New Student Information Packet
New Student Information Packet
June1,2016 DearLindenHallFamily, WelookforwardtoyourarrivaltoLititz,Pennsylvania,andourbeautifulcampusinAugust.We’re workinghardthissummertoprepareforanotherexcitingandsuccessfulschoolyearwithyour daughters. Pleaseusethefollowingchecklisttocompleteyourdaughter’sLindenHallStudentRegistration--a packetofregistrationformsthatwerequestyousubmitbytheduedatesindicatedbelow.Inthis registrationpacket,youwillalsofindhelpfulinformationsuchasimportantdates,traveltips,Student Lifefundamentals,LindenHallMedicalservices,andmore. Uponreviewingandcompletingthispacket,pleasedonothesitatetocontactourSchoolNurse,Beth Gibble,atbgibble@lindenhall.orgforquestionsrelatedtoLindenHallMedicalservices.Forallother non-medicalquestions,pleasecontactLauraMitchell,AssistantDeanofStudents,at [email protected]. StudentRegistrationChecklist(*Required): □ImportantDatesforSchoolYear2016-2017 □MedicalFormsandInformation* □AthleticOfferings&FallRegistrationInfo □Parent/GuardianCommunicationInformationSheet* □StudentCellPhoneRegistration □LindenHallOff-CampusorOvernightTripPermissionandReleaseForm* □PublicSchoolTransportation(LocalStudents) □StudentAutomobilePolicy □DressCodeInformation □FlynnO’HaraUniformOrderingInformation □NewBoardingStudentProfile □WhattoBringChecklist(BoardingStudents) □BoardingStudentTravelInformation OurStudentHandbookiscurrentlybeingrevisedandwillbeavailableforyoutoreadlaterthissummer. TheParentandStudentHandbookAcknowledgementwillbeprovidedtoyouatalaterdatetobesigned byyouandyourdaughter(s)andsubmittedtoourStudentLifeoffice.Allotherrequiredandapplicable formsareduenolaterthanJuly15,2016,toAssistantDeanofStudents,LauraMitchellat [email protected](717)627-1384.Pleasedonothesitatetocontactusanyquestions youhaveasyourfamilypreparesforthestartofschool.Ourteamishappytohelp! Iwishyourfamilyafunandsafesummer! BestRegards, MichaelE.Waylett HeadofSchool IMPORTANTDATESFORSCHOOLYEAR2016-2017 Pleaseseetheschoolcalendarontheschoolwebsiteforeventsandactivities;thiscalendar providesinformationaboutschoolanddormopeningdays. Date Event Sunday,August14,2016 Dormsopenforfallsportspre-season Tuesday,August23,2016 DORMSOPENforallboardingstudents Wednesday,August24,2016 Orientationactivitiesbegin Thursday,August25,2016 Testingfornewandreturningstudents Friday,August26,2016 Allstudentsrequiredtobeoncampus Monday,August29,2016 Firstdayofclasses Monday,September5,2016 LaborDay–NOSCHOOL Thursday,September15,2016 BacktoSchoolNightforparents Thursday,October13,2016 In-servicedayforFaculty–NOSCHOOL Friday,October14,2016 Octoberbreak–NOSCHOOL Friday,October28–Sunday,October30,2016 FallParents’Weekend Friday,November18,2016 FallBreakbeginsafterclass Saturday,November19– FallBreak–NOSCHOOL Saturday,November26,2016 Sunday,November27,2016 Boardingstudentsreturnby8:00p.m. Monday,December12– EXAMWEEK–allstudentsmustattend Friday,December16,2016 Friday,December16,2016 WinterBreakbeginsafterexams Saturday,December17,2016– WinterBreak–NOSCHOOL,DORMSCLOSED Sunday,January1,2017 Monday,January2,2017 Boardingstudentsreturnby8:00p.m. Tuesday,January3,2017 Classesresumeforallstudents Thursday,February2,2017 In-servicedayforFaculty–NOSCHOOL Friday,February3,2017 Februarybreak–NOSCHOOL Friday,March10,2017 SpringBreakbeginsafterclass Saturday,March11– SpringBreak–NOSCHOOL Saturday,March18,2017 Sunday,March19,2017 Boardingstudentsreturnby8:00p.m. Friday,March31–Saturday,April1,2017 SpringParents’Weekend Friday,April14–Monday,April17,2017 EasterBreak–NOSCHOOL Thursday,May19–Wednesday,May24,2017 FINALEXAMS Thursday,May25,2017 End-of-yearCeremonies,Baccalaureate Friday,May26,2017 Graduation–allstudentsattend* Saturday,May27,2017 DORMSCLOSE *Therewillbeaseparatecalendarforseniorfamiliesregardinggraduationactivitiesreleased duringthesummerof2016. RevisedMarch2016 June 1, 2016 Dear parents/guardians of students, Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year at Linden Hall! We look forward to working with you and your family, and to making a positive contribution to your daughter’s health and well-being. Linden Hall uses Magnus Health SMR (Student Medical Record), a web-based system that provides you continuous access to your daughter’s health records, and the ability to make updates as needed. Your daughter will also have the option to take this electronic file with them after graduation. You will be able to access Magnus Health SMR with a username and password that you will receive via email from Magnus. We ask that you log in and enter the required health information for your daughter for the upcoming school year no later than July 1, 2016 (or upon enrollment.) To access Magnus Health SMR, follow the steps below: Click on the link, in your email, that you received from Magnus Health SMR. On the Left you will see a link for Magnus Health, entitled “Link Title”. Clicking this link will direct you to your “Front Desk” in your student’s SMR. Complete all the medical requirements for each student by answering online questions and/or submitting documents to Magnus Health by scanning and uploading directly to the student’s SMR. Timely submission of health information is vital in order to prepare for the first day of school. After you have had an opportunity to explore the Magnus Health SMR website, please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. If you have any technical issues or need customer support with this process, please contact Magnus Health directly at 1-877-461-6831 or [email protected]. Please review the attached form regarding submitting the required medical documents for this upcoming school year. Sincerely, Beth Gibble, LPN Linden Hall School Nurse [email protected] DearParents/Guardians, Wearelookingforwardtoyourdaughter(s)continuingorbeginningtheirjourneyhereatLindenHall.Themedical documentslistedbelowmustbesubmittedviayourdaughter’sMagnusHealthaccountonorbeforeJuly1,2016(oras soonasyouenroll.) PHYSICALEXAM Allstudentscurrentlyentering6thand11thgrades,andallnewstudentsarerequiredtohaveaphysicalexamreport thathasbeencompletednoearlierthanAugust18,2015.Pleaseuploaditintothe“AnnualPhysicalExamForm”section intheMagnusHealthaccount. IfastudentarrivesatLindenHallwithoutacompletedandsignedphysicalexamform,theschoolwillmake arrangementsforanexam.Allassociatedfeeswillbechargedtothestudentaccountorpaidforupfrontbythestudent orfamily. DENTAL ALLstudentsentering7thgrade,newstudents,andthosewithoutapreviouslysubmitteddentalform,mustsubmita formcompletedbyyourdentist.Pleaseuploaditintothe“ProofofDentalExam”sectionintheMagnusHealthaccount. Ifthedentalformisnotsubmitted,theschoolwillmakearrangementsforthisexam.Allassociatedfeeswillbecharged tothestudentaccountorpaidforupfrontbythestudentorfamily. VACCINATIONS Acopyofvaccinationrecordisalsoneededforallnewstudentsandanystudentswhodidnotpreviouslysubmitthis documentation.Toreferencealistoftherequiredvaccinations: § § § Pleasevisit: Clickon“ImmunizationSchedules” Clickon“Easy-to–ReadVersionforParents”(7-18years) Pleaseuploadacopyofimmunizationrecordintothe“ProofofImmunization”sectionoftheMagnusHealthAccount. Studentswhodonotsubmitdocumentationofreceivedvaccinations,willhavevaccinationsscheduledbyLindenHall. Allassociatedfeeswillbechargedtothestudentaccountorpaidforupfrontbythestudentorfamily. PPD(TuberculinTest) ALLnewstudentsandstudentsentering9thgradearerequiredtohaveaPPDtest.Anystudentwhoreceivedthetestin thelast2yearsmayprovidedocumentationfromtheirphysician. • • YourphysicianshoulddocumentPPDtestingonthephysicalform. IftheresultofthePPDwaspositive,ORifthestudenthasdocumentationofhavinghada“BCG”vaccine,achest x-rayisrequired. Ifastudentarrivesatschoolwithoutappropriatedocumentation,LindenHallwillarrangeforaPPDtestorchestx-ray. Allassociatedfeeswillbechargedtothestudentaccountorpaidforupfrontbythestudentorfamily. INSURANCE ALLstudentsarerequiredtohaveproofandacopyoftheirmedicalinsurancecarduponarrivalatLindenHall. InternationalstudentswhoarrivewithoutproofofinsurancewillberequiredtopurchaseInternationalStudent Accident/SicknessInsuranceonline.Pleaseclickonthislinkformoreinformation:www.isminc.comandclickonthe Insurancetab.StudentsMUSThavecoveragefortheentirelengthofstayatLindenHall.Itisrecommendedthat studentsselecttheGoldplan,asthisplanhasthemostcomprehensivemedicalcoverage.Pleaseuploadacopyofthe insurancecardtothe“ProofofHealthInsurance”sectionintheMagnusHealthaccount. • ThecostofthisinsuranceisNOTincludedinthetuition. CONSENTTOTREATMENT ALLstudentsmusthaveasigned“ConsenttoTreatment”formonfile.ThisformallowsLindenHallstafftosecure treatmentforstudentsincaseofemergencyillness,injury,orothercondition.Intheeventofemergency,thisformis presentedtothestaffatthefacilitywheretreatmentisbeingsought.Pleasesignthisformanduploaditintothe “ConsenttoTreatment”sectionintheMagnusHealthaccount. OVERTHECOUNTERMEDICATIONS ALLstudentsmusthaveasigned“PermissionforOvertheCounterMedications”formonfile.Thisformallowsthe SchoolNursetodispenseover-the-countermedicationsforcommonailmentssuchas:headache,menstrualcramps, allergicreactions,andfever.Pleasesignthisformanduploaditintothe“OvertheCounterMedications”sectioninthe MagnusHealthaccount. INFLUENZAVACCINATIONS StudentshavetheoptiontoreceivethefluvaccinationatLindenHallwhenitbecomesavailableinthefall.Itishighly recommendedasaprecaution.Aformisincludedforyoutoelecttohavethevaccinationprovidedatasmallfee,which willbechargedtothestudentaccount.Pleasesignthisform,indicatingwhetherornotyouwouldlikeforyourdaughter toreceivetheinfluenzavaccineanduploaditintothe“InfluenzaVaccinePermissionForm”sectionintheMagnus Healthaccount. SCHOOLPOLICIES Pleasereviewthestudenthandbookforallotherinformationregardingourschoolhealthcaredepartmentrulesand regulations.PleasenotethatLindenHalldoesnotallowstudentstokeepmedicationsofanykind(includingbutnot limitedtomedicines,over-the-countermedicines,herbalsupplements,vitamins,prescriptions,diuretics,etc.)Theonly exceptionsareinhalersandEpi-Pens. Foryourconvenience,wehaveincludedacopyofeachoftherequiredforms.Theseformsarealsoavailableonthe Pleasecompleteandsubmitnecessarymedicalformsbyscanninganduploadingtheminto yourdaughter’sMagnusHealthaccountorfaxingthemto(888)803-4250Thankyou! 