, 1513 overall, received the No. 6 seed in the Northern Section CIF Division IV playoffs. They were scheduled to play those same West Valley Eagles (No. 3) yesterday in ¿UVWURXQGDFWLRQ If Central Valley pulled out a win, they would take on the winner of the game between No. 2 Sutter and No. 7 Orland on Thursday. Lassen, on the other side of the bracket, is the No. 1 seed. The section championship game is set for Saturday. WIZARD OF ID THE INTERMOUNTAIN NEWS 6+$67$/$.(%8//(7,10$<3$*(% HEATHCLIFF THE BARN SPEED BUMP B.C. DOGS OF C-KENNEL DOODLES DADDY’S HOME FLO & FRIENDS FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE ARCHIE 3$*(%7+(,17(502817$,11(:66+$67$/$.(%8//(7,10$< The WANT ADS LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF CEQA EXEMPTION Request for public Comment/Review: CEQA Exemption, Pit River Tailwater Recovery and Water Conservation Project. The Pit Resource Conservation District, acting as Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), has submitted a Notice of Exemption. The public is invited to review and comment on the proposed project. The project seeks to perform a waWHU HI¿FLHQF\ SURMHFW RQ SULYDWH ODQG in Lassen County near Bieber. The project involves installing an irrigation pipe, approximately 6,200 feet, within an existing levee road within a wild rice operation . The Pit RCD will receive comments between May 17 and June 17, which are the starting and ending dates for the review period. Please contact Sharmie Stevenson (299-3405) at pitrcd@frontiernet. net if you wish to review the project description and plan, which is held at WKH3LW5&'RI¿FHLQ%LHEHU (Pub. 5-18,25, 6-1-8 _____________________________ Act (CEQA), has submitted a Notice of Exemption. The public is invited to review and comment on the proposed project. The project seeks to perform a waWHU HI¿FLHQF\ SURMHFW RQ SULYDWH ODQG in Lassen County near Bieber. The project involves installing an irrigation pipe, approximately 5,730 feet, within an existing levee open ditch DQG ZLWKLQ DJULFXOWXUH ¿HOGV SURGXFing hay. The Pit RCD will receive comments between May 17 and June 17, which are the starting and ending dates for the review period. Please contact Sharmie Stevenson (2993405) at [email protected] if you wish to review the project description and plan, which is held at the Pit RCD RI¿FHLQ%LHEHU (Pub. 5-18,25, 6-1-8) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-0000554 May 5, 2016 The following person(s) are doing business as: PASTOR2PEW 3304 Shasta Dam Blvd Spc 67 Shasta Lake, CA 96019 County of Shasta Kindle, Steven F 3304 Shasta Dam Blvd Spc 67 Shasta Lake, CA 96019 This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the name listed above N/A (s) Steven F. Kindle 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Professions Code.) May 18, 25, June 1, 8, 2016 _____________________________ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF CEQA EXEMPTION Request for public Comment/Review: CEQA Exemption, Taylor Creek Open Ditch Replacement Project The Pit Resource Conservation District, acting as Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), has submitted a Notice of Exemption. The public is invited to review and comment on the proposed project. The project seeks to perform a waWHU HI¿FLHQF\ SURMHFW RQ SULYDWH ODQG in Lassen County near Bieber. The project involves installing an irrigation pipe, approximately 5,545 feet, underground within an existing grazed pasture. The Pit RCD will receive comments between May 17 and June 17, which are the starting and ending dates for the review period. Please contact Sharmie Stevenson (2993405) at [email protected] if you FICTITIOUS BUSINESS wish to review the project description NAME STATEMENT and plan, which is held at the Pit RCD 2016-0000576 RI¿FHLQ%LHEHU May 9, 2016 (Pub. 5-18,25, 6-1-8) The following person(s) are doing _____________________________ business as: FALL RIVER MILLS FITNESS LEGAL NOTICE 43139 Shoshoni Loop NOTICE OF CEQA EXEMPTION Fall River Mills, CA 96028 Request for public Comment/Review: County of Shasta CEQA Exemption, Bennett, Hannah Noel Willow Creek Open Ditch 43139 Shoshoni Loop Replacement Project Fall River Mills, CA 96028 The Pit Resource Conservation Dis- This business is conducted by an trict, acting as Lead Agency under Individual. The registrant began to the California Environmental Quality transact business under the name listed above 2/1/2016 (s)Hannah Bennett 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Professions Code.) May 18, 25, June 1, 8, 2016 _____________________________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-0000508 April 22, 2016 The following person(s) are doing business as: WINTU CULTURAL RESOURCES 6490 Churn Creek Rd Redding, CA 96002 County of Shasta Hayward, Kelli Marie 6490 Churn Creek Rd Redding, CA 96002 This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the name listed above 4/18/2016 (s)Kelli M. Hayward 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Professions Code.) May 18, 25, June 1, 8, 2016 _____________________________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-0000495 April 19, 2016 The following person(s) are doing business as: HEALING STONE CREATIONS 20179 Sugar Pine St Burney, CA 96013 County of Shasta Viale, Jessica 20179 Sugar Pine St Burney, CA 96013 This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the name listed above 4/19/2016 (s) Jessica Viale 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Professions Code.) May 18, 25, June 1, 8, 2016 _____________________________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-0000523 April 27, 2016 The following person(s) are doing business as: CRACKED MARBLES 23413 Chism Trail Cassel, CA 96016 County of Shasta Conrad, Tony 23413 Chism Trail Cassel, CA 96016 This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the name listed above 4/27/2016 (s) Tony Conrad 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Professions Code.) May 11, 18, 25, June 1, 2016 _____________________________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-0000524 April 28, 2016 The following person(s) are doing business as: CINDY ALLEN SHAVED ICE GO-BOB’S SEADOO RENTALS 875 Wingsetter Ct Redding, CA 96003 County of Shasta Gobob Enterprises, Inc 875 Wingsetter Ct Redding, CA 96003 State: CA This business is conducted by a Corporation The registrant began to transact business under the name listed above 4/8/2016 (s) Cindy Allen, CFO 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Professions Code.) May 4, 11, 18, 25, 2016 _____________________________ 530-725-0925 TO ADVERTISE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-0000537 May 2, 2016 The following person(s) are doing business as: ARCADIA BOOKKEEPING 626 Olympic St Redding, CA 96003 County of Shasta Kimberli Arcadia 626 Olympic St Redding, CA 96003 This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the name listed above 5/2/2016 (s) Kimberli Arcadia 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Professions Code.) May 4, 11, 18, 25, 2016 _____________________________ DID YOU KNOW Information is power and content is King? Do you need timely access to public notices and remain relevant in today’s hostile business climate? Gain the edge with California Newspaper Publishers Association new innovative website and check out the FREE One-Month Trial Smart Search Feature. For more information call Cecelia @ (916) 288-6011 or www. (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-0000481 April 15, 2016 The following person(s) are doing business as: GEOPLUS PARTNERS 19719 Midland Dr Redding, CA 96003 County of Shasta Finnigsmier, John L. 10980 Deschutes Rd Palo Cedro, CA 96073 Metcalf, Jr. Traver E. 19719 Midland Dr Redding, CA 96003 This business is conducted by a General Partnership. The registrant began to transact business under the name listed above 4/11/2016 (s) John L. Finnigsmier 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Professions Code.) May 4, 11, 18, 25, 2016 _____________________________ Notice of CEQA Exemption Request for Public Comment/ Review: CEQA Exemption, Pit River Open Ditch Replacement Project The Fall River Resource Conservation District, acting as Lead Agency under the California En- vironmental Quality Act (CEQA), has submitted a Notice of Exemption. The public is invited to review and comment on the proposed project. The project seeks WR SHUIRUP D ZDWHU HI¿FLHQF\ project on private land in Shasta County near Fall River Mills. The project involves installing an irrigation pipe, approximately 1,280 feet, within an existing open ditch DQG ZLWKLQ DJULFXOWXUH ¿HOGVOHvees under rice production The Fall River RCD will receive comments between April 27th and May 27, which are the starting and ending dates for the review period. Please contact Mike Millington (336-6591) at [email protected] if you wish to review the project description and plan, which is held at the )DOO 5LYHU 5&' RI¿FH Hwy 299E) in McArthur, CA. (5-4 to 5-25) _____________________________ fessions Code.) April 27, May 4, 11, 18, 2016 Xarelto users have you had complications _____________________________ Notice of CEQA Exemption Request for Public Comment/ Review: CEQA Exemption, Burney Creek Open D itch Replacement Project The Fall River Resource Conservation District, acting as Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), has submitted a Notice of Exemption. The public is invited to review and comment on the proposed project. The project seeks WR SHUIRUP D ZDWHU HI¿FLHQF\ project on private land in Shasta County near Burney. The project involves installing an irrigation pipe, approximately 7,385 feet, within an existing open ditch and ZLWKLQ DJULFXOWXUH ¿HOGVOHYHHV under hay production. The Fall River RCD will receive comments between April 27th and May 27, which are the starting and ending dates for the review period. Please contact Mike Millington (336-6591) at [email protected] if you wish to review the project description and plan, which is held at the )DOO 5LYHU 5&' RI¿FH Hwy 299E) in McArthur, CA. (5-4 to 5-25) Protect your home with fully customizable security and 24/7 monitoring right from your smartphone. Receive up to $1500 in equipment, free (restrictions apply). Call 1-800-9184119 (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ _____________________________ ZZZ%XUQH\)DOO5LYHU+RPHV$QG/DQGFRP .DWK\/DNH\2ZQHU%URNHU'5( /DXUD/DNH\2ZQHU%URNHU .LP6RQJHU5HDOWRU3DP*LDFRPLQL2ZQHU5HDOWRU BURNEY #4431 - Open floor plan, chef’s kitchen - Home on 3.83 Acres with views............$369,000 #4441 - New Listing! Impressive 3/2 home on 1+ acres w/separate quarters.......$319,000 #4270 - 1,500 SFLog cabin home on a large fenced parcel with a 2 car garage.... $229,000 #4397 - 1,926 SF 3/2 Remodeled and updated, split floor plan, beautiful kitchen..$189,000 #4457 - Renovated home w/master suite and large family room w/fenced yards $185,000 #4465 - Remodeled 2/3 w/hickory kitchen cabines. Large fenced backyard........