March/April 2015 - Church of Our Saviour
March/April 2015 - Church of Our Saviour
2015 March—April Volume 2 Church of Our Saviour Dear friends, Throughout March, we will journey through the season of Lent. It seems this season often gets portrayed as one of total austerity, a drudge even, as things are given up and attention is given to repentance. And yet, the season should have such a different tenor. The editors of Bread and Wine, a collection of writings, are worth quoting: ‘Lent should never be morose- an annual ordeal during which we begrudgingly forgo a handful of pleasures. Instead, we ought to approach Lent as an opportunity, not a requirement. After all, it is meant to be the church’s springtime, a time when, out of the darkness of sin’s winter, a repentant, empowered people emerges. No wonder one liturgy refers to it as “this joyful season.” Put another way, Lent is the season in which we ought to be surprised by joy. Our self-sacrifices serve no purpose unless, by laying aside this or that desire, we are able to focus on our heart’s deepest longing: unity with Christ. In him- in his suffering and death, his resurrection and triumph- we find our truest joy.’1 May you discover Lent as a spring for your soul. Peace, Melinda 1 Editorial note, Bread and Wine, (Walden: Plough Publishing House, 2003), xvi. Save the Date! Lenten Book Study Every Wednesday until March 25th at 5p. Easter Baskets Join us on March 15th to make Easter bags for children of Food Pantry. Holy Week Maundy Thursday: Good Friday: Easter Vigil: Easter Sunday Lunch Bunch 5p 5p 7:15p 9a Join us on March 9th and April 13th at Buck’s Pizza. Church of of Our Our Saviour Saviour Church Volume: 2 2Page: 2 2 Volume: Page: Diocesan Email List Stay in touch with Diocesan news, events and stories. Join the Diocesan email list by going to the "Contact Us" page on the Diocesan web site and clicking on the "Join Our Email List" link. If you need assistance or have questions, contact Julien at [email protected]. Easter Bags Each year we provide a small bag of goodies for the children whose families use the food pantry. We are asking folks to contribute bags of candy, stickers, etc. for the bags; please bring your items to the church office. We will be putting the bags together on 15 March, following worship. Pilgrim Road Join us on Wednesdays in March, from 5-6p as we discuss the book, Pilgrim Road. Written by a monk who traveled the world, the reading for each day in Lent is a short reflection piece on his experiences as they relate to this season. Holy Week & Easter Services Maundy Thursday service: Good Friday service: Easter Vigil, Saturday service: Easter Sunday 5p 5p 7:15p 9a Lunch Bunch On 9 March and 13 April, the Lunch Bunch will be held at the DuBois Community Center. Formerly the Senior Center, the building is located on Maple Ave., next to the Medicine Shop. Please sign up by the Friday before the bunch meets, as we have to call and let the Center know how many to expect. This is a great way to get out into our community. The Forward Julien Goulet at the Diocesan Office is working very hard to increase communication among the parishes who make up the Diocese of Northwestern PA. 'The Forward' is now a blog with articles by different folks in the diocese as well as upcoming events and interesting happenings. Check it out at: Church of Our Saviour Volume: 2 Page: 3 Church of Our Saviour Volume: 2 Page: 4 March & April 2015 If you are unable to serve your assigned day, please arrange a substitute, trade, or contact Mary. If you would like to join this ministry, contact Mary Jones (371-4086; [email protected]) or the church office. Attendance and Finances January YTD 43 43 Offering Total 7,569.00 7,569.00 Income 7,824.00 7,824.00 Expenses 6,386.65 6,386.65 Profit/Loss 1,437.35 1,437.34 Average Attendance Church of Our Saviour Volume: 2 Page: 5 Birthdays March April 1 4 7 9 20 21 23 30 31 Joe Saricks Rob McFadden Anthony Chase Alex Chezosky Jackie Mitchell Phil Engle John Wells Susanne Waitkus Ruth Longfritz 9 13 15 21 23 22 24 Shirley Ruttinger Morgan Carnahan Sean DuBois Donna Wells Chelsea Mortimer Sandy Bailey Gail Mizner Charmaine Dungey Anniversaries April 9 12 17 18 23 30 John & Donna Wells Bill & Heather Chase Mark & Karen Markievich Terry & Pat Allen Curtis (Buster) & Judy Aughenbaugh Dan & Laura Reed Mark your Calendars Easter Baskets for Food Pantry Lunch Bunch March 8th March 9th & April 13th Maundy Thursday Services April 2nd Good Friday Services April 3rd Easter Vigil Services April 4th Easter Bags April 15th 400 Liberty Blvd. P.O. Box 503 DuBois, PA 15801 Betty Baldwin 11 W Long Ave, Apt. J Dubois, PA 15801 400 Liberty Blvd. P.O. Box 503 DuBois PA 15801 Phone: (814) 371-8810 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: