THE BLuE DEVIL BuGLE - Kenesaw Public Schools
THE BLuE DEVIL BuGLE - Kenesaw Public Schools
The Blue Devil Bugle Kenesaw Public School Volume VIII, Issue 2 October 2014 Going 1 to 1: IPads enhance 21st Century student learning Special Points of Interest: x x x x x x x x x x x x x October 1: Ag Safety Day October 2: TVC Cross Country at Franklin (4:30pm) October 3: Football at Raymond Central (4pm) October 4: Harvest of Harmony Parade October 7: Home VB vs. Lawrence-‐Nelson/Red Cloud (5:30pm) October 8: 1st/4th Grade Field Trips October 9: 3rd Grade Field Trip, Cross Country at Franklin (4:00) October 10: Home FB vs. Loomis (3:30pm) October 16: District Cross Country (TBD) October 17: End of First Quarter October 18: Minden Bandfest, TVC Volleyball at Kenesaw (TBD) October 20: No School (Teacher In-‐service) October 24: State Cross Country (Kearney) By Rose Wehrman The purpose of a school is to educate and prepare students. In an effort to accelerate this learning process, iPads have been provided for every .HQHVDZVWXGHQW´2YHUDOO,WKLQNLWKDVEHHQDSRVLWLYHH[SHULHQFHIRUWKH VWXGHQWVDQGWHDFKHUVµVDLG0U(LQUHPRI.HQHVDZ VWUDQVLWLRQLQWRD one-‐to-‐RQHVFKRRO´,W·VJRLQJWRKDYHDODUJHLPSDFWRQ\RXQJHUVWXGHQWV EHFDXVHWKH\·OOVWDUWZLWKLWDQGKDYHLWDOOWKHZD\WKURXJKKLJKVFKRROµ VDLG0UV$QGHUVRQZKRVHUYHVDORQJVLGH0U.URRVDV7HFKQRORJ\&RRUGLQDWRU´:H·UHWU\LQJWR PDNHVWXGHQWVPRUHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKHLURZQOHDUQLQJµ There are obvious benefits to implementation of the iPad program, such as the 24/7 access to FODVVURRPPDWHULDODQGHQGOHVVUHVRXUFHV´7KHUHLVDZHDOWKRILQIRUPDWLRQDYDLODEOHWRWKHVWXGHQWV WKDWQHHGVWREHLQYHVWLJDWHGDQGXVHGµVDLG0U(LQUHP´7KLQJVDUHGRQHIDVWHUZKLFKKHOSVFXW down on preparation time, and once I get things organized the way I want, it will help with almost HYHU\WKLQJ,GRµ The iPad Airs have brought out the creative sides of students and teachers alike as new uses for the technology are discovered. Senior and varsity volleyball player Brenna Schneider uses the Notability app to draw up on-‐court positions for younger players and email the document to them. She also uses her iPad to keep herself organized by putting events in her calendar as a reminder of assignments and sports games. In art classes, the iPads are used to create drawings and help search for inspiration. Among various classes, iPads are used for studying, quizzes, presentations, grade viewing, note-‐taking, college classes, class projects, email, research, resource books, papers, and as a way to turn in assignments. Common applications include Schoology, Prezi, Google Slides, Notability, Google Docs, and Geogebra. $VZLWKHYHU\WKLQJLQOLIHWKLVQHZSURJUDPKDVLWVVKRUWFRPLQJV´6RIDUWKHELJJHVWFKDOOHQJHLV ILJXULQJRXWKRZWRPDQDJHDOOWKHDSSVDYDLODEOHDQGGHWHUPLQHZKLFKRQHVDUHEHVWIRUWKHVWXGHQWV· XVHµVDLG0UV$QGHUVRQ$FFRUGLQJWR0U(LQUHPWKHJUHDWHVWFKDOOHQJHLVJHWWLQJVWXGHQWVWR understand when it is and when it is not appropriate to use the iPads, although the students' main FRQFHUQLVWKHXSNHHS´,·PDOZD\VDIUDLG,·PJRLQJWREUHDNLWLQP\EDFNSDFNµVDLG%UHQQD ´,ZRXOGQ·WVD\L3DGVKDYHPDGHOLIHHDVLHUMXVWGLIIHUHQWµVDLG0UV$QGHUVRQ´7KH\·UHJRLQJWRRSHQ up more opportunities for learning. We need to meet students where they like to learn-‐-‐ technology. It ZLOOWDNHVRPHRXWRIWKHLUFRPIRUW]RQHIRUDZKLOHµ Kenesaw receives new scoreboard, concession stand Inside this issue: School Board Minutes, &RXQVHORU·V&RUQHU$/6,FH