november 2013 - FM Walleyes Unlimited, Inc.
november 2013 - FM Walleyes Unlimited, Inc.
NOVEMBER 2013 Promoting conservation, sportsmanship and education in respect to walleye fishing. FM Walleyes Presents JASON DURHAM ANGLERS NITE “ON ICE” December 5th at the Fargo Doublewood Inn Fish Scales and Tales Jason Durham grew up in the “metropolis” of Nevis, MN (pop. 360) and created a fishing guide business, Go Fish! Guide Service Inc., at the age of 15. CALENDAR After college, OF EVENTS Durham returned home to continue Tuesday, December 3rd guiding and Next Board Meeting simultaneously s t a r t e d Thursday, December 5th a second career; teaching. Today Mr. Durham guides both General Meeting November/December anglers and the educational journey’s of the kindergartners in Anglers Night On Ice - Jason his classroom, located two blocks from his childhood home. Durham His passion for fishing can be seen in numerous magazines, newspapers, through his seminar seminars and online. Durham has December 6-8 Ice Fishing Expo Outing published two fishing books, Pro Tactics: Panfish and Pro Tactics: Ice Fishing through publisher Lyon’s Press. His current project is a January 16th compilation of the humorous stories from his kindergarten classroom. Bret Setterholm Durham’s seminar, Fish Scales and Tales offers ice fishing insight for Kids Rod Building Class TBA YMCA Kids Ice Fishing Day TBA walleye and beyond, along with stories that will make you laugh, cry and rejoice in the reasons why you adore angling. Fm Walleyes would like to invite you out to see Jason Durham December 5th, 2013 at the Fargo DoubleWood. Come see Jason and see what tips and tricks will help you to put more fish on the ice. Doors open at 6:30 seminar starts at 7:00 at the Fargo Doublewood Inn Fargo. WATCH FM WALLEYES ON FACEBOOK FOR NEW EVENTS ALL MEETINGS AT 6PM AT THE DOUBLEWOOD OF FARGO, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. WALLEYE LINES 2 NOVEMBER 2013 President’s Comments... Shout out to both Barry Chouinard and Tyler Wiser as both of these gentleman were instrumental in getting the Lindner Brothers here for the October meeting, and what a meeting it was. The passion the Lindners have for the fishing industry is second to none, and it really shows. Looking forward, Anglers Night on Ice is here once again, time to break out the short rods, jigging spoons, and drill some Scotty Brewer holes. Like the song says, NPAA#665 “Ice, Ice, Baby”. President Allen Behr Stuart Brunsvold Don Cahcin Chad Engels John Grogan Patrick Kervin Jeff Lien Barry Puppe Glenn & Deb Rosenfeldt Galan Savageau Dennis Swanson FM Walleyes Unlimited Matt & Kim Neufeld w Place Ad Here Contact Kyle AgreSummer: for715-395-3754 info. Winter: 480-980-8533 Email: [email protected] E P.O. Box 276, Boulder Junction, WI 54512 Jeremy Frie & Family (Renew) Dallas Heizelman (Renew) Charles Holverson (Renew) Mark Johnson (Renew) Eric & Kristi Kanski (Renew) Dave Longtine (Renew) Tom McKinnon (Renew) Scott Muehler (Renew) Ryan Weber (Renew) Have a safe and fun fishing season from Sahr’s Sudden Service 601 N. 4th St. Fargo, ND 58102 293-1918 and Red River Boarding Kennels 789-7510 Ron & Kathy Sahr, Owners 3100 13th Ave S Fargo, ND 58103 (701) 451-7528 Engineers Land Surveyors Environmental Scienti Kovash Marine Pat Kovash 417 1st Avenue North Moorhead, MN 56560 218-233-3300 Woodland Resort 1012 Woodland Drive Devils Lake, ND 58301 701-662-5996 ZZZZRRGODQGUHVRUWFRP¬ Sabin Rod and Gun Memberships: $30.00 Includes: Contacts: Bill Carr 218-790-7452 Randy Mcevers 701-566-4823 Chad Byrum 218-789-7822. Place AdstsHere Contact Kyle Agre for info. Barnesville | Bismarck | Fargo | Maple Grove | Minot | Thief River Falls John Dickelman Cell: 701-261-9216 1506 Main Avenue Office: 218-284-7778 Moorhead, MN 56560 Fax: 218-284-7780 John Dickelman [email protected] 150 Main Avenue Moorhead, 5% discount availableMN for 56560 all eligible FM Walleyes218-284-7778 Unlimited members WALLEYE LINES 3 NOVEMBER 2013 FM WALLEYES WELCOMES DON PERERIA AS THE NEW MN STATE FISHERIES CHIEF FM Walleyes has worked closely with Don over the years in the Walleye Advisory Committee and Roundtable. FM Walleyes President