Late Fall 2011 - AMTA California Chapter


Late Fall 2011 - AMTA California Chapter
Newsletter of the
American Massage Therapy
California Chapter
vol. 34, no. 3
Current Information For
California’s Somatic
Announcing the Annual
California Massage Education Conference
Saturday, March 24 to Sunday, March 25, 2012
at Mueller College in San Diego
Mark your calendar now and plan to attend. You’ll
enjoy the beautiful southern California climate
while earning up to 12 continuing education
hours. There will be time to meet new friends,
reconnect with old friends, and learn some new
tools which will enhance your practice. You can
learn more about what is going on in the Chapter
at the Annual Business Meeting on Saturday. And
why not let your voice be heard while casting your
vote at the election of Chapter Officers and 2013
California Delegates. Conference details will be
posted on the Chapter website and mailed in early
2012 to all AMTA-California Chapter members.
in this issue...
annual educational conference
president’s message
report on national convention house of delegates update
government relations update
national massage therapy awareness week events
open positions
volunteer/candidate resume form
welcome new members - june to october
upcoming events
california currents - late fall 2011
From Your President - Melissa Martinie Colburn
Dear AMTA-CA members,
There are a lot of events and changes happening
throughout the Chapter and the Units.
• Chapter Board of Directors Meeting: The AMTA-CA
Chapter Board met in Sacramento on November 5-6. It
was a productive and fun weekend at my dining room
table. We began to plan the 2012 AMTA-CA Annual
Conference, worked on streamlining and simplifying
our Policies and Procedures, and using technology
to better organize and communicate with the Chapter
members. A special welcome to Zenaya Lahti, 2nd
VP Sarah’s 6 month old daughter, who joined us at the
• National AMTA Convention: On Oct 20, the AMTACA Chapter Board, Delegates and Appointees traveled
to Portland, Oregon for the AMTA National Convention.
It was an amazing event, as usual, and my brain was
FULL of ideas, techniques and motivation when I
returned home. The Chapter Board hosted a breakfast
for all California attendees at the J Cafe, a great little
coffee shop in downtown Portland, and between the
breakfast and the Saturday night dinner dance, we
were able to connect with most of the 60+ California
folks who were there. I’ve never seen so many people
jump out on a dance floor as soon as the music started.
Everyone was feeling the energy that was created
in Portland, from the amazing keynote speaker to
the exhibit hall to the educational presentations. It
was great to see so many new faces to AMTA and to
connect with members who have been around for 30
years. A special congratulations go to three California
members who received their 25 & 30 year pins at
the opening/awards ceremony: (pictured left to right)
Beverly May and Katie Luick from Silicon Valley Unit,
and Dorothy Schwartzberg from the Redwood Empire
Unit. You will recognize Beverly May as our former
AMTA-CA Government Relations Chair and Dorothy
Schwartzberg has worn many hats at the state and
local level. This was Katie’s first National Convention
and she was so thrilled and couldn’t believe she hadn’t
attended before. These members are a stellar example
of what AMTA volunteers can accomplish
• Chapter management transition: In September,
the Chapter changed its management style and hired
an association management company. This move
has enabled Chapter volunteers to utilize a team of
experts and incorporate the latest technology, while
cutting overhead costs. These expanded services to
our members include increased availability by phone
and email, event management, and supporting the
Chapter goal of membership expansion. Many thanks
to former Chapter Office Administrator Viki Ius and our
new administrator Carla Krzykowski for making the
transition go so smoothly. (see page 7) We now have
resources available on our Chapter website for the
Unit and Chapter Boards, and are working to update/
upgrade the Officers Training Manual.
• Chapter Volunteers: The resignation of Government
Relations Chair Amanda Whitehead this summer
caused the need for some shifting in the Board
and Appointees positions. Bernadette Murray has
been appointed Government Relations Chair, and
Donald E. Harris has been appointed to the Northern
Representative position. We welcome Donald to
the Board, and appreciate the good work done by
both Amanda and Bernadette. We also thank Lucy
Wojskowicz in her roles as Convention Coordinator and
most recently as a Delegate at the National House of
• Chapter Photos: The Chapter records and convention
supplies are now located in Sacramento, so I have
been working with Board members and student
volunteers from the Sacramento NHI campus to
organize and scan documents, as well as get the
archived pictures. Take a look at the AMTA-CA chapter
website and see all the pictures we have up at this
time. We have more to come, as far back as the
1990’s, and we encourage you to scan any AMTA event
pictures you have and submit them to me for posting.
Please make sure they are labeled with year, event and
people’s names.
We look forward to 2012 and the AMTA-CA Chaptersponsored massage education conference in San Diego on
March 24-25. We hope to see ALL of you there for a great
panel of continuing education presenters, as well as to see
old friends, make new ones and participate in the elections
and business meeting. Attending this event is a MUST to
get the most out of your AMTA-CA membership! Bring your
friends and let them take advantage of all that AMTA can
bring to their practice and lives.
