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An EXPO Beyond Your Greatest Expectations!
You’re invited to the 13th
Multiple themed
areas for a
totally new BASH
Held inside of
B&R Family Fitness
Club ~ Bodies & Results
1040 Mill Creek Dr.
Feasterville, PA 19053
Sun., May 20th, 2012
$5 per person
Kids under 6 FREE
Pilates, Tae Bo, Karate, Yoga,
Core Training, Zumba, Tai Chi,
Boxing, Gymnastics, Spinning
& so much more!
POOL/Water workouts,
spinning workouts
and an amazing yoga
room with waterfall
for the destressing
portion of the
Beauty Makeovers, Skin Care, Make-up, In-Home
Workouts, Gym workouts, Triathlon Seminars, Healthy
Cooking Lessons. A Special De-stressing “Zone” to
Include Yoga, Tai Chi, Massage, Shiatsu, Alternative
Live concerts for kids, exercise games
and lessons, Tigerman Performances, Demo
Team Shows, Gymnastics, Dance, Karate,
Football Challenges
100 Vendors showcase what they’ve got to
help our local community get healthy and fit!
Only $325 per booth!
Call Jami at 215-396-0268 or email
[email protected]
4 I PhillyFIT
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
Also participate
in our 7th
Come try 20 different types
of workouts to include:
* high energy * low-impact
* yoga * stretching
* breathing * bootcamp style
* dance workouts * core
Come, join in and do as many
workouts as you can.
Each workout is 8 minutes long.
Cost is an additional $5.00
participate in the workout-a-thon.
$10.00 total for Bash & Workout-athon participation
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
PhillyFIT I 5
6 I PhillyFIT
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
The 7th PhillyFIT
th • 11-3pm
POOL/Water workouts,
spinning workouts
and an amazing yoga
room with waterfall
for the destressing
portion of the
For a nominal $325, come
showcase your products and
services to the workout-nuts that
attend our events! Call to
reserve your booth now.
PhillyFIT’s day of working out and more!
The participants decide "Who Teaches Philly's Hottest Workout"
INSIDE THE 13th PhillyFIT BASH/Expo event!
B&R Family Fitness Club ~ Bodies & Results
1040 Mill Creek Dr. Feasterville, PA 19053 • 215.355.2700
Cost is $10.00 per person. FREE ENTRY into the Bash event (a savings of $5.00) with purchase
of workout-a-thon! Includes free powerade, fresh fruit and health bars. You can pre-register online
at phillyfit.com - NO WAITING IN LINE AT THE DOOR!
STREET ADDRESS:______________________________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP:________________________________________________________
20 different local fitness gurus, from all over the region
showcasing many diverse workouts - each workout is 8 minutes
long. Come, join in and do as many workouts as you can, OR
Vote on the HOTTEST workout!
PHONE:__________________ E-MAIL:______________________________________
Types of workouts to include: * high energy * low-impact
$10.00 per person.
CREDIT CARD #_________________________________________ EXP. DATE______
CVS code (3 digit on the back, or 4 digit on the front if it's an AMEX) _________
or CHECK # _________________ & mail to PhillyFIT Magazine,
21 Sunnybrook Drive, New Britain, PA 18901
* yoga * stretching * breathing * bootcamp style
* dance workouts * core
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
PhillyFIT I 7
publisher’s page
To find your inner glow,
you must have an
open mind.
In my Jan/Feb Pub Page, I explained how happy I
was to be back in the saddle. I’m a workout junkie
again and thankfully, I hauled my lame ass back in
the gym and got reacquainted with cardio and muscle-building equipment. Whew, that was close.
Would hate to be a fraud, putting out this magazine.
Not sure I’d have the same readership numbers if I
called this magazine Cankles Monthly, or worse
yet, PhillyFAT – your local connection to junk food.
This time around though, I’ve added a few tricks. Maybe I don’t have
to go at it alone, my old-school way of doing things. I have an
accomplice and her name is Luisa Rasiej, an "energy healer" (Now
wait, don’t judge) who is doing some work on me. Work, what the
heck does that mean? Well, she’s concocted a custom amalgamation
of essential oils, some psychology recipes, but primarily, an ability to
feel the energy within me, and help me move it around and clear out
the weighty, meaningless clutter – optimizing it, or should I say, me!
This has me dancin’ in the aisles, I must admit! I’m not jazzed about
how strict I have to be with my scheduling, adding yet another
8 I PhillyFIT
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com
appointment in my daily grind, but I am super psyched about how
good it makes me feel, so I do. Seriously, if I described the first
experience where she literally pulled me (Well, my energy) back
“into” my body - you’d all write me off as a whacko, for sure. Let
me just tease you with the fact that I had no clue what she was
doing. Her hands never touched me. She just used the energy
within her own hands and hovered them under my feet, when all
of a sudden I felt that feeling we’ve all experienced when driving
your car over a high bump/hill too fast – and your stomach goes
“whooooop” at the unexpected sensation of losing your lunch. Just
then, I sat up and said, “Oh my Gosh, did you just pull my feet,
pull something, move me?” I knew she didn’t, but I was so
shocked I actually felt something; I just had to ask! Her reply was
a quiet smile along with, “No, Jami, I have not touched you, as
you know. I had to pull your energy that was hovering above you,
back ‘into’ your shell. Back into, you.”
Let me explain. Luisa is the proud founder of “THE INNER
CONTESSA.” She’s a certified energy worker/natural healer and
she’s actually helping me move past my emotional blockages. I
can’t help but wonder if I was born with these darned ‘things’, or
if they are acquired through life’s ups and downs. You know, I’m
in demolition mode with life’s road blocks, and I have a feeling
many of you can relate. For the first time, in a long time, I’m
uncovering a certain visceral clarity that lets me live life as a
whole, complete being again, rather than a discombobulated
creature, sort of fragmented and all over the place, just tryin’
to get through Friday. Sort of explains that high-energy, balls-inthe-air way about me. Who would’a thought?
Luisa gingerly pointed out that because my life (during the past
few years in particular) has been so, um…choppy, so erratic and
all-consuming, I have, by default, elected to mentally vacate my
own body. “It all starts from a root” though, Luisa reminded me,
many moons ago. I can’t blame issues of recent times totally; it’s
an accumulation of sorts. After spending some time with me, she
discovered that it actually started when I was about five years old.
She could see I had “moved around a lot as a child” (which is
totally accurate, and no I did not tell her anything about me at this
point.) “You didn’t, and still don’t, know where you belong!”
Hmm, interesting. According to Luisa, perhaps this is the start of
what has been a long, sometimes amazing and sometimes almost
unbelievable, rocky road.
So back to that “energy hovering around above my body” stuff for
a sec. I essentially “checked out” to some degree, to enable me to
deal with all the emotional garbage I had subconsciously decided I
couldn’t handle anymore. I (my inner energy, my being) was living a life outside my physical structure, outside my own intuition
and beliefs, outside my spirituality. Essentially, I was having an
out-of-body experience because my mind, body and soul were not
on the same plane. She said I was living in my “spiritual plane,
which hovers above my head, because that is where I find trust
and comfort. I have too much “pain” that has caused me to flee
my own living physical self/shell. I found a safe haven in this
place – and I don’t seem to want to come back inside of this hard
earned, somewhat physically fit “shell” I have worked so hard to
keep strong! Sigh. What on earth was I doing vacating the very
thing that keeps me alive—my body!
People look at me and probably think something like, “Boy, she’s
really got this workout thing licked.” I only say this because I hear
it from all kinds of folks having simple conversations with me,
often asking what I do to keep fit. I have to remind myself it
would be inappropriate to shout, “NO, no really, don’t give me so
much credit, my parents deserve the credit for decent DNA. I am a
ping pong match with fitness just like the rest of America!” But I
remember to smile and instead graciously say, “Thank-you for
noticing, this is what I do.” I admit to feeling embarrassed that
someone is seeing something that I am not feeling about myself. I
question my own genuine nature. For the most part, I am trying
hard to keep up good habits and be good to my body. I plan on living in it for a long time, no matter if Luisa says I prefer to be “out
hovering above it” or not. I know she is right, that I am choosing
to do that, but I am trying to convince myself that I’m not. I
wouldn’t. I couldn’t.
It’s never been more obvious to me that I need to balance
being tone, with peace of mind. I need to connect my inner
bicep with my inner chi.
I know what you’re thinking. Jami has gone off the deep end big
time. But those who know me well understand that I’ll try just
about anything once, especially if it’s a stop on potential journey
to my ultimate happy place. Healers get a bad rap.
They’re actually not charlatans or quacks, but real people, passionate about balance and living a whole life. Basically, they just want
to help others find comfort. That’s the most simplistic way to put
When I walked into Luisa's natural healing studio, I didn’t know
what to expect at all. Everything looked normal. Phew. I’ve
always had a fear of the unknown (I guess we all do). But honestly, I wasn’t sure if we were going to do voo-doo or mu-shoo and I
had to go poo poo. Were we going to burn incense and chant?
Were we going to hold down dog for forty minutes? Were we
going to play the flute? Drink detox tea and pray? What? Was she
going to hypnotize me? Make me look at crystals? Would I have
to take a strange purification bath? Perform rituals and customs
from a strange underground third world country? Would we hold
hands, bang drums? Would I have to eat nasty herbs or take a
strong, non-FDA approved herbal tincture under my tongue?
Would she try to break me down? Would I cry in front of a complete stranger? Was all this just hocus-pocus or legit panacea?
To make matters worse, I had no clue what I was feeling on the
inside, let alone what I was going to be feeling once our hour session headed towards its final act. I was vulnerable and miles away
from my comfort zone. Was my life going to drastically change?
Or, what if nothing happened all? Was I even capable of being
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com
PhillyFIT I 9
“healed” or was I destined to remain hanging, damaged
beyond repair on the clearance rack of irregular people?
I just wasn’t sure if my expectations were realistic and more worrisome was the idea of unveiling my tattered soul to someone I didn’t know. It’s no secret I have trust issues. I would be perfectly
fine to trust no one except myself for the rest of my time on
earth— but that’s a lonely existence and not really who I am at the
core. And, I am exaggerating a bit too – I am one of those “too
trusting people” who always gets herself in a jam. I think what I
am trying to say is I admit I need to learn just when, and when
not, to trust. That would be more accurate.
So, there I was, sitting across from a woman known as “The
Contessa" (and not from Housewives from NY). I did research her
online to make sure that she wasn’t an axe murderer. Still, I had
my reservations. Did I want to 'let her in' or maybe just chill for a
bit, and open up next time? There's always a next time I rationalized. I just wasn’t sure if my insecurities were Open For Business
per se.
Luisa initially asked me, "So tell me, why are you here, Jami?"
Man, she was so angelic looking. She had a sparkle to her eyes
that sort of made her glow. Sheesh, was she some kind of seraph
right in front of my very own eyes? I have never seen this before –
except when I look at my own children of course – the perfect
cherubs they are. Her tone and cadence were comforting and her
non-verbals were calming from the get-go.
“Ah yes, that’s the $25,000 question Luisa," I replied.
I'm cool and in control, I told myself. She didn't flinch, nor
respond. She wasn't buying my stall tactics for a nanosecond. Her
eyes pierced mine. She forced me to look at her and not down at
my shoes, where I was happy hiding behind a door in my mind
with three deadbolts.
Just then, a few irreverent words leaped out of my mouth. I couldn't hold them back no matter how I tried! I felt like a can of Diet
Coke that had just been shaken up. Pandora’s box was ready to
explode into millions of particles. I knew that if I opened it, it
would be impossible to get it back, sort of like when uncooked
pasta falls out of the box onto the floor.
"It's time Luisa. It's 'just time, " I choked.
A small, telling tear dropped from my eye, then one from the other
eye. I was silenced by my own ill attempt at keeping it together.
That was all I said! She looked at me, I could almost see myself in
her eyes, like a mirror - and I looked well, pathetic. I was having a
crisis moment with my own identity—shattered dreams and tattered relationships. I began to unwind and not in a good way.
“Time for what Jami?”
(Gulp.) I really didn’t know, not sure why I said that, but in my
10 I PhillyFIT
head I managed to come up with an answer that question. But
nothing would come out of my lips. I wanted to say that I had
never felt so alone. I wanted to say that I didn’t really know
myself, and so unlike the ME I’ve always known. I wanted to tell
her what and who I wanted to be when I grew up. But there I sat
in complete bewilderment in the realization that I had already
grown up and that time had in evaded me. I wanted to know how I
got here, to her studio, and why.
“I want to believe in myself and trust myself again. It’s time to get
MY life back.” Geez did that sound stupid.
“I am at the crossroads so to speak, Luisa. I am looking for a traffic light, but there is none. I’m looking for the dotted white line on
the road, but there is none. I’m looking for windshield wipers to
clear the way, but they’re not working. I fill my tank with premium gas over and over, yet it always seems to be on empty.”
After four weeks of intense, life-changing energy work sessions
with Luisa, I realized that I needed to become whole again, trust
myself and it wasn’t going to be quick, easy nor was she able to
do it for me. She explained that life’s hurdles were put there to
make people realize that they need to trust themselves…trust their
instincts. She was there to give me someone to trust, to guide me
and to move my roadblocks out of the way so I could sense within
myself how my life was to be from now on. My journey of trust
commenced with her. I was off to a good start.
My first lesson learned about healing began with an understanding
that just because I couldn’t, or chose not to trust someone, didn’t
mean that I couldn’t trust others, let alone myself and my choices.
Which sort of echoes a favorite quote of mine: “To the world,
you’re just one person, but to one person, you may be
the world.”
So, I tipped my toe into the healer arena, sue me. I dared to go
there. Now what? I needed more. I needed a 360-degree approach
to healing. Ping-pong, semi-sappy conversations about broken
hearts and mending hearts wasn’t going to do the trick. I knew
that. I sought out to add to my bag of tricks other people, and
experiences, which could help me become whole again, head to
toe, inside and out, this time ‘round. The trendy life coach thing
was the perfect start for me a couple years back. It was the first
time I admitted I needed someone’s help, as I didn’t believe in my
own decisions anymore. But I needed a team to put humptydumpty back together again (eh, yeah, that would be me). I now
needed a program that was powerful, transformative and aweinspiring. Simply put, I knew it was time to believe in ME again.
Maybe I am not quite the fool I have been thinking I was. I am
now one hundred percent committed to trusting myself, listening
to my conscious, and paying attention to all the signs my angels
leave for me daily, to help guide me through good times and bad.
Take one healer, one trainer, one herbalist and mix with a damn
good nutritionist I thought. Hmmmm? This was going to be way
harder than bench-presses. Why wasn’t I happy just reading EAT
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com
PRAY LOVE like every other woman that I knew?
Thank goodness for eight years of building (PhillyFIT) connections. I whipped out my address book and bingo: Susie Beiler she is my ongoing “oils gal” now. She’s from Spectrum Health
Consulting and is a walking/talking gorgeous essential oil within
herself. Then added my new herbalists helping me out from
Bunn's Health Food store in Southampton, PA. Man, can someone
just lock me in that store overnight, and let me play? What a magical place for finding every health and healing need in the world!
My new sandbox! Then my PhillyFIT Chef, John Fairchild, continues to feed me amazing recipes and nutrition tips, along with
the redheaded beauty and Vegan chef/TV star Christina Pirello.
She too provides me with the utmost in healthy recipes and
insights that I like to think I am ready to embrace whole-heartedly.
Not a shabby team to make my health and healing goals my reality! And, I can share them with my entire family; all seven of them
are on board with me! I’m not nearly as alone as I had
thought I was.
Think today’s essential oils are nothing but snake oils? Think
again! Today’s products are custom tailored to soothe, calm and
nourish. I personally use the following popular oils, but this will
change from month to month according to my needs.
“Thieves” – I am using Young Living Oils: highly effective in supporting the immune system.
“Valor” – great for balance and to align the body.
“Harmony” – well, for what the word says a more harmonious
life, physical and mental well being.
“Joy” – for more happiness in my life (the dishwashing liquid didn’t cut it. Ha!) This oil creates magnetic energy and joy to the
“Breathe” – an amazing concoction that allowed me to ditch the
rescue inhaler (totally helps my breathing as I have asthma).
“Lemon/Orange Jolt” – It gives me a spirited lift and is very
I truly believe in splendid aromatics and mystical powers of
pheromones. I think the power of smell goes along way – it’s
almost like listening to a song – a mood changer. It’s like acupuncture for wussies. Again, it may be a placebo affect, but I really
don’t care. The point is that I’m doing it for me and it’s working. I
rub the oils on my feet... so nice!
And now onto the nutrition component.
I am very happy with the veggie protein powders I’ve found at
Bunns and also at Whole Foods, this one in particular has a gazillion fruits and veggies. It’s called "RAW Meal" and contains
twenty-six Superfoods, RAW Organic Sprouts, Seeds and Greens,
and thirty-four grams of protein. It totally helps satisfy my relentless hunger. I mostly take it as a breakfast before my workouts so
I get through an active day without starving and losing concentration. And, I don’t eat much meat, so this is a great protein source
for me. It’s really the gasoline that makes this car run. It gives me
the zing that I need, especially when that 3:00pm hour hits and
I’m jonesing for a Snicker’s Bar. It fills me up and makes me feel
like Wonder Woman!
Next, I swear by the "B" vitamins for energy and a women’s mega
multi-vitamin. And Omega 3’s, I know there’s no such thing as a
miracle pills, but when I take these nutrients I feel turbocharged.
This is a good thing because I’ve been working out three times a
week on average. Once I got back to regular exercise.
So, I’ve got the healer, the oils and some darn good nutritional
habits going on but there are still some healing things I want to
incorporate as the weather gets warmer and the clothes show more
skin. Ugh. Here are few things on my healing bucket list:
Chi Gong breathing exercises
Spend quality time with my children
Retail Therapy (yes, I’m a sucker for a nice new sundress and
strappy sandals. Whatever!)
Going to church on Sunday (don’t laugh)
I came across this quote recently and it really resonated with me
so I thought I’d share it with my loyal PhillyFIT readers. Enjoy.
I want to really, really live. I want to laugh til my stomach tightens
so much that it aches and my legs hurt from my slapping them.
I want to cry from my gut and let the tears wash me to where I need
to go. I want to hear the singing of my heart. and let the sounds
echo inside me and I want to dance to that music.
I want to fill with compassion and touch someone's face so gently
that they can feel the caring in my fingertips. I want to love so
deeply that my cells vibrate with it and just standing near me you
can feel the buzz of the vibrations.
I want to know that I'm worthy and good and
I want to leave self doubt on the highway.
I want to touch the sky and recognize my soul in it.
I want to walk in the rain and drop to my knees in gratitude for this
gift of life
I have been given.
MayI never ever forget what a gift it truly is.
— Teresa St. Cloud
This spring, dance to that music and heal! Write me and tell me
what you do to heal - I’d love to know!
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com
PhillyFIT I 11
I'm new to the area and just discovered your magazine. Wow,
it's got such a friendly "voice"
and high energy content.
Fantastic! Thank you for your
efforts, and all the best of
health, wealth and love in
Spencer L Baker
Crossfit L1 Trainer
I stumbled across your magazine
a few months ago and I was
very impressed. I just wanted to
say, keep up the great work.
I constantly use to try to
always stay focused on my
exercising, it’s often hard to fit
in dedication to exercising with
my demanding schedule. Your
magazine allows me to remember everyone goes threw the
same struggles and just keep
trying. I'm a choreographer and
I struggle with eating the wrong
things even my job demands me
to stay fit. Food is tempting and
I am blessed to dance as a profession, otherwise I wouldn't be
fit. When I work out with my
clients I let them know my
struggles to let them know that
it's just as hard for me as it is
for them. I want them to know I
know their struggles equally and
we will get this done together.
Please keep it coming. I love
your articles, discounts and
deals. And what I love best is
that everyone is local. I just feel
that I can relate to them more
than the world fitness magazine.
Thanks for keeping me Fit!
Sprite' Choreographer
Hi Jami,
You absolutely inspire me each
issue. I still remember the publisher pages you wrote not long
after your daughter was born
12 I PhillyFIT
(four and a half years ago!) I’ve
been reading since then! Even
then, you seemed to be in tune
with something I was going
through. Thank you so much for
publishing your magazine! I love
it. How do you do it ALL?
Jennifer Ritorto
Membership & Marketing
Lower Bucks Family YMCA
I just read your Publisher’s Page
article while sitting at CHOP
waiting for my son’s appointment. GOOD JOB, again I love
your “matter of fact, no bullshit” style of writing! I just sat
there smiling as I was reading
it, nodding my head…as if I was
in a conversation with you. My
son would look over at me
(while he was in the middle of
his physical therapy exercise)
and say “Why are you smiling?”
I replied, “Oh, it’s just Jami….”
Lisa Davis
You and your team always write
such interesting and inspiring
articles in PhillyFIT...I always
look forward to reading them. I
am often inspired by the young
people who get involved and are
inspired by fitness!
Karin Maitin
I really respect you, your publishing, your drive, your personal
fitness and beauty, your business sense, etc. You have a big
fan here. Keep up the great
work sister!
George Bruno
For more details see page 4
Published by:
Jalynn Concepts, LLC
[email protected]
Publisher: Jami Appenzeller
Advertising Deadlines:
Reservations for the
May/June 2012 issue:
Ad Copy Due By: Apr 5, 2012
Payment Due By: Apr 10, 2012
Assistant to the Publisher:
Melissa Granneman
Art Design: Buxmont Media:
Jessica Lorah
Copy Editors: Heather Hoehn,
Bev Appenzeller
Cover Photography:
Photography of couple by Sean
Gomes. Stephanie Keenan
photo by John Atherton.
Publishers Page:
Photo by Joe Chielli, Church
Street Studios
Calendar Of Events:
John Beeler
Ad Sales:
Jami Appenzeller
[email protected]
Rita Henry
[email protected]
Distribution Manager:
R.I.P. Jim Appenzeller
All inquires are welcome...
Call us NOW! 215-396-0268
Fax: 215-396-0288
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com
PhillyFIT Magazine is a news magazine with emphasis
on health, fitness and leisure. PhillyFIT Magazine is printed bi-monthly, distributing 50,000 magazines to more
than 1,000 locations in the Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester,
Delaware and Montgomery Counties. Address all submissions of advertising, calendar entries, photos,
inquiries and letters to the above address. PhillyFIT
Magazine does not assume responsibility for unsolicited
materials. PhillyFIT Magazine will assume that all unsolicited materials are being submitted for possible publication and should the material be published, no fee is due
to the submitting party. It is our understanding that the
submitting party holds models' releases on photographs
submitted. Physicians' Pages are paid advertisements.
PhillyFIT Magazine does not knowingly accept false or
misleading advertising or editorial content, nor does the
Publisher assume responsibility should such advertising
or editorial appear. PhillyFIT Magazine reserves the right
to edit letters to the editor and other submissions for
clarity and space availability, and to determine suitability
of all materials submitted for publication. Before implementing any exercise or diet modification mentioned in
PhillyFIT Magazine, readers are advised to consult with
their physicians. No reproductions of printed material are
permitted without the consent of the Publisher.
All rights reserved.
Teenager Perception vs. Reality
By Mary M. Nearpass
“I’m so fat. I’m too skinny. If only I were taller, shorter, or had
curly short hair. If I had a smaller nose, bigger muscles, longer
legs, then I’d be happy.”
Do any of these statements sound familiar? Do they come out
of your mouth, your friends’ mouths or both? Are these topics
the source of most of your conversations 24/7? If so, you’re not
alone. As a teen, you're going through a ton of changes in your
body. This is a rapid growth period when your body is in the
process of preparing for childbirth later in life and becoming a
full grown woman and man. Disturbing that process with fad
diets can cause possible, permanent, long-term damage and
affect. As your body changes, so does the image of yourself.
Lots of people have trouble adjusting, and this can affect their
Why Are Self-Esteem and Body Image Important?
Self-esteem is all about how much people value themselves, the
pride they feel in themselves, and how worthwhile they feel.
Self-esteem is important because feeling good about yourself
can affect how you act. A person who has high self-esteem will
make friends easily, is more in control of his or her behavior,
and will enjoy life more.
Body image is how someone feels about his or her own physical
appearance. For many people, especially those in their teens,
body image can be closely linked to self-esteem. That's because
as kids develop into teens, they care more about how others see
What Influences a Person's Self-Esteem?
Many teens struggle with their self-esteem when they begin
puberty because the body goes through so many changes. These
changes, combined with a natural desire to feel accepted, mean
it can be tempting for people to compare themselves with others. They may compare themselves with the people around them
or with actors and celebrities they see on TV, in movies, or in
But it's impossible to measure ourselves against others because
the changes that come with puberty are different for everyone.
Some people start developing early; others are late bloomers.
Some get a temporary layer of fat to prepare for a growth spurt,
others fill out permanently, and others feel like they stay skinny
no matter how much they eat. It all depends on how our genes
have programmed our bodies to act.
The changes that come with puberty can affect how both girls
and guys feel about themselves. Some girls may
feel uncomfortable or embarrassed about their
maturing bodies. Others may wish that they
were developing faster. Girls may feel pressure to be thin but guys may feel like they
don't look big or muscular enough.
Outside Influences
It's not just development that affects selfesteem, though. Many other factors like
media images of skinny girls and
bulked-up guys can affect a person's
body image too.
Family life can sometimes
influence self-esteem. Some
parents spend more time criticizing their kids and the way
they look than praising them,
which can reduce kids' ability
to develop good self-esteem.
Mom’s influence around the
table, if we even do this anymore, has a big impact. If a
mother is always eating lettuce
leaves and on a diet, this sends a
bad message and conveys her own,
poor body image.
People also may experience negative
comments and hurtful teasing about
the way they look from classmates and
peers. Sometimes racial and ethnic
prejudice is the source of such comments. Although these often come
from ignorance, sometimes they can
affect someone's body image and selfesteem.
Healthy Self-Esteem
If you have a positive body image,
you probably like and accept yourself
the way you are. This healthy attitude
allows you to explore other aspects of
growing up, such as developing good
friendships, growing more independent
from your parents, and challenging yourself
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Psychologist Offers
Tips for Surviving
These days, more and more people are finding themselves
stretched pretty thin. With commitments to work and family
requiring more time than ever before, it’s no surprise the average man or woman’s stress level is on the rise.
as a result. Exercise also improves aerobic capacity and
increases energy levels. Even the busiest of adults will find fifteen minutes per day is not much time to set aside.
Dr. Cory Bank a professor of Psychology at Philadelphia
College of Osteopathic Medicine and an expert on stress management has studied human behavior for more than two
decades, helping countless children, adolescents and adults cope
with and overcome stress. Having competed in the Ironman
USA Triathlon as well as several marathons, Dr. Bank is fully
aware of the stress that comes with juggling multiple responsibilities and still performing at your peak.
Avoid Emotional Vampires
Emotional vampires are the people who suck the energy and
enjoyment out of our lives. We all have them and they can certainly increase our levels of stress and jeopardize our health.
By minimizing our time with them, we can decrease our stress
levels dramatically while simultaneously enjoying life more.
According to a recent survey conducted by the American
Psychological Association, one-third of Americans are living
with the extreme stress, while nearly half of Americans feel
their stress levels are on the rise. Couple that with the nation’s
recent economic struggles, and it’s fair to conclude that
Americans have a genuine problem with stress.
In an effort to help others do the same, Dr Bank founded
StompStressAway.com an online resource dedicated to helping
individuals reduce stress levels. Some of Dr. Banks most effective and cost-efficient recommendations include:
Master the Power of Language
Our thoughts and language can influence our feelings which can
influence our behavior. Do we label a situation a catastrophe
when the restaurant does not have the appetizer we wanted?
