slb issue 16-05-25.indd
slb issue 16-05-25.indd
Kayak tours, history tour at Whiskeytown this weekend WHAT'S GOING ON? Bulletin, sister publications now all located at same new website: NorthState.News The websites for the Shasta Lake Bulletin and its sister publications, The Intermountain News and After Five Magazine, have merged to one location. In the address bar of your browser, just type in No more having to type in all that “http” and “www” stuff, just the words (northstate sure the period or “dot” is in there). The previous website addresses: and will also still take you to the new website as well. 7UDI¿FGHOD\V expected at Antler’s Bridge Caltrans, Dist.2, said there ZLOOEHUHGXFHGWUDI¿FWR one lane in each direction on Interstate 5 in Lakehead in order to work on the approaches to the Antler’s Bridge. Motorists may encounter longer than usual delays during the Memorial Day weekend. The heaviest WUDI¿FLVH[SHFWHGWRRFFXU on Friday between 1 and 6 p.m., in the northbound direction and on Monday, between the hours of 11 a.m. and 8 p.m., in the southbound direction. Caltrans will be monitoring the backup. It if becomes too long, Caltrans will advise motorists to detour onto State Route 89. However, permitted big rigs are not advised to travel on SR 89. For travel information while in your car, tune your radio to 1610 AM. From home, log on to and click on QuickMaps. You can also follow us on Twitter @ CaltransD2 for after-hours WUDI¿FXSGDWHV Detailed Weather Please see page 3 Temperatures Hi May 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 87 92 77 57 61 65 71 Low Rain 58 61 56 49 47 50 50 57 0.14 0.01 0.05 Measured from July 1 - June 30 Readings taken this week from Rainfall past week...........0.20 Rainfall to date…..........35.54 Last year to date….......26.21 Whiskeytown National Recreation Area will offer a variety of ranger-guided activities during the Memorial Day weekend. Activities will include the everpopular kayak tours, as well as “Walk-in-Time” excursions at the Tower House Historic District with gold panning for the entire family. Kayak tours require a reservation and can be made by calling 242-3462. Descriptions of the Memorial Day Weekend and summer season programs are available on the park website: planyourvisit/rangerprograms.htm The Visitor Center will be open daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. offering exhibits on the history and development of the Whiskeytown area, Junior Ranger Program as well as information on summer interpretive programs, camping, BULLETIN PHOTO and other local information. All was quiet Tuesday morning along Ashby Road, but beginning next week after school is out, the In addition to the rangerURDGZLOOXQGHUJRSDYLQJDQGRWKHUZRUNWKLVVXPPHUWKDWZLOODIIHFWWUDI¿FÀRZLQWKHDUHDDVZHOO guided activities, the Whiskeytown as being a potential imposition for area residents. Sailing Club will be holding the 52nd annual Memorial Regatta on Whiskeytown Lake, Saturday and Sunday. More information about the regatta can be found online at: For more information, contact the Visitor Center at 246-1225 or The road adjacent to Central stop bars, striping, and other Shasta Dam Boulevard and visit the park’s website at www.nps. gov/whis. Planned summer work on Ashby Road will have impact on residents, motorists Valley High School will see some major improvements this summer but, with it, there also may be VRPH VLJQL¿FDQW LPSDFWV WR motorists and especially residents in the area. The city of Shasta Lake recently sent out a letter to residents in the affected area notifying them that starting in June, right after school gets out next week, the City will be paving Ashby Road between Shasta Dam Boulevard and Pine Grove Avenue. Jeff Tedder, city engineer for the city of Shasta Lake, said the project will consist of various phases of work in various areas, including: Grinding and removal of the top layer of existing pavement; installing paving fabric and repaving the street; installing new pavement markings; installing two radar speed signs in the 25 MPH zone near Central Valley High School; and replacing existing concrete curb ramps, driveways, and sidewalk areas to make them more accessible The City said the project will be completed during the summer, while school is out, and should be completed no later than Aug. WKH¿UVWGD\RIWKH school year. The working hours will be approximately 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. There is no doubt that this SURMHFWZLOOKDYHVLJQL¿FDQWLPSDFWV on the surrounding residents and businesses, the City said in their letter to area residents. Aside from one day where Ashby Road will be completely closed between Flower Street, there will be oneZD\FRQWUROOHGWUDI¿FDQGGHWRXUV throughout the work area for the duration of the project. In addition, they said, when work is occurring directly in front of a resident’s house, access to and from that home’s driveway may be restricted. “While both the City and contractor will make every effort to make this work as painless as possible for you and minimize your inconvenience, we would ask for your patience, cooperation, and understanding while we complete this important project,” they said in the letter. For those with questions about the project, they are asked to contact the Public Work Department at 275-7400. Lineup set for Friday Night in the Park Shasta Lake’s outdoor summer concert series, presented by the Shasta Lake Chamber of Commerce, begins June 10 with the Lindsey Thomas Band. All concerts are held from 6 to 8:30 pm at Clair Engle Park, located at 1525 Median Ave. Food, crafts, beer and wine will be available; bring blankets and chairs. Odessa brings the blues on June 17; The Torpedoes rocks out on June 24; Mojo Child, a Doors tribute band, plays July 1; former “The Voice” contestant Summer Schappell & Whiskey Creek perform on July 8; rhythm & blues and jazz by the Humdinger Band is on tap for July 15; Redding’s Hill Street Band offers some dance music on July 22; and One Sol brings the reggae on July 29. Begins June 10th Returning favorites Superior Olive brings the classic rock back on Aug. 5; and alt country specialists The Billies wrap up the series on Aug. 12. For more information, see the ad on page 6A of this weeks’ Bulletin or call the Shasta Lake Chamber of Commerce at 2757497. .D\DN7RXUV May 28, 29, and 30 At 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., and 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., reservations required. Hop on a kayak built for two and explore some of the quiet coves around Whiskeytown Lake. Take a peek at the local inhabitants and learn how they manage to live in an ever-changing environment. For kayak reservations call 242-3462 on weekdays, Monday through Friday. Reservations will EH DFFHSWHG RQ D ¿UVW FRPH ¿UVW served basis between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. only, until all kayak tours are full for the Memorial Day weekend. All kayak-program participants must know how to swim and will be required to wear a life vest. The park will provide tandem kayaks for up to twenty participants. Park visitors with their own kayaks are welcome to accompany the tour group. Each six to twelve year old child must be accompanied by an adult who will serve as their kayak partner. Groups of children over twelve must be accompanied by at least one responsible adult. The kayak program is not available for children younger than six years old. :DONLQ7LPH May 28, 29, and 30 At 1 p.m. tour the 1852 home of pioneer and prospector Charles Camden and learn how he and his partner Levi Tower reshaped the landscape during the California Gold Rush. Discover how the area became a regional center of transportation and the efforts by the National Park Service to revitalize the historic orchard started by Levi Tower. Discover the myths and realities of the Gold Rush Days, and WKHQ WU\ \RXU OXFN DW ¿QGLQJ \RXU own gold the old fashioned way. Pans and shovels are provided. Meet at the Tower House Historic District parking lot. Have Your Community Delivered to You. Call 275-1716 To Subscribe Today. You Can Even Charge It By Phone PAGE 2A MAY 25, 2016 SHASTA LAKE BULLETIN Connections By GENNIE SEELY Connections. I am not referring to the technological connections, but rather the old-fashioned kind. At one time I was much more perceptive about what was happening around me or with those close to me. As we age, and circumstances change, the awareness dulls or we tend to ignore it, or our brains sift out some of the information we once had. I think of it as getting rid of extraneous detritus. Maybe we old folks have so much information stored that we toss some of it out to make room for some new stuff. In any case, I think I got a nudge from my sister early this morning. At one time we always seemed to know when things weren’t right with each other, even though we were separated by hundreds of miles. We would call each other and say, “Okay, what’s wrong?” This morning I began to think about my sister and brother-in-law in Winnemucca, Nevada. I got to thinking that something might be wrong. I went to begin writing my column and realized I had a message blinking at me from my phone. It was from my brother-in-law. He had called after nine last night, after I had gone to bed. Apparently my sister fell and was in the hospital. I called and got the particulars. Fortunately, she didn’t seem to be badly injured but they needed to take her in for observation. She is a couple of years younger than I, so neither of us are spring chickens. He will let me know later today when he goes back to the hospital. This all seems to connect with the subject I was intending to write for this week’s article. We KDGRXU¿IWKDQQXDO6KDVWD/DNH*DUGHQ3URMHFW Garden Faire on Saturday. Last year it was so hot we thought we would get heatstroke. Saturday it rained. We can deal with the rain, but not the heat. We set up all the plant booths out in the parking lot of the community center. The rest were inside the building. It worked out. We had some great musical entertainment. Fortunately, the entertainment wanted to make connections also. So they had tip jars that we could contribute to. One of the entertainers was only 13- or 14-years-old. He played the keyboard and had the stage presence of a well-seasoned adult. Naturally the weather affected our turnout, but most participants said they did okay. We have tried to make our faire a friendly community affair. In these hard economic times, we need to help each other out. It is a win/win situation. In the process of helping others, we help ourselves become better people. Good people make good communities. I had my own agenda, and took the opportunity to make connections of my own. I am involved in several different projects other than the Garden 3URMHFW,GH¿QLWHO\DPFRQFHUQHGDERXWWKHODQG and the people of this country. Both seem to be going to Hell in a hand-basket. We are approaching crises. People are losing their homes, property and livelihood. Strong moral character is gradually being eroded. Violence and addiction to drugs is destroying our people, families and communities. I am particularly concerned about our young people. Maybe it is like our psychic connections or basic maternal and paternal concerns have either become dulled or ignored. Perhaps we have become mesmerized by all the technology, thinking that it can replace