[email protected]
california currents - late fall 2011
AMTA National Convention in Portland Oregon
Convention Makes a Difference
by Sarah Lahti
They call Portland the city of bridges for obvious
reasons. This year, Portland was the city to bridge the
gap of miles between massage therapists. National
Convention is an annual AMTA event which brings
together massage therapists from all over the country (and
even some from foreign lands). I love attending AMTA
National Convention every year because it gives me a
chance to re-focus, re-connect, renew, and re-build as a
therapist and on a personal level.
I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with
some wonderful people as a Chapter volunteer, both in
California and in Tennessee, who have in time become
dear friends. We don’t get to see each other very often due
to the miles between us, so National Convention gives
us the chance to reconnect and have fun knowing each
other beyond our massage therapist persona. This, to
me, is so meaningful because it reminds us that we are
all more than our work even though we love what we do.
It reminds us that each of us therapists, though we have
similar training, has a special “story” of our own. These
stories, when shared, can be the source of great inspiration
and motivation.
The Keynote speaker this year, Kevin Carroll, gave
a brilliantly moving speech at the Opening Session. He
shared his “story” and the room was touched, inspired,
and uplifted. He shared his “Big Red Ball Project” and
explained that we all speak the same language in some way
or fashion. He discussed how important communication,
interaction, and play is and encouraged us as massage
therapists and as individuals to continue to play and
Brian Arakaki with Kevin Carroll, Keynote Speaker
interact with each other. “Circumstance never dictates
one’s future” was the message he left behind. No matter
where we come from or what our “story” is, we can still
define our own future and achieve success and happiness.
california currents - late fall 2011
Many of us were so touched by his words that tears flowed
as our hearts smiled. Personally, my favorite part, was
just before he ended his speech, he ran over and gave me
three red balls for my 5-week-old baby girl Zenaya!
The House of Delegate session was a positive and
productive session. This year I observed the session
this year as an alternate delegate, and really enjoyed
and learned from this experience. AMTA now has three
new position statements approved by the 2011 House
of Delegates! Education sessions varied from handson classes to research and teacher tracks. We enjoyed
presenters such as James Waslaski, Ben Benjamin, and
Whitney Lowe. We learned new techniques and practiced
our skills to greater enhance our effectiveness and
longevity as massage therapists. The exhibit hall had
many new and exciting things to explore... like the new
portable hydraulic massage tables – so cool! Also fun
was the “Sanctuary” of the Massage Therapy Foundation.
This was a popular spot in the exhibit hall... the place to
stop and receive a mini massage treatment at a great price
and benefit the Massage Therapy Foundation at the same
National Convention just wouldn’t be the same
without the annual dinner dance. We got to dress up,
enjoy a tasty meal, and dance the night away with our
friends – old and new! This year at the dinner dance there
was even a fun photo booth and costume box! Attendees
could play with the costume attire and take fun and silly
photos (for free) with each other to be remembered for
years to come. We had a blast!
I really enjoy National Convention and I believe it is
so valuable to us in so many ways that it is one event that
I make sure to attend each year. Education, Connection,
Inspiration, Motivation, Creativity, and FUN – all in one
weekend that can make the difference of a career and a
lifetime. Don’t miss it next year!
AMTA National Convention in Portland Oregon
A Note from Melissa Wheeler
I was particularly pleased to be at
the convention this year because of Lya
Daggett, a senior student at National Holistic
Institute’s Sacramento Campus. She won
the scholarship to send one NHI student to
the National Convention. This scholarship
Coming Out Of Darkness Into The Marvelous Light
was generously funded by Biofreeze and
Going to the 2011 National Convention
managed by a group of NHI teachers and
by Donald E. Harris
Before going to the State and National Conventions, I was one of those managers.
massage therapist that regarded massage associations as profit businesses After I was awarded the Teacher of
that had little relevance to the average massage therapist or practitioners. the Year last year, I really wanted to start
Associations were some distant organization composed of people who failed a scholarship so that a NHI student could
at massage and wanted to engage in “organizational busy work.” I didn’t attend the convention. Being a member of
even know about the AMTA other than I needed insurance if I wanted to the AMTA and having the ability to attend
practice in the City of Oakland. The only relevance to me was the insurance so many of the conventions over the years
coverage. After going to the convention, I learned the important fact that the has been so meaningful for me and assisted
AMTA was the only massage association that is run by massage therapists me in my career, both as a therapist and as
a teacher. The scholarship came to fruition
just like you and me.
