Saline Newcomers
Saline Newcomers
October 2012 Saline Newcomers %XLOGLQJ´&RPPXQLW\µRQHIULHQGDWDWLPH Message from Our President, Betty Hughes Cooler days and crisp nights are here! Fall is a great time to reflect on the beauty of nature. As we take time to select a pumpkin or drink a cup of cider, it is a good time to think about giving back to those in need. Saline Newcomers is not just a wonderful social club, we can also enhance our community service efforts. With that in mind, the Board has elected to broaden the scope of the Angel Net- work (spread our wings). Liz Hartley, our coordina- tor, would like to hear about anyone within our organization that needs a helping hand. Later in this newsletter, she ex- plains our expanded ser- vice outreach plan. Remember, October 1st is the deadline for renewing your membership. In or- der to participate in the special interest group ac- tivities and to have your information included in the Directory, your dues must be paid ($15 is quite a bargain!). Thanks go to Melissa Solomon for hosting our first coffee of the year and to Ellen Near for inviting us to her home for Eve- ning Cocktails. Mark your calendars for our Annual Holiday Party and Ornament Exchange on December 11th. Cheri Scriven has graciously volunteered to host this festive evening. October 25th is Ladies Night Out at Ruby Tues- days. Come and join us WKHUH,NQRZ\RX·OOOHDYH with laughter in your heart and a smile on your face. Visit Saline Newcomers on Facebook Betty New Members Brenda Black Lisa Endres Lunch Bunch The ladies who lunch met at =LQJHUPDQ¶V5RDG+RXVH last month ± a good turn RXWRI³JLUOV´HQMR\HG lunch on a somewhat chilly patio! This month we will be meet- ing on Friday, Oct. 12th at DW³/HQD´5HVWDXUDQW Debbie Valentine in Ann Arbor. Lena is a newly opened restaurant, located in the building that was the Greek restaurant, The Parthenon, (corner of Main and Liberty). It is a unique culinary experience, inspired by the foods and traditions of Latin America, and influenced by the fla- vors and techniques of new world cuisine! Gina Williams Please RSVP to Jane by Mon, Oct 8th, to jane. [email protected] or 470- 6670. Welcome to Saline Newcomers! All are Welcome! Upcoming Events in the Area 10/5-10/6 Ghoultide Gathering, Chelsea Fairgrounds 10/7 Harvest Time at the Rentschler Farm Museum 10/12-10/14 Fall Fair Artisan Market, Northville 10/13-10/14 Appleumpkin Festival, Tecumseh 10/26 Boo Bash at the Saline Rec Center Angel Network As the old saying goes, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." The proverb is especially true for our Saline Newcomer friends in need. The Angel Network is expanding to in- clude support for those members going through a difficult time. If you know of a member who could use emotional support or perhaps in need of transpor- tation to and from a medical appoint- ment, please contact Liz Hartley at [email protected]. Holiday Ornament Exchange Party Liz will contact the member to see what her needs are and how Saline Newcomers can be of help. Sue Wodkowski, Cindy Bonczyk, Betty Hughes, and Cindy Lewis have also enlisted to help as Assistant Angels. Many thanks for their heavenly support. Thank You Angels! BOARD MEETING SAVE THE DATE! Our annual Holiday ornament exchange party will be held on Tuesday, December 11th. Mark your calendar now. Watch your News- letter for details! Tuesday, October 9th 3:00 p.m. General Membership Meeting ³ *LUO·V1LJKW2XW Join us for an evening of socializing at Ruby 7XHVGD\·V5HVWDXUDQWLQ6DOLQHRQ7KXUVGD\ Oct. 25th starting at 6:30 pm. Please RSVP to Leslie Hasker, at [email protected] no later than Monday, Oct. 22nd, so we know how many ladies to plan for. Remember to bring an