New Patient Adult Information Revised
New Patient Adult Information Revised
FOREST FAMILY CARE, INC. ADULT PATIENT INFORMATION Patient Name: (Please Print) Date Last First Home Address: City: Phone: Home ( Work: ( ) Social Security # Patient Sex: Male Language: - Female Marital Status: Race: Middle Single White English - State: ) ) Cell: ( Age Zip: Birth Date: Transgender Married Hispanic Hispanic Widowed Black Other Divorced Separated Other Veteran Email: Employer: Primary Insurance Co. Insurance ID # Group # Policy Holder SS # Secondary Insurance Co. Insurance ID # Group # Policy Holder SS # - - - - Emergency Contact: Phone : ( ) Preferred Pharmacy: Phone: ( ) I Understand the FINANCIAL POLICY OF THIS OFFICE IS AS FOLLOWS: Payment to be made prior to service. Co-pay's, deductible and non-covered services are to be paid at time of service. I understand that my signature is valid for the purpose of filing me or my child's insurance and I authorize payment of benefits to Forest Family Care, Inc. PLEASE GIVE YOUR INSURANCE CARD(S) TO RECEPTIONIST TO COPY. THANK YOU. Patient's signature: Date: FOREST FAMILY CARE, INC. 1785 W. Lee Hwy (276) 228-6499—Phone Wytheville, VA 24382 (276) 228-6145—Fax STATEMENT OF PATIENT FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Forest Family Care appreciates the confidence you have shown in choosing us to provide for your health care needs. The service you have elected to participate in implies a financial responsibility on your part. The responsibility obligates you to ensure payment in full of our fees. As a courtesy, we will verify your coverage and bill your insurance carrier. We expect these payments at time of service. Many insurance companies have additional stipulations that may affect your coverage. You are responsible for any amounts not covered by your insurer. If your insurance carrier denies any part of your claim or if you or your physician elects to continue past your approved period, you will be responsible for your balance in full. I have read the above policy regarding my financial responsibility to Forest Family Care for providing services to me. I certify that the insurance and demographic information I have supplied to this office is, to the best of my knowledge, true and accurate. Date: Patient/Guarantor Signature: CO-PAY POLICY Some health insurance carriers require the patient to pay a co-pay for services rendered. It is expected at the time the service is rendered for the patient to pay his/her co-pay at EACH VISIT. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Patient/Guarantor Signature: Date: UN-INSURED (SELF PAY) POLICY If un-insured, I agree to pay Forest Family Care $100.00 (or the full balance of the office visit, whichever is less) on the office visit, and then pay $50.00 per month on the remaining balance of the account until the account is paid in full. I agree if payments are not made in the full amount stated above/or payments are not received on time, the entire balance will be considered delinquent and balance due in full. Patient/Guarantor Signature: Date: FOREST FAMILY CARE, INC. 1785 W. Lee Hwy (276) 228-6499—Phone Wytheville, VA 24382 (276) 228-6145—Fax AUTHORIZATION FOR THE RELEASE OF PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION DOB: PATIENTS NAME: ZIP: CITY: ADDRESS: SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: I herby authorize : (Physician From Whom You Are Requesting Records) To Provide Confidential Information Contained Within My Medical Record To: FOREST FAMILY CARE Information To Be Released Should Include: n COMPLETE HEALTH RECORD r7 Office Notes n Discharge Summary' 1History & Physical Exam n Consulting Reports n Progress Notes n Laboratory Test Results In X - Ray Reports I I 7 X-Ray Films/Images 71 Immunization Record I I Demographic/Insurance Information Itemized Bill The Purpose Of This Request Is: I-1 Treatment and/or Consultation! I At The Request Of The Patient 710ther: The Following Dates Of Service Should Be Included In This Request: El ALL DATES OF SERVICE El From (Date): To (Date): I, the undersigned, have read and authorize the staff on the disclosing facility named to disclose information as herein contained. I understand the information disclosed by this authorization may be subject to redisclose by the recipient and will no longer be protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1998. The facility, its