I arrived in Portland by AMTRAK on Monday after a 19 hour trip. I love and Lya Daggett’s application and essay
the train because it allows me time to meet people and for my polarity field won and I simply could not be more proud of
to adjust to the magnetic field of the area. The next day, Melissa Colburn, her. It was wonderful to be able to introduce
Chapter President, texted me about the National Board meeting happening her to the many folks I have come to know
at the DoubleTree Hotel. I decided to go. It would be interesting to compare over the years and to luminaries in our field,
the National Board with our Chapter Board. Surprise! There is very little such as Andrew Biel (author of Trail Guide
difference. All of the National Board members are massage therapists just like to the Body) and Ruth Werner (author of
you and me! The National Board took care of business, read reports, voted on Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology
resolutions, had experts in related fields make reports, and allowed questions AND the President of the Massage Therapy
from the audience. I submitted several questions and they were answered Foundation). Everyone was so warm and
to my satisfaction. This was the first time I saw the National Convention welcoming to Lya, and I know that she was
marvelous light. Why? I saw a living organism, people who sacrifice their very impressed by that.
time and treasure to make the hard decisions that make it possible to deliver Lya said it was like a dream come true
for her. She just loved every minute of it
the services and direction from which we all benefit.
as was thrilled with
Wednesday was devoted to
both the educational
Chapter Leadership Training (I chose
and the social parts
Recruiting & Coordinating Volunteers,
of the convention.
School Visits/Recruiting Students and
The keynote speaker
Establishing, Organizing & Operating
really set us all off on
Committees) plus the House of
the right foot too. He
Delegates (HOD) Preliminary Meeting.
was so inspiring and
The HOD is the legislation branch of
a great story teller.
the AMTA. I didn’t quite understand
Thanks for bringing
the full depth of the HOD’s importance
all of us Californians
until I was certified as a delegate and
out to share breakfast
then took my delegate’s chair. The
together. That was
purpose of the Preliminary Meeting
really cool. AMTA and
was to train us in the function and
the California Chapter
protocols of the HOD. The moderator
ROCK! Thanks again
was excellent at moderating a group of
for all you do.
massage therapists. We went over the California Delegates (front) Donald E. Harris
agenda, practiced speaking before the (back l-r) Meredith Evans, Deb Tuck, Lucy Wojskowicz
continued on page 12
Photo by Brian Arakaki, Delegate Coordinator
california currents - late fall 2011
House of Delegates Report
Three out of Six – Not Bad
by Brian K. Arakaki PT, CMT, NCTMB
It was the crisp and cool city of Portland that hosted the
2011 AMTA National Massage Convention. The theme was
“Envision.” The House of Delegates (HOD) meeting was
held on the second day of convention, October 20, 2011 from
1:30-5:30 pm. Your 2011 California delegates included
Brian Arakaki Orange County Unit
Meredith Evans Orange County Unit
Lucy Wojskowicz Orange County Unit
Deb Tuck Silicon Valley
Donald E. Harris Monterrey Bay
The backdrop for the 2011 House of Delegates was that
during the 2010 HOD, NONE of the six proposal statements
were approved. Issues included misspelling of supportive
studies, inability to edit or make corrections, and questions
about position statements.
The HOD operations committee did not want to repeat
2010, so two webinars were posted to inform all delegates
about the HOD meeting and position statements. Before the
actual HOD meeting, there is a preliminary meeting to orient
the delegates to procedures and order of the HOD. There
was a change to procedure that a person not in the HOD
could be called up to give additional information to answer
questions or give background of the position statement. Prior
to this, no one other than a delegate would be recognized on
the floor. The HOD moderator limited the time and scope
of information to ensure that only relevant information was
Immediately following the preliminary meeting, the
CA delegates met to review results of a survey of the CA
AMTA members. 96 CA AMTA members responded to an
online survey. There was overwhelming over 90% support
for all six position statements. The final position statement
regarding fair and consistent licensing in all states that can
lead to portability had the most discussion in regard to
These three position statements passed:
1. It is the position of the American Massage Therapy
Association (AMTA) that massage therapy can be
effective in reducing the symptoms of depression.
2. It is the position of the American Massage Therapy
Association (AMTA) that massage can be an effective
therapy for those who suffer from tension headaches.
3. It is the position of the American Massage Therapy
Association (AMTA) that those who participate in
exercise programs, as well as athletes in training, can
benefit from massage therapy.
Be sure to use the approved position statements when
talking to clients, working colleagues, and allied health
professionals. Other approved AMTA position statements
are found on the National website:
california currents - late fall 2011
by Brian Arakaki, Delegate Coordinator
The three position statements that did not pass were:
Fibromyalgia - 60- For / 77 Against
Licensure - 73 For / 64 Against
There was spirited debate at the HOD regarding these
position statements, which included
• Difficulty in limiting the type or anxiety
• Diagnosing fibromyalgia
• How to implement a nationwide licensure. The level of
competency or number of education hours could range
from 300 hours (Delaware) to 1000 hours (Nebraska
and New York)
The 2011 Position Statement Proposals can be found at: the
National website:
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as a representative
to the 2011 HOD. Delegates will continue to ask for response
from the AMTA-CA membership for future position
Government Relations Update
As 2011 draws to a close the
AMTA-CA Chapter can savor
the successful passage of our
Legislation and look forward
to two exciting upcoming
events to kick off 2012:
by Bernadette Murray
AMTA-CA Legislative Day at the Capitol
February 28, 2012 9 am to 5 pm
California Massage Therapy Awareness Day Event
January 12, 2012 at the State Capitol in Sacramento
This event will be celebrated with Member
Resolutions in both the Assembly and State Senate
Floors to proclaim January 12, 2012 “California Massage
Therapy Awareness Day.” The Greater Sacramento Area
Unit will sponsor this event coordinating the offering of
complimentary chair massage by professional AMTACA members who are also CAMTC certified from 11:00
am to 2:00 pm in the Eureka Room (basement floor)
of the Capitol. We are seeking a minimum of 5 and a
maximum of 10 volunteers for this event. Lunch, mileage,
parking reimbursement and a stipend will be provided to
participants. Please apply to participate by contacting me
no later than January 5, 2012.