1001382270_25451 2_2 Consent to Treatment Linden Hall Parent or guardian to complete Student Name Date of Birth Parent/Guardian Printed Name I authorize the Health Center clinical staff to administer medications, to hospitalize, and/or secure treatment for my child in case of medical, surgical, dental, psychological, or other emergency illness, injury or other condition. The school physician or consultant reserves the right to perform diagnostic laboratory or other tests including radiological exams, to make referrals (subspecialty, medical, dental, emergency), and to prescribe treatment and medication according to his/her best judgment and discretion. I authorize any physician, counselor, health care provider or insurance company to release to, or obtain from, the Heath Center any past or current information including but not limited to, medical or psychological information, medication use history, substance use history, or educational information needed for the diagnosis, care, treatment, education or processing of insurance claims of my child. I authorize the Health Center to act on my child’s behalf in all matters of medical or psychological care and health insurance. I give consent to the Health Center and their agents to use and disclose my child’s protected health information as needed to carry out health care, treatments and payment activities in the ongoing care, diagnosis and education of my child/ward. I give permission to the Health Center to release to the staff on a need-to-know basis any of this same information. I agree to allow all Health Center staff discussions as needed, either written, verbal, electronic or faxed with other medical personnel and health care providers, school staff or insurance companies regarding my child. I understand that communication from the Health Center will be to the primary custodial parent unless otherwise requested. I understand that all Health Center charges (which may include fees for some clinical supplies and/or procedures, transportation fees to medical appointments, etc.) will be charged to my child/ward’s account. If medications or supplies are ordered from the local pharmacy charges will be submitted to my insurance company or credit card by the local pharmacy. I understand that I am responsible for all claims and matters related to my insurance company. I understand I will be responsible for all incurred costs of health care regardless of surrounding circumstances or my insurance coverage. I understand and acknowledge that any material omission or misstatement in the medical forms may constitute grounds for termination of the student’s enrollment without regard to the significance of the undisclosed information. I release school from any liability arising from any situation related to the existence of a medical or psychological condition that was not disclosed to the School. I agree to notify the Health Center of any condition, treatment or medication arising while my child is enrolled at the School. I understand that the medical doctor has final approval regarding health care and medication administration plans, clearance for and return to activities, and compatibility of medical needs in setting of the school environment. Further information about policies and procedures pertaining to student health can be found under health services and in the handbook online at the schools website. Parent/Guardian Signature Relationship Date Page 1 of 4: STUDENT HISTORY H511.336 (Rev. 9/2012) PARENT / GUARDIAN / STUDENT: Private or School PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Complete page one of this form before student’s exam. Take completed form to OF SCHOOL AGE STUDENT Bureau of Community Health Systems Division of School Health appointment. Student’s name __________________________________________________________________________ Today’s date___________________________ Date of birth ________________________ Gender: Male Age at time of exam___________ Female Medicines and Allergies: Please list all prescription and over-the-counter medicines and supplements (herbal/nutritional) the student is currently taking: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does the student have any allergies? No Yes (If yes, list specific allergy and reaction.) Medicines Pollens Food Stinging Insects Complete the following section with a check mark in the YES or NO column; circle questions you do not know the answer to. GENERAL HEALTH: Has the student… YES NO 1. Any ongoing medical conditions? If so, please identify: Asthma Anemia Diabetes Infection Other_________________________________________________ Has the student… 31. FEMALES ONLY: Had a menstrual period? Yes If yes: At what age was her first menstrual period? ______ How many periods has she had in the last 12 months? ______ Date of last period: ___________ 4. Ever had a seizure? 5. Had a history of being born without or is missing a kidney, an eye, a testicle (males), spleen, or any other organ? DENTAL: YES Last dental visit: less than 1 year YES NO 8. Had headaches with exercise? SOCIAL/LEARNING: 1-2 years greater than 2 years Has the student… 9. Ever had a head injury or concussion? 34. Been told he/she has a learning disability, intellectual or developmental disability, cognitive delay, ADD/ADHD, etc.? 10. Ever had a hit or blow to the head that caused confusion, prolonged headache, or memory problems? 35. Been bullied or experienced bullying behavior? YES NO 40. Had concerns about weight; been trying to gain or lose weight or received a recommendation to gain or lose weight? 15. Been prescribed glasses or contact lenses? YES NO 16. Ever used an inhaler or taken asthma medicine? 41. Used (or currently uses) tobacco, alcohol, or drugs? FAMILY HEALTH: 42. Is there a family history of the following? If so, check all that apply: Anemia/blood disorders Inherited disease/syndrome Asthma/lung problems Kidney problems Behavioral health issue Seizure disorder Diabetes Sickle cell trait or disease Other________________________________________________ 17. Ever had the doctor say he/she has a heart problem? If so, check all that apply: Heart murmur or heart infection High blood pressure Kawasaki disease High cholesterol Other:_____________________ 18. Been told by the doctor to have a heart test? (For example, ECG/EKG, echocardiogram)? 19. Had a cough, wheeze, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath or felt lightheaded DURING or AFTER exercise? 20. Had discomfort, pain, tightness or chest pressure during exercise? 21. Felt his/her heart race or skip beats during exercise? YES NO 22. Had a broken or fractured bone, stress fracture, or dislocated joint? 43. Is there a family history of any of the following heart-related problems? If so, check all that apply: Brugada syndrome QT syndrome Cardiomyopathy Marfan syndrome High blood pressure Ventricular tachycardia High cholesterol Other________________ 44. Has any family member had unexplained fainting, unexplained seizures, or experienced a near drowning? 23. Had an injury to a muscle, ligament, or tendon? 24. Had an injury that required a brace, cast, crutches, or orthotics? 45. Has any family member / relative died of heart problems before age 50 or had an unexpected / unexplained sudden death before age 50 (includes drowning, unexplained car accidents, sudden infant death syndrome)? 25. Needed an x-ray, MRI, CT scan, injection, or physical therapy following an injury? 26. Had joints that become painful, swollen, feel warm, or look red? 28. Ever had herpes or a MRSA skin infection? NO 39. Shown a general loss of energy, motivation, interest or enthusiasm? 14. Had any problem with his/her eyes (vision) or had a history of an eye injury? 27. Had any rashes, pressure sores, or other skin problems? YES 38. Been worried, sad, upset, or angry much of the time? 13. Noticed or been told he/she has a curved spine or scoliosis? Has the student… NO 37. Exhibited significant changes in behavior, social relationships, grades, eating or sleeping habits; withdrawn from family or friends? 12. Ever been unable to move arms or legs after being hit or falling? SKIN: YES 36. Experienced major grief, trauma, or other significant life event? 11. Ever had numbness, tingling, or weakness in his/her arms or legs after being hit or falling? Has the student... NO 33. Name of student’s dentist: ________________________________ 7. Had frequent muscle cramps when exercising? BONE/JOINT: No 32. Has the student had any pain or problems with his/her gums or teeth? 6. Ever become ill while exercising in the heat? Has the student... NO 30. Had a history of urinary tract infections or bedwetting? 3. Ever had surgery? HEART/LUNGS: YES 29. Had groin pain or a painful bulge or hernia in the groin area? 2. Ever stayed more than one night in the hospital? HEAD/NECK/SPINE: Has the student… GENITOURINARY: YES NO QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS 46. Are there any questions or concerns that the student, parent or guardian would like to discuss with the health care provider? (If yes, write them on page 4 of this form.) I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge all of the information is true and complete. I give my consent for an exchange of health information between the school nurse and health care providers. Signature of parent / guardian / emancipated student_____________________________________________________ Date_______________ Adapted in part from the Pre-participation Physical Evaluation History Form; ©2010 American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Sports Medicine, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, and American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine. Page 2 of 4: PHYSICAL EXAM STUDENT NAME: STUDENT’S HEALTH HISTORY (page 1 of this form) REVIEWED PRIOR TO PERFOMING EXAMINATION: Yes No 11 Other Height: ( ) inches Weight: ( ) pounds BMI: ( ) BMI-for-Age Percentile: ( Pulse: ( *ABNORMAL FINDINGS / RECOMMENDATIONS / REFERRALS DEFER 6 NORMAL K/1 *ABNORMAL CHECK ONE Physical exam for grade: )% ) / ) Corrected Blood Pressure: ( Hair/Scalp Skin Eyes/Vision Ears/Hearing Nose and Throat Teeth and Gingiva Lymph Glands Heart Lungs Abdomen Genitourinary Neuromuscular System Extremities Spine (Scoliosis) Other TUBERCULIN TEST DATE APPLIED RESULT/FOLLOW-UP DATE READ MEDICAL CONDITIONS OR CHRONIC DISEASES WHICH REQUIRE MEDICATION, RESTRICTION OF ACTIVITY, OR WHICH MAY AFFECT EDUCATION (Additional space on page 4) Parent/guardian present during exam: Yes No Physical exam performed at: Personal Health Care Provider’s Office exam______________20______ School Date of Print name of examiner _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Print examiner’s office address___________________________________________________________________ Phone_______________________ Signature of examiner______________________________________________________________________ MD DO PAC CRNP Page 3 of 4: IMMUNIZATION HISTORY STUDENT NAME: HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS: Please photocopy immunization history from student’s record – OR – insert information below. IMMUNIZATION EXEMPTION(S): Medical Date Issued:___________ Reason: __________________________________________________ Date Rescinded:___________ Medical Date Issued:___________ Reason: __________________________________________________ Date Rescinded:___________ Medical Date Issued:___________ Reason: __________________________________________________ Date Rescinded:___________ NOTE: The parent/guardian must provide a written request to the school for a religious or philosophical exemption. VACCINE DOCUMENT: (1) Type of vaccine; (2) Date (month/day/year) for each immunization 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (child) Type: DTaP, DTP or DT Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (adolescent/adult) Type: Tdap or Td Polio Type: OPV or IPV Hepatitis B (HepB) Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) Mumps disease diagnosed by physician Varicella: Vaccine Date:__________ Disease Serology: (Identify Antigen/Date/POS or NEG) i.e. Hep B, Measles, Rubella, Varicella Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MCV4) Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Type: HPV2 or HPV4 Influenza Type: TIV (injected) LAIV (nasal) Haemophilus Influenzae Type b (Hib) Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) Type: 7 or 13 Hepatitis A (HepA) Rotavirus Other Vaccines: (Type and Date) Page 4 of 4: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS (PARENT / GUARDIAN / STUDENT / HEALTH CARE PROVIDER) STUDENT NAME: H514.027 (08/2011-under review) COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PRIVATE DENTIST REPORT OF DENTAL EXAMINATION OF A PUPIL OF SCHOOL AGE NAME OF SCHOOL ___________________________________________ DATE __________________ 20 ___ NAME OF CHILD AGE _________________________________________________ Last First Middle SEX M GRADE SECTION/ROOM F ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________________________ No. and Street City or Post Office Borough/Township County State Zip REPORT OF EXAMINATION TOOTH CHART 1 2 32 31 UPPER LOWER RIGHT 4 5 6 A B C 30 29 28 27 T S R 3 7 D 26 Q 8 E 25 P 9 F 24 O 10 G 23 N 11 H 22 M LEFT 12 13 I J 21 20 L K 14 15 16 19 18 17 Upper Lower UPPER Upper LOWER Lower Is The Child Under Treatment? Yes No Treatment Completed Yes No __________________________________________ Date of Dental Examination __________________________________________ Signature of Dental Examiner __________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ Print Name of Dental Examiner Influenza Vaccine Permission Linden Hall 2016-2017 School Year Influenza is a virus that spreads from infected persons to the nose or throat of others. The influenza vaccine can help prevent influenza. Each year the vaccine is updated and a new one is given each year to help prevent influenza. The flu vaccine is generally well tolerated. Possible reactions to the injection are: redness, tenderness or hardness at the injection site for a few days. Also, mild fever, muscle aches or headache within the first 2 days. Rarely, an allergic reaction can occur immediately. Reactions to the inhaled flu mist are: increased risk of wheezing for people with asthma, runny nose, sore throat or cough. DO NOT TAKE THE FLU VACCINE IF: • You have a severe allergy to eggs/chicken or chicken feathers or dander • You ever had a serious reaction to the flu shot or have an allergy to any ingredient in the vaccine • You have a fever CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST IF: • You have had Guillain-Barre Syndrome • You are pregnant • You have an underlying medical condition (Flu Mist) I have read the information about the influenza virus. I understand the benefits and risks of the vaccine. ___________ Yes, I give permission for my daughter to receive the flu vaccine ____________ No, I do not wish for my daughter to receive the flu vaccine _______________________ Student Name (Printed) ________________________ Parent Signature ____________ Date A limited number of Flu Mist doses are available upon request. Please indicate by placing your initials here if you wish for your daughter to receive the Flu Mist.________ IF Flu Mist is not available, the injectable form of the vaccine will be given unless you specify by making a notation in the blank space below that you do not wish for your daughter to receive the injectable form of the vaccine. Thank you PermissionforOvertheCounterMedications LindenHall Parentorguardiansignaturerequired _________________________________________________ PRINTStudentName _________________ Dateofbirth ________________________________________________ PRINTParent/GuardianName AtLindenHall,whenstudentsaresick,itissometimesdeemedwisetoprovidethemwithover-the-countermedication forsymptomrelief,therebyenhancingtheircomfortlevel. TheSchoolNursekeepsonhandanumberofover-the-countermedications.Togetherwiththesupervisingphysician, shecanprovidemedicallyappropriatedosesofmedicationsforcommonailmentsincluding,butnotlimitedto: • • • • • • • • • • • Headaches Menstrualcramps Gastrointestinaldistress Coldorseasonalallergysymptoms Allergicreactions Fever Muscleachesandpains Splinterremoval Minorcutsandrashes Eyedryness/irritation Sleepproblems Studentswillbeadministeredmedicationbasedonnurse’sfindingsandstudent’ssymptoms. Dormstaffhasspecificwrittenguidelinesfortheabovesymptoms.Intheabsenceofthenurse,dormstaffwillprovide