employees, officers and physicians are hereby released from any legal responsibility or liability for disclosure of the above information to the extent indicated and authorized herein. I understand that I do not have to sign this authorization, and my treatment or payment for services will not be denied if I do not sign this form unless specified about under "Purpose of Request". I can inspect or copy the protected health information to be used or disclosed. Except to the extent that action has been taken in compliance with this request, this authorization may be revoked by me at any time, by submitting a notice in writing to the Privacy Office at Forest Family Care. Unless revoked, this authorization will expire In six months unless otherwise specified, or in the event of Signature Initial Date I acknowledge and hereby consent to such, that the released information may contain alcohol abuse, psychiatric, sexually transmitted disease, Hepatitis B or C, HIV testing, HIV results or AIDS information. FOREST FAMILY CARE, INC. 1785 W. Lee Hwy (276) 228-6499—Phone Wytheville, VA 24382 (276) 228-6145—Fax ADULT HISTORY PATIENT NAME: DOB: AGE: TO HELP US MEET ALL OF YOUR HEALTHCARE NEEDS, PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM COMPLETELY. THIS IS A CONFIDENTIAL RECORD OF YOUR MEDICAL HISTORY AND WILL BE KEPT IN THIS OFFICE. Today's date: When was your last physical exam? 1. CURRECT MEDICATIONS/VITAMINS/SUPPLEMENTS Drug Name: • • How Often: Dose: Have you been seen in the past for chronic pain management? Circle One: Yes or No Current medication you are presently out of? (Please provide medications in space below) 2. Please check any of the following MEDICAL problems that you have had. YES Abnormal Weight Gain Abnormal Weight Loss Excessive Fatigue Insomnia Anemia Cancer Tumor NO YES Hearing Loss Ear Problems Ringing in Ear Dentures Dental Problems Sores in Mouth YES Gout Broken Bones Breathing Problems Frequent Bronchitis Emphysema Pneumonia Asthma Rash Hives Glasses/Contacts If so, please specify: Glaucoma Cataracts NO Heart Attack High Blood Pressure Heartburn Ulcer Disease Gallbladder Disease Blood in Stool Hepatitis Diarrhea, Constipation, or other changes in bowel habits Hemorrhoids Abdominal Pain Colon Polyp If so, when was last colonoscopy? Seizure TIA Stroke Numbness Weakness Memory Loss Headaches Depression Anxiety/Panic Attacks Suicide Attempt Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse NO YES YES NO Angina Frequent Chest Pain Irregular Heartbeat Heart Murmur Arthritis or join pain Rheumatic Fever High Cholesterol Heart Failure 3. NO Mental Illness Diabetes Thyroid Disease Abnormal Pap Smear Breast Lump Please list any food or drug ALLERGIES you have had: Date of Occurrence: Reaction: Name of drug/food: 4. YES NO Urinary Frequency Bladder Infections Prostate Problems Urinary Incontinence Kidney Problems Please check or list all of the SURGERIES you have had: Year Type of Surgery Year Type of Surgery Hysterectomy Knee or Hip Replacement Mastectomy or Lumpectomy Polyp Removal (colon) Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy Tubal Ligation or Vasectomy Plastic Surgery Other (specify) Appendectomy Arthroscopy (joint) Back or Neck Surgery Cataract Surgery Cesarean Section Gallbladder Removal Heart Surgery (specify) Hemorrhoids Hernia 5. Please list any HOSPITALIZATIONS you have had in the past 3 years. Type of Surgery Year Type of Surgery 6. For WOMEN Last menstrual period Last pap smear - n/a Last mammogram - n/a / / / / / / Last bone density / / Age of first period # of days in cycle # of days in flow Are you menopausal Age at onset of menopause YES or NO # of pregnancies # of live births # of miscarriages # of abortions # of living children Year 7. Have any of your FAMILY members had any of the following? Family Member Diabetes Hypertension Heart Di ease Stroke Mental Illness Cancer Daughter Father Son(s) Mother Paternal Grandfather Paternal Grandmother Maternal Grandfather Maternal Grandmother Sibling(s) Children 8. SOCIAL HISTORY • Do you smoke currently? o YES NO • If no, did you smoke in the past? • Are you exposed to smoke? • Any other tobacco use? o YES YES YES NO NO NO If so, what type? • Do you drink caffeine? YES NO • Do you drink alcohol? YES NO o #of years smoking cig/d If so, how much? drinks/day If so, how much? YES NO • Have you ever used drugs? • Do you exercise? • Do you wear a seatbelt? • Is