The Broadsider May & June 2015 Covering the Broadside Benefice parishes of Ranworth with Panxworth, South Walsham, Upton & Fishley, and Woodbastwick Dear Friends, When Jesus sent his disciples ahead to find the room in Jerusalem where he would share the Last Supper with them, he told them to meet someone who would guide them. But how would they find this man in the Passover Festival crowds who thronged the narrow streets? Jesus said, ‘Go into the city, and a man will meet you carrying a jar of water. Follow him.’ (Mark 14.13) What was it about the man with the water jar that made him such a distinctive figure? The New Testament scholar Morna Hooker thinks it would be because water carriers used leather bottles rather than heavy jars. I wonder if it was because men didn’t carry water, which remains true to this day in many traditional cultures. It is hot, heavy and dangerous work in developing parts of the world, often involving long walks to remote places that are full of danger. Christian Aid highlights the story of one young mother, Loko, a member of the Borema community in rural Ethiopia. In her tribe, women are responsible for collecting water and firewood to sell to support their families. She prays constantly as she goes about her daily work, asking God for protection and transformation – that her life can be changed for the better. You can read more about her story on the Christian Aid Website. This year, Christian Aid are focussing on how providing women, like Loko, with a cow can transform their lives and improve the wellbeing of their communities. The cow’s milk can be sold, a business established, enabling women Loko carrying wood for the fire Picture © Christian Aid to grow in status and have more of a voice about issues that affect them and their families. In this way, they can climb out of their poverty trap and help others along the way. Christian Aid Week (May 10th–16th) will be an opportunity for us all to make that difference. Look out for information around your village about how to support the appeal. In some of our villages and at Fairhaven School, envelopes will be delivered that can be returned. Look out for news on events on posters or our website. If you’d like to get involved, please contact me. Like the man with the water jar, I shall be waiting…. With all best wishes, Nick Garrard A Big Thank You . . . . . . to Veronica and her helpers for the Pancake Party at Upton Village Hall, and Helen and the Team who provided Monday Munch and those who supported this year’s Lent lunches and the Passover Meal. Monday Munch was a great success, bringing people together to share food, friendship, fun and support. After a quiet start, around fifty people attended on each of the following Mondays. Those of us who were involved feel it was too good to keep in Lent alone, so we’re thinking about other times of year when it may happen again. The Pancake Party raised £80 and the Munches and Passover £305.78 for the Diocesan Lent Appeal in aid of the Friends of the Holy Land who support St. Luke’s Hospital in Nablus and a Centre for Diabetes and Cardiovascular diseases in the Palestinian West Bank. This equates to 6 GP visits and echocardiograms, 8 ECGs and 2 glucose checks with 78p change! . . . and to everyone who shared our Benefice journey through Holy Week to Easter. It was a well-supported and very meaningful time for all who took part. We were very grateful to be Rector: Revd. Canon NICHOLAS GARRARD Email: [email protected] Asst. Priest: Revd. HELEN GARRARD Email: [email protected] Benefice Administrative Assistant: CHRIS BOND (usually available on Wednesday and Thursdays) led on a rather soggy Palm Sunday by Melody, Laura’s pony. . . . and finally, to all who attended the AGM and stood for election to PCCs. Welcome back Bishop Alan It’s always a pleasure to welcome Bishop Alan to our Benefice and on June 13th he will be with us to take part in a Service of Thanksgiving for the restoration of All Saints’ Tower in Panxworth churchyard. He will dedicate the new First World War memorial that has replaced the one that was broken in the 1960s. The service begins at 11am and although we’ll be outdoors, there will be bells! You’re welcome to join us for refreshments afterwards. …and the Broads Society …and it’s equally good to welcome back the Broads Society who are coming for Evensong at Ranworth on June 14th at 6.30pm. What could be better than Evensong on a summer’s evening…? Pastoral Care of Parishioners If anyone requires visiting or wishes to make arrangements for a baptism, marriage or funeral, please inform Revd. Nick Garrard, Revd. Helen Garrard or one of your churchwardens listed below. Email: [email protected] The Rectory, The Street, South Walsham, Norfolk NR13 6DQ Telephone 01603 270769 CHURCHWARDENS RANWORTH with PANXWORTH 2 Woodbastwick South Walsham Upton Mark Cator Alby Cator 01603 721050 Gill Hood 01603 270397 James Chaplin John Ley 01603 270158 Kit Cator 01603 720276 Trevor Nelson 01603 270547 Tony Moore 01493 750518 Sunday Plus 10th May at St Lawrence’s, 3 – 5pm Sunday Plus in May will be something a little different. We are hosting a party and would like to invite all those who have been baptised in our Churches in recent years to bring their families and friends along to celebrate with us. We will begin with games and refreshments for all ages indoors and out including a family treasure hunt. At 4.30pm we will conclude with a very short informal act of celebration and praise, giving thanks for Baptism and our Christian hope. Invitations will be sent to all who have been baptised in our local Churches but if you have arrived recently or been baptised elsewhere, if you are interested in Baptism for yourself or a family member or even if you would just like to join in the fun please RSVP to Helen at [email protected]. The theme of our afternoon will be Noah’s Ark, a well- known and much loved story which not only celebrates creation but also speaks of God’s saving love for all of us. During the afternoon we will be constructing a Noah’s Ark with pictures and words from everyone who attends. If you are not able to be present but would like to be remembered in our prayers and our ark please e-mail as above and send a photo if possible. We really look forward to welcoming and celebrating with you. Facebook +SundayPlus Blessing of Animals Service Here in Broadland’s varied habitats, we’re surrounded by a wealth of animal life and some of it we own, as pets or as farm or working animals. We thank God for them at a special Blessing of Animals Service to be held at St. Lawrence’s in South Walsham on Wednesday June 17th at 6.30pm. Please ask your pets to put this in their diaries now, and it would be helpful to know if they intend to come! Songs of Praise on Ranworth Staithe On June 28th we’ll be on Ranworth Staithe for an OPEN AIR SONGS OF PRAISE, beginning at 10am. Come and join us and bring something to sit on if you wish. Music will be led by the Benefice Choir and Acle St. Edmund Youth Orchestra, so it will be a lively gathering! Quiz and Chips Results. The Quiz and Chips evenings in 2015 raised £817.50 from the raffle and 50p game proceeds for Breakthrough Breast Cancer. South Walsham Village Hall and The Salvation Army Toys and Tins Appeal each received £896.46 from the overall profit. Many thanks to all the teams who supported the four evenings and to the helpers and scorers each night. FUNERALS Carol Ann Harper Barnard The next issue of Broadsider covers July & August Deadline: Wednesday, June 10th at St Faith’s Crematorium March 23rd Dennis Edwin Wilson INTERMENT OF ASHES Please send your copy to David Benham [email protected] at St Mary’s, Fishley March 2nd at St Mary’s, South Walsham March 28th David William Philipo 3 Fairhaven C of E VA Primary School News During the second half of the Spring term the children continued to be successful in sporting activities. A number of our runners who had done well in the Partnership Cross Country took part in the County event held at Gresham’s School. All of our pupils finished in the top half of their field with one of our Year 5 pupils taking second place. Our Key Stage One pupils always enjoy the Cluster Sports Hall Athletics Competition and this year was no different with the children having a great time and achieving first place. Not to be out done, some of our key Stage 2 pupils competed in a recent Partnership Sports Hall Athletics Competition and took first place by a considerable margin. The purchase of new sports hall equipment last year means all of our children have the opportunity to train and develop their skills. The stained glass window, designed by Beech Class alongside local glass artist Julia Richardson, has been installed in the school hall and looks fantastic. This was dedicated in a short ceremony by Reverend Nick Garrard. Teaching our children to be safe is always important and recently Oak Class spent two sessions with a representative from ChildLine aimed at helping them to keep themselves safe as they grow more independent. Due to ill health Mrs Mallett has retired from her role as our school crossing patrol. She has served Fairhaven in so many ways over the last 35 years; teaching cycling proficiency, helping look after the school garden, cooking with the children, preserving the produce and accompanying trips. It is sad that an injury has meant she has been unable to help during the last year, and has prevented her from doing so many of the things she enjoys but we wish her well in her retirement. To celebrate all she has done for the school we invited Mrs Mallett to join us for lunch on Friday 27th February where we gave her a gift and some flowers and after which she shared her retirement cake with Oak Class. Oak Class spent the last three days of term at Holt Hall for our annual residential trip. On the first day 4 the children searched for, and found, fossils on the beach. The second day was spent undertaking team challenges and learning some survival skills. One evening we lit a roaring campfire during which the children provided their own entertainment singing songs and playing games. The final activity was an orienteering exercise which had the children running around the estate in search of orienteering posts marked on a map. The children learned new skills and had a great time. On the last day of term the rest of the school enjoyed an Easter Egg Hunt organised by The Friends. open garden at The Old House Garden + Ranworth + Great Yarmouth Food Bank Update Organisers of the Great Yarmouth Food Bank are really grateful for the support received from our parishes and work is continuing to provide boxes of emergency supplies for people in our area. A voucher scheme is working well and those referred through official channels, such as the JobCentre or social services, are helped to bridge benefit gaps or alleviate hardship caused by other financial problems. The team is particularly keen to have more of the following basic food items: long-life fruit juice cartons, UHT or powdered milk, instant mash and tinned potatoes. There are also other items which they like to include if possible, such as deodorant, small packs of nappies (any size), formula baby milk, baby wipes, baby food, soap, shampoo, female sanitary items, razors, tin openers, dog and cat food and toilet rolls. Boxes are kept at the back of each church and contents are regularly collected and delivered to Great Yarmouth. We have a great team of volunteers who co-ordinate this in the Broadside Parishes and our thanks go to them for their hard work. Looking ahead — Benefice BBQ This year’s Summer BBQ will be held on July 20th 7—9pm in The Rectory Garden. Come th January - 25th(adults 2015 along and join the18 fun! Tickets £6.50, children £2.50) will be on sale in advance through each church and from Nick and Helen (01603 270769). Monday Munch Towards the end of January this year we began planning our activities for Lent. I had become very aware of a widening gap between our Sunday worship, which is generally our most visible form of church, and the communities where we live. Initially I suggested offering hospitality, food and friendship to anyone who would like to join us from lunchtime onwards on the 4 Mondays in March. There was a favourable response to the suggestion from within the church communities and quickly a team formed – the name Monday Munch was chosen and those involved became the Monday Munch Bunch. The format of each Monday was the same — a simple lunch extending into afternoon tea and comprising soup bread and cheese and hot drinks cakes and scones, which was offered between 12.30 and 4.30. In addition to the food and drink we had activity tables, a prayer area and background music. Each week the numbers grew. The greatest number arriving for lunch and then a steady flow of people throughout the afternoon. We welcomed regulars and a large number of newcomers – many from around the Deanery and the Benefice, some holiday makers, walkers