medicationbasedonthewrittenguidelinesandwillcallthenurseifneeded. Medicationsneededfortemporaryillness,onashorttermbasiswillbeprovidedtoyourdaughteratnoextraexpense. Ifyourdaughterrequireslongtermuseofanover-the-countermedication,theschoolwillprovideyourdaughterwith herownsupply,atyourexpense,tobedispensedonlytoyourchild.Youmaychoosetosupplyyourdaughterwithany suchmedication. AsclearlystatedintheStudentHandbook,nomedicationsareallowedtobekeptinastudent’sroom.Thisincludesbut isnotlimitedtoitemstakenforHealth/Wellness,weightloss,mealsupplements,vitamins,prescriptionandover-thecountermedications.Providingthesemedicationstoyourchildtokeepinherroomcanresultindisciplinaryactionfor yourchild. IftherearespecificmedicationsthatyouwouldlikeforyourchildNOTtoreceive,pleaselistthemonthelinebelow. _____________________________________________________________________ Pleasesignanddatebelow.Youmaymakechangestothisformatanytime.Pleasenotifytheschoolnurseifany changesaremadeduringtheschoolyear.Anewformisrequiredeachschoolyear. _____________________________________ Parent/guardiansignature __________ Date It is time to register for sports for the 2016-17 academic year. Please go to the Athletics page at the Linden Hall School website,, and register for sports with Family ID. If you have any trouble during the registration process, please contact Family ID at [email protected]. Linden Hall and its cooperative program with Warwick High school offer the following sports: LINDEN HALL SPORTS: Archery (grades 6-12) Basketball (Varsity/ Junior Varsity grades 9-12; Junior High grades *7-9) Dance team (grades 6-12) Equestrian team (grades 6-12) Lacrosse club (grades 8-12) Running club (grades 6-12) Soccer (Varsity/ Junior Varsity grades 9-12; Junior High grades *7-9) Tennis (Varsity/ Junior Varsity grades 9-12; Middle School grades 6-8) Volleyball (Varsity/ Junior Varsity grades 9-12; Junior High grades *7-9) Girls on the Run (grades 6-8) *6th graders are permitted to participate on Junior High teams with 7-9th graders however, they may compete in contests against NON-PIAA teams only. WARWICK SPORTS - Linden Hall has a PIAA (Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association) cooperative program with the local public high school in sports. Linden Hall students can participate at Warwick in sports that Linden Hall does not offer: All Sports at Warwick are offered for 9-12 graders only (Varsity/Junior Varsity) Cross Country Field Hockey Bowling Swimming Lacrosse Softball Track and Field Please read carefully to find registration deadlines for your sport. In addition, please read carefully for all fee requirements and required pre-participation forms. REGISTRATION DEADLINES: August 1 – Soccer, Tennis (Varsity/JV ONLY), Volleyball, Field Hockey, Cross Country August 29 – Running Club, Dance Team September 5 – Equestrian Team, Archery November 1 – Basketball, Swimming, Bowling February 1 – Lacrosse, Softball, Track and Field, Middle School Tennis, Girls on the Run PRESEASON PRACTICES: Students participating in the sports of Soccer (Varsity/JV/JH); Tennis (Varsity/JV); Volleyball (Varsity/JV/JH); Cross Country (Varsity/JV at Warwick), and Field Hockey (Varsity/JV at Warwick), please plan to arrive at Linden Hall by 2:00 PM on August 14th for the start of testing, team organizational meetings and practices. All boarding students will stay in the dorms at Linden Hall during preseason. Day students may stay in the dorms if there is space available. Attendance at all practices and team activities is required. Preseason practice/meeting schedules will be distributed to families as soon as possible. PRE-PARTICIPATION PAPERWORK AND SPORTS PHYSICALS: All student-athletes are required to complete the PIAA Comprehensive Initial Pre-participation Physical Evaluation (CIPPE) which is comprised of 6 sections. If you complete the ONLINE REGISTRATION, you will be completing sections 1-5 of the CIPPE forms. You DO NOT have to complete the hard copies to turn into the athletic department. The exception to that is if you are playing a sport at Warwick in which case, students are required to complete ALL sections 1-6 of the PIAA CIPPE forms and turn in the hard copies. ALL student-athletes are REQUIRED to have a PIAA sports physical. PHYSICALS MUST BE COMPLETED AFTER JUNE 1, 2016. Section 6 is the PIAA Comprehensive Initial PreParticipation Physical Evaluation and Certification of Authorized Medical Examiner. The doctor who performs the physical must complete Section 6. PLEASE UPLOAD A COPY OF SECTION 6 TO YOUR ONLINE REGISTRATION PAGE by the registration deadline for your sport. **PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOU WILL NEED TO BRING A COPY OF SECTION 5 WITH YOU TO THE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION FOR THE DOCTOR TO REVIEW. There is a link to the PIAA CIPPE forms on the right of the registration page. ALL INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS are required to have sports physicals in Pennsylvania. Linden Hall will offer on campus physicals for International students. There is a $15.00 fee for on campus sports physicals. On campus sports physicals are reserved for International students. We expect that all domestic students will complete their physicals by the registration deadlines, however, if there is space available, they may get their physical on campus. Physicals for students whose seasons begin on August 14th will take place on August 15th, August 18th and August 23rd on campus. Physicals for students whose seasons begin after August 14th are TBA. No student-athlete may participate in any form of practice session until physicals are complete! WARWICK SPORTS: If you are registering to participate in a sport at Warwick, you are required to complete the hard copies of sections 1-6 of the CIPPE forms. You must also complete the Warwick Student Extra-Curricular Activity form and the Warwick Athletic Participation Form. Warwick school district requires you to pay a $50.00 participation fee. All forms must be uploaded to your registration page by the registration deadline for your sport. All fees must be paid by the registration deadline for your sport. You can find all forms at the links to the right of the registration page. 9th GRADERS - JR. HIGH VS. JV/VARSITY: If you are a ninth grader, you will play on the Junior High team (JH) or the Junior Varsity (JV)/ Varsity Teams. Please register for one of the teams. The coaches will place you on the appropriate team based on the needs of the program and based on their evaluation of your skill, athleticism, knowledge of the sport and experience. 6th GRADERS - Sixth graders may register for junior high teams in the sports of Volleyball, Soccer and Basketball. Sixth graders may attend all practices and may play in contests that are NOT against PIAA opponents. Sixth graders will not be permitted to play in contests against PIAA opponents. NEW DAY STUDENTS AND NEW INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS planning to participate in JV/Varsity Soccer, JV/Varsity Tennis, JV/Varsity Volleyball or JV/Varsity Basketball: If you are a new day student or a new International student going into grade 10, 11 or 12 you, your parents and the principal of your previous school must complete the PIAA transfer waiver forms which can be found on the right on the registration page. The student/parents must complete SECTIONS 2-3 and the former school principal must complete SECTION 5. Once those three sections are complete, please turn in to Dina Henry, Director of Athletics, no less than 2 weeks prior to the start of your season. SAVE THE DATE FOR THE 2017-18 SEASON! Next year the first day of pre-season will be Sunday, August 13th, 2017. It is required for all student-athletes to arrive to campus by 2:00 that day for the following sports: Varsity/JV Soccer, Jr High Soccer, Varsity/JV Tennis, Varsity/JV Volleyball, Jr. High Volleyball, Varsity/JV Cross Country (at Warwick), and Varsity/JV Field Hockey (at Warwick). PHYSICAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENT: 9th – 12th grade - two credits, awarded as 0.5 credits each year for participation in at least one interscholastic sports team or physical activity elective. 6th – 8th grade - two credits, awarded as 0.5 credits each year for participation in at least one interscholastic sports team and physical education class. Physical Education is required each year for every student at Linden Hall. The requirement for upper school students is satisfied by participation on a team or club sport at Linden Hall or through the cooperative program at Warwick High School. Team levels include Varsity and Junior Varsity (both at Linden Hall and Warwick for 9-12 graders), Junior High (at Linden Hall for 9th graders), and Club (at Linden Hall 9-12 grade). If a student does not play a season of a sport, she must complete a Linden Hall designated after-school activity twice a week throughout the year; options include riding lessons and dance. Middle School students are enrolled in yearlong physical education classes twice a week and may additionally participate on teams or club sports. Junior High and Club teams are offered for middle school students. During the team or club season, including the Girls on the Run program, middle school students are not required to attend Physical Education classes with the exception of attending the Archery unit in September to fulfill Linden Hall's obligation to the National Archery in the Schools Program. Parent/Guardian Communication Information Sheet Student Name _____________________________________________________________________ (First or Given Name) (Last or Family Name) (Nickname) Date of Birth: _________/ ________/ __________ (Month) (Day) (Year) Day 5 Day Boarding 7 Day Boarding Linden Hall frequently uses multiple methods of communicating information to families. Please provide the information below and select the methods of communicating which best suit your household. Parent/Guardian (1) Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Relationship: __________________________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________ *One Call (for emergency or weather delay/closing alerts) Cell Phone: ________________________________________ *One Call (for emergency or weather delay/closing alerts) Text Permitted Home Phone: _________________________________ Work Phone: ___________________________________ Parent/Guardian (2) Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Relationship: __________________________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________ *One Call (for emergency or weather delay/closing alerts) Cell Phone: ________________________________________ *One Call (for emergency or weather delay/closing alerts) Text Permitted Home Phone: _________________________________ Work Phone: ___________________________________ * One Call is our automated messaging system. If you elect to participate, emails and/or texts can be sent to you when messaging is available. You will receive a text that requires action for you to “opt in” and may elect to opt out of receiving texts at any time. Student Cell Phone Registration Student Name: _____________________________________________________ Day Boarding Cell Phone Description: ______________________________________________________________________ Brand and Color Cell Phone Number: _________________________________________________________________________ Linden Hall Cell Phone and Electronic Devices Policy (including, but not limited to, iPads, Computers, Skyping, etc.) Cell phones, in addition to their convenience, can enhance personal safety when traveling off campus. They can also create distractions in our school community. Students are permitted to have cell phones if they use them discreetly and in compliance with the guidelines set forth below. In general, the School expects anyone using a cell phone to not impose her private conversations or noise of the phone’s ringing on others. In addition, parents should not call their child during the academic day or during quiet dormitory hours. In the event the parents must reach their child, they may call the reception desk at 717-626-8512 or the Honeycutt Desk Cell Phone at (717) 201-2655. Please see the Linden Hall Student Handbook (online) for more information. 1. Students must register their cell phones and telephone numbers with the Student Life Office. 2. Cell phones/technology should never interrupt academic or school gatherings. Upon entering a classroom, all cell phones/technology must be stowed and silenced: any that are out and in use are subject to confiscation. Phones may not be used in classrooms, the library, the chapel, the theater, or the gymnasium during the academic day or during school functions. Cell phones, iPods, iPads, etc., are never allowed in the dining room. 3. Cell phones may be used in common areas like Honeycutt and the dorms before lights out only. 4. Students may not use cell phones while driving. Violations of this rule may also jeopardize driving privileges. 5. Linden Hall is not responsible for lost phones. The school will in no way be responsible for charges that are incurred by students or by unauthorized users. 6. Cell phones are not allowed in study hall. 7. Cell phones, computers, iPads, etc. may not be used for any reason after lights out. NOTE: Using technology after lights out will incur the same disciplinary action and the student's technology will be confiscated on the first offense. If necessary, allowances can be made for students to temporarily use technology for academic use during the day. The computer lab is available to students. If a student disputes the confiscation of her phone, she should turn in the phone to the Adult on Duty and speak with the Dean of Students or Director of Residential Life at her first opportunity. “I have read Linden Hall's cell phone policy and the notes concerning the use of other technology. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to abide by all the rules governing cell phone and the use of other technology, and I understand the consequences if I misuse my cell phone or computer while at school.” __________________________________________ Student Signature ___________________________ Date Linden Hall Off-Campus Day or Overnight Trip Permission and Release Form Linden Hall (the “School”) offers weekday and weekend off-campus day or overnight trips for students of all grades levels, and encourages all students to participate. Participation in off-campus day or overnight trips is voluntary. Your child will not be permitted to participate in any off-campus day or overnight trips unless this Permission and Release Form (the “Form”) is signed. This Form must be signed and initialed, where indicated, by the parents and/or legal guardians of the children participating in the Trips, as well as all trip participants who are 18 years of age or older. If this Form is executed by only one parent or guardian, that individual certifies that he or she has sole legal custody of the child. In addition, the Student Acknowledgment attached to this Form must be signed by the parents and/or legal guardians of the child participating in the trips. I. PARENTAL PERMISSION AND CONSENT TO PARTICIPATE As a custodial parent or legal guardian (the “Parent”) of ______________________________________ (please print your child's full name) (the “Child”), I have given my Child permission to participate in off-campus day or overnight trips, which may include, but not be limited to, destinations like shopping malls, movie theaters and bowling alleys, and all of the activities associated with them (collectively referred to herein as the “Trips”). By signing this Form, I acknowledge that I have had the opportunity to ask questions and obtain whatever information I require to fully inform myself about each of the Trips offered by the School. I am satisfied as to the adequacy and safety of the arrangements for each of the Trips. I am also familiar with the mental and physical health of my Child and my Child’s ability to travel and participate in the Trips offered by the School. My permission for my Child to participate in the activities is based upon my belief that my Child has the maturity and self-confidence to be able to respond appropriately to any challenges that my Child may encounter during the Trips. II. PARENTAL RELEASE, ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT I hereby understand and agree that there are certain risks specifically related to the Trips that my Child will take, and that all travel can be dangerous and involves many risks of serious injury and even death. I also understand and agree that there are risks to my Child’s person and property involved in staying in places of public accommodation and/or with home-stay families. I also understand and agree that although the leader of the Trip as designated by the School (the “Trip Leader”) and other faculty/staff will chaperone the Trips, my Child may be unsupervised at times during my Child’s participation in the Trips. In consideration of my Child being permitted to participate in the Trips, I agree, on my own behalf and that of my Child, to forever release, acquit, discharge, covenant to hold harmless and covenant not to sue the School, its trustees, employees, representatives, agents, volunteers, all related to or associated with the School, and all other individuals and organizations assisting or participating in the Trips, (all collectively referred to herein as “Releasees”), from any and all claims, suits, liabilities, actions and causes of action, including, but not limited to, claims of negligence on the part of Releasees, which I or my Child or our heirs, legal representatives, successors, conservators and assigns may have, now or in the future, which arise directly or indirectly out of my Child’s participation in the Trips. I hereby also agree, on