IC Malden Connect 10-25-15 30th Sunday in
IC Malden Connect 10-25-15 30th Sunday in
Immaculate Conception PA R I S H WEB: WWW.ICMALDEN.COM 600 PLEASANT STREET · MALDEN, MASSACHUSETTS 02148 MASS SCHEDULE Monday-Friday: 6:30 AM; Saturday: 8:00 AM Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM PARISH OFFICE: 10 FELLSWAY EAST MALDEN, MA 02148 OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM MONDAY - THURSDAY 9:00 AM-2:00 PM FRIDAY PHONE: 781-324-4941 FAX: 781-397-8571 all Are Welcome! We are most happy to welcome new members to our parish community and invite new members to introduce themselves to a member of the Parish Staff. We want to know and serve you. We pray that you will also become involved in your Parish by favoring us with your prayers, presence, talents, and financial assistance according to your means. Parish registration forms are available by contacting the Parish Office. Registered parishioners are asked to notify the Parish Office of any address changes. PARISH STAFF Rev. Albert L. Capone Pastor Rev. David M. O’Leary Parochial Vicar Rev. James B. Canniff Senior Priest Rev. Glenn F. Byrne In Residence Deacon Mark E. Rumley Permanent Deacon Ms. Erin Keith Faith Formation [email protected] Ms. Kerry Mercurio Office Administrator [email protected] Ms. Sheila Cloherty Business Manager [email protected] Ms. Rosemary Waldron Office Assistant [email protected] Ms. Rosalind Mohnsen Director of Music/Organist [email protected] Ms. Judy Doucette Cantor/Soloist and Children’s Choir Ms. Kristina Aste-Mayer Contemporary Ensemble and Children’s Choir BAPTISM Baptisms are celebrated on the fourth Sunday of the month. To register for Baptism please call the rectory at 781-324-4941. Parents are required to attend an informational meeting on the Sacrament prior to the Baptism. RECONCILIATION Saturdays from 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM in the Chapel, or by appointment. MARRIAGE Please contact the Parish Office at least six months in advance of your anticipated marriage. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Fourth Sunday of each month at the 11:00 AM Mass. Those anticipating hospitalization or whose health situation has grown serious should present themselves. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Adults wishing to become Catholics or complete the Sacraments of Christian Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) should contact the Parish Office for details. HOME BOUND Please inform the Parish Office of any family member who is ill (hospitalized or at home) or if anyone is unable to attend church services because of a disability, illness or age. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS All items for the parish bulletin may be submitted electronically in a Word document to the Parish Office by 12:00 PM on Monday. OCTOBER 25, 2015 - THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PRAYER + WORSHIP SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 4:00 PM Joseph DiDomizio, Memorial SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 7:00 AM Edward Norton, 1st Anniversary 9:00 AM Joseph Scudieri, Memorial 11:00 AM Francis & Cecilia Kelley, Memorial 5:00 PM Edward McNamara, Jr. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 6:30 AM Kenneth J. Croke TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 6:30 AM Elio DiCenso WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 6:30 AM John & Mary Quigley, Memorial THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 6:30 AM Domenico & Maria DeAcetis, Memorial FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 6:30 AM Anthony Melillo, 10th Anniversary SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 8:00 AM Nicola Susi, Month’s Memorial 4:00 PM Carlo Ferrari, Memorial SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 7:00 AM All Parishioners 9:00 AM Deceased Members of the McDonald Family 11:00 AM Mass of Remembrance 5:00 PM Domenico Saraceni, Elisa Dannibale, Memorial Please remember in your prayers all our dearly departed: especially Patricia Gallant, Ruth Rennie, Helen Power and Philip DeVita, who were buried from our parish this past week. BAPTISM - THE DOOR TO THE KINGDOM · The godparents must: 1) be mature enough to undertake this responsibility; 2) have received the three Sacraments of Initiation Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist; 3) be an active member of the Catholic Church in good standing; 4) godfather and godmother - a man and a woman (two godfathers or two godmothers is not allowed) 5) at the request of the child’s parents, a validly baptized believing Christian from another Christian Church may act as a Christian