$169,000 #4240 - 2,088 SF 4 Bd/2 ba two story home on a corner lot. Updated... RECENTLY SOLD #4463 - Lovely home in JP, Large triple pane windows on this 2 bed/2 bath home $142,000 #4468 - Spacious home on treed lot, nice deck. 3 bedroom, 2 bath w/open kitchen.$139,000 #4469 - Open floor plan, lots of potential for updates, Views of Burney Mnt......... $139,000 #4418 - Fenced backyard in this 3/2 home close to schools & park RECENTLY SOLD! #4451 - Top of the line in Los Colinas. 3/2 1,440 SF home with so many upgrades. $75,000 #4440 - Great location in Los Colinas. 3/2 mobile home, site backs to forest..........$29,900 FALL RIVER VALLEY #4430 - Immaculate 3 bd, 2 bath home on 4.8 acres, attached garage. RECENTLY SOLD! #4443 - 3/2 home on the golf course with updated kitchen & open plan RECENTLY SOLD! CASSEL/ HAT CREEK #4460 - 10 Acres with custom home & guest unit w/garage. Beautiful views ......$310,000 #4438 - Custom 3/2 on 3 acres in Hat Creek w/open floor plan, storage, & more. $289,000 #4444 - Country home on 2 aces. 2 bed, 2 bath w/wood finishes. RECENTLY SOLD! #4399 - 1,920 SF home on 5 ac w/garage & shop. Motivated Seller! PENDING $240,000 #4450 - NEW LISTING! 1404 SF man. home w/garage, fully fenced. RECENTLY SOLD! MONTGOMERY CREEK #4473 - Cedar Crk frontage on 44 acres. 3/3 home w/workshop, shed & more....$375,000 #4384 - 9.4 Ac with energy independent 1,500 SF home on Little Hatchet Creek.$275,000 #4334 - 4 Acres w/private pond. 1,920 SF 2 bd, 1 bath home on a lovely setting..$225,000 OLD STATION #4480 - Hat Creek waterfront, 3/2 manufactured home w/many upgrades on 1 acre$269,000 #4406 - 1 Bd cabin, knotty pine interior, sheds & garage w/workspace PENDING $110,000 ADIN/LOOKOUT/BIEBER #4452 - Charming 2 bd home in Adin w/a historical past, large garage. PENDING $117,900 #4474 LOOKOUT - Plenty of square footage on this fixer upper in Ranchettes......$75,000 #4481 BIEBER - Starter home, close to schools, needs some TLC, 2 bed, 1 bath..$75,000 COMMERCIAL / BUSINESS #4087 JP - 1,287sf bldg office/retail space on nearly an acre. Zoned C-M, Great location for a nursery or landscaping business, Owner may carry financing with acceptable terms.....$166,000 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-0000500 April 20, 2016 The following person(s) are doing business as: BC CATERING 19548 Clover Rd Redding, CA 96002 County of Shasta Cervantes, Barbara 19548 Clover Rd Redding, CA 96002 This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the name listed above N/A (s) Barbara Cervantes 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Professions Code.) April 27, May 4, 11, 18, 2016 _____________________________ DID YOU KNOW 7 IN 10 Americans or 158 million U.S. Adults read content from newspaper media each week? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email [email protected] (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ DID YOU KNOW 144 million U.S. Adults read a Newspaper print copy each week? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email [email protected] (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ EVERY BUSINESS has a story to tell! Get your message out with California’s PRMedia Release – the only Press Release Service operated by the press to get press! For more info contact Cecelia @ 916-288-6011 or _____________________________ (Cal-SCAN) __________________________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-0000493 Silvia C., I still love you. When you left, April 19, 2016 it broke my heart. I didn’t understand. I The following person(s) are doing thought you were playing mystery woman business as: and you were panicked. I am sorry for what I did. Can we meet again? The same way WE LOVE TO SHOP and time again? I won’t ever forget you. – H. 18451 Majestic View Dr _____________________________ Anderson, CA 96007 County of Shasta PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Nez, Nikki Janelle &DOO XV ¿UVW /LYLQJ H[SHQVHV KRXVLQJ 18451 Majestic View Dr medical, and continued support afterwards. Anderson, CA 96007 Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call This business is conducted by an 24/7. 