there concern for your safety (emotional, physical, or sexual abuse)? YES NO YES NO YES NO Unknown FOREST FAMILY CARE, INC. 1785 W. Lee Hwy (276) 228-6499—Phone Wytheville, VA 24382 (276) 228-6145—Fax NOTICE OF DEEMED CONSENT TESTING FOR BLOOD BORNE INFECTIONS Should an employee of Forest Family Care be exposed to my blood or bodily fluid in a way that might allow transmission of infection due to blood borne disease (i.e. HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, etc) or other communicable diseases, then I understand that according to Virginia State Law, for the safety, health and possible treatment of the employee, samples of my blood or bodily fluid may be tested for evidence of infectious diseases. Likewise, I also understand that Forest Family care employees and physicians are obligated to submit to blood tests for certain infectious diseases if I am inadvertently exposed to their blood or bodily fluid during the course of my treatment. Routine testing of blood for HIV and other blood borne infection is not performed. Testing for such will only be performed as outlined above unless I am specifically informed and counseled otherwise. Patient Name: (Please Print): Signature of Responsible Party: Date of Birth: Date: FOREST FAMILY CARE, INC. 1785 W. Lee Hwy (276) 228-6499—Phone Wytheville, VA 24382 (276) 228-6145—Fax Acknowledgment of Receipt of Privacy Notice and Patient Consent to the Use and Disclosure of Health Information for Treatment, Payment, or Health Care Operations. Consent for photograph. 1. I acknowledge that I have been provided with Forest Family Care Notice of Privacy Practices that provides a more complete description of information uses and disclosure. I understand that I have the right to review the Notice of Privacy Practices prior to signing this consent. I understand that Forest Family Care reserve the right to change its Notice of Privacy Practices and prior to implementation may mail a copy of any revised 3. notice to the address I have provided. I understand that I have the right to request restrictions as to how my health information may be used or disclosed to carry out treatment, payment, or health care operations, and the Forest Family Care is not required to agree to the restrictions requested, but if it does, it is bound by such restrictions. I understand that I may revoke this consent in writing, except to the extent that Forest Family Care has 4. already taken action in reliance thereon. By signing this form, I consent to Forest Family Care use and disclosure of my health information for 5. treatment, payment, and health care operations. I understand and consent for the patient's photograph to be taken either via camera or valid picture ID, as 2. part of my medical record. {Optional} I request the following restriction to the use or disclosure of my health information: ❑ Restrictions Accepted ❑ Restrictions Denied Employee Signature/Title: I hereby give my permission to the person(s) listed below to authorize treatment and to receive information about the care of the patient named below: RELATIONSHIP NAME In order for the person(s) listed above to obtain information by telephone, the party calling the practice must provide the following Patient Identifier: Responsible Party Print Patient Name: Signature of Patient or Responsible Party: Signature of Employee: Date of Birth: Date: FOREST FAMILY CARE, INC. 1785 W. Lee Hwy (276) 228-6499—Phone Wytheville, VA 24382 (276) 228-6145—Fax Controlled Medication Agreement This agreement is between the patient and Forest Family Care. We are committed to doing all we can to treat medical conditions. In some cases, narcotic pain medicines and/or potentially addictive nerve medications may be necessary to treat your condition. These medications are strictly regulated by both Federal and State Agencies. This contract is designed to protect both you and your physician by establishing guidelines, within the laws for proper controlled medication use. It is agreed that controlled medication will be given by Forest Family Care to the patient ONLY if the following terms are met: 1. By signing a contract for controlled administration, the patient indicated that he/she understood the discussion about the use of controlled medications, including side effects and is agreeable to start this 2. 