"You are the light of the world" (Mt. 5:14).
"You are the light of the world" (Mt. 5:14).
8 T H S U N D A Y I N O R DI N A R Y T I M E W W W . R C C H OU S T O N . O R G "You are the light of the world" (Mt. 5:14). A few weeks ago we reflected on this image. We are the light of the world because we illuminate the hearts and minds of the world by being like Christ. This light helps people see the truth about God and the truth who is God. The very substance of Catholic education is this. It is the mission of our school to focus on the light, who is Christ, and allow that light to illumine the minds of our young people, as well as their families. During the next few months we will focus on our mission as a parish with a Catholic School. We will explore our richness as a Christ -centered community that informs minds and hearts. This Sunday, we hear Jesus say, "you cannot love both God and mammon" (Matt. 6). Mammon is money. And we cannot love both God and money. Often we hear of the purpose of education is to help people get jobs and to make money. Indeed, it does. That, in itself, is a good thing. Yet, as Jesus says, there is more to life than food, clothing and money. The Kingdom of God is Life! Everything else we use to serve the Kingdom of God. Our Catholic education inculcates that truth. It is a truth that illuminates our minds and hearts, showing us who we are and who Christ is. Fr. Christopher Plant Pastor MARCH 2, 201 4 "Vosotros sois la luz del mundo" (Mt. 05:14 ). Hace unas semanas tuvimos una reflexión sobre esta imagen. Somos la luz del mundo porque iluminamos los corazones y las mentes del mundo por ser como Cristo. Esta luz ayuda a las personas ver la verdad acerca de Dios y la verdad de quien es Dios. La esencia misma de la educación católica es ésta. Es la misión de nuestra escuela en enfocarse en la luz, que es Cristo, y permitir que la luz ilumine las mentes de nuestros jóvenes, así como a sus familias. Durante los próximos meses vamos a centrarnos en nuestra misión como parroquia con una Escuela Católica . Vamos a explorar nuestra riqueza como una comunidad centrada en Cristo que informa a las mentes y corazones. Este domingo, escuchamos a Jesús decir: " no se puede amar a Dios y Mamón a la vez" ( Mateo 6 ). Mamón es el dinero. Y no podemos amar a Dios y al dinero. A menudo oímos hablar del propósito de la educación que tiene como finalidad de ayudar a las personas a conseguir trabajo y ganar dinero. De hecho, lo hace. Eso, en sí mismo, es una buena cosa. Sin embargo, como dice Jesús, hay más en la vida que la comida, ropa y dinero. El Reino de Dios es la Vida! Todo lo demás lo utilizamos para servir el Reino de Dios. Nuestra educación católica inculca esa verdad. Es una verdad que ilumina nuestras mentes y corazones, que nos muestra quiénes somos y quién es Cristo. Padre Christopher Plant, Párroco EIGHTH SUNDAY RESURRECTION VOLUNTEERS The Archdiocese of Galveston – Houston requires that ALL church & school volunteers that come in contact with minor and/or vulnerable adults attend a VIRTUS session called “PGC”. The objective of the VIRTUS program is to prevent child sexual abuse and create a safe environment. This is a 3 hour session and is valid for 5 years. VIRTUS “PGC” Session in English Resurrection Office, 2nd Floor Monday, March 31, 2014 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Register online at virtusonline.org. If you need help please come in person to the parish office. FASTING & ABSTINENCE Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics. In addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence. For members of the Latin Catholic Church, the norms on fasting are obligatory from age 18 until age 59. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal. Two smaller meals may also be taken, but not to equal a full meal. The norms concerning abstinence from meat are binding upon members of the Latin Catholic Church from age 14 onwards. Members of the Eastern Catholic Churches are to observe the particular law of their own sui iuris Church. If possible, the fast on Good Friday is continued until the Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday night) as the "paschal fast" to honor the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to share more fully and to celebrate more readily his Resurrection. USCCB.ORG MASS SCHEDULE IN ORDINARY TIME 2014 DIOCESAN SERVICE FUND (DSF) FONDO DE SERVICIOS DIOCESANOS 2014 “YOU WILL BE ENRICHED IN EVERY WAY FOR GREAT GENEROSITY” Our parish goal for 2014 is $ 28,300. “USTED SERÁ ENRIQUECIDO EN TODO " SENTIDO, POR SU GRAN GENEROSIDAD" La meta de nuestra Parroquia para el año 2014 es de $28,300. RAYS OF ENLIGHTMENT RAYS OF ENLIGHTMENT MARCH 22, 2014 11am – 5pm CHRIST THE REDEEMER 11507 HUFFMEISTER ROAD Divine Mercy Presentation Talks, Praise & Worship, Mass 5pm, Adoration, Light Refreshments SPEAKERS Dr. Bryan Thatcher, International Speaker Founder-Eucharistic Apostles of the Divine Mercy Fr. Roy Oggero / Fr. Christopher Plant/Sally Flowers/ Sherry Burns / Deacon Plant RESERVATION REQUIRED-NO CHARGE 281-469-5533 Margaret Carnicle [email protected] Patricia McMahan [email protected] 2014 Miércoles de Ceniza, Marzo 5 No habrá confesiones Misa: 8:30 am & 6:30 pm Cenizas Solamente: 12:00 pm La Divina: Misa 8:00pm Servició Penitencial: martes, 18 de marzo, 7 pm Mass: 8:30 am & 6:30pm Ashes Only: 12pm No Confessions No Adoration La Divina: Misa 8:00 pm Penance Service: Tuesday, March 18, 7 pm VIII DOMINGO ORDINDARIO M ASS I NTENTIONS ♦ I NTENCIONES Saturday, 5:30 pm 7:30 pm Sunday, 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm Monday, † † † † † DE March 1: BVM Rudy F. Castro, † Alfred Galaviz Ruben Miranda March 2: 8th Sunday in OT Jose G. Villanueva, † Ruben Roman David Parrish, † Charlene Parrish Ramon L. Cervantes, † Richard Andrade Blanca Isela Reyes, † Jose Torres March 3: No Mass on Monday’s Tuesday, March 4: 8:30 am † For the Hernandez Ash Wednesday, March 5: Miercoles de Ceniza 8:30 am The Medellin Family 12:00 pm Distribution of Ashes Only / Únicamente Imposición de la Ceniza 6:30 pm † Dolores Rubio Thursday, March 6: 8:30 am † Sergio D. Garcia Friday, March 7: 8:30 am † Juan De Dios Martinez, Fr. Christopher Plant 6:30 am † Phillip P. Reyna † - Deceased PRAYERS FOR THE SICK / ORACIONES POR LOS ENFERMOS Belinda Galva, Elvia Marque, Lupita Rubio, Cirila Martinez, Lupe Flores, Gabriel Cavazos, Eva Reyes, Norma Serna. Names will be posted for two consecutive weeks. If you would like to continue please contact the office. R ECENTLY D ECEASED/ R ECIEN F ALLECIDOS Julio Alberto Garcia, Roy Diaz, Elijia Gonzalez USHER MEETING/ JUNTA DE UJIERES Usher meeting Monday, March 3, 2014, 7pm in the rectory conference room. Junta de ujieres el lunes, marzo 3, 2014, 7pm en el cuarto de juntas en la rectoría. WORD ON FIRE Next Word on Fire Class: THIS WEEK AT RESURRECTION M ISA Monday, March 3: 7:30am C.C. ……….……………….Rectory Conference Room 6:00pm Rosary.………....………………………...……..Church 6:30pm RCIA….………………………Middle School RM 208 7:00pm Usher Meeting……..……….Rectory Conference Room Tuesday, March 4: 9:30am Legion of Mary…….………Rectory Conference Room 4-6pm Gala Committee Meeting…....Rectory Conference Room 4:30pm Church Cleaning by Volunteers………………..Church 6-8pm Legión de Maria……………..Rectory Conference Room 6:30pm Youth Group (Adore Ministries)…………………GYM 6:30pm Knights of Columbus……....Admin Building 2nd Floor 7:00pm Choir Practice….………………….…………….Church 8:00pm A.A…...………………….