Mysterious Ranchlands Hum Update Ranchlands Art Show
Mysterious Ranchlands Hum Update Ranchlands Art Show
NOVEMBER 2010 Mysterious Ranchlands Hum Update Ranchlands Art Show Details Inside THE RANCHLANDS ROUNDUP NOVEMBER 2010 3 Executive President..................................Terry Avramenko, 403-239-5655 Vice President..................................Anne Burke, 403-239-1285 Treasurer.....................................Elvin Dorscher, 403-239-4850 Secretary......................................Heather Mudd, 403-239-1197 Directors at Large (assigned) Building..................................Mona Schoenfeld, 403-241-1551 Editor...........................................Wendy Barnes, 403-241-0335 Sports..........................................Wendy Barnes, 403-241-0335 Membership.......................................Jane Kelly, 403-239-2086 .............................................................Lynn Tait, 403-547-8352 RCA Casino.................................Wendy Barnes, 403-241-0335 Stampede Breakfast.............................Jane Kelly, 403-239-2086 Civic Affairs.....................................Anne Burke, 403-239-1285 Seniors.............................................Ines Farmer, 403-239-1644 Web Design..........................................................Stephanie Bell Outdoor Recreation Surface................ Nick Tait, 403-208-3223 Social...........................................James Dugan, 403-208-8285 Directors at Large (unassigned).............Bill Bell, 403-239-6967 ......................................................................Dianne Dodsworth Community Contacts RCA Hall Rentals & Building Manager............................................. ...............................................................Wendy Barnes, 403-241-0335 Mom’s Group.............................................................................Vacant Community Relations................................................................Vacant RCA Soccer...........................................................................Ben Groot RCA Fastball..............................................................................Vacant Public School Chair..........................Veronica Crane, 403-452-2265 Block Parent............................................Edita Keen, 403-383-3477 Block Watch...............................................R. Carroll, 403-241-2890 Youth Justice Committee.......................Anne Marie, 403-670-5412 Guiding.........................................Angy Carrobourg, 403-612-9611 Scouting..............................................Carol Schwartz, 403-208-9952 Junior Forest Wardens.............................. Ranchlands Community School...................................403-777-6350 Rhythmic Gymnastics...................Heather Pallmen, 403-288-7435 St. Rita School Rep..........................Arno van Berkum, 403-239-6370 Kel Soloway’s Dance Arts.............................................403-241-7969 Kids Come First......................... Laura-Lee or Juli, 403-241-3052 Living Springs Christian Church.......Glen Switzer, 403-208-2332 Karate....................................................................Rob, 403-245-4927 Alderman............................................Gordon Lowe, 403-268-2438 MLA..............................................Lindsay Blackett, 403-216-5444 MP....................................................Diane Ablonczy, 403-282-7980 Senator......................................................Dan Hayes, 403-281-7167 Pubic School Trustee..........................Gordon Dirks, 403-547-2476 Calgary Police Service...................Geoff Wilson, 403-567-6743 Parks n’ Rec Representative.......Michael O’Reilly, 403-221-3979 Community Social Worker......... Jennifer DiMarzo, 403-974-1521 Meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm at the Ranchlands Community Centre Next Meeting: November 3, 2010 Ranchlands Roundup is published 12 times a year by Suburban Journals Publishing, and delivered to residents of Ranchlands by Canada Post; and is also available for pickup from local retail outlets. Questions regarding delivery and article/photo contributions should be directed to Wendy Barnes at [email protected] or 241-0335. Questions regarding advertising should be directed to Suburban Journals Publishing Ltd. at [email protected] or by calling Pam at 880-1819. Please note, the information and opinions in this newsletter are subject to change, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the publisher or editor. Disclaimer: Any advertisements, home businesses, babysitters & nannies, or other parties listed should not be interpreted as recommendations or endorsements by the editor or the publisher. THE RANCHLANDS ROUNDUP NOVEMBER 2010 5 Community News President’s Message Ranchlands Community Association has successfully completed another year serving the residents of Ranchlands. The board has stayed very active as noted by a guest to our board meeting in June. The board stays informed by going over all applications for businesses in Ranchlands as well as all development permits. This gives us the knowledge of the direction that Ranchlands is going. The board is still pursuing the process of beautification in Ranchlands, when complete we will have a system in place that will be unique in the City of Calgary. Two major functions that we hold for the residents of Ranchlands each year is the annual Stampede Parade and Breakfast, and the Winter Carnival. Other events are the Fall Craft Fair, Garage Sale Fundraiser and the Pumpkin Giveaway sponsored by Wayne and Sean Burton. During the summer, we host Stay n’ Play as well as Park n’ Play which are cosponsored by the City of Calgary. Ranchlands, as well as other northwest community associations, co-sponsor a month long skateboard park that is also co-sponsored by the City of Calgary. The Community Centre is also one of the most used centres in the city. There are activities going on in the building seven days a week, thanks to Bow Valley Management, our building management company. I would like to thank last year’s board as well as the incoming board: •President –Terry Avramenko •Vice President – Anne Burke •Treasurer – Elvin Dorscher •Secretary – Heather Mudd •Building – Mona Schoenfeld •Editor – Wendy Barnes •Sports – Wendy Barnes •Membership – Jane Kelly, Lynn Tait •RCA Casino – Wendy Barnes •Stampede Breakfast – Jane Kelly •Civic Affairs – Anne Burke •Seniors – Colleen Dorscher •Web Design – Stephanie Bell Continued on next page NOVEMBER 2010 THE RANCHLANDS ROUNDUP 7 Community News President’s Message Continued •Outdoor Recreation Surface – Nick Tait •Social – Jim Dugan •Directors at Large – Bill Bell, Dianne Dudsworth I look forward to working with all the board members in the coming year! On behalf of the board I would also like to thank Ines Farmer for helping to get our senior’s program started in Ranchlands. Ines has been overseeing the program since its inception and it is an extremely vibrant program in the community. Over the past 20 years Ines has held various positions and been an asset to the board and the community association. I would like to apologize for an error on the agenda for the A.G.M. Item 11.0 should have read –The Honorable Diane Ablonzy – MP Calgary, Nose Hill. During Halloween, when the children are out trick or treating, please pay extra attention to them crossing the roadways as they may be forgetting about road safety. Terry Avramenko New Horizons Seniors Club Come join us at Ranchland Community hall every Tuesday from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. to meet new people. We play cards and games, have speakers come in, go for lunch, have coffee and snacks, and lots of laughs and visiting. Come and join us to see if you like what we do and then join us and be part of our family! Mysterious Ranchlands Hum Update Ranchlands continues to be plagued with a mysterious hum. A recording of the hum was played during the Ranchlands Community Association’s Annual General Meeting held on September 29. Acoustical engineer, Richard Patching, volunteering his time with the investigation team, successfully measured and recorded a 40 hertz hum at various locations in Ranchlands. Some residents have described this hum as sounding like a “giant refrigerator” while others have said it sounds like a “large diesel truck idling.” Dr. Marcia Epstein, an acoustic ecology professor at the University of Calgary has been volunteering her time with the investigation team these last two years. She commented on how people’s sleep being constantly interrupted by a noise of this nature can lead to a host of health problems. The presentation, guided by volunteer Dr. Kathleen Biersdoff, also showed the progress of the volunteer team thus far. While the cause of the hum has not been determined, solutions for other noise problems in Ranchlands have been found. Terry Avramenko and the Ranchlands Community Association are continuing to provide their active support for this investigation. While this engagement has been an essential part of the team’s work, the group has arrived at the point where they need the city and the province to provide assistance in tracking down the hum. “We haven’t been able to identify where it’s coming from,” said Dana Negrey a Ranchlands Community volunteering with the investigation team, “but we’ve proven it’s real and we’ve proven it’s measurable.” Ranchlands residents who find themselves bothered by this hum, or another noise, are encouraged to contact the Community ssociation at 403-241-0335. Alternatively, team members can be reached via email at [email protected]. Investigation progress can be tracked through an online blog at “www. unidentifiednoiseincalgary.blogspot. com” - remove the quotation marks when entering the address in your web browser. Cribbage Club The Ranchlands Cribbage club will run Mondays at 1:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 2010 THE RANCHLANDS ROUNDUP 9 Community News Municipal News DP2010-3408 at 24, 7750 Ranchview Drive was for a change of Use: Service Organization for a social and exercise room for the MAC Youth Centre (Islamic Youth Group). It is adjacent to the Islamic Centre in the existing strip mall. There are no relaxations requested. The File Manager was David Weisgerber at 403-268-2650. Dave Wireless applied for a proposed street light with antennas and associated cabinet to be located at 7312 Range Drive NW. The file number is ANT2010-0092. Construction should be in three to four months. The location was decided by the company and the city Roads Department. The local contact is Alamo Land Consultant at 105 Simcoe Drive SW 403-685-3768. A community consultation was requested because the proposed site is only 58 metres (and less than 100 metres) from low density residential but the height is 14.5 metres (and less than 15 metres), so no community consultation is required. The site was not posted. Officially the City of Calgary is not the approving authority for these structures, although they receive revenue from them. You can talk with Brian (Church) Churchman at 403-268-1418. Contact Jim Klassen at Industry Canada 403-2924205. We have learned that the City is finalizing the purchase of 35 acres west of the Country Hills Boulevard Walmart for the new NW Recreation Centre. The facilities will be a P-3 project with $70 million through the Alberta Municipal Infrastructure Program. The YMCA is being considered to run the new facility. The approved budget 2009-2011 committed Other Park Projects as Lifecycle 500-963, at $750,000 for continuation of the playground lead paint replacement program and ongoing playground equipment lifecycle. The program is funded by Pay-as-you-go; Lifecycle Maintenance, and Upgrade Reserve. Playgrounds that have reached their lifecycle will not have any equipment replaced but the City will look after the landscaping, if the communities put in new equipment. A review of existing playgrounds is underway. If you have suggestions or can help, phone our Community Recreation Consultant, Mike O’Reilly at 403221-3979. There was an appeal against an order to complete development at 11 Ranchridge Way NW according to the approved plans and conditions of DP2009-1176. The property had a land use designation of residential— Contextual One/Two Dwelling (MC1) District. There is a single detached dwelling built in 1982. An addition was approved and the difference in height of the garage was found to be 0.8 metres. After the inspection, a report was issued on April 20, requiring the changes be submitted before May 20. An extension was given to June 10. A further inspection on June 28 found no changes. The order at 0.9 metres was incorrect and there seems to have been an error in the approved plans. Although the appeal was denied, the order was upheld and varied (from 0.9 metres to 0.8 metres.) The order was stayed to November 1, with October 1 as the submission deadline for filing another development application. The appeal and order is number SDAB2010-0130 for File Number C02010-00710. DP2010-3286 at 176 Ranch Estates Drive was for an addition to a single detached dwelling (main floor and second floor). The addition is at the front of the house and is two storeys. Some changes are: garage, bay windows, proposed balcony and storage, main and upper floor plan, entry floor and basement plan, There will be a change in trees but all existing shrubs will remain and be pruned. A bylaw check was completed and there were four bylaw relaxations. The File Manager was Karen Heatherington (403-268-2887). A notice was posted at the site. Anne Burke NOVEMBER 2010 THE RANCHLANDS ROUNDUP 11 Community News An Art Show for the Ranchlands Community When my daughter, Shannon, died by her own hand in 2009, I cleaned out her apartment and found her treasure trove of art in a closet. She had carefully hidden it away so no one could see it. The waste made me mad. I became determined that if she couldn’t live, at least her art would. Towards this end, though knowing very little about art, I have been working at having her art seen by as many people as I can. This is my tribute to her and I would like to think wherever she is, this would make her happy. I have been amazed and gratified by people’s response to her art. A fellow at Blackfoot Farmers Market told me that her art is the best he has ever seen. A group of artists and art lovers who were at the art show in February that was held in a gallery downtown said they go to all the art shows in the city and hers blows them all out of the water. Another artist from B.C. this summer said she was extraordinary and look at the emotion in her art, she painted from her heart without restriction and he told me that if she had lived she would have been one of Canada’s best artists. Apparently, not only is her art good, it’s very good. It’s not like having her back, but it is comforting. With every comment, I am reminded of the joy she felt when making these pieces and I too feel some of that, as I undertake this work for her – what a gift she left for me. Also, I have had 11 of her pieces made into art cards which I am trying to get into card stores. I like the thought of her art being mailed all over the world. As well, the web site is up and is being developed: I am hoping her art cards will be popular. One of the women at a card store said everyone will love these cards and that is true. They may not have room until January, but without exception, all the card stores have liked her cards. Looks like a bookstore in Market Mall will be selling them and I am working on finding others. To increase awareness of her art, a curator at The Art Gallery of Calgary suggested I continue putting on shows, starting locally, so in that spirit, I am doing another one at the Ranchlands Community Centre, the weekend of November 13 and 14. I am also at a number of Christmas Arts and Craft shows. Please come, view her art and if you like it, there will be originals, prints or art cards available to purchase. Please tell your friends and family and spread the word. Ranchlands was where Shannon was raised and where she lived her life. Christmas Art & Craft Shows A Little Bit of Christmas: Oct. 23, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Dalhousie Community Centre, 5432 Dalhart Rd. N.W. Parkdale Crafts & More Fair: Nov. 5, 4:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. & Nov. 6, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Parkdale Community Centre, 3512 5 Ave. N.W. Ranchlands Arts and Crafts Sale: Nov. 6, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 7713 Ranchview Dr. N.W. Edgemont Annual Craft Sale: Nov. 20, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Edgemont Community Centre, 33 Edgevalley Circle N.W. Art Show: Ranchlands Community Centre (also on Nov. 6, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) Saturday November 13, 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Sunday November 14, 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Artisans Fair at Simon Fraser School: Dec. 3, 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 5215-33 St. N.E. Kathy Briant, [email protected] or 403-239-4839 or cell 403-874-3949 Glamorgan Community: Dec. 12, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Canyon Meadows Community: Dec. 5, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Willow Ridge Community: Dec. 11, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. THE RANCHLANDS ROUNDUP NOVEMBER 2010 13 Comm. News Queen Elizabeth High School Come to our classes! It’s a great way to meet new friends and share experiences; learn about events in your community; Canadian culture, inventions, celebrations, holidays and much more . . . We meet every Wednesday at the Ranchlands Community Centre, 7713 Ranchview Drive NW, from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. For more information please call: Wendy Barnes, Ranchlands Community Association, 403-241-0335 or Peggy Orchard, Instructor, 403-241-1459. Where Are You Going? Each year, the United Nations World Tourism Organization compiles statistics on the countries most visited by international tourists. In 2009 the top spots based on international tourist arrivals by country were: •France •Spain •United States •China •Italy •United Kingdom •Turkey •Germany •Malaysia •Mexico. Did you know that Queen Elizabeth High School is the designated school for Gifted and Talented Education in Northwest Calgary? Located in West Hillhurst, Queen E offers a congregated setting for gifted learners from grades 7 to 12. Our programming offers enriched and in some cases accelerated learning opportunities. We have had a wonderful and busy start to the school year. Our Humanities classes have been full of passionate and digressive discussion and debate. Our grade eight students have completed a full-day workshop in which they made documentaries and mockumentaries. Our grade nines have visited the Telus World of Science exhibit on the Titanic. Working with the University of Calgary we also have a writer-in-residence who is working with many students develop- Crowfoot Library •Talking with Your Kids about Sexuality: Nov. 6, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. •Talking with Your Parents about Sexuality: Nov. 6, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Ages 11 to 13. •Where the Sidewalk Ends and Theatre Begins: Nov. 7, 12:30 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. Ages 5 to 11. •A Maverick Celebration: Nov. 14, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. No registration required. •Drugs and Teens: Nov. 18, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Visit for more information on these programs. Registration is required for all programs unless otherwise noted. ing their creative writing skills. Many of our students have already been involved in highly successful speech and debate competitions as well as taking active roles in citizenship and leadership through the volunteer opportunities the school provides. We invite you to visit our website: index.htm Spanish World: Spanish Classes for Children For Children between 4 -12 years at the Ranchlands Community Centre, 7713 Ranchview Dr. N.W. Classes start on November 8. Register Now. Space is limited. Phone 403-547-8237 or email [email protected]. Co-sponsored by the Ranchlands Community Association. H o la Adio s Padre Madre Si NOVEMBER 2010 THE RANCHLANDS ROUNDUP 15 In Our City Events In and Around Calgary Tickets, admission or registration may be required for events. Event details are believed correct as of press time but may change at any time. have the opportunity to see Cesar Millan Live and learn dog training secrets from an expert. Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis: Nov. 2, 13, University of Calgary. An event that encourages walkers and runners of all ages to capture the festive spirit. GIRAF: Nov. 3 – 7, Plaza Theatre. Celebrates independent, underground animation from across Canada and the world. Calgary Men's Expo: Nov. 5 – 6, BMO Centre. From sports to tattoos and cars to paintball, the Calgary Men's Show features a wide variety of exhibitors, demonstrations, events and competitions. Cocktails for Critters: Nov. 6, Hotel Arts. A celebration of people and pet art and fashion in support of the Calgary humane Society. Calgary Snow Show: Nov. 6 – 7, BMO Centre. It's all about winter at the Calgary Snow Show, featuring several exhibitors and activities. Rocky Mountain Snowmobile & ATV Show: Nov. 12 – 13, BMO Centre. Showcases a variety of machines and gear and entertains with a thrilling free-style aerial show performed by X-game champions. Calgary 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament: Nov. 13 – 14, James Fowler High School. 3-on-3 basketball tournament open to men, women, boys and girls aged 13 and older to support the the fight against human trafficking. Christmas all through the House: Nov. 13 – 21, Lougheed House. The Lougheed House in partnership with the prominent Calgary Design Group will transform individual rooms into magnificent recreations of Christmas through the decades. Sight Night: Nov. 20, Bow River Pathway. Enjoy this fun 8 km run or 3 km walk after dark to raise funds and awareness for the Alberta Sport and Recreation Association for the Blind (ASRAB). The 50 Plus Living Show: Nov. 6 – 7, BMO Centre. An exciting one stop shop for information, resources, products, fun and services for Baby Boomers & Seniors with over 100 exhibitors. Once Upon A Christmas at Heritage Park: Nov. 20 – 21, Nov. 27 – 28, Dec. 4 – 5, Dec. 11 – 12, Dec. 18 – 19, Heritage Park Historic Village. Enjoy the wonder and charm of an old fashioned Christmas. Fun for the whole family! Cesar Millan Live: Nov. 7, Scotiabank Saddledome. Dog lovers will Calgary Kennel and Obedience Club All Breed Dog Show: Nov. 26 – 28, Big Four Building. Featuring over 100 dog breeds competing for their Canadian Championship. Calgary Gem and Mineral Show: Nov. 26 – 28, Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre. Gem, rock, mineral, fossil and jewelry show and sale. Zoolights: Nov. 26 – Jan. 3, 6:00 p.m. Calgary Zoo. This interactive light show immerses you in the spirit of the season and will tempt all five senses. Balancing Acts: Dec. 1 – 4, various venues. Celebrates the creative works of people who have disabilities, brain injuries or chronic illnesses. Concerts •B.B. King: Nov. 8, Jubilee •Kenny Rogers: Nov. 9, Jubilee •3OH!3: Nov. 10, MacEwan Hall •April Wine: Nov. 13, Deerfoot Inn & Casino •Ozzy Osbourne: Nov. 16, Scotiabank Saddledome •Jeremy Fisher: Nov. 20, SAIT’s The Gateway •Barra MacNeils Christmas Concert: Nov. 24, Knox United Church •Paul Revere and The Raiders: Nov. 24, Century Casino •Stuart McLean Vinyl Café Christmas: Dec. 2 & 3, Jubilee •Rita MacNeil: Dec. 11, Jubilee •The Irish Rovers: Dec. 11, Deerfoot Inn & Casino •Carrie Underwood: Dec. 19, Scotiabank Saddledome
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