European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms English
European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms English
Project No 510890-LLP-1-2010-1-FRGRUNDTVIG-GNW This project has been funded with support from the European Commission European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms English – French – German – Italian – Spanish – Czech © 2011-2013 ENIL project partnership With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union. This product reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms with Definitions in English No IGL Term Definition of term in English French German 1 Literacy/ Fundamental knowledge of Numeracy/Skil English and maths that all ls for Life ages are required to learn. Compétences de base Lese-, Rechen- Abilità und linguistiche e Schreibfähigkeit matematiche di base/abilità per la vita 2 Ability to Stay on Task Ability to work on a task without intervention Capacité à réaliser une tâche en autonomie 3 Ability to Thrive/ Thrive Ability/ Thrivability The knowledge of and ability to tap into inner sources of motivation, an incremental, growth mindset oriented towards learning, and the goal management skills necessary to succeed and grow. Capacité à réaliser son potentiel /Autodidaxie Schopnost Die Fähigkeit, Abilità di Habilidad de beständig an concentrarsi sul concentrarse en pracovat na einer Arbeit compito la Tarea úkolu dran zu bleiben (Durchhaltever mögen/Beharrlic hkeit) Schopnost Die Fähigkeit, Capacita di Capacidad de rozvíjet se an einer avere successo, Prosperar Aufgabe zu di realizzare il wachsen und proprio Erfolg zu haben. potenziale 4 Accountability Responsibility for the results of activities over which the individual or organization has authority Responsabilisati Verantwortung, on Verantwortlichk eit European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Italian Spanish Habilidad Lingüística y Matematica de base/ habilidades para la vida Rendicontabilità Rendición de , responsabilità Cuentas per i risultati del proprio operare Czech Gramotnost/Mat ematika/Dovedn osti pro ţivot Zodpovědnost 1 Acculturation Assimilation of and adjustment to a new culture, often following immigration. Acculturation Akkulturation Acculturazione sich an eine Kultur anpassen 6 Achievement Something that a learner has succeeded in doing usually with effort. Réussite Leistung, Errungenschaft Risultato Logro, scolastico, Consecución, conseguimento, rendimiento rendimento Úspěch 7 Active Aging The process of optimizing opportunities for physical, social, and mental activity throughout the life course to extend healthy life expectancy, productivity, and quality of life in older age Vieillissement actif Aktiv, vital im Alter Invecchiamento Envejecimiento attivo Activo. Aktivní stárnutí 8 Active Citizenship Participating in the duties and Citoyenneté responsibilities that come with active being part of a society aktive Anteilnahme an Gesellschaft Cittadinanza attiva Ciudadania Activa. Aktivní občanství 9 Activity Continuity Continuation of activities from middle age to old age Activité continue Während des Continuità delle gesamten attività Lebens aktiv sein, Aktivität von mittleren bis ins hohenAlter Actividad continua. Aktivní návaznost 10 Adaptation Physical or behavioral modification by an individual in response to changes, stressors, or risks in the physical environment. Adaptation Anpassung Adattamento Adaptación Adaptace 11 Adolescents 13-17 year olds Adolescents Jugendalter Adolescenti Adolescente Adolescenti 12 Adults 18 years of age and older Adultes Erwachsene Adulti Adulto Dospělí European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Aculturación Přijetí kultury 5 2 13 Affectual or The ability of family members "Affective"?(S to express sentiments and kills) evaluations about their relationship with other family members 14 Age Equality 15 Compétences affectives Affektive Abilità affettive Kompetenz, Zwischenmensc hliche/affektive Fähigkeiten, Geschicklichkeit Habilidad Afectiva Emoční dovednosti altersgerichtete Diversität Management, Beibehaltung der älteren Generation im Arbeitsbereich Eguaglianza dei Igualda por la diritti Edad indipendenteme nte dall'età Rovnost věkových skupin Ageism/ Age A stereotyping of and Discrimination Discrimination discrimination against par l'âge individuals or groups because of their age. Diskriminierung aufgrund des Alters Discriminazione Discriminación in base all'età por la Edad (con riferimento agli anziani) diskriminace na základě věku 16 Aging Society The increase in the number Société and proportion of older people vieillissante in society. Steigender Anteil der älteren Bevölkerungssc hicht in der Gesellschaft. Società che invecchia progressivamen te Sociedad que envejece progresivament e Stárnoucí společnost 17 Alienation Making someone feel isolated Aliénation or estranged Entfremdung Alienazione Alienación Odcizení 18 Altruism Consideration of the Altruisme happiness and good of others before one's own. Selbstlosigkeit Altruismo Altruismo Altruismus 19 Andragogy The art and science of helping Andragogie adults to learn Erwachsenenbil Andragogia dung Androgeno Andragogika Actions to combat age Egalité de droit barriers and/or promote age indépendamme diversity, the retention of older nt de l'âge workers in employment. European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms 3 Anecdotal Evidence Information that is not based on facts or careful study Lieux communs mündliche Prova / préjugés Überlieferungen aneddotica anstatt wissenschaftlich e/empirische Befunde 21 Antisocial Behaviours A behaviour that lacks consideration for others and that may cause damage to society Comportements Asoziales asociaux Verhalten Comportamento Comportamient antisociale o antisocial Antisociální chování 22 Assessment A method of evaluating a learner's performance and attainment Evaluation Feststellung, Prüfung Valutazione Evaluación hodnocení 23 Associational Solidarity The type and frequency of contact between intergenerational family members Solidarité d'association/fa miliale Art und Häufigkeit familiäre Kontakte Solidarietà associativa Solidaridad Asociativa Solidarita společenství 24 Attainment The achievement of the goals set réussite personnelle Erreichen, erlangen von gesetzten Ziele Risultato raggiunto, successo Logro Výsledky, znalosti 25 Attitudes Feeings and responses to Toward Aging aging Atteggiamento verso l'invecchiament o Aptitudes ente el envejecimiento Přístupy ke stárnutí 26 Baby Boom Generation Population cohort generally Génération recognized to be born Baby Boom between 1946 and 1964, which falls between the Silent Generation and Generation X. Geburtenstarke Jahrgänge zwischen 1946 bis 1964 Generazione del Generación del baby boom Baby boom Generace Baby Boom 27 Baby Bust Generation Generation X Generation X Generazione del Genera calo delle Generace Baby Bust Attitudes face Einstellung zum au vieillissement älter werden, zum Alterungsprozes s Génération X European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Evidencia Anecdotica Neoficiální fakta 20 4 nascite Jemanden jünger oder hilfsbedürftig als Freund behandeln, helfen. Comportamento Amistad /relazione di aiuto, sostegno, soprattutto verso chi è più giovane Uzavírání přátelství; zpřátelení se The reciprocal relationship Santé between human behaviour, comportemental individually or socially, and the e well-being of the body, mind, and spirit. Verhaltensmedi zin, Gegenseitiges Verhältnis zwischen dem eigenem persönlichen oder sozialen Verhalten und dem körperlichen, psychischen und seelischen Befinden Salute Comportamient comportamental o Saludable e Chování a zdraví Bi-directional learning Reactive or functioning or allowing movement in two usually opposite directions. Apprentissage bi-directionnel bidirektionales oder gegenseitiges Lernen Apprendimento bi-direzionale Aprendizaje bidireccional Dvoustranné učení Blended Learning A combination of classroom based training/learning and open, flexible, distance and electronic forms of learning Apprentissage mixte das Lernen über ein Internet Portal und Präsenzphasen im Klassenzimmer Apprendimento misto, in presenza e a distanza aprendizaje mixto, presencial y a distancia Smíšená výuka 28 Befriending Friendly behaviour toward someone who is younger or needs help 29 Behavioural Health 30 31 Bienveillance European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms 5 32 Boarding (and Homes in which Care) Homes accommodation and meals are provided to one or several unrelated individuals. 33 Boomerang Children An adult, especially a college Adulescence graduate, who has returned to the parental home, often due to unemployment. 34 Bracketing Revealing the beliefs, ideas and values that are simply taken for granted in the social world 35 Caregiving Family or unrelated individuals Soins providing health and personal domestiques care to individuals in the home. Not used for paid care providers. Casas que proveen alojamiento (y asistencia) Domovy a ubytovny Erwachsene, Ragazzi vor allem boomerang Studienabsolve nten, die wieder zurück zu ihren Eltern ziehen aufgrund der Arbeitslosigkeit Joven Boomerang Boomerangové děti Ideen und Werte verdeutlichen, die im sozialen Umfeld Menschen in Gruppierungen unreflektiert einordnen Poner comillas Bracketing Maisons Alters- und d'accompagnem Pflegeheime ent et d'assistance Mettre entre parenthèses European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Case che provvedono alloggio, pasti (e assistenza) Mettere tra virgolette GesundheitsPrendersi cura Cuidado. und persönliche di un bambino o Fürsorge von di un malato unbezahlten Familienmitglied ern oder nicht Anverwandte für Menschen bei sich zuhause Poskytování péče 6 36 Case management Evaluation of the health and social service needs of an individual, development of a service plan, referral, and follow-up. Gestion de besoions Einzelfallhilfe Gestione di caso; responsabilità assegnata ad un operatoreregista per la gestione di un caso singolo Gestión de Caso. Posuzování jednotlivých případů 37 Centenarians 100 years and older Centenaires Menschen über 100 Jahre alt Centenari Centenario Století lidé 38 Children 0-12, under 18 years of age (UK) Enfants Kinder (Minderjährige) Bambini, adolescenti Niño Děti 39 Citizenship Participating in the duties and Citoyenneté responsibilities that come with being part of a country Staatsangehörig Cittadinanza keit Ciudadania Občanství 40 Civic participation Taking part in the duties and obligations of belonging to a community Participation civique Bürgerliche Partecipazione Anteilnahme/Pa civica rtizipation Participación civica Občanská angaţovanost 41 Coaching A process in which you teach a person or team the skills they need or give a student special instruction in a particular subject formation individualisée coachen, trainieren, einüben Addestramento, Entrenamiento formazione del personale Koučing 42 Cognition Operation of the mind by which one becomes aware of objects of thought or perception, including understanding or reason. Cognition Erkenntnis Conoscenza, cognizione Cognición Myšlení 43 Cognitive Skills Application of learning based Compétences on knowledge of facts cognitives together with understanding of Kognitive Fähigkeiten Abilità cognitive Habilidad cognitiva Myšlenkové dovednosti European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms 7 underlying principles. Apprendimento collaborativo/co operativo Kolaborativní/Ko Aprendizaje colaborativo/coo operativní výuka perativo Creare, plasmare/far rinascere la comunità Construir/regen erar una comunidad Tvorba společenství/Re generace Zusammenhalt, Coesione della Gemeinschaftsg Comunità efühl Cohesión comunitaria Soudrţnost komunity Community learning is about Communauté people from all sections of the apprenante community, having access to learning opportunities throughout their lives within their neighbourhood. Gemeinsames Lernen in einer Gruppe oder in Gemeinschaft Apprendimento nella/dalla Comunità Aprendizaje comunitario Učení komunity The flows and transfers of Concept de skills, knowledge and attitudes Réciprocité between generations dans la transmission IG das Konzept der Reziprozität oder Gegenseitigkeit im intergenerationa lem Lernen Concetto di reciprocità nella trasmissione intergenerazion ale Concepto de reciprocidad en la transmisión intergeneracion al Koncept vzájemnosti v mezigenerační m přenosu 44 Colaborative/ Cooperative Learning A group of people with varying Apprentissage Lerngruppe, abilities, ages and interests collaboratif/coop gemeinschaftlic work together to solve a ératif hes Lernen problem or achieve a common goal. 45 Community Community building is a field Communauté building/regen of practices directed toward "dynamique" eration the creation/ enhancement/regeneration of community among individuals within a regional area (such as a neighbourhood) or with a common interest. Community building iinvolves the development of auth Aufbau und Pflege der Gemeinschaft 46 Community Cohesion The aspect of togetherness and bonding exhibited by members of a community. 47 Community learning 48 Concept of Reciprocity in IG Transmission Cohésion de la communauté European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms 8 Conflicto Konflikt Streitschlichten, Risoluzione del eine Lösung conflitto finden Resolucion de conflictos Řešení konfliktu Solidarité consensuelle Übereinstimmun Solidarietà g, Konsens consensuale Solidaridad Consensual Solidarita ústní dohody Contiguous Parents-children Intergeneratio nal Relations Relations intergénérationn elles parentsenfants Eltern- KindRelazioni Beziehung, intergenerazion generationsüber ali contigue greifende Beziehungen innerhalb der Familie Relacion intergeneracion al continua Blízké mezigenerační vztahy 53 Continuing Education Education permanente Weiterbildung Educazione permanente Educación permanente Kontinuální vzdělávání 54 Co-operative The school's top advisory board/ School board where all parties at the Council school are represented, meaning pupils, parents, teachers, other employees + two persons from the municipality (including head master) The cooperative board has a right to be heard in all matters c Conseil d'école Schulforum Consiglio di collaborazione Consejo de cooperación Kooperativní kolegium (samarbeidsutv alg) 49 Conflict Mental or physical strife resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, drives, wishes, or external or internal demands 50 Conflict Resolution Finding a solution to a Résolution de disagreement between ideas, conflit principles or people 51 Consensual Solidarity Agreement in opinions, values, and orientations between groups, individuals and generations. 52 Education after compulsory schools age Conflit European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Konflikt Conflitto 9 Kooperatives Lernen Apprendimento cooperativo Aprendizaje Cooperativo Kooperativní učení Interkulturelle Forschung Studi interculturali Estudios interculturales Interkulturní studia Verbale oder Attacco, nonverbale segnale di unterstützende azione Unterrichtstechn iken Ataque, signo de acción Udělování pokynů The belief that family and culte de la individual life is most fulfilling ménagère / when experienced in a private mère au foyer household where women are chief homemakers and caregivers. Häuslichkeitskul Culto della t domesticità Culto de lo demestico Kult domova Non-financial social assets kulturelles Kapital Capitale culturale Capital Cultural Kulturní kapitál Cultural Is based upon the things in Barrières Distinctivenes any culture which separates it culturelles s from other cultures and social groups. Kulturelle Einzigartigkeit, Unverwechselb arkeit Diversità culturale Diversidad Cultural Kulturní odlišnosti Depression Generation Gesellschaft/Ge Generazione neration der della Nachkriegszeit depressione Generación depresiva Ztracená generace 55 Cooperative learning Cooperative learning is a Apprentissage successful teaching strategy coopératif in which small teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject. Each member of a team is responsible not only 56 Cross Cultural Comparisons of aspects of Studies cultures within a country or among countries 57 Cueing Verbal or nonverbal signaling indications that facilitates learning, performance, or behavior. The participant may or may not be conscious of having received the signal. 58 Cult of Domesticity 59 Cultural Capital 60 61 World War II Generation Etudes interculturelles Capital culturel Génération de la cris du 29 European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms 10 62 Development Altering the arrangement of an of organisation organisational structures Développement de structures organisationnell es Die Entwicklung Sviluppo di von strutture organisatorische organizzative n Strukturen Vývoj Desarrollo y organización de organizačních estructuras struktur 63 Development of classroom teaching and learning Improving teaching and learning opportunities Développement de pédagogies collectives pour la classe Die Entwicklung im Bereich schulischen Lehren und Lernen; Unterrichtsentwi cklung Vývoj výuky a Desarrollo del aprendizaje y la učení ve třídě formación en el aula 64 Digital Divide/E Exclusion The gap between people with effective access to digital and information technology and those with very limited or no access at all. It includes the imbalance both in physical access to technology and the resources and skills needed to effectively participate fracture numérique / Exclusion numérique Eine Kluft die Divario Brecha digital/ E Digitální propast/Ezwischen den digitale/Esclusio exclusión die von der ne (dal) digitale vyloučení digitalen Welt ausgeschlossen sind und diejenigen die Teil von ihr sind. 65 Digital Native A person who was born during Digital natif / or after the general Natif numérique introduction of digital technology, and through interacting with digital technology from an early age, has a greater understanding of its concepts. 66 Dynamic A value system that is Value System responsive to change Système de valeurs dynamique dynamisches Wertesystem Sistema di valori Sistema de dinamico valor dinamico Dynamický hodnotový systém 67 Discrimination Treating people differently Discrimination Diskriminierung Discriminazione Discriminación Diskriminace European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Sviluppo di insegnamento e apprendimento d'aula Menschen die in Nativo digitale einer digitalen und technisierten Welt aufgewachsen sind. Nativo Digital Rodilý uţivatel digitálních technologií 11 through prejudice 68 Disengageme Withdrawal from various nt social roles or interests. Désengagement Resignation/Los Disimpegno lösung Separación 69 Distributed Learning Using a wide range of ICT to provide learning opportunities beyond the bounds of the traditional classroom Apprentissage distribué 70 Diversity 71 72 Zrušení závazků Verteiltes Lernen, das Zugang zur individualisierte n Lernen über das Klassenzimmer hinaus, schafft Apprendimento distribuito nel tempo e nello spazio Rozloţené Apredizaje destribuido en el učení tiempo y el espacio Variety in aspects such as Diversité race, gender, nationality, age, creed, religion, sexual orientation, disability, lifestyle, diagnosis, family/support structure, financial status, and social strata. Vielfalt, Diversität Diversità Diversidad Diverzita Divided Attention The ability to focus on more Attention than one stimulus at the same simultanée time. Geteilte Attenzione Aufmerksamkeit ripartita Atención a la Diversidad Rozdělení pozornosti E Inclusion Overcoming the digital divide using systems developed lessen the risk of e- exclusion Digitale Inklusion, Unterstützung der Menschen bei der Informationsund Kommunikation stechnologie E Inclusión E-zahrnutí Inclusion numérique European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Inclusione digitale 12 73 E Learning 74 Learning with the aid of information and communication technology tools E-Learning, elektronisch/ computergestüt zes unterstütztes Lernen E Learning Echo Children born to the baby Generation, boomers. Baby Boom Echo, Generation Y, Millennial Generation Génération des années 80 Kinder der Babyboom Generation Generazione Y, Generación i nati tra gli anni baby boom, '80 e il 2000 Generación Y Echo generace, Baby Boom Echo, Generation Y, Generace přelomu tisíciletí 75 Education in a Traditional teaching classical curriculum and methods sense Education au sens classique Bildung im klassischem Sinne Educazione in senso classico Educación en sentido clasico Vzdělávání v klasickém pojetí 76 Egalitarian Family A family system based on the Famille equality of the participants égalitaire and in direct contrast to the patriarchal family. It usually refers to an equal relationship between the adult partners, though it can mean permissive, rather than authoritarian, parent-child relationship Familia igualitaria Rovnostářská rodina 77 Elder Abuse Infliction on older adults of pain, injury, coercion, or mental anguish. Maltrattamenti agli anziani maltrato al anciano Zneuţívání starších osob 78 Elder Law The field of law dealing with Champ législatif matters that affect older adults concernant les personnes âgées Giurisprudenza relativa agli anziani Jurisprudencia relativa al anciano Legislativa starších občanů Egalitäre Famiglia Familien, alle egualitaria Familienmitglied er werden als gleich betrachtet im Gegensatz zu patriarchalische n Familien. Maltraitance des Misshandlung personnes älterer âgées Menschen European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Gesetze, die ältere Erwachsene betreffen, wie E Formación E-learning učení s pomocí počítačových technologií Formation ouverte et à distance (FOAD) 13 Nachlassverwalt ung, Rentenproblem e, Krankenversich erung und Altersdiskriminie rung Staří lidé Labor emocional Emocionální práce Elder, Elderly Older Adults Personnes âgées 80 Emotional Labour Refers to paid work requiring the worker to maintain observable facial and bodily displays with the intention of creating particular emotional feelings in clients e.g. flight attendants Contrôle de ses Beziehungsarbe Lavoro émotions it emozionale 81 Emotional Literacy/ Intelligence The ability to understand your emotions, the ability to listen to others and empathise with their emotions, and the ability to express emotions productively. Intelligence émotionnelle Die Fähigkeit Alfabetizzazione Alfabetización Mitgefühl zeigen emozionale/Intel emocional/ zu können und ligenza emotiva inteligencia sich in den emocional anderen hineinversetzen zu können 82 Empowerment Promoting individual autonomy and freedom of choice. Promotion de l'autonomie Empowerment, Ermächtigung 83 Empty Nest le syndrome du nid vide Die Zeit nachdem die Kinder das Haus verlassen Period in the family life cycle after the children have left home. European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Der ältere Teil Anziano, der Gesellschaft attempato Mayor, de edad avanzada 79 Emocionální vzdělanost/ Inteligence Stimolo Empoderamient Zplnomocnění all'autoaffermazi o one, al controllo sulla propria vita e sulle diverse situazioni Prázdné hnízdo Nido vuoto Nido vacio 14 haben. Delegieren ist Sistema degli eine Strategie inviati um Evaluation in kurze Zeit in Klassen durchführen zu können. Ein Gruppenmitglied wird jeweils als Delegierte designiert. Am Ende werden alle Delegierten die Chance haben sich in allen Gruppe zu bewegen bevor sie zu ihren eigenen Gruppen mit Rückmeldungen zurückgehen. Sistema de envio Osobní zástupce Ethnocentrism The assumption that the Ethnocentrisme culture of one's own group is moral, right and rational and that other cultures are inferior. Ethnozentrismu s Etnocentrismo Etnocentrismo Etnocentrismus Etiology/ Etiological Factors Ätiologie Eziologia/Fattori etiología/Factor eziologici es etiologicos 84 Envoying 85 86 Envoying is a useful strategy Délégué for collecting information without the need for lengthy class feedback. Learners are divided into groups. One member of each group is designated as the envoy. At the end of the allocated time, the envoys will have the opportunity to feedabck to the whole group Those factors that encourage Etiologie / or cause a particular outcome, Facteurs for example addiction to hard étiologiques drugs is a factor that can lead people into prostitution or criminal behaviour; being raised in a violent home is a European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Etyologie/ Etyologické faktory 15 factor that can lead to violent behaviour or being victimized by violence. Aprendizaje experimental Učení zkušenostmi Considering something in order to judge its value, quality, importance, or condition Evaluation 88 Experiential Learning The process of making meaning from direct experience. Apprentissage Lernen durch Apprendimento par l'expérience Selbsterfahrung esperienziale 89 Explicit/ Implicit learning Explicit learning is intentional Apprentissage clear and detailed. Implicit explicite/ learning is learning of complex implicite information in an incidental manner, without awareness of what has been learned. bewusstes, explizites, ausdrückliches, Lernen; unreflektiertes, ungeplantes implizites Lernen Apprendimento esplicito/implicit o Impliciti/Aprendi Názorné učení zaje implicito 90 Extended Family/ Consanguineo us Family/ Joint family Network of relatives Réseau familial maintaining close ties with the nuclear family, often living in the same household or in close proximity. Großfamilie Famiglia estesa/Famiglia di consanguinei/Fa miglia congiunta Širší rodina/ Familia extensa/Familia Pokrevní rodina/ consanguinea/ Připojená rodina Familia conjunta 91 Facilitator One that helps to bring about an outcome (as learning or communication) by providing indirect or unobtrusive assistance, guidance, or supervision. Moderator Facilitatore Facilitador European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Valutazione Hodnocení Evaluation Médiateur Evaluation, Bewertung Evaluación 87 Usnadnění 16 Questionnaire concernant le vieillissement Ein Instrument das Wissen oder Einstellungen zu etwas messen kann Questionario sui Questionairo fatti che sobre datos del denotano envejecimiento ageismo (stereotipi sull'invecchiame nto e discriminazione degli anziani) Fakta ke Kvízu stárnutí Family IG ICT Families learning about new Learning technology together and from each other Apprentissage familial intergénérationn el via les TIC Generationsübe rgreifendes Lernen von Technologien oder Techniken innerhalb der Familie Apprendimento famigliare intergenerazion ale delle TIC Rodinné mezigenerační ICT učení 94 Family Learning Qualifications Accredited learning for families/ staff involved in family learning Qualifications en Apprentissages familiaux Qualifikation in Qualifiche Cualificación del Kvalifikace rodinného učení Family Learning dell'apprendime Aprendizaje nto famigliare familiar. 95 Family Learning/ Learning as a Family A whole variety of activities, programmes and contexts where parents, grandparents, carers and children are involved in learning. Formation à visée parentale (parentalité) Lernen in der Familie, wobei sich alle Familienmitglied er am Lernprozess beteiligen Apprendimento famigliare/Impar are come famiglia Aprendizaje familiar/ Aprendizaje como una familia. Rodinné učení/ Učení jako rodina 96 Filial Piety Culture In Confucian ideals, one of the Culture de la virtues to be held above all piété filiale else: a respect for the parents and ancestors. Den älteren Menschen Respekt zollen, die Macht des Älteren, Weiseren Cultura della pietà filiale Cultura de la Piedad filial Kultura úcty ke starším 92 Facts on Aging Quiz 93 Widely used instrument that measures knowledge of and attitudes toward aging. European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Apredizaje familiar intergeneracion al de las TIC 17 97 Filial Relationships Genetics of or relating to a Relations filiales familiäre generation or the sequence of Beziehungen generations following the parental generation. 98 Formal volunteering practices Supporting activities; Pratiques de fundraising for charity; bénévolat volunteering with formel organisations that support people; helping local community; coaching or teaching; supporting faith groups; trade unions activities; political activities and so on 99 Formal/non formal / informal learning Formal learning is learning Apprentissage formales/nonfor provided in the system of formel /non males/informale schools, colleges, universities formel / informel s Lernen and other formal educational institutions. Non formal learning is learning that occurs in a formal learning environment, but that is not formally recognised. Informal learning is learning that occurs in a variety of places, such as at home, work, and through daily interactions and shared relationships among members of society. Offizielle/ formal Pratiche di anerkannte volontariato freiwillige formale ehrenamtliche Tätigkeiten 100 Foster Care Supervised housing and care Services de Pflegeheime Services/ arrangements in which placement / Foster Homes children or dependent adults Foyers d'accueil are placed by government or private social services agencies in family-like settings European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Relazioni filiali Relaciones filiales Vztahy následujích generací k předchozím Precticas Formales de Voluntariado Formální dobrovolná praktika Formální/neform Apprendimento Formal/ No formale/non Formal/Aprendiz ální učení formale/informal aje Informal e Servizi di Hogares de affidamento/Cas Acogida e di affidamento Sluţba náhradní péče/ Pečovatelské domy 18 appropriate to their needs. Ältere, Anziano fragile pflegebedürftige Menschen Anciano Fragil Starší občané v nouzi is the cohort born immediately Génération Y after the ‗Generation X‘, in the 1980s and early 1990s. Die Generation die nach der Generation X in den 80ern und frühen 90ern geboren ist Generazione Y Generación Y Generace Y 103 Generation X/ 13th Generation, Baby Bust Generation/ Silent Generation Population cohort generally Génération X recognized to be born between 1965 and 1976, which falls between the Baby Boom Generation and the Echo Boom Generation.boom Generation X, Generation die in den 60ern, 70ern geboren ist Generazione X/13a. Generazione/Ge nerazione del calo delle nascite/Generaz ione silenziosa Generación X, 13ª Generación/ Generación silenciosa Generace X/ 13. generace, Generace Baby Bust / Tichá generace 104 Generational Altruism/ Generational Stake Where older generations ―invest‖ more in younger generations than the reverse, and elders are frequently willing to sacrifice because of the ―stake‖ they have in the younger generations Altruisme générationnel / enjeu générationnel ältere Generationen investieren mehr in die jüngeren als umgekehrt, Selbstlosigkeit der älteren Generation zur Gunsten der jüngeren Altruismo generazionale/S commessa generazionale Altruismo generacional / Apuesta generacional Generační altruismus/ Generační investice 105 Generations People who are born at approximately the same time, Générations Generationen Generazioni Generación Generace 101 Frail Elderly Older adults who require support because of an accumulation of debilities. Includes physical, mental, or economic debility. 