saint christopher`s - St. Christopher Parish
saint christopher`s - St. Christopher Parish
Parish church & school of SAINT CHRISTOPHER’S 538 Brewer Street, East Hartford, CT 06118 Tel: 860-568-5240 Fax: 860-568-0673 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PRIEST Rev. Vincent J. Curran, Pastor PRIEST IN RESIDENCE Rev. Louis D. Cremonie DEACONS Deacon William Gilles (RCIA Director) Deacon Edward Giard PARISH TRUSTEES Kay McNamara Richard “Mac” McCarthy PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT Roch Girard – 860-568-5879 FINANCE COUNCIL CHAIRMAN Michael Munley – 860-683-8594 MASSES Saturday Vigil: 4:30 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM Holy Days: As announced in the preceding Sunday Bulletin SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday afternoon: 3:15 – 4:00 PM or Anytime by appointment ROSARY and MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Wednesday: 7:00 PM - Chapel BAPTISMS / PRE-BAPTISM PROGRAM By app’t. w/Deacon Bill Gilles – 860-633-8997 OFFICE MANAGER Bonnie Szalay – 860-568-5240 MARRIAGES Please contact Parish Priest at least six months in advance at 860-568-5240 MUSIC DIRECTOR Carol Waterman – 860-521-7411 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mrs. Kathleen Madej – 860-568-4100 COORDINATOR OF RELIGIOUS ED. Maria Sousa – 860-895-8692 E-mail: [email protected] DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY AND CONFIRMATION Kristina Gillespie – 860-895-8692 E-mail: [email protected] SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Karen Santacross – 860-568-4975 SCHOOL SECRETARY Audrey Cesana – 860-568-4100 SCHOOL BOARD PRESIDENT Chris Kiely – 860-568-8910 MINISTRY OF CONSOLATION Toni Amberg – 860-568-9069 Jean Nowik-Martocci – 860-568-8873 COORDINATOR OF EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Cathy Reynolds – 860-214-9287 HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Barbara Casey – 860-568-4638 PRAYER LINE and TEDDY BEAR MINISTRY Bev Connors – 860-432-1530 [email protected] PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Toni Amberg—860-568-9069 PRO-LIFE MINISTRY Phil Gosselin – 860-568-5001 COORDINATOR OF FOOD BANK Eleanor Domler – 860-569-7396 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS St. Christopher Council #4 PRIESTHOOD - OFFICE OF VOCATIONS 860-761-7456 PARISH & SCHOOL ACCOUNTANT Dianne Rumsey HOME / SCHOOL ASSOC. PRESIDENT Susan Haas – 860-508-7271 CREDO CATHOLIC SINGLES CHURCH CUSTODIAN Roger Dube SCHOOL’S WEBSITE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN St. Christopher Church ~ East Hartford, CT First Sunday of Lent March 13, 2011 “The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve.” — Matthew 4:10 Saturday, March 12 – 4:30 p.m. Helen D’Alessandro - 20th Anniversary (Husband & Family) Sunday, March 13 – 8:00 a.m. Ruth Cadwallader (Don & Jackie Luizzi) Sunday, March 13 – 10:30 a.m. John Santillo - 25th Anniversary (Family) Monday, March 14 – 7:30 a.m. Matthew Traynor (Ann Traynor & Family) Tuesday, March 15 – 7:30 a.m. Roland A. Raymond (Ladies of Wednesday’s Small Christian Group) Wednesday, March 16 – 7:30 a.m. Robert Murphy (The Barrett Family) Thursday, March 17 – 7:30 a.m. Rev. Richard L. Shellman Saturday, March 19 – 4:30 p.m. In Honor of St. Joseph in Memory of Father Ron Osborne (Suzanne Martel) Page 1 OUR TITHING PARISH Weekly Collection (March 6): Same Sunday in 2010: $ 5,683 $ 6,934 Your generosity to our parish is appreciated. Many thanks for all you do to help our parish! with Gratitude, Fr. Curran THANK YOU!! We are most grateful for your generous response to our request for help to offset the unexpected snow removal costs we’ve incurred due to the unusually snowy winter. Through a second collection taken over the past four weekends, a total of $5,967 was collected. We appreciate your generosity! STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION The world tempts us with so much. Like Jesus on the top of the mountain, we can all see magnificent possessions, power, adventures, activities or accomplishments that tempt us to push God into the background of our lives. Yet, we must follow the example of Jesus and back away from the temptations of the world so that we have more time in our lives to worship and serve God. Lent provides us with the perfect opportunity to make a change that will last not just for forty days but for a lifetime. SANCTUARY LAMPS The lamps beside our tabernacles remind us of the real presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. The candle in the church burns this week for God’s Comfort & Healing Presence For a Parishioner The candle in the chapel burns this week for