…Rectory Conference Room Wednesday, March 5: Ash Wednesday/ Miércoles de Ceniza No Adoration / No Confessions 8:30 am Mass/Misa 12:00 pm Distribution of Ashes Only/ Imposición de Cenizas Únicamente 6:30 pm Mass/Misa 7:30 pm Grupo de Oración……………….……………...Church 8:00 pm Mass/Misa at/en La Divina Providencia Thursday, March 6: 8:00am CC….………………………Rectory Conference Room 10:00 am CDA Meeting…………Our Mother of Mercy Church 1:30-2:45pm School……………………………………..Church 7:00pm A.A..….....………………….Rectory Conference Room Friday, March 7: Happy Birthday Fr. Christopher! 6:00pm Rosario…………………….………….……...…Church 6:00pm Girl Scouts.…………………………Science Room 206 6:30pm Middle School Youth Ministry…………………..GYM 7:00pm Stations of the Cross…………………………....Church Saturday, March 8: 8:30am OEC…….…………….Church, School Buildings, ACR 1:00pm Wedding………………………………………...Church Sunday, March 9: Breakfast after all AM Masses by Knights of Columbus…GYM 9:00am OEC………………..…………..School Buildings, ACR 2:00pm Cub Scouts………………..………………………GYM SUNDAY BREAKFAST/D ESAYUNO DOMINGOS All are invited for BREAKFAST after All AM Masses in the GYM. On Sunday, March 9 is hosted Knights of Columbus. Se les invita a DESAYUNAR después de Misas de la mañana el domingo, 9 de Marzo. Organizado por Los Caballeros de Colon. O F F E R T O R Y C O L L E C T I ON R E P O R T F I S C A L 2 0 1 3- 2 0 1 4 Weekly Needed / Por Semana Necesitamos: $12,315 Actual Variance (+ or -) Feb-Week 4 Budget feb-Semana 4 Wednesday, March 12, at 7:00 pm Administration building: 2nd floor No class on Ash Wednesday LOS Actual Presupuesto Diferencia (+ o -) Total $9,813 $12,315 - $2,502 For 34 Weeks Ending / 34 Semanas Terminando: 2/23/2014 Actual Budget Variance (+ or -) Year-to-Date Hasta la Fecha Actual Presupuesto Diferencia (+ o -) Total $322,766 $418,710 -$95,944 EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME BAZZAR SPECIAL COLLECTION SPRING BAZAAR SUNDAY, MAY 4, 2014 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM Special Collection - March 5 Archdiocesan Social Ministries Collection (Ash Wednesday) If you ran a booth last year and would still like to have the same booth contact a committee member as soon as you can so we can continue to reserve your booth. COMMITTEE CONTACT: David Arevalo, 713-4160359, Lia Alejandro, 832-978-1052 Tina Contreras 281787-8102 GRUPO DE ORACION Colecta para el Ministerio Social Arquidiocesano el miércoles de cenia BAPTISM CLASSES / CLASES PRE-BAUTISMALES Next Baptism class: Wednesday, March 19 at 6:15 pm. Please register at the church office before January 7. For more details please call Amelia Reyes - 713-675-5333. Próximas clases pre-bautismales: Lunes, marzo 10 y 17 a las 7pm. Regístrese en la oficina para asistir a la clase. Para mayor información llame al 713-675-53333 con Amelia Reyes. R ESURRECITON H IGH S CHOOL Y OUTH G ROUP Meets Every Tuesday Youth Group in the Gym Jonathan Alexander [email protected] P ASTORAL R EPORT– R EPORTE P ASTORAL Answers to Questions & Suggestions Respuestas a Preguntas y Sugerencias R ESURRECTION S URVEY If you provided an e-mail address last weekend you should have received an e-mail with our parish survey. If you have not completed the survey here is the link: http://www.surveygizmo.com/ s3/1522920/Catholic-Parish-Study If you did not provide an e-mail address we have the survey in paper version. You may returned the surveys to the office or you may mail them directly to: Catholic Parish Study, Catholic Leadership Institute, 440 East Swedesford Road, Suite 3040, Wayne, PA 19087 B ETHLEHEM C ATHOLIC M ISSIONS Bethlehem Catholic Missions from the Holy Land are visiting our parish next weekend. They will speak to us about the Christian struggle in the Holy Land. They also have some beautiful olive wood carvings which are all handmade by the Christian people over there. This is a Church mission to maintain the existence of the Catholic people in the Holy Land. Catholics used to be the majority over there but the percentage has now dropped to less than 1.5%. Thanks and God bless. Suggestion to consider people that need to be dropped off in front of the church due to cones blocking the entrance. Cones will no longer be in the way during Mass hours. Los conos no estarán puesto durante los horarios de Misa para que puedan dejar a las personas en la puerta principal. R ESURRECTION C UB SCOUTS PACK Resurrection has a CUB SCOUT PACK 916 Cub Scout Pack is recruiting boys in grades 1st through 5th. Come join us every Sunday at 2 pm in the gym. Cub Scouts are selling Coupon books! $10 for over $600 in coupon savings! G IRL SCOUT T ROOP PACK 132001 Resurrection has a GIRL SCOUT TROOP PACK 132001 is recruiting girls in grades Kindergarten through 12th. Meetings are on Fridays at 6:30 pm in the gym. Girl Scouts are selling cookies! $4/box VIII DOMINGO ORDINDARIO RESURRECTION CATHOLIC SCHOOL NOW ENROLLING FOR 2014-2015! Resurrection Catholic School is enrolling for the 2014-2015 school year. Financial Aid Available Don’t think you can afford a private education? We have financial aid available, and the sooner you apply, the more likely it is to get financial assistance! Students also have access to Free and Reduced breakfast and lunch. Faith-based Education Students attend Mass once a week, have religion class every day, and pray together in the morning, at lunch, and in class. We also go on retreats! Students learn to have an appreciation and respect for God’s creation! Dedicated Teachers and Staff Our teachers are mission-driven and want to see your child succeed, in mind, heart and spirit. Call or stop by and make an admissions appointment today at 713-674-5545! School Office Hours: Monday-Friday from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Legion of Mary / Legión de María Legion of Mary meets every Wednesday after 8:30am Mass, in the rectory conference room. Next meeting on Tuesday, March 4 after 8:30am Mass. No meeting on Ash Wednesday. La Legión de María en español se reúne todos los martes a las 7:00 pm en la Iglesia. Para más información: María Martínez 713-672-0933. Proxima junta el martes 6pm en el cuarto de conferencia en la rectoría. No habrá junta el día miércoles de ceniza. Escuela Católica de la Resurrección está inscribiendo para el año escolar 2014-2015. Ayuda Financiera Disponible ¿Piensa no poder pagar una educación privada? Tenemos ayuda financiera, y entre más pronto aplique, lo más probable es conseguir asistencia financiera. Los estudiantes también tienen acceso a desayunos y almuerzos gratuitos o reducidos en costo. Educación Base en la Fe Los estudiantes asisten a misa una vez por semana, tienen clase de religión todos los días, y orar juntos por la mañana, en el almuerzo y en la clase. También vamos a retiros! Los estudiantes aprenden a tener una apreciación y respeto por la creación de Dios! Maestros y Personal Dedicados Nuestros maestros se dejan llevar por la misión en la educación para que su hijo logre tener éxito, mentalmente, de corazón y espíritu. Llame o pase por la oficina de la escuela y haga una cita de admisiones hoy al 713-674-5545! Horario de oficina de la escuela: Lunes-Viernes de 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) Meets weekly on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s in the rectory conference room. Tuesdays at 8pm and Thursday at 7pm. 713-703-8360. HOUSE VISITS Resurrection Legions of Mary, TMO, and Fr. Christopher will be visiting our neighborhood on Wednesday, March 12. Meeting will initiate at the office at Resurrection at 3:30 pm.
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