102 Generation Y Personnes âgées dépendantes European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms 19 considered to be a group 106 Generations Together A demonstrator project to develop intergenerational practices across 12 local authorities in England (20092010) Générations Confondues Generationen die zusammen etwas unternehmen oder an etwas arbeiten Generazioni insieme Entre Generaciones Generační pospolitost 107 Generativity Concern for passing on to the next generation cultural traditions, knowledge, and skills that will outlive the self. Transmission générationnelle Generativität, der Wunsch Wissen an die nächste Generation weiterzugeben Generatività Generatividad Generativita 108 Geriatric Medical specialty focusing on the aging process and its application in the diagnosis, care, and treatment of older adults Gériatrie Altenkunde, Altenpflege Geriatrico Geriatrico Geriatrie 109 Gerontocracy Rule by elders. A society in which power, wealth and prestige flow upwards within an age pyramid Gérontocratie Gerontokratie/ Herrschaft der Alten Gerontocrazia Gerontocracia Gerontokracie 110 Gerontology The study of aging, including psychological, biological, social, and environmental aspects Gérontologie Gerontologie/Alt Gerontologia ersforschung Gerontologia Gerontolie European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms 20 111 Global Intergeneratio nal Programmes Programmes that concern Programmes education, literacy, housing, intergénérationn and unemployment of the els globaux young and old. They address may issues of violence, poverty, the environment, and technology in their societies and, in particular, the impact on communities' elderly and younger members Globale Programmi Programme die intergenerazion Bildung, Leseali globali und Schreibfähigkeit en, Wohnen und Arbeitslosigkeit der Jungen und Alten betreffen. Armut, Gewalt, Umwelt und Technologie und vor allem die Auswirkungen auf die älteren und jüngeren Mitglieder der Gemeinschaften werden berücksichtigt. 112 Globalization The increasing Mondialisation interconnectedness of people, resources, and ideas around the world Globalisierung Programas Interngeneracio nales globales Globalizzazione Globalziación Globální mezigenerační programy Globalizace 113 Grandparenth The state of being a ood grandparent Etre grandparent Großelternschaf L'essere nonni t Ser Abuelo Prarodičovství 114 Grandparents Grandparents actively Involvement engaged in their grandchildrens' lives Implication des grands-parents Engagement von Großeltern Particpación de los Abuelos Zahrnutí prarodičů European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Coinvolgimento dei nonni 21 Zvyky pro Vysoce Efektivní Rodiny Reducción del daño Zmenšení škodlivých vlivů Productive appropriate child rearing behaviours Habitudes familiales efficaces Hoch motivierte Familien die Eigeninitiative zeigen, Engagierte Familien 116 Harm Reduction A range of public health policies designed to reduce the harmful consequences associated with recreational drug use and other high risk activities. Prévention / réduction des conduites à risques Schadensminde Riduzione del rung, danno Schadensersatz 117 Health Education Learning opportunities designed to increase awareness and favorably influence attitudes and knowledge relating to the improvement of health on a personal or community basis Education à la santé Gesundheitsbild Educazione alla Educación para ung/erziehung salute, la Salud educazione sanitaria 118 Healthy Aging The development and maintenance of optimal physical and mental health, most likely to be achieved through safe physical environments, attitudes and behaviors known to promote health and well-being. 119 Hierarchy/ Ranking/ Stratification Vieillir en bonne Gesund altern santé A structuring of social status Hiérarchie / and roles within an Rang / Niveau organisation or society ranked according to differentiations of power, authority, wealth, income, etc. European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Abitudini delle famiglie altamente efficaci Habitos de la familias altamente afectiva 115 Habits for Highly Effective Families Invecchiamento Envejecimiento sano saludable Hierarchie/Rang Gerarchia/Rang Gerarquia, ordnung/Stratifiz o/Stratificazione Ranking, ierung Estratificación Vzdělání o zdraví Zdravé stárnutí Hierarchie/ Klasifikace/ Rozvrstvení 22 120 Holistic Care Treatment of the whole person, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually Soin holistique ganzheitliche Assistenza Behandlungen/ olistica Patientenvorsor ge Asistencia holistica Holistická péče 121 Holistic Learning Learning which takes into account the whole person Apprentissage holistique ganzheitliches Lernen Apprendimento olistico Aprendizaje Holistico Holistické učení 122 Homework aid Support with school work at home Aide aux devoirs Hausaufgabenb etreuung, Hilfe bei den Hausaufgaben erhalten Aiuto nello Ayuda en el studio e nei hogar compiti da svolgere a casa Pomoc s domácími úkoly 123 Hospice A small residential home for terminally ill patients where treatment focuses on the patient's well-being rather than a cure and includes drugs for pain managementand often spiritual councselling Hospice Hospiz Ospizio, ospedale per malati terminali Hospicio Hospic 124 IG Cultural Transmission: Values, Norms, And Beliefs The process of passing on culturally relevant knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values from generation to generation Transmissions cuturelles intergénérationn elles : valeurs, normes et croyances Kulturelle Überlieferung im intergeneratione llem Lernen Trasmissione culturale intergenerazion ale: valori, regole e convinzioni Transmisión cultural intergeneracion al/ valores, reglas y convicciones Mezigenerační kulturní přenos: hodnoty, normy, přesvědčení 125 IGL professional development Improving the skills of staff involved in IGL Développement Weiterbildung, professionnel berufliche par Fortbildung l'apprentissage intergénérationn el Sviluppo professionale per l'apprendimento intergenerazion ale Desarrollo del aprendizaje intergeneracion al profesional Profesní rozvoj v Mezigenerační m učení European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms 23 Ambienti/spazi per l'apprendimento intergenerazion ale Espacio para el aprendizaje intergenaracion al Prostředí pro Mezigenerační učení Groupes cibles Zielgruppen de l'apprentissage intergénérationn el Gruppibersaglio (destinatari) dell'apprendime nto intergenerazion ale Grupo objetivo del aprendizaje intergeneracion al Cílové skupiny Mezigeneračníh o učení Compétences propres à la Sociéte de la connaissance Abilità per una società della conoscenza inclusiva Habilidad para un sociedad del Conocimiento inclusiva Inkluzivní znalosti společenských dovedností 129 Independence Autonomy, self reliance Across the throughout life Life Span Indépendance / Selbstbestimmu Indipendenza autonomie tout ng, lungo l'intero au long de la vie Selbständigkeit arco della vita Independencia en el ciclo de la Vida Nezávislost v průběhu ţivota 130 Infantilisation Treatment of adults as children. Infantilisation 131 In-house training Training developed by the Formation sur le Ausbildung, Formazione in organization in which they are lieu de travail internes azienda used. Weiterbildungsa ngebot Formación en el Výuka v pracovních hogar prostorách 132 In-service training Training as part of professional development/job Formación en servicio 126 IGL Venues for opportunities for settings/space intergenerational activities s Lieux / Espaces de l'apprentissage intergénérationn el 127 IGL target groups Groups that would benefit from intergenerational learning 128 Inclusive Knowledge Society Skills The skills for the society where knowledge and ideas are the main source of economic growth Formation continue European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Orte und Rahmen für intergenerationa les Lernen Wissensgesells chaft, Auf Wissen basierende Gesellschaft Infantilisierung Weiterbildung während der Dienstzeit oder als Teil der Infantilizzazione Infantilización Formazione in servizio Infantilizace Výuka v rámci sluţby 24 regulären Arbeit 133 Interactive Learning Interactive learning describes Apprentissage a method of acquiring interactif information through hands on, interactive means. The opposite of interactive learning is passive learning, which is merely observing a learning process or just listening to information interaktives Lernen Apprendimento interattivo Apredizaje interactivo Interaktivní učení 134 Interdependen A dynamic of being mutually ce across the and physically responsible to, life span and sharing a common set of principles with others throughout life Interdépendanc e tout au long de la vie Interdependenz über die gesamten Lebenspanne Vzájemná Interdipendenza Actividades lungo l'intero instrumentales závislost v arco della vita de la vida diaria průběhu ţivota 135 Intergeneratio nal approach/strat egies/priorities Approche/ Priorités/ Stratégies intergénérationn elles Intergenerationa le Vorgehensweis e/Strategien/Pri oritäten Approccio/strate gie/priorità intergenerazion ali An approach sytematically involving two or more generations working/learning together. A strategy aiming to improve the quality of life for entire communities and to transform varied age groups from competitors to support