Sunday, March 20 – 8:00 a.m. Lucille Serruto (Don & Jackie Luizzi) A Happy St. Patrick’s Day For All Parishioners (Beverly Connors) Sunday, March 20 – 10:30 a.m. Frances Cascone (Fr. Curran & the People of St. Christopher’s) For information on scheduling a weekly dedication, please call the Parish Office at 860-568-5240. First Sunday of Lent ~ March 13, 2011 CONGRATULATIONS TO BEVERLY CONNORS! I am pleased to announce that Beverly Connors, a long-time St. Christopher parishioner, will receive the St. Joseph Medal of Appreciation from Archbishop Mansell during a ceremony that will be held at the Cathedral of St. Joseph next Sunday, March 20 at 3:00 p.m. No medal can express adequately the church’s appreciation for Beverly’s dedication on behalf of our parish. She has shown great stewardship and leadership through her service as coordinator of our Prayer Line, Teddy Bear Ministry, Hospitality and Small Christian Community. Beverly also serves on our Parish Council, and as one of our Extraordinary Ministers, brings Communion weekly to several of our homebound parishioners. Her willingness to help wherever needed and her playful personality make Beverly a real blessing to our parish. With a grateful heart, Fr. Curran ST. CHRISTOPHER SCHOOL’S ANNUAL AUCTION Saturday ~ April 9 ~ 6:00 p.m. Our parish school is hosting a wonderful adult-only event that is packed with loads of fun. This year’s auction will be held at Rentschler Field Ballroom. Casual dress! Jeans ok! Admission is $35 per person and includes pasta stations, carving stations, hot and cold appetizers, beer and wine...a great night out with friends and family! A silent auction begins at 6:00 p.m. with a live auction to follow. Tickets can be purchased by using the reservation form that ca be found on the tables at the main entrance to the church or by calling the school office at 860-5684100 or Bridget Messier-Cooke at 860-202-3692. We hope you can join us! GIFT CARD PROGRAM Volunteers from our parish school will be selling gift cards this weekend after all Masses in our church hall. You may also contact our school office at 860-568-4100 or Kathy Simeone at [email protected] with any questions. Page 2 = Lenten Scripture Study...During Lent this year, we will be offering a “Scripture Study” group that will be held in our church on Sunday mornings beginning at 9:15 a.m. and lasting about one hour. The first study group meets this Sunday, March 13. = “Soup and Stations”...a sharing of simple soup and bread (with conversation and sharing with fellow parishioners) at 5:30 p.m. followed by Stations of the Cross beginning at 6:30 p.m. This will take place on the following Wednesday evenings during the season: March 16, 23, 30 and April 6, 13. Children from our parish school and religious education program will lead us once again in the Stations. So...dig out your favorite soup recipes and mark your calendars to keep Wednesday evenings free. "Be church" with us and get to know the people in your church family. Volunteers will be needed to prepare soup and/ or bread for each Wednesday. You may simply bring with you to the church hall the item you wish to share on the Wednesday evening that works best for you. Soup and bread are all we will need. No desserts please. = Way of the Cross booklets are available on the long tables at the main entrance to the church during the Lenten season for our parishioners who wish to reflect on the Stations of the Cross in our church at a time more convenient to them. We do ask that these booklets remain in the church. Thank you. = Daily Mass...will be celebrated Monday through Friday at 7:30 a.m. This is a great way to draw closer to our Eucharistic Lord. Come, join us! LENT “Lent is about exercising the control that enables us to say no to ourselves so that when life turns hard of its own accord we have the stamina to yes to its twists and turns with faith and hope…. Lent is the time to make new efforts to be what we say we want to be.” – Sister Joan Chittister First Sunday of Lent ~ March 13, 2011 ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASSES The Archdiocesan Office of Religious Education has announced that Confirmation classes for adults aged 18 or older, who were baptized Catholic and have made their First Communion, will be held at St. Mark the Evangelist Church, in West Hartford. The classes will meet from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. on the following six Tuesdays: March 22, 29, April 5, 12, 26 and May 3. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. If you are interested in participating in these classes, please call Mary Marsan at the Office of Religious Education at 860-243-9465 or go to to obtain an information sheet that must be sent in prior to the first day of class. There is a $20 fee to cover the cost of the book. Page 3 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - Council 4 The Knights of Columbus are Catholic men committed to making our community a better place, building up our faith, and protecting and enhancing family life. For more information, call Ray Simeone at 860-569-8451 or Bob Falkevitz at 860-568-5452. Upcoming Council Activities y Social Meeting on Thursday, March 17, at 7:30 p.m. in the Church Hall FAMILY PERSPECTIVE (by Bud Ozar) In today’s gospel Jesus cautions it is not enough to provide food for our children; “one does not live on bread alone.” Let Lent 2011 be a time when you are “led by the Spirit” to explore new ways to be a moral guide to your children. DISCOVER MERCY HIGH SCHOOL Girls in the 6th and 7th grades and their parents are invited to Discover Mercy: an opportunity to explore the Mercy experience. The event will take place on Saturday, March 26 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. at Mercy High School, 1740 Randolph Road in Middletown. Activities, Food and Fun for the girls!! Separate activities for parents will also be available. Girls must register for this event by March 18. For more information or to register your child, please call the Mercy High office at 860-346-6659 or visit required. PINEWOOD DERBY 3/12 & 3/13 The boys from St. Christopher’s Cub Scout Pack 161 recently enjoyed the fun and excitement of their annual Pinewood Derby. We congratulate the following boys who placed in their group. 1st Place: Joshua (Bear) 2nd Place: Colin (Tiger) 3rd Place: DJ (Wolf) These boys will represent Pack 161 at the regional being held next Sunday, March 20. Good luck boys! First Sunday of Lent ~ March 13, 2011 Page 4 TEEN MASS - NEXT SATURDAY 2011 ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL The Youth Ministry will be sponsoring its third Teen Mass of the school year next Saturday, March 19, at the 4:30 Vigil. The teens of the parish will be ministering as lectors, greeters, collectors, and musicians during the Mass. This is an opportunity for the youth of our parish to experience liturgy in a way that speaks to them personally. The YOUTH GROUP will host a social for high school students immediately following the Mass. If you have a teen in your house, please consider joining us for this liturgy. Please note: All confirmation students are required to attend two Teen Masses a year. Please sign-in at the church hall when you enter for Mass next Saturday. Thank you! The 2011 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal is now underway in our parish. Your support of this year’s Appeal ensures that essential charitable, educational and pastoral ministries of the Archdiocese of Hartford are continued and carried forward. Appeal packets are available at our church’s main entrance. YOUTH GROUP Attention all high school students! Have you been receiving periodic Youth Ministry updates via email? If not, send Kristi a message at [email protected] to sign up! March 13: 9th Grade Confirmation class March 19: Youth Mass and Youth Group Social March 20: Soup Kitchen March 21: BINGO at Aurora Healthcare (formerly East Hartford Healthcare) March 16, 23, 30: Soup and Stations 5:30 p.m., followed by Light Night. Light Night is an hour long Scripture Study through words, music, and prayer...a great way to reflect during Lent! ALL HIGH SCHOOL AGE students are invited! April 9: Burn Calories for Fuel 5K...register by March 12 for lower registration fee! Benefits Operation Fuel April 10: 9th and 10th Grade Confirmation Trip to hear Sean Forrest...details to follow. FAITH TEAM For students in grades 6-8! Would you like to receive FAITH Team news by email? Sign up with Kristi at [email protected] March 13: Speed Meeting 6-7 pm March 18: Dessert Making for Soup Kitchen HOMEFRONT DAY APPEAL The HomeFront bell has sounded to begin our journey to Saturday, May 7, 2011! For those who are not familiar with the HomeFront project, it is a community outreach to a neighbor in need, where St. Christopher Church will form a crew to perform necessary home repairs and the HomeFront organization provides the materials. The typical HomeFront recipient is elderly, disabled or a single parent and the average total household income was $22,000 for recipients in 2010. We have much to be grateful for already; Norm Cote and Tony Sousa have agreed to be our House Captain and Assistant House Captain again this year! They did a tremendous job last year; we honestly could not have done the project without them. Now we need to assemble our Crew. We do not have our specific house assignment yet, but it will definitely be an East Hartford neighbor in need. We should have the house assignment in a couple weeks and will provide more details about the scope of the work at that time. In the meantime, if folks could begin to contact me if they would be willing to assist with this very worthy endeavor, that would be great. We are going to need both skilled and unskilled help, so please don’t feel you cannot help if you are not a skilled can!! Also, in the near future we will be conducting a second collection to assist with the required fee that helps make HomeFront possible. A donation of just a few dollars per person would be very helpful. Thank you for your past and future support of this project of neighbor helping neighbor. We can make a difference, but it won’t happen without you. Please say YES! For more information or to volunteer, please contact Phil Gosselin at 860568-5001 or by e-mail at [email protected]. “Radical Mercy” Reflection for the First Sunday of Lent Today we hear the story of creation from Genesis 2. We are presented with the image of the garden, the man and woman, the serpent, and the man and woman’s realization that they are naked. I love this story! The Catholic Church does not profess the creation story to be taken literally, but rather that it is a story written to teach us basic truths about our God. I once heard it explained like this: The Garden of Eden was filled with everything the first people could ever need. God gave them all they needed and told them to partake of all the wonderful things in the garden. The one thing God told them not to partake of was the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God warned them that if they ate of that tree they would “die!” Again, the Bible entitled “The Message” explains that when the woman and the serpent conversed about the tree, the serpent tells her that she will not die, but rather she will “know what’s really going on.” We know the rest of the story, the woman desires this knowledge and takes what the tree has to offer…it’s “fruit.” The explanation held that the tree represented the things of “this world”…what we may call “society” today. God was trying to protect us from buying into what society would tell us…those things that would foster our EGO (false self) and kill our true self. However, we did, and do, buy into what society tells us…we partake of the fruits of society rather than the fruits of our God. Prior to partaking of the “fruit”…what the tree produced…we were completely comfortable in our nakedness. For, in our nakedness, we reveal our true self. However, once we bought into the “fruit” of the tree…the message of society, our nakedness became too much for us to handle and we needed to cover ourselves. Today, we still choose to “eat of the fruit” of that tree…society. We place more value on the opinions of others rather than the “opinion” of our God. We are not content with all God gives us, including God’s mercy…we want and desire more. In the second reading today from Paul’s letter to the Romans, we hear of the sacrifice of Jesus. The Message states the last line of this reading to say: “One man (human) said no to God and put many people in the wrong; one man said yes to God and put many in the right.” It is through the death of Jesus that we are given “acquittal”…a NOT GUILTY sentence for any of our transgressions. WOW! Can you say “radical mercy???” The gospel today speaks of the temptations Jesus is faced with and those temptations are things we too must face. Jesus is tempted three times. Richard Rohr, in his book Wondrous Encounters (2011), explains that the temptations Jesus faced are also things we must face before we take on any form of power. They are temptations for the misuse of power for anything other than God’s purposes. They are: the misuse of practical everyday power, the misuse of religious power, and the misuse of political power. These are represented in each of the temptations presented to Jesus by Satan. Rohr notes that in order for something to be tempting, it must have some good to it. We cannot be tempted by something we have never “tasted” before. The things that often tempt us…the things society often offers us…can be good. What we have to decide is why we are tempted, and what we will use those things for if we partake of them. Will they help us to do God’s work…God’s will in our lives? Will they help us to create the kingdom?
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saint christopher`s - St. Christopher Parish
538 Brewer Street, East Hartford, CT 06118
Tel: (860) 568-5240