Come join us in Sacramento to meet your Legislative
Advocates at Aaron Read & Associates, participate in an
orientation, and then visit with your Assembly and State
Senator representatives. Your Legislators need to meet
you, the AMTA-CA massage professional. Learn about
how to participate effectively in the legislative process
and network with fellow AMTA-CA members. A $20
registration fee includes lunch. To register and for more
information, please contact me before January 27, 2012.
Join the FORCE!
the GR Task Force, that is!
Contact Berndadette Murray
GR Chair at
[email protected]
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california currents - late fall 2011
National Massage Therapy Awareness Week Celebrated
The Orange County Unit had a very successful celebration
working with The Ronald McDonald House of Orange.
Complimentary 25 minute massages were scheduled every
night with volunteers from Fullerton College Massage
Program and Professional Members. Each of the residents
received an envelope with a
Certificate of Appreciation
for their participation, a
brochure from AMTA, “The
Power of Touch – Massage
Therapy”, an AMTA Fact
Sheet on massage therapy, and
a “FindAMassageTherapist.
org” business card. In 10
hours, 12 volunteers provided
48 clients with massage. The
therapists received lots of
gratitude and requests to return
The MS Bay to Bay Ride was on Saturday, October 22 and
Sunday, October 23. Students from WIN, NHI Studio City,
plus students from
the Fullerton College
Massage Program all
came together and
provided massages
to the athletes who
participated in the
event on Saturday.
Unfortunately, there
were not enough
volunteers to provide
massage on Sunday.
Michael Roberson, Orange County Unit worked a health
fair for the employees at Pacific Life in Aliso Viejo. He
handed out brochures, AMTA Fact Sheets on massage
therapy, business cards,
and his own business cards. He provided 12 10-minute
complimentary massages in a 2 hour time frame and
also left information with their HR department about the
possibility of making corporate massage available to their
employees on a regular basis.
Silicon Valley Unit partnered with the City of Cupertino
to provide massage for the city employees and librarians
on Wednesday, October 26. The five hour event was
supported by 9 Silicon Valley Unit members who worked
at least a 2-hour shift. The 8 CAMTC certified therapists
provided massage for 38 people.
Silicon Valley Unit member Nicole Dahl
Welcome to Carla
The voice you hear when you call
the AMTA-CA 800 number is our
new Office Administrator, Carla
Krzykowski. Carla has been an
Account Executive with Capitol Hill
Management Services (CHMS) for
4 years and has provided association
management services to several
organizations throughout the country.
For almost 3 years, Carla has served
as Account Executive to the New York AMTA Chapter. Ms.
Krzykowski came to CHMS after a nine year tenure with a
manufacturing company where she served as both the office
manager and controller. Prior to that, she was employed
by an association management company providing full
administrative services to two large statewide associations.
We welcome Carla to the California Chapter.
california currents - late fall 2011
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Open Board Positions
Any professional member in good standing is eligible to run
for these Open Board positions. Complete Job Descriptions
can be found on the Chapter website.
Open Board Positions - 2 year terms
(elected in even years)
2nd Vice President
Southern Representative
Special Election (1 year term)
Northern Representative
Eligibility: Must be a Professional Member in good standing,
reside in the State of California, be working in massage
therapy, and be in attendance at Chapter Convention to be
General Requirements of All Offices:
• Must attend all Chapter Board of Directors meetings
including Officers Training and Annual Convention
• Must attend AMTA-CA Chapter Business Meeting to
be held once a year during the Chapter Convention
• Agrees to uphold and abide by National AMTA Bylaws
and Code of Ethics, AMTA-CA Chapter Standing
Rules, Financial Policies & Procedures, and Human
Resources Guidelines
Process: A nominating committee will vet all resumes
submitted for the open positions. If all positions have at least
January 14-15 - North
February 2 - Conference Call
March 23 - South
March 25 - South
Board meetings are open to all members. If
you are interested in running for an office,
why not join the Board at one of these
meetings. Contact President Melissa Colburn
for details.
one person running, there will be no nominations from the
floor at the Chapter Business Meeting. Send your Candidate
and Volunteer Resume Form found on page 9 to the Chapter
There are many opportunities to be involved and
there is a place for YOU to serve in this organization,
whether you can do a one-time short-term project
or commit to many hours a week. If you want more
information about a Board or Appointee Position,
feel free to contact with the person currently serving
in that role (see page 15) Consider where your
talents and gifts lie, and take a moment to complete
and submit the Candidate and Volunteer Resume
Form on page 9. The time and energy you give in
support of this organization will return to you many
times over. Details on all positions can be found
on the Chapter website or in the Officer’s Training
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california currents - late fall 2011
Candidate and Volunteer Resume Form
AMTA-CA CHAPTER Candidate and Volunteer Resume Form
Yr joined
Name _____________________________________________ AMTA I.D. # ___________________ _______
Please print or type
Home Address ____________________________________________________________________
Phone (w) ________________________ (h) _____________________ (fax) ___________________
Email ____________________________________________________________________________
Years in massage ______ CAMTC # _____ Massage license? _________ City/County ________________
Massage school attended/# of hours __________________________________________________________
Date of completion _________________ Other related schooling __________________________________
I am interested in volunteering in the following areas: (details can be found on the Chapter website)
__Government Relations
__Public Relations
__Bylaws & Standing Rules
__Sergeant at Arms
__Convention & Workshops
__Social Media
__National Convention Delegate
__Sports Massage
__Officers Training
__Board of Directors: President 1st VP 2nd VP 3rd VP Secretary Treasurer Rep: North/ South
Relevant community or professional experience ________________________________________________
List AMTA Chapter (C) and Unit (U) Offices held with dates (include committees): ____________________
Other Qualifications _______________________________________________________________________
How many hours a week do you estimate will be required to perform the duties of this office?________
Are you currently able to commit the appropriate time for the performance of your duties? YES NO
What are your reasons and objectives for seeking this office? _______________________________________
At Board meetings, I understand that I must be present, focused and courteous; that I must put aside my private life for the duration of the function; that I will refrain from introducing distracting influences to other Board Members and that I will be prepared to
transact the business of the Association.
Please submit to the Chapter Office mail: 5732 Raybel Avenue, Sacramento CA 95841
email: [email protected]
fax: 707-824-0996
california currents - late fall 2011
Officer’s Training Update - August 2011
Southern Officers’ Training was a success in that we had
new members attending, and those who had been before,
came in with an agenda of what they wanted to learn.
Everyone got what they wanted. It was very nice to see a
few people from the Inland Empire Area with questions and
a strong desire to see their Area become a Unit. Thanks to
Brian Arakaki for coordinating the event in the South.
Know an Outstanding
Thanks to National Holistic Institute,
Emeryville and Renee Lucchini and Linda
Rikli for opening up their campus for our
Northern Training event in August. We had 16
people in attendance from the North, including
officers from Redwood Empire, Silicon Valley,
Greater Sacramento Area, and East Bay as
well as some Chapter Board members. Many
thanks go to Deb Tuck, OT Coordinator and
Silicon Valley Unit member, and her assistant
Carolyn Ulitsky from the East Bay Unit.
Each year the Chapter presents awards
to members who have gone above and
beyond in their support of their Unit or
the Chapter. If you know someone who
is deserving of recognition, please let
the Chapter Board know. You can email
suggestions to
[email protected]
Chapter Meritorious
Distinguished Service
Sports Massage Achiever
Government Relations Activist
Community Service
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california currents - late fall 2011
Welcome New Members - June through October 2011
Because of the large geographical area of our state of California, local groups called Units are established to help bring continuing
education, networking and community event opportunities to the AMTA-CA members. Please connect with your local Unit Board
members or Area Liaison, with the Northern and Southern representatives (who are the liaisons between the Chapter and Units) or
with Carla at the Chapter Office for more information about participating and connecting with AMTA-CA members in your area.
Daniel Guefen
San Diego
Qian Ahrens
Laguna Hills
Eleni Andersen
Laguna Hills
Alexander Antipov
Woodland Hills
Tomya Arroyo
Jennifer Backs
Diana Bailey-Tuder
San Clemente
Michael Bell
Melanie Benson
Xiu Bi
Michael Boeri
Jessamy Bossler
Oleg Bouimer
West Hills
Luchiana Buckley
Stephanie Burks
Long Beach
Bethuel Burrola
San Mateo
Shae Cameron
Big Sur
Eduardo Canela
Los Angeles
Angela Carlo
Jon Cavell
Santa Rosa
Sheree Centoni
Rianon Cepriano
Rosaura Chavez-Ruiz
San Diego
Jenna Corbin
San Diego
Jo Ann Crock
Los Angeles
Sarah Cundiff
West Hollywood
Anita Davenport
Santa Clara
Sean Davis
San Diego
Steve De Melo
Hector Dominguez
San Diego
James Doolittle
Drew Dunitz
San Diego
Mary Dutro
Tina Eaton
Aviana Edwards
Regina Fernandez
San Pedro
Bruno Ferreira
Kathryn Fierimonte
Bernard Flores
San Jose
Cristina Fogg
Mill Valley
Colleen Foley
Death Valley
Micah Fong
Ying Forster
San Jose
Thomas Friedrich
Patricia Gannon-Fleming Pacific Palisades
Elizabeth Garcia
Rohnert Park
Shanelle Gibbs
Gina Giro
Santa Monica
Linnea Goble
Laguna Niguel
Ruth Govea
Cyndee Greene
Michael Greene
Michelle Guerra
Huntington Beach
Dorina Hamilton
Elizabeth Hamze
Wendy Hiller
Arroyo Grande
Thomas Hillig
Long Beach
Lian Mei Huang
Dacy Huerta
San Mateo
Samantha Hunte
Lauren Ide
Jazmine Jefferson
San Mateo
Ming Li Jiang
San Francisco
Sarah Julius
San Francisco
Ji Hea Kim
San Diego
Britney King
San Jose
Morris Knight
San Pablo
Norma Larson
San Francisco
Whitney Laws
Palm Springs
Susan Lawton
Debra Le Blanc
Alyre LeBlanc
Serena Lee
San Francisco
Jenny Lefebvre
Anja Leon-Guerrero
Suzhi Li
Xin Liu
Rancho Cucamonga
James Locke
Michelle Mangano
Huntington Beach
Honghui Mao
Baldwin Park
Lucia Margason
San Jose
Sarah Marks
Ryan Marlett
San Diego
Tracy Martin Concord
Erica Mascola
Palos Verdes
Kristopher McClain
El Cajon
Katherine McDowell
San Diego
Sara McGaughey
San Diego
Darius Mensah
Maria Morales
Michelle Najera
San Jose
Jennifer Norman
San Diego
Arcely Paredes
San Francisco
Jose Peralta Nikaido
Donna Perry
Catherine Peterson Beverly Hills
Gillian Pringle
Nicolas Puglisi
Costa Mesa
Ping Ren
Baldwin Park
William Rhoton
Huntington Beach
Suzanne Roberts
San Diego
Leticia Rojas De Lechuga Baldwin Park
Henry Romero
Santa Rosa
Yuri Rosas
San Jose
Tamara Rowley
Lisa Rutherford
Jennifer Ryan
Neil San Juan
Jinnifer Shelly
Victor Sierra
Chula Vista
Sonia Solomonson
San Diego
Gerald Staheli
San Diego
Ashley Steadham
San Mateo
Curtis Stedman
Laguna Beach
Jasmine Stiggers
North Hills
Katherine Sullivan
Elizabeth Takeuchi
Fountain Valley
Christopher Tebbenkamp
Sandi Thomas
Jennifer Torres
San Diego
Ngoc Tran
Santa Ana
Linh Tran
San Diego
Aletza Trejo
San Jose
Galina Urrutia
Larnel Van Duyne
Satya Van Dyke
Yareth Villagomez
california currents - late fall 2011
Kristine Vincent
Edward Vitug
April Waldman
Pamela Weigelt
Travis Williams
Marilyn Williams
Holly Williams
Shanah Wisley
Kimberly Wolsko
Jennifer Woodward
San Gregorio
North Hills
San Diego
San Leandro
San Jose
San Diego
Huntington Beach
Ali Amin
Calvin Backman
Leslie Beauvais
Alexander Bui
Christopher Burke
Patricia Campos
Jennifer Cordova
Michael Driscoll
David Fournier
Alfreda Goforth
Karli Jantz
Yu Kagasi
Kit Kuhlman
Jim Lambert
Omar Lopez
Stjepan Maric
Parrish Martin
Clara Matthews
Kate McFarland
David Schleiffers
Jodi Shiver
Alexandra Thompson
Nadine Updegrave
San Francisco
San Diego
North Hollywood
Santa Rosa
Foster City
Los Angeles
San Francisco
Kenny Alfaro
San Jose
Lissette Aliaga
Cindy Alvarez-Rutledge
Catherine Bailey
Studio City
Stacie Balcacer
Brandy Baldwin
San Francisco
Harold Bartley
Los Angeles
Veronica Brogna
Wendy Brown
Brandi Burdick
San Diego
Lisa Busse
Teresa Calver
Brandi Cameron
La Canada
Gil Colorina
San Francisco
Andrew Dacuycuy
La Habra
Nicole Dahl
San Jose
Manuel Diaz-Carabes
El Cerrito
Gerard Domier
Tina Duarte
Huntington Beach
Sondra Dufresne
Costa Mesa
Deborah Dupre
Nicole Eaton
Elizabeth Evans
Mountain View
Regine Ferenal
Garden Grove
Michele Fitterer
Santa Rosa
Tricia Flora
Santa Clara
Crystal Fortman
San Diego
continued on page 12
New Members
continued from page 11
Daryl Francisco
San Francisco
Gabriel Gancayco
San Jose
Lisbeth Geertsen
San Jose
Michaelangelo Graham
Alyssa Grassi
Shelley Heitzman
West Sacramento
Shawna Heston
Lorna Honore
Carlita (“Sijai”) Johnson
Sughi Karai
San Jose
James Koller
Eva La Marre
Elizabeth Karpf
Monte Sereno
Meghan Lamberton
Catherine Lang
Alison Libby
Rhonda Lunkenheimer
Luis Machado
San Jose
Jessica Mackinder
Studio City
Michelle Marshburn
Los Angeles
Kortney Maruyama
No. Hollywood
Jennell McAlister
Peter Miller
Yorba Linda
Kenneth Miller
Raymond Mills
Darren Moss
Kimberly Mullins
Anna Narvid
Woodland Hills
Bailey Nichols
Stacy Nuciforo
Sherri Nyberg
Roberto Ortiz
Chula Vista
James Owen
Cindy Pedrosa
Catherine Pena
Leah Priest
Los Angeles
Ginae Pueyrredon
Carla Rego
Elizabeth Reyes
San Jose
Molly Robertson
Nereida Rojas-Seitz
Travis Santa Ines
Casey Scott
San Diego
David Self
San Jose
Stephanie Shelton
Christine Sherry
Troy Shoap
San Jose
Jacob Stacy
Stefan Suarez
Michael Susoev
Truk Tolstad
San Diego
Amanda Traczek
Maria Celeste Usi
Bethany Van Damme
Nicole Vanderlinden
San Diego
Theresa Vasquez
Walnut Creek
Kristal Velick
Peter Wang
Success Wendell
Corinne Worland
Walnut Creek
National Convention
continued from page 4
on the position statement. The HOD
body, challenging and defending the six voted on six Position Statements and
position statements that we would vote passed three. (see page 5) The HOD
on the next day. After a 2.5 hours training, worked hard and the arguments pro
I felt pretty confident. The light of this and con were honestly and diligently
presented. I felt proud to have been
convention was beginning to shine!
Thursday was the Opening Session elected to serve.
On Friday and Saturday I attended
& Awards Presentations, featuring
Keynoter Kevin Carroll, author of “Rules some of the finest and well-presented
of the Red Rubber Ball: Find and Sustain workshops that I have ever attended.
Your Life’s Work.” Have you ever been The presenters were the best in their
in a big meeting hall with therapists fields of expertise. Then Saturday
from all over the nation? The feeling is night was the dinner/dance and it was
truly electrifying. And Kevin
had one of the most inspiring
personal stories that I’ve ever
heard (and trust me I’ve heard
many great speakers.) Their
mother abandoned Kevin and
his older brother at a very
early age. While living with
his grandparents he found
an abandoned ball in the
neighborhood playground. He
emphasized the magnetism
of that ball he found on the
playground that day. Lifelong At the Dinner Dance (l-r) Melissa Colburn, Deb Tuck,
neighborhood friends grew Mark Dixon, Cynthia Ribiero
from playing with that ball;
then becoming an athlete; achieving time to party! Our National President,
academic success (physical therapist, Glenath Moyle of Portland is one of the
massage therapist, and receiving post friendliest and outgoing personalities
graduate degrees); Catalyst for Nike; you could ever meet. The entire group
and executive positions with Starbucks, who put this convention together must
Discovery Channel, and ESPN. Kevin be given the greatest approval and
has made it possible to give playground thumbs up. Their hard work was selfballs to impoverished kids all over the evident. I lift up the many dedicated
world. His speech gave us inspiration volunteers who gave their time and
and encouragement to keep striving to expertise to making our convention a
achieve our goals of love and kindness great success, as well as our sponsors
to humankind through our massage and exhibit presenters. They were
practice. Everybody left the hall fired up willing to show you the latest massage
techniques and technology.
and ready to go!
For 16 years, I walked in darkness
The order of business for the HOD was
to approve the HOD Rules of Procedure about our conventions. Attending
2011 and was governed by Robert Rules the State and National Conventions
of Order. I vigorously argued against brought me into the marvelous light of
the approval of Procedure #7: Allowing appreciation of our association. I was
Non-Delegates Speaking Privileges, showered in the light of information,
noting that the non-delegates vetting comradeship with fellow therapists,
process and speeches could use up the 20 and felt the living, breathing, giving
minutes time allotted for debate by the organism called the AMTA. I hope
delegates. Another member joined my and dream that our future State and
motion by moving that the words “but National Conventions will have twice
not limited to” be removed from this as many participants as this year.
procedure. I agreed and the HOD voted
to amend this procedure to exclude all
non-delegates that did not actually work
california currents - late fall 2011
Bruno Chikly,
the first
that teach how to attune
to the specific rhythm,
direction, depth and
quality of the lymph flow,
consistent with scientific
800-311-9204 |
We are Seeking a New Editor for the
California Currents
• A r e y o u g o o d w i t h g r a m m a r a n d
• Have you ever wanted to try your hand at
newsletter layout?
• Do you know InDesign or want to learn that
• Do you have about 16 volunteer hours to give
three times a year?
If so, why not submit your Candidate & Volunteer
Resume Form on page 9 today. Karen Russell, our current
Editor, will work closely with the new Editor to provide
for a smooth transition. Support, training, and guidance
will be provided during the transition. You can email
your specific questions to Karen.
[email protected]
california currents - late fall 2011
California Chapter Offers
Graduate Membership Discount
This COUPON entitles you to
$25 Off
your AMTA Membership
Submit this coupon when joining by mail
Enter CA25 in the coupon code field when
joining online at
Offer expires Feb. 29, 2012. You must be a California resident.
Signs From The South
News from the North
Contact Bernita Brazier, Gold Coast liaison at (805) 247-9075
or [email protected].
Contact: Leslie Hollingsworth at (415) 694-0553 or
[email protected]
Contact: Dora Bendahan, VP Education at (310) 736-8264
or [email protected].
Jan. 15 Thai Massage on the Table with Elise Briggs
Contact Patricia Rusert Gillette at [email protected]
Contact Ginger Gibbs-Kettering at [email protected] or
(760) 250-8796.
Contact: Lisa Anderson at (559) 270-3791 ro
ironbirdmassagestudio@yahoo. com.
Contact: Michael Roberson at [email protected] or
(949) 292-9207
Feb. 5
Super Bowl Sunday Party for the Marines
in Coto de Caza
Stay connected with OCU on Facebook for meeting and
workshop details.
Stephanie [email protected]
Debora Torkington [email protected]
Share Kilpatrick [email protected]
AMTA-CA Chapter and Unit continuing education courses
are approved by the National Certification Board for
Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as
continuing education Approved Providers.
Because of the large geographical area
of our state of California, local groups
called Units are established to help
bring continuing education, networking
and community event opportunities to
the AMTA-CA members. Please connect
with your local Unit Board members or
Area Liaison, with the Northern and
Southern representatives (who are the
liaisons between the Chapter and Units)
or with Carla at the Chapter Office for
more information about participating and
connecting with AMTA-CA members in
your area.
Contact: John Prior at (510) 366-9767 or
[email protected]
Contact: Sarah Lahti at [email protected].
Contact: VP of Education Riya Suising at
[email protected]
Jan. 14
Workshop and Unit Meeting
Egyptian Foot Reflexology with Ariel Hubbard
April 28
Workshop and Unit Meeting for Elections
Introduction to The Hendrickson Method
with Tom Hendrickson
Connect with the Silicon Valley Unit on Facebook.
California Currents is published by the American Massage Therapy
Association®, California Chapter (AMTA-CA). © 2011.
Copy Deadline
Received by
Jan. 15
[Feb. 28]
May 15
[June 30)
Late Fall:
Nov. 1
[Dec. 15]
Electronic version should reach email subscribers prior to above
‘received by’ date. Send articles electronically to the Editor. Send
camera-ready artwork for ads to the Editor and Chapter Office
Administrator. Send ad checks payable to “AMTA-CA” to the Chapter
Treasurer. (see page 15)
Non-member Member
Full page
2/3 page
1/2 page
1/4 page
1/8 page
Business Card
On home page only
Visible on every page $250/mo*
*only available 9 months of each year
Contact information for our contributing authors does not constitute
an endorsement by the AMTA California Chapter.
AMTA-CA and California Currents reserve the right to edit and/or
refuse any submitted article or advertisement. Neither AMTA-CA nor
California Currents guarantees, warrants, or endorses any product,
service, or referral advertised herein, nor do they express any opinion
in regard to the legality of the use of any product advertised herein
in connection with the practice of massage therapy.
california currents - late fall 2011
Your 2011-2012 Chapter Board and Appointees
5732 Raybel Avenue
Sacramento CA 95841
w: (916) 225-5653
[email protected]
Southern Representative
23411 Summerfield, #5G
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
w: (949)292-9207
[email protected]
1st Vice President
10396 Norwich Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
w: (408) 316-0174
[email protected]
2nd Vice President
P O Box 103
Forestville, CA 95436
w: (707) 820-7481
[email protected]
3rd Vice President
16016 Indian Flat Road
Nevada City, CA 95959-8754
h: (530) 478-0432
w: (530) 265-0400
[email protected]
P. O. Box 397
Claremont, CA 91711
(909) 399-3476
f: (909) 981-8659
[email protected]
1237 Ceres Street
Crockett, CA 94525
h: (510) 787-1974
w: (510) 787-2087
f: (510) 787-4917
[email protected]
california currents - late fall 2011
Northern Representative
299 F Reservation Road #254
Marina, CA 93933
w: (831) 384-6423
[email protected]
By-Laws & Standing Rules Chair
17633 Lemay Place, Lake Balboa, CA 91406-5354
(818) 342-7172
[email protected] 2011 Delegate Coordinator
[email protected]
Sergeant At Arms
1901 Fulton Street, Ste 110, Fresno, CA 93721
(559) 270-3791
[email protected]
Governmenl Relations
443 1st Street, Ste 2, Woodland, CA 95695
(530) 661-1950
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
[email protected]
2011 Officers’ Retreat Coordinator
[email protected]
(800) 696-2682
fax: (707) 824-0998
[email protected]
5732 Raybel Avenue, Sacramento CA 95841
(877) 905-0577
fax: (847) 864-1178
[email protected]
500 Davis St., Ste. 900, Evanston, IL 60201