1-877-879-4709 (CalSCAN) Individual. The registrant began to _____________________________ transact business under the name Meet singles right now! No paid operators, listed above N/A just real people like you. Browse greetings, (s) Nikki Nez exchange messages and connect live. Try it 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV free. Call now: 800-945-3392. (Cal-SCAN) ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ _____________________________ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of CASH FOR CARS: America’s Top Car D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ Buyer! We Buy Any Car/Truck 2000-2015. or Not! Top Dollar For Used/Damof the rights of another under federal, Running aged. Free Same-Day Towing state or common law (See Sections Available! Call: 1-888-322-4623. (CalSCAN) 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Pro- _____________________________ Burney - Fall River BIG PINES REALTY 0DLQ6WUHHW%XUQH\&$ HOMES Email [email protected] PHONE Burney (530) 725-0925 Shasta Lake (530) 275-1716 FAX (530) 303-1528 or (530) 688-6500 Deadline Friday at 4 p.m. 4481 - Bring your inspiration. Two bedroom, 1 bath home close to schools in Bieber. Needs some TLC and finishing touches. PRICED AT $75,000 10 PERSONALS 35 MISC WANTED due to internal bleeding (after January ",IVR\RX0$<EHGXH¿QDQFLDOFRPpensation. If you don’t have an attorney, CALL Injuryfone today! 1-800-425-4701. (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ Sell your structured settlement or annuity payments for CASH NOW. You don’t have to wait for your future payments any longer! Call 1-800-673-5926 (Cal-SCAN) 38 MISC. 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Donate it to the Humane Soci_____________________________ ety. Call 1- 800-743-1482 (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ ELIMINATE CELLULITE and Inches DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT in weeks! All natural. Odor free. TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. FREE 3 Works for men or women. Free Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, month supply on select packages. OrAll Paperwork Taken Care of. Call 800-731- der now! 844-703-9774. (Cal-SCAN) 5042 (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ _____________________________ WANTED! Old Porsche 356/911/912 for restoration by hobbyist 1948-1973 Only. Any condition, top $ paid 707 965-9546 (Cal-SCAN) 37 MISC. SERVICES SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BEN(),76 8QDEOH WR ZRUN" 'HQLHG EHQH¿WV" We Can Help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1-800966-1904 to start your application today! (Cal-SCAN) Stop OVERPAYING for your prescriptions! Save up to 93%! Call our licensed Canadian and International pharmacy service to compare prices DQGJHWRII\RXU¿UVWSUHVFULStion and FREE Shipping. 1-800-2730209 (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg. 60 tabs $99 includes FREE SHIPPING. 