06-07 Annual Report


06-07 Annual Report
06-07 Annual Report
Helping coffee-farming families
improve their quality of life
Coffee Kids helps coffee-farming families
improve the quality of their lives.
What we do
Help coffee-farming families alleviate their dependency on coffee
through economic diversification.
Facilitate forums where local community groups identify their most
pressing problems and implement their own long-term solutions.
Educate coffee consumers and businesses about prevailing conditions
in coffee-growing communities and let them know what they can do
to help.
How we do it
We believe that people hold the solutions to their own problems. We
listen as local community groups identify their needs and priorities,
and we support them as they design sustainable solutions.
We create partnerships with nonprofit organizations that work
directly within the communities. Long-term, consistent involvement
by well-equipped local partners provides the follow-through
that ensures the success of our programs.
We provide the resources that enable coffee-growing communities
to put their vision into action.
We facilitate exchanges that allow our partners to come together and
learn from one another.
Dear Friends,
Welcome to Coffee Kids 2007 Annual Report. We’re excited to share our efforts
from the past year and a preview of the road ahead. We’ve learned a lot over the
past 19 years; especially that the best way to help children is by helping families
and communities.
At Coffee Kids, we focus on creating sustainable solutions for entire communities because we’ve learned from listening to coffee-farming families that “in
unity, there is strength.”
Building and nurturing long-lasting relationships with our partner organizations
in Latin America is the foundation of what we do. Through these partnerships,
we have implemented and sustained countless microcredit, education, health
care and community-based projects in hundreds of communities.
In the past year, we established three new partnerships in Guatemala, Peru and
Nicaragua; and we are proud to announce one more in Chajul, Guatemala for
2007-2008. We also continue to support informational exchanges between our
partners so that they can learn from one another and implement new projects
with support from others facing similar challenges.
Our ability to do this work is due to the help we have from our friends in the
coffee industry, individual donors and foundations. The year 2007 closed with
extraordinary support totaling $860,484. This has allowed us to reach more
families and communities in coffee regions.
Your sponsorship inspires the partners we work with to strengthen and expand
their projects. Your solidarity lets them know that they are not alone in their efforts
to create a better future for themselves and their children.
But our work is far from complete. As we look to the future, we envision
greater commitment to our partners in Latin America, as well as increased educational efforts here at home. Our newly designed Web site provides interactive
tools to help us achieve these goals. Visit us at www.coffeekids.org to see what’s
On behalf of the entire staff, the board of directors and the coffee-farming
families with whom we have the honor and privilege to work, we would like to
thank you for looking critically at your relationship to coffee, its origins and the
people who produce it.
Carolyn Fairman,
Execuitve Director
Rick Peyser,
Board President
The majority of people who grow our coffee are completely dependent on the
coffee harvest as their sole source of family income. And it’s not enough.
Even during a good year, income from the coffee harvest is not sufficient to
provide for the most basic quality of life. Increased production does not solve this
problem; in fact, it creates oversupply, which drives prices down and worsens the
Despite the enormous growth of the coffee industry, coffee-growing families
are struggling to survive. They live with chronic malnutrition, illness, little or no
access to health care or education, poor sanitation, and other symptoms of deep
Coffee Kids was founded in 1988 by coffee shop
owner Bill Fishbein after he traveled to Guatemala
to visit coffee-farming families for the first time.
Bill discovered that amidst the magnificent coffee
plants that yield so much for so many, poverty and
its crushing effects were clearly evident. Upon his
return, Bill was unable to continue with business
as usual. Along with friends, he started Coffee
Kids on behalf of the people who work at the roots
of the coffee industry.
“The most significant thing I
did was begin. In doing so
Coffee Kids supports local organizations as they
I set in motion forces I had
create grassroots programs that provide year-round no idea existed, including
options for families. Because we believe in helping everyone who came to Cofwithout interfering, these projects are chosen and
fee Kids to help, employees,
managed by coffee-growing communities themvolunteers, businesses of
selves, and reflect the priorities of the communities. all shapes and sizes, small
co-ops and coffee-farming
Everyone wins when we support diversification
families who came to share
in coffee-growing communities. Our projects
strengthen the social and economic fabric in com- their dreams.
munities and this benefits everyone in the coffee
“Unknowingly I touched on
industry. With support from coffee businesses,
this extraordinary human
foundations and individuals, Coffee Kids provides
potential that had been there
coffee-farming families with grounds for hope.
all along. I really didn’t do
Re-invest in coffee-growing communities
Quality coffee comes from healthy, vibrant communities.
that much. I just took the first
–Bill Fishbein, Founder of
Coffee Kids
Caribbean Sea
Pacific Ocean
Chajulense Assoc.
Costa Rica
Coffee Kids supports grassroots programs
that create long-lasting, sustainable change.
We focus our work in four core areas: education, health care, economic diversity and
community-based projects. Local partner
organizations develop and manage these
diverse projects that improve the quality of
life in coffee-farming communities – so the
families they support can continue working
in coffee without living in poverty.