my own behalf and on behalf of my Child, to indemnify Releasees from and against any and all claims, suits, actions, causes of action, including, but not limited to, claims of negligence on the part of Releasees, and liabilities, including attorneys’ fees, by any person (including without limitation my Child and either of us) resulting directly or indirectly from my Child’s participation in the Trips, including, but not limited to, injury of any person caused by my Child or for damages to or destruction of any property caused by my Child. I recognize and appreciate the risks and danger associated with my Child’s participation in the Trips, including, but not limited to, risks associated with travel, the potential negligence of Releasees, and participating in the daily activities of the Trips. I hereby assume the risk of any and all losses and damages, including, but not limited to, personal injury and the potential negligence of Releasees, which my Child may incur as a result of participating in the Trips. I recognize that general social and political conditions and circumstances may affect the Trips and are outside of the School’s control and have agreed, with knowledge of those conditions and circumstances, to allow my Child to participate in the Trips and to assume the risks that I am assuming by this agreement. August 2014 1 The release, assumption of risk and indemnity provisions contained above include any property or personal loss or damage, or other loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused, in whole or in part, by the ordinary negligence (but not gross negligence) of Releasees. III. PARENTS’ FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND WARRANTY OF INSURANCE I understand that the School has made financial commitments based on my Child’s anticipated participation in the Trips. Accordingly, I understand and agree that I will be responsible for the cost of my Child’s participation in the Trips, regardless of whether or not my Child participates in it/them. Neither I nor my Child will have the right to a refund of any monies paid or owed for the Trips, including, but not limited to, monies paid for accommodations, meals, transportation and activities associated with the Trips. I understand that the School reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the Trips at any time, up to and including the time of the scheduled departure and to recall any Trips in progress, for any reason as deemed appropriate by the School. Should the School cancel or reschedule the Trips after monies have been paid, I understand that the School will make a good faith effort to obtain reimbursement of such monies. However, I understand and recognize that the Releasees are under no obligation to provide reimbursement of any amounts paid. I agree to forever release, acquit, discharge, covenant to hold harmless and covenant not to sue Releasees for any financial losses that I or my Child may incur in connection with any cancellation, rescheduling or recalling of the Trips. If for any reason my Child is expelled from the Trips or fails to complete the Trips, I agree to pay all costs associated with returning my Child home, including, but not limited to, costs of transportation for my Child and a chaperone. I further agree that I will not be entitled to any refund whatsoever as a result of my Child’s expulsion from the Trips or my Child’s failure to complete the Trips. I agree to reimburse and indemnify the School, its trustees, employees, representatives, agents and volunteers for any costs and expenses incurred in providing for my Child’s return home and for any other services related to the special or emergency needs of my Child that the School, in its sole discretion, deems necessary. Understanding the risks associated with my Child’s participation in the Trips and the possibility of additional risks of which neither the School nor I nor my Child may be aware, I represent and warrant that I have enrolled my Child in any and all insurance, including, but not limited to, health care, accident, kidnap, travel and personal property insurance that I believe, in my sole judgment, is necessary to protect my Child and my Child’s interests while participating in the Trips. IV. MEDICAL INFORMATION AND TREATMENT AUTHORIZATION If there are any changes in my Child’s health in the past 12 months and/or to my Child’s medical information currently on file with the School Nurse, I agree to update such health and medical information as necessary through Magnus Health and/or the School Nurse’s Office. If my Child will need to take any prescription or over-the-counter medication(s) while participating in the Trips, a copy of this signed Form together with the appropriate container(s) of medication(s) and any supplies necessary to administer the medications will be provided to the School Nurse prior to the commencement of my Child’s participation in the Trips. All medications will be in properly labeled pharmacy or manufacturer provided containers. I am responsible for packing students’ EpiPens, Benadryl, Inhaler, and any emergency medications. I understand that the School Nurse will administer or supervise the administration of medications to my Child as needed. In case the School Nurse is unavailable to administer the medications to my Child, I understand that the School Nurse will generally delegate the administration of medications to the Trip Leader, but I understand that the Trip Leader is not a medical professional. By signing this Form, I am authorizing the Trip Leader to administer the medication(s) to my Child. It is expected that my Child will self-administer my Child’s own medication(s) under the supervision of the School Nurse or the Trip Leader. In consideration of the administering or assistance in administering medications, I forever release, acquit, discharge, covenant to hold harmless and covenant not to sue Releasees from any and all claims, suits, liabilities, actions and causes of action, including, but not limited to, negligence of Releasees, which I or my Child or our heirs, legal representatives, successors, conservators and assigns may have, now or in the future, which arise directly or indirectly out of the administering or assistance in In rare instances, a medical or dental emergency requiring treatment arises in which written consent by parents or guardians is legally required, but the parents or guardians cannot be reached. In this event, and in order to avoid delay that might jeopardize the life or recovery of my Child, I grant the following permission, with the understanding that efforts will be made to contact me in case August 2014 2 of an emergency. In my capacity as the custodial parent and/or legal guardian of ______________________, a minor participating in the Trips, I hereby appoint the Trip Leader, my true and lawful representative for the purposes of taking all steps necessary to ensure the proper care (including medical, dental, surgical and hospital care) of my Child while my Child is participating in the Trips, and to execute any and all necessary documents and papers requested by any person or entity prior to treatment of or rendering of care to my Child. I authorize physicians and other medical personnel to provide medical and other care to my Child while my Child is on the Trips, including, but not limited to, examining, treating, and/or prescribing medication(s) for my Child’s care, as needed. I understand that the Trip Leader is not a trained medical professional and that the Trip Leader or another representative of the School will consult with me concerning the reasons for and the effects of all such care, to the extent possible under the circumstances. Recognizing that it may be difficult to reach me, I authorize the School and the Trip Leader to permit commencement of treatment when, in the professional judgment of the physicians, dentists or other medical personnel involved, such treatment is medically necessary or advisable, even if I have not yet been consulted. In authorizing such treatment, I agree to accept the determination of the treating physician, dentist or other medical personnel that the treatment or examination rendered was medically necessary or advisable to protect the life, health or mental well-being of my Child. Additionally, I hereby grant my authorization and consent for the Trip Leader, to administer general first aid treatment for any minor injuries or illnesses experienced by my daughter, and a minor, while participating in the Trips. I, the undersigned, do hereby solemnly swear that I have the legal custody of _____________________. I have read this Form in its entirety and I have satisfied myself that I understand what it means. I hereby expressly agree that the provisions contained in this Form are intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and that if any portion hereof is held invalid or