item for our neighbors in need, to be donated to Saline Social Services. Pinochle News The new pinochle group is growing. For October we will have 7 regular players and 5 subs. Outstanding! We are still seeking a few more new players. Our ultimate goal is 12 regu- lars with a handful of subs. Begin- ners are welcome, we are happy to teach. Our second card night was held on September 12th with 5 play- ers in attendance. Pinochle will be held monthly depending on the PHPEHUV¶VFKHGXOHV6RIDUWKHnd Wednesday of the month is work- ing. Our next card night is scheduled for Wednesday October 10th at 7 pm at the home of Cindy Lewis. Please contact Cindy at snowkap- [email protected] or call 734-649-7749 (cell). Book Club 2FWREHU·VERRNSLFN´+HU)HDU IXO6\PPHWU\µE\$XGUH\1LII enegger, is a hauntingly good ghost story. Deb Pulte will be hosting our book club discussion on Tuesday, October 16th at 7:00 pm. If you intend to come, please RSVP to Deb at yachtsof- Page 3 [email protected]. It should be a spooktacular night! *HWDMXPSVWDUWRQ1RYHPEHU·V ERRN´5RRPµE\(PPD Donoghue. Saline Newcomers Cocktail Night Save the date and add to the fun by joining your Newcomer friends for October Cocktail Night! Betty and Phil Hughes will host at their lovely home on Friday, October 26th. $OODUHZHOFRPH%ULQJ\RXUIDYRULWHKRUVG·RHXYUHWRVKDUHDQG your own beverage. DayTrippers On Wednesday, October 24th, Daytrippers will travel to Royal Oak to experience "big city sophistication married to small town American charm." For further information, view or check out http:// to see a list of the many unique boutiques and art galler- ies. :H¶OO enjoy lunch at one of Royal Oak's trendy restaurants. Please gather at the Saline Library at 9:00 a.m. for carpooling. Respond to Janet Moss at [email protected] or 944-7251 if you plan to join us. OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS PV Roby 10/4 Nancy Meyers 10/14 Judy Eberle 10/10 Barbara Kibler 10/23 Diane Daniels 10/11 Chick Flick News We had a great turnout for our first Chick Flick for this year in August when we saw "Hope Springs." Some of us went to the Carlyle afterwards for refreshments and discussion. The consensus was that we all liked the movie. A smaller group traveled to the State Theater in September to see "Arbitrage." W e really liked it, and enjoyed the experience of the State Theater also. Watch for notice of the October pick later this month. W e will meet on October 30th (last Tuesday of the month). Suggestions for films are always welcome! Contact Judy Neeb, 944-3733. Pilates Mat Exercising Welcome Wagon Diane Daniels is offering Pilates mat train- ing classes in her home for up to five (5) Newcomers. This is to fulfill her training needs to become certified in Pilates. There is no charge for these classes. For more information, contact Diane at ddaniels04@ If you are new to Saline (within the past year) or know someone who is, please enjoy the services of Welcome Wagon! Be sure to pass it on to new neighbors! Contact Sue Corcoran at (734) 944-4799 for your Welcome Package of coupons and information about businesses in the Saline Area and things to do. THANKS! To Our Advertisers! Lisa G. Rentschler Senior Consultant 116 Green Valley Drive, Milan, MI 48160 (734) 476-6073 [email protected] Page 5 Saline Newcomers Fun & Games Mah Jong Walking Group Anyone interested in play- ing should contact Cindy Bonczyk at 717-3374, and we will work out a day and time to play. Beginners welcome, Cindy is willing to teach! Walkers! Contact me if you are interested in walking! We usually go in the afternoons on Tues, Wed and/or 7KXUVEXW,·PIOH[LEOHDQGZLOOZRUN with your schedule. Call Wendy Rudisill at 429-0648. Brenda Terpstra will host Fun & Games on Friday, Oct. 19th, and Angela Magenta will co- host (note change in hostess). %UHQGD·VDGGUHVVLV Sycamore Cr. In Saline. Please RSVP to Brenda by Mon, Oct 15th so she will NQRZKRZPDQ\´JDPHUVµWR expect. Her email address is: bterp- [email protected], or call 944-5486. Looking forward to a great time as always! Barbie Bunco Chick Flicks Bunco Babes Bunco Babes will play on Wednesday, Oct 3rd at 7 pm. Marybeth Myers will be hosting. Currently the group is full, but we are always in need of subs. If you wish to be on the sub list, please contact Sue Wodkowski. [email protected] For more information, contact Lisa Rentschler at (734) 476-6073 or [email protected] Mark your calendars for Oct 30th (the LAST Tuesday of the month) for Chick Flicks. The movie we will be seeing will be sent out approximately one week before, or as soon as I can get a list of what is showing that evening. Any suggestions for movies are always welcome! Contact Judy Neeb for more information at [email protected]. Euchre I and Euchre II Euchre I³Will be meeting at the home of Marybeth Myers. Date to be deter- mined. Euchre II³stay tuned! Mens Poker Night Trippers More information to come soon. Contact Elizabeth Jarzembowski for If you would like to be a sub more information at (734) 662-5390 for the euchre groups, please or [email protected] contact Sue Wodkowski. [email protected] Feeling lucky? Get your poker stash out on Friday, Oct. 5th at SPIRU0HQ·V3RNHU1LJKW Please RSVP to Phil Hughes at [email protected] or hugh- [email protected]. Poker wives will be dining at 0DF·VLQ6DOLQH ~ October 2012 ~ October Ź ŻAugust Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 'RQ¶WIRUJHWWR pay your dues! 7 8 3 Thu 4 Bunco Babes 9 10 Board Mtg Pinochle 17 14 15 16 Book Club 21 22 23 28 29 NOTES: Page 7 Wed Chick Flick 5 0HQ¶V3RNHU 11 12 Lunch Bunch 18 19 Fun & Games 24 Daytrippers 30 Fri 31 25 26 Girls Night Out Cocktail Night Sat 6 13 20 27 Saline Newcomers Special Interest Group Chairs Angel Network Liz Hartley 944-5360 Barbi Bunco Lisa Rentschler 476-6073 Book Club Liz Hartley 944-5360 Bunco Babes Sue Wodkowski 944-2428 Chick Flicks Judy Neeb 944-3733 Cocktail Night Cheri Scriven 470-6109 and Debbie Pulte (239) 272-3576 Dinner Group Chairperson Needed Euchre I Sue Wodkowski 944-2428 Euchre II Brenda Lorey 260-4947 and Mary Norton (517) 451-2020 Day Trippers Janet Moss 944-7251 Lunch Bunch Jane Hayes 972-1971 and Carolyn Collier 769-9665 Mah Jong Cindy Bonczyk 470-6796 0HQ¶V3RNHU Chuck Hartley 944-5360 Morning Fun & Games Carolyn Collier 769-9665 Pinochle Cindy Lewis 649-7749 Play Group Becky Meyers 526-9472 Night Trippers Elizabeth Jarzembowski 662-3590 Walking Group Wendy Rudisill 429-0648 Ya-Ya Weekend Angela Magenta 944-6862 Anyone interested in chairing or co-chairing one of our open special interest groups please call Cindy Bonczyk at 717-3374 Issue 3 Page 8 Saline Newcomers P. O. Box 696 Saline, MI 48176 [email protected] Board Members President: Betty Hughes, 944-3023, [email protected] VP Programs: Sue Wodkowski, 944-2428, [email protected] VP Membership: Leslie Hasker, 470-6513, [email protected] Secretary: Liz Hartley, 944-5360, [email protected] Treasurer: Cindy Lewis, 649-7749, [email protected] Newsletter: Susan Shay, 476-9545, [email protected] Special Interest Coordinators: Cindy Bonczyk, 740-6796, [email protected] and Jennifer Isaacs, 944-6875, [email protected] Standing Committee Chairs Communications: Melissa Solomon, 439-1744, [email protected] Community Service: Susan Lenz, 369-6166, [email protected] Website: Brenda Terpstra, 944-5486, [email protected] Welcome Coffees: Ginny Lilja, 944-3230, [email protected] And Wendy Rudisill, 429-0648, [email protected]