October 2015 Newsletter.pub - First Baptist Church Inverness
October 2015 Newsletter.pub - First Baptist Church Inverness
First Baptist Church of Inverness Ed Wingfield Interim Pastor T HE FIRST F IRST B APTIST C HURCH OF INVERNESS B APTIST GOOD NEWS … 550 Pleasant Grove Road Inverness, FL 34452 F IRST A P UBLICATION OF B APTIST C HURCH OF I NVERNESS Phone: 352-726-1252 Fax: 352-726-0227 w w w. f b c i n v e r n e s s . c o m John Johnson Minister of Worship & Education 550 Pleasant Grove Road Inverness, FL 34452 Debbie Jolly Church Secretary DeAnna Davis Director of Children’s Ministries Phone (352) 726-1252 Fax (352) 726-0227 Website: www.fbcinverness.com & Facebook: FBC Inverness F ROM M Y H EART TO Y OURS If you are a member of First Baptist Church, Inverness, and you haven’t been coming lately, I urge you to come see what’s going on1.There are a number of new ministries and opportunities that make it clear, God has some exciting plans for us in the days ahead. • First of all, let me call your attention to the Sunday schedule1.You should be attending a Bible study class at 9:00 am, and taking advantage of the opportunity to grow in your knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ and his plan for you and your family. There’s a class for everyone, kids and adults and1.In addition to spiritual growth, these classes offer fellowship and relational support you just can’t find anywhere else1. Anyone who considers themselves a Christian should be involved in regular Bible study and fellowship with other believers. • On Sunday afternoons, we have AWANAs for kids1.One of the best programs for the spiritual development of young minds and hearts to ever be designed1.If you want to bring your kids up in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord”1.They should be in the AWANA program that begins every Sunday at 5:15 pm. If they ever attend one session, your kids will be hooked on AWANAs. • On September 13th, we began our Connection Classes1.These are 8 to 12 week classes that range in topic from experiencing God in your life, to spiritual warfare, to practical ministry, and even Biblical financial responsibility1.Any one of these classes will give you something far more valuable than what you find on Sunday night TV1.I urge you to attend just one class and see if you’re not compelled to come back. You can call the church office and get details1.You should check it out! • On Monday nights at 7pm, anywhere from 30 to 50 people are meeting at the church to visit, make calls, write cards and letters, and pray for the new ministry called “About The Father’s Business”1.It’s an outreach program that has already paid a number of dividends1.There’s a place for anyone who wants to make a difference in the Kingdom of God, and encourage others1.Why not you? • Wednesdays are no exception to the list of opportunities for growth and ministry1.We have been studying, in detail, the book of Revelation, and may I say, what we’ve learned has been life changing for many of us. I’m told the attendance for this study has exceeded what our church has seen on Wednesday night in many years. There is no doubt we are living in the last days and the signs of the times are well documented in the prophecies given to us in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. I challenge you again, to attend one Wednesday night Bible study at 6:00 pm and see if you are not compelled to keep coming1. Continued on Page 2 O CTOBER 2015 I NSIDE THIS ISSUE : Worshiper’s Corner Business Meeting Thank You Note Youth News Fall Festival Children’s Ministry Ministries & Opportunities Birthdays Financial Update In The Library Memorials and Honors ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Inverness, FL 34452 550 Pleasant Grove Road First Baptist Church of Inverness Non Profit Org. U S POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #5 First Baptist Church Inverness, FL 34452 P AGE 2 T HE FIRST B APTIST GOOD NEWS … O CTOBER 2015 I SSUE PAGE 11 Continued from Front page The most exciting event is yet to be revealed. It’s called “We’re Free In Three”...And I’m convinced that as a direct result of the prayers and efforts of many in this Church, God has given us His plan that will miraculously change the trajectory of our Church, and get us prepared for a future that is beyond our wildest dreams1.In