unenforceable, I agree that the balance shall continue in full legal force and effect. By signing this Form, I affirm that I have decided to allow my Child to participate in the Trips with full knowledge that Releasees will not be liable to anyone for any personal injuries or property damage my Child may suffer while participating in the Trips. Signature of Parent #1: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________ Print Full Name of Parent #1: ____________________________________________________________ Address of Parent #1: ___________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent #2: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________ Print Full Name of Parent #2: ____________________________________________________________ Address of Parent #2: ___________________________________________________________________ Signature of Child if 18 or Over: ________________________________________________________ August 2014 3 Student Off-Campus Day Trip Acknowledgement Form By signing below, I acknowledge that I have been provided with detailed information about the Trips to (as defined above), including the description of the Trips, arrangements for my transportation, meals and activities, and the Permission and Release Form, to which this Student Acknowledgment Form is attached. I will participate in any and all trip orientations, read the information provided, and take the opportunity to ask questions and obtain whatever additional information I require to fully inform myself about the Trips. I understand the risks involved in participating in the Trips and that there may be additional risks of which neither Linden Hall (the “School”) is aware nor I am aware. I have voluntarily decided to participate in the Trips and accept the risks involved. I have obtained my parents’ consent to participate in the Trips and both my parents and I believe that I have the maturity and self-confidence to be able to respond appropriately to any challenges that I may encounter during the Trips. I recognize that safe participation in the Trips requires that I exercise my own good judgment. I will comply with the rules and regulations established by the School and its authorized representatives prior to and during the Trips, including complying with the School’s Parent/Student Handbook (the “Handbook”) and all applicable laws. I will follow the direction, guidance and advice from the Trip Leader and chaperones, and understand and agree that the following may, at the Trip Leader’s direction, be cause for my being sent home, without question or discussion, at my own expense: Violating any federal, state or local law that may be applicable. Violating any of the policies included in the Handbook. Leaving the group without permission. Consuming, purchasing or possessing alcoholic beverages, tobacco products or illegal drugs. Purchasing or possessing pornography or weapons. Using illegal drugs or misusing over-the-counter prescriptions. Operating a motor vehicle or other motorized device. Engaging in behavior that the Trip Leader considers to be inappropriate, disturbing or offensive. I understand that if the School becomes aware that any of the above offenses have been committed, my parents will be notified and the School will follow-up with its disciplinary process. Additionally, depending on the circumstances, my parents may be required to pick me up from the Trip at their expense. I further understand that my conduct during the Trips may serve as the basis for disciplinary action or expulsion from the School. By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have read and understand what I am signing, and I am agreeing to all of the provisions listed above. Signature of Student: ________________________________________________ Date: ______________ Print Full Name of Student: ______________________________________________________________ I am the parent of the above named student (the “Child”), I have read the foregoing Student Acknowledgment (including such parts as may subject me to personal financial responsibility), and I am and will be legally responsible for the obligations of my Child as described in this Student Acknowledgment, and agree, for myself and for my Child, to be bound by its terms. Signature of Parent #1: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________ Print Full Name of Parent #1: ____________________________________________________________ August 2014 Public School Bus Transportation Form 2016-2017 Student Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________________ Grade: ____ School District: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Contact 1: Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________, State: ________, Zip: _______________________________ Home Phone: ___________________________ Cell: ___________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________________________ This information will be provided to your local, residential school district, for the purposes of their planning a *bus route for your daughter. Please note that Linden Hall is not in any way a part of these arrangements, nor does it have any influence over bus stops, pick up or drop off times, nor the bus drivers. In the event the public schools are closed while Linden Hall is in session, you will be responsible for providing your own transportation to and from Linden Hall. In the event of inclement weather or other emergency, please contact your local school district about busing availability. If your daughter will be absent and not taking public busing, please communicate that directly to the school district transportation company. For questions or concerns, please contact your local school district transportation department. * not all school districts provide public bus transportation to Linden Hall. Please contact your school district for more information. Student Automobile Policy and Agreement Day students and residential juniors and seniors may have an automobile on campus with the permission of the Administration. All students must use the designated student parking area at all times. This area is the parking lot behind the Anne Brossman Sweigart Gymnasium. All students must file an automobile registration form and receive a parking sticker, to be placed on any automobile they bring to campus. Day and residential juniors and seniors may use their automobiles to go to and from their homes only, or for weekend overnights when permission is requested by parents and granted by the Administration. Day and residential students may not use their automobiles during the school day (not before 3:45 PM) unless special permission is given by the Dean of Students or Residential Director after consulting with parents. A student may drive only her own automobile. Student, parents or legal guardians are responsible for making arrangements for automobile servicing. Inspections and routine maintenance must be taken care of at home. Students may transport boarding and day students in their automobiles only with specific permission from the Dean of Students or Residential Director and signed permission forms by parent(s). Using an automobile irresponsibly will result in suspension of driving privileges. Repeated or serious infractions may result in permanent revocation of the driving privilege. Drivers must restrict their travel to within a 20-mile radius of the school unless special permission from the Administrator on Duty has been granted in consultation with the driver’s parents. Student Name: ___________________________________________ Grade_______________ (Printed) Signature: ____________________________________________________________________ My signature indicates I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of this policy, which can be found in the Linden Hall Student Handbook. Make of Car (Toyota, Chevy, etc.) Car #1 Car #2 Model of Car (Corolla, Malibu, etc.) Color License Plate # Parking Permit # Dress Code Information Linden Hall is currently using Flynn & O’Hara as our uniform supplier. Please visit their website to view and order the uniform online. The complete dress code is available in the Linden Hall Student Handbook. Uniforms must be worn during the academic day unless special exceptions have been made. Athletes may wear their team uniforms on game days during their season. Students who participate in riding must wear the Linden Hall uniform and change for lessons or follow the Linden Hall Riding program dress code. Athletes who participate in our Warwick co-op program may wear team uniforms on game days during their season. Athletes are not permitted to wear warm-ups during the school day except on Spirit Wear Days or on game days. On Spirit Wear Days, students are permitted and encouraged to wear Linden Hall spirit wear (any Linden Hall clothing garments, t-shirts, etc.) They may also wear jeans, pants or skirts during