Pacific Ocean
Direct Project Funding
(as of June 30, 2007)
Community-Based Projects 23.7%
Economic Diversity 23.7%
Locally-Run Training Centers 20.3%
Education 20.2%
Health Care 10.7%
Organizational Exchanges 1.4%
2006-2007 Partner Highlights:
Oaxaca, Mexico - The Center of Support for the
Popular Movement of Oaxaca (CAMPO) works
with indigenous communities in Oaxaca’s mountainous
coffee-growing regions. Since 1996 Coffee Kids and
CAMPO have partnered on a range of communitybased initiatives including worm composting, chickenraising and wood-saving stoves. This year Coffee Kids
provided support for the construction of a training
center to be used for research, community outreach,
CAMPO’s bee-keepers
meetings and project demonstrations.
create additional income
and supply pollinators
Veracruz, Mexico - Self-Managed Development
for local coffee plots.
(AUGE) currently operates a microcredit project
called Groups of Women Saving in Solidarity (GMAS) that serves 4,012 women,
men and children. Since its inception in 1995, the groups involved in the project
have saved over $700,000 and helped create numerous local businesses. AUGE
also provides training to other Coffee Kids partners in microcredit methodology,
leadership development and self-esteem.
Oaxaca, Mexico - Fostering Community Initiatives in Coffee Regions
(FomCafé) encourages economic
diversification in Oaxaca’s southern
coffee-growing region and encourages a
healthier local diet focused on organic
foods. Over the past year, 29 women
in two communities established family
gardens, three new microcredit and
The microcredit project operated by
savings groups were established, and a
AUGE provides hundreds of women,
new community was added to FomCafé’s
men and children with greater economic
successful edible mushroom project.
Chiapas, Mexico - Research and Training of
Southeastern Mexico (ICSUR) works with
indigenous Zoque coffee growers in northern
Chiapas, Mexico. This year the organization
provided technical training to 48 men and women.
Participating families added mushrooms to
diversify their diet and also identified markets
for selling the surplus to bolster family income.
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala - The Union of Independent Workers of Alianza
Ranch (STIAP) in the isolated community of Nueva Alianza created a biodiesel
fuel production project to help meet local energy needs and reduce dependence
on outside sources of fossil fuels. In the past year a vegetable oil press was purchased and installed, and two fuel reactors were constructed and tested, tripling
the plant’s productive capacity.
Lake Atitlán, Guatemala - The Association of
Health Promoters of San Pedro (APROS) is
an organization of women health promoters from
six rural communities around Lake Atitlán. They
teach women in their communities about the use
of medicinal plants, the importance of a nutritious
diet, and pre- and post-natal care. This year the
organization provided health training to 150 women;
pre- and post-natal care to 75 women; outreach to
75 widows; and environmental education to 396
children in two schools.
Health promoters around
Lake Atitlan teach local
women to take better
care of their families
Aldea Paraxaj, Guatemala - The Association
for Sustainable Development of Paraxaj
(ADESPA) was started by six local volunteers
determined to do something about the lack
of health and educational services in their
community. This year 38 adults learned to
read and participants from four communities
learned how to improve their diet through
cooking classes. The organization also began a
community-based initiative raising and selling
Children and adults benefit
from ADESPA’s programs in
Paraxaj, Guatemala.
Matagalpa, Nicaragua - The Organization of Northern Coffee Cooperatives (CECOCAFEN) has operated two projects in partnership with Coffee
Kids since 1998. The organization’s microcredit and savings group has 375
current members and has accumulated $65,947. This year low interest loans for
small businesses were provided to 442 participants. The education component
provided scholarships to 410 students at the high school, university and technical
school levels.
Guanacaste, Costa Rica - The Rural
Children’s Education Foundation
(FHC) provides educational opportunities to children in coffee-farming
communities who perform well in
school but can’t afford to continue
their studies. In 2006-2007, a total
of 336 scholarships (217 high school,
84 university and 35 adult education)
were awarded. FHC also created a
new program help students access
government-sponsored loans for
FHC Scholarships have given thousands
of students in Costa Rica the opportunity
to continue their studies.
Jinotega, Nicaragua - The Society of Small
Producers for Coffee Export (SOPPEXCCA)
runs two educational projects benefiting adolescents
and young children of coffee-growing families.
The Muchachitos del Café project was expanded
to serve an additional 703 children in five new
schools. This program is creating a more aware
and capable community by focusing on environmental awareness and leadership.
SOPPEXCCA’s education
program is helping create
a new generation of
environmental stewards.
Vilcabamba, Peru - The Organization of Agrarian Coffee Cooperatives of Peru (COCLA) has
developed a project to help meet the tremendous
need for health care in communities where public
health services are scarce. One of the bitter realities
for poor coffee-growing communities is that women
and children die from childbirth complications and
other easily preventable illnesses. In the past year,
COCLA carried out workshops on health care,
hygiene and nutrition in nine communities, and
trained 19 promoters to help train local women and
increase access to health resources.
For more information on any of our partners,
please visit www.coffeekids.org
Turning vision into action,
dreams into realities.
I would like to create new
opportunities for my fellow
scholarship recipients. I feel
a strong sense of responsibility
as manager of my cooperative, because I’m working
with people who have much
more experience than I do.
But they are patient, and
they help me and give me
advice. Because of that, I
feel honored and committed
to my work.
Exolina Aldana
Participant in CECOCAFEN’s scholarship
program in Aguas Amarillas, Nicaragua
In the past two years, Exolina, a CECOCAFEN scholarship
recipient, has taken advantage of every possible opportunity to
demonstrate her knowledge and abilities. She began working as
an assistant for the manager of her coffee cooperative, while at the
same time studying and performing community service as required
by her scholarship.
Not one to be satisfied with just meeting requirements, Exolina
demonstrated such strong leadership qualities that she went from
working as an assistant to being promoted to manager, a post she
holds today. She is one of a new generation of young leaders within
CECOCAFEN, supported and encouraged by the cooperative
through their scholarship and other youth programs.
CECOCAFEN has been a Coffee Kids partner since 1998. Their
work in economic diversity and education have affected hundreds
of lives in the areas of Matagalpa, Jinotega and Nueva Segovia,
I want to learn to read and
write to have a better life...
It’s fun to be with the group
because I learn from others...
I know I can make a better life.
Maria Xicay Cujcuj
Participant in ADESPA’s adult literacy project in
Paraxaj, Guatemala
Maria Xicay sells mangos, oranges and fried fish at the local
elementary school in Paraxaj, Guatemala. Her husband, who works
as a day laborer when he’s not picking coffee, needs her help to put
food on the table. Maria never had the opportunity to attend school
when she was a girl, and when she was first approached about
ADESPA’s adult literacy project, she wasn’t so sure it was for her.
But after joining the project, Maria’s initial skepticism was replaced
with enthusiasm, and she is now a motivating force and role model
for her peers.
Maria’s desire and determination to improve her quality of life - and
that of her children - proved to be stronger than her doubts. Today
she is one of the most dedicated participants in ADESPA’s adult
literacy project, generating great enthusiasm among her cohorts and
making great strides in education.
ADESPA has been a Coffee Kids partner since 2006. The adult literacy
program has given a number of adults in the community the opportunity to read for the first time.
People my age say they want to
work in beekeeping, too, but at the
same time they are afraid. They
want me to teach them when I’ve
learned more about it, because
they want to have a beekeeping
project at the school.
Erika Garcia Antonio
Participant in CAMPO’s organic honey
project in Santa Cruz Tepetotutla, Mexico
At age 14, Erika has an unusual after-school activity – beekeeping.
She is the youngest member of her beekeeping group, and has been
learning the trade from the group’s more experienced members.
Erika and her fellow beekeepers produce and sell organic honey in
order to supplement their families’ income from coffee. Several of
Erika’s brothers are also working to supplement the family income
– in a tomato-packing plant in the United States.
Community-based projects like CAMPO’s organic honey project
are designed to strengthen local economies, provide local alternatives
for income and stem the tide of migration.
CAMPO has been a Coffee Kids partner since 1996. The organization
works with indigenous populations to foster community organization,
sustainable agriculture and awareness of human rights.
It’s great being part of the savings group,
because there we can build a secure
heritage for our children, give them a
good education and food without being
solely dependent on a man. People
used to say that a woman wasn’t worth
anything. But that’s not how it is, we
have a right to our opinions, because
women and men are worth the same.
Rosenda Lopez Jacinto
Participant in FomCafé’s microcredit program
in Los Naranjos Esquipulas, Mexico
Rosenda is the kind of person you want on your team. As a member
of her microcredit and savings group, she has been a cohesive,
encouraging, and good-humored force. Rosenda’s hard work,
perseverance, and dedication have improved her family’s economic
situation, and she currently serves as president of her group.
Perhaps most important, she has instilled in her four children the
value of saving and budgeting, something exceedingly difficult to
do in communities as poor as the one where she lives.
FomCafé has been a Coffee Kids partner since 2000. The organization
works with coffee-growing families to create and implement projects
that promote economic diversity and a healthier lifestyle.
Statement of Financial Position (Audited)
for the year ending June 30, 2007
Cash & equivalents
Pledges receivable
Equipment, net
Trademarks, net
Total assets
Accounts payable & accrued expenses
Total liabilities
Net assets
Temporarily restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities & net assets
Statement of Activities (Audited)
for the year ending June 30, 2007
In-kind goods and services
Other income
Merchandise sales
Net assets released from restrictions
Total revenue & other support
Program services
Fund raising
Management & general
Total expenses
Increase (Decrease) in net assets
Net assets, beginning of year
Net assets, end of year
3% 1%
Business Donations 87%
Individual Donations 5%
In-Kind 4%
Foundation Grants 3%
Merchandise and Other 1%
Program Services 73%
Fundraising 15%
Administration 12%
For complete audited financial statements and footnotes, please contact
Coffee Kids at 505-820-1443 or [email protected].
Coffee Kids would
like to thank all of
our donors. The
following listing
includes all donors
from 7/1/2006 to
$100,000+ Donors
DaVinci Gourmet
Green Mountain
Coffee Roasters
Food Brands Group Ltd.
Longbottom Coffee
& Tea
Coffee Exchange
Business Donors
Donna Fishbein
8:15 Early Street
A Southern Season
Acme Coffee Roasting Co.
Addison Coffee Roasters, Inc.
Agapao Coffee & Tea
Alakef Coffee Roasters Inc.
Aldo Coffee Co.
Alpen Sierra Coffee Co.
Alta Office Services
Alterra Coffee Roasters
Amavida Coffee & Trading Co.
American Coffee
America’s Best Coffee
Roasting Co.
Ann Marie’s Coffee & Tea
Aroma Coffee of Santa Fe
A’Roma Roasters &
Aromas Inc.
Arsaga’s Espresso Café
Ashlawn Farm Coffee
Associated Services Co.
Atlantic Specialty Coffee, Inc.
Atlas Coffee Importers LLC
Auntie Crae’s Food Shop
Autocrat Premium Coffee
& Syrup
Bagels & Beans
Baresso Coffee
Base Internacional Casa
de Bolsa
Bean Around the World
Beantrees Drive-Thru
Beige Association
Benbow’s Coffee Roasters
Biro Creative Inc.
Bistro Color Cafe
Black Mesa Coffee Co.
Blue Star Coffee Co.
Bongo Billy’s
Bongo Java/Fido
BostonBean Coffee Co.
Boyd Coffee Co.
Bridgeview Coffee
Brueger’s Bagel Bakeries
Buddha Bean
Bunn Corporation
Buywell Coffee
Café Campesino
Cafe del Mundo
Cafe del Sol Roasting
Cafe Ditare S.L.
Fresh Cup Magazine/
InterAmerican Coffee,
Java Jacket, Inc.
Java Trading Co.
Kerry Food &
Latin America Fund
Law Coffee Co.
Bill Mares
Newman’s Own
Van Houtte Inc.
Paragon Coffee
Trading Co.
Gold ($10,000-49,999)
Putumayo World
Aramark Canada Ltd
Boston Stoker, Inc.
Royal Coffee New
York, Inc.
Buckmaster Coffee Co.
Royal Cup Coffee
Salt Lake Roasting
Co., Inc.
Java Republic
Matthew Algie &
Company, Ltd.
Schooner Foundation
Peet’s Coffee & Tea
Specialty Coffee
Association of
S & D Coffee, Inc.
Starbucks Coffee Co.
Silver ($5,000-9,999)
Argon Masking
Sloat Brothers Ltd.
Stormans Inc
The Jaffe Foundation
Batdorf & Bronson/
Challain Inc.
Major Individual
Caffe L’Affare Ltd.
Cullen Dwyer
Caribou Coffee
Donal Grogan
CMA, s.p.a.
Donald & Deborah
Coffee Bean
Ed Juda
Café Fresco
Café Imports
Café Novo Coffee Roasters
Café Pasqual’s
Cafecito, LLC
Cafemakers LLC
Caffe del Doge
Caffe Ibis Coffee
Roasting Co.
Camano Island Coffee
Campos Coffee
Campus Coffee Bean
Capitol Grounds Café &
Capresso Inc.
Caravan Coffee
Carpe Diem Coffee &
Tea Co.
Casteel Coffee
Catalyst Coffee
Cattail Coffee & Tea Co.
Central Coffee Co., Ltd.
Chat’s at San Francisco
Chazzano Coffee LLC
Chris’ Coffee Service
Cibo Espresso Australia
Cimmerian Coffee
City Bean
City Plaza Espresso Cafe
Coastal Roasters
Coda Coffee Co.
Coffee & Tea Warehouse,
Coffee Break Roasting Co.
Coffee By Design
Coffee Cavern
Coffee Distributing Corp.
Coffee Express Co.
Coffee Holding Co., Inc.
Coffee International - FL
Coffee Mania
Coffee Masters, Inc.
Coffee Republic
Coffee Roasting for You
Coffee Shop Manager
Coffee Shop Manager Redmond
Coffee to the People
Coffee, Tea, & Spice
Coffees & Kitchens
Cole Coffee Co.
Compassionate Moose
Organic Coffee
Counter Culture Coffee
Cowhill Express Gourmet
Crazee Espresso, Inc.
Crimson Cup Coffee & Tea
Cultiva Coffee Co.
Cups an Espresso Café
David’s Bagels
Daybreak Coffee Roasters,
DC Coffee Products
Dean Allan Design
Dean’s Beans
Dilworth Coffee
Diva Espresso, Inc.
DJ Consortium
Dovetail: Design &
Construction Inc
Eclect Coffee Co.
Elan Organic Coffees
Eloret Corporation
Emy J’s Coffee Shop
Espresso Dell’Anatra
Espresso Parts NW
Espresso Royale
Espresso Supply
ETiT Productions
Expocert S.A.
F. Gavina & Sons, Inc.
Fante’s Kitchen Wares
Filterfresh Corporation
Filterfresh Piedmont
Filterfresh Tri State
Firehouse Coffee Co.
First Colony Coffee & Tea
Flavor & Fragrance
Flavour Café & Lounge
Flying High Espresso
Forsyth Coffee & Tea
Fres-co System USA, Inc.
Fresh Harvest Products,
Full Circle Organic Coffee
Gillies Coffee Co.
Gimme! Coffee Inc
Good as Gold Coffee
Systems Inc.
Great Infusions Co.
Great Plains Coffee
Green Coffee Cooperative
Green Fields Market
Grinds Coffee & Tea
House Co.
Grounds for Change
Grounds for Coffee
Groundwork Coffee Co.
Gulf Winds International, Inc.
Has Bean Coffee Ltd
Hobo Ed’s Espresso
Holy Spirit Espresso
Hot Beanz Coffee
Hubbard & Cravens Coffee
Hudson Valley Coffee
Roasters Inc.
Hunter Bay, LLC
In Stone Music Distribution
Indigo Coffee Roasters, Inc.
InFusion - A Coffee & Tea
INK! Coffee Co.
Inland Empire Coffee
Int’l Food & Beverage
Import GMBH
Int’l Women’s Coffee
Alliance, Inc.
Integrity Express
Intellidon Enterprises, Inc.
Intelligentsia Coffee
INTTRA Corporation
It’s a Grind Coffee
Franchise LLC
J. Atkinson & Co.
Jasper Coffee
Jameson Brown Coffee
Java Bob’s Coffee Roasting
Java Designs
Java Java Espresso
JavaJoe Java Co. LLC
Jesus Mountain Coffee
Jim’s Coffee Beans
JL Hufford Coffee & Tea Co.
JL Hufford Coffee & Tea Co.
Joe Coffee Bar
Kaffee Badilatti & Co. AG
Kaladi Brothers Coffee Co.
Karma Java Cafe
Ken Gabbay Coffee Ltd
Keurig Inc
Kicking Horse Coffee
Co. Ltd
Kind Coffee LLC
Kitchen Universe
Knutsen Coffee
Kobricks Coffee Co.
La Salle High School of
Landmark Coffee Beans
Langen Kaffee GmbH &
Las Chivas Coffee Roaster
- Eldorado
Lasater’s Coffee & Tea
Lazarus Coffee
Lexington Coffee
Roasting Co.
Life Blend
Lindavid INC
Little River Roasting Co.
Lodi Coffee Roasters
Lookout Joe
Lydia’s Obviously Addicted
Magnum Gourmet Coffee
Mahlkonig GmbH & Co. KG
Margay Coffee
Mars Drinks North America
Max Crema’s Espresso &
Coffee Bar
Melissa J Pugash &
Metropolis Coffee Co.
Metropolis Coffee Co.
Microsoft Matching Gifts
Midnight Sun Coffee
Roasters Inc.
Midwest Coffee Traders
Millcreek Coffee Roasters
Mojocoffee/ Scott’s
Fresh Roast
Moka Joe, Inc.
Moledina Commodities, Inc.
Mongrel Media
Monkey Joe Roasting Co, Inc.
Montana Coffee Traders
Moore Coffee Tea & Spices
Morgan’s Coffee
Morning Brew Cafe &
Coffee House
Mother Earth Coffee Co.
Mountain View Coffee
Muddy Waters Coffeehouse
Necessitae Boutique
New Harvest Coffee
New Mexico Pinon Coffee
Northwest Specialty
Coffee, LLC
Office of Internationalization
Omar Coffee Co.
Overall Domain Concepts
Pacific Bag Inc.
Pacific Bay Coffee
Pacific Coast Coffee
Traders LLC
Paradise Roasters
Paramount Coffee Co.
Passion Café
Phillips Emporium &
PJ’s Coffee and Tea Jefferson Highway
PlastiCard Plus
Postmark Cafe
Raven Coffee House Inc
Redcup Office Café Co. Ltd
Reunion Island Coffee Ltd
Roast & Toast
Roast A Bean, LLC
Roaster Direct
Rogue Valley Roasting Co.
Royal Coffee-Inc.
Rucquoy Freres N.V.
Safai Coffee & Tea
Salt Spring Coffee Co.
Sierra Coffee
Signature Brew Coffee
Roasting Co.
Silocaf of New Orleans Inc
Sisters Coffee Co.
Six Degrees Coffee Service
& Distribution
Soda Bay Coffee Co.
St. Mary’s College Campus
Stauf’s Coffee Roasters,
Stormans Inc
Sustainable Harvest
Sweet Maria’s Coffee
Sweet Spot Cafe, Inc.
Sweetwater Organic
Coffee Co.
T.K. Co.
Taos Roasters
Taylor Maid Farms
Terra Bella, Inc. Organic
The Black Bear Micro
The Black Drop
The Cabo Coffee Co.
The Coffee Depot
The Coffee Underground
The Conservatory for
Coffee, Tea and Cocoa
The Dripolator Coffeehouse
The Fix
The Gourmet Kitchen
The Hot Chocolate Sparrow
The Night Kitchen Bakery
The Spice Merchant & Co.
The White Coffee
The Zia Diner
Thomas Hammer Coffee
Thomas Miller & Co., Inc.
Tiquisia, Café Del Tropico
Trager Brothers Coffee
Transcend Coffee
Turtle Creek Coffee
Uncle Billy’s Bakery
Urban Espresso Ltd.