the human and humane factors. In the process, we have sold out our young people. Not only have we saddled them with astronomical debt, but we have failed to teach them how to survive. Once that was a prime concern of parents: making sure our children learned how to be strong, hard-working members of society. Education was paramount in teaching the skills necessary for our \RXQJWRFRPSHWHLQ¿QGLQJJDLQIXOHPSOR\PHQW or learning marketable skills. Unfortunately, many of our institutions of higher learning have switched from teaching skills to indoctrination of political ideology. Since they also teach teachers, it follows WKDWWKHLGHRORJ\¿OWHUVGRZQWRRXUFODVVURRPV)DU too many parents have given over the whole idea of education to the schools. Thus we have a divide between schools and parents in many cases. Schools are predominantly federally funded, so they have to follow federal guidelines in order to get the money. It is said that money talks, and nowhere else is it more evident than in our schools. Just check out the latest mandates handed out by the government. Case in point: transgender use of bathrooms of their choice for example. Schools are being threatened with loss of funding if they do not comply with the mandate. The education department decides what must be taught in schools, not parents, and not even the teachers. Granted, there are still VRPHFRXUDJHRXVWHDFKHUVWKDWPDQDJHWR¿JXUH out how to tiptoe through the revolving education panaceas, political dogma, and bureaucratic morass to teach some vital skills. It is no easy chore, and usually gains few laurels but plenty of headaches and repercussions. At the risk of sounding trite, I would like to help make our community great again. At one time our schools were an extension of our community. Many FRPPXQLW\PHPEHUVKHOSHGZLWKSURMHFWVWREHQH¿W the schools. Everybody worked together. That has GH¿QLWHO\FKDQJHGRYHUWKH\HDUVDQGLWLVQRWD good thing. Our Garden Project sponsors the FFA activities of Central Valley High School. However, that is just money. I personally would like to see more done. - Please see Seely, page 3 SHERIFF’S LOG BOOK At 9:45 p.m. Sunday, Travis Piazza reported a vehicle stolen from the 2900 block of Larkin Avenue. At 9:14 p.m. Sunday, a woman reported her room had been broken into and a bag was taken at Bridge Bay Resort. Michael Brian Chandler, 28, was arrested around 9 p.m. Sunday following a pursuit that ended on the 2100 block of Grand Coulee Boulevard. A deputy DWWHPSWHG D WUDI¿F VWRS IRU vehicle code violations at the intersection of Locust and Chico streets. The sheriff’s RI¿FH VDLG WKH YHKLFOH IDLOHG to yield, resulting in a pursuit. During the pursuit, the vehicle reportedly failed to stop at nine stop signs and reached speeds up to 50 mph on residential streets. Chandler ZDV LGHQWL¿HG DV WKH GULYHU and was taken into custody without further incident. Chandler was booked into the Shasta County Jail for felony evading and felon in possession of ammunition and for an active felony warrant. His bail was set at $75,000. At 3:52 p.m. Sunday, a man reported a female subject took items from his vehicle in the 19000 area of Solus Campground Road. At 3:33 p.m. Sunday, a man from a business on the 5300 block of Shasta Dam Boulevard reported a male subject stole alcohol. At 2:58 p.m. Sunday, Donald Cornell reported thousands of dollars worth of riding gear stolen from the 13000 area of Pit Street. At 2:25 p.m. Sunday, a ¿JKW ZDV UHSRUWHG RQ WKH 1700 block of Cascade Boulevard. At 2:12 p.m. Sunday, a man reported suspicious subjects taking pictures of house in the area of Pine At 8:33 p.m. Saturday, a man reported hearing a subject yelling, screaming and singing in the area of Duval Drive and Lake MOST WANTED Boulevard. 7KHIROORZLQJLVDOLVWRI6KDVWD&RXQW\·V0RVW:DQWHG (DFKRIWKHOLVWHGVXEMHFWVKDVEHHQFRQYLFWHGLQFRXUW At 5:22 p.m. Saturday, DQG KDV IDLOHG WR DSSHDU DW VHQWHQFLQJ $Q\ SHUVRQ a man from the 2300 block DSSHDULQJRQWKLVOLVWLVXUJHGWRWXUQKLPVHOIRUKHUVHOI of Ivy Avenue reported his LQWRORFDOODZHQIRUFHPHQWRUWKH6KDVWD&RXQW\-DLO daughter’s ex-boyfriend had /DZ (QIRUFHPHQW KDV SDUWQHUHG ZLWK 6HFUHW :LWQHVV been stalking her and had RI 6KDVWD &RXQW\ WR KHOS DSSUHKHQG WKHVH VXEMHFWV just walked into his home. He 6HFUHW :LWQHVV LV RIIHULQJ XS WR IRU LQIRUPDWLRQ VDLGKHEUDQGLVKHGD¿UHDUP OHDGLQJWRWKHDUUHVWRIWKHVXEMHFWVVKRZQ at the subject to get him to leave. At 3:11 p.m. Saturday, a man from the 1800 block of Oregon Avenue reported hearing a gunshot. Dillon Lee Carmelo, 45, was arrested around 3 p.m. Saturday, on the 2700 block of Cascade Boulevard for an Travis James Haller Alisha Marie Neligh Steven Layne Miranda alleged parole violation. DOB 06/14/1989 DOB 09/27/1990 DOB 05/01/1976 5’11 / 175 lbs 5’06 / 130 lbs 6’04 / 280 lbs Brown Hair / Brown Eyes Brown Hair/Brown Eyes Brown Hair / Blue Eyes At 12:06 p.m. Saturday, Charge: Manufacture Charge: Accessory Charge: Vehicle Theft a vehicle had reportedly Controlled Substance After the Fact overturned on Interstate 5 near Slate Creek Road. Any person with information At 6:46 p.m. Friday, a regarding these man reported two suspicious subjects is urged subjects were looking into his to contact neighbor’s yard on the 3900 SHASCOM at block of Los Gatos Avenue. (530) 245-6540 or Secret Witness At 2:52 p.m. Friday, a at 243-2319 man from the 3500 block of Park Street reported his Johnathan Christian Veronica Monique Total Arrests roommate struck him in the Verdugo Zalles to Date DOB 12/30/1994 DOB 10/08/1992 head and spit on him. Since Sept. 17, 2013 5’07 / 155 lbs 5’05 / 110 lbs Brown Hair / Blue Eyes Brown Hair/Brown Eyes 610 At 11:38 a.m. Friday, a Charge: Vehicle Theft Charge: Robbery woman reported a female subject wearing a party hat and plastic bag kept pulling Grove Avenue and Cascade Jones Valley boat ramp. her pants down and acting Boulevard. At 12:02 p.m. Sunday, a odd in the area of Shasta Mia Marie Coles, 34, was man reported a suspicious Dam Boulevard and Montana arrested for alleged public male subject looking into Avenue. intoxication around 1 p.m. windows on the 4600 block At 11:33 a.m. Friday, Sunday, on the 3200 block of of Risstay Way. Philip Houck reported a Shasta Dam Boulevard. As of locked vehicle had been Abraham Herrera, 34, Monday, she was being held broken into at Jones Valley in the Shasta County Jail in was arrested for allegedly boat ramp. GULYLQJ XQGHU WKH LQÀXHQFH lieu of $500 bail. around 10 p.m. Saturday, At 7:37 a.m. Friday, a At 12:04 p.m. Sunday, in the area of Shasta Dam John Daniels reported a Boulevard and Lassen - See Sheriff’s Log, page 3 window broken out on his Avenue. vehicle and his wallet had been stolen while parked at FIRE LOG *Shasta Lake Fire Protection District (SLFPD) personnel responded at 2:05 p.m. Saturday to the 4700 block of Fort Peck Street for a report of smoke coming from a shed. When WKH\ DUULYHG ¿UH SHUVRQQHO found it was only steam coming off a rooftop. *SLFPD personnel responded at 8:46 p.m. Friday to the 900 block of Eugene Avenue for a report of smoke coming from a washing machine. When WKH\ DUULYHG ¿UH SHUVRQQHO found smoke coming from the control panel possibly caused by a damaged FKRUG 7KHUH ZDV QR ¿UH and the washing machine was unplugged. *SLFPD personnel responded at 5:20 a.m. Friday to the 5200 block of Front Street for a report of a possible assault victim. When they arrived, SLFPD personnel said a person at the residence reported someone knocked on their door and when they opened it, they were peppersprayed. The house was opened up to air it out. *SLFPD personnel responded at 4:34 p.m. Thursday to Black Canyon Road at Walker Lane, on the trail behind the gate, for a report of a possible deceased person. When they arrived, the sheriff’s RI¿FH LQLWLDOO\ KDG 6/)3' personnel stand by, but then released them from WKHVFHQH7KHXQLGHQWL¿HG SHUVRQZDVODWHUFRQ¿UPHG to have died. *SLFPD personnel resonded at 10:09 p.m. May 18 to Flanagan Road at Lake Boulevard for a smoke check. When they arrived, ¿UH SHUVRQQHO IRXQG DQ illegal burn pile. The burn pile was extinguished and the responsible party was given a warning. *SLFPD personnel responded at 9:44 p.m. May 18 to the 1500 block of Grand River Avenue to a report of an 8-month old child who had choked on a wrapper. When they arrived, SLFPD personnel found the baby had already vomitted up the wrapper. *SLFPD personnel responded at 7:22 p.m. May 18 to the 3300 block of Cascade Boulevard at the entrance to Oasis Fun Center for a single vehicle accident involving a motorcycle. The male rider, age unknown, reportedly hit some gravel in the road and slid off, suffering road rash and pain to his shoulder. He was transported to Mercy Medical Center in Redding. *From May 16 to May 22, SLFPD personnel also responded to 25 other lift assists, public assists, medical assists or general illness calls. There was also one additional call that was a false alarm. SHASTA LAKE BULLETIN MAY 25, 2016 PAGE 3A SHERIFF’S LOG BOOK 2 % #$%& - Continued from page 2 woman reported a suspicious male subject taking pictures of neighbor’s yards in the area of Altus Street and Rouge Road. At 10:57 p.m. Thursday, a woman from the 4600 block of Main Street reported hearing someone trying to open her door. At 7:10 p.m. Thursday, a woman from the 1700 block of El Paso Street reported her neighbor shooting a pellet gun recklessly and that they also tried to shoot her cat. At 4:30 p.m. Thursday, a man reported items stolen from a storage unit in the 13000 area of Holiday Road. Jeffrey Aaron Boyd, 46, was arrested for alleged public intoxication around 1 p.m. Thursday, on the 4700 block of Shasta Dam Boulevard. At 12:24 p.m. Thursday, neighbors on the 2100 block of Montana Avenue were reportedly having a dispute over a damaged fence. Danny Brook Tompkins, 37, was arrested around 11:30 a.m. Thursday, in the area of Fell Street and Ivy Avenue for allegedly driving on a suspended license and an alleged misdemeanor narcotic offense. At 11:23 a.m. Thursday, a man reported a suspicious vehicle parked in the 22000 area of Loop Drive. Steven Michael Wion, 32, was arrested around 8 a.m. Thursday, on the 1900 block of Cascade Boulevard for an alleged parole violation. As of Monday, he was being held in the Shasta County Jail without bail. At 5:40 a.m. Thursday, a man from the 2900 block of Larkin Avenue reported a female subject trying to hit him with a crow bar. Richard Leland Lunch menu for senior nutrition program Following is the Shasta Senior Nutrition Program’s lunch menu scheduled at the John Beaudet Community Center scheduled May 25 to May 31. Wednesday, May 25 - Chicken Pot Pie Over Mashed Potatoes, mixed vegetables, pickled beets, oatmeal cookie. Thursday, May 26 - Veal Cutlet with Gravy Over Noodles, peas and carrots, rye bread, citrus cup. Friday, May 27 - Ham Skewers with Onions and Peppers, herbal rice, spinach salad, pineapple tidbits. Monday, May 30 Closed for Memorial Day. Tuesday, May 31 – Chef Salad with Ham and Turkey, country trio, breadsticks, citrus cup, brownie. Menu is subject to change without notice. All meals are served with milk and meet the one-third daily minimum nutrient requirement. Transportation service is available. Twenty-four hour reservations are required. Call 226-3075. For more information on SSNP services, call 2263060 or visit their website at Rodriguez, 31, was arrested for alleged public intoxication around 2 a.m. Thursday, on the 3000 block of Virginia Avenue. At 10:19 p.m. May 18, Kim Bingham reported jewelry stolen from the 4900 block of Parker Street. Kimberly Diane Watson, 30, was arrested around 10:30 p.m. May 18, on the 1900 block of Parallel Street. She had a warrant for a probation violation. At 8:53 p.m. May 18, a woman reported a possible satanic shrine set up near the restrooms at Shasta Dam. At 7:52 p.m. May 18, a man reported subjects appeared to be intoxicated and were loitering in the area of Cascade Boulevard and Third Street. At 7:12 a.m. May 18, a man from the 3500 block of Park Street reported his neighbor’s dog killed his dog. At 11:04 p.m. May 17, a woman reported two suspicious subjects in the bushes in the 14000 area of Ranger Court. Michael Lee Thurmond, 42, was arrested for alleged public intoxication around 8:30 p.m. May 17, on the 4500 block of Shasta Dam Boulevard. At 7:24 p.m. May 17, a suspicious male subject was reportedly acting odd and trying to talk to juveniles at Margaret Polf Park. At 6:26 p.m. May 17, a man reported a female subject stole items from the 5300 block of Shasta Dam %RXOHYDUGDQGWKHQÀHGRQD bicycle. At 5 p.m. May 17, a woman from the 1100 block of Black Canyon Road reported her brother-in-law moved into her shed while she was out of town and threw items at her when she asked him to leave. Ryan Thomas Bullington, 30, was arrested around 2 p.m. May 17, in the area of Shasta Street and Grand Coulee Boulevard. He had two outstanding misdemeanor warrants and one outstanding felony warrant. At 1 p.m. May 17, a man reported a suspected drunk driver threw a beer bottle out the window of his vehicle in the area of Coeur D’Alene and Pine Grove avenues. At 11:16 a.m. May 17, Sue Williams reported a burglary in the 14000 area of Ranger Court. Jesse Lee Harris, 30, was arrested around 11 p.m. May 16, in the area of Red Avenue and Shasta Dam Boulevard. He had an outstanding felony warrant. At 3:22 p.m. May 16, a Seely - Continued from page 2 I would like to have our community and various agencies working together with members of the faculty to make our schools unique and top-rate in producing the brains and VNLOOVQHFHVVDU\IRUVHOIVXI¿FLHQF\,FDQQRWXQGHUVWDQG why our public education system has been allowed to drop to that of many third-world countries. Why do we need to import highly skilled workers from other countries rather than produce our own? I have a feeling that Common Core is just another proposed educational panacea. We earlier went through the New Math where we threw out the old math and tried to instill the new. I fear we have thrown out just about everything with the baby in the last 50 years. We have become weak and vulnerable. In a world rife with terrorists, that is not a safe place to be. We need to straighten our backbone and take back our lives and reinstate our value systems. We need to use common sense instead of political correctness to make decisions. And we all need to work together for common causes. Ceding over our rights and responsibilities to others, especially the government, is suicidal. They don’t even perform their jobs as they have sworn to do. It is ridiculous to even think they should control anything. But talk is cheap. We need to walk the talk. I try to put my money where my mouth is. In the last IRXURU¿YH\HDUV,KDYHVSHQWPRVWRIP\PRQH\WU\LQJ to help small businesses. They are really struggling to survive. As a matter of fact, food is practically the only commodity I buy retail. As a community, we can do much. Rather than try to emulate some other town or area, we need to concentrate on what we have in our own area. We have many unique features that have never been capitalized on. Perhaps that is the key word: capitalize. The dam just sits there like it has for years. The deer use it, but the people can’t VHHPWR¿JXUHRXWKRZWRPDNHLWDIRFDOSRLQWLQRXU area. At one time we had a para-gliding ramp near the dam. Few people even knew about it, but people came from other places in the world to train there. The lakes are still here. Whiskeytown Lake is pretty well utilized. Shasta Lake’s existence seems based on the whims of people that do not even live near it. Many want to raise the level with no concern for businesses WKDWZRXOGEHFRPHÀRRGHG7KH\GRQ¶WFDUHEHFDXVHWKH\ don’t live here. We seem to wait on what someone else may do. We wait on Costco being built someday. We pray for WKHODNHWR¿OOVRSHRSOHZLOOFRPHIRUYDFDWLRQV(YHQLI they come, we don’t get their money. We have no hotels, motels or RV parking for them. They go to Redding. They go to Redding to shop because we have few stores with a variety of wares. When are we going to do our own thing instead of waiting for Redding to do something? I was excited about the sports event that was scheduled for Memorial Day Weekend. It was cancelled because of lack of money and entrants, apparently. Not PXFKZDVPHQWLRQHGDERXWLW,FRXOGQ¶W¿JXUHRXWZK\LW EHFDPH5HGGLQJ¶VVKRZLQWKH¿UVWSODFH*UDQWHGVRPH of the races would take place on the trails, but we have trails here too. And we have the lake and the dam where some activities were scheduled to take place. We need to start beating our own drum. man from a business in the 14000 area of Holiday Road reported a male subject was harassing customers and refusing to leave. At 10:41 a.m. May 16, Andrew Chilton reported items stolen from an unlocked vehicle on the 1000 block of Central Avenue. At 7:22 a.m. May 16, a woman reported a male subject and a female subject were having a loud dispute and yelling racial slurs at a each other in the 19000 area of Solus Campground Road. She said the female subject backed her truck into the male subject’s truck before driving down the road a little ways until she ran out of gas. At 4:11 a.m. May 16, a suspicious male subject was reportedly going through apartments in the area of Cascade Boulevard and 5LGGOH 5RDG DQG ÀHG RQ D ELF\FOH ZKHQ DQ RI¿FHU attempted to stop him. Shaun Espinoza was arrested on an outstanding warrant around 2 a.m. May 16, in the area of Lake Boulevard and Newtown Road. Total number of incidents handled by the Shasta &RXQW\ 6KHULII¶V RI¿FH LQ WKH unincorporated areas of the county and also as the law enforcement agency under contract for the city of Shasta Lake: May 22 – 106 May 21 – 100 May 20 – 137 May 19 – 176 May 18 – 166 May 17 – 170 May 16 – 156 $!< 4' 55 < $%& $%& 1 <4' < < 4' < $%# $'%$ < 4' 55 < < 4' 55 55 < ())&& ())&* ())&, ())&, ())&- ()$)*+ ()$)*+ ()$)*- ()$)*, ()$)** @ .' " " A ! - * @ @ &' @ /' ! # # % &' () + , " " $ " $ " $ * $ $ $ .' .) ! /' 0 1 ! ) 2! 3 " " " " - - " " " $ * $ " $ $ " $ " " $ !' / /) 4 &' * * $ " * - - 5 +8 $9 %!! & * " - " 627 $ *" * 0 !" 2 % 34' 34' 34' 34' 34' 2:3697**1!; ':369''5!< =*>?$ ** PAGE 4A MAY 25, 2016 SHASTA LAKE BULLETIN Restaurant & Bakery $94"((-:$/2/ :,..5123:('',0* REDDING DIALYSIS 5HGGLQJ WELCOME TO OUR HOME REALTY “Where You’re Treated Like Family” % !##% %# !% % "!!$%!" 530-243-7534 GHJH'%*'..+06' '&&+0) KENT’S MEATS & GROCERIES & KATHY’S DELI BLVD BODY SHOP 222-0447 ')%!$$*!+! :-43246!):!*))-1+ #%" Jolly Giant Flea Market & Bigfoot Recycling Center 365-6458 ()(# ! +% !'(&% Freedom Is Never Free! 0HPRULDO'D\:H5HPHPEHU (XUHND:D\6WH$5HGGLQJ $*565-)*!):!*))-1+ AMERICAN LOCK & KEY #! Authorized Dealer Remembering Those Who Served Our Nation! $.(4(37,&( 'DQD'U5HGGLQJ :;'0324' “Now Serving Mt. Shasta, Weed, Redding and Chico” 241-7268 ͥͤ͠Ȉ 241-7117 8,0!,(8.7':('',0* SNOW’S WEDDING & PARTY RENTALS 222-8606 *YVZZYVHKZ+Y9LKKPUN Across From Meek’s Lumber This Memorial Day We Proudly Salute All Those Who Served Our Country! 8 Convenient Locations To Serve You! CIRCLE N HEATING & STRANGE & SON FENCING AIR CONDITIONING We’re Proud To Honor All Who Served! 221-6394 • 935 Wall St #4 • Redding CASCADE PAINT & SUPPLY 999T%#5%#&'2#+06T%1/ 241-5444 EFFN#.+(140+#6'&&+0)XMJNNG D AND H AUTOMOTIVE %$ " $ !$# 243-5131 ,HZ[ZPKL9K9LKKPUN 221-4132 $350(..7(:('',0* STRONG AUTOMOTIVE Proud To Honor Those Who Fought For Freedom! 2020 Court Street • Redding • (530) 243-1249 530-243-5878 +91.,5(3:('',0* COOK CONCRETE PRODUCTS COUNTRY WAFFLES With Heartfelt Pride - We Remember! 243-2562 !"!$ Shasta County’s Finest! HARBERT ROOFING, INC Honoring All Who Served! 888+$3%(35311),0*&1/ 223-3251 ,32135'5(:('',0* THE BOW RACK Archery Pro Shop ´7KH+XQWHU·V+HDGTXDUWHUVµ Complete Line Of Archery Supplies -$&%*- #%! Honoring All Who Served Our Nation! J & J PUMPS, INC % ANDERSON PAINT MART $QGHUVRQ 5HGGLQJ $454,'(':('',0* Pest Control Service, Inc &\SUHVV$YH(&\SUHVV5HGGLQJ Remembering Those Who Served! 247-1366 *" %)+ - #%! “If It’s Water, We Do It!” 530-222-3393 &($-!*$2$##&*% )2572: 243-1010 ZZZFURZQPRWRUVFRP 530-241-4321 ,& Classes Daily: CPR and First Aid &$$("#! :6304(97(:('.6)) )LJOLSSP3U:[L.9LKKPUN MARK H. CIBULA 7HSV>H`7HSV*LKYV 7HKDPD6W5HGGLQJ PARK MARINA MOTORS We Honor Our Country’s Heroes! 226-5660 $3-$3,0$3:('',0* ARTISTIC BODY & PAINT Auto Body Repair Saluting All Who Served! 243-5007 IIG#4-'66'&&+0) 530-222-2273 SUPPLY $-.-&#$#2$##&*% BELLA VISTA GRILL Proudly Saluting Those Who Kept Our Country Free! 530-549-3049 012$##&*% :16355:('',0* The Law Office Of ZZZFLEXODODZFRP 246-2004 $-(.7':('',0* #&!$! Feed Your Inner Bear! Breakfast /XQFK'LQQHU +LOOWRS'U5HGGLQJ '461*//7*:!*))-1+ CASTLE NUMBER COMPUTER SYSTEMS CRUNCHERS 221-0900 Saluting All Who Served! FRITZ’S AUTO REPAIRS 547-4446 LIC : NLMS# 255466 Honoring All Who Served! Thank You! 28"*//-1+",'56'#4-1-69*8-5621'.* '55*5 “Stop By And See Our New Garden Center!” Proudly Saluting Those Who Kept Our Country Free! 222-3031 #$ MOUNTAIN VISTAS SENIOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING 201 Hartnell Ave FHHgKMNEJKI'22'464''0'&&+0) Redding MOUNTAIN VISTAS II A Place Of Integrity, Compassion And Education FHEgMNGNGLI+..6124'&&+0) -+,8'9$*56 $*'7*47-//* ENCORE HOME FURNISHINGS & MORE Honoring All Who Served! FFFgFMJG FGEG#4-52740'&&+0) TULLIS, INC REAL ESTATE CENTER Greg Lloyd Proudly Honoring All Who Served! Owner and Proud Veteran of Marine Corps :('',0* )LJOLSSP3U9LKKPUN 530-222-4444 /DNH%OYG5HGGLQJ SHASTA LAKE BULLETIN MAY 25, 2016 PAGE 5A How to select a Medicare Advantage plan Dear Savvy Senior, I’m approaching 65 and am interested in a Medicare Advantage plan to cover my health care and medications. What tips can you provide to help me pick a plan? - Medicare Shopper Dear Shopper, Medicare Advantage plans have become increasingly popular among retirees over the past 10 years, as more than 30 percent of Medicare participants are now enrolled in an Advantage plan. Here are some tips and tools to help you pick a SODQWKDW¿WV\RXUQHHGV First, let’s start with a quick review. Medicare Advantage plans (also known as Medicare Part C) are government approved health plans sold by private insurance companies that you can choose in place of original Medicare. The vast majority of Advantage plans are managed-care policies such as HMOs or PPOs that require you to get your care within a network of doctors. If you join an Advantage By Jim Miller plan, the plan will provide all of your Part A (hospital insurance) and Part B (medical insurance) coverage. Some plans HYHQRIIHUH[WUDEHQH¿WV like vision, dental and hearing, and most plans include Part D prescription drug coverage too. You also need to know that the monthly premiums for many Advantage plans are cheaper than if you got original Medicare, plus a separate Part D drug plan and a Medigap