broadsider - Broadside Benefice
broadsider - Broadside Benefice
The BROADSIDER July & August 2015 Covering the Broadside Benefice parishes of Ranworth with Panxworth, South Walsham, Upton & Fishley, and Woodbastwick Dear Friends, The rain held off but now it is pouring. We have just returned from the Blessing of Animals service held outside St Lawrence’s. We had a tiny shower as we began, enough that we had to move the electrical equipment indoors but not enough to dampen spirits, in fact spirits were very high as we welcomed around 65 people and 31 animals. The service was supported by the South Walsham guides and brownies with their leaders. During our service I read a short passage from the book of Genesis: “In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day. And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind.” And it was so. God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.” So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” This is a summary of the story of creation with several stages missed out but it is enough to give us an idea of how it all began. Christians believe that it began with nothing and from the chaos of darkness God created everything that we know and particularly on this summer evening we reflected on the variety and complexity of animals, there was not quite one of every kind but we certainly had a variety of speed from tortoise to whippet and a variety of colour from black Labrador to white hamster. Our role as humans in the story of creation is to bear the image of God which means we have a responsibility to care for creation. This is why it is good to give thanks for our pets and ask God to bless them and us as we share in his work. Summer is as much about recreation as creation and it is a perfect time of year to paws (pardon the pun). Maybe we will be fortunate enough to have a holiday as our recreation but for everyone there is the opportunity in these beautiful villages simply to stop and look and sense our part in the world and give thanks to God for the moment we enjoy and all the blessings of our life. Bless you all and all your creatures, great and small. With all best wishes, Helen Garrard How many animals, birds and creepy-crawlies can you find in Broadsider? Welcome to the Broadside Benefice! We have been using this as the title for our group of parishes for a number of years, but on June 1st this became a legal reality. Yes, we truly are the Broadside Benefice now. (A benefice, by the way, is a parish or group of parishes in the care of one stipendiary priest). On June 1st we also grew as a Benefice, by one parish. After six months of informal oversight of worship and pastoral care, St. Mary’s, Fishley has become part of Broadside. For the churchwardens and congregation this is something of a homecoming, as Upton and Fishley churches were linked until the 1970s, and share a civil parish to this day. Fishley Church is open every Friday and will also be open every day during Open Churches Week (August 2nd-9th) and is well worth a visit. We look forward to sharing our vibrant Benefice life fully with them as they share their gifts and enthusiasm in return. As a result, our parishes stretch along the River Bure all the way from Salhouse Broad to Acle Bridge and contain five Broads. We are truly the Broadside Benefice. Nick Garrard Rector: Revd. Canon NICHOLAS GARRARD Email: [email protected] Asst. Priest: Revd. HELEN GARRARD Email: [email protected] Benefice Administrative Assistant: CHRIS BOND (usually available on Wednesday and Thursdays) Fairhaven School Leavers’ Presentation, Sunday July 19th Sunday July 19th Ranworth Church 11am Our Benefice congregation at this Family Service will be joined by Fairhaven School when Year 6 Leavers will be given a Youth Bible by the Benefice as a memento and useful tool for the future. Our thanks go to everyone who kindly gave money for these books…. ….This could be you if you come along to the Benefice BBQ on Monday, July 20th This will be held in the Rectory Garden, South Walsham, beginning at 7pm. Come and join the fun! Tickets (adults £6.50, children £2.50) will be on sale in advance through each church and from Nick and Helen (01603 270769). Delicious BBQ food will be served - please bring anything you’d like to drink and something to sit on. This event will be in support of Youth Bibles for Year 6 school leavers and Christian storybooks to be presented to children from our villages who will join Reception classes at Fairhaven