systems and political alies 136 Intergeneratio Stresses and disagreements nal Conflict between the generations, in the family and in society Conflits Intergenerationa Conflitto intergénérationn le Konflikte, intergenerazion els Meinungsversch ale iedenheiten European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Mezigenerační Enfique intergeneracion přístup/strategie al, estrategias y /priority prioridades Conflicto intergeneracion al Mezigenerační konflikt 25 137 Intergeneratio A dependency between Contrat Intergerneration Contratto/patto nal Contract different generations based on intergénérationn ale Kontakte intergenerazion the assumption that future el ale generations, in honoring the contract, will provide a service to a generation that has previously done the same service to an older generation Contrato intergeneracion al Mezigenerační kontakt 138 Intergeneratio Concept that different Equité Intergenerationa Equità nal Equity generations should be treated intergénérationn le Gerechtigkeit intergenerazion in similar ways and should elle ale have similar opportunities and comparable benefits throughout their life spans Equidad intergeneracion al Mezigenerační spravedlnost 139 Intergeneratio Based on the psychological, nal social, and economic Experience importance of strong ties between generations Expérience Erfahrungen die Esperienza intergénérationn man zwischen intergenerazion elle den ale Generationen macht Experiencia Intergeneracion al Mezigenerační 140 IG Family Learning Paradigm Paradigme de l'apprentissage intergénérationn el familial Paradigma del aprendizaje Intergeneracion al Model mezigeneračníh o rodinného učení Learning in which parents/grandparents/carers and their children take part in learning activities together or where the course is aimed at improving parenting skills European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Denkweise in Paradigma di der apprendimento Lernaktivitäten IG familiare stattfinden, bei denen die Familienmitglied er miteinander lernen oder bei denen die elterliche Kompetnezen gestärkt werden. 26 141 Intergeneratio Learning between different nal Learning generations when they learn together or from each other. They might be learning together in a family context or as part of a project to bring older and younger generations in a community together Apprentissage Intergenerationa Apprendimento intergénérationn les Lernen, intergenerazion el Lernen von ale anderen Generationen Aprendizaje intergeneracion al Mezigenerační učení 142 Intergeneratio Intergenerational support, nal Mentoring services and consultancy Tutorat Intergenerationa Mentoring intergénérationn le Beratung, intergenerazion el Unterstützung ale Tutoria Intergeneracion al Mezigenerační mentoring 143 Intergeneratio Intergenerational practice nal practice aims to bring people together in purposeful, mutually beneficial activities which promote greater understanding and respect between generations and contributes to building more cohesive communities. Intergenerational practice is Pratique Intergenerationa Pratica intergénérationn le Praktiken intergenerazion elle ale Practica Intergeneracion al Mezigenerační praxe 144 Intergeneratio nal Programme Models Modèles de programmes intergénérationn els Modelo de Programa Intergeneracion al Mezigenerační programové modely A variety of models of practice for intergenerational learning to take place to bring together a community's young and old and to empower them by combining their assets, skills, interests, and backgrounds to address some of the societal issues that signi European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Intergenerationa les Modellprogram m Modelli di programma intergenerazion ale 27 145 Intergeneratio Interaction among individuals Relations Intergenerationa Relazioni nal Relations in different generations of a intergénérationn le Beziehungen intergenerazion family: for example, between elles ali those in older generations, such as parents and grandparents, aunt, uncles, and those in younger generations, such as children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Relaciones Intergeneracion ales Mezigenerační vztahy 146 Intergeneratio Solidarity and co-operation nal Solidarity between generations Solidaridad Intergeneracion al Mezigenerační solidarita Transferencia Intergeneracion al Mezigenerační přenos Solidarité Intergenerationa Solidarietà intergénérationn le Solidarität, intergenerazion elle Verbundenheit ale 147 Intergeneratio Transfers of economic or Transferts nal Transfers social resources from one intergénérationn generation to another, els generally a two-way exchange between younger and older generations. Intergenerationa Trasferimenti le Übertragung, intergenerazion reziproke ali (di risorse) Überlieferung (z.B. von Informationen) 148 Involvement The degree to which an individual is active in conventional activities. implication Engagement, Einbindung Coinvolgimento, Participacion impegno Zapojení se 149 Young Adults 18-24 years old Jeunes adultes Junge Erwachsene Giovani adulti Joven Adulto Mladí dospělí lidé 150 Young Old 60-74 years old Jeunes seniors junge Alten Vecchi giovani Joven viejo Mladí staří lidé 151 Ipsative Referencing Using yourself as the norm against which to measure something auto évaluation Die Riferimento/par Wahrnehmung, ametro ipsativo Meinung die man selbst über sich hat als Norm für andere Referencia Ipsativas Ipsativní oveřování European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms 28 Dinge benutzen. Sobra del Trabajador Stínování kolegy / Job shadowing Die Struktur der Struttura della näheren und parentela erweiteten Verwandtschaft Estructura de Parentesco Struktura příbuzenstva Libéralisme économique "Lasst machen" Lasciar fare Dejar hacer Klasický liberalismus Learning which is focused on the individual student's needs Centrée sur l'apprenant lernzentriert Centrato su chi apprende Centrado en el aprendiz Zaměřený na studenta The acquisition of skills, knowledge and attitudes Apprentissage Lernen Apprendimento Aprendizaje Učení se/ Studium 152 Job shadowing Accompanying an employee in their daily activities to gain experience of a job Formation Als Beobachter professionnelle arbeiten, par l'observation Hospitieren 153 Kinship Structure The way social relationships Structure de between individuals related by parenté blood, affinal ties or socially defined (fictive) connection are organised and normatively regulated 154 Laissez Faire The practice or doctrine of noninterference in the affairs of others, esp. with reference to individual conduct or freedom of action 155 Learner Centered 156 Learning European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Affiancamento nel lavoro 29 157 Learning Objectives A clear and measurable Objectifs Lernziele description of learning in d'apprentissage terms of knowledge, skills and performance Obiettivi di apprendimento Objetivos de aprendizaje Cíle studia 158 Learning Objects An entity which can be used, reused shared to support learning Objets Lernobjekte d'apprentissage Oggetti di apprendimento Objeto del aprendizaje Předměty studia 159 Learning Outcome A statement that describes what a learner is expected to know, understand and/or do as a result of a prescribed learning experience Résultat Lernergebnisse, Risultato/esito Resultado del d'apprentissage Ergebnisse des dell'apprendime aprendizaje Lernprozesses nto 160 Learning Styles An individuals unique Styles Lernstile approach to learning based on d'apprentissage their strengths, weaknesses and preferences Stili di apprendimento Výstupy studia Estilo de Aprendizaje Učební styly Běh ţivota 161 Life Continuity The stability and consistency of life Continuité de la Akzeptanz und Continuità della vie / adaptabilité Verständnis der vita Lebensveränder ung über Zeit. Continuidad de la vida 162 Life Course Sequence of changes or events that take place during a person‘s life. Parcours de vie Curso de la vida Průběh ţivota 163 Life History Research Research technique in which Approche par individual's life experiences, l'histoire de vie including significant emotions, observations, and events, are collected and analysed European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Lebensverlauf Corso della vita Erforschung der Ricerca sulla Lebensgeschich storia di vita te, lebensgeschicht liche Forschung Investigación de Výzkum historie la historia de la ţivota vida 30 164 Life Review A process by which individuals reflect on past experiences and unresolved conflicts so they can come to terms with their lives as they have lived them retour analytique sur sa vie Rücklick auf Revisione della sein vita, riflessione Leben/Reflexion sul proprio vissuto Revisión de la vida Zpětné hodnocení ţivota 165 Life skills Skills required to manage effectively in everyday life Compétences de base Fertigkeiten/Ko Abilità per la vita Habilidad para mpetenzen für la vida das Alltagsleben Ţivotní dovednosti 166 Life Span Actual length of life and statistical measurements of length of life Durée de vie Lebensspanne Arco della vita Délka ţivota 167 Lifelong and Lifewide Learning Process by which individuals consciously acquire formal or informal education throughout their lives for personal development or career advancement Apprentissage tout au long de la vie dans différents contextes Lebenslanges Lernen Educazione Toda la vida y lungo l'intero amplitud de arco della aprendizaje vita/Educazione che abbraccia tutti gli aspetti della vita 168 Locus of Control An individual‘s tendency to attribute success and difficulties either to internal factors such as effort or to external factors such as chance lieu de contrôle Kontrollfokus. Luogo del Die Tendenz controllo einzelner ihr Erfolg und ihre Schwierigkeiten auf entweder interne Faktoren wie Bemühungen oder externe Faktoren wie Zufall zurückzuführen. European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Arco de la Vida Lugar de Control Celoţivotní učení ve všech aspektech ţivota Místo ovládání 31 169 M Learning Any sort of learning that happens when the learner is not at a fixed, predetermined location, or learning that happens when the learner