policy, but their deductibles and copays are usually higher. That makes these plans better suited for healthier retirees. How to Pick To help you pick a plan, DJRRG¿UVWVWHSLVWRFDOO WKHRI¿FHPDQDJHUVRI the doctors you use and ¿QGRXWZKLFK$GYDQWDJH plans they accept, and which ones they recommend. Then go to the Medicare Plan Finder WRRODW0HGLFDUHJRY¿QG a-plan and type in your ZIP code or your personal information to compare health plans with drug coverage in your area. This tool also provides D¿YHVWDUUDWLQJV\VWHP that evaluates each plan based on past customer satisfaction and quality of care the plan delivers. When comparing, here are some key points to consider: Total costs: Look at the plan’s entire pricing package, not just the premiums and deductibles. Compare the maximum out-of-pocket costs plus the copays and coinsurance FKDUJHGIRUGRFWRURI¿FH visits, hospital stays, visits to specialists, prescription drugs and other medical services. This is important because if you choose an Advantage plan, you’re not allowed to purchase a Medigap policy, which means you’ll be responsible for paying these expenses out of your own pocket. Drug coverage: Check the plan’s formulary – the list of prescription drugs covered – to be sure all the medications you take are covered without excessive co-pays or requirements that you try less expensive GUXJV¿UVW Dental, vision and hearing: Some Advantage plans come with dental, YLVLRQDQGKHDULQJEHQH¿WV but are often limited. Get the details on what exactly is covered. Coverage while traveling: Most Advantage plans limit you to using in-network doctors only within a service area or JHRJUDSKLFUHJLRQVR¿QG out what’s covered if you need medical care when you’re away from home. Out-of-network coverage: Check to see what’s covered if you want to see a specialist in a hospital that is not in a plan’s network. You can get a list of doctors and hospitals that take part in a plan on the plan’s website. 5HWLUHHEHQH¿WVIf you have employer-based retiree health coverage, be sure you speak with the EHQH¿WVPDQDJHUEHFDXVH signing up for Medicare Advantage may void your coverage. How to Enroll Once you’ve selected a plan you can enroll either on the website, over the phone at 1-800-MEDICARE, directly with your chosen plan or through an insurance broker. If you need some help choosing a plan contact your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) at Also see the HealthMetrix Research Cost Share Report at MedicareNewsWatch. com that lists the best Advantage plans based on health status. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. Sitting and standing and how it impacts your health By Charles Platkin The evidence is overwhelming: Sitting too much can be bad for your health. Researchers have demonstrated that too much sitting is linked with cancer, diabetes and heart disease. According to researchers from the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine reporting in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, sitting for more than “three hours per day is responsible for 3.8% of all-cause mortality deaths. Investigators also estimate that reducing sitting time to less than three hours per day would increase life expectancy by an average of 0.2 years.” According to The American College of Sports Medicine, “sitting for a long time is very common, with some people sitting for nearly 13 hours a day.” Too much sitting is bad for your health and can lead to a lot of diseases and early death. For that and other reasons, governments around the world recommend 30 minutes of regular physical activity each day. However, according to some studies, this does not seem to be enough to take away the negative effects of too much sitting. Standing (and moving more) relieves pressure on the spine, lower back, be regularly broken up with standing-based work, the use of sit–stand desks, or the taking of short active standing breaks.” THE DIET DETECTIVE® buttocks and legs. It also improves energy levels, ability to think, work performance, circulation and bone density. Standing also burns 50 more calories per hour than sitting. Additionally, the researchers from Sao Paulo found that a 10 percent reduction in sitting or about 30 minutes, ZRXOGPDNHDVLJQL¿FDQW difference on risk for death, a 50 percent reduction in sitting (2 hours fewer) would result in at least three times fewer deaths. The British Journal of Sports Medicine published a “Consensus Statement” about the sedentary RI¿FH7KHVHZHUHWKHLU recommendations: “activity (light walking) during working hours, eventually progressing to a total accumulation of 4 h/day (prorated to part-time hours). To achieve this, seated-based work should What About Standing While You Work? Standing up is important, but standing too long can have negative effects as well. So, according to researchers, using a standing workstation can also induce negative side effects. The goal should be to stand up, but move too. Meaning you shouldn’t stand in place. Try to walk or pace, even if you do it just for a minute. What about Sit-Stand Workstations? These have good results – the combination can work. In fact, according to the CDC’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), using a sit-stand workstation can have the following effects: - Standing more while at work decreases the amount of time spent in sedentary work - Standing more helps relieve pressure on the lower back, buttocks and legs, and may help reduce compression of the spine arising from long periods of sitting - Standing more may improve energy levels - Standing more frequently may improve cognition - Standing may increase circulation and lead to EHWWHUEORRGÀRZWRWKH brain and other organs - Standing more may assist with energy balance and aid in weight management - Standing more may improve bone density over time - Standing more may promote better sleep 7R¿QGDVLWVWDQG workstation, put the term in a search engine – there are a plethora of choices. Does Exercise Counteract Sitting Time? There is mixed research on whether or not exercise counteracts sitting time. According to one recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Leicester, ³2I¿FHZRUNHUVFDQ stave off health problems associated with sitting down all day by regularly exercising.” The study’s lead researcher, Dr. Thomas Yates, states that “in comparison to adults who are physically inactive with high sedentary time, those who are physically active have a more desirable KHDOWKSUR¿OHDFURVV multiple cardiometabolic markers even when combined with high sedentary time. In contrast, low sedentary time in the absence of physical activity is associated with higher HDL-cholesterol levels.” Here are U.S. ARIES - March 21/April 20 Aries, expect others to pay attention to what you have to say this week. It may seem like no one is giving your thoughts much mind, but they’re not falling on deaf ears. CANCER - June 22/July 22 It can be burdensome to have so many people relying on you in any given week, Cancer. But keep your head up because that trust shows their faith in you. LEO - July 23/Aug. 23 Leo, even though you continue to adapt to every change thrown your way, always thinking on your feet can be taxing. It’s time to take a well-deserved break. Start planning. VIRGO – Aug. 24/Sept. 22 Virgo, instead of thinking everything through to the most Standing and Moving More Here are a few tips to improve your ability to stand and move more. - Try to stand for at least 1to 2 minutes for every 15 minutes of sitting. This doesn’t mean you have WRVWRSZRUNLQJ±¿JXUH out ways to incorporate standing more while you’re work. - Set reminders or prompts using your phone, computer or watch. Or you can use cues – for example, stand every time you get an email. - Find out what work you prefer doing while standing, e.g. phone calls, clearing out your inbox, routine desk work. - Stand up and move whenever you have a sip of coffee or water. - Stand up and pace while talking on the phone. - Walk to a co-worker instead of emailing or calling her/him. - While standing, don’t just stand still; make sure to move around (e.g., pace.) Moving is always better than just standing. - While treadmill or standing desks may not be practical at work, they are worth exploring for home use. CHARLES PLATKIN, PhD is a nutrition and public health advocate and founder of DietDetective. com, and the Director of the New York City Food Policy Center at Hunter College. Copyright 2016 by Charles Platkin. All rights reserved. Sign up for the free Diet Detective newsletter at www. Sagittarius, devoting your energy to pleasurable things instead of work has found you falling behind on some LPSRUWDQWWKLQJV,W¶VWLPHWR¿QDOO\EXFNOHGRZQ CAPRICORN – Dec. 22/Jan. 20 Don’t let a few bumps along the way completely derail your plans, Capricorn. You may feel discouraged, but this is only a small hill to overcome. Next week looks promising. TAURUS - April 21/May 21 Taurus, this week starts off with a lot of excitement, and that energy continues throughout the ensuing days. You may need to catch your breath at some point. GEMINI - May 22/June 21 Concentrating on work seems quite challenging this week, Gemini. Many interesting diversions are calling out to you. Ask a friend to help you focus. governmental physical activity guidelines. At least meet these, and go for the ³JUHDWHUKHDOWKEHQH¿W´ recommendations. Basic Guidelines For substantial health EHQH¿WVGRRQHRIWKH following: - 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) each week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity (such as brisk walking or tennis) - 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) each week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity (such as jogging or swimming laps) - An equivalent combination of moderateand vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity - Do aerobic physical activity in episodes of at least 10 minutes and, if possible, spread it out through the week. For even greater health EHQH¿WVGRRQHRIWKH following: - Increase moderateintensity aerobic physical activity to 300 minutes (5 hours) each week - Increase vigorousintensity aerobic physical activity to 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) each week May 29 to June 4, 2016 minute of details, take a much simpler approach. You’ll rest easier knowing you cut out most of the drama from your days. LIBRA – Sept. 23/Oct. 23 Libra, some intense social interactions may have tapped into your reserved energy. If you’re feeling tired and out of sorts, laughter and good friends can help. SCORPIO – Oct. 24/Nov. 22 Scorpio, you always have a few tricks up your sleeve and this week is no different. Reserve your secret weapon for when you need it most. Enjoy the good times ahead. SAGITTARIUS – Nov. 23/Dec. 21 AQUARIUS – Jan. 21/Feb. 18 Aquarius, stop midweek and assess just how much you have accomplished already. You will be amazed at just how much you can do in a short amount of time. PISCES – Feb. 19/March 20 You are quick at the start, Pisces. But unless you pace \RXUVHOI\RXDUHJRLQJWR¿]]OHRXWEHIRUHWKHHQGRIWKLV week. Try to be more steady. FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS May 29 - Melanie Brown, singer, 41 May 30 - Idina Menzel, actress, 45 May 31 - Clint Eastwood, actor/director, 86 June 1 - Morgan Freeman, actor, 79 June 2 - Wentworth Miller, actor, 44 June 3 - Mario Gotze, athlete, 24 June 4 - Russell Brand, actor, 41 PAGE 6A MAY 25, 2016 SHASTA LAKE BULLETIN PHOTOS / Gary Hanlon JV girls win Division II title; three from C.V. advance to 1RUWKHUQ6HFWLRQ¿QDOV Central Valley will have three varsity athletes advancing to the section ¿QDOV ZKLOH WKH )DOFRQV junior varsity girls track team won the Northern 6HFWLRQ &,) 'LYLVLRQ ,, WLWOH IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH LQ D decade, C.V. coach Howard Brodmerkle said. “It has been a long time coming, but the competition DW WKLV OHYHO LV VR ¿HUFH that winning a division title involves having depth in most of the events, and we ¿QDOO\KDGWKDW´KHVDLG The Northern Section 'LYLVLRQ ,, ¿QDO WRRN SODFH )ULGD\LQ<UHND Kylanna Bluford won the J.V. girls 100 meters in a time of 13.59 seconds. She also won the long jump with a leap of 15-ft., 5-inches – a personal record (PR) by six LQFKHV6KHZDVDOVR¿IWKLQ the pole vault (6-6, another PR by six inches) and was the second leg of the 4x100 Falcons edged by Eagles 1-0 in playoffs Central Valley’s softball season came to an end on of all things a pitcher’s dual. After dropping three games to West Valley the ¿QDO ZHHN RI WKH UHJXODU season by scores of 14-1, DQGWKH)DOFRQV received the No. 6 seed in the playoffs to take on those same Eagles (No. 3) in the ¿UVWURXQGRIWKHSOD\RIIV The result? It was still a victory by West Valley, but only 1-0, and it took them an extra inning to get there, winning it in the bottom of the eighth inning. 5HJDQ 'LDV ZDV RQ WKH PRXQGIRUWKH)DOFRQV ³5HJDQ SLWFKHG JUHDW´ C.V. coach Randy Rudd said. “She only gave up four KLWV,EHOLHYH´ 7KH)DOFRQVWKHPVHOYHV RQO\ PDQDJHG ¿YH KLWV against West Valley pitcher Taylor Galyean who also walked just one and struck out 12 over eight innings. Still, Rudd said C.V. had several chances to score with runners on base throughout game. “We had many chances but just couldn’t put the hits WRJHWKHU ZKHQ QHHGHG´ Rudd said. 7KH )DOFRQV HQGHG the season with an overall record of 15-14. West Valley lost in the next round to No. 1 Sutter, 4-0. Sutter then lost to No. 1 seed Lassen in the championship game, 4-3. meter relay team that took second in 54.67 seconds. “Bluford has been LQFUHGLEOH DOO VHDVRQ ORQJ´ Brodmerkle said. “She has great work ethic and that rubbed off on her WHDPPDWHV´ Ashlinn Boyd was sixth in the long jump (13-7) fourth in the high jump (4-4) placed fourth in the triple jump (28-6) and was the third leg in the 4x100m relay team. +DLO\ 9DOHQFLD ¿QLVKHG second in the 800 meters D 35 E\ ¿YH seconds), third in the 200 meters (28.9), sixth in the pole vault (6-0) and was the anchor leg of the 4x100m meter relay team. Also, Jaycie Sundstrum won the high jump (4-8) and was the lead off of the second place 4x100 meter relay team. “Jaycie was so FRQVLVWHQWDOOVHDVRQ´&9 assistant coach Nick Syrrist said. “We look forward to KHU JHWWLQJ WKDW WRXJK ¿YH IRRWEDUULHUQH[WVHDVRQ´ Sarah Shields placed fourth in the 3200 meter UXQIRUWKH)DOFRQVLQ (a 10 second PR). Hannah Barton placed third in the 1600 meters in 5:46 (a 7 second PR). She also placed fourth in the 800 meters (2:46). Maryna Whitmore placed in her two events taking third in the 400 meters in 1:06.42 (a PR), DQG ¿IWK LQ WKH PHWHUV in 29.32. Mahala Rogers also SODFHG IRU WKH )DOFRQV taking third in the high jump (4-4), while Sachiel Harper placed sixth in the discus with a throw of 77-0. Three varsity athletes will be moving to the 1RUWKHUQ 6HFWLRQ ¿QDOV )ULGD\ DW :HVW 9DOOH\ +LJK School: Sandy Ante’, Anna Lewis and Austin Chaolee. $QWH¶¿QLVKHGWKLUGLQWKH discus with a throw of 1150. “It’s been tough for Sandy throwing 130 feet in $ERYHOHIW%UDQGRQ2¶'HOORI&HQWUDO9DOOH\+LJK6FKRROVHFRQGIURPOHIWZRQ the 110 meter hurdels and placed second in both the JV boys 100 meter and 200 PHWHUUDFHVDW)ULGD\¶V1RUWKHUQ6HFWLRQ&,)'LYLVLRQ,,¿QDOVLQ<UHND$ERYH practice and then not seeing +DLOH\9DOHQFLD¿QLVKHGVHFRQGLQWKHPHWHUVVHWWLQJDSHUVRQDOUHFRUGE\ that happen in the meets ¿YHVHFRQGVSODFHGWKLUGLQWKHPHWHUVVL[WKLQWKHSROHYDXOWDQGZDVWKH UHFHQWO\´ &9 DVVLVWDQW anchor leg of the 4x100 meter relay team that placed second. coach James Sutton said. Austin Chaolee was the runner-up in both sprints, ¿QLVKLQJ WKH PHWHUV LQ 22.86 seconds and the 100 meters in a PR of 11.07. “Those were both quality VSULQWVIURP$XVWLQ´6\UULVW said. “Anytime you run 11:07, that would be good enough to win almost any race, but unfortunately not WRGD\´ Lewis was the lone Central Valley winner taking ¿UVWLQERWKWKHPHWHU and the 3200 meter runs. Lewis broke away from Yreka’s Mallory Ward early in the 1600 meters and won going away in a time of 5:18. The C.V. senior came back in the 3200 meter run three hours later and coasted to victory in that race in a time of 11:55. “It was great to see Anna go for it in the 1600 PHWHUVDQG¿QLVKZLWKWKH next competitor 150 meters EHKLQG´%URGPHUNOHVDLG )RU &HQWUDO 9DOOH\¶V junior varsity boys, Brandon 2¶'HOO ZRQ WKH PHWHU hurdles (17.54, a .17 PR). “It was a great race for him because he put all phases together in the UDFH´%URGPHUNOHVDLG 2¶'HOODOVRWRRNVHFRQG in both of his sprint races ¿QLVKLQJ WKH PHWHUV LQ 24.06 and the 100 meters in 11.78. Rylie Silva destroyed WKH ¿HOG LQ WKH VKRW SXW heaving it 49-0. “I was so proud for Rylie to put that together in backWREDFN PHHWV´ 6XWWRQ said. 'DYLG6DQGHUVRQSODFHG in three of his events. He placed third in the triple jump (34-11), fourth in the high jump (5-0) and sixth in the discus (99-01). Also Anthony Harney placed fourth in the high jump (17-0) and fourth in the triple jump (34-09) while 1LFN.D\SODFHG¿IWKLQWKH discus (102-3). BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY AUTO REPAIR FINANCIAL ADVISOR RICHARD’S AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR ASE Certified 243-2994 ! Oil Changes ! Brakes ! Smog ! Tune-Ups ! Diagnostic Tests ! Air Conditioning Tune-Ups ! Front & Rear Suspension Tune-Ups ! And More You Can’t Control the World, But You Can Control Your Decisions. Call today to find out how you should approach swings in the market. Michael J Pohlmeyer, AAMS® Financial Advisor 351 Northpoint Drive Suite D Redding, CA 96003 (530) 246-1800 12345 Lake Blvd., Redding Member SIPC One mile south of Ashby Road ETY-1403A-A THE INTERMOUNTAIN NEWS 6+$67$/$.(%8//(7,10$<3$*(% BOARD Yard Sale 1 1 e n u J , y a d r u t a S All Day Event -HSS9P]LY4PSSZ *YLLR )\YUL`*HZZLS/H[ s will be published in 8. ne Yard Sale location map ws on Wednesday, Ju The Intermountain Ne H[PVUZH]HPSHISLH[[OL*OHTILYVɉJL .L[VU[OL4HW(WWSPJ g in k r o w t e N y it n u Comm Wednesday, June 22 5:30-7 p.m. <:)HURPU)\YUL` ners sionals & business ow es of pr al loc th wi k or beverages. Mix, mingle & netw tary light appetizers & en im pl m co ing joy en while 36879 Main Street Burney, California 530-335-2111 Presented by The Burney Chamber of Commerce THE HONORARY MAYOR’S RACE IS UNDERWAY! Please support local charities by voting for your favorite candidate and their public benefit organization of choice. This fundraiser supports our community organizations. Over the past four years, the following donations have been distributed to local public organizations through the work of our candidates. 2015 - $1915.362014 - $3039.812013 - $2030.102012 - $1410.28 ICE CREAM SOCIAL The 2016 Honorary Mayor will be announced on Thursday, June 30, 2016, between 7-9 p.m. LQWKHEDFN\DUGRIWKH9HWHUDQV+DOOGXULQJWKLV\HDU·V,FH&UHDP6RFLDO3OHDVHEHVXUHWRMRLQXV This page made possible with the help of the following Burney Chamber of Commerce members Cory Halter 530-318-1291 Jill Barnett 530-355-9531 0DLQ6W%XUQH\+LJK&RXQWU\%XUQH\FRP The Day Tripper :LOO*HW<RX7KHUH /2:5$7(6 All Credit Cards Accepted Hours: 8am-9pm 32%2;%851(< BURNEY The Day Tripper 530-605-7950 $VN)RU'$9( 3$*(%7+(,17(502817$,11(:66+$67$/$.(%8//(7,10$< WIZARD OF ID HEATHCLIFF THE BARN SPEED BUMP B.C. DOGS OF C-KENNEL DOODLES DADDY’S HOME FLO & FRIENDS FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE ARCHIE THE INTERMOUNTAIN NEWS 6+$67$/$.(%8//(7,10$<3$*(% The WANT ADS REQUEST FOR BIDS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 0D\ The following person(s) are doing business as: SARAH’S SCOTTISH MAIDS 1605 Oak Street 5HGGLQJ&$ County of Shasta :LOVRQ6DUDK 1605 Oak Street 5HGGLQJ&$ This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the name listed above N/A V6DUDK:LOVRQ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV NAME STATEMENT ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ 0D\ The following person(s) are doing ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH business as: ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWBANANA BOARDZ self authorize the use in this state of SUPERFLY APPAREL D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ 6+$67$612:&2 of the rights of another under federal, :LOVKLUH'U state or common law (See Sections 5HGGLQJ&$ (7 6(4 %XVLQHVV DQG 3URCounty of Shasta fessions Code.) Lupton, Ryan 0D\-XQH :LOVKLUH'U _____________________________ 5HGGLQJ&$ This business is conducted by an LEGAL NOTICE Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the name 127,&(2)&(4$(;(037,21 Request for public Comment/Review: listed above N/A &(4$([HPSWLRQ (s) Ryan Lupton 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV Pit River Tailwater Recovery and :DWHU&RQVHUYDWLRQ3URMHFW ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ The Pit Resource Conservation Dis¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW trict, acting as Lead Agency under PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH WKH &DOLIRUQLD (QYLURQPHQWDO 4XDOLW\ ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILW- $FW&(4$KDVVXEPLWWHGD1RWLFH self authorize the use in this state of of Exemption. The public is invited to D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ review and comment on the proposed of the rights of another under federal, project. state or common law (See Sections The project seeks to perform a wa (7 6(4 %XVLQHVV DQG 3UR- WHU HI¿FLHQF\ SURMHFW RQ SULYDWH ODQG in Lassen County near Bieber. The fessions Code.) project involves installing an irriga0D\-XQH _____________________________ WLRQ SLSH DSSUR[LPDWHO\ IHHW within an existing levee road within a FICTITIOUS BUSINESS wild rice operation . The Pit RCD will NAME STATEMENT UHFHLYH FRPPHQWV EHWZHHQ 0D\ DQG -XQH ZKLFK DUH WKH VWDUWLQJ 0D\ The following person(s) are doing and ending dates for the review period. Please contact Sharmie Stevenbusiness as: VRQDWSLWUFG#IURQWLHUQHW 6+$67$:,1( net if you wish to review the project 6+$67$:,1(9,//$*( description and plan, which is held at +HPVWHG'ULYH6WH WKH3LW5&'RI¿FHLQ%LHEHU 5HGGLQJ&$ 3XE County of Shasta _____________________________ :HVWHUQ5HVRXUFH3DUWQHUV,QF +HPVWHG'ULYH6WH LEGAL NOTICE 5HGGLQJ&$ 127,&(2)&(4$(;(037,21 State: CA This business is conducted by a Request for public Comment/Review: &(4$([HPSWLRQ Corporation. The registrant began to Taylor Creek Open Ditch transact business under the name Replacement Project listed above N/A The Pit Resource Conservation Dis(s) Marcus K. Partin - Secretary trict, acting as Lead Agency under 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH &DOLIRUQLD (QYLURQPHQWDO 4XDOLW\ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ $FW&(4$KDVVXEPLWWHGD1RWLFH ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW of Exemption. The public is invited to PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH review and comment on the proposed ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILW- project. self authorize the use in this state of The project seeks to perform a waD¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ WHU HI¿FLHQF\ SURMHFW RQ SULYDWH ODQG of the rights of another under federal, in Lassen County near Bieber. The state or common law (See Sections project involves installing an irrigation (7 6(4 %XVLQHVV DQG 3UR- SLSH DSSUR[LPDWHO\ IHHW XQderground within an existing grazed fessions Code.) pasture. The Pit RCD will receive 0D\-XQH _____________________________ FRPPHQWVEHWZHHQ0D\DQG-XQH ZKLFKDUHWKHVWDUWLQJDQGHQGLQJ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS dates for the review period. Please NAME STATEMENT FRQWDFW 6KDUPLH 6WHYHQVRQ DWSLWUFG#IURQWLHUQHWQHWLI\RX 0D\ The following person(s) are doing wish to review the project description and plan, which is held at the Pit RCD business as: RI¿FHLQ%LHEHU ASPIRE REAL ESTATE 3XE 9LFWRU$YH _____________________________ 5HGGLQJ&$ County of Shasta LEGAL NOTICE Madison Real Estate 127,&(2)&(4$(;(037,21 Professional, Inc Request for public Comment/Review: 'HVFKXWHV5G &(4$([HPSWLRQ 3DOR&HGUR&$ :LOORZ&UHHN2SHQ'LWFK State: CA Replacement Project This business is conducted by a Corporation. The registrant began to The Pit Resource Conservation Distransact business under the name trict, acting as Lead Agency under WKH &DOLIRUQLD (QYLURQPHQWDO 4XDOLW\ listed above N/A $FW&(4$KDVVXEPLWWHGD1RWLFH (s) Cory Meyer - President 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV of Exemption. The public is invited to ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ review and comment on the proposed WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ project. ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW The project seeks to perform a waPXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH WHU HI¿FLHQF\ SURMHFW RQ SULYDWH ODQG ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILW- in Lassen County near Bieber. The self authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ project involves installing an irrigaof the rights of another under federal, WLRQ SLSH DSSUR[LPDWHO\ IHHW state or common law (See Sections within an existing levee open ditch (7 6(4 %XVLQHVV DQG 3UR- DQG ZLWKLQ DJULFXOWXUH ¿HOGV SURGXFfessions Code.) ing hay. The Pit RCD will receive 0D\-XQH FRPPHQWVEHWZHHQ0D\DQG-XQH _____________________________ ZKLFKDUHWKHVWDUWLQJDQGHQGLQJ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS dates for the review period. Please NAME STATEMENT FRQWDFW 6KDUPLH 6WHYHQVRQ DWSLWUFG#IURQWLHUQHWQHWLI\RX 0D\ wish to review the project description The following person(s) are doing and plan, which is held at the Pit RCD business as: RI¿FHLQ%LHEHU LCL - COMFORT CUISINE 3XE <XED6W _____________________________ 5HGGLQJ&$ County of Shasta FICTITIOUS BUSINESS LCL - Comfort Cuisine, Inc NAME STATEMENT <XED6W 5HGGLQJ&$ 0D\ State: CA The following person(s) are doing This business is conducted by a business as: Corporation. The registrant began to 3$67253(: transact business under the name 6KDVWD'DP%OYG6SF OLVWHGDERYH 6KDVWD/DNH&$ (s) Capri Pearce, Pres County of Shasta 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV Kindle, Steven F ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ 6KDVWD'DP%OYG6SF WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ 6KDVWD/DNH&$ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW This business is conducted by an PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH Individual. The registrant began to ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILW- transact business under the name self authorize the use in this state of listed above N/A D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ (s) Steven F. Kindle of the rights of another under federal, 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV state or common law (See Sections ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ (7 6(4 %XVLQHVV DQG 3UR- WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ fessions Code.) ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW 0D\-XQH PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH _____________________________ ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of FICTITIOUS BUSINESS D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ NAME STATEMENT of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 0D\ The following person(s) are doing (7 6(4 %XVLQHVV DQG 3URfessions Code.) business as: 0D\-XQH %(7:((1)5,(1'6 _____________________________ )URQW6W &RWWRQZRRG&$ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS County of Shasta NAME STATEMENT O’Keefe, Mary :DOODFH:D\ 0D\ &RWWRQZRRG&$ The following person(s) are doing Owens, Barbara business as: :LOGHUQHVV/Q )$//5,9(50,//6),71(66 &RWWRQZRRG&$ 6KRVKRQL/RRS Shook, Tami )DOO5LYHU0LOOV&$ 'HQLFH:D\ County of Shasta &RWWRQZRRG&$ Bennett, Hannah Noel :HVWSKDO6KDURQ 6KRVKRQL/RRS *DV3RLQW5G )DOO5LYHU0LOOV&$ &RWWRQZRRG&$ This business is conducted by a This business is conducted by an -RLQW 9HQWXUH 7KH UHJLVWUDQW EHJDQ Individual. The registrant began to to transact business under the name transact business under the name OLVWHGDERYH listed above N/A (s)Hannah N. Bennett - Owner (s) Tami Shook 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILW- ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of self authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections state or common law (See Sections (7 6(4 %XVLQHVV DQG 3UR- (7 6(4 %XVLQHVV DQG 3URfessions Code.) fessions Code.) 0D\-XQH 0D\-XQH The Pit RCD is accepting bids for a variety of work on two projects to be undertaken in the Lookout Ranchettes area of Modoc County, including: Biomass thinning on approximately DFUHVRISODQWDWLRQDQGQDWXUDO timber stands. Mastication of brush DQGVPDOOWUHHVRQSRUWLRQVRI acres. A project tour is planned for the DIWHUQRRQRI-XQH)RUELG tour information contact Tom Esgate DW 3XE _____________________________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT $SULO The following person(s) are doing business as: :,178&8/785$/5(6285&(6 &KXUQ&UHHN5G 5HGGLQJ&$ County of Shasta Hayward, Kelli Marie &KXUQ&UHHN5G 5HGGLQJ&$ This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the name OLVWHGDERYH (s)Kelli M. Hayward 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections (7 6(4 %XVLQHVV DQG 3URfessions Code.) 0D\-XQH _____________________________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT $SULO The following person(s) are doing business as: HEALING STONE CREATIONS 6XJDU3LQH6W %XUQH\&$ County of Shasta 9LDOH-HVVLFD 6XJDU3LQH6W %XUQH\&$ This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the name OLVWHGDERYH V-HVVLFD9LDOH 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections (7 6(4 %XVLQHVV DQG 3URfessions Code.) 0D\-XQH _____________________________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT $SULO The following person(s) are doing business as: GEOPLUS PARTNERS 0LGODQG'U 5HGGLQJ&$ County of Shasta Finnigsmier, John L. 'HVFKXWHV5G 3DOR&HGUR&$ Metcalf, Jr. Traver E. 0LGODQG'U 5HGGLQJ&$ This business is conducted by a General Partnership. The registrant began to transact business under the name listed DERYH (s) John L. Finnigsmier 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections (7 6(4 %XVLQHVV DQG 3URfessions Code.) 0D\ _____________________________ 1RWLFHRI&(4$([HPSWLRQ Request for Public Comment/ 5HYLHZ&(4$([HPSWLRQ3LW River Open Ditch Replacement Project The Fall River Resource Conservation District, acting as Lead Agency under the California EnYLURQPHQWDO4XDOLW\$FW&(4$ has submitted a Notice of Exemption. The public is invited to review and comment on the proposed project. The project seeks WR SHUIRUP D ZDWHU HI¿FLHQF\ project on private land in Shasta County near Fall River Mills. The project involves installing an irriJDWLRQSLSHDSSUR[LPDWHO\ feet, within an existing open ditch DQG ZLWKLQ DJULFXOWXUH ¿HOGVOHvees under rice production The Fall River RCD will receive comPHQWV EHWZHHQ $SULO WK DQG 0D\ ZKLFK DUH WKH VWDUWLQJ and ending dates for the review period. Please contact Mike 0LOOLQJWRQ DW IDOOULYHUUFG#FLWOLQNQHW LI \RX ZLVK WR FICTITIOUS BUSINESS review the project description NAME STATEMENT and plan, which is held at the )DOO 5LYHU 5&' RI¿FH $SULO The following person(s) are doing +Z\(LQ0F$UWKXU&$ WR business as: CRACKED MARBLES &KLVP7UDLO &DVVHO&$ County of Shasta Conrad, Tony &KLVP7UDLO &DVVHO&$ This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the name OLVWHGDERYH (s) Tony Conrad 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections (7 6(4 %XVLQHVV DQG 3URfessions Code.) 0D\-XQH _____________________________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 0D\ The following person(s) are doing business as: ARCADIA BOOKKEEPING 2O\PSLF6W 5HGGLQJ&$ County of Shasta Kimberli Arcadia 2O\PSLF6W 5HGGLQJ&$ This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the name OLVWHGDERYH (s) Kimberli Arcadia 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections (7 6(4 %XVLQHVV DQG 3URfessions Code.) 0D\ _____________________________ PUBLISH YOUR FICTITIOUS BUSINESS STATEMENT HERE FOR JUST $25. OTHERS CHARGE $30 OR MORE +RPHIRUUHQW1LFHEGUPEDWK home with double car garage on large lot QHDU%XUQH\)DOOVSHUPRQWKSOXV GHSRVLW1RSHWVRU WR _____________________________ ',6+ 79 FKDQQHOV SOXV +LJKVSHHG ,QWHUQHW 2QO\ PR$VN DERXWD\HDUSULFHJXDUDQWHHJHW 1HWÀL[LQFOXGHGIRU\HDU&DOO7RGD\ &DO6&$1 _____________________________ BURNEY MTN APARTMENTS %'50 EDWK PRQWK LQFOXGHV ZDWHUJDUEDJHYHU\FOHDQXQLWV HPDLOPLVKD#KRWPDLOFRP WR ____________________________ /LIH$OHUW 2QH SUHVV RI D EXWton sends help FAST! Medical, Fire, Burglar. Even if you can’t reach a SKRQH )5(( %URFKXUH &$// &DO6&$1 _____________________________ 117 MISC RENTALS 9,$*5$ PJ &,$/,6 PJ WDEVLQFOXGHV )5((6+,33,1* RU ZZZPHWURPHGV online (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ $77 89HUVH ,QWHUQHW VWDUWLQJ DW PRQWKRU79,QWHUQHWVWDUWLQJDW PRQWKIRUPRQWKVZLWK\HDU DJUHHPHQW &DOO WR learn more. (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ 35 MISC WANTED CASH FOR CARS: America’s Top Car %X\HU :H %X\$Q\ &DU7UXFN Running or Not! Top Dollar For Used/Damaged. Free Same-Day Towing $YDLODEOH&DOO&DO6&$1 _____________________________ *RW DQ ROGHU FDU ERDW RU 59" 'R WKH KXmane thing. Donate it to the Humane SociHW\&DOO&DO6&$1 _____________________________ DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT 72+(5,7$*()257+(%/,1')5(( 'D\9DFDWLRQ7D['HGXFWLEOH)UHH7RZLQJ $OO3DSHUZRUN7DNHQ&DUHRI&DOO &DO6&$1 _____________________________ :$17(' 2OG 3RUVFKH IRU UHVWRUDWLRQ E\ KREE\LVW 2QO\ $Q\ FRQGLWLRQ WRS SDLG _____________________________ (Cal-SCAN) ',' <28 .12: ,1 $PHULFDQVRUPLOOLRQ86$GXOWVUHDG content from newspaper media each week? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free EURFKXUH FDOO RU HPDLO FHFHOLD#FQSDFRP&DO6&$1 _____________________________ ',' <28 .12: PLOOLRQ 86 Adults read a Newspaper print copy each week? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call RU HPDLO FHFHOLD# (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ (9(5< %86,1(66 KDV D VWRU\ WR tell! Get your message out with California’s PRMedia Release – the only Press Release Service operated by the press to get press! For more info FRQWDFW &HFHOLD # RU (Cal-SCAN) 9 FREE STUFF FREE to a good home. Nearly new, YHU\ FOHDQ FDUGERDUG ER[HV ´ [ ´[´HDFKUDWHGWRKROGOEV JURVVZHLJKW&DOO 10 PERSONALS Silvia C.,,VWLOOORYH\RX:KHQ\RXOHIW it broke my heart. I didn’t understand. I thought you were playing mystery woman and you were panicked. I am sorry for what I did. Can we meet again? The same way and time again? I won’t ever forget you. – H. WR _____________________________ PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? &DOO XV ¿UVW /LYLQJ H[SHQVHV KRXVLQJ medical, and continued support afterwards. Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call &DO6&$1 _____________________________ Meet singles right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it IUHH&DOOQRZ&DO6&$1 _____________________________ 30 MISC FOR SALE KHDY\ GXW\ UDLO FDWWOH SDQHOV DQG UDLO KRUVH SDQHOV FKDLQOLQN IHQFLQJKDOISULFHWZRIRRW3RZGHU 5LYHUFDWWOHIHHGHUV,I not home, leave message. WR _____________________________ *ROI VHW IRU ZRPHQ &OXEV EDOO UHWULHYHUEDJEDOOVDQGFDUW &DOO WR _____________________________ /RZHVW 3ULFHV RQ +HDOWK 'HQWDO ,QVXUDQFH :H KDYH WKH EHVW UDWHV IURP WRS FRPSDQLHV &DOO 1RZ &DO6&$1 _____________________________ Protect your home with fully customL]DEOH VHFXULW\ DQG PRQLWRULQJ right from your smartphone. Receive up to $1500 in equipment, free (reVWULFWLRQV DSSO\ &DOO &DO6&$1 (Cal-SCAN) 111 APTS FOR RENT KEEP-IT MINI STORAGE LQ0F$UWKXU[[DQG [ 9,$*5$ DQG &,$/,6 86(56 &XW 727)& \RXUGUXJFRVWV6$9(3LOOVIRU )5((6KLSSLQJ*XDU- _____________________________ DQWHHG DQG 'LVFUHHW &$// FOR RENT &DO6&$1 Meeting room at Fort Crook Hall _____________________________ at the Fort Crook Museum. $50 a day 6DIH 6WHS :DON,Q7XE$OHUW IRU 6H- Great for meetings, showers, family niors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. JDWKHULQJVFDOO Approved by Arthritis Foundation. WRWIF 7KHUDSHXWLF -HWV /HVV 7KDQ ,QFK _____________________________ 6WHS,Q :LGH 'RRU$QWL6OLS )ORRUV American Made. Installation Included. 131 LAND FOR SALE &DOOIRU2II&DO $&5(6LQ6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD 'RZQ 0RQWKO\ SCAN) _____________________________ &DVK :KLOH WKH\ ODVW 2ZQHU +DEOD(VSDQRO2YHUODQGHOME BREAK-INS take less than (Cal-SCAN) 60 SECONDS. Don’t wait! Protect _____________________________ your family, your home, your assets 12:IRUDVOLWWOH DVDGD\ &DOO ',' <28 .12: ,QIRUPDWLRQ LV power and content is King? Do you &DO6&$1 _____________________________ need timely access to public notices and remain relevant in today’s highly ELIMINATE CELLULITE and Inches competitive market? Gain an edge in weeks! All natural. Odor free. with California Newspaper Publishers :RUNV IRU PHQ RU ZRPHQ )UHH Association new innovative website month supply on select packages. Or- and check out GHUQRZ&DO6&$1 the Smart Search Feature. For more _____________________________ LQIRUPDWLRQFDOO&HFHOLD# 6011 or 6WRS 29(53$<,1* IRU \RXU SUH- (Cal-SCAN) VFULSWLRQV6DYHXSWR&DOORXU _____________________________ licensed Canadian and International pharmacy service to compare prices DQGJHWRII\RXU¿UVWSUHVFULSWLRQDQG)5((6KLSSLQJ &DO6&$1 _____________________________ _____________________________ A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. 1RWLFHRI&(4$([HPSWLRQ Contact our trusted,local experts Request for Public Comment/ today! Our service is FREE/no obli5HYLHZ&(4$([HPSWLRQ JDWLRQ &$// &DO SCAN) Burney Creek Open Ditch _____________________________ Replacement Project The Fall River Resource Conservation District, acting as Lead Agency under the California EnYLURQPHQWDO4XDOLW\$FW&(4$ has submitted a Notice of Exemption. The public is invited to review and comment on the proposed project. The project seeks WR SHUIRUP D ZDWHU HI¿FLHQF\ project on private land in Shasta County near Burney. The project involves installing an irrigation SLSH DSSUR[LPDWHO\ IHHW within an existing open ditch and ZLWKLQ DJULFXOWXUH ¿HOGVOHYHHV under hay production. The Fall River RCD will receive comPHQWV EHWZHHQ $SULO WK DQG 0D\ ZKLFK DUH WKH VWDUWLQJ and ending dates for the review period. Please contact Mike FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 0LOOLQJWRQ DW IDOOULYNAME STATEMENT HUUFG#FLWOLQNQHW LI \RX ZLVK WR review the project description $SULO The following person(s) are doing and plan, which is held at the )DOO 5LYHU 5&' RI¿FH business as: +Z\(LQ0F$UWKXU&$ &,1'<$//(16+$9(',&( WR GO-BOB’S SEADOO RENTALS :LQJVHWWHU&W 5HGGLQJ&$ County of Shasta Gobob Enterprises, Inc :LQJVHWWHU&W 5HGGLQJ&$ State: CA This business is conducted by a Corporation The registrant began to transact business under the name listed DERYH (s) Cindy Allen, CFO 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections (7 6(4 %XVLQHVV DQG 3URfessions Code.) 0D\ _____________________________ 6ZLWFK WR ',5(&79 DQG JHW D *LIW&DUG)5((:KROH+RPH*HQLH +''95XSJUDGH6WDUWLQJDW mo. New Customers Only. Don’t VHWWOHIRUFDEOH&DOO1RZ &DO6&$1 _____________________________ _____________________________ &$6+)25',$%(7,&675,368SWR %R[ 6HDOHG 8QH[SLUHG 3D\PHQW 0DGH SAME DAY. Highest Prices Paid!! Call Jenni 7RGD\ ZZZ&DVK)RU< ___________________________ 37 MISC. SERVICES SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied EHQH¿WV":H&DQ+HOS:,1RU3D\ 1RWKLQJ&RQWDFW%LOO*RUGRQ$VVRFLDWHVDW WRVWDUW\RXUDSSOLFDWLRQWRday! (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ Email [email protected] PHONE Burney (530) 725-0925 Shasta Lake (530) 275-1716 FAX (530) 303-1528 or (530) 688-6500 Deadline Friday at 4 p.m. Call 725-0925 To Publish Your Ad Here If You are a Victim of Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault Call 1-866-329-7297 7ROO)UHH+RXUV Call 725-0925 To Publish Your Ad Here PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Initiation of the Section 106 ProcessPublic Participation in accordance with the FCC’s Program Comment for Positive Train Control and ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH 8QLRQ 3DFL¿F SURSRVHV WR FRQVWUXFW an approximately 65’ monopole communications pole with associated equipment at the following approximate location southeast of Lakehead (near O’Brien), Shasta County, California within the existing railroad right-of-way: &RRUGLQDWHV 0LOH3RVW Parties interested in providing comment on the proposed undertaking relative to cultural resources VKRXOGFRQWDFW*66,QFWK6WUHHW8UEDQGDOH,$ 3K*66:&$ 3XE 761R&$$31127,&(2)75867((6$/(3XUVXDQWWR&$&LYLO 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Logging Co. looking to hire skid- OLHQ\RXVKRXOGXQGHUVWDQGWKDWWKHUHDUHULVNVLQYROYHGLQELGGLQJDWDWUXVWHHDXFWLRQ<RXZLOO GHU 2S NQRW EXPSHU 0XVW EHELGGLQJRQDOLHQQRWRQWKHSURSHUW\LWVHOI3ODFLQJWKHKLJKHVWELGDWDWUXVWHHDXFWLRQGRHV EHH[SHULHQFHG'UXJWHVWLQJ QRW DXWRPDWLFDOO\ HQWLWOH \RX WR IUHH DQG FOHDU RZQHUVKLS RI WKH SURSHUW\<RX VKRXOG DOVR EH references required. Job is in DZDUHWKDWWKHOLHQEHLQJDXFWLRQHGRIIPD\EHDMXQLRUOLHQ,I\RXDUHWKHKLJKHVWELGGHUDWWKH 0LQHUDO&D&DOO DXFWLRQ\RXDUHRUPD\EHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUSD\LQJRIIDOOOLHQVVHQLRUWRWKHOLHQEHLQJDXFWLRQHG RII EHIRUH \RX FDQ UHFHLYH FOHDU WLWOH WR WKH SURSHUW\ <RX DUH HQFRXUDJHG WR LQYHVWLJDWH WKH WR _____________________________ H[LVWHQFHSULRULW\DQGVL]HRIRXWVWDQGLQJOLHQVWKDWPD\H[LVWRQWKLVSURSHUW\E\FRQWDFWLQJ WKHFRXQW\UHFRUGHU·VRIILFHRUDWLWOHLQVXUDQFHFRPSDQ\HLWKHURIZKLFKPD\FKDUJH\RXDIHH The Hi Mont Motel has job IRUWKLVLQIRUPDWLRQ,I\RXFRQVXOWHLWKHURIWKHVHUHVRXUFHV\RXVKRXOGEHDZDUHWKDWWKHVDPH openings for the following positions: OHQGHUPD\KROGPRUHWKDQRQHPRUWJDJHRUGHHGRIWUXVWRQWKHSURSHUW\127,&(723523 +RXVHNHHSHUKRXUDQG+HDG (57<2:1(57KHVDOHGDWHVKRZQRQWKLVQRWLFHRIVDOHPD\EHSRVWSRQHGRQHRUPRUHWLPHV +RXVHNHHSHU KRXU E\WKHPRUWJDJHHEHQHILFLDU\WUXVWHHRUDFRXUWSXUVXDQWWR6HFWLRQJRIWKH&DOLIRUQLD Must be able to multi-task and love &LYLO&RGH7KHODZUHTXLUHVWKDWLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWUXVWHHVDOHSRVWSRQHPHQWVEHPDGHDYDLO working in a fun, fast paced environ- DEOHWR\RXDQGWRWKHSXEOLFDVDFRXUWHV\WRWKRVHQRWSUHVHQWDWWKHVDOH,I\RXZLVKWROHDUQ ment. Come join our team. These are ZKHWKHU\RXUVDOHGDWHKDVEHHQSRVWSRQHGDQGLIDSSOLFDEOHWKHUHVFKHGXOHGWLPHDQGGDWH immediate openings. Stop by the Hi IRUWKHVDOHRIWKLVSURSHUW\\RXPD\FDOOIRULQIRUPDWLRQUHJDUGLQJWKHWUXVWHH·V Mont Motel in Fall River Mills, CA and VDOHRUYLVLWWKLV,QWHUQHW:HEVLWHKWWSZZZTXDOLW\ORDQFRPXVLQJWKHILOHQXPEHUDVVLJQHGWR WKLVIRUHFORVXUHE\WKH7UXVWHH&$$%,QIRUPDWLRQDERXWSRVWSRQHPHQWVWKDWDUH ¿OORXWDQDSSOLFDWLRQ YHU\VKRUWLQGXUDWLRQRUWKDWRFFXUFORVHLQWLPHWRWKHVFKHGXOHGVDOHPD\QRWLPPHGLDWHO\EH WR UHIOHFWHGLQWKHWHOHSKRQHLQIRUPDWLRQRURQWKH,QWHUQHW:HEVLWH7KHEHVWZD\WRYHULI\SRVW _____________________________ SRQHPHQWLQIRUPDWLRQLVWRDWWHQGWKHVFKHGXOHGVDOH7KHXQGHUVLJQHG7UXVWHHGLVFODLPVDQ\ OLDELOLW\IRUDQ\LQFRUUHFWQHVVRIWKHSURSHUW\DGGUHVVRURWKHUFRPPRQGHVLJQDWLRQLIDQ\VKRZQ ATTN: CDL Drivers - Avg. $60k+/yr, KHUHLQ,IQRVWUHHWDGGUHVVRURWKHUFRPPRQGHVLJQDWLRQLVVKRZQGLUHFWLRQVWRWKHORFDWLRQRI N6LJQ2Q%RQXV9RWHG%HVW)OHHW WKHSURSHUW\PD\EHREWDLQHGE\VHQGLQJDZULWWHQUHTXHVWWRWKHEHQHILFLDU\ZLWKLQGD\VRI /RYH<RXU-REDQG<RXU7UXFN WKHGDWHRIILUVWSXEOLFDWLRQRIWKLV1RWLFHRI6DOH,IWKH7UXVWHHLVXQDEOHWRFRQYH\WLWOHIRUDQ\ &'/$5HT UHDVRQWKHVXFFHVVIXOELGGHU·VVROHDQGH[FOXVLYHUHPHG\VKDOOEHWKHUHWXUQRIPRQLHVSDLGWR GULYHPHOWRQFRP&DO6&$1 WKH7UXVWHHDQGWKHVXFFHVVIXOELGGHUVKDOOKDYHQRIXUWKHUUHFRXUVH,IWKHVDOHLVVHWDVLGHIRU ___________________________ DQ\UHDVRQWKH3XUFKDVHUDWWKHVDOHVKDOOEHHQWLWOHGRQO\WRDUHWXUQRIWKHGHSRVLWSDLG7KH 3XUFKDVHUVKDOOKDYHQRIXUWKHUUHFRXUVHDJDLQVWWKH0RUWJDJRUWKH0RUWJDJHHRUWKH0RUWJDJ HH·V$WWRUQH\,I\RXKDYHSUHYLRXVO\EHHQGLVFKDUJHGWKURXJKEDQNUXSWF\\RXPD\KDYHEHHQ UHOHDVHGRISHUVRQDOOLDELOLW\IRUWKLVORDQLQZKLFKFDVHWKLVOHWWHULVLQWHQGHGWRH[HUFLVHWKHQRWH One bedroom cottage downtown Fall KROGHUVULJKW·VDJDLQVWWKHUHDOSURSHUW\RQO\$VUHTXLUHGE\ODZ\RXDUHKHUHE\QRWLILHGWKDWD River. Rent includes utilities, garbage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urney - Fall River BIG PINES REALTY 0DLQ6WUHHW%XUQH\&$ ZZZ%XUQH\)DOO5LYHU+RPHV$QG/DQGFRP .DWK\/DNH\2ZQHU%URNHU'5( /DXUD/DNH\2ZQHU%URNHU .LP6RQJHU5HDOWRU3DP*LDFRPLQL2ZQHU5HDOWRU HOMES BURNEY #4431 - Open floor plan, chef’s kitchen - Home on 3.83 Acres with views............$369,000 Oakwoods Estates Beautifully hidden away in Oakwoods Estates Subdivision. Lots of privacy, 2+ Bedroom home on over DFUHV2SHQ)ORRUSODQZLWKDRIÀFHGHQDUHDZLWK double glass doors. Master bath has a soaking tub, and separate stall shower. Bridal trails all around subdivision and into BLM and forest service land for miles of riding, walking or run your ATV. Priced at just $179,000 Fall River Dream 2 Homes on the banks of the famous Fall River ! Beautifully decorated 2 bedroom 2 bath home fully furnished, and a 2 bedroom 1 bath guest house that also comes furnished. Rent one live in the decide. Deck overlooks river, huge boat dock to tie up all your toys,two RV hookups, 5.5 acres for horses if you want, Duck pond, 3 boats included...too much to list. The world is 70% water, we take care of the land! +LJKZD\)DOO5LYHU0LOOV NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Trustee Sale No. 3841-40 Title Order No. 160049045 APN 097-140-018-000 TRA No. 056-001 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 11/27/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 06/15/2016 at 11:00AM, CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY, a California corporation as the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded on 11/29/2007 as Document No. 2007-0053380 of official records in the Office of the Recorder of Shasta County, California, executed by: JOEL M SOLDANO and JENA D SOLDANO, husband and wife, as Trustor, in favor of American Farm Mortgage Company, Inc., as Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States, by cash, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state). At: the East entrance to the Shasta County Courthouse, 1500 Court Street, Redding, CA 96001 all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County, California describing the land therein: THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 33 NORTH, RANGE 2 WEST, M.D.M. TOGETHER WITH A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER AND ACROSS THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED STRIP OF LAND: ALL THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 33 NORTH, RANGE 2 WEST, M.D.M., ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE A SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 17, NORTH 0º 34’ 30” EAST, 30.00 FEET; THENCE PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER, SOUTH 88º 13’ 38” EAST 558.00 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE CENTERLINE OF AN EXISTING ROAD COMMONLY KNOWN AS GOLD RUN ROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID CENTERLINE SOUTH 18º 59’ 30” WEST 31.00 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, NORTH 88º 13’ 38” WEST, 553.14 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID EASEMENT IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF AND IS TO BE AN APPURTENANCE TO THE NORTH ONEHALF OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 33 NORTH, RANGE 2 WEST, M.D.M., ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF. ALSO TOGETHER WITH ANY AND ALL RIGHTS OF THE GRANTOR HEREIN AND TO A PRESCRIPTIVE RIGHT OF WAY DISCLOSED BY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RIGHT OF WAY EXECUTED BY TEDDY L. RUTHERFORD AND LOIS C. RUTHERFORD JULY 9, 1970 AND RECORDED JULY 13, 1970, IN BOOK 1033, PAGE 553, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SHASTA COUNTY. Beneficiary Phone: (916) 321-4444 Beneficiary: AgStar Financial Services, Servicer, c/o Boutin Jones Inc., Attn: R.J. Wood, Esq., 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 1500, Sacramento, CA 95814 The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 15515 Seaman Gulch Road, Bella Vista, CA 96008. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call (714) 730-2727 or visit this Internet Web site, using the file number assigned to this case 3841-40. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to-wit: $181,965.09 (Estimated) Accrued interest and additional advances, if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. The Beneficiary may elect to bid less than their full credit bid. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located and more than three months have elapsed since such recordation. SALE LINE PHONE NUMBER: (714) 7302727 / Web site address: DATE: 5/17/16 CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY FORECLOSURE DEPARTMENT 560 E. HOSPITALITY LANE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 (909) 8840448 Teresa M. Drake, Asst. Vice President A-4576374 05/25/2016, 06/01/2016, 06/08/2016 The News is a Shasta County legal notice publication #4441 - Impressive 3/2 home on 1+ acres w/separate living quarters...................$309,000 #4270 - 1,500 SFLog cabin home on a large fenced parcel with a 2 car garage.... $229,000 #4397 - 1,926 SF 3/2 Remodeled and updated, split floor plan, beautiful kitchen..$189,000 #4457 - Renovated home w/master suite and large family room w/fenced yards $185,000 #4482 - NEW LISTING! 3 bed, 3 bath home on 1+ acre w/large kitchen & deck..$179,000 #4465 - Remodeled 2/3 w/hickory kitchen cabinets. Large fenced yard PENDING $169,000 #4240 - 2,088 SF 4 Bd/2 ba two story home on a corner lot. Updated... RECENTLY SOLD #4463 - Lovely home in JP, Large triple pane windows on this 2 bed/2 bath home $142,000 #4468 - Spacious home on treed lot, nice deck. 3 bedroom, 2 bath w/open kitchen.$139,000 #4469 - Open floor plan, lots of potential for updates, Views of Burney Mnt......... $129,000 #4418 - Fenced backyard in this 3/2 home close to schools & park RECENTLY SOLD! #4451 - Top of the line in Los Colinas. 3/2 1,440 SF home with so many upgrades. $75,000 #4440 - Great location in Los Colinas. 3/2 mobile home, site backs to forest..........$12,500 FALL RIVER VALLEY #4430 - Immaculate 3 bd, 2 bath home on 4.8 acres, attached garage. RECENTLY SOLD! #4443 - 3/2 home on the golf course with updated kitchen & open plan RECENTLY SOLD! CASSEL/ HAT CREEK #4438 - Custom 3/2 on 3 acres in Hat Creek w/open floor plan, storage, & more. $289,000 #4444 - Country home on 2 aces. 2 bed, 2 bath w/wood finishes. RECENTLY SOLD! #4399 - 1,920 SF home on 5 ac w/garage & shop. Motivated Seller! PENDING $240,000 #4450 - NEW LISTING! 1404 SF man. home w/garage, fully fenced. RECENTLY SOLD! #4480 Hat Creek waterfront is a lovely setting for this 3 Br 2 Ba Manufactured Home in the heart of fishing and wildlife area. Has upgrades such as Silestone type counter tops, engineered laminate flooring, covered front deck area looking over yard and creek area, master bedroom suite, extra insulation. Has a large finished double car garage with workshop area on 1 acre. $269,000 MONTGOMERY CREEK #4473 - Cedar Crk frontage on 44 acres. 3/3 home w/workshop, shed & more....$375,000 #4384 - 9.4 Ac with energy independent 1,500 SF home on Little Hatchet Creek.$275,000 #4334 - 4 Acres w/private pond. 1,920 SF 2 bd, 1 bath home on a lovely setting..$225,000 OLD STATION #4480 - Hat Creek waterfront, 3/2 manufactured home w/many upgrades on 1 acre$269,000 #4406 - 1 Bd cabin, knotty pine interior, sheds & garage w/workspace................ $110,000 4483 - NEW LISTING! Great cabin in the woods. 2 bed, 1 bath being sold AS IS $95,000 BIG VALLEY #4452 - Charming 2 bd home in Adin w/a historical past, large garage. RECENTLY SOLD #4474 LOOKOUT - Plenty of square footage on this fixer upper in Ranchettes......$75,000 COMMERCIAL / BUSINESS #4087 JP - 1,287sf bldg office/retail space on nearly an acre. Zoned C-M, Great location for a nursery or landscaping business, Owner may carry financing with acceptable terms.....$166,000 ,Q WKH WHUUDFH EHGURRP EDWK :RQGHUIXONLWFKHQDQG\DUG #1097 Beautiful 3 bedroom 2 full bath home in Las Calinas....................29,900 Private 10 acre parcel at the end of the road in Fall River Mills. Flat, buildable area at the bottom and nice upslope providing great views of the Fall River Valley. Power nearby and good road access........................38,500 Price includes 2 commercial corner lots RQ+LJKZD\(DVWLQ%XUQH\,QFOXGHV parcel numbers 028-160-001 and -002. Currently zoned C-2. Lots span from Pine Street to Cedar Street..........50,000 Great cabin in peaceful Old Station. Close to excellent Hat Creek trout fishing. EHGURRPV EDWKV EHGURRPV DQGEDWKXSVWDLUVDQGEHGURRPV EDWKGRZQVWDLUV1HZUHIULJHUDWRUUDQJH oven and kerosene heater installed in the past year. DSL available in the area. THE HEART OF HAT CREEK! Electrical panel has been upgraded to a 200 AMP service. Excellent vacation 1HZO\ UHPRGHOHG NLWFKHQ QHZ or 2nd home opportunity.........154,000 URRI /DUJH NLWFKHQ ZEUHDNIDVW #1061 nicely refurbished using the Shasta County Dept. of Housing and Community Action Program.2 bedroom 1 EDWK,QQHZURRIHOHFWULFDOH[WHULRU paint, new vinyl floors in kitchen and bath, new insulation and heat source....73,900 CALL US AT (530) 335-2222 area, plus dining area. Lots of oak FDELQHWVVWRUDJH /DXQGU\ URRP Range, refrigerator, washer, dryer. Some furnishings are negotiable. Sliders to back patio, plus large front deck next to stream that runs thru property.......................175,000 FOR MORE LAND & COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES %5$1' 1(: 522) :RQGHUIXO ZHOONHSWKRPHORFDWHGRQD1RWDWKRXJK road. This three bedroom, 2 bath home has 1700 sq ft, per the county records. Updated Kitchen, breakfast bar, landscaping front and back, covered patio, shop free standing stove, evaporator cooler, additional bonus room.....179,000 PLEASE COME VISIT, HAVE A CHAT. LET US SHOW YOU ‘WE ARE SOLD ON SERVICE’ ,PPDFXODWH FRQGLWLRQ EHGURRP bathroom home on a cul-de-sac in Burney. This home was built in 2000 and has been maintained impeccably. Large open living room with vaulted ceilings and a woodstove. Open kitchen DUHD ZLWK XSJUDGHG DSSOLDQFHV WKDW·V perfect for entertaining. Manicured front, side and back lawns with sprinkler systems throughout............164,000 Cory Halter, Broker/Owner '5(&HOO Jill Barnett, Broker/Owner '5(&HOO #4466 6.6 Acres all fenced with a large custom barn has a beautiful setting for home site (area completed out of flood zone) - utilities are on property. Owner may carry with 30% down and acceptable credit & terms. County has tentatively approved 4 way split for future development purposes. PRICED $169,000 #4464 - Stunning view of Pittville and surrounding mountains from this 3.55 acre parcel. Enjoy the peace and quiet the Inter-mountain area has to offer with a short drive to town when needed. Property is fully fenced and gated. Septic and well are in. PRICED AT $149,500 MANUFACTURED HOMES /DV&ROLQDVEDFNVXSWRIRUHVW«««« 1053 Las Colinas 1152 sq ft SOLD« RESIDENTIAL %XUQH\E\6DIHZD\UHYDPSVEDWKURRP &DVVHOYLHZ5LVLQJ5LY/RJXQILQ$FSOLD......395,000 2OG6WDWLRQUHV·V3DUFHOVRQ+DW&UPENDING...159,950 )50RQ%OXII9,(:$FSOLD.......................195,500 )50VKRSVSRQGIHQFHG$F )50RQ(DVWPDQODNHKRPHGRFNFXVWRP5('8&('...899,000 %XUQH\+XGVRQVTIWDFSOLD........159,000 0RQW&UNVTIWDFUHVVKRSSRQGVSOLD....449,000 943 Burney over 4500 sq ft Burney Terrace.................495,000 947 Burney lot in Medical district.......................................62,500 %XUQH\&\SUHVV$YHVTIW-86762/'......145,000 %XUQH\6HUSHQWLQHEHDXW\SOLD........299,900 961 5 ac Big Eddy Fall River....................................75,000 962 5 Ac Big Eddy Fall River.....................................65,000 977 94 Ac 2 homes Alfalfa 4 barns 2 shops 5('8&('......829,000 &DVVHO$F&UDQH5RDGSOLD................219,000 1005 Johnson park many upgrades SOLD 1010 Hat Creek Dr on Hat Creek vacation dream..........170,000 *DUGHQ:D\SOLD....................................89,000 %XUQH\7HUUDFH&RUQHUORWVTIWSOLD.....239,500 %XUQH\$UURZRRG6W6XQURRPSOLD..............159,000 %XUQH\7HUUDFHVTIWXSJUDGHGPENDING.299,000 3LWWYLOOHRIIWKHJULG$FSOLD.......207,000 $FVTIW$GLQ %XUQH\VTIW5('8&('...........................99,000 %XUQH\VTIWIHQFHG5('8&('...............159,000 %XUQH\9HGGHU5GVTIW$&EDUQDUHQD &DVVHOEHDXW\Y$&6TIWSOLD..........279,000 UHQRYDWHGJUDQLWHVTIWSOLD........212,900 1043 Mont. Ck. 28+ AC, orchard, shop 2100 sq ft SOLD...........399,000 %XUQH\VTIWVRPHXSJUDGHVSOLD..........164,900 'D\DUHD$FUHVVTIWPENDING.......244,000 -3RQ$FUHVVTIHHW %XUQH\&$1%(XSJUDGHG 1055 Old playhouse Hat Creek................................72,500 2QWKH)DOO5LYHU*ROI&RXUVH &DVVHORQDFVTIW %XUQH\$FSULYDWHIODJORWSOLD..............134,000 %851(<UHIXUELVKHGVTIWIHQFHG &DVVHORQRYHUDQ$FUHYHU\3ULYDWH %XUQH\VTIWQHZFDUSHWDQGYLQ\O %XUQH\UHPRGHOHGEDWK 1067 Burney lot in Burney...........................................32,000 1068 Burney lot with foundation.........................................42,000 1069 Burney commercial or rental.............................................59,500 %XUQH\HQGRIURDGJUHDWKRPH 1075 FRM beautiful lot..............................................................48,000 %XUQH\ODUJHORW3(1',1* %XUQH\1(:(5KRPHVT