Maybe it is a bit disappointing, but is it a catastrophe? A catastrophe is when you wake up in the morning and your right leg
and upper row of teeth are missing and someone stole your car!
Keep it in perspective.
Beat Stress Instantly with Exercise
Research continues to support the notion that a brisk fifteenminute walk can reduce the stress by raising serotonin levels
and releasing endorphins, improving mood and lowering stress
14 I PhillyFIT
Laugh on a Daily Basis
In many instances, laughter truly is the best medicine – like
exercise, laughing releases endorphins and improves mood.
Laughing also enhances the immune system. What’s more, with
YouTube and other amenities just a mouse click away, adults
and children alike can set up their own comedy break, complete
with their favorites that are sure to induce a laugh or two.
Treat Yourself Once Daily
Many of us probably have no problems with people asking for
our time. However, to do one thing a day for ourselves that we
enjoy might require us to invest some time initially until it
becomes habitual. Try to aim for a few minutes a day and see if
that can eventually extend to fifteen minutes daily or longer.
Find activities that are convenient and enjoyable. Some examples might include talking to a friend, taking a warm bath, going
for a little walk, writing, drawing, meditating, listening to music
– you get the idea. Fifteen minutes a day adds up to ninety
hours a year! It takes very little time and is easy and enjoyable.
For more tips on positively coping with stress, visit Dr. Bank at
Pictured: A triathlete and avid marathoner, Dr. Cory Bank
(above) understands the stress that comes with juggling multiple responsibilities.
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How to stay active in the winter months for KIDS and parents too!
Great for children ages two – seven
1. Polar bears and Penguins: Play some fun music and move
around the room like animals that live in the cold.
2. Ask Students What Activities They Can Do Outside When
It Snows. Create a list with pictures next to it and act out each
activity. Examples – Ice-skating, skiing, sledding, tossing
snowballs, etc.
3. Paper Plates: Place paper plates on the ground and pretend
they are icebergs in the sea. Ask children to swim, move, or
dance around the icebergs without touching them.
4. Pretend to Put on a Pair of Ice Skates. Ask each child to
show how they might move on skates and invite all children to
follow along.
5. Ice Cube Melt: Start by asking, "What items are cold?"
(i.e., a refrigerator, ice cubes, snow flakes, etc.). Next, ask the
children to be like a frozen ice cube, and then have them start to
melt one body part at a time, moving it around, until his whole
body is melted. Next, have them freeze back up again and try to
melt again in a different sequence. Ask each child to suggest a
body part.
6. Snowball Toss: Recycle some paper you have lying around
or use newspaper and ball it up. Ask each child to toss the
snowballs up in the air and then try to catch them. Practice the
tossing while standing up, standing on one foot, lying down, or
working with a partner.
8. Bundle Up and Get Outside: Kids will watch your reactions and attitude to the weather and mimic you. Grab a hat and
some gloves and go outside – it's always a great day to play!
9. Play FREEZE Dance Inside: Put some fun music on and
invite your children to dance, jump, wiggle, and move. When
the music turns off, FREEZE!
10. Cotton Balls: Place a bunch of snowballs (cotton balls) on
the floor. Give each child a straw and demonstrate blowing air
through the straw to blow the snowball across the floor. After a
few minutes collect the straws, put some music on and have a
snowball fight with the cotton balls. Discuss how to safely
throw cotton balls (avoid a person’s face, stay far enough away
to avoid hitting them with their hand, etc.).
One more for fun!
11. Create a Winter Wonderland: Get active and artsy at the
same time when it snows! Fill up spray bottles or squirt bottles
with water and a little food color. Bundle up, and head outside.
Spray around and make a work of art on the snow.
Yvonne Kusters is the creator and owner of the Mobile Kids Fitness Company,
Let’s Play Today! Learn how to teach children’s fitness and bring the fun into
preschools, health centers and any location catering to children. Come out
and play at their music concerts designed to get kids up and moving too!
Visit www.letsplaytoday.org
7. Make a Pretend Snowman: Imagine that it's snowing and
put on pretend hat and gloves, jump through the snow, scoop it
up with your arms, and pack it together in a giant ball.
16 I PhillyFIT
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Too Fit for Sleep Apnea?
By Ashley Page, Off-Topic Media LLC
If you’ve seen an advertisement for snoring or sleep apnea treatment, it probably featured an overweight man or woman, snoring
away in bed or even in front of a television. While many assume
that sleep apnea is only diagnosed in patients who are overweight
and obviously unhealthy, numerous studies and recent events have
proved just the opposite. Even physically fit individuals can suffer
from sleep apnea.
Understanding Sleep Apnea
What does a person who is one hundred pounds overweight have in
common with someone who barely weighs one hundred pounds at
all? The answer is an airway. Sleep apneics (people who suffer from
sleep apnea) stop breathing several times, sometimes hundreds of
times, every hour while they sleep, but they don’t all stop breathing
for the same reason. It’s true that overweight individuals are at a
higher risk of the disease due to fat deposits in the neck and throat
that can compress and obstruct the airway, but there are other causes of sleep apnea. How can an NFL athlete or a marathon runner
suffer from obstructive sleep apnea? In the case of a football player
or a muscular Marine, the cause may be from the increase in muscle
tissue in the neck, or because of an enlarged tongue. The pencil-thin
marathoner may suffer from sleep apnea because her neck is so tiny
that there’s hardly any room for her airway. Or, the problem may be
none of these things and may simply be due to misfiring brain signals. Believe it or not, even healthy children can suffer from the
Many don’t realize that sleep apnea comes in three forms: obstructive, central and complex. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), caused
by a blockage of the airway, may be more common in people who
are overweight due to excess fat pockets in the throat and neck area.
However, obstruction can also be caused by a deviated septum, narrow nasal passages, narrow airways, and excessive soft throat tissues, such as enlarged tonsils, adenoids, or a larger than normal
tongue – all problems that a fit person can suffer from.
18 I PhillyFIT
Central sleep apnea is caused by a problem within the brain that
causes the organ to slow, or even periodically stop breathing during
sleep. This irregular breathing can cause blood oxygen levels to
deplete. Complex sleep apnea is a combination of obstructive and
central sleep apnea. Untreated obstructive sleep apnea can lead to
problems with central sleep apnea, which then makes the apneic a
complex sleep apnea sufferer. No matter which kind of sleep apnea
a person has, the condition can lead to excessive sleepiness during
the day, and in the long run can cause damage to internal organs
such as the heart and brain.
According to Dr. Ken Siegel, a Philadelphia sleep apnea dentist, virtually anyone can suffer from sleep apnea. “People make the mistake of thinking that if they’re not fifty to a hundred pounds overweight, that there’s no way they have sleep apnea, and that’s just
not the case,” comments Siegel. “Anyone with a mouth can have
sleep apnea.” Even the fittest people in today’s society have been
diagnosed with the condition, from former Oakland Raiders’ number one draft pick, JaMarcus Russell, to thousands of active duty
military men and women.
Knowing The Symptoms
Sleep apnea symptoms are not always obvious, which is why so
many people unknowingly suffer from the disorder, sometimes for
years before they are diagnosed. Unfortunately, while sufferers
sleep, they can stop breathing hundreds of times each night without
having any idea. That being said, there are signs people for which
should look. The most common symptoms of sleep apnea include:
·Daytime drowsiness · Fatigue · A lack of energy ·Loud snoring
· Cessations in breathing during the night
· Restlessness · Headaches upon wakening
According to Dr. Siegel, snoring is the biggest indicator of obstructive sleep apnea. “Also, if a person’s bed partner notices pauses in
the person’s breathing, that’s a pretty good sign that there’s apnea
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happening. In either case, it’s critical that the patient get tested to
see if they have sleep apnea. The test will reveal what kind of sleep
apnea the patient has and how severe it is.”
Treating Sleep Apnea
The most common and well known treatment for sleep apnea is the
CPAP machine. The treatment has become the gold standard
method for treating sleep apneics and often, it is the first and sometimes only treatment offered to sufferers.
“A lot of physicians will automatically prescribe CPAP for patients
when they are diagnosed with sleep apnea, but most of the patients
who I see who have tried CPAP tell me that they couldn’t tolerate
it,” says Dr. Siegel. “They find it invasive in their sleep habits. It
can be socially embarrassing, and just plain uncomfortable due to
the masks, straps and tubes involved. The other treatment option is
surgery, but it’s pretty rare that a patient would choose surgery if
there are non-invasive options yet to be explored.”
One non-invasive alternative to CPAP or surgery is oral appliance
therapy (OAT). With OAT, patients do not have to wear a mask or
carry a machine around with them when they are spending the night
away from home. Instead, they wear an oral appliance that resembles an orthodontic retainer while they sleep.
“Oral appliances work primarily because they are so simple,” says
Dr. Siegel. “They open the airway and are similar to a bite guard
that a TMJ patient might wear if they grind their teeth. Patients usually find it much more tolerable than CPAP.”
While the emergence and popularity of OAT continues to grow year
after year, the best treatments are based on a case-by-case basis.
What works for one sleep apneic may not work for the next. For
example, for some patients, CPAP is the only viable treatment,
especially those diagnosed with central or complex sleep apnea, a
serious condition that continues to influence the popularity of CPAP
treatment. There is a saying in the apnea treatment community that,
“CPAP is one hundred percent successful in the patients who can
tolerate it,” and because of this it is still considered the ‘gold standard of treatment’ for sleep apnea.
On the flip side, however, the American Academy of Sleep
Medicine now recognizes oral appliance therapy as the, “primary
therapy in mild to moderate OSA patients.” The mobility and noninvasive nature of oral appliances make them the Army’s first-line
treatment for soldiers diagnosed with sleep apnea.
The Bottom Line: Sleep Better, Feel Better
All too often, many physically active individuals believe they are
too healthy to have the condition, and suffer without getting the
help they need. Daily gym-goers, marathon-runners, competitive
athletes, and yoga fanatics are all at risk of suffering from sleep
apnea, just as the couch potato is. In the end, if you experience
snoring, morning headaches, a lack of energy, general fatigue, daytime drowsiness or the inability to concentrate, sleep apnea could be
the root cause. Whether you’re fit or not, it’s critical that you get
tested for sleep apnea.
20 I PhillyFIT
Ashley Page writes for Off-Topic Media (www.offtopicmedia.com). She enjoys writing about a
variety of subjects and lives in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Ken Siegel’s practice is in Blue Bell, PA.
His website is located at www.sleepphilly.com.
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
The Accidental Vegetarian
By Christina Pirello
So, you gave up red meat and you tell all your friends now
you’re a vegetarian. How hip. How cool. How very Dr. Oz.
But let’s see what you’re really doing. Did you just give up
meat? Or did you embrace a healthy lifestyle and plant-based
diet for real taking care to get the nutrients you need to be
strong and vital. Be honest - your health may depend on it!
I became a vegetarian when I was fourteen with the sole purpose of driving my father insane. He’s a butcher, so it worked.
But I was serious about my choice as well. I discovered that
there was very little legitimate information available to me thirty years ago as to what I should to eat to get all the nutrients I
needed. Then there was junk food. As long as it didn’t have a
mother and a father or could run, swim, walk, crawl or slither
away, it was vegetarian. So basically, my new vegetarian food
groups broke down something like this - chocolate bars, salad,
chocolate cookies, coffee and an occasional pizza. With all the
information we have today on the value of plant food, eating
well and nutrition, you don’t need to make the same mistakes.
Let’s straighten it all out once and for all.
First, there seem to be lots of versions of vegetarianism today.
There are ovo-lacto vegetarians who eat eggs and dairy products, pesce vegetarians who eat fish, vegetarians who eat everything, raw food enthusiasts who eat no animal food, but also do
not cook their food, using dehydrating and sprouting extensively and the noble vegans, who do not consume, use or wear animal products. And these are just the most popular versions of
this lifestyle out there.
Vegetarianism, ironically, only thrives in societies where food
is, for most, abundant, leaving humanity the time to reflect on
man’s role in the world. Before the last century, vegetarianism
was embraced for only humanitarian reasons, with no thought to
the health of it (sometimes I think that’s still true). It wasn’t
until the twentieth century that the nutritional and health aspects
of eating a plant-based diet came to light. Considered extreme
by many, neurotic by others and self-righteous by even others,
vegetarianism is one of the healthiest ways of nourishing our
bodies and maintaining both our health and the health of our
fragile planet. Here are some of the most common myths, misconceptions and truths about plant-based eating:
What about fish?
Well, when they start planting fish twelve inches apart in soil,
maybe I’ll consider it. Fish is a form of animal protein and for
many people who are proponents of healthy eating, fish may be
a great choice. As animal protein goes, fish is easiest to digest
and depletes us the least. That being said, our waters have
grown more polluted, not less and the toxins from the water
lodge themselves in the fat of the fish. Oops! Plus much of the
fish we eat is farm-raised, meaning they are grown with the use
of antibiotics and other chemicals. As we farm-raise more and
more of our fish, the amount of the essential fatty acid, omega-3
and other nutrients, will be dramatically reduced. Might want
to think about this a bit.
And chicken? Eggs?
When do chickens flower? Are they bulbs, roots or tubers? If
you’re eating chicken and eggs thinking that they are healthier
than red meat and pork, think again. They are animals meaning
they have saturated fat and dense protein. They are only marginally better for our health and are processed (unless organic)
under some of the most compromised, dirty and disgusting conditions we can imagine. Yuck!
Sugar is a plant. Is it okay?
Hemlock is a plant and you don’t see us eating that! Here’s the
deal with sugar. There is no food on earth that changes our
blood chemistry as dramatically or quickly as simple, refined
sugar. It drains us of strength, minerals and vital nutrients,
leaving us lethargic, in a mental fog, with a depressed immune
function and cavities. Sure it’s a plant and a small amount
won’t kill you or compromise your health. However, our daily
doses of this white powder can be as deadly to our health as the
other, more illegal white powder. Any other questions?