and boat owners and families around the school collection time. From the second week onwards we catered for around 50 people each week, frequently having to set extra tables. Many significant conversations and friendships were formed and secured. All that was provided was freely offered from the whole community and this was a true and visible sign of Christ being alive and made known right here amongst the places we call home. I think the success of the Monday Munch series is a clear indication that we must continue this outreach in some form – perhaps Monday Munch will become Monthly Munch. Within the next few weeks I would like to gather the team once more and explore a way forward. If you have any comments or would like to be part of the next step please email me at [email protected] or call 01603 270769. Thank you for helping this happen. Helen Garrard 5 A Prayer for the General Election Loving God, Thank you for caring about how our country is run, and that we have the right to vote for our politicians and government. But in the run-up to this general election there are so many policies to understand, and so many different points of view to consider. Sometimes I wonder whether there’s any point in voting, whether anyone cares what I think. As I choose who I am going to vote for, help me not to be cynical about politics and politicians, help me to remember that my vote can make a difference, and help me vote for those people who will protect the poor and vulnerable, and do all they can to make our nation a place of fairness and peace. Because you call us to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with you, our God. — Amen May 3rd Pray for Nick Garrard, Rector, his wife Helen, Assistant Priest, and their family. For election candidates and all who will vote in the forthcoming election. May 10th Give thanks for the involvement of older people in our parish life. For our links with Broadlands Park, Upton. May 17th Pray for all who visit the sick, troubled or housebound, sharing Christ’s love through action. For those taking communion to residential homes and the housebound. May 24th Give thanks to God for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Pray for our ministry to visitors. For the Ranworth Boat Rota volunteers, the Committee and helpers at the Visitor Centre and the Broads Chaplaincy. May 31st Pray for bellringers at South Walsham and Ranworth. June 7th Pray for sidespersons, welcomers and all who help keep the church and grounds 6 clean and in good repair. For our fabric and churchyard Committees, Friends of St. Margaret’s, patrons and benefactors. June 14th Pray for Village Halls and their committees, and for the groups who use them. June 21st Pray for those who are homeless or living in poverty and for any who sleep rough in this area. For The Bridge and The Well projects in Gorleston, and the Great Yarmouth Food Bank. June 28th Pray for St. Lawrence’s Centre, its committee, supporters and Friends. For the promotion of the arts, spirituality and community events. July 5th Pray for Richard Dewing, Reader. For the Ministry Team and all who read, lead prayers and assist in our worship, eucharistic ministers and servers. For more people to grow in service and offer themselves for Reader or Ordained ministry. Church Services BC = Benefice Choir #= Children’s Activities May 3rd Fifth Sunday of Easter Ranworth________________________ 9.30am____ Morning Prayer Upton___________________________ 9.30am____ Holy Communion South Walsham_ ________________ 11.00am____ Morning Prayer Woodbastwick__________________ 11.00am____ Holy Communion Fishley_ ____________________________ 3pm____ Evensong May 10th CHRISTIAN AID WEEK BEGINS Sixth Sunday of Easter (Vocations Sunday) Ranworth________________________ 9.30am____ Holy Communion Upton___________________________ 9.30am____ Family Service South Walsham_ ________________ 11.00am____ Holy Communion Woodbastwick__________________ 11.00am____ Family Service South Walsham St Lawrences_______ 3–5pm____ Sunday Plus Baptism Party # May 14th Ascension Day St Lawrence’s, South Walsham_____ 7.30pm____ Holy Communion BC May 17th Seventh Sunday of Easter Ranworth________________________ 8.00am____ Holy Communion Ranworth________________________ 9.30am____ Family Service Fishley_ _________________________ 9.30am____ Holy Communion South Walsham_ ________________ 11.00am____ Family Service and Holy Baptism Woodbastwick__________________ 11.00am____ Morning Prayer Upton___________________________ 6.30pm____ Evensong May 24th Pentecost (Whit Sunday) Ranworth________________________ 9.30am____ Holy Communion Upton___________________________ 9.30am____ Holy Communion South Walsham_ ________________ 11.00am____ Holy Communion Woodbastwick__________________ 11.00am____ Holy Communion May 31st Trinity Sunday Ranworth________________________ 9.30am____ Holy Communion Upton__________________________ 11.00am____ Benefice Holy Communion June 7th Trinity 1 Ranworth________________________ 9.30am____ Morning Prayer Upton___________________________ 9.30am____ Holy Communion South Walsham_ ________________ 11.00am____ Morning Prayer Woodbastwick__________________ 11.00am____ Holy Communion Fishley_ ____________________________ 3pm____ Evensong June 13th Panxworth Churchyard______________ 11am____ Service of Thanksgiving and ___________________________________________ Dedication of War Memorial with Bishop Alan June 14th Trinity 2 Ranworth________________________ 9.30am____ Holy Communion Upton___________________________ 9.30am____ Family Service South Walsham_ ________________ 11.00am____ Holy Communion Woodbastwick__________________ 11.00am____ Family Service Ranworth________________________ 6.30pm____ Broads Society Evensong June 17th Trinity 2 St Lawrence’s, South Walsham_____ 6.30pm____ Blessing of Animals Service June 21st Trinity 3 Ranworth________________________ 8.00am____ Holy Communion Ranworth________________________ 9.30am____ Family Service Fishley_ _________________________ 9.30am____ Holy Communion South Walsham_ ________________ 11.00am____ Holy Communion Woodbastwick__________________ 11.00am____ Morning Prayer Upton___________________________ 6.30pm____ Evensong June 28th Trinity 4 Ranworth Staithe Open Air Service_ __ 10am____ Summer Songs of Praise BC 7 Meetings & Village Activities May 5th Tuesday 2.30pm 6th Wednesday 10.30am 2.30pm 7.30pm 9th Saturday 7.30pm 3-5pm 10th Sunday 11th Monday 7.45pm 19th Tuesday 7.30pm 7.00pm 23rd Saturday June 2nd Tuesday 2.30pm 3rd Wednesday 10.30am 7.30pm 6th Saturday 7.30pm 14th Sunday 2–5pm th 7.45pm 15 Monday 16th Tuesday 7.30pm 22ndMonday 7.45pm Womens’ Fellowship – Upton Village Hall Hymn Singing at Broadlands Park, Upton Foodbank Meeting – St.Lawrence’s, South Walsham South Walsham W.I. – South Walsham Village Hall Recital: ‘Best of British’ Will Ferguson - St. Lawrence’s Sunday Plus Baptism Party – St. Lawrence’s, South Walsham Ministry Team – St. Lawrence’s, South Walsham Ranworth Ladies Group – The Coffee Shop, The Staithe, Ranworth “The Nancy Oldfield Trust” with Stephen Bradnock For further information contact Sue Hitchcock. Tel 01603 270212 Concert: Acle St Edmund Youth Orchestra and Choir – St. Margaret’s Church, Upton Womens’ Fellowship – Upton Village Hall Communion at Broadlands Park, Upton South Walsham W.I. – South Walsham Village Hall Concert: Vocality – St. Lawrence’s, South Walsham Open Garden at The Old House, Ranworth – in aid of Friends of Fairhaven School - See page 4 South Walsham & Upton PCC Meeting – St. Lawrence’s Ranworth Ladies Group – The Coffee Shop, The Staithe, Ranworth “The Herring Girls” with Chris Unsworth For further information contact Sue Hitchcock. Tel 01603 270212 St Lawrence’s Committee – St. Lawrence’s, South Walsham Parish Council vacancy We really need someone from Woodbastwick, or with interests there, to be co-opted onto the Parish Council after May 13th. I would be very happy to discuss what is involved if you can call me on 01603 270212.Sue Hitchcock St Helen’s Church Visitors’ Centre WANTED - P/T Cleaner Ranworth Visitors’ Centre are looking for a part time cleaner to work for one hour each Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening during the Summer Season. For more information please contact: John Ley on 01603 270158. (References will be required). 8 Concerts 2015 Saturday 9th May, 7.30 pm Will Fergusson PIANO ‘The Best of British’ Tickets £12 (£10 friends) from Prelude Records Saturday 6th June, 7.30 pm Vocality ‘Flow not so Fast’ A varied programme of ‘a cappella’ singing Tickets £10, (£8 friends) on the door or 01603 270139
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