takes advantage of the learning opportunities offered by mobile technologies 170 Marginalizatio The process by which n individuals or groups, particularly older adults or members of minority groups, are relegated to an unimportant or powerless position in society Apprentissage mobile / environnements mobiles d'apprentissage Marginalisation Mobiles Lernen( Apprendimento Aprendizaje con Mobilní učení Lernen das con l'ausilio di dispositivos nicht an einem dispositivi mobili móbiles bestimmten Ort stattfindet, sondern überall geschehen kann, bspw. durch mobile Technologien. Maginalisierung, Marginalizzazio Marginalización Opomíjení soziale ne Ausgrenzung 171 Master Status A status that overrides all statut dominant others in perceived importance. Master status` is a sociological term used to denote the social position, which is the primary identifying characteristic of an individual Meisterstatus Status principale Status principal Status mistra 172 Maths aid Nachhilfe in Mathe Sostegno in matematica Ayuda en Matematicas Pomoc s matematikou Support with mathematics by Aide en maths parents, other family members or volunteers, equipment, activities to improve skills and understanding European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms 32 Education aux Medienpädagog Educazione ai médias qui ik media, TIC incluent les incluse Technologies de l' Information et de la Communication (TIC) / Médiologie Educación sobre los medios de Counicación incluyendo las TIC Studium médií, včetně Informačních a komunikačních technologií 174 Mental Health Describes either a level of cognitive or emotional wellbeing or an absence of a mental disorder Santé mentale Psychische Gesundheit Salud Mental Duševní zdraví 175 Meritocracy A social system that gives advantages and opportunities to people based on their ability rather than wealth or seniority Méritocratie Meritokratie,Leis Meritocrazia tungsgesellscha ft Meritocracia Meritokracie 176 Meta Analyses Combining and analsing the results of all known research on the same subject Meta-analyses Meta- Analyse Meta-analisi Meta-analisis Metaanalýza 177 Meta cognition A higher-order thinking that enables understanding, analysis, and control of one‘s cognitive processes when engaged in learning Metacognition Erkenntnis auf der Metaebene Metacognizione Meta-Cognición Meta poznávání 178 Middle Aged 40-59 years old Age moyen mittleren Alters Di media età 173 Media education incl. Information and Communicatio n Technologies (ICTs) A repertoire of competences that enable people to analyse, evaluate, and create messages in a wide variety of media modes, genres, and forms 179 Multigeneratio Community drop-in centres nal where all generations can Community meet Centre Salute mentale Centre socioMehrgeneration Centro culturel / Maison enhaus civico/sociale pour tous multigenerazion ale European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Edad Media Lidé středního věku Vícegenerační Centro komunitní Comunitario Multigeneracion centra al 33 180 Multigeneratio A learning process or activity nal learning that involves more than two generations Apprentissage multigénération nel vícegenerační Generationsübe Apprendimento Apredizaje rgreifendes multigenerazion Multigeneracion učení Lernen ale al 181 Multiple Intellligence Theory The theory of multiple Théorie de intelligences suggests that l'Intellligence there are a number of distinct multiple forms of intelligence that each individual possesses in varying degrees. Gardner proposes seven primary forms: linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, body-kinesthetic, intrapersonal (e.g., insight, metacognition) and interpersonal (e.g., social skills) Theorie der multiplen Intelligenz 182 Multipurpose Community Centre A community venue that is used for a variety of different purposes Centre social polyvalent Öffentliches Centro Mehrzweckhaus civico/sociale multifunzionale Centro Comunitario multifuncional Víceúčelová komunitní centra 183 Multi-tasking Ability The ability to perform many activities at the same time Capacité à être multi-tâche Die Fähigkeit zum MultiTasking, verschiedene Dinge gleichzeitig machen Abilità di svolgere contemporanea mente diversi compiti Habilidad para la multitarea Schopnost zvládat více úkolů najednou 184 Mutual Conversion A phrase suggesting that conversion to deviance (and perhaps to other lifestyles) is not a solitary activity but is achieved interactively conversion par interaction gemeinsames Gespräch Trasformazione/ Conversación conversione mútua reciproca European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Teoria delle intelligenze multiple Teoria de la inteligencia múltiple Vzájemná konverze 34 185 Mutuality in Teaching and Learning between Youths and Adults When the people of different generations being taught actively participate in learning from each other La réciprocité dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage entre jeunes et adultes 186 Narrative Inquiry Method In research or therapeutic Méthode contexts, the recital of facts, d'enquête usually in the form of a life narrative story told in the first person. Used in qualitative research or as a tool in family or psychotherapy to explore the storied nature of human conduct La reciprocidad en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje entre los jóvenes yAdultos Vzájemnost ve vyučování a učení mezi mládeţí a dospělými erzählerische/na Metodo di rrative indagine Forschungsmet narrativo hode Investigación narrativa Metoda výpravného zjišťovnání Minderung der Kluft zwischen den Generationen Reducir la generación de brechas Sníţení generačních rozdílů Gegenseitiges Lehren und Lernen zwischen den Jugendlichen und den Erwachsenen Reciprocità tra giovani e adulti nell'insegnamen to e nell'apprendime nto 187 Narrowing the Minimising differences Generation between people of a different Gaps generations réduire le fossé entre générations 188 National Parents' Committee Association Bundeselternver Comitato nationale des ein, nazionale dei parents d'élèves Elternkomitee genitori Comité Nacional Národní rodičovský de Padres výbor Nouveaux rôles pour les personnes âgées Nuevos Roles para los mayores National committee for parents who have children in primary and/or secondary education. More info on 189 New Roles for When older generations take the Aged on new activities, for example they may be seen as the resource for noneconomic capital—knowledge about relationships and history European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Riduzione del gap/divario generazionale Neue Rollen für Nuovi ruoli per die ältere gli anziani Generation (z.B. auf die Enkel aufpassen) Nové role pro staré lidi 35 190 NonRelations outside the contiguous IG immediate family eg relations grandparent-grandchild relations Relations entre nicht Relazioni Relacion générations non unmitttelbar intergenerazion Intergeneracion contigues zusammenhäng ali non contigue al no continua ende IG Beziehungen Nesousedící mezigenerační vztahy 191 Nonhierarchical relations Egalitarian, democratic, cooperative relations Relations non hiérarchiques 192 Normative Solidarity Expectations regarding filial Solidarité obligations and parental familiale obligation,s as well as norms normative about the importance of family values 193 Nuclear Family/ Conjugal Family A family group consisting of a Famille Kleinfather and mother and their nucléaire / /Kernfamilie children (by birth or adoption), famille restreinte who share accomodation Nichthierarchisc Relazioni non he gerarchiche Beziehungen, Beziehungen die keiner Hierarchie unterliegen. No Jerarquización de las Relaciones Nehierarchické vztahy Normativer Zusammenhalt, Solidarität Normativa Solidaria Normativní solidarita Solidarietà normativa Famiglia Familia Nuclear/ Jádro rodiny/blízká nucleare/Famigli Familia a coniugale Conyugal rodina 194 Nursery/ Residential Institutions Crèche, Nursing Home providing full-time nursing and puériculture / personal care for the elderly maison de repos Pflegeheim Asilo nido, asilo infantile, nido d'infanzia Hogar de Ancianos Opatrovnické ústavy 195 Old Old 75-100+ years old les anciens / le quatrième âge alte Alten Veramente vecchi, i più anziani Viejo viejo Staří staří lidé 196 Oral History The recorded recollections and life experiences of older adults as part of the social history of a period or locality. Histoire orale Mündlich überlieferte Geschichte Storia orale Historia Oral Historie předávaná ústně European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms 36 197 Panel Study/ Cohort Study A form of longitudinal study (a Etude d'un type of observational study) panel / d'une used in medicine, social cohorte science, actuarial science and ecology. Cohort studies are largely about the life histories of segments of populations, and the individual people who constitute these segments Panel- Analyse, Studio Kohorten (attraverso il Untersuchungen tempo) di un gruppocampione/Studi o di una coorte Panelová Crupo de Estudio/ Estudio studie, de Cohorte kohortová studie 198 Parent Somone's mother father or legal guardian Parent Elternteil, Genitore Erziehungsbere chtigter Padres 199 Parent/ Family An association between - School school and parents partnership Partenariat Parents/Famille -Ecole Schulpartnersch aft, Beziehung zwischen dem Elternhaus und der Schule 200 Parent/ Family Parents' support of their Involvement child's development Implication des parents/des Familles Engagement der Familie 201 Parental Involvement Pledge Engagement des parents à s'impliquer An agreement that parents undertake to support their children 202 Parents' A group of people appointed Board/Council to supervise and regulate a school Rodič /Vztah rodina - škola Rodič/ Zapojení Coinvolgimento/ Padres/ partecipazione Participación de v rámci rodiny del la Familia genitore/della famiglia Zusammenarbei Impegno del Compromiso de Závazky t zwischen der genitore a participación de rodičovského Schule und den collaborare con los Padres zapojení Eltern, wobei la scuola die Eltern aktiv die Schule unterstützen Association des Elternbeirat parents d'élèves European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Partenariato Asociación ScuolaEscuela Genitore/Famigli Padres/familia a Rodič Comitato/Consi glio dei genitori Junta de Padres /Consejo de Padres 37 Osservazione Observación del Pozorování účastníků del partecipante participante 203 Participant Observation Research method in which the Observation investigator takes part in the participative situation being studied Teilnehmende Beobachtung 204 Participatory Management Hands on management Gestion participative Partizipatorisch Gestione es Management partecipativa 205 Pastoral Counseling Counseling conducted by practitioners to meet the spiritual, psychological, or social support needs of individuals Conseil religieux Seelsorgerische Suggerimento, Beratung, consiglio, Seelsorge sostegno pastorale 206 Pedagogy The practice of teaching or the Pédagogie study of teaching Gestión Participativa Participační řízení Consejo pastoral Pastorální shromáţdění Pädagogik Pedagogia Pedagogia Pedagogika Vliv vrstevníků 207 Peer Influence Influence of one‘s immediate associates on one‘s attitudes and behaviour Influence des pairs Einfluss der Peergroup Influenza, ascendente dei pari Influencia de los iguales 208 Perseverance Determination to keep trying to achieve something in spite of difficulties Persévérance Ausdauer Perseveranza Perseverancia 209 Poverty Line The poverty threshold, or poverty line, is the minimum level of income deemed necessary to achieve an adequate standard of living in a given country Seuil de pauvreté Armutsgrenze Linea della povertà Linea de Pobreza 210 Prevalence The proportion of individuals in a population affected by a condition or activity Prévalence Verbreitung, allgemeine Geltung Prevalenza Prevalencia European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Hranice chudoby, ţivotní minimum 38 211 Productive Aging Activities of older people that produce goods or services, whether paid or unpaid, thus contributing to the economic and social well-being of society Vieillesse productive Menschen die Invecchiamento Envejecimiento noch im Alter produttivo Productivo Güter produzieren, ob bezahlt oder unbezahlt, und die Gesellschaft somit bereichern. Produktivní stárnutí 212 Projection Discussion of future trends or developments using narrative or statistical data Projection Prognose Proiezione Plánování 213 Prosocial behavior A range of voluntary actions that benefit the welfare of others Comportement pro-social Soziale Aktivitäten, die anderen zugute kommem im Gegensatz zu asozialem Verhalten. Comportamento Comportamient pro-sociale o Pro-Social Prosociální chování 214 Psychological Feelings relating to the mind Attitudes or mental processes Attidudes psychologiques psychologische Einstellungen die mentale Prozessen widerspiegeln Atteggiamenti psicologici Aptitudees Psicologicas Psychologické přístupy 215 Psychological Overall psychological state of Well Being the individual Bien-être psychologique seelisches Wohlbefinden Benessere psicologico Bienestar Psicologico Psychologická pohoda Pubertät Pubertà Pubertad Puberta 216 Puberty A process of physical changes Puberté by which a child's body becomes an adult body capable of reproduction 217 Quality Assurance Using system checks to ensure quality standrads set Proyeción Assurance de la Qualitätssicheru Assicurazione di Seguro de qualité ng qualità Calidad European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Zajištění kvality 39 by organisations are maintained 218 Reality Orientation Form of therapy for confused or disoriented persons involving consistency in routine and reiteration of patient‘s identity Thérapie Realitätsorientie Orientamento comportemental rung, alla realtà e Erinnerungsarb eit Orientación a la Orientace v realitě Realidad 219 Recall Learning Learning or memorization focused on the retrieval of information Remédiation cognitive Schnell abzurufendes Wissen Apprendimento richiamato Vinculos de Aprendizaje Učení pomocí znovuvyvoláván í informací 220 Reciprocity Helping behaviour, Social Exchange Réciprocité Reziprozität, Gegenseitigkeit Reciprocità Reciprocidad Vzájemná pomoc 221 Recognition Learning Learning or memorisation Reconnaissanc designed to elicit an e des acquis awareness that a stimulus has been known or experienced before Anerkanntes Lernen Apprendimento per riconoscimento Reconocimeinto Učení pomocí del aprendizaje rozpoznání 222 Reflexive Role-taking Where an individual looks at their own role performance from the perspective of another person Jeu de rôle Reflexive Assunzione di Rollenübernahm ruolo riflessiva e. Ein Individuum versetzt sich in die Rollen anderer Personen. Asumir un Rol Reflexivo Reflexivní převzetí role 223 Refugee guide A volunteer who is linked with a refugee with some similar assets, like age, trade, family background – who assists the refugee in his/her first months in a new country Assistant bénévole auprès des réfugiés Flüchtlingshilfe. Guida del Jemand der rifugiato einem Flüchtling hilft sich in dem neuen Land zurechtzufinden Guia del Refugiado Průvodce pro uprchlíky European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms 40 224 Reminiscence Reflections on past events and experiences in an individual‘s personal life Réminiscence Erinnerung Reminiscenza Reminiscencia Rozvzpomínání se 225 Resilience Ability to cope with events Résilience Belastbarkeit Resilienza Resilencia Houţevnatost, nezlomnost 226 Retirement Community Age-segregated communities composed almost entirely of retired individuals Association de retraités Seniorengerecht Comunità di e pensionati Wohngemeinsc haften Comunidad de Retiro Společenství lidí důchodového věku 227 Role Perception Awareness of behaviour Perception des patterns or functions expected rôles of people Rollenverständn Percezione del is ruolo Percepción del Rol Vnímání dané role 228 Roles Types of behavior expected of Rôles individuals as a function of specific social situations Rollen Roles Role 229 Sampling The act, process, or technique Echantillonnage Stichprobenverf Campionamento Muestreo of selecting a representative ahren part of a population for the purpose of determining parameters or characteristics of the whole population Vzorkování 230 Sandwich Generation Adults having caregiving responsibilities for their dependent children and their aging parents Vícevrstvá generace Génération sandwich European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Ruoli Sandwichgener Generazione ation. Die Sandwich Generation die sich einerseits um die Erziehung ihrer Kindern kümmern muss und andererseits um die Generación Sandwich 41 pflegebedürftige n Eltern/Schwiege reltern Improvements to school Développement Schulentwicklun Sviluppo della de l'école g scuola 232 School grandparents Senior citizens/retired persons who volunteer at a local school to share their various skills, knowledge and time, hence strenghtening the school/after school activities Activités des grands-parents en lien avec l'école RenterInnern Nonni (volontari) Escuela de die in ihrer nella scuola Mayores Freizeit die Schule bei verschiedenen Schulaktivitäten unterstützen Prarodičovská výpomoc ve školách 233 Screening Preliminary use of testing procedures or instruments to identify individuals at risk for or currently facing a particular problem or condition repérage Auswahlverfahr en Selezione Prověřování 234 Self Actualization The process of realising one‘s Réalisation de potentialities, capacities, and soi talents. Selbstverwirklic hung 235 Self Confidence The self-assuredness in one's Confiance en personal judgment, ability, soi power, etc. Selbstbewussts ein 236 Self Efficacy Belief or expectation about one‘s own ability to perform specific behaviors or tasks successfully. auto suffisance Selbstwirksamk eit Autorealizzazion Autoactualizació Seberealizace e (del proprio n potenziale) Sebevědomí Autostima, Confianza en fiducia in se uno mismo stessi Sebevýkonnost Autoefficacia Autoeficacia 237 Self Help Groups Groups formed by individuals to solve mutual problems and meet mutual needs Groupes d'entraide Selbsthilfegrupp Gruppi di autoen aiuto European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Desarrollo Escolar Školní vývoj 231 School development Detección Grupo de Auto Ayuda Svépomocné skupiny 42 238 Self The expansion of one‘s Dépassement Transcendenc conceptual boundaries de soi e inwardly through introspective activities, outwardly through concerns about others‘ welfare, and temporally by integrating perceptions of one‘s past and future to enhance the present Soziale Einstellungen Autotrascenden Autotrascenden Proniknutí do sebe samého za cia 239 Semantic Memory Long-term memory of facts and general word knowledge that is not tied to a learning experience, including knowledge about words, language, symbols and objects, motor skills, spatial knowledge, and social skills Mémoire sémantique semantisches Gedächtnis (Bedeutung der Zeichen) Memoria semantica Menoria Semántica Sémantická paměť 240 Senior Companion Programme Volunteer programme for persons over age 60 to help adults with special needs Programme Seniorenbegleit d'accompagnem endes ent des seniors Programm Programma "Compagno anziano" Programa de Acomañantes Senior Program Seniorský společník 241 Senior Enterprises Small income-earning ventures started by or on behalf of older adults Entreprises à l'initiative de seniors Imprese avviate, Empresas gestite da Senior anziani European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Senioren Unternehmen. Ein Unternehmen das hauptsächlich aus ältere Menschen besteht Seniorské podnikání 43 242 Service learning An experiential educational Service civique method in which supervised learners, usually undergraduate and graduate students, engage in organised service designed to help serve the needs of the community Freiwillige Apprendimento soziale nei servizi Lernmethoden (sociali) bei denen Lernende, meist Studierende, sich in organisierten und gemeinschaftsdi enenden Einrichtungen engagieren. Servicio de Formación Civilní sluţba 243 Silent/ Postwar Generation Population cohort generally Génération recognized to be born d'après-guerre between 1925 and 1945, which falls between the World War II Generation and the Baby Boom Generation Die stille Generation (Die Generation die zwischen 1925 und 1945 geboren ist) Silencio / posguerra / Swing Generación Tichá/poválečná /swing generace 244 Silver Haired Legislatures Groups of older adults, elected by their peers, that help apprise state legislatures of concerns of older adults Die grauhaarige Assemblee Legislatura de Legislatur legislative dei Pelo de Plata über 60-jährige capelli d'argento Freiwillige die Ratsmitglieder über die Belange älteren Erwachsene beraten Réseaux d'influence d'associations de seniors European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Generazione silenziosa/postb ellica/dello swing Šedovlasé legislatury 44 245 SMART Targets SMART / SMARTER is a mnemonic used in project management at the project objective setting stage. It means that targets are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. It is a way of evaluating the objectives or goals for an individual project SMART, démarche projet (mnémotechniq ue) Eine Obiettivi Gedächtnisstütz SMART e die im Projektmanage mnt bei der Zielsetzungspha se benutzt wird. Es ist eine Methode, um Ziele einzelner Projekte zu evaluieren. Objetivos SMART SMART cíle 246 Social Attitudes Society‘s orientation toward a concept or situation Attitudes sociales soziale Einstellung, Haltung Atteggiamenti sociali Actitudes Sociales Sociální přístupy 247 Social capital Social capital refers to the Capital social collective value of all 'social networks' and the inclinations that arise from these networks to do things for each other. It is a form of "public good" embodied in civic engagement soziales Kapital Capitale sociale Capital Social Sociální kapitál 248 Social Care Is a profession where people Assistance work in partnership with those sociale who experience marginalisation or disadvantage or who have special needs soziale Betreuung Assistenza/prot ezione sociale Sociální péče 249 Social Cognition Social insight or knowledge; processing, representation, and use of social information Soziales Erkennen, Kognition Conoscenza/per Cognición cezione sociale Social Compétences sociales European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Asistencia Social Sociální myšlení 45 Social cohesion is a term Cohésion used in social policy, sociale sociology and political science to describe the bonds or "glue" that bring people together in society, particularly in the context of cultural diversity 251 Social Exchange Theory The theory that persons or Théorie de Die Theorie des Teoria dello Teoria del groups will continue to interact l'échange social sozialen scambio sociale Cambio Social as long as each finds Austausches sufficient rewards to make interaction profitable 252 Social Exclusion A multidimensional process of Exclusion progressive social rupture, sociale detaching groups and individuals from social relations and institutions and preventing them from full participation in the normal, activities of the society in which they live Soziale Exklusion 253 Social Gerontology An interdisciplinary field of Gérontologie knowledge concerned with the sociale behavioral and socioeconomic aspects of ageing in the individual and in society sozialwissensch Gerontologia aftlich, soziales sociale Gerontologie Gerontologia Social Sociální gerontologie 254 Social Integration The learning and process by which an individual becomes a part of a culture or society Soziale Integration Integración Social Sociální integrace 255 Social Issues Social concerns as they affect Questions or are affected by society as a sociales whole Intégration sociale European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Sozialer Zusammenhalt Coesione sociale Cohesión Social Sociální soudrţnost 250 Social Cohesion Esclusione sociale Integrazione sociale Teorie sociální výměny Exclusión Social Sociální vyloučení gesellschaftliche Questioni/proble Temas Sociales Sociální otázky ,soziale mi sociali Probleme 46 Mobilité sociale 257 Social Needs Needs related to social interaction Besoins sociaux Soziale Bedürfnisse Bisogni sociali Necesidades Sociales Sociální potřeby 258 Social Values Those ideas, principles, or behaviors deemed morally or intrinsically desirable or undesirable by a group or society Valeurs sociales Soziale Werte Valori sociali Valores Sociales Společenské hodnoty 259 Soft Skills Soft skills is a sociological Compétences term relating to a person's sociales "EQ" (Emotional Intelligence Quotient), the cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, language, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism that characterize relationships with others 260 Staff development The processes, programs and Développement Personalentwick Sviluppo activities through which every professionnel lung professionale organization develops, des salariés del personale enhances and improves the skills, competencies and overall performance of its employees and workers 261 Successful Ageing Adaptation to aging to maintain or achieve life satisfaction, high morale, and psychological well-being. Vieillissement épanoui 262 Support A person who is paid to assist Personne Contact another person with specific contact (Stoettekontak needs in order to give the European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Soziale Mobilität Mobilità sociale Mobilidad Social Sociální mobilita 256 Social Mobility Movement between social classes Soziale Kompetenzen erfolgreiches Altern Abilità Habilidades emotive/Compet Emocionales enze sociali Desarrollo personal Invecchiamento Envejecimiento riuscito, exitoso coronato da successo Ansprechpartne Contatto di aiuto Contacto de r Ayuda Osobnostní schopnosti Rozvoj zaměstnanců Úspěšné stárnutí Podporující osoba 47 t) supported a meaningful leisure time Apprendimento tacito Apredizaje tácito Tiché učení se La technologie Methoden die vue sous l'angle zu einem ludique unkomplizierten/ spielerischen Umgang mit Technologien führen Giocare con le tecnologie (come si gioca dentro una sabbiera) Areneros de Tecnologia Technologická pískoviště Theories or models that form the basis for understanding the aging process. Théories sur le vieillissement Theorien des Alterns Teorie Teoria del sull'invecchiame Envejecimiento nto 266 Top-down/ Downstream Relationship/ Learning Learning controlled by the most senior people relations /Apprentissage Descendant Lernen das von oben verursacht wird oder von oben nach unten durchsickert Relazioni topRelación Arriba- Učení shora dolů down/Relazioni Abajo a valle/Apprendim ento 267 Transfer of Tacit Knowledge across Generations Implicit knowledge that is shared across age groups Transfert de savoir tacite entre les générations Übergabe von impliziten Wissen über die Generationen hinweg Trasferimento di conoscenze tacite attraverso le generazioni 268 Transferable Skills Expertise that be applied to different situations Compétences transférables transferierbare Fertigkeiten Abilità trasferibili Habilidad de transferencia 263 Tacit learning Knowledge understood without being stated Apprentissage tacite 264 Technology Sandboxes term suggesting that we should play with technologies like we play in our sandboxes when we are children 265 Theories on Ageing European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms implizites,stilles Lernen Trasferencia de conocimiento tácito a traves de las generaciones Teorie stárnutí Tichý přenos znalostí napříč generacemi Přenosné dovednosti 48 269 Transference The redirection of feelings and Transfert desires toward a new object, such as a therapist or other health professional Transferencia Přenos Übertragung Trasferimento 270 U3As/ University-affiliated or selfUniversités du Universities of help adult education Temps Libre the Third Age programmes found throughout the world providing educational and lifelong learning opportunities for older adults Universität des dritten Altersphase Unitre/Universit Universidad de à della terza età la 3ª Edad 271 Upbringing/Bri How children are raised in nging up different cultures children/Educ ation éducation Erziehung von Educazione a Kindern, come Kindererziehung allevare/educar e bambini e adolescenti Crianza Educación de los Hijos Výchova/ výchova dítěte/ vzdělávání 272 Vital Participating in activities Involvement in throughout old age Old Age Participation vitale pour les personnes âgées Sich aktiv in die Gesellschaft auch im hohem Alter mit einbringen Coinvolgimento nella vita in età avanzata Participación Vital en la Tercera Edad Aktivní zapojení se ve stáří Univerzity třetího věku 273 Volunteering/ Volunteer Volunteering can be described Bénévolat / as giving your time and Bénévole energy freely and by choice without concern for financial gain. It can describe hundreds of different activities that people choose to do to benefit or support others in the community Freiwilligkeitstäti Volontariato/vol gkeit ontario Voluntariado/ Voluntaio Dobrovolnictví/ dobrovolník 274 Welfare Community The healthy, happy, safe, prosperous community that supports everyone Gemeinwohl Comunidad del Bienestar Prosperující společnost Bien-être social European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Comunità del benessere (prospera, 49 felice, sicura) Motivation pour appendre Eine positive Einststellung hinsichtlich des Lernens 276 Willingness to Positive approach to be Helpful supporting activities, people etc. Volonté d'être utile Die Bereitschaft Disponibilità, haben hilfsbereit propensione ad zu sein essere di aiuto Voluntad de ser Ochota pomáhat util 277 Win-Win, LearningLearning Situation situation gagnantgagnant, Win-Win Situation (Eine Situation bei der alle Beteiligen profitieren) Ganar-Ganar, Situación beneficiosa de aprendizaje A Win-win strategy is designed to benefit all participants European Dictionary of Intergenerational Learning Terms Volontà di Voluntad y imparare, aptitud de Motivazione Aprender all'apprendiment o Přístup ochoty k učení se 275 Willing to Positive approach to learning Learn Attitude Strategia finalizzata al successo di tutti i destinatari/situa zione di apprendimento che produce trasferimento e modificazione di conoscenze ed esperienza Výka metodou Win-Win 50