- amta nevada chapter


- amta nevada chapter
Summer 2015 - Volume 12, Edition 2
Silver State Massage Express
newsletter of the American Massage Therapy Association's Nevada Chapter
[email protected]
(775) 556-0300
(voicemail only)
David Otto, Nevada Chapter President
What does t he
AMTAst and For ?
It seems like Summer is leaving as quickly as it came - Nevada has experienced some of the
lowest mid- and late-Summer temperatures in its more-recently recorded
meteorological history. But the AMTA-Nevada Chapter is still HOT!
So Far, This Year
Our chapter and association
have experienced some
foundational changes as of
late, and to keep you in the
know, here are a few updates:
State of the Chapter
Page 1
2015 Nevada State
Page 2
Convention Wrap-up
How Your Practice
Has Changed in
Page 4
Welcome! New
Chapter Members
Page 4
What does the
AMTA stand for?
Page 5
Page 5
Our 2015 Annual Convention in
late-May brought forth some
changes in and new leadership
for our members: Brent
Bornemeier was officially
member-elected to serve the 2nd of a 2-year regular term as Chapter Secretary; Mavies
Gascon is our newest 2nd Vice-President; Anneli Adolfsson completed her term as Nevada
Chapter Treasurer and we welcomed in Kathleen Egenes (recently transferred in from the
New Mexico chapter) as our newest Treasurer; Paul Lofgreen was elected as our 2015-2016
Nevada Delegate and Eileen Charles was elected as our 2015 1st Nevada Alternate Delegate.
Notwithstanding all that firing of the kiln and getting it ready as a hotbed of activity for the
members and enrolling new massage therapy professionals into the AMTA family, we have
some updates for volunteer & Committee positions: Cozy Meyer is stoking the fires of the
National Massage Therapy Awareness Week® Committee as its Chair; Mavies is taking
charge of the School Outreach
program in our Member Committee;
Paul Lofgreen has commandeered the
role of Newsletter Editor!
Over the Years
Our Years start at two different
- Fiscal (Mar 1- Feb 28/29)
- Leadership (around Elections, at our
Annual General Meeting, usually held in
late-May/ early-June)
Fiscal Year
When the Budget Committee, led by the Chapter Treasurer,
develops and presents a proposed Budget for the following
Fiscal Year to the Chapter Board of Directors, it is for the period
spanning the Association's fiscal year - this year's proposed and
member-approved Budget was for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year.
Leadership Year
Each year, in the late-May/early-June time frame, a changing of
the guard can and often does occur - Members & each existing
Board member that has served their term [of 2 years] Nominates
themselves and submits it with their résumé and signed
Volunteer Code of Conduct, prior to elections. From the
moment they are elected into office by the membership at the
Annual General Member Meeting during this time of year, they will
serve until their post has a newly-elected member voted in,
which can take either a little less or more than
2 years to the date.
During both these Years, great things happen in the
Chapter: from fulfilling the Deliverables of the
Association - being a point of contact for
AMTA-NV members, recruiting new members and
volunteers, providing a form of communication (like
a newsletter 3x/year or a website) - to planning
how to help promote members, massage therapy
as a profession, and support the fair regulation of
massage therapists in Nevada.
This Year..and Beyond
Bolstering the protection of massage therapists in Nevada,
keeping the chapter members informed with the latest research,
massage-therapy-promotional materials the Association provides,
and having a say in Who We Are as a profession
in the strongest, not-for-profit massage therapy
organization are our primary goals.
Leader ship and
Lear ning ar e
indispensabl et o each
ot her
-John F. Kennedy
We are looking forward to another great year
serving the members of the Nevada Chapter without its members' involvement, the best
benefits cannot be realized. Resources are always
needed and appreciated, and we encourage you
to find out how you can fire the kiln of the AMTA
Nevada Chapter - please contact a Nevada
Chapter Board member or Volunteer today!
The AMTA Nevada Chapter had another great Annual Convention in
2015, hosted at Shanghai Lilly inside Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas!
Anneli Adolfsson, Education Committee Chair and Treasurer, made
sure that the beautiful class & meeting spaces and scrumptious lunch
& refreshments were ready and available to our 28 participants:
members and massage therapists to kick off the Convention.
Featured during the Convention was the Annual General Meeting, where Mandalay Bay
and Delano Spa Director Jane Cox spoke about "Change: How We Accomplish
Movement", David Otto, Chapter President updated the membership on AMTA
business and facilitated the chapter business of elections and Budget approval for the
2016-2017 fiscal year, and Delegate Brent Bornemeier presented the 2015 House of
Delegates proposed Recommendations for the Attendees to understand..
Elections Results:
2nd Vice-President: Mavies Gascon
Treasurer: Kathleen Egenes
2015-2016 Delegate: Paul Lofgreen
2015 1st Alternate Delegate: Eileen Charles
Later in the afternoon and the next day, Winnie Cain and Joshua
Morton headlined the available 12-hours-worth of continuing
education classes - Chinese Thai and AIS & MLT, respectively - we
had a lot of happy Attendees to those classes, based on our
post-class surveys.
available upon request to members, to include the Approved
2016-2017 budget, results of leadership and Delegate Elections, and
all the great decisions members and volunteers have come to, to
be able to facilitate in the next year and beyond.
Thanks to Chapter Secretary Brent Bornemeier, Minutes are
- is a statement of the beliefs of our organization.
- is member-written and submitted to the Position Statement Review
Commission (PSRC) and reviewed by the Massage Therapy Foundation
and AMTA Legal department.
- is based on current research.
- can only be amended (on the House of Delegates floor) if grammatical
or spelling amendments do not change the intent of it in any way.
- requires a 2/3 maj ority of the House.
- when Passed, becomes an official statement of the AMTA
- is periodically reviewed to determine its validity based on any new
Mia Stone
Markellus Wright
May 2015
New & Tr ansf er r
Member s
April 2015
Anneliese Adam
Jamie Back
Aleesha Bryant
Madison Camino
Yanet Castellon
Steven Cole
Michael Hanigan
Kaysha Hardin
Ivan Ramirez
ing Maggie Abbott
Ana Argaez-Hernandez
Douglas Brazda
Rashel Buchanan
Wesley Eswagen
Allison Florman
Andrew Hill
Jatae Jater
Regino Francisco Maldonado
Anna Rousculp
LeAnne Smith
?You hav enot l iv ed
t oday unt il you
hav edone
somet hing f or
someonewho can
nev er r epay you.?
? John Bunyan
Regina Smyers
Katalin Szeidl
Almeta Wilson
Alison Winder
Xiao Hua Yang
June 2015
Alma Adamson
Karen Bateman
Krysty Calzada
Alexandra Cathers
DeAunt'e Cone-Grove
Japer Ellena
Cynthia Hernandez
Ryan Lynch
Elisa Shrout
Ayanna Worthy
Nipaphan Yingyoud
Amanda Zuercher
July 2015
Grace Arias
Fatima Assis
Ilidio Barreiros
Dawn Borkowski
Collette Brown
Corrisa Callahan
Jon Coats
Stephanie Concoby
Jekaterina Knight
John Marquez
Erika Ruiz-Flores
Adriana Torres
Jamie Williams
This year, the Massage Therapy Foundation (in its
25th Year) is challenging members and chapters to
raise awareness and funds to elevate the practice of
massage therapy through grant funding for research
and community service.
The Nevada Chapter is participating in a 51-Chapter
competition to see which chapter can ?raise the most
funds?. In order to win the prize of Naming a
Community Service Grant, each winning chapter must
raise a total of $6,000 or more.
If you?re planning on donating this year to the Massage Therapy Foundation like the Nevada
Chapter has with its $529 donation on behalf of its members, please be sure to indicate the
?Chapter?that you are affiliated with: NEVADA.
- Read more about the Massage Therapy Foundation's Chapter Challenge
- Donate here: https:/ /donatenow.networkforgood.org/1428681
Laws that affect massage therapy practice in Nevada have changed the face of 'how we do business' and what the requirements are for
being a Nevada state-licensed massage therapist.
Your input as to what has happened and what will happen in the future is and will be very important - the chapter's ability to maintain a
Government Relations Consultant is the key to staying in-the-know: thank you for your support, year after year.
Find out what's changed in Nevada in 2015: http://amta-nv.org/2015-legislative-changes-in-nevada-for-massage-therapists
This newsletter, the Silver State Massage Express, is published quarterly by
the Nevada Chapter of the AMTA, a non-profit professional organization of
licensed massage therapists and students preparing for licensure.
Are there any particular issues or subj ects that you?d like us to explore in
the future? Do you have questions you?d like to ask, or that you?d like us
to ask? We want your voices to be heard!
Writers! If you have any professional articles that you?d like to see
published in the Silver State Massage Express, contact us! Information for
publication must be submitted electronically. Copyright material must be
accompanied with a release from its holder.
Submission Deadlines
Jan 15 · Apr 15 · Jul 15 · Oct 15
Publication Dates
Feb 1· May 1· Aug 1· Nov 1
The Nevada Chapter reserves the right to edit materials for clarification
and where appropriate for space, accept or rej ect materials and assumes
no responsibility for errors, omissions, corrections or modifications in
publications. The opinions contained in this publication do not necessarily
reflect those of the staff or of this publication, AMTA or the Nevada
For more information on how to contribute and publishing, please visit our
Newsletter page on the chapter website:
http:/ /amta-nv.org/ chapter-news/newsletter
Cal endar
t o suppor t t hepr of ession,
t o suppor t your pr act ice
In 2006, the House of Delegates started
hearing Position Statements, a new idea for
establishing the massage therapy beliefs
of our now-over-60,000 members.
August 13t h
Reno, NV- Member Meetingwith
Brent Bornemeier &Cozy Meyer contact ustoRSVP!
What did the House of Delegates do before Position Statements?
August 19t h- 22nd
The representatives of the state chapter members that met annually in the House of Delegates,
and continue to do so, represented their members' stances on AMTA Bylaw and goals
Recommendations, presented on behalf of one member, sponsored by a state chapter, then
presented, upon Approval of the House of Delegates to the National Board of Directors.
Pittsburgh, PA- 2015AMTA
National Convention- check out
thisyear'sawesomel ineup!
It is the National Board of Directors that manages substantiating and attaining the 5-year goals
of its members - it is a function of a "for the member, by the member"-operated organization
to hear its members' suggestions.
Oct ober 25t h- 31st
When we as members agree by paying our dues to uphold certain ideals and qualities of being
a massage therapy professional, there are processes by which we are entitled as association
members and expected to participate.
Your Town, NV- National Massage
Therapy AwarenessWeek® participate!
Establishing our core beliefs about massage therapy for Consumers and professions with
whom massage therapists work to discern, critique, and accept as a massage therapist's scope
of practice is part of what AMTA stands for - the process of Position Statements is one of the
ways we can say "This is what the AMTA stands for".
Participate in your association:
- read and comment on the proposed 2015 Position Statements (in an upcoming online
- contact your Nevada Delegates to ask questions or express interest in running for the
elected Nevada Delegate position open in 2016
- find out what it takes to write your own Position Statement and start to get your
association to represent what you stand for as a member and massage therapy professional
Nevada Chapt er Vol unt eer s
Dav id Ot t o
President , Webmaster
Nov ember 2015
Your Computer, NV- 2015AMTA
National El ections- votefor the
next AMTAl eadership!
Nat ional MassageTher apy
Awar eness Week® is COMING!
If you have a great idea how to promote massage therapy in your community,
through your practice or with the chapter: please contact Cozy Meyer,
NMTAW® Committee Chair. She would love to work with you to make it the
most successful event ever!
Mav ies Gascon
2nd Vice-President
Kat hl een Egenes
Br ent Bor nemeier
Why not share your photos and story with the chapter and the AMTA? There
are ways to do that - j ust ask Cozy. Tips, tricks, and suggestions for making
your massage-promotional event a smash hit are also available to you - visit
the chapter's NMTAW® webpage and/or call on Cozy!
Secretary , 2014-2015 Delegate
2015-2016 Delegate,
Paul Lof gr een Newsletter Editor
Eil een Char l es
2015 Alt Delegate
Annel i Adol f sson Education Chair
Cozy Mey er
NMTAW® Chair
We NEED You!
Apply for a Board,
Committee, or
Volunteer Position with
the AMTA-NV chapter ? network with and assist supporting
your fellow professionals and members!
Find out more about how you can put your talents to work!