School this autumn. We look forward to seeing you there. Pastoral Care of Parishioners If anyone requires visiting or wishes to make arrangements for a baptism, marriage or funeral, please inform Revd. Nick Garrard, Revd. Helen Garrard or one of your churchwardens listed below. Email: [email protected] The Rectory, The Street, South Walsham, Norfolk NR13 6DQ Telephone 01603 270769 CHURCHWARDENS RANWORTH with PANXWORTH 2 WOODBASTWICK SOUTH WALSHAM UPTON Mark Cator Alby Cator 01603 721050 Gill Hood 01603 270397 James Chaplin John Ley 01603 270158 Kit Cator 01603 720276 Trevor Nelson 01603 270547 Tony Moore 01493 750518 A Big Thank You . . . . . . to our Christian Aid organisers and collectors and to everyone who supported this year’s appeal, raising a total of £384.99. Revd. Nick Garrard A great big thank you to everyone for all the cards and best wishes sent to me which have made such a difference to my recovery. Jacquetta Cator Coffee Morning Chloe Ecclestone, one of Fishley’s churchwardens, is kindly hosting a Coffee Morning in aid of South Walsham, Upton and Fishley PCC funds on Wednesday July 8th at 16, Priory Close, Acle 10am-12 Noon. All are welcome. THE 2015 WOODBASTWICK WEEKEND FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY JULY 24TH — 26TH 10.30AM-4.30PM FLOWER FESTIVAL IN WOODBASTWICK CHURCH 16 Beautiful professional arrangements on show and delicious teas served on the Village Green SATURDAY JULY 25TH BAPTISMS 2PM-4PM at St Mary’s, Fishley April 17th TRADITIONAL VILLAGE FETE Phoebe Rose Elizabeth Butler at St Mary’s, South Walsham April 26th William James Moore at St Mary’s, South Walsham May 17th Autumn Amelia Faith Taylor ON WOODBASTWICK VILLAGE GREEN Games Competitions Bric a Brac Tombolas Books Crac a Croc Ices Hot Dogs Farm Rides (harvest permitting) and of course the teas Plenty of car parking Toilets, inc. for the disabled, are available FUNERALS ENTRY IS FREE at St Helen’s, Ranworth May 14th SUNDAY JULY 26TH Karen Dawn Wyatt 6.30PM at St Mary’s South Walsham May 19th EVENSONG Patricia May ‘Pat’ Atkins at SS Fabian & Sebastian, Woodbastwick May 26th Queenie Gwendoline Oakes IN WOODBASTWICK CHURCH Come and Enjoy Yourself 3 Open Air Service at St Benet’s Abbey Sunday August 2nd, 3.30pm The Prior and Brothers of St. Benet’s Abbey warmly invite you to attend the annual open air service at St Benet’s Abbey on the River Bure. The Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Revd Graham James, who is Abbot of St Benet’s, will arrive by wherry to preach at this lively and atmospheric gathering. The St. Benet’s tradition goes back to the time of King Henry VIII, when the Abbot of St. Benet’s became Bishop of Norwich, bringing the two ministries together. St. Benet’s other unique distinction is that it was the only monastery in England not to be dissolved at the Reformation. Today Christians of all traditions gather on the site of the abbey church to worship in this remarkable riverside setting. If you’re coming by river there are some mooring spaces nearby, or if you’re coming by road from the A1062, turn off at Johnson Street for field parking or on-site parking for disabled access. Ranworth Fun Quiz On Saturday 25th April ten local teams attended the inaugural Ranworth Fun Quiz at Ranworth Village Hall. Cheese and wine was provided at table, along with a pay bar selling wine, beer and soft drinks. The emphasis was on fun and teams undertook challenges such as coming up with the best team name and constructing a cartoon character with Play Dough, as well as the serious business of answering the questions and table rounds. The winning team was Kevin Colman’s ‘The PlayOffs’. Thank you everyone who took part and the village hall committee members who organised the quiz. The event raised £340.91 for the village hall fund. We will be hosting another quiz with fish and chips on 14th November 2015, so watch out for publicity nearer the time! 4 FAIRHAVEN C OF E VA PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWS Key Stage 1 and 2 SATs tests are behind us and as I am writing this the rest of the school are completing end of year assessments. Our football, cricket and netball teams have all been successful in Cluster and Partnership competitions and we still have county competitions ahead of us for all of these sports, as well as the Cluster athletics, and our own sports day. We were delighted earlier this term when one of our Year 6 pupils won a writing competition organised by Norfolk County Council Records