spirit wear “dress-downs.” If a student does not wish to wear spirit wear, she may wear the school uniform. Students are not permitted to wear sweatpants at any time. Colored/patterned leggings are not permitted with the school uniform; only navy blue, black, white, or nude colors are permitted. Shorts are only permitted if they are the approved Linden Hall uniform shorts and are not permitted between October 1 through May 1. Students may wear a LH cardigan sweater, pullover, or fleece over any Linden Hall uniform shirt (polo or button-up) at any time during the school year. No other sweatshirts or jackets are permitted in the academic buildings. Other outerwear must be stored in dorm rooms or lockers. Though each student will have varying wear and tear, we recommend using the following guideline (Laundry facilities are available for boarding students on campus and scheduled use to ensure good hygienic practices): 1-2 kilts 1-2 pairs of khaki pants 2-3 short-sleeved and/or long-sleeved polo shirts 1 button down white shirt 1 cardigan/pullover sweater Additionally, every student is expected to wear a white dress and white shoes for graduation ceremonies at the end of the year. More details are available in the Student Handbook. Occasionally, students will be asked to “dress-up” for school events – the school uniform is also permitted for these events. SAVE THE DATE IN-SCHOOL TRUNK SHOW LINDEN HALL IN-SCHOOL UNIFORM SALE FOR THE FAMILIES OF LINDEN HALL. A COMPLETE LINE OF SIZES AND TRY ONS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR ALL SCHOOLS. ANY OUT OF STOCK ITEMS WILL SHIP DIRECTLY TO YOUR HOME WITH FREE SHIPPING. DATE & TIME: August 24th, 2016 9:00AM - 3:00PM LOCATION: Linden Hall 212 E. Main Street Lititz, PA 17543 Visit your custom uniform shop page to shop anytime: Visit us at our closest serving retail location: 869 Eisenhower Boulevard Harrisburg, PA 17111 (717) 939-5600 Please note: Orders must be placed before August 1 to ensure delivery by the first day of school! ABOUT FLYNN’OHARA WARRANTY INFO FlynnO’Hara Uniforms is a Philadelphia-based supplier and retailer of high-quality school uniforms and gym wear. We are family owned and operated, servicing over 1500 schools across the United States. We’re so confident in our products that we offer a School Year Guarantee: If you’re not satisfied with the way an item is holding up within a year of purchase, we’ll replace it. CONTACT FLYNNO’HARA: 800-441-4122 WWW.FLYNNOHARA.COM 2016 PRICING Girls Year-Round Uniform Grades 6-12 Blackwatch Plaid Wrap Around Kilt (CHILD: $46.50) (TEEN: $47.25) Navy Short Sleeve Banded Bottom Shirt w/Logo (YOUTH: $23.50) (ADULT: $27.50) White Short Sleeve Banded Bottom Shirt w/Logo (YOUTH: $23.50) (ADULT: $27.50) Navy Long Sleeve Banded Bottom Shirt w/Logo (YOUTH: $25.75) (SM-XXLG: $29.50) White Long Sleeve Banded Bottom Shirt w/Logo (YOUTH: $25.75) (SM-XXLG: $29.50) White Long Sleeve Buttondown Collar Shirt w/Logo (YOUTH: $22.75) White Long Sleeve Buttondown Collar Blouse w/Logo (ADULT: $25.75) Khaki Flat Front Girls Slacks (04-06XC: $23.50) (07-16RS: $26.50) (JR: $30.50) Navy Cotton V-Neck Sweater w/Logo (YM-YXL: $46.75) (AXS-AXL: $50.50) (XXL-XXXL: $54.50) Green V-Neck Pullover Sweater w/Logo (YM-YXL: $31.25) (AS-AXL: $35.00) (XXL-XXXL: $39.00) Navy V-Neck Sweater Vest w/Logo (YM-YXL: $29.50) (AS-AXL: $31.25) (XXL-A7X: $35.00) Green V-Neck Sweater Vest w/Logo (YM-YXL: $29.50) (AS-AXL: $31.25) (XXL-XXXL: $35.50) Navy V-Neck Cardigan Sweater w/Logo (YM-YXL: $34.25) (AS-AXL: $36.75) (XXL-XXXL: $40.75) Green V-Neck Cardigan Sweater w/Logo (YM-YXL: $34.25) (AS-AXL: $36.75) (XXL-XXXL: $40.75) Navy Polyster Ladies Blazer w/Logo (ALL SZS: $74.00) Navy Ladies Full-Zip Polarfleece Jacket w/Logo (WOMENS: $45.00) Navy Polar Fleece Jacket w/Logo (YOUTH: $39.50) (AS-A4X: $44.50) Navy Opaque Nylon Knee-Hi (S-M-L: $5.00) Green Opaque Nylon Knee-Hi (S-M-L: $5.00) Navy Orlon Knee-Hi (S-M-L: $5.00) Green Orlon Knee-Hi (S-M-L: $5.00) Navy Opaque Tights (CHILDS: $8.75) (JUNIORS: $9.50) 79 Blackwatch Plaid Elastic Headband (NA: $8.50) Black Cotton/Lycra Short (YOUTH: $12.50) (ADULT: $14.50) Girls Spring/Fall Uniform Grades 6-12 Khaki Girl's Twill Walking Shorts (07-16R&S: $23.50) (3-23 JR: $24.50) OFFICE#__________________ NewBoardingStudentProfile 2016-2017Term Name__________________________________________ CurrentGrade______________ WelcometotheResidentialCommunityatLindenHall! Livinginacommunityisanimportantpartofyoureducationalexperience.Livingwithgirlsfrom differentculturesandbackgroundsisauniqueprivilegeforboardingschoolstudents.Yourstudent handbookgivesyoumanyguidelinesforgettingalongwithyourroommate.Aswepreparetoassign youyourroomandroommate,wewouldliketoknowmoreaboutYOU. Considercarefullyandcheckallthatapply: ___Iliketogotobedassoonaspossible ___Ilikelatelights ___Istudyafterhours ___Igetupearlytostudyorexercise ___Acleanroomisveryimportant ___Acleanroomisn'timportanttome ___Iamasoundsleeper ___Iamalightsleeper ___Imusthaveadarkroom ___Ipreferanightlight ___Iuseairfresheners/perfumes ___Iamallergictofragrances ___Ilikeaquietroom ___Ipreferaroomthatisfullofactivityandsound ___Irarelyusemycellphone ___Iusemycellphonealot ___ISKYPEregularly ___IrarelySKYPE ___Iliketowatchmoviesonline ___Ineverwatchmoviesonline ___Irarelyeatinmyroom ___Iamalwayseatinginmyroom ___Showeringandpersonalhygieneareveryimportanttome ___Showeringandpersonalhygieneareimportant,butnotthatimportant ___I'mnotreallyintopersonalhygiene Listanyotherissuesthatareimportanttoyou.(NOTE:Englishisthecommonlanguageandmustbe spokenwhenincommonspaces.Werealizethatmanyinternationalstudentsdesiretolivewithan Americanroommate.Itisimportanttounderstandthatourstudents’schedulesareverybusy.Youwill notspendmuchtimeinyourroom!WhilewecannotguaranteeanAmericanroommate,weencourage allstudentstobeengagedinactivitieswheretheywillinteractwithgirlsfrommanydifferentcountries. Athleticteams,musicalanddramateams,andclubswillbeimportantvenuesforimprovingyourEnglish skillsandlearningaboutdifferentcultures!) PLEASECOMPLETEANDRETURNASSOONASPOSSIBLEBEFOREJULY15.WEBEGINASSIGNINGROOMS INMAY.RETURNINGSTUDENTSMAYREQUESTSPECIFICROOMMATES. WhattoBringChecklist IMPORTANTITEMS •Sheets(twin-size) •Pillowandpillowcases •Clotheshangers •Bedspread/comforter •Blanket •Towelsandwashcloths •Rainandcoldweathergear •Haircarenecessities •Dressesorskirtsforspecialoccasions •SmallDesklamp •Alarmclock •Combinationlockforcloset(required) •ShowerCaddy •Watch(therearenoclassbells) •AthleticSneakers •Laundrysupplies •Computer •Personalhealthcareitems OPTIONALITEMS •iPods,MP3players •Sleepingbag •Throwrugs/carpet(nolargerthan9x12) •Skis,skates,tennisracquet,softballglove,etc. •MiniBooklight •Refrigerator(nolargerthan1.8cubicfeet) •Posters,pictures,etc. •Flashlight •Smalltrashcan TheSchoolstronglyrecommendsthatallbelongingsbelabeledwiththestudent’sname. NOTE:Helmets,kneeandelbowpadsmustbewornwhenskating. WHATTOLEAVEATHOME •Television •Heatlampsorsunlamps •Portablespaceheaters •Electriccookingappliances •Posters,containers,ordecorationsadvocating drugs,alcohol,orpornography •Incense,candles,matches,lighters NOTE:Valuables(jewelry,cash,etc.)Safetyandsecurityisveryimportanttous.Werequirestudentsto keeptheirdoorsandclosetslocked.Inaddition,wesuggestthatlargeamountsofcashshouldbekeptin abankordepositedwiththeschool’sBusinessOffice. BoardingStudentTravelInformation WelcometoLindenHall! WearegladthatyouhavechosentobeapartofourLHfamily,andwearelookingforwardtoyour arrivalinAugust.Youwillsoonhaveendlessopportunitiestomakenewfriends,exploreothercultures, andlearnmoreaboutyourselfandotherteenagegirls.Ontheweekends,youwillhavetheopportunity tovisitnearbymuseums,cities,shoppingmalls,andparks.LancasterCountyisideallylocatedinSouth CentralPennsylvaniaandishometoaward-winningculturalopportunities,sports,andmore.Lifeat LindenHallistrulyanadventure,andyouwillwanttoexperienceallwehavetooffer! Foryourconvenienceandcosteffectiveness,weareaskingourinternationalstudentstobooktheir flightsandplantoarriveatHarrisburgInternationalAirportonTuesday,August23,2016.Uponarrival tothisairport,astaffmemberwillmeetyouandtransportyoutothecampuswhichisonly45minutes away. IfyouareunabletoarriveonAugust23ormustuseanotherairport,pleasecontactExpressions LimousineServicetomaketravelandpaymentarrangementsbyphoneat717-556-5466orbyemailat [email protected]. Ifyourdaughteristheageof16andunder,pleasenotethatmanyairlinesmayrequirehertoflyasan “unaccompaniedminor”.Thisrequiresspecialnotationonherticket(withanattachedfee)and designatednamesofthepersonsdeliveringhertoandpickingherupfromtheairportflightgate.For thespecificnameontheLindenHallendofhertravelyoumayuse“ExpressionsLimousine”asthe designatedname.Pleasebesuretocheckdirectlywiththeairlinewhenyoupurchaseyourtickets.Any questions,feelfreetocallLindenHall,at717-626-8512,andaskfortheAssistantResidentialDirector, Mrs.TawniaPrice([email protected]). Sincerely, DennisL.Foreman,ResidentialDirector