Scott Brewer commented “We look forward to continuing our partnership with Minnesota State Fisheries as we promote sportsmanship, education and conservation for Walleye fishermen and women in the Fargo Moorhead and surrounding areas.” Don Pereira, a Cottage Grove, Minn. resident and a 30-year fisheries research and management veteran, has been selected as the new fisheries chief for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). His new duties begin Wednesday, Nov. 20. “Don brings a breadth of valuable experience to this important job,” said Ed Boggess, Fish and Wildlife Division director. “His experience as a researcher, supervisor and policy manager and his focus on better incorporating the desires and interests of anglers into fisheries programs will help us continue to deliver fish population, recreation and aquatic habitat results that positively serve Minnesota citizens, natural resources and local economies.” LATE SEASON BOATING = COLD WATER DANGER The Minnesota DNR reminds boaters that Cold water is especially dangerous to late season boaters. As Minnesotans enjoy their last bit of time on water before the ice, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is warning boaters, paddlers and waterfowl hunters not to let their guard down. Right now, water temperatures on area lakes are hovering around 40 degrees. “Forty degrees is cold,” said Kara Owens, DNR boat and water safety specialist. “Cold water can prove dangerous, or even deadly, especially if people don’t consider the consequences of falling into frigid water this time of year.” So far this year, 12 people have died in boating accidents in Minnesota, compared to 14 deaths this time last year. One person has died during the late boating season (October to November), compared to four deaths this time last year. “It’s more important than ever that every boater wears a life jacket every time they step on a boat,” said Owens. She added, a life jacket will not only keep you afloat, but always keep you warm if you fall into cold water. FM WALLEYES UNLIMITED TO HOST KIDS CLINIC PRIOR TO “ANGLERS NIGHT ON ICE” SPEAKER On Thursday December 5th, FM Walleyes will host their December General Meeting titled “Anglers Night on Ice” featuring speaker Jason Durham at 7pm. Prior to the meeting, FM Walleyes will also host a kids clinic at the same venue from 6pm-6:50pm at the Doublewood Inn at 3333 13th Ave S in Fargo, ND. This clinic will feature stations where the kids will learn various techniques in fishing such as how to properly net a fish, fish identification, hook removal, knot tying, boat and ice safety, what an angler should carry in their tackle box and how to catch those allusive “backyard bass.” Both events are free and open to the public. Kids of all ages are encourage to attend. For any questions related to the kid’s clinic, email Spencer Deutz at [email protected]. WALLEYE LINES 4 NOVEMBER 2013 SCOTT SIME In August there came the opportunity for my son Emerson to go out with his grandparents to visit his cousins at their cabin at Victoria Beach. Just the week before his cousins had been catching white bass off the pier there; a fish neither me nor my son had ever targeted or caught. When they arrived at the pier they could see a number of people fishing. One man in particular was catching plate-sized white bass with almost every cast. Excitedly Emerson tied on one of his favorite lures and started fishing. Countless casts later, he hadn’t had a bite. He switched his lure a number of times, but always with the same result. Meanwhile, the man on the pier continued to land bass after bass. Emerson felt defeated. He had a number of great catches under his belt this season, and he had been so looking forward to adding to that by catching a fish his dad hadn’t! This might have been the end of the story, but just then the man catching all the fish cleared his throat and said to Emerson, while turning to my dad and offering a quick wink “Hey there! I’m going to take a break from fishing for a few minutes to enjoy my coffee, would you like to take a few casts with my rod?” The man handed Emerson his rod, showing him where to cast and how to retrieve the 1/4oz jig tipped with a 2.5” gulp minnow. It was perhaps the one type of lure Emerson did not have in his small tackle box. Gently bouncing in his first cast as the man showed him, Emerson soon after hauled a nice-sized white bass onto the pier. He was beside himself, and over the next 10 minutes caught a bass on virtually every cast. Finally the man said he had to go, and Emerson thanked him and handed him back his rod. The man packed to leave, but just before turning to leave the pier, pulled out his clippers and cut the jig from his line and called Emerson over. “I’ve got a few more of these, why don’t you keep this and catch a few more for me?” It was certainly a small act of kindness, but I have no doubt my son will remember it for the rest of his life, and pay it forward as he grows. Throughout my life I’ve heard of and experienced similar acts of kindness with otherwise strangers while fishing. I’m sure you have too, both giving and receiving. It’s part of what makes being a part of the angling community so great, beyond simply the love of the chase. I like to think times like this are when we get the see the true colors of people, including ourselves. Here’s to a safe and successful fall season for all! OCTOBER BOARD MEETING MINUTES Tuesday October 1st, 2013 Double Wood Inn, Fargo ND Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Scott Brewer Board Members Present – Tyler Wiser, Spencer Deutz, Bill Carr, Rick Mohan, Ron Sahr, Gary Sauvageau, Tom Saunders, Scott Brewer Board Members absent – Kyle Agre, Brenton Hell, Scot Johnson Approval of July Meeting minutes by Board of Directors. 9-25-13 Treasure’s Report – By Rick Mohan Checking account Balance $14020.20 Motion to approve – Tyler Wiser 2nd – Ron Sahr Membership Update – Currenty 403 Paid Members Calendar Next Board Meeting, Tuesday November 5th General Meeting November/December Anglers Night On IceJason Durham January – Bret Setterholm February – Bill Shimota OLD BUSINESS Speaker update – Tyler is currently working on having Gary Parsons for the March General meeting, Jeff Katzer for April and a MN DNR Representative to speak at the May Meeting Raffle Update (boat raffle) – Half of the tickets are sold. Sell,Sell, Sell Youth Ed – By Spencer Deutz: Spencer has developed a photo release form for photos at events. Also work is in progress for the kids event at the Anglers Night on Ice Event. Youth rod building class in January is filling up quick. FM Walleyes St. Paul Ice Fishing Outing – There will be an article in the newsletter about this event. Pelican Lake Contribution – With a decision by the board of directors a $600.00 donation to Pelican Lake walleye stocking has been approved. Rick Motioned to approve and Ron Sahr seconded motion. NEW BUSINESS Election Committee: With the term expiration coming up in February, Scott and Gary volunteered to find new members as the terms for Bill, Ron,Scott, Kyle and Rick are up. Further information for elections will follow in the upcoming meetings Motion to adjourn was made by Ron Sahr Gary Sauvageau Seconds WALLEYE LINES 5 NOVEMBER 2013 NOVEMBER BOARD MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, November 5th, 2013 Double Wood Inn, Fargo ND FM Walleyes St. Paul Ice Fishing Outing – Around 12 people signed up already and there will be a reminder article in the newsletter about this event. Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Scott Brewer Board Members Present – Brenton Hell, Scott Brewer, Rick Mohan, Spencer Deutz, Gary Sauvageau, Kyle Agre, Ron Sahr, Tyler Wiser, Scot Johnson, Board Members absent – Bill Carr and Tom Saunders Visitors Present – Barry Chouinard Approval of October Meeting minutes by Board of Directors. 10/22/13 Treasure’s Report – By Rick Mohan Checking account Balance $22,667.92 Motion to approve – Gary Savageau 2nd – Kyle Agre Passed Membership Update – Currently 426 Paid Memberships Calendar Next Board Meeting, Tuesday, December 3rd Thursday, December 5th General Meeting November/ December Anglers Night On Ice- Jason Durham Ice Fishing Expo Outing - December 6-8 January 16th - Bret Setterholm Kids Rod Building Class TBA YMCA Kids Ice Fishing Day TBA Scheels ice Fishing Demo January 11th OLD BUSINESS Speaker update – Jason Durham in December, Brett Setterholm in January, Ranger speaker in February, Jeremy Smith in March, Dr. Jason Halfin in April, INS panel in May Sponsor update – Discussed a few new sponsors and renewing sponsors along with new sponsorship structure. Board members should provide input on new structure by end of year. Raffle Update – Final Boat numbers, 651 tickets sold, $13,020 gross sales, $10,380.47 in profit. Preparing raffle prizes for Anglers’ Nigh on Ice. Youth Ed – By Spencer Deutz: Kids’ books have been provided to Northern Cass and Central Valley. Member Gary Rockne donated some items to use for youth education. Spencer is going to order a “Backyard Bass Educator” casting set to use at youth events. Discussed having a Kids Walleye University prior to Anglers’ Night on Ice. Nomination Committee – We will have some positions to fill in February. Website Update – We need to remove the boat raffle stuff. Discussed possibly adding a “Classified “section to the website. Also discussed adding our Board Member pictures to the raffle site to allow members and possible new members to get to know us. NEW BUSINESS NPAA and FM Walleyes will exchange memberships again. 1/3 – 1/5 is the NPAA conference. Brenton and Tyler will be representing FM Walleyes at the conference. Anglers’ Night on Ice Prep – Discussed having Mike McFeeley be the MC along with the amount of tables we would need for set up. Classic Cup Tournaments – Barry discussed some details regarding the Ottertail tournament and our involvement. This potentially may be a catch and release tournament for next year. A motion to administer this tournament was made by Kyle, and seconded by Tyler. It passed. A motion was also made by Brenton to order some measuring rulers to use in a catch and release tournament setting. It was seconded by Spencer and passed. Hockey Jersey Donation for October Meeting – Tyler made a motion to donate some FM Walleye Hooded Sweatshirts to a charity event that Craig Stapon is holding, since he donated the hockey jersey to us. Rick seconded the motion and it passed. Round Table: Brenton – Discussed scheduling a meeting to chat about our winter banquet event. Scott B – Discussed the Heritage Act Barry – Mentioned that Pure Fishing may want to borrow our tournament trailer for an event they are having in Bismarck next spring along with some upgrades that the trailer will need in the near future. Motion to adjourn – Tyler 2nd – Gary Sauvageau Meeting adjourned. WALLEYE LINES 6 NOVEMBER 2013 1ST ANNUAL FM WALLEYES OUTING TO THE ST. PAUL ICE FISHING SHOW – DECEMBER 6TH – 8TH **REMINDER** By Brenton Hell This is a follow up to the article from last month’s news letter. This year, we will take our 1st Annual FM Walleyes Outing to the ice fishing show. As a group we will represent FM Walleyes and enjoy the show together. The dates of the show are December 6th – 8th. At this time, we have blocked a limited amount of rooms at the Holiday Inn River Centre location, which is located within walking distance of the St. Paul River Centre. The costs of the rooms are $111 (plus tax) per night with a $14 per night parking fee. Entry into the show is $9 for adults and $4 for kids. The plan will be to leave Fargo on Friday (6th) evening, attend the show on Saturday (7th), and return home on Sunday (8th) in the later afternoon. Sunday will involve a stop at the Albertville Outlet Mall for some last minute Christmas Shopping. Please contact Brenton Hell at 701-130-1177 by November 30th if you are interested in attending. 