Office. The prize, a trip to the County Archives for the whole class, was enjoyed by pupils and staff alike. As a result of the visit the children have had access to some of the records relating to South Walsham School during the Second World War and have been using the documents to add to their research about evacuees who attended our school. All of our pupils have been excited by the arrival of Smooga in the playground. This is a special kind of barrier which can be set up almost anywhere to make an enclosed area suitable for all kinds of sports. We have a number of exciting activities to look forward to this term including the Cluster Song and Dance performance which we will be taking part in at The Open Venue, a whole school trip to a farm and all the usual end of year celebrations. The next issue of Broadsider covers JUST SEPTEMBER Deadline: Monday, August 10th Please send your copy to David Benham [email protected] ‘Noble Ethel’, our dragon will be on display in Norwich during July and August as part of the Norwich Go Go Dragons Project. The children enjoyed both planning and carrying out the decoration of Ethel. She is painted with designs inspired by The Broads, hands drawn and painted by every child as well as leaves made by all the children to represent our four classes; beech, chestnut, oak and sycamore. A day in the life of of a Norfolk Wildlife Trust volunteer It is three weeks since I was last at Ranworth as a volunteer and today I couldn’t wait to get back. Walking down the road to the Centre, all the plant life has really taken off – milk parsley previously hardly visible has grown significantly, flag irises are standing tall albeit their beautiful golden flowers are still to appear and Red Campion is a blaze of colour. Once in the Centre, you are greeted by the beautiful sight of the Broad filled with all kinds of wildfowl – it is magnificent. A day spent at Ranworth has meant that I can not only watch the wildlife but meet lots of interesting people who otherwise I would never have seen. You also get to meet fellow volunteers, hear their views and often new friendships are forged. The Trust really do rely on volunteers for so many activities and I would highly recommend becoming one of the team. Teresa Stevens – NWT Ranworth Visitor Centre Volunteer If you are interested in volunteering with Norfolk Wildlife Trust have a look at their website or phone Angela Collins on 01603 625540. 5 July 5th Give thanks that Jesus Christ is our risen Lord. For Richard Dewing, Reader. For the Ministry Team and all who read, lead prayers and assist in our worship, eucharistic ministers and servers. For more people to grow in service and offer themselves for Reader or Ordained ministry. July 12th Pray for the work of Christian Aid, and a fairer sharing of the earth’s resources among its people. For our environmental policies. July 19th Pray for our local hospitals, their staff, chaplains and patients. For Helen Garrard in her role as Hospital Chaplain. For our school leavers. July 26th Pray for all in our parishes who are lonely, or troubled in mind or body, or bereaved. For all who have difficulties in their relationships, or struggle to find faith. August 2nd Pray for Steven Betts, Archdeacon of Norfolk, Nick Garrard our Rural Dean, Keith Gerrard, Lay Chair and our Deanery Synod representatives. 6 August 9th Pray for our links with other churches. For Churches Together on the Broads and the ecumenical Broads Chaplaincy. For the Gorleston Food Bank, giving thanks for the support we provide locally. August 16th Pray for Edward Bouckley, Choir Director, and the Benefice Choir. For our Organists. August 23rd Pray for the estates and farms of this Benefice. For local businesses, pubs and shopkeepers. For Fairhaven Trust and Norfolk Wildlife Trust Visitor Centres. August 30th The congregations of our churches. That we may carry out our Committed to Growth Plans and continue to grow and reach out to the wider community. September 6th Pray for Nick Garrard, Rector, his wife Helen, Assistant Priest, and their family. CHURCH SERVICES BC = Benefice Choir #= Children’s Activities July 5rd Trinity 5 Ranworth _______________________ 9.30am ___ Morning Prayer Upton __________________________ 9.30am ___ Holy Communion South Walsham ________________ 11.00am ___ Morning Prayer Woodbastwick _________________ 11.00am ___ Holy Communion Fishley ____________________________ 3pm ___ Evensong July 12th Trinity 6 Ranworth _______________________ 9.30am ___ Holy Communion Upton __________________________ 9.30am ___ Family Service South Walsham ________________ 11.00am ___ Holy Communion Woodbastwick _________________ 11.00am ___ Family Service July 19th Trinity 7 Ranworth ______________________ 11.00am ___Joint Benefice/School Family Service and Leavers’ Presentation BC July 26th Trinity 8 Ranworth _______________________ 9.30am ___ Holy Communion Upton __________________________ 9.30am ___ Morning Prayer South Walsham ________________ 11.00am ___ Holy Communion Woodbastwick __________________ 6.30pm ___ Flower Festival Evensong August 2nd Trinity 9 Ranworth _______________________ 9.30am ___ Holy Communion Upton __________________________ 9.30am ___ Holy Communion South Walsham ________________ 11.00am ___ Morning Prayer Woodbastwick _________________ 11.00am ___ Holy Communion Fishley _________________________ 3.00pm ___ Evensong St Benet’s Abbey ________________ 3.30pm ___The Bishop of Norwich takes the annual Abbey service August 9th Trinity 10 (Eve of Feast of St Lawrence) Ranworth _______________________ 9.30am ___ Morning Prayer Upton __________________________ 9.30am ___ Family Service St Lawrence’s, South Walsham___ 11.00am ___ Patronal Festival Holy Communion Woodbastwick _________________ 11.00am ___ Family Service August 16th Trinity 11 Ranworth _______________________ 9.30am ___ Family Service Fishley _________________________ 9.30am ___ Holy Communion Woodbastwick _________________ 11.00am ___ Joint Morning Prayer ___________________________________________(shared with the South Walsham congregation) Upton __________________________ 6.30pm ___ Evensong August 23rd Trinity 12 Ranworth _______________________ 9.30am ___ Holy Communion Upton __________________________ 9.30am ___ Morning Prayer South Walsham _________________ 9.30am ___ Family Service Woodbastwick _________________ 11.00am ___ Holy Communion August 30th Trinity13 Ranworth _______________________ 9.30am ___ Holy Communion Upton _________________________ 11.00am ___ Holy Communion September 6th Trinity14 Ranworth _______________________ 9.30am ___ Morning Prayer Upton __________________________ 9.30am ___ Holy Communion South Walsham ________________ 11.00am ___ Morning Prayer Woodbastwick _________________ 11.00am ___ Holy Communion Fishley _________________________ 3.00pm ___ Harvest Festival 7 Lettuce Patch MEETINGS & VILLAGE ACTIVITIES July South Walsham W.I. – South Walsham Village Hall Holy Communion at Broadlands Park, Upton Monday Munch – St. Lawrence’s, South Walsham Ministry Team – The Rectory, South Walsham Womens’ Fellowship – Upton Village Hall Coffee Morning – 16 Priory Close, Acle White Moth Centenary Concert – St. Helen’s Church, Ranworth Recital: Will Ferguson – St. Lawrence’s, South Walsham Deanery Synod – All Saints Church, Hemblington. NR13 4EF BAC Meeting – Ranworth Visitors’ Centre Concert: Hemblington Harmony – Upton Church Benefice BBQ – Rectory Garden, South Walsham Ranworth Ladies Group – “Summer Special” For further information contact Sue Hitchcock. Tel 01603 270212 26th Sunday 1-4pm Ranworth Village Fete – The Staithe, Ranworth. See page 4 24th—26th Fri, Sat. & Sunday Woodbastwick Fete and Flower Festival – See page 3 1st Wednesday 7.30pm 6th Monday 10.30am 12.30-4.30pm 7.45pm 7th Tuesday 2.30pm 8th Wednesday10am-12noon 11th Saturday 7.30pm 7.30pm 13th Monday 7.30pm 15th Wednesday 7.45pm 18th Saturday 7.00pm 20th Monday 7.00pm 21st Tuesday 7.30pm August 1st-8th Saturday – Saturday 2nd Sunday 3.30pm 3rd Monday 10.30am 12.30-4.30pm 5th Wednesday 7.30pm 7th—9th Fri, Sat, and Sunday September 3rd Thursday 5th Saturday Norfolk Open Churches Week St Benet’s Abbey Service led by the Bishop of Norwich Hymn Singing at Broadlands Park, Upton Monday Munch – St. Lawrence’s, South Walsham South Walsham W.I. – South Walsham Village Hall 6th Ranworth Beer Festival – See advert on page 4 6.30pm Blofield Deanery Greater Chapter. Holy Communion & Meeting – Holy Trinity Church, Rackheath 7.30pm Concert: Cavick Quartet – St. Lawrence’s, South Walsham St. Lawrence’s Centre, South Walsham Saturday, 5th September 2015, 7.30pm Concerts 2015 SATURDAY 11th JULY, 7.30 pm The Cavick Quartet & Andrew McCullough Latin Spectacular Play music by Mozart, Haydn & Bäermann Will Fergusson and Friends Refreshments and Raffle. Tickets £12 (£10 friends) from Prelude Records 01603 628319 8 CLASSICAL ELEGANCE ON THE CLARINET Tickets £10, (friends of St Lawrence’s £8, under 18 free), on the door or by calling 01603 631444