the next couple of months, the Trustees and Finance Committee, along with the Deacons at First Baptist Church will be giving you details of this program1.The first of many informational “family get-togethers” to introduce, and to answer questions about “We’re Free In Three” will have already taken place as you read this article, but the next one is scheduled for Sunday afternoon, October 4th at 5 pm in the Church sanctuary. Then, there will be a special called business meeting on Sunday, October 11th at the end of the morning worship service for the church family to officially affirm the recommendation of this program by the Trustees, the Deacons and the Finance Committee. Between now and the end of the year, there will be a number of fun and exciting fellowship's, banquets, and musical events designed to get everyone educated, excited, and involved1.The official start date of “We’re Free In Three” will be set for the middle of January 2016, so everyone will have plenty of time to get “up to speed” and prepared. The days ahead are going to be some of the most exciting and life changing that will ever be recorded in the history books of First Baptist Church, Inverness1.I truly believe that with all my heart1.And I want every one of you to be a part of all of it. If the Lord doesn’t come back soon, you’ll be telling your kids and grandkids what God did in His Church1.If He does come back soon, well then He will find you and me faithfully carrying out our assignments to bring men, women, boys and girls into the Kingdom...Either way1.It’s a “win, win”! BIBLE STUDY RESOURCES: All the Miracles of the Bible by Herbert Lockyer (220.8)— includes the miracles of the Old and New Testament. Nave’s Topical Bible by Orville Nave (220.3)—more than twenty thousand topics and subtopics. Where to find it In the Bible: the Ultimate A to Z Resource by Ken Anderson (220.3)—a fully-illustrated, made-to-order topical concordance for finding answers to today’s issues, concerns and problems. Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps & Time Lines by Rose Publishing (220.022)—includes full-colored Bible charts, illustrations of the Tabernacle, Temple, & High Priest, Then & Now Bible Maps and much more. Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Higgs (220.92)—Higgs offers a clear-sighted, life changing approach to understanding those “other women” in scripture and the lessons we can learn from them. The Brother of Jesus by Hershel Shanks (232.908)— the dramatic story of the first archaeological link to Jesus and His family. Hope to see you Sunday! (and Wednesday, and1.well, you get the picture) OCTOBER TRIVIA: October is National Chili Month. There are plenty of places to find chili recipes but if you’re looking for ideas, check out www.famouschilirecipies.com Blessings! Ed ENJOY A SAFE HALLOWEEN AND SUPPORT THE FALL FESTIVAL OCTOBER 25TH. • ATTENTION FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH FAMILY At the request of the Trustees, and with the unanimous endorsement of the Deacon Body, there will be a special called business meeting at the end of the morning worship service on Sunday, October 11th, 2015. The purpose of this meeting will be to present and seek your affirmation of an exciting new program for our Church called "We're Free In Three". The subject and details of this program will be presented and discussed at a very important "Family Gathering” on Sunday, October 4th at 5:00 pm. The meeting will be held in the church sanctuary. Every member of First Baptist Church should plan to be in attendance....So, mark your calendar for Sunday October 4th at 5:00 pm, and the following Sunday, October 11th, immediately following the morning worship service. Big Thank You to Ms. Jo Woody for sponsoring the youth movie trip to see War Room! 24 students got to visualize the need for a healthy prayer life, the know how and how powerful it can be! We encourage everyone to see this amazing movie! Also, thank you to all of the chaperones with the help of transportation! Love Always, Clint and Amanda Schaak Widow/Widower Banquet The annual widow & widower banquet “Senior Safari” is coming October 3rd at Noon. If you have not received an invitation, please contact your deacon. BIBLE TRIVIA: Who heard the voice of an angel ordering that a large tree be chopped down? (Daniel 4:13) In Memory of Harriet Therrien For: Mortgage Retirement From: Larry & Sherry White In Memory of Laura Prohl For: Mortgage Retirement From: Ben & Flo Hayward From: Delores Kelly In Memory of Harriet Therrien & Laura Prohl For: Mortgage Retirement From: Danny & Donna Tvenstrup For: Regular Offering From: Wayne & Jean Snyder From: Robin Moffatt From: Belva Giddens In loving memory-From: Ron & Joan Place & Bebe Adams In Memory of Harriet Therrien, Don Giddens, Shirley Harsin, Nell Mayberry & Laura Prohl For: Air Conditioner From: Jo Snyder For: AWANA Sponsorship From: LaVerne Register For: Missions From: Fidelis Sunday School Class T HE P AGE 10 FIRST B APTIST GOOD NEWS … O CTOBER 2015 I SSUE PAGE 3 O CTOBER B IRTHDAYS Bender, Brett Locke, Kathy Brock, Lester Clyde, Cassidy Keith, Julie Topping, Aiden Soletto, Raymond Ballard, Jessy Wilson, Susan Smith, Lorraine Snyder, Wayne Wingfield, Ed Thompson, Jerry Pullen, Frank Wylupek, Sasha Davis, Mac Hurd, Noel Jolly, Debbie Moomaw, Julie Smolensky, Leanne 10/1 10/1 10/4 10/4 10/4 10/4 10/5 10/7 10/7 10/8 10/8 10/8 10/11 10/12 10/12 10/13 10/13 10/13 10/13 10/13 Suydam, Joelle Wylupek, Becca Cooper, Ray Covell, Benjamin Kelly, Delores Letsch, Linda Ballard, Austin Jasper, Maxine Tsavaris, Diane Wear, Lois Abbey, Cathryn Einglett, Mason Perez, Jennifer Wilhelm, Mary Edwards, Thomas Porter, Conrad Dolan, Hannah Vick, Ray Johnson, John Mercer, Jackie 10/13 10/13 10/14 10/14 10/14 10/14 10/15 10/16 10/17 10/18 10/19 10/19 10/20 10/20 10/21 10/21 10/23 10/23 10/24 10/24 Smallridge, Sovona Spiewak, Alexis Wylupek, Quince Cernich, Angela Ballard, Keira Cusack, Rob Godsey, Mary Hoff, Faye Steed, Lakota Williams, Dee Sims, Charlotte Wheatley, Debbie White, Jo Allwood, Bob Bitters, Samantha Friess, Bill Alford, Logan Sanders, Bryson Boese, Pamela Bush, Christine 10/24 10/24 10/24 10/25 10/26 10/26 10/26 10/27 10/27 10/27 10/28 10/28 10/28 10/29 10/29 10/29 10/30 10/30 10/31 10/31 Giving... Through August 2015 August Revenue $58,767.90 Expenditures $38,869.96 $19,897.94 Budget $61,666.67 $61,666.67 $ 0.00 YTD $440,340.15 $420,492.52 $ 19,847.63 YTD Budget $493,333.33 $493,333.33 $ 0.00 A Painful Praise I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." (John 16:33, NLT) Sometimes praising God is painful. Oh, I know we say praise will make everything all right, and praising God will lift you out of your darkened state. And yes, we have scripture to back that up (Isaiah 61:3), but there are times when praising God doesn't make us "feel" better. I dare say the change takes place, the deliverance takes place, joy is restored in your spirit when you make a conscious choice to praise God just because you know He's worthy of it - even when it's painful. The Word of God is very clear when it says "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God. . ." (Psalm 34:19). And I know Jesus said we would have some problems in this world, but He also invites us to be encouraged because He has overcome the world. God has already written victory into your story. I also know that praising God will bring joy, peace, and promotion out of our affliction - in God's time. As we worship, we sometimes give the impression that a good hallelujah praise will make all the pain in the natural go away. As the preacher feels he/she has done the congregation a disservice by not concluding the sermon with mention of Jesus at Calvary and the salvation message, as worship leaders we do a similar disservice by not addressing the inward aspects of praise and worship. It isn't all high and hype; it is a relationship with the Lord that is ever growing to understand that sometimes it hurts to praise God, but we praise Him anyway because the sanctified worshiper understands that it isn't just a Sunday ritual, but a lifestyle practiced daily. If you give God a chance and continue to praise Him, He will show Himself strong in your spirit man. Your problem won't always go away in the natural immediately, but God will show you He's walking right with you. He is a God of love and joy, but He is also a God who suffers. Every pain you feel He feels it too; and He wants to walk with you right through it. Sometimes praise is painful, but the Word of God is still true - God is a Deliverer (Psalm 34:4, 7, 17, 19). Be encouraged in that sometimes God will deliver you IN it, before He delivers you OUT of it. Selah, John Contact John at: [email protected] P AGE 4 T HE FIRST B APTIST GOOD NEWS … Youth Anchored by Christ Grades 6th— 6th—12th Youth Worship Wednesday Night at 6:00 pm ***The youth are collecting new and gently used jackets of all sizes, from elementary to high school, for Cayla's Coats. We will meet October 3rd at 9am at Store Rite Self Storage to sort coats as a missions project for Citrus County students in need. Please wear your Anchored By Christ Shirts if you have one. ***Sunday Funday BBQ Party-Sunday October 11th from 12:00-3:00 pm. All youth invite your friends and family. No permission slip required. Bring a 2 liter soda and/or a bag of chips to share. Meet in the Youth Room right after the morning service. ***As always we love having new faces on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings, so invite all the youth you know! Each Wednesday we will have a contest for the most invites, winner will receive a $5 gift card to a fast food restaurant, over all monthly winner of a dine in restaurant gift card of $25 and then an ultimate drawing right before Christmas break of a $100 gift card to Walmart! (All gift cards are sponsored by Clint & Amanda Schaak). ***Exciting things are happening, don't let the youth you know miss out on growing a closer relationship with Jesus in a fun, loving and safe environment! Questions? See Amanda Schaak for more information 352-601-7229 There is a recycle bin located at the back of the church for you to deposit your aluminum cans, paper, cardboard, and plastics. The proceeds earned from the recycle bin go to help the Youth Program here at our church. O CTOBER 2015 I SSUE M INISTRIES AND O PPORTUNITIES Calling All Women to Lunch: Women and friends of First Baptist Church are invited to lunch October 8th at 11:30 am to Joe’s Restaurant in Inverness. Lunch is “Dutch Treat”. A sign-up sheet is in the foyer. Signing up is not essential but helps us determine the number of reservations to make. Please join us for a great time of fellowship. (Please do not wear perfume or scented lotion. Some of the ladies have severe allergies.) For more information call Eileen Butzer, 270-9187. Firsts at First Baptist: The First Friday Fast will be October 2nd. The First Monday Meditation will be October 5th and the church sanctuary will be open from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm for you to pray. The prayer emphasis for both days will be the Good News Club which starts in October. Hospice House Ministry: This is an ongoing ministry that provides snack items for family members of those in Hospice. Donations of individually wrapped packages of snack cakes, crackers, chips, etc. can be left in the library or in adult Sunday School rooms in designated baskets. Thank you for all the donations. Home Prayer Meetings: On Thursday, October 8th, the next of our monthly home prayer meetings for our Pastor Search Committee and our new Pastor will take place...The sign-up sheets will be available at the welcome desk in the foyer1.It’s a great time of prayer and fellowship, and a real encouragement to our search team members, so sign up and let’s pray! The Women’s Ministry of First Baptist sponsors the prayer meetings on the second Thursday of each month. The meetings are for one hour—from 7- 8 PM. You are invited to find a prayer meeting near you hosted by one of the homes below. If you are interested in hosting a meeting, please contact Jo Woody at 352-344-4449. Carl and Sally Taylor 315 North Cornish Point Lecanto—34461 Joyce Sukut 9236 E. Gospel Island Road Inverness—34450 Sunday, October 25th 3:00 pm-6:00 pm Free Family Fun! Games, Inflatable Fun, Hot Dogs, Hay Rides, Trunk or Treat, and much more! PAGE 9 Sybil Main 7596 S. Crescent Loop Floral City—34436 Warren & Sylvia Deets 5266 E. Arbor Street Inverness—34452 Jo Woody 2817 Garfield Street West Inverness—34453 We encourage you as you participate in this time of prayer to come prepared to pray and to bring with you a verse of Scripture that will be an inspiration and supportive to this power we have available to us in this time of need! ABOUT THE FATHER’S BUSINESS “About The Father’s Business” continues to go as Jesus commanded us to do in His Great Commission! Luke 10:1 gives His plan as He sent His followers in pairs to the “fields” to reach the lost and encourage believers. I am so thankful for our church family as we keep this same strategy going in our community. Again we had a ‘short’ month because of the Labor Day Weekend but we did have a three week opportunity to be about the Father’s business! There were ten who made visits, twelve cookie bakers, six letter writers, three who made phone calls, and eight who were faithful to come pray as the ‘laborers’ went out into God’s field! Many thanks to all who participated and helped make this a great month of ministry and eternal changes in the lives of our church family and the community! Love you all! Jo Woody P AGE 8 T HE FIRST B APTIST GOOD NEWS … O CTOBER 2015 I SSUE PAGE 5 M INISTRIES AND O PPORTUNITIES Quilt Ministry at First Bapst Church Last year around this me the quilng ministry was formed, you see God presented us with a need. The people who were being bapzed were coming into an air condioned church with wet hair and Miss Dee thought it would be nice to give them a memento that would remind them of the commitment they made to God. So a couple of weeks later we had 12 people bapzed and each one received a small quilt with the message: “(their name) Congratulaon on your bapsm on (the date). May this quilt cover you with the love of Jesus. From the Quilng Ministry at First Bapst Church Inverness.” Since then we have provided quilts to; 30 people bapzed, 12 high school graduates, around 12 people who have had major surgeries, 1 couple who got married and 1 new baby. We just joined Jo Woody in the ministry, About our Fathers Business, by making quilts for wounded warriors and will be sending them to organizaons who support these heroes. We have around 10 ladies who make the quilt tops and several ladies who work the office and library hand sewing on the bindings. We are very grateful to everyone who helps, cover each person receiving a quilt with the warmth of Jesus. This ministry is self-funded and has a designated fund for those who would like to contribute to the ministry, but we are also going to make some of the quilts available for sale. The quilts that are for sale will be posted on the First Bapst Church Inverness Facebook page so go there and check them out. If you would like to join us in making quilts we meet on the fourth Thursday of the month in the youth room so come join us we have a lot of fun. Here is one quilt that will be for sale. Worship Ministry Opportunities We have many opportunities available for you to join our music/worship ministries here at FBC! If you have been here for only one service, or many times, you know that we are very intentional about our worship. Our services are “Blended” in nature. This simply means that we blend in worship across the spectrum of musical styles, and do not focus on specific age-group preferences. We are not “contemporary” in that we don’t solely worship with the Top 40 Christian Hits, nor are we solely tied to the traditional Hymnology. We strive to blend both of these worlds in our corporate worship – both relational and doctrinal in nature. There is great value to the worshipper in both “styles” of worship. It all starts with our Worship Choir. Our Choir is open to all who wish to join us, and encompasses a wide range of age groups from Middle school-age through those of us in our second childhood! There are no auditions for this part of the Music ministry. We are currently working on our Christmas Musical and weekly songs of worship for our Celebration services. Our rehearsal schedule for the Worship Choir is on Wednesday evening from 7pm to 8pm (immediately after the Wednesday evening service @ 6pm). Come and join us! We are always looking for vocalists and instrumentalists for our Worship Team, and have current needs for Acoustic & Electric guitar and Bass guitar players specifically. We really are striving to see a multi-generational worship team, so don’t let your age convince you to NOT try! While we do follow a more formal qualification process for these aspects of the ministry, it is as stress-free as we can make it! Whether your interest and passion is in singing or playing music, we have many opportunities to be a part of our Worship Team (Vocals, Band, Orchestra, and Choir). Please contact Pastor John, or any current member of our Worship Team! This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine… As children of God, we are instructed to be a light to others who dwell in darkness. People should be able to recognize us as Christians by the way we treat others, the way we talk, or don’t talk about others. Our choices and our actions matter. Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together! Wander down to the FBI Kids wing, and you are going to see lots of little lights shining for Jesus and these days you need to be on the lookout for the SOUL Patrol! Beginning in October you will see our 5th grade students, and some of the 4th graders too, proudly wearing bright orange belts signifying that they are part of the SOUL Patrol. These students will be Serving Others with Unity and Love. In a world full of “me-isms” where children often focus on themselves, these students are spending time in God’s Word, learning Godly character and they are reaching out to serve others for the soul purpose of sharing God’s love. Can I get an Amen?! The grace of God… has trained us to reject and renounce all ungodliness and worldly desires, to live discreet, upright, devout lives in this present world. Titus 2:11-12 If your Sunday school class or group is working on a project and need a few helping hands, call on the SOUL Patrol, we’re ready to serve! I pray that we will all be a light in this present world. May we honor and glorify Him through our choices and actions. Love and Blessings. Mrs. Dee The Good News Club will be starting on Monday, October 5th at Pleasant Grove Elementary School. If you are interested in helping this year, please contact Mrs. Dee at the children’s check-in counter or call the church. Get ready for the Fall Festival and Save the Date on your calendar, Sunday, October 25th. We need donations of candy and bottled water. We will be doing Trunk or Treat this year at the Festival! Please keep your characters kid friendly; no scary, ghoulish characters. Sign-up sheets will be available in October in the foyer and Sunday School Classes. Contact DeAnna Davis at: [email protected] P AGE 6 T HE FIRST B APTIST GOOD NEWS … M INISTRIES AND O PPORTUNITIES O CTOBER 2015 I SSUE PAGE 7 M INISTRIES AND O PPORTUNITIES HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Keep the Peanut Butter and Jelly coming to the treasure box in the FBC foyer!!! The number of less fortunate students at PGE and IPS has increased this school year and each of them is so grateful to you every weekend. Questions, call Charlotte Sims at 302-4720 or Marilyn Jordan at 726-1658. Homebound Ministries Next Meeting October 5th at 3:00 pm in the Conference Room. If you know of someone who is confined to their home, call the church office and a contact will be made to determine if a visit should be made. Those interested in bringing joy to the homebound are welcome to join this ministry. Please contact Marian Minyard for more information. Women on Mission Tuesday, October 20th at 11:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a brown bag lunch, dessert & beverage provided. Program emphasis: Prayer—The most important conversation you will have today. MINISTRY OF WARMTH The Ministry of Warmth meets Thursday at 6:00 pm in the Dining Hall to knit and crochet hats, blankets, lap robes, and other items. These items are sent in the Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes, sent with our missionaries, and also distributed locally. Donations of yarn or cash to buy supplies are also accepted. Our mission…is to inform and inspire the Christian woman to influence her world for Christ. SAMARITAN’S PURSE OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Items needed for the month of October: Candy, Coloring Books, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Jump Ropes, Small Cars, YoYo-yos and Jacks Thank you for helping gather items for the big packing party in November. Remember to pack a shoe box for your special child to learn about Jesus. Call Sherry White for more information 726-1898. SUNDAY NIGHTS 5:15-7:15 PM Kids Ages 2 years to 8th grade AWANA Grand Prix October 18th at 3:00 pm in the Dining Hall AWANA Yard Sale November 13th & 14th, 2015 The proceeds of the yard sale go to help sponsor children for AWANA. Donations are still needed! Please contact Kristin Cusack at 352-409-6588 or the church during regular business hours for drop off information. All donations are greatly appreciated.