3. The patient has the chance to ask questions regarding alternative to the use of controlled medications. Forest Family Care should be the ONE AND ONLY SOURCE of controlled medications unless written 4. permission is given by a FFC physician for the patient to get controlled prescriptions from another physician. ONLY ONE PHARMACY will be used for filling controlled prescriptions. treatment under the terms set by FFC. Pharmacy Name 5. If it is found that the patient received prescriptions for controlled medications from a source other than a FFC physician, without written permission, FFC may void this agreement and discontinue any prescriptions of controlled medications to the patient. 6. The patient agrees to have urine test for medications done randomly at the physician's request. The patient must agree to follow the FFC physician to communicate with the referring physician and any pharmacists regarding the patient's use of controlled substances. 7. 8. The patient must supply documentation of treatment by other physician for co-existing, or relating condition, including psychiatric conditions. 9. The patient understands that FFC will NOT replace any lost or inaccessible controlled prescriptions or controlled medications, for ANY REASON. 10. The patient must take the controlled medications as instructed by a FFC Physician. 11. Any unauthorized increase in the dose of controlled medication may be viewed as a cause for discontinuation of the treatment with controlled medications. 12. If the patient demonstrates unacceptable behavior patterns, the FFC physician may discontinue prescribing the controlled medications for the patient. 13. The patient must keep all regular follow up appointments as recommended by the FFC physicians. Failure to comply may cause discontinuation of controlled prescriptions. 14. The patient must comply with all aspects of the treatment plan, including, but not limited to, Physical Therapy, Behavioral Management and self-help programs, 15. All prescriptions must be picked up by the patient himself/herself. If the patient is too debilitated or sick, an exception may be allowed. 16. NO controlled prescriptions will be refilled on weekends or over the phone. 17. Controlled medications WILL NOT be refilled early. 18. The patient understands the benefit of the controlled medications will be evaluated periodically using the following criteria of pain relief, increase in general functions, increase in exercise, completion of rehabilitation program, return to work, maintenance of job, etc. 19. The patient understands the controlled medications can be discontinued immediately, at the treating physician's discretion, if the patient does not fulfill the terms of this agreement. Medications can also be discontinued if there is evidence of rapid tolerance, loss of effectiveness or if significant side effects develop. 20. The patient certifies or agrees to the following: a) That he/she is not currently abusing illicit or prescription drugs. b) That he/she has never been involved in the sale, illegal possession, diversion or transport of controlled substances (controlled, sleeping pills, nerve pills or pain killers). c) That she is not pregnant and that she will use appropriate contraception during her course of treatment. d) Sharing your controlled medications is strictly prohibited. Any sharing will result cancellation of your prescription refills. 21. Evidence of medication hoarding, increasing the amount of the medication without communication to your FFC physician, refilling your prescription too frequently, getting the medication from multiple physicians, increasing the amount of medication despite significant side effects, altering prescriptions, medication sales, unapproved use of other drugs (alcohol, sedatives or using non-prescription, medications inconsistent with drug labeling) during controlled analgesic treatment or other unacceptable behavior will result in tapering and discontinuing of controlled therapy. 22. If the patient is no-compliant or un-cooperative with the Physician or Office Staff we reserve the right to discharge you at any time. I fully understand the explanations regarding the benefits and the risks of this method of treatment. This has been fully explained to me, I have read it or have had it read to me, and I understand it. I have had the opportunity to ask questions, and have received acceptable answers. I agree to the terms of this contract. DATE: Patient Name (Print): Patient Signature: