How to make a fabric Makower UK Advent Calendar


How to make a fabric Makower UK Advent Calendar
How to make a fabric Makower UK
Advent Calendar
Watch our free instructional video on You Tube
Make a pretty advent calendar that will hold treats and surprises year after year as it becomes
part of your family’s Christmas traditions.
Makower UK Advent Calendar panel
Backing and Wadding 60 x 70cm (24 x 28”)
Matching thread
Walking Foot (optional)
Point Turner (or knitting needle)
118 Grey’s Road, Henley on Thames, Oxon RG9 1QW Email: [email protected]
+44(0)1491 579727
1. Read the instructions on the side of the advent calendar panel and then cut out around the outer edge
of the border.
2. Cut out the pockets along the outer solid lines – note some are in groups/strips whilst others are single
pockets. (The dotted lines are used to line up pleats later).
3. Turn under the top edge of all pockets by 1 cm (along the marked line) and press in place. Do the same
for the bottom edges.
4. Using a matching thread, top stitch the pocket tops, catching the turned under edge as you stitch.
TIP: Stitch all the same colour pockets at the same time, going straight from one to the other without
stopping or cutting the thread between. Once all pockets are top stitched, snip the threads joining them
5. Make the pleats between the joined pockets by folding along the solid pocket lines and bringing the folds
to the dotted line between each pocket pair. Press and pin in place. (Hand tack the pleat in place if desired)
6. Turn in the side edges and press.
7. Position pockets on the panel, matching their numbered squares. Pin in place along sides and bottom
and then stitch in place, stitching close to the pocket edge. Start and finish with reverse or fix stitch so the
tops of the pockets are very secure.
8. Stitch between the joined pockets along the dotted line, starting a little way from the bottom so you
don’t inadvertently catch the pocket folds in the stitching. Press the panel once all pockets are stitched in
Backing fabric
9. Cut a strip 8cm x 43cm (3 x 17”) for the sleeve for a batten. Press short ends to the inside and stitch.
Then press under the long edges by 1cm. Position strip on the backing fabric about 5cm (2”) from the top
edge and centered across the width and stitch along one long edge. Slightly pushing the other edge
towards the first to create a little bump in the sleeve, stitch along the other long edge.
10. Lay pocket panel right side up on a flat surface and then the backing fabric, right side down (make sure
the sleeve is facing the top of the panel), then the wadding on top of that. Pin at corners and then flip the
three layers over and pin all the way around the edges.
11. Increase stitch length to 2.8-3 and then starting in the centre of the bottom edge, stitch all the way
around the panel, stopping about 15 cm (6”) from the start to leave a turning gap in the lower edge.
TIP: If available, use a walking foot when stitching all the layers together.
12. Trim seam allowances to 6 mm (1/4”), (except the turning gap seam allowance) and cutting the
corners at an angle. Turn through, pushing the corners out with a point turner or knitting needle. Press with
the seams on the edge. Slip stitch the opening closed by hand. Press again and then your panel is ready to
hang and fill.
Congratulations and well done!
118 Grey’s Road, Henley on Thames, Oxon RG9 1QW Email: [email protected]
+44(0)1491 579727
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