Bucket Challenge 2 Foreign Exchange Student, ACT Morning Class 3 Football, Volleyball 4 Cross Country, Middle School Sports, Word Search 5 .LG·V&RUQHU7LWOH1RWLFH 6 Senior Profiles 7 By Kelsey Jaeschke Kenesaw was presented with a new scoreboard before the first football JDPHRIWKLVVHDVRQ$WKOHWLF'LUHFWRU&UDLJ6FKQLW]OHUVDLG´,UHDOO\VWDUWHG looking into new designs last January or February. When we would have me-‐ chanical issues, it was becoming extremely hard to find replacement parts EHFDXVHWKHVFRUHERDUGZDVRXWGDWHGµ7KHQHZVFRUHERDUGFRVWDOLWWOHRYHU $21,000 total; eight sponsors are to thank for helping with that cost. Special thanks go to Hersh Digging, Kenesaw Motor, Husker Power, Krull Agency, Kenesaw Market, Adams County Bank, Berg Insurance, and Golden Harvest under Brent Woodman for purchasing advertisements on the scoreboard. Also thanks to Dektronics for the design of the new scoreboard, along with Elm Creek's M&J Signs for installation. 7KHVFKRRODOVRUHFHQWO\EXLOWDEUDQGQHZFRQFHVVLRQVWDQGZLWKIXQGVIURPWKHVFKRRO·VEXGJHW&XV todial staff members Mike Pritchard and Gary Steiner led the project, alongside some periodic help from school faculty/staff members, community members, and nearby businesses. Due to cramped space in the old stand, the new one has been built with much more storage room for large events such as track meets. Be sure to check out these two new landmarks at the next athletic contest. Page 2 The Blue Devil Bugle Volume VIII, Issue 2 School Board Proceedings The Kenesaw Public School Board of Education met in regular session on September 10, 2014 at 8:00 p.m. Action was taken on the following. x Approved the minutes of the Aug. 11, 2014 Regular Meeting as presented x Approved the following 2014-‐2015 school year budgets: -‐General Fund -‐ $4,432,350.00 -‐Depreciation Fund -‐ $193,302.00 -‐Activities Fund -‐ $302,590.00 -‐School Lunch Fund -‐ $144,000.00 -‐Bond Fund -‐ $355,000.00 -‐Special Building Fund -‐ $684,564.00 x Approved the following 2014-‐15 school year tax request: **There is a one page document where we request $3,383,838.00 for the General Fund and $252,525.25 for the Special Building Fund and $343,434.34 for the Bond Fund for a total of $3,979,797.59 for the 2014-‐2015 school year. x Approved the Treasurers Report. x Approved the September 2014 Claims in the amount of $60,376.98 and payroll amount of $191,915.18 for a total of $252,292.16. x Approved the option enrollment form for Shelly Eiseman into Hastings Public School. x $SSURYHG WKH ELG IRU 6RG DQG 6SULQNOHUV IURP 7LOOH\·V for the amount of $7,966.00 The next meeting is set for October 13, 2014 at 8:00 P.M. &RXQVHORU·V&RUQHU By Chuck Roe It is a lot of fun and a great privilege to make the following announcement: Our school has been given an Education Quest college Access Grant. This is a 10,000-‐dollar grant that is spread out over the next four years. The purpose of this grant is to help promote and strengthen college going at our school. The things we will be able to do with this grant will help give our students a better grasp on what high education is and how they can obtain their personal education goals beyond high school, no matter what they are. We are starting off by offering a local ACT preparation course as well as other programs. These programs will bene-‐ fit all of our current and future high school students. Keep an eye out for further programs and activities that will be made possible by this generous grant. In other news, now is the time of year our seniors should be taking college visits and narrowing their choices for the post-‐ secondary future. It will not be long before the scholarship season will be upon us. The more we do now, the better off we are going into the future. Keep in mind future ACT dates as well as an eye on the school calendar for college representatives that will be visit-‐ ing our school in the next few months. Have a great fall and GO BLUE DEVILS! Kenesaw staff and community members take part in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Pictured Above: (Back) Ellen Ridder, Brett Sales, Rod Richard-‐ son, Christian Kroos, (Front) Tristana Hamilton, Richard Landry, and Randi Simmons. (Left) Principal Rod Richardson takes the challenge (Right) Middle School teacher Christian Kroos gets drenched (Left) Fourth grade teacher Ellen Ridder takes the challenge (Right) Language Arts teacher Brett Sales is covered in water In order to help raise awareness for Amyotrophic Lateral 6FOHURVLV$/6DOVRNQRZQDV/RX*HKULJ·V'LVHDVH.HQHVDZ community members and teachers took part in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge at the Booster Club Barbeque on Tuesday, August 26. ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord, causing partial or complete loss of muscle movement. The Ice Bucket Challenge is a way to raise awareness of this condition to try and raise funding to find a cure. The challenge was made popular on social media and spread its way to Kenesaw in order to support ALS patient, Richard Landry (pictured above), who is a patient at the Haven Home in town. During the challenge, Landry played the role of using a rope to dump the ice buckets onto teachers and community members. Visit for more information and to donate to this cause. The Kenesaw Booster Club collected donations throughout the night for this cause. Page 7 The Blue Devil Bugle Volume VIII, Issue 2 Danielle Taylor Katzberg is the daughter of Bryce and Becky Katzberg. After high school, Danielle plans on attending the University of Nebraska-‐Lincoln, but is still undecided on her major. Danielle participates in volleyball, track, NHS, FBLA, and K-‐Club. She enjoys hanging out with her friends and going to Husker games outside of school. Danielle said what she will miss the most about high school is volleyball and seeing her friends every day. Some advice Danielle would JLYHWRXQGHUFODVVPHQLV´GRQ·WEHWDUG\IRUILUVWSHULRGDQGGRQ·WIRUJHW\RXU L3DGVDWKRPHµ6KHOLYHVE\WKHTXRWH´JRZLWKWKHIORZµ'DQLHOOHIHHOVOLNHKHU FODVVHVZLWK0U%XGQLFNKDYHSUHSDUHGKHUWKHPRVWIRUWKHIXWXUHEHFDXVHKH·V always giving advice on life. Miranda Maria Stade, daughter of Theodore and Robin Stade, participates in FBLA, basketball, track, dance, and band. She enjoys fishing, laking, helping out on the farm, and going to as many concerts as she can. She plans on attending the University of Nebraska Lincoln, but is still undecided on a major. What Miranda will most about KLJKVFKRROLV´VHHLQJ'DQLHOOH·VVKLQLQJIDFHHYHU\GD\µ6KHZRXOGOLNHWRJLYHWKH XQGHUFODVVPHQWKHDGYLFH´'RQ·WVZHDWLWµ0LUDQGDIHHOVDVLIHDFKWHDFKHUKDV prepared her for the future, just in a different way. She lives by a quote from John :D\QH´7RPRUURZLVWKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWWKLQJLQOLIH&RPHVLQWRXVDWGLIIHUHQW