witness along side a godparent who is a baptized, confirmed practicing Catholic 6) a non-baptized person cannot be a godparent. · The ordinary ministers of Baptism are bishops, priests and deacons; · In imminent danger of death, especially at the moment of death, when no priest or deacon is available, any member of the faithful (indeed anyone with the right intention) may, and sometimes must administer Baptism. Through Baptism we are incorporated into Christ. We are formed into God’s people and we obtain forgiveness of all our sins. We are raised from our natural human state to the dignity of the children of God. We become a new creation through water and the Holy Spirit. Hence we are called, and are indeed, the children of God. When you are preparing for your child’s Baptism please understand the meaning of this great Sacrament in the life of the Church. Respect the Church’s teaching; this is the faith of the Church. This is the faith in which your child will be baptized. We celebrate with six families this weekend as the celebrate the gift of Baptism with their children. Please pray for these six children: Joseph Ardizzoni, Aine McCudden, Francesco Farrell, Matthew O’Meara, Annalise Nunley and Jovani Kong. Sincerely in Christ, Father Albert L. Capone Baptism is the door to life and to the Kingdom of God. Christ offered this first Sacrament of new life to all people that they might have eternal life. He entrusted this Sacrament and the gospel to the Church when He told his apostles, “Go, make disciples of all nations, and baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Therefore, Baptism is, above all, the Sacrament of that faith by which men and women, enlightened by the Holy Spirit’s grace, respond to the gospel of Christ. That is why the Church believes it is her most basic and necessary duty to inspire all catechumens (those preparing for Baptism), parents of children still to be baptized, and godparents, to that true and living faith by which they are to live as the Body of Christ. To accomplish this the Church prescribes the pastoral instruction for the catechumens, the preparation of the children’s parents, and godparents, and the necessary requirement to be fulfilled. There are requirements by Church law that we must respect and follow with regard to the Sacraments. Those prescribed for Baptism: - The Rite of Baptism is held in highest honor by all Christians. It may never be repeated once it has been validly celebrated, even if by fellow Christians from whom we are separated. - The Rite of Baptism demands the use of fresh water and the invocation of the Blessed Trinity, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” - Baptism reflects the joy of the Resurrection: therefore, Baptism is to take place at the Easter Vigil or on a Sunday, except in the case of an emergency! - Christian instruction and the preparation for Baptism are vital concerns of God’s people, the Church. Proper instruction and teaching of the meaning of Baptism is therefore demanded. ` 2 | IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH - MALDEN/MEDFORD PARISH NEWS MASS OF REMEMBRANCE - NOVEMBER 1ST ANOINTING OF THE SICK On Sunday, November 1st at the 11:00 Mass we will remember all who have died from our parish during the past year at a very special Mass of Remembrance. As November is the Month of All Souls, we invite you and your families to gather with us as we pray for our beloved dead. A simple reception will immediately follow in the Church Hall! The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is available at anytime, by simply asking one of the priests before or after Mass. If you are seriously ill or about to have surgery, please ask to receive this healing sacrament. After today, we will no longer have the Sacrament celebrated on the on the 4th Sunday of the month at the 11:00 Mass. However, beginning in November we will celebrate the Sacrament twice a year at all BAKED GOODS NEEDED Masses on a given weekend and we will be happy to We are asking for baked goods for the reception celebrate it individually as needed. following the Mass of Remembrance on November 1st. All baked goods may be left in the parish hall, Sunday November 1st before the 11:00 Mass. Thank You! NEW ALTAR SERVERS INSTALLED TODAY We congratulate our new altar servers Joseph Brady, Leticia Cerasuolo, Carl Joseph, Noah Joseph, Liam O’Toole & our new adult server Julie Kelleher. They will be installed this weekend at the 9:00 Mass. They have been hard at work, practicing for this special ministry with Fr. O’Leary during the past few weeks. Thank you for your dedication and your service at God’s altar. SACRIFICIAL GIVING PARISH SOCIAL - HOT SPOT CABARET Mark your calendar now for November 14th for “Hot Spot Cabaret” - a night for all adults of the parish to gather together for fun and entertainment. Hot Spot Cabaret will be a two act cabaret show in the Parish Hall. There will be a cash bar and bring your own munchies. Tickets are on sale after Mass today $10.00 per person. PARISH FUNDRAISER - TEXAS ROADHOUSE Please remember it is vitally important that we increase our weekly Offertory Collection, in order for our Parish to meet weekly expenses we need the Offertory Collection to be consistently over $10,000 each weekend. Please we need your help to become financially strong! We invite you to join in our parish fundraiser by simply going out to dinner at the Texas Roadhouse, 31 Mystic View Rd, Everett on Tuesday, October 27th between 3:30 - 10:30. Just bring the flyer that will be in the bulletin this weekend, October 24 - 25 and present it to your server. The Parish will then receive a percentage of your check. Thanks and Bon Appétit! ANNUAL COLLECTION UPDATE NEW SOCIAL COMMITTEE BEING FORMED Weekly Offertory … $8,148.00 Annual Collection … $72,785.00 To date we have received $65,210 in donations and $7,575 in pledges for a total thus far of $72,785 towards our Annual Collection goal of $130,000. Please pray that all parishioners will join us in this important collection. Remember that it is the Grand Annual Collection that carries Immaculate Conception Parish throughout the year when other sources of income are low. We do need the assistance of all parishioners if we are to reach our goal of $130,000. Remember, the Lord will reward your kindness a hundredfold! Thank you to all who have contributed to this year’s collection, for your goodwill and for your continued generosity. There are Annual Collection envelopes at the entrances of Church. If you have not yet made your donation to the Annual Collection, please we need your assistance in this appeal. As we look towards the many exciting social activities for the parish in the coming year we need help in all aspects of planning…please plan to join our new Parish Social Planning Committee for its first meeting on Monday, October 26th at 7:00 in the Upper Church Meeting Room. Help us as we develop and plan the social calendar for the coming year. First off….we need to work together on the upcoming Hot Spot Cabaret…Join us it should be lots of fun. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY - MEETING The response to our appeal for new members to the St. Vincent de Paul Society was tremendous. The next meeting will be on Monday, November 9th at 7:00PM in the Lower Church Meeting Room. If you are interested in helping the local poor please join us. OCTOBER 25, 2015 - THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | 3 PARISH NEWS WE ARE HOPING FOR A NEW PIANO Immaculate Conception Parish is looking for a baby grand piano or a console piano in good working order, for the main church, to accompany the children’s choir and the youth ensemble each week and the adult choir at special services. We are hoping that someone may have one they would like to donate. So, if you have any possibilities, please contact Father Capone through the Parish Office - 781-324-4941 FOOD PANTRY NEXT WEEKEND ALL SOUL’S MASS - Holy Cross Cemetery We remind you that next weekend - October 31 and November 1 is Food Pantry Weekend. Please continue to donate canned goods and non-perishable food items for those in need. Your kindness is truly appreciated! Tuesday, November 3rd at 6:00PM there will be an All Soul’s Mass in the Mausoleum Chapel of Holy Cross Cemetery. Immaculate Conception Parish Choir will provide the music and singing for this Mass. All are invited to attend. FATIMA ROSARY - November 7th OPEN HOUSE AT HOLY CROSS CEMETERY Please join us on Saturday, November 7th at 11:00AM in the Chapel for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Consecration to Our Lady and the opportunity for confession. All are invited to the Open House events at Holy Cross Cemetery for refreshments and information about the Holy Cross Cemetery - including lot locations and free pre-planning kits. Tuesday - November 3 - 10AM - 2PM Thursday - November 5 - 10AM - 1PM For more info or to schedule a private appointment, please call Rob Baker at 339-226-1271. MASS CARDS AND SPIRITUAL BOUQUETS Parishioners are welcome to come to the rectory to request a Mass Card or a Spiritual Bouquet. The Mass Card is a remembrance by which we offer an unannounced Mass for the repose of the soul of the deceased person or for the intention of the living. The Spiritual Bouquet is an enrollment in which we remember the person enrolled at Mass offered every week for both the living and deceased. Please pray for all parishioners, family members and friends who are ill and have requested our prayers, especially: Ruth Neville, Dennis Mills, Agnes Karnafel, Joey R. Testa, Patrick Sean Swenly, Agnes Stafford, Joseph Settemio, Eddie Quinn, Pat Armenio, Maria Celestina, Robert Abbott, Tony Smith, Eddie O’Donnell, Kimberly Boroyan, Emrick O’Brien, Gloria and Albert Puopolo, Sr. Florine, Joseph Pesaturo, Mary Dorrington, D.J. Sirobet, Mary Kelly, Marie Napoli, Alice Arena, Noreen Mercurio, Harvey Hines, Sunny Cataldo, Edward MacKinnon, Gene Marckini, Joanna Riciuti, Thomas & Patricia Keane, Carmina Frost, Josephine Moro, Karen Lang, Nancy Ewart, Shirley Frawley, Lee Donovan, Tom McNamara, Nick Nieland, Shirley Elmore, Bob & Terry Blaton, Catherine Meo, Karen Bourque, Robert Dudley, Cathy McCarthy, Mr. Motorore, Patricia Murillo, Mark Christopher, Richard C. McCaffrey, Jr., John Walsh, Barbara Conlon, Paul Santoro, Anna Correa-Graham, Pat Grande, Jim Bari, Maria, Mike and Margaret Geraghty, Karolyn Genualdo, Claudia Heerter, Stephanie Romano, Nancy Menolez, Racheal Romano, Jennifer Romano, Maria Gonzales, Donald Fost, Ruth Fost, Belinda Gonzales, Maureen Butler, Marcia Muir, Sandra D’Agostino Rosono, Bill Wright, Joan Welch, Paul Sidilo, Eleanor and Jennie Ciulla, Mary Capraro, Barbara Tracey, John Caulfield, Marie Cardarelli, Kay Parsons, Nicole West, Katie O’Connell, Dolores Enos, Fred Locke, Janet Malatesta, Ruth McCarron, Daniel Mahoney, Steven Butler, Anthony Mitrano, Rob Christiansen, James Carrozza, Elizabeth Kathleen White, Ross Anderson, Chrissy Cedrone, Jim Marolda, Stephen DeSimone, Maria Marmello, Lucas, Karen D and Claire Frances. Our brothers and sisters who are serving our country throughout the world: Lt. Rachel Shaw, Lt. Shawn Shaw, First Lt. Christopher Brian Carney, Lt. Paul DeWolfe, Sgt. Kevin Casey, Philip West, Jr., Lt. Patrick Sipple and Captain Paul A. Capone, U.S.A. PRAYER INTENTIONS To add or remove a name from the list, please call Kerry Mercurio at the Parish Office. 4 | IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH - MALDEN /MEDFORD RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IMMACULATE CONCEPTION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Attendance is expected at the 9:00AM Mass every Sunday for grades 1-8th and at the 5:00PM Mass for grades 9th & 10th. FRIDAY SESSIONS 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM October 23rd CATHOLICISM 101- BASICS OF OUR FAITH Fr. O’Leary is offering an opportunity for adults to refresh or learn more about our Roman Catholic Faith. Classes meet on Wednesdays at 7:00PM in the Church Meeting Room and run though the 28th of October. ADULT EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Wednesday Nights 7:00 - 8:15 A look back at Vatican Council II Commemorating the legacy of Vatican II 50 years later! Nov. 4 - An overview of Vatican II then and now Nov. 11- 50th Anniversary of Dignitatis Humanae Declaration of Religious Freedom Nov. 18 - 50th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions SUNDAY SESSIONS SUNDAY SESSIONS 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (9TH & 10TH GRADE) 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM th October 25th October 25 PARISH YOUTH CALENDAR Friday, October 23 Sunday, October 25 Sunday, October 25 6:00 PM G.O.F. Faith Festival 9:00AM Mass & G.O.F. Festival 5:00 PM Youth Mass 6:00 PM Confirmation Program Sunday, November 1 5:00 PM Youth Mass Sunday, November 8 5:00 PM Youth Mass Sunday, November 15 5:00 PM Youth Mass Friday, November 20 6:00 PM G.O.F. Faith Festival Sunday, November 22 9:00AM Mass - G.O.F. Festival Sunday, November 22 5:00 PM Youth Mass 6:00 PM Confirmation Program Sunday, November 29 5:00 PM Youth Mass First Parish Youth Meeting of the Year TBA First Wildlife Meeting of the Year TBA C O N F I R M AT I O N ADVENT PROGRAM Wednesday Nights 7:00 - 8:15 The Spiritualities of the Saints and Schools of Spirituality CONFIRMATION PROGRAM GRADES 9 -10 Dec. 2 - The French School of Spirituality Dec. 9 - Ignatian Spirituality Dec. 16 - Franciscan Spirituality RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATIAN OF ADULTS Immaculate Conception Parish RCIA Program meets each Sunday at 10:00AM in the Church Meeting Room. If you are interested in becoming a Catholic, or if you have been baptized but never received Communion or Confirmation, please join us … for more information call the Parish Office at 781-324-4941. BAPTISM REGISTRATION Baptisms are celebrated on the fourth Sunday of the month. To register for Baptism please call the Parish Office at 781-324-4941. Parents are required to attend a informational meeting on the Sacrament prior to the Baptism. The next Baptism class for parents is Tuesday night, November 3rd at 7:00 in the Upper Church Meeting Room! Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is a two year program Grades 9 and 10, for both public and Catholic high school students. Classes will be held on Sunday Evenings from 5:00PM - 8:00PM beginning with the 5:00PM Mass in the Church and continuing in the Church Hall. If you did not attend our first session last Sunday, please register NOW by calling the Parish Office at 781-324-4941. Our next session is this weekend, October 25th. HIGH SCHOOL PLACEMENT - PREP COURSE Malden Catholic High School is offering a Test Prep Course for 8th grade students planning to take the High School Placement Test this fall. The HSPT is required for application to all Catholic High Schools in the region. The Cost is $100 - NEXT CLASS: Saturday, October 31st 9:00AM -11:30AM ARLINGTON CATHOLIC - OPEN HOUSE Come visit Arlington Catholic High School on Tuesday, November 10th from 6-8PM at our Open House. OCTOBER 25, 2015 - THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | 5 COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS Petition to Amend the State Constitution Stop Public Funding of Abortion ALL ARE WELCOME Fatima Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration: 1st Saturday of the month:11:00AM/Chapel Lay Apostles: 1st Tuesday of the month: 7:00PM Divine Mercy: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays: 7:00PM Rosary: Every Thursday: 6:30PM/Chapel Charismatic Prayer: Every Thursday: 7:30PM/Chapel Ultreya: First Friday of the month: 7:00PM/Chapel K of C: 1st Mon., 3rd Wed., Last Mon. 7:00PM The Massachusetts Alliance to Stop Public Funding of Abortion has recently filed a petition to amend the state constitution to end taxpayers subsidized abortions in Massachusetts. This amendment would remove public funding from the courts and bring it to a vote in the legislature. DID YOU KNOW? POST ABORTION RETREAT AND HEALING In 1981, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court referred to abortion as a “fundamental right” and said that the Massachusetts Constitution afforded a greater degree of protection to that right than did the U.S. Constitution. This ruling went further by determining that some Massachusetts women, depending on their financial status, had a constitutional right to have their abortions paid for by the taxpayer. “During the retreat I realized the impact of forgiveness...Through the depth of my pain, I began a lasting relationship with God…” Many women ache with the pain of a past abortion. The Project Rachel Ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston extends an WHAT WE NEED TO DO . . . invitation for post-abortion hope and healing through First Step - Amend the State Constitution. a one-day “Come To The Waters of Healing” Retreat. The amendment would remove public funding The next retreat date is November 14. Retreats are of abortion from the courts limited to 10 women and are held in a confidential and make it an issue for the state legislature. location. For information contact Project Rachel at The amendment would lay the groundwork 508-651-3100 or [email protected]. so that in the future the legislature could vote to stop that funding. Eventually it will go to the voters and Planned Parenthood and such organizations OCTOBER 1000 CLUB WINNERS will be affected. $25 Dee Dee Eqqert $50 Helen McGonagle HOW TO START . . . Julie Connors Terry Colameta Collect Certified Signatures Tracy Rumrill Judy DiMascio 64,750 certified signatures needed ... Helen McGonagle Doris Flynn the signatures must be collected Joanne Servedo Madeline Lynch before November 18, 2015. Fermina Micale Cristina Collins PLEASE HELP ... Ann Madigan Deidre Hart Butts Bernice Feeney Denise Gaffey Please help with this initiative a Sandra Kane and sign the petitions that will be Doris Dowling available as you leave Church this weekend $100 Mary Tonzello October 24 and 25, 2015. Tracy Rumrill We have a moral obligation to the unborn $1000 Henry Malionek to assist in this endeavor, $1000 CLUB DRAWING our priests have agreed to allow our parishioners The next $1,000 Club drawing will be held on the opportunity to sign this petition … Wednesday, November 4th at 7:30PM in the Church THANK YOU! Hall. Please join us for the fun of the drawing! 6 | IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH - MALDEN/MEDFORD MALDEN TAXI 1215 Main Street, Unit 122 Tewksbury, MA 01876 24 Hr. Dispatch Service America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper Residential . Commercial . Industrial America’s Oldest Airport,Catholic Courier, Van &Newspaper Bus Service (978) 851-9103 All Types of New Work & Repairs Senior Citizen Discount Over 25 Years Experience Residential Experts Call for Reservations and Quotes Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Rosaries from Flowers Advertise: 617-779-3788 “Handmade from the Flowers 781-395-3954 781-322-5050 617-779Subscribe: 781-396-7777 Advertise: 617-779- A.J. Spadafora Funeral Home, Subscribe to Get the Catholic Perspective Inc.and be fully info of your Loved One” www.rosariesfromflowers.com “God is Love” 1 John 4:8 Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Subscribe to#135743 MA Lic. #036954 | MA Reg. Bulletin Delivery made Simple. Words of wisdom from Pope Francis ■ Full local coverage of news and events throughout the archdiocese ■ National and International Church-related news ■ Analysis relating the teachings of the Church to current events ■ Faith related articles by locally and nationally acclaimed authors ■ Stories about the Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese ■ 865 Main Street Words of wisdom from Pope Francis Malden, MA 02148 ■ Full local coverage of news and events throughout the archdiocese ■ National and International Church-related news Anthony Spadafora, Jr. ■ Analysis relating the teachings of the Church to current events Director ■ Faith related articles by locally and nationally acclaimed authors ■ Stories about the Faith and Good Works324-8680 of the archdiocese Tel: (781) ■ Space Available Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Mail Parish Bulletin To your inbox www.spadaforafuneral.com Subscribe: 617-779 Sign Up at www.pilotbulletins.net/sign-up Receive your Parish Bulletin in your inbox every week. Subscribe to Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Subscribe to GetCatholicTV.com Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully info Subscribe: 617-779 Subscribe: 617-779-3792 The Catholic Cemetery Association of the Archdiocese of Boston Special all SoulS’ MaSS and open HouSe at Holy croSS ceMetery in Malden This year there will be two special All Souls’ Day Masses. on Sunday noveMber 1St at noon there will be a mass in Portuguese. on tueSday noveMber 3rd at 6pM there will be a mass in English. All are invited to attend either mass located in our mausoleum chapel. To coincide with this, there will be two open house events at Holy Cross Cemetery. The first will be on the second will be on tueSday noveMber 3rd 10aM - 2pM tHurSday noveMber 5tH 10aM - 1pM All are invited to stop by for refreshments and information on this cemetery – including lot locations and free pre-planning kits. For more information or to schedule a private appointment, please call Rob Baker at 339-226-1271. Shouldn’t your family be protected? Call today for your free pre-planning kit loaded with useful tools and information. . Call us today 339-226-1271 For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Pilot Bulletins • www.PilotBulletins.net Immaculate Conception Parish, Malden, MA 84 High Street, Medford, MA | 781.395.1011 | wwww.collvestcoins.com AlwAys Buying ALL COINS . GOLD JEWELRY . SILVER JEWELRY . STERLING JEWELRY HigHER PRiCEs PAiD! ITOWANT YOU ADVERTISE HERE 617-779-3770 MALDEN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL For more information Today’s Outstanding Students Tomorrow’s Outstanding Leaders ... Call about our shadow program 781-475-5293 or apply online today at www.maldencatholic.org. We serve over 100 Parishes and have available space in those bulletins to serve you better. A Xaverian Brothers Sponsored School Since 1932 UPINO INSURANCE AGENCY AUTO . HOME . LIFE . BUSINESS Call or Stop in for a Quote! 781-322-2800 Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests 1012 Eastern Ave., Malden 550 Summer St., Lynnfield To support our priests, text the word PRIEST to 56512 www.SupinoInsurance.com Serving Medford and Somerville Space Available Msg. & data rates may apply. We Have Space Available For You! Patricia Wu, D.M.D., P.C. Advanced Restorative Dentistry FAMILY DENTIST FOR ADULTS & CHILDREN FREE Consultation Evening & Saturday Appointments are Available 781-322-0131 389 Main St., Suite 201, Malden, MA www.MyMaldenDentist.com “Be a Servant” Matthew 20:26 Christmas is Just Around the Corner Cover Image Saint Clement Eucharistic Shrine Boston, Massachusetts Photo by George Martell Order These Beautiful Christmas Cards Today Wishing the peace, hope, wonder & joy of the Holy Family to you and your family this Christmas! 617-779-3777 More time with your doctor results in better care for you. 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