Don’t even mention white flour, even organic and unbleached;
it’s all white. It acts very similarly in the body to simple sugar,
plus it turns to paste when we eat it. We might as well make
paper mache and turn your intestines into a piñata!
What about my friends or guests?
I choose not to make a political or personal stand when I have
family and loved ones sharing a meal around my table. For me,
meals are meant to bring us all together in harmony. I cook
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delicious dishes and make no statements judging what others
might choose. No one misses the meat.
How do I get my kids to eat healthy food?
The answer is - one meal at a time. Remember that our kids are
bombarded with advertising and peer pressure and want so very
much to “fit in”. In order for them to embrace healthier eating,
keep the food familiar and above all delicious. Oh, and don’t
be a food Nazi. It’s a sure way to have them run from the room
screaming at the thought of a healthy dinner.
What about ice cream?
What about it? I know it tastes great, but the only word I can
use to describe ice cream is deadly. Frozen, loaded with dairy
fat, sugar and in many cases chemicals and additives, ice cream
will make us fat and unhealthy. It may be yummy, but there are
so many lovely alternatives to the saturated fat and refined
sugar that works with this frozen treat to paralyze your lymph
system and leave you lethargic and dull.
Can we have pizza…ever?
Well, of course, I could tell you to never, ever eat pizza. The
combination of white flour, cheese, salt and acid-producing
tomato sauce is not one that I recommend. However, the occasional treat would be just fine and if you’d like to enjoy pizza
and not wreak havoc on your tummy, try a tomato pie. It has all
the delight of pizza without the cheese. Better yet, make whole
wheat, veggie pizza at home.
How do I get my husband to eat this food?
This issue is a big one. In many cases, the choice to eat a more
healthful diet is made by the woman in a relationship, because
she wishes to keep the family healthy or someone is sick and
needs care. Either way, the choice can be challenging for the
family. Just like with children, all you need to do it create delicious meals for your family, without torturing them with lectures and plain, boring, bland food. Cook with joy and sensual
abandon. Trust me, he’ll eat it! Think he wants to cook something himself?
Where do you get protein if you don’t eat meat?
There’s protein in everything we eat, except fruit. Remember
that cows are vegetarian. They eat grass. Remember big strong,
muscle-bound gorillas, are vegans. With grains, beans and vegetables at the core of your diet, you’ll never need to worry about
What about calcium?
Of course we all know that there is a tremendous amount of calcium in milk. What we fail to realize is that most of that calcium is not available to us for use. We can only assimilate about
twenty-three percent. On top of that, milk is a very concentrated form of protein, which causes the body to produce uric acid.
This requires calcium to buffer it, so we lose more than we
gain. People choosing a plant-based diet lose far less calcium
than our carnivorous counterparts and usually require very little
supplementation to keep our bones strong.
22 I PhillyFIT
Where to vegetarians get calcium? It comes from dark leafy
greens like kale, collard greens, bok choy, watercress and broccoli. These are rich sources of precious calcium, as are soy
foods, black beans and sea plants.
Will I ever get sick if I become a vegetarian?
Yep! Eating a healthy diet is your best insurance for overall
health maintenance. If you think that you’ll never get a pesky
cold or ache with the flu or develop a more serious condition
because you eat tofu, you’re in for a big surprise. The good
news is that while most people are languishing in the misery of
their cold and flu for weeks on end, you’ll recover quickly,
regaining strength in a matter of days. In the case of a serious
disease, your immune function is strong and will give you the
best opportunity for a fighting chance at recovery. But the best
part of eating a plant-based diet is that the quality of your life
changes. It can’t guarantee that your life will be one minute
longer, but it can guarantee that your life will be healthy and
In the end, the best reason to change your diet from standard
American fare is simple. There’s more to your food than you
see. Meats and dairy products are laced with hormones, antibiotics and steroids. Packaged foods are filled with chemical additives, preservatives, colors, flavors and whatever other toxic
waste special interest groups can pass through the FDA.
Organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans are your
safest bet that the food you are getting is actually still food.
Here are some simple, yummy dishes to get you started on your
plant-based path.
This tomato soup usually simmers for hours and gets rich and
creamy, as the bread “melts.” In this quick version, the soup has
a chunky texture that is incredibly satisfying, cooks in just minutes, and is loaded with vitamins and minerals, protein, and
Makes 3–4 servings
Extra- virgin olive oil
1 small red onion, diced
Sea salt
2 (28-ounce) cans diced tomatoes
½ loaf whole- wheat bread, cut into cubes
Cracked black pepper
2–3 sprigs fresh basil, leaves coarsely chopped
Place a small amount of oil and onion in a soup pot over medium heat. When the onions begin to sizzle, add a pinch of salt
and sauté for 2 minutes. Stir in tomatoes and bread. Season to
taste with salt and pepper and cook for 15 minutes. Add water
in small amounts to create a thinner soup texture. Simmer 5
minutes more if you add water. Stir in basil and serve hot.
I love the flavors in this dish. It’s a bit of work because you
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cook the grains separately, but once you taste it, you won’t
mind that one extra pot to clean up. All the protein, complex
carbohydrates, and antioxidants make it worth the effort.
Makes 3–4 servings
⅓ cup wild rice, rinsed well
Spring or filtered water
Sea salt
½ cup quinoa, rinsed well
½ cup hazelnuts, pan toasted, skins left on, coarsely chopped
¼ cup dried, unsweetened cranberries
3–4 fresh whole scallions
3–4 sprigs fresh flat-leaf parsley, coarsely chopped
2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
Cracked black pepper
Place wild rice in a small saucepan. Bring 1 cup water to a boil.
Pour boiling water over rice to just cover. Keep balance of
water hot. Add a pinch of salt and turn heat to medium. When
the rice boils, reduce heat to low and cook, adding more boiling
water as needed to cook the rice. It will take about 35 minutes.
You know the rice is done when the water is absorbed and the
grains are cracked and tender. Fluff with a fork and set aside.
While the rice cooks, cook the quinoa. Place quinoa and 1 cup
water in a sauce pan over medium heat. When the quinoa boils,
add a pinch of salt, reduce heat, cover, and cook for 15–20 minutes, until the liquid has been absorbed.
When both grains are cooked, mix them together with the nuts,
cranberries, green onions, and parsley.
Whisk together oil and vinegar with salt and pepper to taste.
Fold dressing gently into warm grain to incorporate it throughout. Serve warm.
This is the greatest side dish; there are so many possibilities
with this recipe! Vary the greens seasonally. Try different beans
and season to your own taste and style. This dish is high in protein, rich in antioxidants and ready in minutes. It’s perfection.
Makes 4–5 servings
Extra- virgin olive oil
1 red onion, thinly sliced into half moons
Generous pinch crushed red chili flakes
Sea salt
Cracked black pepper
1 can organic cannellini, garbanzo, or Great Northern beans,
drained and rinsed well
1 bunch kale, collards, escarole, bok choy, or other dark greens,
rinsed well and cut into bite-size pieces
Fresh lemon juice
and cook over low heat until the beans are warmed through. Stir
in greens. Season to taste with salt and pepper and cook, stirring, until the greens just wilt and are bright green, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in about 1 teaspoon fresh
lemon juice and serve immediately.
My pal Dennis thought I’d lost my mind when I first served
these. He thought I had pulled the wool over his eyes and made
Duncan Hines brownies. It’s in the zucchini, man! It adds moisture and antioxidants.
Makes 16
1½ cups whole-wheat pastry flour
½ cup semolina flour
½ cup maple syrup granules
½ cup cocoa powder
Generous pinch sea salt
Generous pinch ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 cups finely grated zucchini
½ cup avocado oil
⅔ cup brown rice syrup
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
½ cup non-dairy, grain-sweetened chocolate chips
½ cup chopped walnuts (or other nuts)
Preheat oven to 350°F and lightly oil a 10-inch-square pan.
Mix dry ingredients together, whisking to combine. In a small
bowl, mix together zucchini, oil, syrup, and vanilla. Combine
the wet and dry ingredients to form a thick batter. Fold in
chocolate chips and walnuts.
Spoon batter into prepared pan and bake for 35 minutes or until
the center of the brownies bounce back to the touch. Remove
from oven and allow to cool in the pan for 10 minutes before
cutting into squares. Serve frosted or not.
½ cup non-dairy, grain-sweetened chocolate chips
2 tablespoons brown rice syrup
Almond milk (unsweetened)
Place the chocolate and rice syrup in a heat-resistant bowl.
Bring about ⅔ cup almond milk to a rolling boil and slowly
pour over chocolate while whisking. Use only enough almond
milk to create a thick, smooth frosting. You may have heated
more almond milk than you need. Cool it down and return it to
the container for later use. Whisk the frosting until smooth.
Once the brownies have cooled completely, spread frosting on
top of each one.
Place a small amount of oil and onion in a deep skillet over
medium heat. Add a pinch of salt and pepper and sauté for 2–3
minutes. Stir in beans and, ¼ cup water; season lightly with salt
24 I PhillyFIT
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PhillyFIT I 25
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Aimee and Stephen Sala, “Husband and Wife”
Doing Hot Yoga at Aim High Studio in Fairview Village, PA. Aimee is
the owner of Aim High Studio.
Carolyn McHugh, 18, from Horsham. She is freshman at Drexel
University. Taken November 30th, 2011 at Lionville PA YMCA.
Bonnie Weber, 38, from Wayne, "Loves her 10-mile runs at Valley
Forge Park."
Denis Lanctot trains at Extreme Fitness
personal Training. He is from Yardley.
The Bryn Athyn Youth Ice Hockey Bantam team, coached by
Brent McCurdy & Clay McQueen won their 2nd straight league
championship in 2011. By Steven Hunn
26 I PhillyFIT
Ann Gruber, 33, Teaneck, NJ.
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com
Emily at the PA Pole Academy.
Lisa Firey, owner of Gateway Bodyworks, LLC
located in Phoenixville.
Gemma Pagliei, 46, at Privately Pilates Studio.
The Black Bear Triathlon, May 2010.
Ira Meyers, DPM Huntingdon Valley.
Eric LaRouche of Souderton finishing in his first
marathon last month.
Kathy Marcino, owner KMMFitness, in-home personal trainer,
working with client.
Jean Kopan of Downingtown finishing her first half
marathon the Philly Rock and Roll.
Heather Johnston, 29-forever years old, fitness trainer in
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com
PhillyFIT I 27
Jason Moss, 41, overcoming the last obstacle
of the day at the 2011 Spartan Sprint.
Kristine Carroll, 34, Phoenixville. Photo taken by
Shannon Catron.
Eric Lorah, Tony Niglio, Ron Benjamin, and Jason Zazyczny. We just
completed the Tough Mudder Tri State, November 13, 2011 over at
Raceway Park in Englishtown NJ.
Lindsay Murray, 27, Zumba Fitness Instructor
Quakertown. Photo by Portrait Innovations.
28 I PhillyFIT
Lorren Clark, 33
Wife, Mother, Career and FITNESS!
Photo at Media Womens Distance Run
Libby Seybert, 53 year-old equestrienne (Dressage), TEAM
Sgt. Nate Griffin, 50, at the O.C.B. Stri-State Classic Phillip Pirollo climbing a building at Penns Landing.
Body Building Competition, Dover, DE.
This type of training is called Parkour.
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com
The students at Lower Moreland High School helped battle pediatric
cancer by raising/donating $60,143.65 to the Four Diamonds Fund by
participating in a12-hour dance mini marathon.
Photographer Steve Hunn.
Christopher Theodore, 50, from Ardmore, doing the half-moon twist on
the beaches of Kefalonia, Greece.
He teaches yoga all over the area and teach Health and P.E. in the
Philadelphia School District.
Ron Dukes, 36, at HealthEase Fitness Center
Max Schulze,11, Upper Southampton
Khai Trinh, 35, from
Philadelphia. Winner of
the 2011 Men's overall
NPC Brandywine Cup in
West Chester.
Roger L. Lee, Sr., 45, at LevelOne Fitness in Olde
City (Bread Street) Philadelphia.
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com
PhillyFIT I 29
physically and mentally. Developing these parts of yourself can
help boost your self-esteem.
A positive, optimistic attitude can help people develop strong selfesteem — for example, saying, "Hey, I'm human" instead of "Wow,
I'm such a loser" when you've made a mistake, or not blaming others when things don't go as expected.
Knowing what makes you happy and how to meet your goals can
help you feel capable, strong, and in control of your life. A positive
attitude and a healthy lifestyle such as exercising and eating right
are a great combination for building good self-esteem.
Tips for Improving Your Body Image
Some people think they need to change how they look or act to feel
good about themselves. But actually all you need to do is change
the way you see your body and how you think about yourself.
The first thing to do is recognize that your body is your own, no
matter what shape, size, or color it comes in. Embrace your changing body! If you're very worried about your weight or size, check
with your doctor to verify that things are ok. But it's no one's business but your own what your body is like — ultimately, you have
to be happy with yourself.
Next, identify which aspects of your appearance you can realistically change and which you can't. Everyone, even the most seemingly
perfect celebrity has things about themselves that they can't change
and need to accept — like their height, for example, or shoe size.
If there are things about yourself that you want to change and can
such as how fit you are, do this by making goals for yourself. For
example, if you want to get fit, make a plan to exercise every day
and eat nutritious foods. Then keep track of your progress until you
reach your goal. Meeting a challenge you set for yourself is a great
way to boost self-esteem!
Take a look at what you eat. It shows in your eyes, hair, nails, and
affects how you feel, perform in exams, sports and your overall,
day-to-day life. Active teens should be taking in lots of calories
(2,400 for girls; 3,000 for boys). You should be eating regularly,
with three meals and small snacks and developing good eating
habits for later in life. Now would be a good time to actually listen
in health class and to your parents. Learning the quality of nutrition and what food sources will make you feel your best will be
well worth it in the long run.
When you hear negative comments coming from within yourself,
tell yourself to stop. Try building your self-esteem by giving yourself three compliments every day. While you're at it, every evening
list three things in your day that really gave you pleasure. It can be
anything from the way the sun felt on your face, the sound of your
favorite band, or the way someone laughed at your jokes. By
focusing on the good things you do and the positive aspects of your
life, you can change how you feel about yourself.
Where Can I Go if I Need Help?
Sometimes low self-esteem and body image problems are too
much to handle alone. A few teens may become depressed, lose
interest in activities or friends and even hurt themselves by resorting to alcohol, drug abuse, eating disorders or other anesthetizing
coping mechanisms.
If you're feeling this way, it can really help to talk to a parent,
coach, religious leader, guidance counselor, therapist, or an adult
friend. A trusted adult, someone who supports you and doesn't
bring you down, can help you put your body image in perspective
and give you positive feedback about your body, your skills, and
your abilities.
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30 I PhillyFIT
If you can't turn to anyone you know, call a teen crisis hotline
(check the yellow pages under social services or search online).
The most important thing is to get help if you feel like your body
image and self-esteem are affecting your life.
As parents, teachers, coaches, and guardians of our precious teens,
they are our future. Let’s make time every day to L.E.A.D our
teenagers and truly be a role model in their lives:
Listen to them- Empathize with them- Acknowledge their feelings Direct them
Let’s encourage their passions, support their interests and keep
them away from toxic influences that tell them they aren’t good
enough. Following these principals, our kids will have the necessary resources to ultimately decide on their own.
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
Come visit Pine Run to see how Living Well is a part
of everyday life for 400 Villagers living on campus.
Seniors 65+ are welcome to sample a free class:
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Call Barbara Chierici at 215-340-5214 to receive a brochure or
to attend a Lunch & Learn event offered every month.
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
PhillyFIT I 31
New Resolutions
+ Old Habits =
By Luisa Rasiej
Have you ever set the intention to exercise regularly and did not
make it past the first week? Have you tried to lose weight, only
to gain it all back? Or does it seem like you are repeating certain relationships that do not serve you over and over?
If you said yes to any of the above scenarios, you have experienced the power of subconscious beliefs and thoughts that
express themselves as habitual patterns. We think of patterns as
what we do repeatedly, however we also have patterns of thinking and patterns of feeling.
Let me give you a personal example around weight loss.
Questions, worries and anxieties around my weight have been
in my awareness ever since I was a child. My exploration in the
jungle of diets started by the time I was fourteen. I tried them
all, the big name plans and the more obscure (i.e. injections of
pregnant mare's urine).
Over the years I have lost several hundred pounds, only to
"find" them again, and then some. I also did a lot of other
investigations, from psychological reasons to physical malfunctions. Imagine my surprise, when after thirty-five years of personal research I discovered that my indulgence in chocolate and
other foods was really a cover up for overwhelming anxiety.
Anxious? Who? Me? I was chocked.
Intellectually I know about the correlation between anxiety and
food. However, I had never allowed myself to experience my
own anxiety. My habitual response to stress and overwhelm has
been to not only dismiss it, but not even allow myself to know
that it was there.
It is fascinating how my mind "keeps me safe" from experiencing what at some point must have appeared a threat. Although I
am not a child any longer, the subconscious habitual pattern
continues to run my life.
I am grateful to have tools I can use to bring to light "what I
don't know I don't know." I know from working with many people over the years, that to truly create change, these deep pat32 I PhillyFIT
terns need to be allowed to surface. Only then can we make a
decision about who we want to be and create change.
What about you? Where are your blind spots?
Of course you might not know, other than being aware of those
areas of your life where things are not quite flowing the way
you desire. Here are a few suggestions to get you a little closer
to finding out:
Step 1) Identify an area where you are not fulfilled or satisfied
(i.e. wanting to lose weight, get a job where you use your talents and are paid well, a supporting relationship, etc.). If you
can't come up with anything, ask a friend who knows you well he or she will be able to point you in the right direction.
Step 2) Reflect if it's a pattern that you have repeated over time
and how it has affected you and those around you.
Step 3) Ask yourself: how has this pattern served me? It is likely, your mind will rebel and assure you, you don't know. Don't
believe it, stay calm, compassionate and curious and keep asking the question.
Step 4) Get some help. It's really hard to see the forest when
you are among the trees. One possibility is for you to send me
an e-mail to set up your complimentary twenty-minute discovery session, so we can shine light on an old pattern that is holding you hostage.
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
Treat Yourself to the Smile
You’ve Always Wanted
Please share your experiences; I always love to hear from you.
Chinese New Year has just begun and it's a second chance to
make 2012 an incredible year at its start!
[email protected]. Live life fully, as if you mean it, with
courage and joy! You deserve it!
Luisa Rasiej is called The Contessa around the world and brings a unique
blend of expertise, culture and life experience that combines careers in the
diplomatic service, in corporate America and as a transformational therapist, teacher, mentor and intuitive. Raised in Italy and Switzerland, she is fluent in six languages and has worked with hundreds of women who were in
unsatisfying careers and relationships or had physical challenges. She has
created the Inner Contessa, blending the best of transpersonal psychology, body work, energy
medicine, fear-release protocols and other holistic healing techniques to help women embrace
their confidence and express their innate feminine leadership.
She has been leading workshops in Japan, Europe and throughout the United States for the past
ten years and has been featured on radio shows nationally. She is a contributing author to the
bestselling book “Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude” and the author of the upcoming book “The
Way of the Inner Contessa: Power, Passion and Abundance for Women.”
Luisa is dedicated to support women to step into their power confidently, break through fears
and limitations and find the courage to say “yes” to their feminine strength, passion, leaderships
and grace each and every day. This is a joyful life she calls, “La Dolce Vita!”
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PhillyFIT I 33
Stuffed Cabbage
with Ground Turkey
Nourishes: 8
• Large cabbage leaves - 8
• 1 ¾ pounds lean ground turkey breast ( at least 93% lean).
Can use soy crumbles.
• 1 cup cooked brown rice. Can also cut in some quinoa(higher
protein grain).
• Egg, 1 whole or use Eggbeaters to save calories
• Zucchini, 1 medium chopped fine
• Yellow onion, 1 medium chopped
• Garlic, 4 small cloves chopped
• 3 cups tomato sauce. Can use a pasta or spaghetti sauce (add a
little chicken or vegetable broth for added flavor)
• Red wine, splash or two or three
• 1 Tbsp Canola oil
• Sea salt, cracked pepper
1. Cook rice according to package directions and cool.
2. Boil cabbage leaves in salted water for about 4 minutes.
Drain, rinse and set aside. When cool cut off thick rib at end of
leaf (stem part).
3. Pre heat oven to 375 degrees.
4. In a skillet over medium heat sauté onion, zucchini, and garlic in oil. Stir frequently for 4-5 minutes. Add wine for 1 minute
and take off heat.
5. In a large mixing bowl combine turkey, rice, egg, vegetable
mix and seasonings.
6. Lay out the cabbage leaves and portion turkey mixture evenly
among them. Fold in the side of each leaf and roll tightly.
7. Place some sauce on bottom of baking dish and place leaves
seam side down. Pour the rest of the sauce over and around the
rolls. Cover with aluminum foil. Bake for 1 hour then uncover
and cook for 15 minutes. Check with meat thermometer
(remove at 165).
Nutritional Profile per serving: Calories: 275 , Fat: 8g,
Protein: 20g, Carbs: 32g
Crust-free Cauliflower
Ham Quiche
Nourishes: 6-8
• Cauliflower florets, small pieces- ½ head
• ¾ cup onion, chopped (1 small)
• ¼ cup green pepper, chopped
• 2 Tbsp parsley, chopped fine
• Canadian ham, 4 ounces cut into small pieces. Can use
Healthy Ones cooked ham
• Gruyere cheese, 4 ounces grated (close to 1 cup)
• 2 Tbsp romano cheese, fresh or frozen. Grated not recommended but can be used
• 1 cup Egg Beaters
• 1 cup fat free milk(Can use 1%)
• ½ cup whole wheat bread crumbs
• 1 Tbsp canola oil
• Sea salt, cracked pepper
1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Spray sides and bottom of 9
inch pie plate with non-stick cooking spray. Spread bread
crumbs loosely on bottom and sides.
2. Cook cauliflower in a large pot of salted boiling water for 2
minutes. Drain and set aside.
3. Heat medium sized skilled over medium heat. Add oil to
lightly coat. Add onion, green pepper and ham. Cook, stirring
constantly for 4-5 minutes. Turn off heat and add cauliflower
and parsley.
4. Whisk milk, eggs, salt and pepper.
5. Place about half of the vegetable mix in bottom of pie plate.
Spread half of each cheese over mixture. Pour in enough egg
mix to almost cover. Repeat each step to fill pie plate. If any
vegetables are above egg mix, push down into mix with spatula.
6. Place in middle to upper tier of oven for approximately 45
minutes until firm in the middle. Cool and cut into wedges.
Nutritional Profile per serving: Calories: 180, Fat: 6g,
Protein: 16g, Carbs: 12g
A Graduate in Nutrition and Science, John is also a Certified Trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine and a Certified Weight Management Counselor with the
ADA. He has produced and recorded various exercise videos (originator of Kickaerobox) and nutritional DVD’s. You previously saw him as one of the trainers on the Dr. Phil
Weight Loss Challenge on NBC and on Entertainment Tonight. Currently he is the personal nutritionist for PhillyFIT Magazine events such as the BASH, Workout-a-Thon
and the Fitness Retreat. Visit him at www.weightlosscoaching.org or [email protected].
34 I PhillyFIT
I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
By Lisa R. Mele
A baby boomer recently described her early years as listening to the
transistor radio, spinning albums on her record player and watching
“American Bandstand” on television every day after school. These
memories fill her heart and soul every time she participates in a
group exercise class at her local gym. Other baby boomers come out
to attend group exercise classes because it’s much more fun and
exhilarating for them than any other cardio machine that their gym
has to offer. Group exercise classes are motivating and give the
retired baby boomer a reason to get out of bed in the morning!
Here is a list of classes that the baby boomers are busting to participate in and the reasons why they find these classes great!
1. Zumba® – They love the music! The quick dance steps get their
heart rates up. It also helps them with their coordination skills.
Their mind and body are working together and they don’t even realize that they are exercising.
2. Aqua Aerobics – This class is great for the boomers who have
any type of range of motion issues. They get to do all the moves in
the pool that they could never do in a land class, like jumping jacks
and running. Plus there is no impact or stress on their joints. It is
also a way for the boomers to socialize with their friends, while getting a total body workout!
3. Weight Training – Lifting weights are so important for all ages,
especially the boomer population. They have a chance to strengthen
their major muscle groups, gain more endurance and develop more
flexibility. One baby boomer mentioned that lifting weights has
helped her with her osteoporosis condition.
4. Silversneakers® – This class provides baby boomers with the
option to sit in a chair and lift light weights and use tubing and soft
balls. Many boomers who attend this class find that after a short
time they can do more work standing than sitting! The music played
in a Silversneakers® class is the music from their era and the
boomers love to sing along to all the songs!
5. Yoga – Baby boomers like to attend a modified version of yoga to
work the core, relax and stretch out their muscles. This class plays
calming and tranquil music for their mind, body and soul. This class
also provides them with more flexibility and strength.
More and more gyms across the America are finding that their
majority of members in the morning are the baby boomers and are
adding more classes to their group exercise schedule to accommodate them.
Lisa R. Mele is a certified Group Exercise Instructor for LA
Fitness and Future Fitness Corporation (AAA/I, Zumba® and
AFFA member). She is a 2011 Winner of PhillyFIT Magazine’s,
“Easiest to Follow and Most Unique” Instructor Awards at the 5th
and 6th Workout-a-thons. Lisa was a former USFL Philadelphia
Star Cheerleader and a former “Health Cat” Dancer on the Val
Vasilef Health and Fitness Show on Channel 17 in the mid 1980’s.
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March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
PhillyFIT I 35
Uxtâàç yÜÉÅ à{x \Çá|wx bâà
By Mary Nearpass
Krissy Johnson
Krissy Johnson
Krissy Johnson
We’ve all been there, or maybe you’re in it now. If you’re just starting out in life, you’re bound to experience it. We have all at one time
or another been stuck in a rut. Maybe you’re caught in a boring relationship, a snooze-filled job, or living in an uncreative environment.
Possibly you’re doing the same daily routine from morning until
night, day after day, week after week, and month after month. And if
we are really stuck in a zombie-like state, we even stay caught year
after year!
Some folks end up staying an exorbitant amount of time, sometimes
their entire lives, being comfortable in their discomfort, because it is
easier and predictable. That somehow makes us feel in control of our
lives – when in reality, we are the epitome of out of control. Fear also
keeps us stuck as it seems so much safer staying in the known vs. the
unknown. We’ll stay and we’ll stay, denying our discontent and
unhappiness in a bottle of wine, a Facebook frenzy, a cocaine cocktail,
or a daily date with Ben and Jerry. We can even anesthetize ourselves
in “healthy” habits such as over-exercising, hiding on an iPad, or
starving ourselves.
Sometimes life saves us by getting laid off at our dead end job, finding out our significant other is having an affair, or the home falls to
foreclosure. Yes, you read “saves” correctly. Initially so many things
enter our lives that appear to be the end of the world as we know it;
and, guess what? It is! This same shocking event turns out to be the
best thing that ever happens to us. It’s like waking us up from a bad
dream and we realize that we can actually choose to live a dream of
happily ever after.
This is exactly what happened to Krissy Johnson. A young, vibrant,
attractive, extremely accomplished, Masters trained vocalist who on
the outside appeared to have it all, but on the inside, was feeling like
36 I PhillyFIT
an empty shell. Her life had become stagnant. From looking at her
“before” photograph, you can still see her effervescent personality
exuding so much love shining through. However, it was slowly but
surely dwindling away. She was in a five-year relationship with a guy
who suffocated her instead of appreciating her in everything from her
musicals and stage show performances to her periodic attempts to lose
weight. She would start and stop many a diet and exercise program
full steam ahead, only to find him not only NOT supporting her, but
sabotaging her efforts. He preferred playing on the computer to communicating with her, and she felt taken advantage of in many ways.