PLGQLJKWYHU\FOHDQ,W·VSHUIHFWZKHQLWDUULYHVDQGLWSXWVLWVHOILQRXUKDQGV,WKRSHV ZH·YHOHDUQHGVRPHWKLQJIURP\HVWHUGD\µ Wyatt Scott Woodman is the son of Brent and Sarah Woodman. Wyatt enjoys hunting, farming, riding his quad, and doing photography. He is involved in the Wellness Committee, FBLA, football, basketball, track, journalism, speech, band, and K-‐Club. Although Wyatt is not quite sure where he is going to college, he has it narrowed down to the University of Nebraska at Kearney, Central Community College, and The University of Nebraska Lincoln; he will major in History. Wyatt says he will miss his teachers, sports and his classmates the most about high school. +HZRXOGOLNHWRRIIHUWKHXQGHUFODVVPDQWKHDGYLFH´(QMR\\RXUOLIHLQKLJKVFKRRO XQWLO\RXJUDGXDWHµ:\DWWOLYHVE\WKHTXRWH´+DYHIXQZLWK\RXUOLIHHQMR\LWZLWK those that care for each other, and go for the goals that you want to accomplish. Even LI\RXZDQWWREHFRPHDIDPRXVSHUVRQRUDSURDWKOHWHµ+HIHHOVDVLI0UV (QJHOKDUGW·V(QJOLVKFODVVKDVSUHSDUHGKLPWKHPRVWIRUWKHIXWXUHEHFDXVH´OHDUQLQJ WKH(QJOLVKODQJXDJHLVLPSRUWDQWWRRXUVRFLHW\µ Senior Profiles Courtney Lynn Kuehn, daughter of Glen and Paulette Kuehn is involved in FBLA and Journalism. Although she is undecided about her major, she plans on attending either the University of Nebraska at Kearney or Hastings College. Outside of school, Courtney enjoys reading (whenever she has time) and drawing. Courtney says she will not miss anything about high school, but is sure to give the underclassmen the advice, ´DOZD\VEH\RXUVHOIµ6KHOLYHVHDFKGD\E\WKHTXRWH´WUHDWRWKHUVKRZ\RXZDQWWREH WUHDWHGµ&RXUWQH\EHOLHYHV0U%XGQLFN·VFODVVHVKDYHSUHSDUHGKHUWKHPRVWIRUWKH IXWXUH´EHFDXVHKHDOZD\VJLYHVRXWDGYLFHµ Page 3 The Blue Devil Bugle Volume VIII, Issue 2 Kenesaw welcomes Italian foreign exchange student, Noemi By Rose Wehrman 6FKRROLVRIWHQUHIHUUHGWRDV¶DKRPHDZD\IURPKRPH·WKLVLVGHILQLWHO\WUXHIRUQHZVWXGHQW1RHPL Aime, considering her home is nearly five thousand miles away in the city of Ravenna, region of Emilia Romagna, Italy. The sixteen-‐year-‐old junior and volleyball player is embracing the change and finding Kenesaw High School very different from the Italian Linguistic School she previously attended. Her daily schedule included Italian, French, German, English, science, math, Philosophy, and art classes; her favorite American classes so far are Speech and Journalism, simply because they are so new to her. ´6FKRROLV UHDOO\GLIIHUHQW<RXFDQFKRRVHZKLFKFODVVHV\RXWDNHµVDLG1RHPL,Q,WDO\WKHW\SLFDOVFKRROGD\ consists of six five-‐hour days. Noemi also enjoys the more American aspects of school here, such as KRPHFRPLQJ´:HGRQRWKDYHWKDW<RXMXVWJRWRVFKRROµ6KHDOVRVHHVGLIIHUHQFHVLQWKHZD\ZH dress, the activities we participate in, our food, our acceptance of different cultures, and in our rela-‐ WLRQVKLSVZLWKRWKHUV´,OLNHWKHZD\\RXDUHZLWKPH(YHU\ERG\WULHVWRVSHDNZLWKPHDQGLQYROYH PHµ While Noemi has a new life in America, there is one she left behind in Italy, and family and friends that she misses. Her father, Riccardo, drives trucks, and her mother, Alice, is a housewife. Noemi also KDVDQROGHUEURWKHU-DFRSR%HIRUHFRPLQJWR$PHULFD1RHPLZDVDFRPSHWLWLYHJ\PQDVW´,·YHGRQHLW VLQFH,ZDVWKUHH\HDUVROGµVDLG1RHPL´)LUVW,SUDFWLFHGLQDOLWWOHJ\PDQGWKHQPRYHGWRDELJJHU gym with more equipment and a better coach. I also did national competitions. I like it because you can DOZD\VOHDUQVRPHWKLQJQHZµ1RHPLSUDFWLFHGIRXUKRXUVDGD\LQ,WDO\EXWKDVEHHQXQDEOHWRFRQWLQ ue this in America, although she hopes to compete again once back in Italy. $SDUWIURPVFKRRO1RHPLKDVIRXQGDKRPHZLWK6KDZQ6KHOO\:LOODQG&DVVLG\*DOODJKHU´,UHDOO\ OLNHWKHP7KH\PDNHPHDSDUWRIWKHIDPLO\QRWDJXHVWµFRPPHQWHG1RHPLRQKHUKRVWIDPLO\,Q -DQXDU\VKHZLOOPRYHLQZLWK%ULDQ-DPLH0DGLVRQDQG3DUNHU%LWWILHOG´,OLNHGWKHLGHDEXWQRZ, UHDOO\OLNHP\QHZIDPLO\µ1RHPLVDLGRIWKHPRYH´%XW,OLNHFKDQJH,W·VDZD\WRWU\DQHZVW\OHRI OLIHµ New ACT Class to begin in October for juniors and seniors By Noemi Aime A new interesting feature this year is the ACT morning class. The purpose of this class is to help students taking the ACT test learn tips and tricks to improve their scores. The class, consisting of juniors and seniors, will meet at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays and will include a Friday pre-‐test on materials covered by the class that week. The seventeen students taking the ACT morning class will be prepared for the ACT by some teachers of our school: Mrs. Mousel, math; Ms. Moni, science; Mrs. Engelhardt, grammar and spelling; and Mr. Sales, reading. ´,W·VVRPHWKLQJWKDW,DOZD\VZDQWHGWRGR,KHDUGDERXWLWIURPRWKHUVFKRROVµVDLG0U5RH RQWKHRULJLQVRIWKHLGHD´,W·VVRPHWKLQJ,·YHEHHQWKLQNLQJDERXWEXW,GRQ·WNQRZZKHUHWKH LGHDFDPHIURP+RQHVWO\P\EUDLQµFRQWLQXHG0U5RHODXJKLQJ7KLVLVWKHILUVW\HDUWKDW Kenesaw has offered this class, because the school can now finance it. Kenesaw has received a $10,000 grant from Education Quest and can now sponsor the class for the next four years. ´3DUWRIWKLVJUDQWDOORZVIRUXVWRSXWWRJHWKHURXURZQ$&7FODVVDQGZHNLQGRIVDZDQHHG for students to get extra help so they can do better and hopefully improve their chances of JHWWLQJVFKRODUVKLSDQGJHWWLQJLQWRFROOHJHVWKH\ZDQWµ Page 6 The Blue Devil Bugle .LG·V&RUQHU 1RDK0HUWHQV Volume VIII, Issue 2 %URRNO\QQ3HVKHN 1DWKDQ*HUORII 4+RZWDOOLV\RXUGDG" 1RDK0HUWHQVIHHW %URRNO\QQ3HVKHN$OPRVWDVWDOODV0RUJDQ $OPRVWDVWDOODVWKHFHLOLQJ 1DWKDQ*HUORII/LNHWKLVWDOOOLNHIRUW\SRXQGV 0RUJDQ.DXN6L[LQFKHV 0RUJDQ.DXN 4:KDW·V\RXUEHVWMRNH" 10.QRFNNQRFN:KR·VWKHUH"%DQDQD%DQDQD ZKR"%DQDQDUDQDZD\ %3.QRFNNQRFN:KR·VWKHUH"0V0RQURHDQG,·P JHWWLQJDQHZEDE\VLVWHU,GRQ·WNQRZ\HWDQG, KDYHDEXQNEHG 1*.QRFNNQRFN:KR·VWKHUH"(FKR(FKRZKR" (FKRFDU 0..QRFNNQRFN:KR·VWKHUH"%DQDQD%DQDQD ZKR"<XP\XP 4:KDWZLOO\RXEHZKHQ\RXJURZXS" 10:RUNRQIORRUV %3/LIHJXDUGDQGDGHQWLVWDQGDQHZVJLUO 1*$SROLFH 0.'RFWRU 4:KDWGR\RXUSDUHQWVWHOO\RXWKHPRVW" 107KH\ORYHPH %31R 1**RWREHG 0.%HJRRG 4+RZROGLV0LVV5D\EXUQ" 10 %3 1* 0. 4:KRLVWKLVDSLFWXUHRI"7KHSLFWXUHZDVRI %R3HOLQL 10&RDFKIRUWKHJ\P %30U.URRV 1*+H·VWKHFRDFK+HZDWFKHVIRRWEDOOSOD\HUV WRVHHLIWKH\JHWKXUW 0.+HFRDFKHVDIRRWEDOOWHDP 4:KDWLVD9+6WDSH" 10$QDUP\WHDP %3,GRQ·WNQRZWKDWRQH 1*3XWWKHWDSHLQWKHWKLQJDQGWKHQ\RXFDQ KHDU\RXUVHOI 0.$FDPHUD PARTICIPATION PUBLIC NOTICE OF IN TITLE I OF THE NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT (NCLB) Submitted By Tessa Kuehn Pursuant to the Requirements of Title I of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001, the public is hereby notified that the Kenesaw Public Schools, whose official address is 110 N. Fifth Ave, Kenesaw, Nebraska, has been approved for funding under Title I NCLB, for the express purpose of serving students with special needs in the areas of mathematics and reading/language arts to help insure that all children acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the 21st century. Mr. Robby Thompson, whose official title is Superintendent, has been authorized by the Board of Education to serve as its representative for all matters concerning Title I NCLB for the 2014-‐2015 school year. The public is further notified that a council composed of parents, teachers, and interested citizens may be established for the pur-‐ pose of advising the school on matter relating to the Title I program. Under the regulations the school must host an annual meeting open to all parents of eligible students. Persons interested in any aspect of the Title I NCLB program including but not limited to the application and budget, evaluation procedures, the needs assessment, prior applications, budgets and complaint procedures, or other information and data concerning Title I which is not subject to the Family Rights and Privacy Act are requested to contact the Office of the Superintendent, Kenesaw Public Schools, Kenesaw, Nebraska. Page 4 The Blue Devil Bugle Volume VIII, Issue 2 Kenesaw Football Team starts off the year strong with 2-‐1 record By Danielle Katzberg The Kenesaw Football Team has started the season off strong with a 2-‐1 record. The team began their season with a 52-‐26 loss against Exeter-‐ Milligan, but proceeded to win the following weeks against Lawrence-‐ Nelson (62-‐22) and Overton (57-‐20). When asked what the team has EHHQZRUNLQJRQLQSUDFWLFH+HDG&RDFK&UDLJ6FKQLW]OHUVDLG´:H have been working on execution on both sides of the ball and being phys-‐ ical on every play. Since the first game our defense has tackled better and flowed much betterer to the ball. Offensively we are starting to dominate XSIURQWDQGWKHEDFNVDUHUXQQLQJYHU\ZHOOµ6HQLRU=DFK(GZDUGVD guard and defensive tackle, thinks the line is performing well but wishes they had a little more depth in case of injuries. Some common goals among the players and coaches are to do well every week, win districts, and make it deep into the playoffs. On the offensive side of the ball, the Kenesaw offense is averaging 48 points and 430 yards rushing per game. Austin and Preston Schnitzler lead the team in rushing yards, with Austin rushing for 555 total yards (185 per game) and Preston rushing for 495 (165 per game). Senior Wyatt Woodman leads the team in receiving, averaging 21 yards per game. De-‐ fensively, Preston Schnitzler also leads the team in total tackles with 38 (11 per game), with Zach Edwards close behind with 28 (9 per game). ´,W·VDQKRQRUSOD\LQJIRU.HQHVDZ.HQHVDZ·VQRWMXVWDQ\VFKRROLW·VD great school. We have great facilities and thanks to all the people that VXSSRUWXVµ3UHVWRQ6FKQLW]OHUPHQWLRQHG7KH%OXH'HYLOVSOD\HGWKHLU Above: Junior Preston Schnitzler runs the ball in the season opener against Exeter-‐Milligan latest game against the Alma Cardinals on September 26th for Below: The prays before the first game. Homecoming. Lady Blue Devils work to improve their game By Austin Schnitzler The Lady Blue Devils have had a rough start with four wins and eight losses, but Mr. Kroos is confident WKH\ZLOOLPSURYH´2XURYHUDOOWUDQVLWLRQVEHWZHHQRIIHQVHDQGGHIHQVH>QHHGVZRUN@:HDUHDOLWWOHELW VORZ:HKDYHQ·WTXLWHJRWWKDWSDVVWRWKHVSRWLW·VVXSSRVHWREH,WKLQNZHFDQEHEHWWHUKLWWHUVDQGWKDW·V where we are weak right now-‐-‐ the hitter position. If we can incorporate [hitting] and get the rest of it roll-‐ LQJZH·OOEHDOULJKWµ0U.URRVDOVRVDLGWKDW%UHQQD6FKQHLGHUDQG%DLOH\6WUHIIDUHH[HFXWLQJWKHLUUROHVDV OHDGHUVYHU\ZHOO´,WKLQNZHDUHSUHWW\JRRGDWVHUYLQJDQGSUHWW\JRRGGHIHQVLYHO\'HIHQVLYHO\,WKLQNZH DUHSUHWW\VWURQJµVDLG0U.URRVRIWKHWHDP·VVWUHQJWKV:KHQDVNHGDERXWWKHIXQGDPHQWDOVRIYROOH\EDOO 0U.URRVPHQWLRQHG´,I\RXFDQ·WSDVV\RX·UHQRWJRLQJWREHDYHU\JRRGWHDPDQG,WKLQNZHGRDIDLU VKDUHRISDVVLQJ7KHQH[WWKLQJLVVHUYLQJ\RXKDYHWRVHUYHWRJHW\RXUSRLQWVµ Senior Bailey Streff currently leads the team in kills with 67 total (2.4 per set), with junior Staci Weavers in second with 46 (1.6 per set). Weavers and Streff also lead the team in ace serves with 18 and 17, respectively and blocks (Streff with 18 and Weavers with 16). Senior Danielle Katzberg leads the team in digs with 121 (11 per match) and receiving with 200 recep-‐ tions (18.2 per match) . Senior Brenna Schneider leads the team in assists with 170 (6.1 per match). 7KHWHDP·VVHQLRUVLQFOXGH%DLOH\6WUHII%UHQQD6FKQHLGHUDQG'DQLHOOH Katzberg. Noemi Aime, Kelsey Jaeschke, Brielle Schneider, Staci Weavers, and Rose Wehrman make up the juniors. Madison Bittfield, Dariana Burr, Brianna Ditsworth, Hayley Fitzgerald, Alexis Fulton, Malena Goldenstein, and Kendra Nunn are the sophomores. Whitney Hansen, Jessica Kuehn, Jessi-‐ ca Ramsey, Kaedra Schleeman, Teya Sidders, and Victoria Wehrman are the freshmen on the team. Above: Junior Staci Weavers serves the ball Below: The team huddles. Page 5 The Blue Devil Bugle Junior High Football Team continues dominance By Courtney Kuehn Volume VIII, Issue 2 Junior High Girls work to improve fundamentals By Jordan Dassinger The Kenesaw Jr. High Football Team has kicked off the 2014 season with a record of 2-‐0. Their first game was on September 15, and they beat Heartland Lutheran 62-‐12. On September 22, they played Shelton and also beat them 46-‐6. Coach Jack Einrem said his goal is to go undefeated another year. The 8th graders have set a standard for the rest of the team, but Coach Einrem continues to see improvement with everyone. In regard to any improvements that the team needs to work on, he mentioned that tackling was not as good as he would like, and he would like to see this element improve. When asked about the strengths of the team, Coach Einrem said, without a doubt, it was his offensive line, which has a great push on the line of scrimmage every play. Their next game is scheduled for September 29 at home against Wilcox-‐Hildreth. Left: Coach Jack Einrem gets the team fired up dur-‐ ing their home game against Heartland Lutheran on September 15. The boys are 2-‐0. 7KH-XQLRU+LJK*LUOV·9ROOH\EDOO Team, coached by Bonnie Engel-‐ hardt, has had a solid start to the season. They started out with the YHU\IDPLOLDU´ILUVWJDPHMLWWHUVµEXW after three games the team has shown major improvement. Their first game was played against Christ Lutheran on September 8th; the A team lost in three sets (12-‐25, 25-‐23, 9-‐15) and the B team lost in one set (16-‐25). They then traveled to Law-‐ rence-‐Nelson on September 15th where both A and B teams lost in two sets (8-‐25, 15-‐25) and (8-‐25,14-‐25). The girls played Gibbon at home on September 18th. The B team lost two close sets; (22-‐ 25, 23-‐25), but the A team came out on top; (25-‐13,26-‐24). Learn-‐ ing the basics and being able bump, set, spike, and serve with cor-‐ rect form is a major goal the team would like to accomplish before the end of the season. Not only are the girls working on funda-‐ mentals-‐-‐learning to talk and move on the court-‐-‐ but they are also learning to play as a team, and then the fun and scoring will WDNHFDUHRILWVHOI7KLV\HDU·VWHDPRQO\KDVWZRUHWXUQLQJWK graders, Hannah Schnitzler and Ashley Uden. The 7th graders include: Stefanie Anderson, Lacy DePaulis, Hope Dornhoff, Jenna Jaeschke, Rudee Jensen, Katie Long, Paige Morrow, Payton Mor-‐ row, Shayla Schnase, Tabitha Sidders, Sydney Weiler, and Savannah Williams. Cross Country Team sees early success at both middle and high school levels By Kelsey Jaeschke When asked who will be the leaders of his team this season Coach Tom Budnick UHVSRQGHG´.RU\+HLHUDQG0LFDK0DJQXVRQZLOOEHWKHOHDGHUVWRZDWFKIRUWKLV FURVVFRXQWU\VHDVRQµ´+DYLQJUDQFURVVFRXQWU\IRUWKUHH\HDUV,NQRZWKHFRXUV es fairly well and can shed some insight on how to run the course. I can answer TXHVWLRQVP\WHDPPDWHVPD\KDYHRIPHGXHWRP\H[SHULHQFHµ.RU\+HLHUDQ swered when asked how he plans to lead the team. Total there is eight boys and two girls out this season. Team members include: seniors, Kory Heier, Micah Mag-‐ nuson, and Chance McKimmey; juniors, Chris Bures and Katelynn Staton; sopho-‐ mores Taylor Riemersma, Adam Thomas; freshmen, Ethan Stade, Ty McKimmey, and Lacy Gamble. So far this season, the team has traveled to Gibbon with one medalist that day, Kory Heier placing 14th, and Loup City with two medalists, Kory Heier third and Micah Magnuson fourth. At the Ravena meet, Heier placed 11th and Magnuson placed 19th. The team goals are to win the TVC meet for the fourth consecutive year, but in order for that to happen, we need to develop our UGDQGWKUXQQHUVLQRUGHUIRUWKLVWRRFFXU&RDFK%XGQLFNVDLG´6KHOWRQZLOO be the biggest challenge they have four or five good runners, but I feel our first 2 UXQQHUVVKRXOGSODFHDKHDGRIWKHLUVµ$IWHUWZRPRQWKVRISUDFWLFHZHDVNHGKRZ SUDFWLFHKDVEHHQJRLQJVHQLRU.RU\+HLHUUHVSRQGHG´,WKDVEHHQDOLWWOHURXJK for some members of the team due to illness, injury, ineligibility, and inexperi-‐ HQFHµ Two middle school students are also participating in cross country this year. 8th grader, Noah Belz and 7th grader, Caitlin Tibbs have had very successful seasons thus far. At the Gibbon meet, Tibbs finished 15th and at Ravena, she placed 11th. %HO]KDGDQRXWVWDQGLQJQGSODFHILQLVKDW/RXS&LW\DWWKHWHDP·VILUVWPHHWDQG a 12th place finish at Ravena. Fall Sports Word Search V A T M J N L F E W J K O H V W O Z N A X O Z R Q I Q I E H K I L O I O B R O B Z Z D B D J W R L T O J C C W I L W X N L M J B E L P X S K R L G P T J F A Q U Y F D X F E Q L B W I L A K I R B I M Y L G T B P L R F L T E J A H I B S O E W E V B V L R M T L V M O U C M T H O J N C F K T L O T C M L C R O S S C O U N T R Y H A S L A W A S E N E K E K J D O X I J N I M X V S T D M E O Z F D K Q D W S P I K E M C W G T Z W U U C G D S Z U F H N D S Word Bank: CROSSCOUNTRY FALL FOOTBALL KENESAW MEDAL POINT SCORE SPIKE TOUCHDOWN VOLLEYBALL Art by Jaci Vetro K E NE S A W P U B L I C S C HO O L 110 North 5th Street Kenesaw, NE 68956 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 129 Phone: 402.752.3215 Fax: 402.752.3579 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit #04 Kenesaw, NE 68956 Kenesaw Public School ´Our mission in partnership with students, home, and community is to educate all students in a nurturing, challenging, and disciplined environment so their performance enables them to become lifelong learners and contributors to our JOREDOVRFLHW\µ