1-888-836-0780 or www.metromeds. online (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ #4480 Hat Creek waterfront is a lovely setting for this 3 Br 2 Ba Manufactured Home in the heart of fishing and wildlife area. Has upgrades such as Silestone type counter tops, engineered laminate flooring, covered front deck area looking over yard and creek area, master bedroom suite, extra insulation. Has a large finished double car garage with workshop area on 1 acre. $269,000 #4466 6.6 Acres all fenced with a large custom barn has a beautiful setting for home site (area completed out of flood zone) - utilities are on property. Owner may carry with 30% down and acceptable credit & terms. County has tentatively approved 4 way split for future development purposes. PRICED $169,000 #4464 - Stunning view of Pittville and surrounding mountains from this 3.55 acre parcel. Enjoy the peace and quiet the Inter-mountain area has to offer with a short drive to town when needed. Property is fully fenced and gated. Septic and well are in. PRICED AT $149,000 The News is a Shasta County legal notice publication Call 725-0925 To Publish Your Ad Here THE INTERMOUNTAIN NEWS 6+$67$/$.(%8//(7,10$<3$*(% The WANT ADS JUDVV\ PHDGRZV ZLWK VZHHSLQJ YLHZVDFURVVVXUURXQGLQJZLOGHUQHVV PRXQWDLQV DQG ULYHU YDOOH\ IURP ULGJHWRS FDELQ VLWH 1R XUEDQ QRLVH SXUHDLU$=¶VEHVWFOLPDWH1HDUKLVWRULFSLRQHHUWRZQVHUYLFHV¿VKLQJ ODNH$EXQGDQWJURXQGZDWHUORDP /RZHVW 3ULFHV RQ +HDOWK 'HQWDO _____________________________ JDUGHQ VRLO PDLQWDLQHG URDG DFFHVV59XVHRNGQ ,QVXUDQFH :H KDYH WKH EHVW UDWHV IURP WRS FRPSDQLHV &DOO 1RZ 3$577,0(&/(5,&$/326,7,21 )UHHEURFKXUHZLWKVLPLODUSURSHUWLHV 6,(55$3$&,),&,1' SKRWRVWRSRPDSZHDWKHUDUHDLQIR &DO6&$1 %851(<',9,6,21 _____________________________ $SSOLFDWLRQZLOOEHWDNHQDWWKHPDLQ $77 89HUVH ,QWHUQHW VWDUWLQJ DW RI¿FHDW+Z\(DVW%XUQH\ PRQWKRU79,QWHUQHWVWDUWLQJDW EHWZHHQDPWRSP0D\ PRQWKIRUPRQWKVZLWK\HDU QGWKURXJK0D\QG 48$/,),&$7,216 DJUHHPHQW &DOO WR .QRZ0LFURVRIW2I¿FHZLWKVWURQJ OHDUQPRUH&DO6&$1 ([FHOVNLOOV _____________________________ $EOHWRZRUNÀH[LEOHKRXUV :HOORUJDQL]HGZLWKWKHDELOLW\WR SULRULWL]HDYDULHW\RIWDVNV -2% 23(1,1* %LJ 9DOOH\ WR _____________________________ *RW.QHH3DLQ"%DFN3DLQ"6KRXOGHU 3DLQ"*HWDSDLQUHOLHYLQJEUDFHOLWWOH RU12FRVWWR\RX0HGLFDUH3DWLHQWV &DOO+HDOWK+RWOLQH1RZ &DO6&$1 _____________________________ EHSLFNHGXSDWWKH'LVWULFW2I¿FH #7DPDUDFN$YH%XUQH\ &$ &DOO IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ RU D MRE GHVFULSWLRQ WR 41 HELP WANTED +HDOWK &HQWHU LQ %LHEHU LV ORRNLQJIRUDWHPSRUDU\$SSRLQWPHQW &RRUGLQDWRU WR ¿OOLQ GD\V SHU ZHHNIRUWKHVXPPHU4XDOL¿FDWLRQV +LJK VFKRRO GLSORPD DQG WZR\HDUV¶H[SHULHQFHHGXFDWLRQ LQEXVLQHVVDSOXV%DVLFNQRZOHGJH RI FRPSXWHUV LV UHTXLUHG 3OHDVH VXEPLW \RXU FRYHU OHWWHU DQG UHVXPH YLD HPDLO WR 6XVDQ 3HWHUVRQ +5 0DQDJHU VSHWHUVRQ#PWQYDOOH\KFRUJ RU FDOO IRUGHWDLOV WR $771'ULYHUV.6LJQ2Q%RQXV 0DNH RYHU \RXU ¿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± %,/,1*8$/35()(5(1&( KRPHZLWKGRXEOHFDUJDUDJHRQODUJHORW QHDU%XUQH\)DOOVSHUPRQWKSOXV +UV3HU'D\± GHSRVLW1RSHWVRU 'D\V3HU<HDU WR 3HU+RXU 0XVW KDYH DQ $$ GHJUHH RU KLJKHU WZR \HDUV RI FROOHJH XQLWV DQGRU SDVVLQJ JUDGH RQ 3DUDSURIHVVLRQDO([DP &ODVVL¿HG DSSOLFDWLRQV FDQ EH GRZQORDGHGDWIUMXVGRUJRUFDQ EHSLFNHGXSDWWKH'LVWULFW2I¿FH #7DPDUDFN$YH%XUQH\ &$ &DOO IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ RU D MRE GHVFULSWLRQ WR _____________________________ )$//5,9(5-2,1781,),(' 6&+22/',675,&7KDVWKH IROORZLQJMRERSHQLQJ 6&+22/%86'5,9(5 +UV3HU'D\±'D\V3HU <HDU3HU+RXU 5HTXLUHV D YDOLG &ODVV ,, &DOLIRUQLD 0RWRU 9HKLFOH 2SHUDWRU¶V /LFHQVH D 6FKRRO %XV 'ULYHU¶V &HUWL¿FDWH LVVXHG E\ WKH &+3 LQFOXGLQJ SDVVDJH RI D ¿UVW DLG H[DP &KHFNRXWWKH%XV'ULYHU7UDLQLQJ $JUHHPHQW RQ WKH 'LVWULFW :HEVLWHXQGHUSROLFLHV &ODVVL¿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¶ HOHYDWLRQ %OHQGRIIUDJUDQWPDWXUHHYHUJUHHQV If You are a Victim of Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault Call 1-866-329-7297 7ROO)UHH+RXUV PUBLISH YOUR FICTITIOUS BUSINESS STATEMENT HERE FOR JUST $25. 