When she finally realized she was enabling this behavior and recognized her own role in the unhealthy relationship, life began to change.
The fall of 2007 rolls around, and the season of new beginnings triggered her own. As happens to many of us, something snapped inside
her one morning. She woke up, got on the scale, and saw her all time
high of 209 pounds on her 5’7” frame. All of a sudden it hit her that
over the course of the past six years, she had put on eighty pounds.
She looked at her thirty-six year old self in the mirror and said, “What
am I doing? This isn’t who I want to be, or how I want to live my
life!” That very day she made the commitment to change her current
lifestyle. She called her physician and went on his approved and
guided Medifast weight loss program, which consisted of two shakes
and a couple of Medifast meals throughout the day, and a balanced
dinner of a lean protein and veggies. Over the course of six months,
Krissy lost forty-five pounds and was able to maintain this weight
with her cardio program of four sessions of running or the elliptical at
the gym per week. She managed to keep her vigilant food commitment having no excuses even through the tumultuous holiday food
fests. Her physical transformation fueled an emotional and spiritual
transformation as well. By the spring of 2008, she had left an
unhealthy and dysfunctional relationship, joined a church family,
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
bought a house, and nurtured new friendships and performing ventures.
For all of you who are familiar with “The Secret,” and even those
who are not, the Law of Attraction effortlessly began to enter her life.
When she started to feel good about who she was on the inside, the
negative people/relationships/jobs in her life that did not appreciate all
of her inner beauty and gifts started to depart. Her relationships with
colleagues, friends and family began to change. All of her natural
light and God-given abilities started to go from dim to bright, attracting people who mirrored the same out of nowhere. Like meets like,
and this only reinforced her confidence with each passing day. She
was now not only liking the Krissy who had been buried for so long,
but beginning to live her life with a newfound purpose.
After two and a half years of maintaining her weight loss, Krissy’s
weight had plateaued. She wanted to see more results by creating
more muscle mass. So, in June of 2010, Krissy joined RETRO FITNESS in North Wales and hired a personal trainer, Jesse Zitkus, with
whom she devised a plan to achieve her ultimate, physical goal. She
has seen him for four, one half hour sessions per week ever since, and
quickly lost another thirty pounds. She reached her goal of 127
pounds in April 2011, and is determined to maintain it. Not only did
her weight loss increase, but her BMI (Body Mass Index) has gone
from thirty one percent to a lean eighteen percent. Her HDL cholesterol, blood pressure and triglycerides all were significantly reduced,
and her physician says she is a “model patient.” She now swears by
her weight training and looks forward to her sessions each week.
Krissy is radiant now. By the way, she met the love of her life, Larry,
where else, but at the gym! She says she is happier than she’s ever
been now at age forty, and it definitely shows. Her energy is amazing
and her contentment with who she is shines. She is now the lead
singer in her own bands, “Bosslady” and “Philly Dream Band”, and
they perform frequently throughout the Philadelphia region.
Her diet these days is the way all of us should be. The first thing she
told me was that she has two whey protein shakes daily, to repair and
build her muscles. One of her quick pre-workout snacks is the whole
wheat PB & J Uncrustables by Smuckers, and she is a grazer throughout the day, with tuna fish, chicken and rice and beans being her staples. She also doesn’t deny herself something she wants in moderation; a key to keeping us balanced not only physically, but mentally,
emotionally and spiritually across the board. She says ice cream is
her favorite indulgence!
Krissy wanted to share not only her weight loss success to give hope
to so many women, but the transformation I not only saw in her very
essence, but most assuredly felt. She is a perfect example that true
beauty does shine from the inside out. It’s never too late. You can
reinvent yourself at any age!
Mary has an extensive background in both the traditional and
holistic healthcare settings. The first part of her career focused on
teaching, sales and marketing, and training and development. She
has worked in the classroom setting (from elementary to the college level), for a major weight loss corporation and a leading hospital in the Philadelphia region. Her focus began to shift, as did
her hunger for knowledge in the numerous aspects of complementary modalities, and how they assist in both the preventive and
healing components toward health. Mary holds several certifications in Massage Therapy and Yoga.
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PhillyFIT I 37
By Dr. Laura Weis
I have a confession to make - I am the pet parent of a fat cat.
With over fifty percent of our nation’s cats and dogs overweight
or obese, my cat is a member of a rapidly expanding group. To
make matters worse, my husband and I are both veterinarians
and we counsel our clients every day on the benefits of achieving healthy weight goals for their furry family members. How
did we reach this sorry state of affairs with our own pet?
About eight months ago, a scrawny stray female cat and her
seven kittens came to live “temporarily” in our home. Fast forward through seven joyous adoptions, and mom, now known as
Artemis, was permanently ensconced and getting along famously with our other cat and two dogs. We watched indulgently as
she made repeated trips to her food dish, even brazenly sniffing
at the dogs’ dishes each day during mealtime. Her long fur disguised her rapidly expanding abdomen and by the time we recognized we had a problem, she weighed almost three pounds
(thirty percent) over her ideal weight. That’s the equivalent of a
healthy 150 pound person gaining fifty pounds!
side of some dry foods with “digest,”, a liquefied blend of fats
and proteins to make the high-carbohydrate food taste better. In
one short mealtime that requires no hunting or tracking, our pets
can take in more calories than they need for an entire day.
Excessive calorie intake is just one facet of the obesity crisis
engulfing our pets. Food quality and nutrient content also influence weight gain. Just as five hundred calories of fruits and
vegetables are more nutrient-dense and better for us than five
hundred calories of fast food, pet foods also vary in their ability
to nourish our pets’ bodies. Some pet foods are loaded with
cheaper carbohydrates. Lower quality carbs are no better for our
pets than they are for us. In fact, cats are obligate carnivores,
meaning that they are not able to fully digest plant material to
obtain the nutrients they need. Cats need about 35-45% of their
diet on a dry matter basis (once the water is removed) to come
from animal protein. If we provide pet foods with low quality
sources of nutrients, we are robbing our pets of the ability to
have strong and healthy bodies.
Dogs and cats in the United States have benefitted in a myriad
of ways as they moved from outdoor working animals to pampered family members. They live longer, suffer fewer injuries
and illnesses, and have better health care. In exchange, they
now face the same problems we do in our largely sedentary
lifestyle: low levels of physical activity and easy access to
cheap and tasty food. One of the ways we shower our pets with
love is by providing them with the yummiest food we can buy.
Pet food companies go to great lengths to make food palatable
by adding flavor-enhancing salt and sugar and spraying the out-
Improving our pets’ lives takes more than just saying no to second helpings. Veterinarians have been aware of the problem of
pet obesity for several years, yet despite our best attempts
America’s pets are growing larger. The Association for Pet
Obesity Prevention, founded in 2005, has been tracking statistics on overweight and obese pets from veterinarians around the
country. Each year has seen an increase in the percent of hefty
Artemis didn’t cause this problem, we did. Her small paws cannot open the pantry or refrigerator, and, no matter how she
begged, the dogs wouldn’t share their food. We “loved” our pet
to the point where we put her at higher risk for diabetes, cardiac
disease, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, and cancer. Her life
span will probably be shortened unless we bring her back to a
normal and healthy weight. So let’s back up and examine why
America’s pets are getting fatter, and what we can do as pet parents to combat the trend.
38 I PhillyFIT
Another contributor to our pets’ rapidly expanding waistlines is
the reduction in their physical activity compared to the lives
their ancestors led fifty or more years ago. How many of our
dogs actually have jobs anymore? A quick look at the American
Kennel Club’s guide to purebred dogs is a glance back through
canine history, with most dogs sorted into categories like hunting, retrieving game, tracking, herding, guarding, and “working.” Dogs today live like our children, with activities carefully
scheduled and most time spent indoors. If dogs had opposable
thumbs, they might also fight for control of the TV remote or
game controller. Cats fare no better, as the most exercise many
get is the stroll from sofa to food dish.
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
pets, with new records set in 2011.
The first step toward reversing this dangerous trend is helping
pet parents recognize what their pets look like at a healthy
weight. Many of my clients don’t realize their pets are overweight because we’ve grown used to seeing fat cats and pudgy
pooches. There are weight ranges for various dog breeds and
for cats, but individual animals vary greatly in their builds and
these guides should only be used as a starting point. Of greater
use is a system called Body Condition Scoring. We use a scale
of one to nine at our veterinary hospital, with one being an emaciated animal, and nine extremely obese. A good visual of these
scales can be found at projectpetslimdown.com/Home/Obesity.
There are videos online that can help with the finer points. In
general, you should be able to feel, but not see your pet’s ribs
easily. Your pet should have a trim and tucked abdomen and
you should be able to see a definite waistline when you view
her from above. At 4.5, your pet is in ideal condition.
In our home, Artemis is grumpily growing accustomed to her
reduced rations. As with people, losing weight for a pet is
much harder than gaining. At first she begged constantly, but
her most recent weight check revealed she had lost half a pound
in three weeks. We’re celebrating with a half-teaspoon of tuna!
Dr. Laura Weis graduated from Cornell University in 1990 and
completed her veterinary studies at Virginia Tech in 1998. She is
passionate about the bond people share with their pets, and promotes that love by keeping pets healthy at Doylestown Veterinary
Hospital in Bucks County. She shares her life with her dogs
Maribelle and Gigi, her cats Al and Artemis, four goats, several
chickens, and a few thousand honeybees.
If you are concerned that your pet is too heavy, schedule a wellness check with your veterinarian. Your vet will screen for
metabolic and endocrine conditions that may contribute to obesity and uncover any underlying health problems that might put
restrictions on diet and exercise plans. At that same visit you
can establish your pet’s ideal weight, design a weight loss program, and decide how much weight your pet should lose per
week and month. Rapid weight loss can be dangerous, especially in cats, where it may lead to a problem called hepatic lipidosis (or fatty liver disease). You should recheck your pet’s
weight every one to two weeks, depending on how much she
has to lose, and adjust the amount you are feeding based on the
rate of loss.
“So how much should I feed him, doc?” That question usually
follows on the heals of any weight discussion I have with a pet
parent. The answer is based on two factors: the number of calories your pet needs and the type of food and amount of treats
you provide. The easiest calorie calculator I have found is at
www.petobesityprevention.com, and only involves a little bit of
math. Far more challenging is finding out the caloric content
(or kcals) per cup of food or per commercial treat. Only a few
pet foods list this number on the label, so the easiest way to find
out is to email or call the company. Remember, treats should
constitute no more than ten percent of your pet’s daily calories.
The best treats are healthy snacks such as carrots and apples for
dogs, or tiny bits of cooked meat or fish for cats. Premeasure
the total food for the day into a container, and stop feeding him
for the day when the container is empty. Two to four small
meals are better than one large one. Free choice feeding (leaving a filled food dish down at all times) is absolutely forbidden!
If you have more than one pet, you may need to separate them
at mealtimes or watch them eat. You can bet that if you put the
food down and walk away, the heavier pet will be the winner.
Some pets may need restricted calorie foods to lose weight, but
most do well with smaller amounts of high quality food.
Making your own pet food is another option, but you need to
ensure it is nutritionally balanced for your pet.
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40 I PhillyFIT
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
Canine Myths
by Debbie DeSantis, CPDT-KA, Certified Professional Dog Trainer and Behavior Specialist
There are many myths that abound about dogs and training.
Years ago, people believed that dogs should not be trained until
they were at least six months old. Unfortunately, that myth still
exists with some people. The truth is that even the youngest of
puppies can be trained and conditioned at a certain level. Even
when you obtain your puppy at eight or more weeks old, he can
be taught many things.
It’s important to make sure that your puppy isn’t taken away
from his littermates and mother too early, such as before at least
seven weeks old. But you can then further the pup’s education
by continuing with teaching him bite inhibition. Yell, “OUCH”
when a young pup nips at you, and give no positive attention
for that behavior, then redirect him to an appropriate chew item.
A young pup can be taught to come, sit, and lie down and much
more. They can even attend classes (after some vaccinations) at
three months old. They can be positively socialized with many
people in the first few months of their lives. If you wait to train
until they are six months old, you may have to correct many
bad habits that you could have easily prevented.
Another myth is that dogs that are spayed or neutered become
fat or that a female should have a litter of puppies before spaying. The fact is that spaying and neutering have many health
benefits. For example, females spayed before their first heat
have a very low incidence of certain cancers later in life, as do
males neutered early. Additionally, not being fixed can lead to
or worsen certain behavioral problems. And dogs not being
spayed and neutered contributes to the animal overpopulation
problem, which results in many unnecessary euthanizations
each year. Barring other health problems, dogs become overweight because of insufficient exercise and/or too many
I sometimes also hear people indicate that they don’t want to
rescue a dog because they don’t believe that it would bond with
them as strongly as if they had raised it themselves or that the
dog will come with many health and/or behavioral problems.
This is also a myth. Rescued dogs can bond as much to a new
owner as one raised from puppy hood. In fact, rescued dogs
can bond very strongly to a new owner, as they realize the difference between their former and present treatment. Kindness,
training, appropriate exercise (such as walking your dog), and
socialization all help establish a bond with any puppy or dog.
Additionally, many dogs put in rescue are there because of reasons that pertain more to the former owners than to the dogs
themselves. The owners’ circumstances may have changed, for
example. With rescued dogs, you see the final product and you
save a life. A good rescue group will have temperament tested
and fostered the dog, so that it can place the dog in an appropriate setting. Petfinder.com lists many shelters and rescue groups
throughout the United States.
Another myth is that a wagging tail indicates that a dog is
friendly. Some tail wags mean that a dog is happy and friendly.
But you have to read the entire body language to determine the
dog’s intentions. A sharp, unrelaxed wag can be a bad sign. Is
the body relaxed (good) or tense (bad)? Are the hackles raised
(not a friendly sign)? You also have to read the ear set, tail set,
and entire body language—and even whether the dog stares or
glances softly—to determine what the tail wag really means.
When obtaining a new dog or puppy, we also sometimes forget
the realities of our last dog. It’s easy to forget when a departed
dog was a puppy fifteen years earlier. All we think about is the
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
PhillyFIT I 41
reliable, calm senior dog we just lost—and not the high-energy
puppy, who chewed through your shoes fifteen years ago. It’s
easy to think that we had the perfect dog and that the new pup
will never measure up. You can still cherish the memory of a
former friend while appreciating a new one. Also, by remembering that all dogs need training and it takes time to build a
bond, you can get through the time until your new dog becomes
your perfect dog again.
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42 I PhillyFIT
Another myth that abounds is that some dogs or breeds are stupid or untrainable. Unless there is a real genetic or health
defect, all dogs should be trainable, and, I believe and have
seen, that they are all intelligent. Some are easier to train in
certain areas because of their breed, size, etc. For example,
working and herding dogs are sometimes more easily trained
because of what they were bred to do and that they were bred to
work with man. Toy and smaller breeds may take longer to
house train because of their small bladder size. But that doesn’t
mean that they are not trainable. It just may take longer. And,
just like us, dogs may learn some things more easily and others
with more difficulty. With the right, positive training methods,
dogs can reach high levels of training.
Myth: “I came home and saw that my dog had a potty accident.
When I corrected him, he looked guilty. I’m sure he knows that
what he did is wrong and even may have acted out of spite.”
Reality: Unlike humans, dogs don’t act out of spite. They may
have accidents because they are not house trained, have anxiety,
or are marking territory. And when they “look guilty” when
you finally correct them often hours later, they just know from
your verbal tone and body language that you are angry. They
don’t connect your anger with something that they did two
hours—or even two minutes—ago. They live in the moment.
They connect your anger with what they are doing at the
moment. Corrections are not effective if not administered during or immediately after the potty indiscretion.
The appropriate course of action in the above scenario is to
determine why the dog went to the bathroom and change our
behavior accordingly. The dog may have needed to potty right
before you left, but wasn’t taken out to do his business. He
may not be house trained at all. Then, house train him from the
beginning as if he were a puppy. Or he may have anxiety
issues, such as separation anxiety, or marking issues, that must
be dealt with. If we just suddenly appear angry whenever we
see our dogs, our bond will be damaged, and behavior problems
can develop, as the dog may learn to fear you and develop even
more anxiety. In any case, kind, humane, fair training and/or
behavior modification is what’s needed.
Debbie DeSantis, CPDT-KA, has been training and resolving problem behaviors in dogs for over twenty years. Her business is Going to the Dogs
Obedience Training; website is: www.topdogtraining.org; 610-344-7799. She
is a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers and has also passed the
rigorous testing given by The Certification Council for Professional Dog
Trainers. She has written dog training columns for various publications. She
specializes in rehabilitating dogs with behavior issues, including rescued dogs. Debbie has
nationally ranked obedience dogs, rally obedience dogs, agility dogs, therapy dogs, and four rescued dogs that she has rehabilitated from abusive and neglectful situations.
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
White Flakes
Making Your Skin Look Its Best During
These Last Two Months of Winter
By Victoria Capolozzi
While Philly can count this year’s number of snowstorms on one
hand, I am still seeing patients who are battling dry, rough, winter
skin. It doesn’t take the white stuff to ruin our precious epidermis.
The lack of humidity alone can wreak havoc on our precarious moisture balance. And while I am no Hurricane Schwartz, I bet we get a
bit more winter before it’s all over.
So here are some quick tips to get you through the next two months:
• Use a humidifier in your bedroom at night. It helps, I
• Wrap a scarf around your face when you are out in the cold or
wind. Guys, this goes for you too!
• Move to a thicker moisturizer for the next two months.
Chances are, your favorite summer moisturizer comes in a
slightly richer form, which will most likely satisfy your needs.
Use the richer cream only until April when humidity levels
rise again. If you’ve never used a moisturizer, start with
something very light, and use it only at night, after washing.
• If you are getting flaky skin from your exfoliant, ask your skin
care specialist or dermatologist to reduce the percentage e.g.:
move from Retin A .05% to 0.025% or use your over the
counter retinols every other night instead of every night. (Be
sure to check with your skin care specialist, dermatologist or
prescribing physician before altering your program in
any way.)
• Discontinue active/prescription products if your skin ever
becomes dry or cracked. If strong products hit the open skin
that lies inside that crack, you may experience an overreaction.
If your skin cracks, temporarily move to hydrating, gentle
products until you are fully healed. Once healed, reinitiate
your active ingredients/prescriptions slowly. Again if it was
prescribed by a doctor, ask first before altering your program.
• Avoid wind. Wind easily robs your skin of essential moisture
much quicker than slow moving cold air. If your skin is
sensitive and it’s really windy outside, dust off the treadmill
and keep indoors for a day or two. Outdoor biking, hiking and
skiing are really cruel on our skin. While outside, do whatever
you can to keep your skin covered.
Winter’s not all bad. While it may have left you feeling dry and
looking as white as Philadelphia Cream Cheese, it is actually the
best time to treat yourself to certain skin care treatments such as photorejuvenation (for fine lines and brown spots), IPL (to treat broken
capillaries, redness and rosacea), or laser hair removal (to make your
hairy places as smooth as a baby’s bottom). These treatments work
best when you have absolutely no tan, which for most patients
means right now. Advanced peels (such as an Obagi Blue peel) are
also nice choices during the winter because your aesthetician will
insist you stay out of the sun after your treatment. Think about it,
what are the chances of getting you to stay out of the sun this Spring
when everyone else is hitting Phillies games, doing outdoor CrossFit
or braving the Broad Street Run? While these treatments can
absolutely be done all year around, winter naturally prepares your
skin for the stronger, more effective treatments.
And finally, hang in there. Spring is right around the corner!
Victoria Capozzoli is a clinical aesthetician at Plastic Surgery Associates
with Dr. David A. Silberman. With twenty years experience she is an expert
at skin care, facial rejuvenation and laser hair removal. She can be reached
at [email protected] or (215) 348-3415.
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
PhillyFIT I 43
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March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
PhillyFIT I 45
going green
By Rakhi Bhandari
Most days a salad is enough to satisfy my appetite. I may not be
bouncing off the walls, but I’m content. Then, when I least expect
it, there’s that one bad day when mind and belly protest and I can’t
shake it off. On a day like that, I indulge in sinful fantasies like
sinking my teeth into a juicy hamburger and scarfing down greasy
fries. I’m sure you’ve been there.
There’s a trick to staving off those sudden hunger pangs. Make a
salad that sticks to your ribs and provides you with all the essential
nutrients. Load it up with protein and a ton of greens. That way
you don't follow it up with empty calories.
A dressing can make or break the salad. Calories hide easily in
creamy dressings and can add up very quickly. I steer clear of rich
dressings as much as possible with the exception of homemade
Caesar or Blue cheese, which I tend to keep relatively low fat. It
goes without saying that store-bought dressings are a no-no in my
A freshly made honey mustard or a good old fashioned vinaigrette,
my personal favorite, may be your best bet when tossing up a
salad in a hurry. All you need is a good quality olive oil, a clove of
garlic, a touch of Dijon mustard, salt, freshly ground pepper and
last but not least, my secret ingredient - a balsamic glaze, which I
use instead of balsamic vinegar (which is a bit too acidic for my
taste). A balsamic glaze is syrupy in texture, adds subtle sweetness
as well as flavor to the dressing and a little goes a long way. A
splash of walnut oil is great when used along with walnuts and is
particularly great with baby arugula or spinach. A good tip is to
keep the veggies seasonal in order to optimize benefits.
I have devised a strategy to keep things interesting. I break a salad
up into its various components in order to recreate them in varying
combinations. Each component has a ton of options. Go with a
theme- Asian, Tex-Mex, or maybe Mediterranean. The sky’s the
limit! Keep the ingredients in Ziploc bags, cut or shredded (that
way you really have no excuse). Even the dressings stay for a few
46 I PhillyFIT
days if refrigerated immediately.
The main components of a salad are:
1. Greens- mixed greens, baby spinach, Arugula, lettuce: Iceberg,
Romaine Bibb or Boston, endive, shredded cabbage and watercress
2. Fruit and/or nuts- almonds, walnuts, peanuts, cashews, pecans,
pinenuts, pomegranates, mango, apples, pears, orange segments,
grapes, berries, dried cranberries,
3. Vegetables – asparagus, peppers (raw or roasted), broccoli,
olives, grated carrots, beets, canned beans, corn, sweet peppers,
pickled gherkins, cucumber, chopped tomato, avocado, sprouts.
4. Protein – grilled chicken, bacon (with fat drained), boiled or
poached eggs, grilled fish or shrimp, crabmeat, tuna, low fat ham
or turkey.
5. Toppings- crumbled or shredded Cheese, tortilla chip crumbles,
crunchy noodles, crackers, croutons, whole-wheat pasta.
6. Dressing – olive oil, truffle flavored oil, flavored vinegars, salad
seasoning, mustard, balsamic glaze/vinegar, rice wine vinegar, low
sodium soy sauce, sesame oil, low fat sour cream, salsa, low fat
mayo, pomegranate syrup, maple syrup, honey.
Finding a tasty and healthy protein can be a challenge, but my
answer is to rub a few chicken breasts with a Cajun or Italian rub,
drizzle with olive oil and stick them in the oven. Leftovers are
sliced and bagged. Hardboiled eggs and cooked shrimp or crabmeat can come in handy too. It’s a cinch creating a variety of salads at the drop of a hat just with a little preparation. So get creative and watch those pounds disappear!
Rakhi Bhandari is a graduate of Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, Las
Vegas. She is a certified in nutrition for food service and culinary professionals.
Rakhi is also certified in Thai and Southeast Asian cooking and has a Bachelor of
Arts in English literature. She is a freelance writer for online magazines and the
food sections of newspapers and is a part-time cooking instructor.
View her food blog at: www.spicegirlontour.blogspot.com
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
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PhillyFIT I 47
The brain’s metabolism regulating systems think that reduced
calorie intake means famine, so it compensates by storing more
food energy as body fat. With most weight loss methods, your
brain fights you every step of the way; with the Bouari
Protocol, all of this is reversed. We have seen THOUSANDS
of people do this protocol. Many doctors send their family
members and refer their patients to us to lose weight and fat,
and improve their health in a matter of days and weeks! We will
give you several proprietary things, but the main thing is a
small dose that will trigger your brain to releasing about 2,000
calories of fat off your body every day.
As the fat metabolizes off your body, the nutrition that is stored
in your fat such as blood, vitamins and minerals will go back to
feed you. Now you can go on a low calorie diet-without starving. Normally when you go on a normal low calorie diet, your
brain will go into shock, think you are starving, and will hold
onto the fat as a survival mechanism. Your brain sends you signals that you are starving. Hence all you think about is food,
and get headaches. As a result, your metabolism crashes, blood
sugar drops, and you lose muscle mass. It gets too difficult, and
then you cheat by eating sugars and starches because that’s what
feeds your brain, glucose.
Now your blood sugars go up and you put on fat. This is the
wrong way to lose fat and weight! The Bouari protocol reverses
all of this. You cheat your brain into relaxing and lose weight
quickly. You lose the fat NOT the muscle mass. We have seen
men lose fifty to sixty pounds in as many days. We have seen
seventy-eight year olds come in and lose thirty-eight pounds in
forty-five days, with no loose skin. The first ten days or so, you
lose so much weight that you think you are stepping on some
else’s scale. Now you are motivated. The next thing you know
48 I PhillyFIT
all of your clothes will be loose, but not your skin. Soon everyone at work, friends, family and neighbors are asking you what
you are doing. Your face sculpts out, it does not emaciate in,
even though you have lost so much weight so quickly. By the
time you finish the protocol you have lost a lot of weight, inches have melted off your body, stabilized your blood sugar, and
retrained your hypothalamus (the gland that controls your thyroid, pituitary and metabolism.)
That’s why so many people do not regain the weight years later.
Please call for your no obligation FREE CONSULTATION.
When you come into one of our clinics, you will fill out some
paperwork. While in the lobby, feel free to ask our clients (who
are there for their follow up visits) how they are doing on the
protocol, how much weight they have lost, how many inches
have come off, and how this compares to other weight loss programs out there. You will be shocked! We have several programs from which to choose. Whether it’s that last ten pound
you’ve been battling to get to your desired body fat percentage
or you need to lose twenty or more pounds and are frustrated
with everything else; we have the program for you. We also
offer B12 shots to help with energy and improve your metabolism. You can lose a lot weight quickly and safely, ask our medical director!
Gus Bouari
For the Bouari Clinics of Philadelphia
Please call for your free consultation! 866-891-2002 • PhilaSlim.com
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfit.com
calendar of events
CALL 215-396-0268
NERRC Winter 10K
Out and Back 10K on bike path.
Time: 10am
Place: Lloyd Hall, Kelly and Waterworks
Drives, Philadelphia, PA
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.nerrc.net
Barclay Farm Swim Team’s 1st Annual
’Cudas on the Run
5K and 2-mile walk.
Time: 5K – 8:30 am; 2-Mile Walk – 8:40
am; Kids’ 75-yard dash – 9:45am
Place: 315 Whitemarsh Way, Cherry Hill,
Phone: 609-509-0987
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.dqtridu.com/cudas.htm
Race Against Child and Domestic
5K Run /1-mile Fun Walk. Course is
Time: 8:30am
Place: Colonial Elementary
School/Plymouth Whitemarsh High
School, Plymouth Meeting
Email: [email protected]
Web: rtfoundation.org
4th Annual Hell of Hunterdon
In tribute to the Northern European Spring
Classics is Hell of Hunterdon, a 79-mile
Belgian-themed ride in Hunterdon County,
NJ. The challenging course features 18
sections of dirt, gravel and hardscrabble
roads (covering about 15% of the course)
as you wind your way through scenic farmland and country towns in New Jersey’s
Sourlands. Total elevation gain is 5,000
feet. The route is perfectly suitable for
standard road bikes with road tires; tires
wider than 23mm are suggested.
Cyclocross bikes are welcome, but certainly not required, as most of the ride is
on paved roads. It is the ideal preparation
for those who plan to go to the Tour of the
Battenkill on April 14. After the ride there
will be festivities (food, beer and raffle)
hosted by Pure Energy Cycling & Java
House, including plenty of beer courtesy of
River Horse Brewing Company.
Time: 9am-3pm
Place: River Walk, 201 S. Main Street,
Lambertville, NJ 08530
Phone: 267-744-4538
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.hellofhunterdon.com/
Bucks County Half-Marathon
Chip timing, medals to all finishers, shirts,
certified course and an expo.
Time: 8am
Place: Tyler Creek State Park,
Northampton County, PA
Web: www.buckscountymarathon.com
Legs Against Arms 5K
Legs Against Arms is a 5K run/walk to
strengthen our legs as we oppose illegal
handguns in Philadelphia, raise awareness
about the impact of violence in our city,
and honor lives lost to violence. New for
2012: a competitive, electronic chip-timed
division and a non-competitive fun-run
division. Special rates for youth 14 and
Time: 8:30am
Place: St. Joseph's University, City Ave.,
Philadelphia, PA
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.legsagainstarms.org
MAY 12
Broad Street ReRun
5-mile run and ½-mile kid run
Benefit: The Delaware Valley Chapter of
the National Hemophilia Foundation.
Tech shirts to all pre-registered.
Medals to top 3 in 5-year age groups.
Pets, strollers, headphones all welcome.
Tons for the kids to do with local team
mascots, face painting and balloons! Join
in on the fun!
Time: 9am
Place: Lansdale, PA
Email: [email protected]
Web: Register at
MAY 20
PhillyFIT Workout-a-thon & Bash
Held inside of B&R Family Fitness Club ~
Bodies & Results, 1040 Mill Creek Dr.
Feasterville, PA 19053. Everything health &
fitness you can imagine. Call Jami at 215396-0268 or email
[email protected]
2nd Annual Run With Pride 5K Run
and 1-Mile Walk
To benefit the Scholarship Fund in memory of Kevin Flach
Email: [email protected]
Pineland Striders Independence Races
35th running of this summer classic on the
beautiful pine shaded roads of Medford,
Distance: 10K and 5K; 1-mile fun run
Time: 8:30 am; fun run starts at 8am
Place: Shawnee High School, 600
Tabernacle Road, Medford, NJ 08055
Phone: 609-714-9565
Email: [email protected]
Web: striderindependenceraces.com/index.html
AUG. 24
Drexel Swim Club’s Run with the
Registration opens 5pm
Run 6:30pm
Walk 6:45pm
All participates are invited back to the
swim club for swimming, food, music and
Online registration: www.runtheday.com
Phone 610-356-0918
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.drexelswimclub.com
South Philly Striders Running Club
Yo! Get in shape!
Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6am at
Geno’s Steaks, Ninth St. & Passyunk Ave.,
Philadelphia, PA
Meets Saturdays, 8am, Front & South Sts.,
Philadelphia, PA
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.southphillystriders.com
Highroad Cycles Saturday Morning
Average speed is 16 mph. You should be
able to comfortably ride within this average
speed, including some challenging hills,
over 30 to 40 miles. Ride is weather permitting. Time: 9am
Place: Highroad Cycles Doylestown, 73
Old Dublin Pike, Suite 4, Doylestown, PA
Phone: 215-348-8015
Web: www.highroadcycles.com
MAY 19
Mid-Atlantic Multisport Triathlon Boot
Camp/Race Camp
This one-day camp prepares you to race
to your maximum potential in 2012. The
camp includes: open-water training session with race simulation, instruction on
open-water skills and strategies, instruction on tapering, race tactics and mentally
preparing for your race, transition instruction and practice, outdoor brick workout.
Place: Marsh Creek State Park,
Downingtown, PA
Phone: 610-644-0440
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.midatlanticmultisport.com
Keswick Cycle Cherry Hill Road Rides
Saturdays, 7:45am
Distance: About 40 miles.
Return to shop no later than 11:30am.
Helmets are mandatory! This is an unsupported ride. Please carry at least one tube
and pump/CO2. Food and water are highly
recommended. “No rider left behind on a
shop ride.”
Place: Keswick Cycle Cherry Hill, 305 E.
Rt. 70, Cherry Hill, NJ
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 856-795-0079
Web: www.keswickcycle.com
Bikesport Mountain Bike Ride
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com
Distance: 2 loops. For all levels. Mountain
bike required.
Time: Saturdays, 9am
Place: Green Lane (Knight Road) parking
lot, Green Lane, PA
Email: Ginny Politz,
[email protected]
Web: www.bikesportbikes.com
MTB on the Pennypack Trails
Meet at the Pine Road entrance to
Pennypack Park, Philadelphia, PA,
Tuesdays at 6:30pm and ride till about
8pm. Come enjoy the great outdoors (without cars) after dark! Lights and a trail permit are required. Go to
www.fairmountpark.org/TrailPermits.asp to
buy a permit. Depending on the predicted
weather and/or trail conditions, the ride
may be canceled or rescheduled for another evening. Call or email to confirm that
the ride is on or with questions.
Phone: 215-740-0973
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.phillybikeclub.org
Weekly Tuesday Runs
With the Manayunk Running Club.
Time: 6:30-9pm
Place: Sports Works, 4320 Main St.,
Manayunk, Philadelphia, PA
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.manayunkrunning.com
Weekly Wednesday Group Runs
Time: 6pm
Place: Jenkintown Running Club, 416 Old
York Rd., Jenkintown, PA
Phone: 215-887-2848
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.jenkrun.com
Thursday Night Group Runs
Finish at Lululemon for a yoga stretch!
Time: 6pm Weekly
Place: Philadelphia Runner, 1601 Sansom
St., Philadelphia, PA
Phone: Laura, 215-972-8333
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.philadelphiarunner.com/
This group meets every three months on
the first Wednesday evening in its
Wynnewood office to discuss issues pertinent to insulin pump use. Topics include
research updates, new technologies, management techniques, lifestyle issues and
creative problem-solving. Each meeting
features a guest speaker or interactive
activity. Refreshments are served.
2012 dates: March 7, June 6,
Sept. 5 & Dec. 5
Who’s Invited: Anyone who uses insulin
along with family & friends
Time: 7:30-9pm
Place: Integrated Diabetes Services, 333
E. Lancaster Ave., Wynnewood West
Shopping Center, Suite 204, Wynnewood,
PA 19096
Phone: 610-642-6055
Web: www.integrateddiabetes.com
Asperger Syndrome Family/Caregiver
PhillyFIT I 49
Support Meetings
All parents and other adult family members
or caregivers of children with Asperger syndrome and similar diagnoses are welcome.
Meetings are held the second Tuesday of
every other month. The group's mission is to
raise public awareness, advocate for
improved education and services, and provide support and information. There is no
fee for the meetings. Call for information.
Time: Second Tuesday of every other
month, 7:30pm
Place: Grace Chapel, Darby and Eagle
roads, Havertown, PA
Time: Third Tuesday of every other month,
Place: Avon Grove Charter School, 110 E.
State Road, West Grove, PA
Time: Third Thursday of every other month,
Place: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church,
132 E. Valley Forge Road, King of Prussia,
Phone: 610-449-6776
Asperger Adults Family/Caregiver
Time: First Saturday of the month, 10amnoon
Place: Montgomery County Human Services
Building, 1430 DeKalb St., Norristown, PA
Phone: 610-449-6776
NAMI (the National Alliance on Mental
Illness) holds monthly NAMI Connection
(peer-run) support groups for family members and caregivers of persons with mental
illness (i.e. schizophrenia, bipolar disorder,
OCD etc.). For more information please call
215-886-0350 or email
[email protected].
The first Friday of the month, 10:30am at
Norristown Public Library, 1001 Powell St.,
Norristown, PA.
The second Wednesday of the month, 12pm
at Pottstown Public Library, 500 High St.,
Pottstown, PA.
The third Wednesday of the month, 1pm at
Lansdale Library, 301 Vine St., Lansdale,
PA. The fourth Tuesday of the month, 2pm at
Abington Presbyterian Church, 1982 Old
York Road, Abington, PA.
The second Thursday of the month, 7:30pm
at 100 S. Keswick Ave., Glenside.
Better Breathers Support Group
The Lung Center at Paoli Hospital is hosting
a free support group for patients with respiratory disorders and chronic lung diseases
the second Tuesday of every month.
Registration is required. Call to register.
Time: Second Tuesday of the month, 2-3pm
Place: Paoli Hospital, Paoli, PA
Phone: 610-648-1651
Comprehensive Breast Center Support
and Networking Group
For women who have been diagnosed with
breast cancer.
Time: Third Tuesday of the month, 7-8:30pm
Place: Comprehensive Breast Center, Bryn
Mawr Hospital, Bryn Mawr, PA
Phone: 610-526-4400
Macular Degeneration Support Group
Call for information and/or transportation
Time: Every second Tuesday, 10am-noon
Place: Paoli Baptist Church, 33 E. Lancaster
Ave., Paoli, PA
Phone: 610-644-6316
Support Group for People With Cancer
Sponsored by the Wellness Community of
Time: Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm
Place: The Cancer Center at Paoli Hospital,
255 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, PA
Phone: 215-879-7733
Divine Bike Church for Adults
Dates and Times: Sun., Tu., Th., 6:30-9pm
Place: Philadelphia, PA
Phone: 215-386-0316
Web: www.neighborhoodbikeworks.org
Divine Bike Church for Women and
Dates and Times: Wednesdays, 6:30-9pm
Place: Philadelphia, PA
Phone: 215-386-0316
Web: www.neighborhoodbikeworks.org
Sunday Morning Mountain Bike Rides
Bucks County FootLaser, LLC
Call for more information or
to schedule an appointment
[email protected]
Time: 9am
Place: Valley Green Inn in the Wissahickon
Park, Philadelphia, PA
Phone: 215-885-7433
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.keswickcycle.com
Coed Adult Sports Leagues
Evenings and weekends.
Place: Philadelphia, PA
Phone: 215-483-9340
Web: www.phillysportandsocialclubs.com
Weekly Indoor Spinning at High Road
Road cycling.
Dates, Times and Places: Tuesday, 6pm,
Wayne, PA; Wednesday, 6:30pm,
Phone: Wayne, 610-687-1110; Doylestown,
Web: www.highroadcycles.com
Women Only Climbing Clinic
Rock/ice climbing.
Date and Time: Last Friday, 6:30-8pm
Place: Philadelphia, PA
Phone: 215-928-1800
Web: www.govertical.com
Media Community Center, Media, PA
FootLaser Receives
FDA Clearance for
the Treatment
of Nail Fungus
• New Patented Laser Technology
Treats Toenail Fungus
• Painless Without Anesthesia
• Quick And Safe
• No Drugs Or Side Effects
• No Harmful UV Radiation
50 I PhillyFIT
March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com
If you are one of the millions of Americans who suffer from
lower back or neck pain, you know how debilitating it can be.
Burning, shooting nerve pains and muscles in constant spasm
make even the simplest movement an ordeal. Often, just finding
a comfortable position is virtually impossible.
Traditional treatment starts with medication and bed rest
and ends with the prospect of surgery – a painful, expensive,
frightening experience. Treatments such as acupuncture, epidural
injections, hot/cold therapy, massage and other "therapeutic"
techniques may offer limited relief.
Considerable research has produced a relatively new therapy
that is highly effective in treating intervertebral disc problems.
This treatment, known as Decompression Therapy, has opened
the floodgates of new patients to Tri County Pain Management
and Precision Pain Management Centers.
Decompression Therapy is a traction-based procedure that can
relieve pain associated with disc herniation, degenerative discs,
posterior facet and compression-related syndromes. It also
enhances the healing process and renders quick, effective and
amazing pain relief that enables most patients to return to a
more active lifestyle! It is an FDA-cleared procedure, and most
insurances cover traction therapy.
Decompression occurs as a result of an improved understanding of how to reliably cause the spine to "unload." The vertebral
separation causes a vacuum or a centripetal force in the disc,
which results in a "phasic change in pressure." This "vacuum
effect" helps in the retraction (pulling in) of the extruded disc
When the disc retracts it can stop putting pressure on the
spinal nerve or spinal cord. Thus the term "Decompression."
Once the nerve is decompressed, a significant amount of patients
will notice a decrease in arm/leg pain.
Someone who has previously not found relief through other
treatments is a perfect candidate for this treatment.
Decompression Therapy may also be useful in determining the
overall prognosis of passive care and expediting the phase-in of
rehab protocols. Clinical findings suggest Decompression will
create a relatively quick initial response. Patients who do well
tend to feel a sense of relief (which can be direct pain
cessation or a centralization of pain and/or reduction to an ache
or stiffness) within six sessions. Full relief, if attainable through
this passive treatment, can be in as soon as a few weeks.
(Occasionally a "stubborn" pain syndrome may continue to
improve slowly over 15 sessions, though this is not the norm.)
Often, patients will be treated in 4-6 sessions and notice enough
relief to allow active rehab to begin. Their Decompression may
continue (pre- or post-rehab depending on the methods chosen)
for 4-6 further sessions before discontinuing or reducing the
frequency. Typical frequency is 3-5 times per week. The extent
and seriousness of the symptoms will determine if more than 3
sessions per week should be used. Treatments only take about
25-30 minutes, and again, most insurance companies cover them.
For more information on how you can benefit from the
Dynamic Traction System (DTS), call Tri County Pain
Management Center 215-957-5400 or the Precision Pain
Management Center at 215-657-9393.
See our ad on inside back cover