Urth Caffe Corporation
Venus Coffee Roasters
Village Bean
Village Roaster, Ltd.
Visions Espresso Service
Volcafe Specialty Coffee
Volcanic Red Coffees
What’s Brewing
Whiting Coffee Co.
Wicked Joe Coffee
Roasting Co.
Wild Bird Center
Willoughby’s Coffee &
Tea Inc
Wilson’s Coffee & Tea
World Bean RoastHers, Inc.
Yellowstone Coffee
Zizzo’s Coffee
Zoka Coffee Roaster &
Tea Co.
Citigroup Matching Gifts
GE Foundation
Jewish Communal Fund
Latin America Fund
Madison Community
Rhode Island Foundation
The Jaffe Foundation
TransFair USA
Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
Nonprofit Organizations
Asbury Elementary School
Beige Association
Church of Religious
LaSalle High School of
Messiah Lutheran Church
of Bullock Creek
Seattle Audubon-NW
Shade Coffee Camp
St. Anselm College,
Students for Free
Sisters of St. Dominic
Stowe Community Church
Thomas Jefferson Unitarian
Individual Donors
Pete Abashian
Randall Abel
Deborah Adams
Elizabeth Alberding
Michael Alexander
Mary Allen
Morgan Allen
William & Amabel Allen
Mary Amerata
Gregory Anderson
Kathleen Anderson
Terese M. Angwin
Carlos Antillano
Constantine Antonopoulos
John Antonucci
Shaye Arnold
Caroline Atkins
Johan Backhom
Knox Bagwell
Aleksander Balos
Ron Balut
James Barnett
Roberto Barresi
Robert Basow
Brentley Beerline
Robert Behrens
Elizabeth Anne Beighley
Jim Benenson
Bret Benjamin
Deborah Bennett
Amelio Bergamin
Rachelle Bergmann
Bob Bernstein
Bettine Besier
Alma Best
Tom Billionis
Ramona Blaber
David Black
Christopher Blazek
Are Blikeng
Holly Borghese
Todd Borho
David Borton
Jori Anne Bos
Michael Boshes
Brandon Bowen
Lynn Boyd
Patrick Brady
Thomas Brady
Laura Bridge
Arnold & Judith Brier
Ward Brinegar
Robert & Joan Britt
Soren Brockdorf
Liam Brody
Amy Brown
Justin Brown
Stephen Brown
Karisa Brunken
Jim Brygger
Arron Bullock
Amy Bunting
Peter Burbridge
Kevin Burkhart
Robin Burnett
Marie And Nick Busta
Gregg Byfield
Cory & Melissa Bystrom
Karen Calabria
Debra Cameron
Otto Campo
Stanley Canfield
Kathy Capps
Alfred Caragay
Amy Carman
Lawrence Carroll
Dennis Cassidy
John Catalano
Richard Cavaseno
Eileen & Victor Chieco
Lam Chuly
Lisa Church
Agnieszka Chwilka
Garald Clark
Aske Marcel Clausen
Colin Clewsk
Sandra Cockerham
Steve & Nancy Cogan
Richard Cogger
Jerome And Phyllis Cohen
“William Cole, III”
Annette & John Coleman
Holly Coleman
Maria College
Todd Collins
Bernard Colo
J. & P. Contreras
Janet Cooperman
William And Susan
Tracy Cornish
John Cossette
Louis Counterk
Kathy Cowles
Mary Ann Cristello
Lee Crugman
Basia Cruz
Hailey Curtner
Dick & Corky Cutler
Jonathan Dagle
Powell Danica
Rachel Daniels
Roger And Judith Darley
Roxanne Darling
Kari Daus
Colin Davin
Alan Davis
Kim Davis
John De Leon
Laura Dearth
Steven Dearth
Rebecca Death
Jeremy Defranco
Mirta Degastaldi
Tibor Dekany
Elaine Del Valle
Stacy Delaneuville
Clara Delatorre
Tobi Delong
Kirk & Marianne Demartini
The Coffee Depot
Judy Devine Smies
Jason Dewar
Felix Dial
John Doe
Charles Doherty
Alicia Dolce
Dan Doll
Mary Charlotte Domani
Silvia Dominguez
Joseph Domko
Liam Donohoe
Joseph And Joanne Dorsey
Kate Droney
Tay Ducey
Cheryl Dumesnil
Zoe Dwyer
Ian Eales
Wesley Ebisuzaki
Cheryl Eldred
Laura Emanuel
Bonnie & Alan Epstein
Laura Evans
Michael Fairman
David J. & Anita Fairman
Mary Fairman
Sally Fairman
Steven Farber
Lois Fay
Susan Feiner
Mark And Irene Feingold
Simon Fell
John & Arleen Fields
Bill Fishbein
Carson Fiske
David Fister
Thomas Fitzpatrick
Charelle Foege
Wilson Foo
Marvis Ford
Kenneth Fox
Sandra Foy
Nancy Fredrick Isabel
Jonathan Freeburg
Peter Fremming
Gary & Mary Ann Freund
Kyle Freund
Troy Freund
Benjamin Frey
Eric Frias
Mark Gabry
John Gant
Suzanne Garney
Shelly Gauvreau
Dave Gehlert
John A. Glasson
Rachael & Bob Goldman
Stephen Gomez
Diana H. Gooding
Dick Gorski
Steve Gouveia
Jeffrey Gracik
Michele Granitz
Robert Grauberger
Andrew Greenberg
William And Jean Griswold
Jack Groot
Martin Gross
Mark Gruenberg
Sandra Guevara-Ross
Daniel Gunter
Mitch Gurowitz
Eileen Haddon
Rani Haet
Karen Halderson
Judith Hamlin
Sarah & Ryan Hamlin
Roaster Rich Hansen
Michael Harding
William Hardison, Jr.
Megan Harkins
Jerome Harris
Ryan Harris
Richard Hartnell
Hillery Harvey
Gail Haynes
Brent Heron
Matthew & Julia Hess
Nonie Heystek
Jonathan Hill
Jay S Hobaugh
Pat Hodapp
Ursula Hofer
James Hoffman
Morris & Geraldine Hoffman
Anna Holmstrom
George Holt
Sandy Hon
Noel Hong
William Hong
Brenda Horton
Alden Hough
Todd Houston
Kristin Howell
Sigmund Hsu
Chester Huan
Scott Hughes
Hobo Ed Humpal
Joan & Kenneth Hunt
William Hunter
Lindavid Inc
Wolfhaven Interpriz
David Ireland
Marion Irvine
Martha Israel
Roman Iwanycky
Robert & Jill Jaffe
Susan Jaime
John Jamison
Laura Jenkins
David & Sharon Joelson
Jennifer Johnson
Janine & Isabel Johnston
Stephen Jones
Bruce & Janet Jope
Myron Joshua
Aaron Judisch
Otto Kampa
Eugene & Sue Ann
Daniel Kehn
Gerald Keyes
Robert King
Phyllis Kirk
Janel & Stephen Klingman
James Koenigsberg
Robert Kolm
Helene Kommel
Daisuke Koya
Karen Kulikowski
Lehea & Paul Kuphal
Max & Jeanette Kurnow
Lisa Kwiatkowski
Ronald Kyle
Larry Lack
Kerry Laird
Robert Lambert
Robyn Landis
Stephan Lange
Stanely Lapidos
Dennis Larson
Ginger Larson
Wendy Larson
Erika Lasda
Vicki Lauruhn
Susan Lee
Stephen Lehner
Dana Leighton
Stephen Leightonk
Clint Lemar
Jennifer Leslie
Ronald Lewen
David Lewis
Lyle Liberman
Ann Liebmann
Ted Lingle
Velimir Ljubic
Louis & Patricia Lombardi
Jeanne Lord
Edwin Lowry
Richard Loya
Andrew Lueck
Jorge Lugo
Ruth Luscombe
Kirsten Lustgarten
Joseph & Ruth Lux
Terry Lynch
Alan Machek
Lois Maffeo
Daniel Mahoney
Judy Mammorella
Ellen Mangiafico
Robert Marcial
Jill Allyn Rosser Mark
Sherri & Jess Marlow
Nancy Marohn
Keith Marrero
Brian Marshall
Beth Martin
Barb Mason
Bruce Mason
Caroline Matte
Brian Matthews
Christopher Matthews
Kaelin Mccowan
Scott & Therese Mccreary
Barney Mcculloch
James & Susan Mcevoy
Chris Mcgeehan
James & Patricia Mcgrath
Lynn Mckelvey
Marcia & Craig Mckenzie
Ross Mcleod
Anne Mcmullen
Matthew Mcqueen
Elissa Medders
Andy Melnick
Bob & Diane Meskin
Robbie Metzger
Aaron Meza
Thomas Michaels
Kelly Miyashiro
Andrew & Jo Montgomery
Julie Moore
Julie Ann Moore
Lucy Moore
Marilyn & Joe Moore
Alex Morgan
Frank & Georgiann Morgan
Kevin Morgan
Daniel Morris
Paul A. Moss
Virginia Mudd
Carlos Murillo Solano
Meghan Murphy
Thomas Murray
Fred Mushkat
Chris Nachtrieb
Jean Nadeau
Phillip Nakamura
Nimeshan Namasivayam
Sondra & Bennett Nathan
Kathy Nealis
Karen & Charlie Neff
James Negri
Martha Nelson
Sandra Nestlerode-Hale
Jonathan & Susan Newman
Alan Nietlisbach
Christine Noguera
Dave Nolan
Christopher North
David Novotny
Keith Nowak
Diarmuid O Donovan
Warren & Kathryn
Laura Olmstead
Jane Olson
Sandra Oriel
Mark Orintas
Catherine & Ken Osleger
Carol Ott
Joanna Ouzts
Mark And Krista Overly
Anthony Owen
Carrie Owen
Christopher Owens
Evangeline Pacheco
Morwenna Palmehn
Glen Parker
Bradley Pascoe
Diane Patterson
Jeffrey Pawlan
Stephen Pelleriti
Mark Pendergrast
Richard Penney
Jeff Pentel
Vincent & Rachel Persicano
Danka-Florence Petrovic
Rick Peyser
Debbie Phillips
Lita Phillips
Gary Piccione
Vince Piccolo
Linda Piele
Roger Piscano
Sandy Place
James Pokorski
Michael Pollack
William Pollock
Mark Prince
Jon Proctor
Thomas Prusa
Kristen Puckett
Holly Purcell-Callin
Mollie Quasebarth
Marvin Rabinowitz
Bonnie Raitt
Herschel Ramsey
Carl Rand
Jon Rawinsky
Midge Raymond
Anna Rayne-Levi
April Reese
Gerald Reicher
Katharine Reiner
Larry Rendon
Scott Riccio
Paul A. Richard
Dave Rier
W. Riker
S. Sheperd Ringer
Edward Ringue
Sonia Rivera-Foltz
Angela Robertson
Joseph Robertson
Phil Robertson
Ronald Robinson
David Roche
Jane Rockhold
Enrique Rodriguez
Ellice Ronsheim
Barbara & Ben Rooks
Allan Rosenblum
Frank & Carol Ross
Lawrence & Beth Rubanka
Keenan Ruppel
Hilda Rush
Anthony Russo
Lenny Sachs
Pat Sandlin
Ari Sargent
Rick & Anita Sarringhaus
Allyson And Peter Sawtell
William Saylor
David Schalek
Andrew Schecter
Curtis Scheelke
Terri Schmidt
Donald Schoenholt
Caroline & John Schooley
Scott Schotanus
Merlynn Schuck
James Schulman
Kevin Schwanfelder
Nan Schwanfelder
Eric Schwarzenbach
Tony Sciandra
Skip Seeder
Stuart Shaw
Jana Shelton
Kimberly Shelton
Jeff Sheltren
Arthur Siegel
Stanley J. Siesicki
Tulio Silva
Douglas Silvia
Beata Siwinski
Patrick Sklenar
Anne Smith
Jeff Smith
Robert Smith
Jim & Georgia Snead
Julia Sokoloff
Laura Sommers
Tina Sourdiff-Rutledge
Scott & Annadane Spencer
Bill Stanton
Elan Starr
Julie Steele
Michael Stefanakos
Mary Stelletello
Norton Stillman
Jules & Devon
Matthew E. Stopani
Brett & Heather Struwe
Martina & Michael Sullivan
Eric Svendson
Mary Allen Swedlund
Ian Swindale
Constantine Tanasiuk
Larry & Laurel Taub
Cindy Taylor
Tyler & Kelly Temple
Michael Tenold
Lee Teverow
Gary Thomey
Jason Thompson
Victoria Thorson
Lori & Dave Tilgner
Faro Tobias
Jay Torke
Ally Towle
Rick Trant
Robert Trexler
Gregory & Joanne Triplett
Emil Trollklint
Meredith Tupper
Donald & Mina Merle
Van Cleef
Mary Van Nostrand
Margaret Vangluck
Fatima Ventura
Amanda Vermillion Carroll
Kim Villanueva
Sharon Wainberg
Phyllis Ann Wallschleger
Pamela Walter
Janet Walton
Ed Warschilka
William Wauters
Dianne Weisselberg
Lynee & Dan Wells
Doug Welsh
Melanie & Rich Westerfield
Joel And Bonnie White
Kenneth & Pamela White
Melissa White
Philip White
Elizabeth Whitlow Inman
Michele Whitteker
David Wilder
Lloyd Wilky
Becky Willard
Rebecca Williams
Neal Wilson
Jada Windham
Paul Winemiller
Bob Witt
Tim Wolfe
Coffee Kids - USA
James Wolford
Michael & Gail Wolfson
David Wood
Paul Wood
Susan Wood
Vincent Woods
Naomi Woodspring
David Yeager
Gordon Yee
Yi-Cheng Yeh
Bob Yellin
Peggy & Lee Zeigler
Terry Ziniewicz
Lynda Zito-Enright
Deborah Zuver
Coffee Kids - Mexico
Santa Fe, NM, USA
E: [email protected]
P: 505-820-1443
Oaxaca, Mexico
E: [email protected]
P: +52 (951) 512-5139
Carolyn Fairman,
Executive Director
José Luis Zárate,
Intl. Program Coordinator
Mary Bellman,
Managing Director
Juliette D. Harding,
Intl. Program Coordinator
Kyle Freund,
Communications Coordinator
Coffee Kids - UK
Heather Ferraro,
Membership Coordinator
Therese Francis,
Danielle Masterson,
Membership Assistant
London, England
E: [email protected]
P: +440 (208) 891-2472
Lord Innes Catto,
Michael Seagal,
Bill Fishbein
Rick Peyser, President
Rob Stephen, Vice President
Susan Wood, Secretary
Mona Blaber, Treasurer
David Abedon, Co-Founder
William Allen
Cate Baril
Mike Lawrence
William Mares
Kathleen O’Sullivan (In Absentia)
1305 Luisa Street, Suite C
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Phone: 505-820-1443
Toll Free: 800-334-9099
Fax: 505-820-7565
Web: www.coffeekids.org
E-mail: [email protected]