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Oakwoods Estates Subdivision. Lots of privacy, 2+ Bedroom home on over DFUHV2SHQ)ORRUSODQZLWKDRIÀFHGHQDUHDZLWK double glass doors. Master bath has a soaking tub, and separate stall shower. Bridal trails all around subdivision and into BLM and forest service land for miles of riding, walking or run your ATV. Priced at just $179,000 PAM GIACOMINI Shasta County Supervisor District 3 A STRONG ADVOCATE FOR EASTERN SHASTA COUNTY & THE ENTIRE COUNTY Fall River Dream 2 Homes on the banks of the famous Fall River ! Beautifully decorated 2 bedroom 2 bath home fully furnished, and a 2 bedroom 1 bath guest house that also comes furnished. Rent one live in the decide. Deck overlooks river, huge boat dock to tie up all your toys,two RV hookups, 5.5 acres for horses if you want, Duck pond, 3 boats included...too much to list. The world is 70% water, we take care of the land! +LJKZD\)DOO5LYHU0LOOV She is a fourth generation family rancher in Hat Creek & a business owner & manager. Giacomini currently is the Chair for the Board of Supervisors and has had years of experience which have led to her success. She has more to accomplish in her next term, all which will help business, local jobs and the economy of Shasta County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±LQFOXGLQJWKH%XUQH\ *DUGHQVSURMHFW :RUNVWRNHHS6KDVWD&RXQW\VROYHQWE\QRWRYHUVSHQGLQJ DQGPDNLQJJRRGFKRLFHVWRSURYLGHVHUYLFHVIRURXU FLWL]HQVZKLOHOLVWHQLQJWRDOOFRQFHUQV +DVNHSWWKH:LQGPLOOPRQLHVLQHDVWHUQ6KDVWD&RXQW\3/86 ±:LQGPLOOPRQLHVFRPPLWPHQWIRU0D\HUV 0HPRULDOKRVSLWDOQHZEXLOGLQJSURMHFWZKLFKLVRQHRIWKH ODUJHVWHPSOR\HUVLQ(DVWHUQ6KDVWD&RXQW\DQGKDOIRI WKHVHHPSOR\HHVOLYHLQWKH%XUQH\DUHD ±:LQGPLOOFRPPLWPHQWPRQLHVIRUWKH%XUQH\ /LEUDU\EXLOGLQJ 6KHKDVHQVXUHGZHSURWHFWRXUQRUWKVWDWHZDWHUE\KDYLQJ 6KDVWD&RXQW\FRPPHQWDQGEHDFWLYHLQPDQ\ZDWHU LVVXHV*5$36%JURXQGZDWHUDQGRWKHUZDWHULVVXHV LQDQGEH\RQG³0\UHFRUGUHÀHFWVP\FRPPLWPHQWWR WKHYRWHUVDQG,ZLOOFRQWLQXHWRZRUNKDUGWRUHSUHVHQWWKH LQWHUHVWVDQGZLVKHVRIWKLVJUHDWFRXQW\´ Vote June 7 Giacomini for Shasta County Supervisor District 3 Paid for by the Committee #134367 to Elect Pam Giacomini ,Q WKH WHUUDFH EHGURRP EDWK :RQGHUIXONLWFKHQDQG\DUG #1097 Beautiful 3 bedroom 2 full bath home in Las Calinas....................29,900 Private 10 acre parcel at the end of the road in Fall River Mills. Flat, buildable area at the bottom and nice upslope providing great views of the Fall River Valley. Power nearby and good road access........................38,500 :KHQ\RX·UHORRNLQJWRVDYHWLPHDQGPRQH\WKHSDSHULVWKHÀUVW place you go. Your favorite stores and shops can always be found in our weekly circulars and inserts, providing a wealth of savings & information every day. Where else but the newspaper would you ÀQGVRPDQ\YDOXDEOHDGYHUWLVHGLWHPVLQRQHFRQYHQLHQWSODFH" The News is a Shasta County legal notice publication Price includes 2 commercial corner lots RQ+LJKZD\(DVWLQ%XUQH\,QFOXGHV parcel numbers 028-160-001 and -002. Currently zoned C-2. Lots span from Pine Street to Cedar Street..........50,000 Great cabin in peaceful Old Station. Close to excellent Hat Creek trout fishing. EHGURRPV EDWKV EHGURRPV DQGEDWKXSVWDLUVDQGEHGURRPV EDWKGRZQVWDLUV1HZUHIULJHUDWRUUDQJH oven and kerosene heater installed in the past year. DSL available in the area. THE HEART OF HAT CREEK! Electrical panel has been upgraded to a 200 AMP service. Excellent vacation 1HZO\ UHPRGHOHG NLWFKHQ QHZ or 2nd home opportunity.........154,000 URRI /DUJH NLWFKHQ ZEUHDNIDVW #1061 nicely refurbished using the Shasta County Dept. of Housing and Community Action Program.2 bedroom 1 EDWK,QQHZURRIHOHFWULFDOH[WHULRU paint, new vinyl floors in kitchen and bath, new insulation and heat source....73,900 CALL US AT (530) 335-2222 area, plus dining area. Lots of oak FDELQHWVVWRUDJH /DXQGU\ URRP Range, refrigerator, washer, dryer. Some furnishings are negotiable. Sliders to back patio, plus large front deck next to stream that runs thru property.......................175,000 FOR MORE LAND & COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES %5$1' 1(: 522) :RQGHUIXO ZHOONHSWKRPHORFDWHGRQD1RWDWKRXJK road. This three bedroom, 2 bath home has 1700 sq ft, per the county records. Updated Kitchen, breakfast bar, landscaping front and back, covered patio, shop free standing stove, evaporator cooler, additional bonus room.....179,000 PLEASE COME VISIT, HAVE A CHAT. LET US SHOW YOU ‘WE ARE SOLD ON SERVICE’ ,PPDFXODWH FRQGLWLRQ EHGURRP bathroom home on a cul-de-sac in Burney. This home was built in 2000 and has been maintained impeccably. Large open living room with vaulted ceilings and a woodstove. Open kitchen DUHD ZLWK XSJUDGHG DSSOLDQFHV WKDW·V perfect for entertaining. Manicured front, side and back lawns with sprinkler systems throughout............164,000 Cory Halter, Broker/Owner '5(&HOO Jill Barnett, Broker/Owner '5(&HOO MANUFACTURED HOMES /DV&ROLQDVEDFNVXSWRIRUHVW«««« 1053 Las Colinas 1152 sq ft SOLD« RESIDENTIAL %XUQH\E\6DIHZD\UHYDPSVEDWKURRP &DVVHOYLHZ5LVLQJ5LY/RJXQILQ$FSOLD......395,000 2OG6WDWLRQUHV·V3DUFHOVRQ+DW&UPENDING...159,950 )50RQ%OXII9,(:$FSOLD.......................195,500 )50VKRSVSRQGIHQFHG$F )50RQ(DVWPDQODNHKRPHGRFNFXVWRP5('8&('...899,000 %XUQH\+XGVRQVTIWDFSOLD........159,000 0RQW&UNVTIWDFUHVVKRSSRQGVSOLD....449,000 943 Burney over 4500 sq ft Burney Terrace.................495,000 947 Burney lot in Medical district.......................................62,500 %XUQH\&\SUHVV$YHVTIW-86762/'......145,000 %XUQH\6HUSHQWLQHEHDXW\SOLD........299,900 961 5 ac Big Eddy Fall River....................................75,000 962 5 Ac Big Eddy Fall River.....................................65,000 977 94 Ac 2 homes Alfalfa 4 barns 2 shops 5('8&('......829,000 &DVVHO$F&UDQH5RDGSOLD................219,000 1005 Johnson park many upgrades SOLD 1010 Hat Creek Dr on Hat Creek vacation dream..........170,000 *DUGHQ:D\SOLD....................................89,000 %XUQH\7HUUDFH&RUQHUORWVTIWSOLD.....239,500 %XUQH\$UURZRRG6W6XQURRPSOLD..............159,000 %XUQH\7HUUDFHVTIWXSJUDGHGPENDING.299,000 3LWWYLOOHRIIWKHJULG$FSOLD.......207,000 $FVTIW$GLQ %XUQH\VTIW5('8&('...........................99,000 %XUQH\VTIWIHQFHG5('8&('...............159,000 %XUQH\9HGGHU5GVTIW$&EDUQDUHQD &DVVHOEHDXW\Y$&6TIWSOLD..........279,000 UHQRYDWHGJUDQLWHVTIWSOLD........212,900 1043 Mont. Ck. 28+ AC, orchard, shop 2100 sq ft SOLD...........399,000 %XUQH\VTIWVRPHXSJUDGHVSOLD..........164,900 'D\DUHD$FUHVVTIWPENDING.......244,000 -3RQ$FUHVVTIHHW %XUQH\&$1%(XSJUDGHG 1055 Old playhouse Hat Creek................................72,500 2QWKH)DOO5LYHU*ROI&RXUVH &DVVHORQDFVTIW %XUQH\$FSULYDWHIODJORWSOLD..............134,000 %851(<UHIXUELVKHGVTIWIHQFHG &DVVHORQRYHUDQ$FUHYHU\3ULYDWH %XUQH\VTIWQHZFDUSHWDQGYLQ\O %XUQH\UHPRGHOHGEDWK 1067 Burney lot in Burney...........................................32,000 1068 Burney lot with foundation.........................................42,000 1069 Burney commercial or rental.............................................59,500 %XUQH\HQGRIURDGJUHDWKRPH 1075 FRM beautiful lot..............................................................48,000 %XUQH\ODUJHORW3(1',1* %XUQH\1(:(5KRPHVT