2013 BOAT AND CUSTOM ROD/REEL RAFFLE WRAP UP By Brenton Hell On October 19th, we held the drawing for our 2013 Boat and Custom Rod/Reel Raffle in front of over 60 people at Ray’s Sport and Marine in Moorhead. We raised over $10,000 in ticket sales to support our FM Walleyes’ programs including youth education, fish stocking, and the promotion of fishing. The winners were: • 2013 Lund Fury 1600 Boat/Mercury Motor Package with TRS Tarp – Bruce Erickson • Chuck DeRemer Custom Built Rod/Shimano Stella Reel – Denise Geritz • $100 Cash – Steve Hall, Kevin Bjorndahl, and Kevin Matthey Winner Bruce Erickson Ray’s Sport and Marine also held a raffle for a Humminbird gps/locator that was given to one lucky person in attendance and Scott Brewer cooked up some delicious walleye chowder. Thank you to Ray’s Sport and Marine for donation of the boat and motor, Chuck DeRemer for creating a beautiful custom built rod, Scheels for the reel, and TRS Industries for the custom boat tarp! Also, thank you to everyone that purchased or helped sell tickets! Membership Application and Renewal F-M Walleyes Unlimited, Inc. – An area sportsman’s club, dedicated to the preservation and improvement of Application for Membership: R $25.00 R Jr. Member (under 18) - FREE R New R Renew Name(s) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ City _______________________ State ________ Zip ____________ Phone: Home (______) ______ - __________________ Work (______) ______ - _______ E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________ Membership requirements: Persons desiring membership must be those who can act in a sportsmanlike manner and will be a credit to the organization. Receipt of this application, yearly dues and approval of the Board of Directors are required for membership. Mail application to: F-M Walleyes Unlimited, Inc., PO Box 1017, Moorhead, MN 56560. Signature of Applicant: x PAID Amount_________________ Date __________ Init ___________ WALLEYE LINES 7 NOVEMBER 2013 Rich Cossette Vision Bank INDUSTRIES (701) 277-1749 s 800-246-1749 s Fax (701) 277-1867 email: [email protected] 1230 40th Street NW *OUIF'BSHP*OEVTUSJBM1BSLt'BSHP/% Custom Boat Covers, Custom Covers For Anything Guaranteed turn around Guaranteed quality Easy to work with 3000 25th St S Fargo, ND 58103 (701) 364-2020 Every Battery For Every Need 4430 17th Avenue South Fargo, ND MERCUR:tYAM")"t+0)/40/tE7*/36%&t.&3$36*4&3 Sales, Service & Used Parts KOVASH MARINE 1417 1st Ave. N0RRUKHDG0N 56560 PAT KOVASH Owner/Operator 701-293-8000 218-233-3300 fax: 218-233-3399 &@SDÐ"HSXÐ!@MJÐHRÐOQNTCÐSNÐ RTOONQSÐ%,Ð6@KKDXD 4MKHLHSDC Place Ad Here Contact Kyle Agre for info. ÐNEÆBDRÐSNÐRDQUDÐXNTÐlÐF@SDBHSXA@MJBNL 0HPEHU)',& MON.-FRI. 8:30-6:00 SAT. 8:30-3:00 2115 SE Main St Moorhead, MN 218-287-9100 1020 25th St S Fargo, ND 58103 Studio: 701.237.3767 ~ The Only Quality Bait Shop in Town ~ LEECHES Live Bait By the Dozen or Lb. 218.844.BAIT (2248) NIGHT CRAWLERS By the Dozen or Flat 1210 Washington Avenue Detroit Lakes, MN 500 2nd Ave N Fargo, ND 58102 John Store “The Bait Man” Glenda Store 701.237.5948 701.293.2400 800.423.3344 1020 25th St S Fargo, ND 58103 Sales Service Storage 5608 Hwy 75, Moorhead, MN 56560 218.233.4489 5 Locations to serve you better Tim Sweeney at Lake Ida: 218-532-2628 DL Toll Free: 800-774-2628 DL Marina: 218-847-7291 7ZRPLOHV:HVWRI 'HWURLW/DNHVRQ+Z\ 'HWURLW/DNHV0DULQD /DNH,GD 9HUJDV01 :DONHU01 Your exclusive Lund Fiberglass dealer for the region! F-M Walleyes Unlimited, Inc. P.O. BOX 1017 MOORHEAD, MN 56560 OFFICERS PRSRT PRSRTSTD STD USPOSTAGE POSTAGE US PAID PAID DETROIT LAKES, MN FARGO, 56501ND PERMIT 1101 PERMIT NO. 707 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Scott Brewer, President (exp: Feb., 2014) 218) 233-0494 [email protected] Bill Carr (exp: Feb., 2014) (218) 790-7452 Kyle Agre, Vice President (exp: Feb., 2014) (701) 526-0262 [email protected] Ron Sahr (exp: Feb., 2014) (701) 293-1918 [email protected] Richard Mohan, Treas. (exp: Feb., 2014) (701) 840-7792 [email protected] Brenton Hell (exp: Feb., 2015) (701) 360-1177 Tom Saunders, Rec. Sec. (exp: Feb., 2015) (701) 271-6845 [email protected] Tyler Wiser (exp: Feb., 2015) (218) 329-1116 [email protected] Scot Johnson, Corr. Sec. (exp: Feb., 2015) (701) 238-0967 Gary Sauvageau (exp: Feb., 2016) (701) 235-5804 [email protected] Spencer Deutz (exp: Feb., 2016) (701) 361-2521 Articles for the 2013 DECEMBER Issue of the Walleye Lines will be accepted through the 27th of NOVEMBER Any photos, articles that you have written or printed articles that you have obtained permission to have reprinted will be accepted. For more information please contact Scot Johnson, Editor of the Walleye Lines at: [email protected]
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